IBM Cloud Docs
CDN API reference

CDN API reference

The SoftLayer Application Programming Interface (commonly called the SLAPI), provided by IBM Cloud®, is the development interface that gives developers and system administrators direct interaction with the IBM Cloud Infrastructure backend system.

The SLAPI implements many of the features in the customer portal: if an interaction is possible in the Customer Portal, it also can be accomplished in the SLAPI. Because you can interact with all portions of the IBM Cloud Infrastructure environment programmatically, within the SLAPI, you can use the API to automate tasks.

The SLAPI is a Remote Procedure Call (RPC) system. Each call involves sending data toward an API endpoint and receiving structured data in return. The format used to send and receive data with the SLAPI depends on which implementation of the API you choose. The SLAPI currently uses SOAP, XML-RPC, or REST for data transmission.

For more information about SLAPI, or about the IBM Cloud Content Delivery Network (CDN) service APIs, see the following resources in the IBM Cloud Development Network:

To get started, here is a recommended API call sequence to follow:

  • listVendors - Provides the list of supported vendors.
  • verifyOrder - Verifies whether the order can be placed.
  • placeOrder - Creates the CDN account with a given vendor. Up to 10 CDN mappings can be created after a successful placeOrder call.
  • createDomainMapping - Creates the CDN Mappings
  • verifyDomainMapping - Changes CDN status to RUNNING

You can use the other APIs after you've followed the previous sequence.

Example Code is available for each step in this call sequence.

You must use the API username and API Key of a user with CDN_ACCOUNT_MANAGE permission for most of the API calls shown in this document. Check with your account's Master user if you require this permission to be enabled for you. (Each IBM Cloud customer account is provided with one Master user.)

API for Vendor


This API allows the user to list the supported CDN Vendors. The vendorName is needed to create a CDN account and get started with ordering your CDN.

  • Parameters- None

  • Return- (Required) A collection of type SoftLayer_Container_Network_CdnMarketplace_Vendor.

    The Vendor container and a usage example can be viewed here: Vendor container

API for Account


Checks whether a CDN account exists for the user calling the API, for the given vendorName.

  • Parameters- vendorName- (Required) Provide the name of a valid CDN provider.
  • Return- true if an account exists, else false.

API for Domain Mapping


Using the provided inputs, this function creates a domain mapping for the given vendor and associates it with the IBM Cloud Infrastructure Account ID of the user. The CDN account must first be created by using placeOrder for this API to work (see an example of the placeOrder API call in the Code examples). After successfully creating the CDN, a defaultTTL is created with a value of 3600 seconds.

  • Parameters- A collection of type SoftLayer_Container_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Input.

You can view all of the attributes in the Input container here:

Input container

The following attributes are part of the Input container and can be provided when creating a domain mapping (attributes are optional unless otherwise noted):

  • vendorName - (Required) Provide the name of a valid IBM Cloud CDN provider.

    • origin - (Required) Provide the origin server address as a string.
    • originType - (Required) Origin type can be HOST_SERVER or OBJECT_STORAGE.
    • domain - (Required) Provide your hostname as a string.
    • protocol - (Required) Supported protocols are HTTP, HTTPS, or HTTP_AND_HTTPS.
    • certificateType - (Required) for HTTPS protocol. SHARED_SAN_CERT or WILDCARD_CERT.
    • path - Path from which the cached content is served. Default path is /*.
    • httpPort, httpsPort, or both - (Required for Host Server) These two options must correspond to the wanted protocol. If the protocol is HTTP, then httpPort must be set, and httpsPort must not be set. Likewise, if the protocol is HTTPS, then httpsPort must be set, and httpPort must not be set. If the protocol is HTTP_AND_HTTPS, then both httpPort and httpsPort must be set. Akamai has certain limitations on port numbers. See the FAQ for allowed port numbers.
    • header - Specifies host header information that is used by the origin server.
    • respectHeader - A Boolean value that, if set to true, causes TTL settings in the origin to override CDN TTL settings.
    • cname - Provide an alias to the hostname. The CNAME is generated if one is not provided.
    • bucketName - (Required for Object Storage only) Bucket name for your S3 Object Storage.
    • fileExtension - (optional for Object Storage) File extensions that are allowed to be cached.
    • cacheKeyQueryRule - The following options are available to configure Cache Key behavior. If no cacheKeyQueryRule arguments are supplied, it defaults to "include-all".
      • include-all - Includes all query arguments default.
      • ignore-all - Ignores all query arguments.
      • ignore: space separated query-args - Ignores those specific query arguments (for example, ignore: query1 query2).
      • include: space separated query-args - Includes those specific query arguments (for example, include: query1 query2).
    • dynamicContentAcceleration - (Required for Dynamic Content Acceleration only) Provide the DCA parameters. DCA container
  • Return - A collection of type SoftLayer_Container_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Mapping.

