IBM Cloud API Docs


Voice Agent with Watson provides Outbound calls that can be made via a REST API to Session Initiation Protocol (i.e., sip or tel) URIs. This feature could be used for robo-calling or for a testing bot that could drive various dialogs. Users of the REST API can monitor the call to completion.


IBM Cloud uses token-based Identity and Access Management (IAM) authentication.

With Voice Agent with Watson, you authenticate to the API by using IAM API key. The username should be "apikey" and use the API key value in your service credentials as the password.

IAM authentication. Replace {variable} with the API key value in your service credentials.

curl -u "apikey:{variable}" -X {request_method}  "url"

Service endpoint

The service endpoint is based on the location of the service instance. For example, when Voice Agent with Watson is hosted in Dallas, the base URL is

To find out which URL to use, view the Getting Started page in Voice Agent Dashboard by clicking the service instance in the Resource list.

Use that URL in your requests to Voice Agent with Watson.

Service endpoints by location:

  • US South:
  • US East:
  • Frankfurt: or

US East endpoint example. Replace {variable} with the API key value in your service credentials.

curl -u "apikey:{variable}" -X {request_method} ""

Your service instance might not use this URL

Error handling

This API uses standard HTTP response codes to indicate whether a method completed successfully. Check out the following table for a general description of each error type.

HTTP Status Code Response Model
200 vgwSessionID
400 Bad Request
403 Forbidden
404 Not Found


Initiating an outbound call

Initiating an outbound call using the cURL commands

POST /vgw/outboundCalls//startOutboundCall


Sends the following key-value pairs in a JSON object.

  • curl -u 'apikey:YOUR_API_KEY' -X POST --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' -d '{ "from": "", "to": "", "statusWebhook": ""}' '"YOUR_TENANT_NUMBER"/startOutboundCall'


Status Code

  • Outbound calling session created successfully.

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.