IBM Cloud API Docs


Quickly assign users access to more than one resource at a time by creating and updating resource groups with the IBM Cloud® Resource Manager API. You can delete any resource group only if it doesn't contain any resources, and it isn't the default resource group. When a user creates an account, a default resource group is created in the account. All IBM Cloud resources must be provisioned within a resource group. If an account is suspended, the corresponding resource group and all resources within it are also suspended.

In a Lite account, a user can have only one resource group. For a Pay-As-You-Go or Subscription account, a user can create more than one resource group.

To create resource instances within resource groups, see the IBM Cloud® Resource Controller API.

SDKs for Java, Node, Python, and Go are available to make it easier to programmatically access the API from your code. The client libraries that are provided by the SDKs implement best practices for using the API and reduce the amount of code that you need to write. The tab for each language includes code examples that demonstrate how to use the client libraries. For more information about using the SDKs, see the IBM Cloud SDK Common project on GitHub.

Installing the Java SDK




compile '{version}'

Installing the Go SDK

Go modules (recommended): Add the following import in your code, and then run go build or go mod tidy

import (

Go get

go get -u

Installing the Node SDK

npm install @ibm-cloud/platform-services

Installing the Python SDK

pip install --upgrade ibm-platform-services

Endpoint URLs

The Resource Manager API uses the following global endpoint URL for all regions. When you call the API, add the path for each method to form the complete API endpoint for your requests.

If you enabled service endpoints in your account, you can send API requests over the IBM Cloud private network at the following base endpoint URLs. For more information, see Enabling VRF and service endpoints.

  • Private endpoint URL for VPC infrastructure:
  • Private endpoint URLs for classic infrastructure:
    • Dallas:
    • Washington DC:

Example API request

curl -X {request_method} "{method_endpoint}"

Replace {request_method} and {method_endpoint} in this example with the values for your particular API call.


Authorization to the Resource Manager API is enforced by using an IBM Cloud Identity and Access Management (IAM) access token. The token is used to determine the actions that a user or service ID has access to when they use the API.

Obtaining an IAM token for an authenticated user or service ID is described in the IAM Identity Services API documentation.

To use the API, add a valid IAM token to the HTTP Authorization request header, for example, -H 'Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>'.

When you use the SDK, configure an IAM authenticator with the IAM API key. The authenticator automatically obtains the IAM access token for the API key and includes it with each request. You can construct an authenticator in either of two ways:

  • Programmatically by constructing an IAM authenticator instance and supplying your IAM API key
  • By defining the API key in external configuration properties and then using the SDK authenticator factory to construct an IAM authenticator that uses the configured IAM API key

In this example of using external configuration properties, an IAM authenticator instance is created with the configured API key, and then the service client is constructed with this authenticator instance and the configured service URL.

For more information, see the Authentication section of the IBM Cloud SDK Common documentation.

To call each method, you'll need to be assigned a role that includes the required IAM actions. Each method lists the associated action. For more information about IAM actions and how they map to roles, see Assigning access to account management services.

To retrieve your access token:

curl -X POST   ""   --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded'   --header 'Accept: application/json'   --data-urlencode 'grant_type=urn:ibm:params:oauth:grant-type:apikey'   --data-urlencode 'apikey=<API_KEY>'

Replace <API_KEY> with your IAM API key.

Setting client options through external configuration

Example environment variables, where <SERVICE_URL> is the endpoint URL and <API_KEY> is your IAM API key


Example of constructing the service client

import {
serviceClientOptions := &resourcemanagerv2.ResourceManagerV2Options{}
serviceClient, err := resourcemanagerv2.NewResourceManagerV2UsingExternalConfig(serviceClientOptions)

For more authentication examples, check out the IBM Cloud SDK Common project on GitHub.

Setting client options through external configuration

Example environment variables, where <SERVICE_URL> is the endpoint URL and <API_KEY> is your IAM API key


Example of constructing the service client

ResourceManager serviceClient = ResourceManager.newInstance();

For more authentication examples, check out the IBM Cloud SDK Common project on GitHub.