    The collection provides a uniqueId value, which must be sent as input for subsequent API calls related to mapping and origin path.

    Mapping container


Deletes the domain mapping based on the uniqueId. The domain mapping must be in one of the following states: RUNNING, STOPPED, DELETED, ERROR, CNAME_CONFIGURATION, or SSL_CONFIGURATION.

  • Parameters- uniqueId- (Required) the unique ID of the mapping to be deleted.

  • Return- A collection of type SoftLayer_Container_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Mapping.

    Mapping container


Verifies the status of the CDN, and updates the status of the CDN mapping if it changed. When a CDN mapping is created initially, its status shows as CNAME_CONFIGURATION. At this point, you must update the DNS record so that the CDN mapping points the hostname to the CNAME. Check with your DNS provider if you have questions about how the update is done and how long it might take for the change to propagate on the internet. Typically, it takes 15 - 30 minutes. After that time, this verifyDomainMapping API must be called to verify whether the CNAME chain is complete. If the CNAME chain is complete, the CDN-mapping status changes to RUNNING.

This API can be called at any time to get the latest CDN-mapping status. The domain mapping must be in one of the following states: RUNNING or CNAME_CONFIGURATION.

  • Parameters- uniqueId - (Required) The unique ID of the mapping that you want to verify.

  • Return- A collection of type SoftLayer_Container_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Mapping.

    Mapping container


Starts a CDN domain mapping based on the uniqueId. To be started, the domain mapping must be in a STOPPED state.

  • Parameters- uniqueId - (Required) Provide the unique ID of the mapping to be started.

  • Return- A collection of type SoftLayer_Container_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Mapping.

    Mapping container


Stops a CDN domain mapping based on the uniqueId. To initiate the stop, the domain mapping must be in a RUNNING state.

  • Parameters- uniqueId - (Required) Provide the unique ID of the mapping to be stopped.

  • Return- A collection of type SoftLayer_Container_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Mapping.

    Mapping container


You can attempt to enable the HTTPS SHARED_SAN_CERT type mapping again or disable when mapping is in DELETE_ERROR state. For the retry or disable request to occur, the specified mapping should be an HTTPS-related error, or in DELETE_ERROR state. To re-attempt an enable or disable action, you must specify the uniqueId of the HTTPS SHARED_SAN_CERT type mapping.

  • Parameters- uniqueId - (Required) Provide the unique ID of the HTTPS mapping to be enabled.

  • Return- A collection of type SoftLayer_Container_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Mapping.

    Mapping container


You can update properties of the mapping identified by the uniqueId. The following fields can be changed: originHost, httpPort, httpsPort, respectHeader, header, cacheKeyQueryRule arguments, and if your origin type is Object Storage, the bucketName and fileExtension also can be changed. For an update to occur, the domain mapping must be in a RUNNING state.

  • Parameters- A collection of type SoftLayer_Container_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Input. You can view all of the attributes in the Input container here:

    Input container

    The following attributes are part of the Input container and are required to be provided when updating a domain mapping:

    • vendorName - Provide the name of the CDN provider for this mapping.
    • path - Provide the current path for this mapping
    • origin - Provide the origin server address as a string.
    • originType - Origin type can be HOST_SERVER or OBJECT_STORAGE.
    • domain - Provide your hostname.
    • protocol - Supported protocols are HTTP, HTTPS, or HTTP_AND_HTTPS.
    • httpPort, httpsPort, or both - These two options must correspond to the wanted protocol. If the protocol is HTTP, then httpPort must be set, and httpsPort must not be set. Likewise, if the protocol is HTTPS, then httpsPort must be set, and httpPort must not be set. If the protocol is HTTP_AND_HTTPS, then both httpPort and httpsPort must be set. Akamai has certain limitations on port numbers. See the FAQ for allowed port numbers.
    • header - Specifies host header information that is used by the origin server.
    • respectHeader - A Boolean value that, if set to true, causes TTL settings in the origin to override CDN TTL settings.
    • uniqueId - Generated after the mapping is created.
    • cname - Provide the cname. One was generated when the mapping was created if you did not provide one.
    • bucketName - (Required for Object Storage only) Bucket name for your S3 Object Storage.
    • fileExtension - (Required for Object Storage only) File extensions that are allowed to be cached.
    • cacheKeyQueryRule - Cache key behavior rules can be updated only for CDN mappings created after 11/16/17. The following options are available to configure Cache Key behavior:
      • include-all - Includes all query arguments default.
      • ignore-all - Ignores all query arguments.
      • ignore: space separated query-args - Ignores those specific query arguments (for example, ignore: query1 query2).
      • include: space separated query-args- Includes those specific query arguments (for example, include: query1 query2).
    • dynamicContentAcceleration- (Required for Dynamic Content Acceleration only) Provide the DCA parameters. DCA container
  • Return A collection of type SoftLayer_Container_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Mapping.

