IBM Cloud Docs
Getting help and support for Event Streams

Getting help and support for Event Streams

If you have problems or questions while you use Event Streams, go directly to the IBM Cloud® Support page to review featured FAQs, view cloud status, or post questions on Stack Overflow. Or, open a support case.

  • To check the status of the IBM Cloud platform and resources, go to the Status page.
  • Review the dedicated Stack Overflow to see whether other users ran into the same problem. When you use the forum to ask a question, tag your question with "ibm-cloud" and "ibm-eventstreams" so that it is seen by the IBM Cloud development team. Your question gets answered either by a member of the Event Streams development team or by the wider community.
  • If you still need help from the Event Streams team, ensure that you gather all the information required as detailed in Reporting a problem to the Event Streams team - Standard and Enterprise plans. There you find guidance about opening a support case for Event Streams. For more information about severities and response times, see Creating support cases or Escalating support cases.