Setting client options through external configuration

Example environment variables, where <SERVICE_URL> is the endpoint URL and <API_KEY> is your IAM API key


Example of constructing the service client

const ResourceManagerV2 = require('@ibm-cloud/platform-services/resource-manager/v2');
const serviceClient = ResourceManagerV2.newInstance({});

For more authentication examples, check out the IBM Cloud SDK Common project on GitHub.

Setting client options through external configuration

Example environment variables, where <SERVICE_URL> is the endpoint URL and <API_KEY> is your IAM API key


Example of constructing the service client

from ibm_platform_services import ResourceManagerV2
service_client = ResourceManagerV2.new_instance()

For more authentication examples, check out the IBM Cloud SDK Common project on GitHub.


You can monitor API activity within your account by using the IBM Cloud Activity Tracker service. When an API method is called, an event is generated that you can then track and audit from within Activity Tracker. For methods that generate these events, the specific event type is listed with each individual method.

For more information about how to track Account and Billing activity, see Auditing events for account management.

Error handling

This API uses standard HTTP response codes to indicate whether a method completed successfully. A 200 response indicates success. A 400 type response indicates a failure, and a 500 type response indicates an internal system error.

HTTP Error Code Description Recovery
200 Success The request was successful.
201 Success The resource group was successfully created.
400 Bad Request The input parameters in the request body are either incomplete or in the wrong format. Be sure to include all required parameters in your request.
401 Unauthorized You are not authorized to make this request. Log in to IBM Cloud and try again. If this error persists, contact the account owner to check your permissions.
403 Forbidden The supplied authentication is not authorized to access '{namespace}'.
404 Not Found The requested resource cannot be found.
410 Gone The resource is valid but has been removed already in a previous call
500 Internal Server Error offering_name is currently unavailable. Your request cannot not be processed. Wait a few minutes and try again.

Rate limiting

Rate limits for API requests are enforced on a per-caller basis. If the number of requests for a particular method and endpoint reaches the request limit within the specified time window, no further requests are accepted until the timer expires. After the timer expires, a new time window begins with the next accepted request.

The response to each HTTP request includes headers that you can use to determine whether you are close to the rate limit:

  • X-RateLimit-Reset: The time the current timer expires (in UNIX epoch time)
  • X-RateLimit-Remaining: The number of requests that remain in the current time window
  • X-RateLimit-Limit: The total number of requests that are allowed within the time window

An HTTP status code of 429 indicates that the rate limit was exceeded.

Currently, the rate of allowed requests for all resource manager APIs is 500 requests per 10 seconds.

See the following related APIs for more actions for service and resource management.


Get a list of all resource groups

Call this method to retrieve information about all resource groups and associated quotas in an account. The id returned in the response can be used to create a resource instance later. The response can be filtered based on queryParams such as account_id, name, default, and more to narrow your search.Users need to be assigned IAM policies with the Viewer role or higher on the targeted resource groups.

Call this method to retrieve information about all resource groups and associated quotas in an account. The id returned in the response can be used to create a resource instance later. The response can be filtered based on queryParams such as account_id, name, default, and more to narrow your search.Users need to be assigned IAM policies with the Viewer role or higher on the targeted resource groups.

Call this method to retrieve information about all resource groups and associated quotas in an account. The id returned in the response can be used to create a resource instance later. The response can be filtered based on queryParams such as account_id, name, default, and more to narrow your search.Users need to be assigned IAM policies with the Viewer role or higher on the targeted resource groups.

Call this method to retrieve information about all resource groups and associated quotas in an account. The id returned in the response can be used to create a resource instance later. The response can be filtered based on queryParams such as account_id, name, default, and more to narrow your search.Users need to be assigned IAM policies with the Viewer role or higher on the targeted resource groups.

Call this method to retrieve information about all resource groups and associated quotas in an account. The id returned in the response can be used to create a resource instance later. The response can be filtered based on queryParams such as account_id, name, default, and more to narrow your search.Users need to be assigned IAM policies with the Viewer role or higher on the targeted resource groups.