    Mapping container


Returns a collection of all domain mappings for current customer.

  • Parameters- None

  • Return- A collection of type SoftLayer_Container_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Mapping.

    Mapping container


Returns a collection with a single domain object based on a CDN's uniqueId.

  • Parameters- uniqueId- Provide the unique ID of the mapping to be returned.

  • Return- A single-object collection of type SoftLayer_Container_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Mapping.

    Mapping container

APIs for origin


Creates an origin path for an existing CDN and for a particular customer. The origin path can be based on a Host Server or Object Storage. To create the origin path, the domain mapping must be in either a RUNNING or CNAME_CONFIGURATION state.

  • Parameters- A collection of type SoftLayer_Container_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Input.

    You can view all of the attributes in the Input container here:

    Input container

    The following attributes are part of the Input container and can be provided when creating an origin path (attributes are optional unless otherwise noted):

    • vendorName- (Required) Provide the name of a valid IBM Cloud CDN provider.
    • origin- (Required) Provide the origin server address as a string.
    • originType- (Required) Origin type can be HOST_SERVER or OBJECT_STORAGE.
    • domain- (Required) Provide your hostname as a string.
    • protocol- (Required) Supported protocols are HTTP, HTTPS, or HTTP_AND_HTTPS.
    • path- Path from which the cached content is served. Must begin with the mapping path. For example, if the mapping path is /test, then your origin path might be /test/media.
    • httpPort, httpsPort, or both- (Required) These two options must correspond to the wanted protocol. If the protocol is HTTP, then httpPort must be set, and httpsPort must not be set. Likewise, if the protocol is HTTPS, then httpsPort must be set, and httpPort must not be set. If the protocol is HTTP_AND_HTTPS, then both httpPort and httpsPort must be set. Akamai has certain limitations on port numbers. See the FAQ for allowed port numbers.
    • header- Specifies host header information that is used by the origin server.
    • uniqueId- (Required) Generated after the mapping is created.
    • cname- Provide an alias to the hostname. If you did not provide a unique CNAME, one was generated for you when the mapping was created.
    • bucketName- (Required for Object Storage) Bucket name for your S3 Object Storage.
    • fileExtension- (optional for Object Storage) File extensions that are allowed to be cached.
    • cacheKeyQueryRule- The following options are available to configure Cache Key behavior:
      • include-all - Includes all query arguments default.
      • ignore-all - Ignores all query arguments.
      • ignore: space separated query-args - Ignores those specific query arguments (for example, ignore: query1 query2).
      • include: space separated query-args: Includes those specific query arguments (for example, include: query1 query2).
    • dynamicContentAcceleration- (Required for Dynamic Content Acceleration only) Provide the DCA parameters. DCA container
  • Return- A collection of type SoftLayer_Container_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Mapping_Path.

    Origin path container


Updates an existing origin path for an existing mapping and for a particular customer. The origin type cannot be changed with this API. The following properties can be changed: path, origin, httpPort, and httpsPort, header cacheKeyQueryRule arguments. To be updated, the domain mapping must be in either a RUNNING or CNAME_CONFIGURATION state.

  • Parameters- A collection of type SoftLayer_Container_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Input. You can view all of the attributes in the Input container here:

    Input container

    The following attributes are part of the Input container and can be provided when updating an origin path (attributes are optional unless otherwise noted):

    • oldPath- (Required) Current path to be changed
    • origin- (Required if being updated) Provide the origin server address as a string.
    • originType- (Required) Origin type can be HOST_SERVER or OBJECT_STORAGE.
    • path- (Required) New path to be added. Relative to the mapping path.
    • httpPort, httpsPort, or both - (Required for Host Server, if being updated) These two options must correspond to the wanted protocol. If the protocol is HTTP, then httpPort must be set, and httpsPort must not be set. Likewise, if the protocol is HTTPS, then httpsPort must be set, and httpPort must not be set. If the protocol is HTTP_AND_HTTPS, then both httpPort and httpsPort must be set. Akamai has certain limitations on port numbers. See the FAQs for allowed port numbers.
    • uniqueId- (Required) the unique ID of the mapping to which this origin belongs.
    • bucketName- (Required for Object Storage only) Bucket name for your S3 Object Storage.
    • fileExtension- (Required for Object Storage only) File extensions that are allowed to be cached.
      • cacheKeyQueryRule- (Required if being updated) Cache key behavior rules can be updated only for origin paths created after 11/16/17. The following options are available to configure Cache Key behavior:
      • include-all - Includes all query arguments default.
      • ignore-all - Ignores all query arguments.
      • ignore: space separated query-args - Ignores those specific query arguments (for example, ignore: query1 query2).
      • include: space separated query-args - Includes those specific query arguments (for example, include: query1 query2).
    • dynamicContentAcceleration- (Required for Dynamic Content Acceleration only) Provide the DCA parameters. DCA container
  • Return - A collection of type SoftLayer_Container_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Mapping_Path.

