IBM Cloud Docs
Monitoring cluster health

Monitoring cluster health

Set up monitoring in IBM Cloud® Kubernetes Service to help you troubleshoot issues and improve the health and performance of your Kubernetes clusters and apps.

Continuous monitoring and logging is the key to detecting attacks on your cluster and troubleshooting issues as they arise. By continuously monitoring your cluster, you're able to better understand your cluster capacity and the availability of resources that are available to your app. With this insight, you can prepare to protect your apps against downtime.

Choosing a monitoring solution

Metrics help you monitor the health and performance of your clusters. You can use the standard Kubernetes and container runtime features to monitor the health of your clusters and apps.

Every Kubernetes master is continuously monitored by IBM. IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service automatically scans every node where the Kubernetes master is deployed for vulnerabilities that are found in Kubernetes and OS-specific security fixes. If vulnerabilities are found, IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service automatically applies fixes and resolves vulnerabilities on behalf of the user to ensure master node protection. You are responsible for monitoring and analyzing the logs for the rest of your cluster components.

To avoid conflicts when using metrics services, be sure that clusters across resource groups and regions have unique names.

IBM Cloud® Monitoring
Gain operational visibility into the performance and health of your apps and your cluster by deploying a Monitoring agent to your worker nodes. The agent collects pod and cluster metrics, and sends these metrics to IBM Cloud Monitoring. For more information about IBM Cloud Monitoring, see the service documentation. To set up the Monitoring agent in your cluster, see Viewing cluster and app metrics with IBM Cloud Monitoring.
Kubernetes dashboard
The Kubernetes dashboard is an administrative web interface where you can review the health of your worker nodes, find Kubernetes resources, deploy containerized apps, and troubleshoot apps with logging and monitoring information. For more information about how to access your Kubernetes dashboard, see Launching the Kubernetes dashboard for IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service.

Forwarding cluster and app metrics to IBM Cloud Monitoring

The observability CLI plug-in ibmcloud ob and the v2/observe endpoints are deprecated and support ends on 28 March 2025. You can now manage your logging and monitoring integrations from the console or through the Helm charts. For the latest steps, see Working with the Kubernetes agent or Working with the Red Hat OpenShift agent.

Setting up IBM Cloud® Monitoring alerts

When you set up alerts, make sure to allow your cluster enough time to self-heal. Because Kubernetes has self healing capabilities, configure your alerts only for the issues that arise over time. By observing your cluster over time, you can learn which issues Kubernetes can resolve itself and which issues require alerts to avoid downtime.

Depending on the size of your cluster, consider setting up alerts on the following levels:

Set up autorecovery on your worker nodes to enable your cluster to automatically resolve issues.

App alerts

Review the following app level metrics and alert thresholds for help setting up app monitoring in your cluster.

Common app level conditions to monitor include things such as,

  • Multiple app pods or containers are restarted within 10 minutes.
  • More than one replica of an app is not running.
  • More than ten 5XX HTTP response codes received within 10 minutes.
  • More than one pod in a namespace is in an unknown state.
  • More than five pods can't be scheduled on a worker node (pending state).

The underlying issues for these symptoms include things such as,

  • One or more worker node is in an unhealthy state.
  • Worker nodes ran out of CPU, memory, or disk space.
  • Maximum pod limit per cluster reached.
  • App itself has an issue.

To set up monitoring for these conditions, configure alerts based on the following IBM Cloud Monitoring metrics. Note that your alert thresholds might change depending on your cluster configuration.

App level metrics
Metric IBM Cloud Monitoring metric Alert threshold
Multiple restarts of a pod in a short amount of time. kubernetes_pod_restart_count Greater than 4 for the last 10 minutes
No running replicas in a ReplicaSet. kube_replicaset_status_replicas in kubernetes_deployment_name Less than one.
More than 5 pods pending in cluster. kube_pod_container_status_waiting Status equals pending greater than five.
No replicas in a deployment available. kubernetes_deployment_replicas_available Less than one.
Number of pods per node reaching threshold of 110. Count by (kube_cluster_name,kube_node_name)(kube_pod_container_info) Greater than or equal to 100. Note that this query is a promQL query.
Workloads that are in an unknown state. (kube_workload_status_unavailable) Greater than or equal to one. Note that this query is a promQL query.

