IBM Cloud Docs
Logging for App Configuration

Logging for App Configuration

IBM Cloud® services, such as App Configuration, generate platform logs that you can use to investigate abnormal activity and critical actions in your account, and troubleshoot problems.

You can use IBM Cloud Logs Routing, a platform service, to route platform logs in your account to a destination of your choice by configuring a tenant that defines where platform logs are sent. For more information, see About Logs Routing.

You can use IBM Cloud Logs to visualize and alert on platform logs that are generated in your account and routed by IBM Cloud Logs Routing to an IBM Cloud Logs instance.

As of 28 March 2024, the IBM Log Analysis service is deprecated and will no longer be supported as of 30 March 2025. Customers will need to migrate to IBM Cloud Logs before 30 March 2025. During the migration period, customers can use IBM Log Analysis along with IBM Cloud Logs. Logging is the same for both services. For information about migrating from IBM Log Analysis to IBM Cloud Logs and running the services in parallel, see migration planning.

Locations where platform logs are generated

Locations where platform logs are generated
Region Supported
Dallas (us-south) Yes
Washington (us-east) Yes
Sydney (au-syd) Yes
Frankfurt (eu-de) Yes
London (eu-gb) Yes
Toronto (ca-tor) Yes
Tokyo (jp-tok) Yes
Osaka (jp-osa) Yes

Locations where logs are sent to IBM Cloud Logs

App Configuration sends platform logs to IBM Cloud Logs in the regions indicated in the following table.

Regions where platform logs are sent in Americas locations
Dallas (us-south) Washington (us-east) Toronto (ca-tor) Sao Paulo (br-sao)
Yes Yes Yes No
Regions where platform logs are sent in Asia Pacific locations
Tokyo (jp-tok) Sydney (au-syd) Osaka (jp-osa) Chennai (in-che)
Yes Yes Yes No
Regions where platform logs are sent in Europe locations
Frankfurt (eu-de) London (eu-gb) Madrid (eu-es)
Yes Yes No

Locations where logs are sent by IBM Cloud Logs Routing

App Configuration sends logs by IBM Cloud Logs Routing in the regions that are indicated in the following table.

Regions where platform logs are sent in Americas locations
Dallas (us-south) Washington (us-east) Toronto (ca-tor) Sao Paulo (br-sao)
Yes Yes Yes No
Regions where platform logs are sent in Asia Pacific locations
Tokyo (jp-tok) Sydney (au-syd) Osaka (jp-osa) Chennai (in-che)
Yes Yes Yes No
Regions where platform logs are sent in Europe locations
Frankfurt (eu-de) London (eu-gb) Madrid (eu-es)
Yes Yes No

Enabling logging

Platform logs are logs that are exposed by logging-enabled services and the platform in IBM Cloud. You can configure IBM Cloud logs instance to receive the logs sent by service. See IBM Cloud Logs for more information.

Viewing logs

To view and analyze platform logs for an App Configuration instance, check that the IBM Cloud Logs Routing instance is provisioned and target is set for the same region where the App Configuration instance that you want to monitor is available.

To start the IBM Cloud Logs Routing web UI to view logs, see Navigating to the web UI.

Launching IBM Cloud Logs from the Observability page

For more information about launching the IBM Cloud Logs UI, see Launching the UI in the IBM Cloud Logs documentation.

Fields per log type

See the following table for the list of fields that are included in each log record:

Log record fields
Field Type Description
logSourceCRN Required Defines the account where the log is published.
saveServiceCopy Required Defines whether IBM saves a copy of the record for operational purposes.
message Required Description of the log that is generated.
msg_timestamp Required UTC timestamp of the message.
messageID Required ID of the log that is generated.
documentsURL Optional More information on how to proceed if you receive this log record.
level Required Type of log. Valid values are INFO, WARN, ERROR
requestID Optional ID of the request/event triggered by the customer
correlationID Optional ID of another request/event that was triggered as a result of the event triggered by the customer
resource_collection_enabled The field denoting if the resource collection is enabled for the app configuration instance.
app-configuration_instance_id guid of the app configuration instance.

For information about fields included in every platform log, see Fields for platform logs.

Log messages

The following table lists the message IDs that are generated by App Configuration:

Additional information about message IDs
Message ID Log type Description
apprapp.00001E ERROR Invalid trusted profile id.
apprapp.00002E ERROR Invalid Instance ID {instance_id}. Provided Instance ID is not found.
apprapp.00003E ERROR Unauthorised. Looks like you do not have access to requested resource or action is not permitted for the corresponding IAM role. If this is a shared resource, please check if access policies are rightly created.
apprapp.00004E ERROR Invalid Instance ID. Provided Instance ID is not found.
apprapp.00005E ERROR Invalid Resource Collection Enabled.
apprapp.00006E ERROR crn not found for instance id.
apprapp.00007E ERROR Account id not found for the given instance.
apprapp.00008E ERROR "Unable to fetch resource for the service : " + {service_name} + " and config type : " + {config_type}.
apprapp.00009E ERROR Invalid entries for the resource region.
apprapp.00001I INFO Reconcilliation Successful for the instance : {instance_id}.
apprapp.00002I INFO Successfully fetched the configurations of Query Response. Number of entries are : {total_number_of_entries}.
apprapp.00003I INFO Settings Updated. Reconcilliation Not Triggered.

List logs generated by a service

If you want to view all the logs that are being generated for a particular instance, select the guid prefixed with "apprapp-" of that App Configuration instance from left panel under subsystems and search the source in search bar.