IBM Cloud Docs
Dynamic Content Acceleration container

Dynamic Content Acceleration container

The SoftLayer_Container_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Performance_DynamicContentAcceleration container contains the attributes that are used by both the Mapping and (Origin) Path classes. This object is used to set the Dynamic Content Acceleration (DCA) behavior for a CDN by calling the API.

class SoftLayer_Container_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Performance_DynamicContentAcceleration:

  • detectionPath: A string value is used by CDN Edge servers to find the best optimized route from Edge to the origin server.
  • prefetchEnabled: A Boolean value that, if set to 'true', will inspects HTML responses and pre-fetches embedded objects in HTML files. The value is 'true' by default.
  • mobileImageCompressionEnabled: A Boolean value that, if set to 'true', compresses images to reduce the amount of content for mobile devices. The value is 'true' by default.