Worker node alerts

Review the following thresholds and alerts for worker nodes.

Worker node metrics
Metric IBM Cloud Monitoring metric Alert threshold
CPU utilization of the worker node over threshold. cpu_used_percent Greater than 80% for 1 hour.
CPU utilization of the worker node over threshold. cpu_used_percent Greater than 65% for 24 hours.
Memory utilization of the worker node over threshold. memory_used_percent Greater than 80 % for 1 hour.
Memory utilization of the worker node over threshold. memory_used_percent Greater than 65% for 24 hours.
Amount of memory used over threshold. memory_bytes_used Greater than NUMBER_OF_BYBTES.
Nodes with disk pressure exist. kube_node_status_condition Greater than or equal to 1 for 10 minutes.
Kubernetes nodes not ready exist. kube_node_status_ready >= 1

Resolving worker node alerts

Reloading or rebooting the worker can resolve the issue. However, you might need add more workers to increase capacity.

  1. Get your worker nodes and review the state.

    kubectl get nodes
  2. If all the worker nodes are not in the Ready state, add worker nodes to your cluster.

  3. If all the worker nodes are in the Ready state, reload or reboot your worker nodes.

    1. Describe your worker node and review the Events section for common error messages.

      kubectl describe node <node>
    2. Cordon the node that isn't Ready so that you can start investigating.

    3. Drain the worker node. Review the Kubernetes documentation to safely drain pods from your worker node.

      kubectl drain <node>
    4. Reload or reboot your worker node.

Zone alerts

To set up zone level alerts, edit the sysdig-agent ConfigMap to include the required label filters.

  1. Edit the ConfigMap by running the following command.
    kubectl edit configmap sysdig-agent -n ibm-observe
  2. Add the following YAML block after k8s_cluster_name: <cluster_name>. Replace <cluster_name> with the name of the cluster that you want to you want to monitor.
      - include: ""
      - include: ""
      - include: ""
      - exclude: "**"
      - exclude: "*.pod-template-hash"
      - exclude: "*.pod-template-generation"
      - exclude: "*.controller-revision-hash"
      - include: "*"
  3. Restart the IBM Cloud Monitoring pods. Delete all the pods and wait for them to restart. Get the list of pods.
    kubectl get pods -n ibm-observe
  4. Delete the pods to restart them.
    kubectl delete pods sysdig-agent-1111 sysdig-agent-2222 sysdig-agent-3333 -n ibm-observe
  5. Wait 5 minutes for the pods restart. After the pods have restarted, the label that you added earlier is available in IBM Cloud Monitoring
  6. Verify that the labels now show by opening the IBM Cloud Monitoring dashboard > Explore > PromQL query.
  7. Enter kube_node_labels in the query field and click Run Query.
Zone level alerts
Metric PromQL query
CPU usage per zone over threshold sum(sysdig_container_cpu_used_percent{agent_tag_cluster="<cluster_name>"}) by (kube_node_label_ibm_cloud_kubernetes_io_zone) / sum (kube_node_info) by (kube_node_label_ibm_cloud_kubernetes_io_zone) > 80
Memory usage per zone over threshold sum(sysdig_container_cpu_used_percent{agent_tag_cluster="<cluster_name>"}) by (kube_node_label_ibm_cloud_kubernetes_io_zone)/ sum (kube_node_info) by (kube_node_label_ibm_cloud_kubernetes_io_zone) > 80

Cluster alerts

Review the following example thresholds for creating alerts at the cluster level.

  • All worker nodes in a region are reaching capacity threshold of 80%.
  • More than 50% of all worker nodes are in an unhealthy state.
  • Reaching maximum number of file and block storage volumes per account (250).
  • Reaching maximum number of worker nodes per cluster (500).

Account alerts

You might set up an alert for when the maximum number of clusters per account is reaching the limit. For example, 100 per region/infrastructure provider.

