IBM Cloud Docs
Preregistering future users

Preregistering future users

With IBM Cloud® App ID, you can start building a profile for users that you know are going to need access to your app before their initial sign-in.

To learn more about the security considerations that might apply when you work with custom attributes, see Storing and accessing user profiles.

Understanding preregistration

There might be times when you are developing an application that you already know who your app users are going to be. These users are known as "future users". You might know ahead of time that certain users need specific permission levels or a specific food preference before they ever start interacting with your app. For example, you work for a development company and you hire a new person to function as a team lead. You might want to assign that user admin access to your app before they start so that when they sign in the first time, they can immediately start working without any further interaction on your part. Say that same person is a vegetarian. By noting it as a custom attribute in their profile, the preference can be pulled for all team lunches without them having to remind you.

By default, the ability for users to change their own custom attributes through the application is set to off. You can give your users that ability, but before you do be sure that you understand and have considered the security issues that can arise.

To assign custom attributes for future users, you can use either the GUI or the preregistration endpoint.

How are users identified?

You can identify your users by using one of the following:

  • The email address with which the user signs in to your app.
  • If available, the user's unique ID, called the GUID, in the identity provider. Although this identifier always exists and is guaranteed to be unique, it is not always readily available or easy to understand. For instance, Cloud Directory uses a random 16-byte GUID.

What information do the identity providers provide?

Check out the following table to see which type of identity information that you can use.

Types of identity information that can be used with each provider
Identity provider GUID Email Sub
Cloud Directory Checkmark icon Checkmark icon
Facebook Checkmark icon Checkmark icon
Google Checkmark icon Checkmark icon
SAML Checkmark icon
Custom Checkmark icon

How is Cloud Directory handled?

To ensure the integrity of a future user, Cloud Directory places extra requirements on preregistration.

  • You must use an email, not a user name, to add the user. If you don't have any users yet, switch to email and password mode to add future users. If you do have users, you must wait until the user has signed in to assign custom attributes.
  • The user must confirm their identity through verification. When you add a future user with specific attributes, those attributes are intended for that person. Any user that signs in by using an email that is registered to a future user must verify their email address before they are granted access to your app. To complete the verification requirements, you can send an email to have the user verify or manually verify their address on their behalf. To allow for self-verification, set Email verification to On in the Cloud Directory tab of the service dashboard. This sends an email to the user to request verification on their initial sign-in. To verify users manually, you must be an administrator. Make a request to the Cloud Directory management APIs to set the status field in the payload to CONFIRMED.

If a future user is added by you and signs in to your app without verifying their email, their custom attributes are deleted and the profile is created from scratch.

Is there anything special that I need to do when I use a custom identity provider?

When you add user information to your application in advance, you can use any unique identifier that is provided by the authentication flow. The identifier must exactly match the sub of the signed JSON Web Token that is sent during the authorization request. If the identifier does not match, then the profile that you want to add is not linked successfully.

Adding a future user

Now that you've learned about the process and considered your security implications, try adding a user.

A user's predefined attributes are empty until their first authentication. Although they're empty, the user is still fully authenticated. You can use their profile ID just as you would someone who has already signed in. For instance, you can modify, search, or delete the profile.

Before you begin

Before you get started, you must have the following information:

  • Which identity provider that the user will sign in with.
  • The email of the user that you want to add or their unique identifier.
  • The custom attribute information that you want to assign.

With the GUI

You can add a future user and their custom attributes by using the GUI.

The ability to add future users is disabled for the user name and password configuration of Cloud Directory.

  1. Go to the User Profiles tab of the App ID dashboard.

  2. Click Future users. If you already have future users, you see a table with a list of the user's that you already added. To add another user, click Build a profile. If you don't have any users yet, click Get Started. A screen opens.

  3. Enter your user's email.

  4. Select the identity provider that they sign in with from the Identity Provider drop down.

  5. Add custom attributes by entering the information in a JSON object as shown in the following example.

       "food": "Pizza", 
       "preference": "Vegetarian",
       "points": "37"
  6. Click Save. The table displays and the user is assigned an identifier.

With the API

You can add a future user and their custom attributes by using the API.

  1. Log in to IBM Cloud.

    ibmcloud login
  2. Find your IAM token by running the following command.

    ibmcloud iam oauth-tokens
  3. Make a POST request to the /users endpoint that contains a description of the user and the attributes that you want to set as a JSON object.


    POST <managementUrl>/management/v4/<tenantID>/users
          Host: <managementServerURL>
          Authorization: 'Bearer <IAMToken>'
          Content-Type: application/json


          "idp": "<identityProvider>",
          "idp-identity": "<userUniqueIdentifier>",
          "profile": {
             "attributes": {
    The components of the POST request
    Components Description
    idp The identity provider that the user authenticates with. Options include: saml, cloud_directory, facebook, google, appid_custom.
    idp-identity The unique identifier provided by the identity provider.
    profile The user's profile that contains the custom attribute JSON mapping.

    Example request:

    $ curl --request POST \
          --url 'https://<managementURI>/users \
          --header 'Authorization: Bearer <IAMToken>' \
          --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
          --data '{"idp": "saml", "idp-identity": "", "profile": { "attributes": { "role": "admin",
          "frequent_flyer_points": 1000 }}}'
  4. Verify that registration was successful.

    • Check for the user profile that was created.

      curl --request GET<tenantID>/users/<userProfileId>/profile \
      --header 'Authorization: Bearer <IAMToken>' \
      --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    • Check for the user ID in the response.

         "id": "5ce78e09-1356-4ef8-a45d-808b633101db",
         "identities": [],
         "attributes": {
            "role": "manager"

Next steps

Now that you associated a future user with specific attributes, try accessing or updating attributes!