    Origin path container


Deletes and existing origin path for an existing CDN, and for a particular customer. To be deleted, the domain mapping must be in either a RUNNING or CNAME_CONFIGURATION state.

  • Parameters:

    • uniqueId- (Required) The unique ID of the mapping to which this origin path belongs.
    • path- (Required) Path to be deleted.
  • Return - A status message if the delete was successful, otherwise an exception is thrown.


Lists the origin paths for an existing mapping based on the uniqueId.

  • Parameters:

    • uniqueId- (Required) Provide the unique ID of the mapping for which you want to list origin paths.
  • Return - A collection of objects of type SoftLayer_Container_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Mapping_Path.

    Origin path container

API for Multiple File Purge


Creates a purge group. A purge group contains multiple file paths and allows you to purge all of these files in one API call. You can save a purge group to be a favorite (permanent) group or not. For more information, see With multiple file purges, what's the difference between a favorite group and an unfavorite group?.

There's also a rate limit to the purge actions. For more information, see What's the rate limit for a multiple file purge?.

For an example of how to create a purge group, see Example code for creating a purge group.

  • Parameters:

    • uniqueId - The unique ID of the CDN mapping for which the purge group was created.
    • name - Purge group name. The favorite group name must be unique. Unfavorite groups do not have this limitation.
    • paths - A collection of purge paths.
    • option - The following options are available to create a purge group:
      • 1 - Create the purge group as an unfavorite group, and run a purge action. Default
      • 2 - Create the purge group as a favorite group, and do not run a purge action.
      • 3 - Create the purge group as a favorite group, and run a purge action.
  • Return - SoftLayer_Container_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Cache_PurgeGroup.

    Purge Group container


Gets a purge group.

  • Parameters:

    • uniqueId - The unique ID of the mapping.
    • groupUniqueId - The unique ID of the purge group.
  • Return - SoftLayer_Container_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Cache_PurgeGroup.

    Purge Group container


Lists favorite purge groups.

  • Parameters:

    • uniqueId - The unique ID of the mapping.
  • Return - A collection of type SoftLayer_Container_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Cache_PurgeGroup.

    Purge Group container


Lists unfavorite purge groups.

  • Parameters:

    • uniqueId - The unique ID of the mapping.
  • Return - A collection of type SoftLayer_Container_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Cache_PurgeGroup.

    Purge Group container


Saves a specific purge group as favorite.

  • Parameters:

    • uniqueId - The unique ID of the mapping to which the purge group belongs.
  • Return - A collection of type SoftLayer_Container_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Cache_PurgeGroup.

    Purge Group container


Removes a specific purge group from favorite.

  • Parameters:

    • uniqueId - The unique ID of the mapping to which the purge group belongs.
  • Return - A collection of type SoftLayer_Container_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Cache_PurgeGroup.

    Purge Group container


Purges all files in purge groups by a collection of group IDs.
Purge actions have a rate limit check. See the FAQ for more details.

  • Parameters:

    • uniqueId - The unique ID of the mapping.
    • groupUniqueIds - A collection of purge group IDs.
  • Return - A collection of type SoftLayer_Container_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Cache_PurgeHistory.

    Purge History container


Returns the file path quota of a purge group.

  • Return - An int type of quota information.

API for Purge History


Returns the purge actions history for a domain mapping.
The purge history retains the last 15 days of records.

  • Parameters:

    • uniqueId - The unique ID of the mapping.
  • Return - A collection of type SoftLayer_Container_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Cache_PurgeHistory.

    Purge History container

API for Single File Purge (Deprecated)

The Purge API for purging a single file is deprecated. For efficiency, it is recommended to use Multiple file Purge instead.

Container class for Purge

class SoftLayer_Container_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Cache_Purge
     * @var string
    public $path;

     * @var string
    public $status;

     * @var string
    public $saved;

     * @var string
    public $date;


Create a single file purge.