Block Storage for VPC alerts

The following metrics are available for Block Storage for VPC alerts:

  • kubelet_volume_stats_available_bytes
  • kubelet_volume_stats_capacity_bytes
  • kubelet_volume_stats_inodes
  • kubelet_volume_stats_inodes_free
  • kubelet_volume_stats_inodes_used
  1. Create a monitoring instance for Block Storage for VPC alerts. See instructions in Forwarding cluster and app metrics to IBM Cloud Monitoring.

  2. Install the syslog agent.

    1. In the IBM Cloud console, select Observability from the menu.
    2. Select Monitoring.
    3. In the row of the instance for Block Storage for VPC alerts, select Open dashboard.
    4. From the menu, select Get started.
    5. Under the Install the Agent section, select Add Sources.
    6. Follow the instructions to install the agent.
    7. Make sure the agent is running by using the kubectl get pods -n CLUSTER_NAME | grep syslog command.
  3. Configure the notification channels.

    1. In the IBM Cloud Monitoring dashboard, select Monitoring Operations > Settings.
    2. Select Notification Channels > Add Notification Channel and pick one of the available notification methods.
    3. Complete the settings for the new channel and click Save.
    4. Optional: Repeat the previous steps to add more channels.
  4. Create an alert.

    1. In the IBM Cloud Monitoring dashboard, select Alerts > Library.
    2. Choose one of the templates and select Enable Alert. For example, you can search for PVC storage and enable the PVC Storage Usage Is Reaching The Limit alert.
    3. Customize the alert settings on the template and select Enable Alert to apply your settings.

If your Block Storage for VPC volumes are reaching capacity, you can set up volume expansion.

Monitoring worker node health in with Autorecovery

The Autorecovery system uses various checks to query worker node health status. If Autorecovery detects an unhealthy worker node based on the configured checks, Autorecovery triggers a corrective action like rebooting a VPC worker node or reloading the operating system in a classic worker node. Only one worker node undergoes a corrective action at a time. The worker node must complete the corrective action before any other worker node undergoes a corrective action.

Autorecovery requires at least one healthy worker node to function properly. Configure Autorecovery with active checks only in clusters with two or more worker nodes.

Before you begin:

To configure Autorecovery:

  1. Follow the instructions to install the Helm version 3 client on your local machine.

  2. Create a configuration map file that defines your checks in JSON format. For example, the following YAML file defines three checks: an HTTP check and two Kubernetes API server checks. Refer to the component descriptions and the health check component table for information about the three kinds of checks and information about the individual components of the checks.

    Define each check as a unique key in the data section of the configuration map.

    kind: ConfigMap
    apiVersion: v1
      name: ibm-worker-recovery-checks
      namespace: kube-system # The `kube-system` namespace is a constant and can't be changed.
      checknode.json: |
      checkpod.json: |
      checkhttp.json: |
  3. Create the configuration map in your cluster.

    kubectl apply -f ibm-worker-recovery-checks.yaml
  4. Verify that you created the configuration map with the name ibm-worker-recovery-checks in the kube-system namespace with the proper checks.

    kubectl -n kube-system get cm ibm-worker-recovery-checks -o yaml
  5. Deploy Autorecovery into your cluster by installing the ibm-worker-recovery Helm chart.

    helm install ibm-worker-recovery iks-charts/ibm-worker-recovery --namespace kube-system
  6. After a few minutes, you can check the Events section in the output of the following command to see activity on the Autorecovery deployment.

    kubectl -n kube-system describe deployment ibm-worker-recovery
  7. If you don't see activity on the Autorecovery deployment, you can check the Helm deployment by running the tests that are in the Autorecovery chart definition.

    helm test ibm-worker-recovery -n kube-system

Understanding the configmap components

Review the following information on the individual components of health checks.

