IBM Cloud Docs
About platform logs

About platform logs

Selected IBM Cloud® services can generate logging data about their services. You can use the IBM Cloud Logs Routing service to collect the data and route it to a destination of your choice. You can configure an IBM Cloud Logs instance as a destination, or an IBM Log Analysis instance.

For example, the following diagram shows the high level view when the destination is an IBM Cloud Logs instance:

Flow of platform logs
Figure 1. Flow of platform logs

Logs that are generated by IBM Cloud services are called platform logs.

IAM permissions for managing platform logs in the account

To manage the IBM Cloud Logs Routing service in an account, you must have the Manager role for IBM Cloud Logs Routing.

To see what IAM roles are available for IBM Cloud Logs Routing, see Managing IAM access.

What platform logs are available

Platform logs are generated by selected IBM Cloud services in your account.

For information on the services generating platform logs, see IBM Cloud services that generate platform logs.

To collect platform logs that are generated in a region where you operate in IBM Cloud, you must configure the IBM Cloud Logs Routing service in that region.

Where can you route platform logs

The following destinations are supported as destinations where the IBM Cloud Logs Routing service can route platform logs:

  • An IBM Cloud Logs instance
  • An IBM Log Analysis instance

Configuring the IBM Cloud Logs Routing service

To configure the IBM Cloud Logs Routing service, choose 1 of the following options:

Fields that are included in platform logs

All platform logs are generated in JSON.

Platform logs include the following fields in addition to the log information:

The service name of the IBM Cloud service generating the log.
The CRN of the IBM Cloud service generating the log.
A field indicating if the IBM Cloud service generating the log receives a copy of the log back from IBM Cloud Logs Routing
A value for IBM only use.