  • Parameters:

    • uniqueId - The unique ID of the mapping to which the Purge is created.
    • path - Path of the Purge to be created.
  • Return - a collection of type SoftLayer_Container_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Cache_Purge


Returns the Purge history for a CDN based on the uniqueId and saved status. (By default, the value of saved is set to UNSAVED.)

  • Parameters:

    • uniqueId - The unique ID of the mapping for which retrieve Purge history.
    • saved - Return Purges that were SAVED or UNSAVED.
  • Return - a collection of type SoftLayer_Container_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Cache_Purge


Updates the status of the Purge path entry to indicate whether that Purge path should be saved. Creates a new saved Purge if a Purge path is saved. Deletes a saved Purge record if the path is unsaved.

  • Parameters:

    • uniqueId - The unique ID of the mapping to which the Purge belongs.
    • path - Path of the Purge to be saved or unsaved.
    • saved - SAVED or UNSAVED
  • Return - a collection of type SoftLayer_Container_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Cache_Purge

API for Time to Live

TimeToLive class variables:

class SoftLayer_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Cache_TimeToLive  
     * @var string
    public $path;

     * @var int
    public $timeToLive;

     * @var timestamp
    public $createDate;


Creates a TimeToLive object.

  • Parameters - string uniqueId, string path, int ttl
  • Return - An object of type SoftLayer_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Cache_TimeToLive.


Updates an existing TimeToLive object. If the oldTtl and newTtl inputs are equal, it exits early.

  • Parameters - string uniqueId, string oldPath, string newPath, int oldTtl, int newTtl
  • Return - An object of type SoftLayer_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Cache_TimeToLive.


Deletes an existing TimeToLive object.

  • Parameters - string uniqueId, string pathName
  • Return - A string with the status of the delete.


Lists existing TimeToLive objects based on a CDN's uniqueId.

  • Parameters - string uniqueId
  • Return - An array of objects of type SoftLayer_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Cache_TimeToLive.

API for Metrics

Metrics container

All metrics time is UTC+0.


Returns all mappings' bandwidth and hits (including static and dynamic separately) of predetermined statistics for direct display for a customer's account, over a given period of time with granularity of day.

  • Parameters:

    • vendorName - Provide the name of the CDN provider for this customer. Currently, only akamai is supported.
    • startDate - Provide the start date timestamp (UTC+0) for query.
    • endDate - Provide the end date timestamp (UTC+0) for query.
    • frequency - Provide the data frequency for data format, the following options are available to configure frequency:
      • aggregate - Aggregated metrics data from startDate to endDate default.
      • day - Daily metrics data from startDate to endDate.
  • Return - A collection of objects of type SoftLayer_Container_Network_CdnMarketplace_Metrics.


Returns the total number of predetermined statistics for direct display (no graph) for a customer's account, over a given period of time.

  • Parameters:

    • vendorName - Provide the name of the CDN provider for this customer. Currently, only akamai is supported.
    • startDate - Provide the start date timestamp (UTC+0) for query.
    • endDate - Provide the end date timestamp (UTC+0) for query.
    • frequency - Provide the data frequency for data format, the following options are available to configure frequency:
      • aggregate - aggregated metrics data from startDate to endDate default.
      • day - daily metrics data from startDate to endDate.
  • Return - a collection of objects of type SoftLayer_Container_Network_CdnMarketplace_Metrics


Returns the integrated metrics data for the given mapping, which includes the total number of predetermined statistics, detailed hits and bandwidth, hits by type, and the bandwidth by region. The value of frequency is day by default. For more details, see View the examples.

  • Parameters:

    • mappingUniqueId - Provide a unique ID of the mapping for which metrics are queried.
    • startTime - Provide the start date timestamp (UTC+0) for query.
    • endTime - Provide the end date timestamp (UTC+0) for query.
    • frequency - Provide the data frequency for data format. The following options are available to configure frequency:
      • aggregate - Aggregated metrics data from startDate to endDate.
      • day - Daily metrics data from startDate to endDate default.
  • Return - A collection of objects of type SoftLayer_Container_Network_CdnMarketplace_Metrics.


Returns the total number of predetermined statistics for direct display for the given mapping. The value of frequency is aggregate by default.

  • Parameters:

    • mappingUniqueId - Provide a unique ID of the mapping for which metrics are queried.
    • startDate - Provide the start date timestamp (UTC+0) for query.
    • endDate - Provide the end date timestamp (UTC+0) for query.
    • frequency - Provide the data frequency for data format, the following options are available to configure frequency:
      • aggregate - Aggregated metrics data from startDate to endDate default.
      • day - Daily metrics data from startDate to endDate.
  • Return - A collection of objects of type SoftLayer_Container_Network_CdnMarketplace_Metrics.


