IBM Cloud Docs
Troubleshooting Event Streams

Troubleshooting Event Streams

Use the troubleshooting tips to learn how to troubleshoot issues with IBM® Event Streams for IBM Cloud®.

HTTP error codes for REST APIs and how to fix them

HTTP error codes apply to REST APIs, including Admin REST, REST Producer, and Schema Registry.

HTTP error codes for REST APIs and how to fix them
HTTP error code Admin REST REST Producer Schema Registry
400 Bad request - not a valid request. Correct your request. Bad request - not a valid request. This error might be caused by a malformed payload, or unsupported key type or exceeded key/message size. Bad request - not a valid request. Correct your request.
403 Not authorized to perform the operation. The API key used is missing a certain role. The ID that was used to create the resource key does not have an IAM policy. For more information, see Managing authentication to your Event Streams instances. Forbidden. The token that you have provided does not have sufficient permissions to produce to a topic. Check if you have provided the token with the required access role. For more information, see Managing authentication to your Event Streams instances. Forbidden. The client is not authorized to perform this request. The service ID is not authorized to access a schema resource. For more information, see Managing authentication to your Event Streams instances.
404 Not found. Unable to find the topic with the topic name you specified. Event Streams set auto.create.topics.enable to false, thus the topic must be explicitly created before using it. Not found. The topic does not exist. Event Streams set auto.create.topics.enable to false, thus topic must be explicitly created before producing message to it. Not found. Either the registry does not contain a schema with the specified schema ID, or the schema identified by the schema ID does not contain a version corresponding to the specified version number, or the schema is not configured with the specified type of rule.
415 Unsupported media type.
422 Semantically invalid request. You have a malformed request. If you receive this error when you try to create a new topic, it might be due to the maximum number of allowed partitions for your plan. For more information, see How Event Streams uses limits and quotas for verifying the limits.
503 Service unavailable. The request failed due to Event Streams brokers being unavailable. An error occurred while handling the request. The service is unavailable. If you receive this error when creating a new topic fails, verify the limits and quotas. Service unavailable. The request failed due to Event Streams brokers being unavailable.

The Kafka API is a TCP-based API. For more information, refer to its protocol guide regarding the error codes.

Unable to create a Kafka topic

If you are not able to create topics, it might be due to the following reasons:

Error "Failed to send message"

An Event Streams target returns an error, and you are unable to send events to it. When you view the logs, the error is "Failed to send message", and the entry contains information such as the following:

"Failed to send message","error":"kafka server: Request was for a topic or partition that does not exist on this broker","reason":"invalid_or_unreachable_topic"

The error can occur if the topic has not been created or has been deleted, or if you are sending data to a broker that is not the current leader for the topic partition. Leadership of topic partitions can change over time, because if a broker if offline for any reason, leadership of its partitions gets moved to other brokers until it recovers.

To resolve the problem, verify that the topic exists. With the correct configuration, the Kafka client refreshes the metadata or reconnects to a different broker quickly, so that this type of error situation often recovers on its own. If the issue is persistent, contact Cloud Support for problem investigation.