  • name: The configuration name ibm-worker-recovery-checks is a constant and can't be changed.
  • namespace: The kube-system namespace is a constant and can't be changed.
  • checknode.json: Defines a Kubernetes API node check that checks whether each worker node is in the Ready state. The check for a specific worker node counts as a failure if the worker node is not in the Ready state. The check in the example YAML runs every 3 minutes. If it fails three consecutive times, the worker node is reloaded. This action is equivalent to running ibmcloud ks worker reload. The node check is enabled until you set the Enabled field to false or remove the check. Note that reloading is supported only for worker nodes on classic infrastructure.
  • checkpod.json: Defines a Kubernetes API pod check that checks the total percentage of NotReady pods on a worker node based on the total pods that are assigned to that worker node. The check for a specific worker node counts as a failure if the total percentage of NotReady pods is greater than the defined PodFailureThresholdPercent. The check in the example YAML runs every 3 minutes. If it fails three consecutive times, the worker node is reloaded. This action is equivalent to running ibmcloud ks worker reload. For example, the default PodFailureThresholdPercent is 50%. If the percentage of NotReady pods is greater than 50% three consecutive times, the worker node is reloaded. The check runs on all namespaces by default. To restrict the check to only pods in a specified namespace, add the Namespace field to the check. The pod check is enabled until you set the Enabled field to false or remove the check. Note that reloading is supported only for worker nodes on classic infrastructure.
  • checkhttp.json: Defines an HTTP check that checks if an HTTP server that runs on your worker node is healthy. To use this check, you must deploy an HTTP server on every worker node in your cluster by using a daemon set. You must implement a health check that is available at the /myhealth path and that can verify whether your HTTP server is healthy. You can define other paths by changing the Route parameter. If the HTTP server is healthy, you must return the HTTP response code that is defined in ExpectedStatus. The HTTP server must be configured to listen on the private IP address of the worker node. You can find the private IP address by running kubectl get nodes. For example, consider two nodes in a cluster that have the private IP addresses and In this example, two routes are checked for a 200 HTTP response: and The check in the example YAML runs every 3 minutes. If it fails three consecutive times, the worker node is rebooted. This action is equivalent to running ibmcloud ks worker reboot. The HTTP check is disabled until you set the Enabled field to true.

Understanding the individual components of health checks

Review the following table for information on the individual components of health checks.

Health check components
Component Description
Check Enter the type of check that you want Autorecovery to use.
HTTP: Autorecovery calls HTTP servers that run on each node to determine whether the nodes are running properly.
KUBEAPI: Autorecovery calls the Kubernetes API server and reads the health status data reported by the worker nodes.
Resource When the check type is KUBEAPI, enter the type of resource that you want Autorecovery to check. Accepted values are NODE or POD.
FailureThreshold Enter the threshold for the number of consecutive failed checks. When this threshold is met, Autorecovery triggers the specified corrective action. For example, if the value is 3 and Autorecovery fails a configured check three consecutive times, Autorecovery triggers the corrective action that is associated with the check.
PodFailureThresholdPercent When the resource type is POD, enter the threshold for the percentage of pods on a worker node that can be in a NotReady state. This percentage is based on the total number of pods that are scheduled to a worker node. When a check determines that the percentage of unhealthy pods is greater than the threshold, the check counts as one failure.
CorrectiveAction Enter the action to run when the failure threshold is met. A corrective action runs only while no other workers are being repaired and when this worker node is not in a cool-off period from a previous action.
REBOOT: Reboots the worker node.
RELOAD: Reloads all the necessary configurations for the worker node from a clean OS.
CooloffSeconds Enter the number of seconds Autorecovery must wait to issue another corrective action for a node that was already issued a corrective action. The cool off period starts at the time a corrective action is issued.
IntervalSeconds Enter the number of seconds between consecutive checks. For example, if the value is 180, Autorecovery runs the check on each node every 3 minutes.
TimeoutSeconds Enter the maximum number of seconds that a check call to the database takes before Autorecovery terminates the call operation. The value for TimeoutSeconds must be less than the value for IntervalSeconds.
Port When the check type is HTTP, enter the port that the HTTP server must bind to on the worker nodes. This port must be exposed on the IP of every worker node in the cluster. Autorecovery requires a constant port number across all nodes for checking servers. Use daemon sets when you deploy a custom server into a cluster.
ExpectedStatus When the check type is HTTP, enter the HTTP server status that you expect to be returned from the check. For example, a value of 200 indicates that you expect an OK response from the server.
Route When the check type is HTTP, enter the path that is requested from the HTTP server. This value is typically the metrics path for the server that runs on all the worker nodes.
Enabled Enter true to enable the check or false to disable the check.
Namespace Optional: To restrict checkpod.json to checking only pods in one namespace, add the Namespace field and enter the namespace.