Returns the total number of hits at a certain frequency over a given range of time, per domain mapping. Frequency can be day, week, and month, where each interval is one plot point for a graph. Return data is ordered based on startDate, endDate, and frequency. The value of frequency is aggregate by default.

  • Parameters:

    • mappingUniqueId - Provide a unique ID of the mapping for which metrics are queried.
    • startDate - Provide the start date timestamp (UTC+0) for query.
    • endDate - Provide the end date timestamp (UTC+0) for query.
    • frequency - Provide the data frequency for data format, the following options are available to configure frequency:
      • aggregate - Aggregated metrics data from startDate to endDate default.
      • day - Daily metrics data from startDate to endDate.
      • week - Weekly metrics data from startDate to endDate.
      • month - Monthly metrics data from startDate to endDate.
  • Return - A collection of objects of type SoftLayer_Container_Network_CdnMarketplace_Metrics


Returns the total number of hits at a certain frequency over a given range of time. Frequency can be day, week, and month, where each interval is one plot point for a graph. Return data must be ordered based on startDate, endDate, and frequency. The value of frequency is aggregate by default.

  • Parameters:

    • mappingUniqueId - Provide a unique ID of the mapping for which metrics are queried.
    • startDate - Provide the start date timestamp (UTC+0) for query.
    • endDate - Provide the end date timestamp (UTC+0) for query.
    • frequency - Provide the data frequency for data format, the following options are available to configure frequency:
      • aggregate - Aggregated metrics data from startDate to endDate default.
      • day - Daily metrics data from startDate to endDate.
      • week - Weekly metrics data from startDate to endDate.
      • month - Monthly metrics data from startDate to endDate.
  • Return - A collection of objects of type SoftLayer_Container_Network_CdnMarketplace_Metrics.


Returns the quantity of bandwidth in GB for an individual CDN. Regions might differ for each vendor, per mapping.

  • Parameters:

    • mappingUniqueId - Provide a unique ID of the mapping for which metrics are queried.
    • startDate - Provide the start date timestamp (UTC+0) for query.
    • endDate - Provide the end date timestamp (UTC+0) for query.
    • frequency - Provide the data frequency for data format, the following options are available to configure frequency:
      • aggregate - Aggregated metrics data from startDate to endDate default.
      • day - Daily metrics data from startDate to endDate.
  • Return - A collection of objects of type SoftLayer_Container_Network_CdnMarketplace_Metrics.


Returns the total number of predetermined statistics for direct display (no graph) for a given mapping, over a given period of time. The value of frequency is aggregate by default.

  • Parameters:

    • mappingUniqueId - Provide a unique ID of the mapping for which metrics are queried.
    • startDate - Provide the start date timestamp (UTC+0) for query.
    • endDate - Provide the end date timestamp (UTC+0) for query.
    • frequency - Provide the data frequency for data format, the following options are available to configure frequency:
      • aggregate - Aggregated metrics data from startDate to endDate default.
      • day - Daily metrics data from startDate to endDate.
  • Return - A collection of objects of type SoftLayer_Container_Network_CdnMarketplace_Metrics.


Returns the real-time metrics for the current account, including the total data (bandwidth and hits) over the given period of time and the detailed data divided with the given time interval. For more details, View the examples.

  • Parameters:

    • vendorName - The name of the CDN provider. Currently, only akamai is supported.
    • startTime - The start time timestamp (UTC+0) for query. The start time must be later than 48 hours ago. For example, if it's 9:00 AM 08 March 2020 now, the start time should be later than 9:00 AM 06 March 2020 in the same time zone(The timestamp should be more than 1583485200).
    • endTime - The end time timestamp (UTC+0) for query must be later than the start time.
    • timeInterval - An optional parameter to provide the time interval in seconds. The time interval must be a multiple of 60 and should be less than the time range from start time to end time.
  • Return - A collection of objects of type SoftLayer_Container_Network_CdnMarketplace_Metrics.


Returns the real-time metrics for the given mapping, including the total data (bandwidth and hits) over the given period of time and the detailed data divided with the given time interval. For more details, View the examples.

  • Parameters:

    • mappingUniqueId - Unique ID of the mapping for which metrics are queried.
    • startTime - The start time timestamp (UTC+0) for query. The start time must be later than 48 hours ago. For example, if it's 9:00 AM March 08 2020 now, the start time should be later than 9:00 AM March 06 2020 in the same time zone(the timestamp should be more than 1583485200).
    • endTime - The end time timestamp (UTC+0) for query must be later than the start time.
    • timeInterval - An optional parameter to provide the time interval in seconds. The time interval must be a multiple of 60 and should be less than the time range from start time to end time.
  • Return - A collection of objects of type SoftLayer_Container_Network_CdnMarketplace_Metrics.

API for Geographical Access Control


Creates a new Geographical Access Control rule, and returns the newly created rule.

  • Parameters: A collection of type SoftLayer_Container_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Input. You can view all of the attributes in the Input container here:

    Input container

    The following attributes are part of the Input container and are required when creating a new Geographical Access Control rule:

    • uniqueId - Provide a unique ID of the mapping to assign the rule.
    • accessType - Specifies whether the rule will ALLOW or DENY traffic to the given region.
    • regionType - The type of region to apply the Geographical Access Control rule to, either CONTINENT or COUNTRY_OR_REGION.
    • regions - An array listing the locations that the accessType applies to.

    See the SoftLayer_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Behavior_Geoblocking page to see a list of possible regions.

  • Returns - An object of type SoftLayer_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Behavior_Geoblocking.

    Geo-blocking class


Updates an existing Geographical Access Control rule for an existing domain mapping and returns the updated rule.

  • Parameters: A collection of type SoftLayer_Container_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Input. You can view all of the attributes in the Input container here:

    Input container

    The following attributes are part of the Input container and can be provided when updating a GeographicalAccess Control rule (parameters are optional unless otherwise noted):

    • uniqueId - (Required) Provide a unique ID of the mapping the rule to be updated belongs.
    • accessType - Specifies whether the rule will ALLOW or DENY traffic to the given region.
    • regionType - The type of region to apply the rule to, either CONTINENT or COUNTRY_OR_REGION.
    • regions - An array listing the locations that the accessType applies to.

    See the SoftLayer_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Behavior_Geoblocking page to see a list of possible regions.

  • Returns - An object of type SoftLayer_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Behavior_Geoblocking.

    Geo-blocking class


Removes an existing Geographical Access Control rule from an existing domain mapping.

  • Parameters: A collection of type SoftLayer_Container_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Input. You can view all of the attributes in the Input container here:

    Input container

    The following attribute is part of the Input container and is required when deleting a Geographical Access Control rule:

    • uniqueId - Provide a unique ID of the mapping that the rule to be deleted belongs to.
  • Returns - An object of type SoftLayer_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Behavior_Geoblocking.

    Geo-blocking class


Retrieves a mapping's Geographical Access Control behavior.

  • Parameters:

    • uniqueId - The unique ID of the mapping that the rule belongs to.
  • Returns - An object of type SoftLayer_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Behavior_Geoblocking.

    Geo-blocking class


Returns a list of the types and regions that are allowed for creating Geographical Access Control rules.

  • Parameters: * uniqueId: The unique ID of your domain mapping.

  • Returns: An object of type SoftLayer_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Behavior_Geoblocking_Type.

    Geo-blocking class

API for Token Authentication


Creates a Token Authentication path for a domain mapping and returns the newly created behavior.

  • Parameters: A collection of type SoftLayer_Container_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Behavior_TokenAuth. You can view all of the attributes in the Input container here:

    Token authentication input container

    The following attributes are part of the Token Authentication container input, which can be provided when creating a new Token Authentication. Attributes are optional unless otherwise noted.

    • uniqueId - (Required) The unique ID of the mapping to which the existing behavior belongs.
    • path - (Required) The path, relative to the domain that is accessed through token authentication.
    • name - The token name. If this value is empty, then it is set to the default value __token__.
    • tokenKey - (Required) The token encryption key, which specifies an even number of hex digits for the token key. An entry can be up to 64 characters in length.
    • escapeTokenInputs - Possible values 0 and 1. If set to 1, input values are escaped before adding them to the token. Default value is 1.
    • ignoreQueryString - Possible values 0 and 1. If set to 1, query strings are removed from a URL when computing the token’s HMAC algorithm. Default value is 0.
    • tokenDelimiter - Specifies a single character to separate the individual token fields. The default value is ~.
    • aclDelimiter - Specifies a single character to separate access control list (ACL) fields. The default value is !.
    • hmacAlgorithm - Specifies the algorithm to use for the token’s hash-based message authentication code (HMAC) field. Valid entries are SHA256, SHA1, or MD5. The default value is SHA256.
    • transitionKey - The token transition key, which specifies an even number of hex digits for the token transition key. An entry can be up to 64 characters in length.
  • Returns - An object of type SoftLayer_Container_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Behavior_TokenAuth.

See this example to create a token auth.


Updates an existing Token Authentication path for an existing domain mapping and returns the updated behavior.

  • Parameters: A collection of type SoftLayer_Container_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Behavior_TokenAuth. You can view all of the attributes in the Input container here:

    Token authentication input container

    The following attributes are part of the Token Authentication container input, which can be provided when updating a Token Authentication. Attributes are optional unless otherwise noted.

    • uniqueId - (Required) The unique ID of the mapping to which the existing behavior belongs.
    • path - (Required) The path, relative to the domain that is accessed via token authentication.
    • name - The token name.
    • tokenKey - The token key, which specifies an even number of hex digits for the token key. An entry can be up to 64 characters in length.
    • escapeTokenInputs - Possible values 0 and 1. If set to 1, input values are escaped before adding them to the token. Default value is 1.
    • ignoreQueryString - Possible values 0 and 1. If set to 1, query strings are removed from a URL when computing the token’s HMAC algorithm. Default value is 0.
    • tokenDelimiter - Specifies a single character to separate the individual token fields.
    • aclDelimiter - Specifies a single character to separate access control list (ACL) fields.
    • hmacAlgorithm - Specifies the algorithm to use for the token’s hash-based message authentication code (HMAC) field.
    • transitionKey - The token transition key, which specifies an even number of hex digits for the token transition key. An entry can be up to 64 characters in length.
  • Returns - An object of type SoftLayer_Container_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Behavior_TokenAuth.


Delete an existing Token Authentication behavior for an existing domain mapping and returns the updated behavior.

  • Parameters:

    • uniqueId - (Required) The unique ID of the mapping to which this origin path belongs.
    • path - (Required) Token Authentication Path to be deleted.
  • Return - A status message if the deletion was successful; otherwise, an exception is thrown.

API for modify-response-header


Returns a collection of modify-response-header behaviors for a domain mapping.

  • Parameters:

    • uniqueId - (Required) The unique ID of the mapping to which the modify-response-header belongs.
  • Return - A collection of type SoftLayer_Container_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Behavior_ModifyResponseHeader.


Creates a modify-response-header behavior for a domain mapping and returns the newly created behavior.

  • Parameters: A collection of type SoftLayer_Container_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Behavior_ModifyResponseHeader. You can view the input attributes in the Modify-response-header input container.

    The following attributes are part of modify-response-header container input, which can be provided when creating a modify-response-header. Attributes are optional unless otherwise noted.

    • uniqueId - (Required) The unique ID of the mapping to which the existing behavior belongs.
    • path - (Required) The path from which the modify-response-header is served.
    • type - (Required) The type of modify-response-header. Types are append, modify or delete.
    • headers - (Required) A collection of key-value pairs that specify the headers and associated values to be modified. The header name and header value must be separated by a colon (:). For example: ['header1:value1','header2:Value2']
    • delimiter - The delimiter to be used when indicating multiple values for a header. Valid values are a space, comma (default), semicolon, comma followed by a space, or a semicolon followed by a space.
    • description - The description of modify-response-header.
  • Returns - An object of type SoftLayer_Container_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Behavior_ModifyResponseHeader.

See this example to create a modify-response-header.


Updates an existing modify-response-header for an existing domain mapping and returns the updated behavior.

  • Parameters: A collection of type SoftLayer_Container_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Behavior_ModifyResponseHeader. You can view all of the attributes in the Input container here:

    Modify-response-header input container

    The following attributes are part of the modify-response-header container input, which can be provided when a modify-response-header is updated. Attributes are optional unless otherwise noted.

    • uniqueId - (Required) The unique ID of the mapping to which the existing behavior belongs.
    • modResHeaderUniqueId - (Required) The unique ID of the existing modify-response-header.
    • path - The path from which the modify-response-header is served.
    • type - (Required) The type of modify-response-header. Values are append, modify or delete.
    • headers - A collection of key-value pairs that specify the headers and associated values to be modified. The header name and header value must be separated by a colon (:). For example: ['header1:value1','header2:Value2'].
    • delimiter - The delimiter to be used when indicating multiple values for a header. Valid values are a space, comma (default), semicolon, comma followed by a space, or a semicolon followed by a space.
    • description - The description of modify-response-header.
  • Returns - A collection of type SoftLayer_Container_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Behavior_ModifyResponseHeader.


Deletes an existing modify-response-header behavior for an existing domain mapping and returns the updated behavior.

  • Parameters: * uniqueId - (Required) The unique ID of the mapping to which the existing behavior belongs. * modResHeaderUniqueId - (Required) The unique ID of the existing modify-response-header.

  • Return - A status message if the deletion was successful; otherwise, an exception is thrown.