GET /v2/resource_groups
(resourceManager *ResourceManagerV2) ListResourceGroups(listResourceGroupsOptions *ListResourceGroupsOptions) (result *ResourceGroupList, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
(resourceManager *ResourceManagerV2) ListResourceGroupsWithContext(ctx context.Context, listResourceGroupsOptions *ListResourceGroupsOptions) (result *ResourceGroupList, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
ServiceCall<ResourceGroupList> listResourceGroups(ListResourceGroupsOptions listResourceGroupsOptions)
        account_id: str = None,
        date: str = None,
        name: str = None,
        default: bool = None,
        include_deleted: bool = None,
    ) -> DetailedResponse


To call this method, you must be assigned one or more IAM access roles that include the following action. You can check your access by going to Users > User > Access.



Instantiate the ListResourceGroupsOptions struct and set the fields to provide parameter values for the ListResourceGroups method.

Use the ListResourceGroupsOptions.Builder to create a ListResourceGroupsOptions object that contains the parameter values for the listResourceGroups method.

Query Parameters

  • The ID of the account that contains the resource groups that you want to get.

  • The date in the format of YYYY-MM which returns resource groups. Deleted resource groups will be excluded before this month.

  • The name of the resource group.

  • Boolean value to specify whether or not to list default resource groups.

  • Boolean value to specify whether or not to list deleted resource groups.

WithContext method only

The ListResourceGroups options.

The listResourceGroups options.


  • The ID of the account that contains the resource groups that you want to get.

  • The date in the format of YYYY-MM which returns resource groups. Deleted resource groups will be excluded before this month.

  • The name of the resource group.

  • Boolean value to specify whether or not to list default resource groups.

  • Boolean value to specify whether or not to list default resource groups.


  • The ID of the account that contains the resource groups that you want to get.

  • The date in the format of YYYY-MM which returns resource groups. Deleted resource groups will be excluded before this month.

  • The name of the resource group.

  • Boolean value to specify whether or not to list default resource groups.

  • Boolean value to specify whether or not to list default resource groups.

  • curl -X GET   -H 'Authorization: Bearer <IAM_TOKEN>'
  • listResourceGroupsOptions := resourceManagerService.NewListResourceGroupsOptions()
    resourceGroupList, response, err := resourceManagerService.ListResourceGroups(listResourceGroupsOptions)
    if err != nil {
    b, _ := json.MarshalIndent(resourceGroupList, "", "  ")
  • ListResourceGroupsOptions listResourceGroupsOptions = new ListResourceGroupsOptions.Builder()
    Response<ResourceGroupList> response = resourceManagerService.listResourceGroups(listResourceGroupsOptions).execute();
    ResourceGroupList resourceGroupList = response.getResult();
  • const params = {
      accountId: exampleUserAccountId,
      includeDeleted: true,
      .then(res => {
        console.log(JSON.stringify(res.result, null, 2));
      .catch(err => {
  • resource_group_list = resource_manager_service.list_resource_groups(
    print(json.dumps(resource_group_list, indent=2))


A list of resource groups

A list of resource groups.

A list of resource groups.

A list of resource groups.

A list of resource groups.

Status Code

  • The resource groups was successfully retrieved.

  • The request could have invalid payload.

  • Your access token is invalid or authentication of your token failed.

  • Your access token is valid but does not have the necessary permissions to access this resource.

  • The resource could not be found.

  • Too many requests. Please wait a few minutes and try again.

  • Your request could not be processed. Please try again later. If the problem persists, note the transaction-id in the response header and contact IBM Cloud support.

Example responses
  • {
      "resources": [
          "id": "fee82deba12e4c0fb69c3b09d1f12345",
          "crn": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:resource-controller::a/987d4cfd77b04e9b9e1a6asdcc861234::resource-group:fee82deba12e4c0fb69c3b09d1f12345",
          "account_id": "987d4cfd77b04e9b9e1a6asdcc861234",
          "name": "test",
          "state": "ACTIVE",
          "default": false,
          "quota_id": "a3d7b8d01e261c24677937c29ab33f3c",
          "quota_url": "/v2/quota_definitions/a3d7b8d01e261c24677937c29ab33f3c",
          "payment_methods_url": "/v2/resource_groups/fee82deba12e4c0fb69c3b09d1f12345/payment_methods",
          "resource_linkages": [],
          "teams_url": "/v2/resource_groups/fee82deba12e4c0fb69c3b09d1f12345/teams",
          "created_at": "2019-03-04T17:30:33.826Z",
          "updated_at": "2019-03-04T17:30:33.826Z"
  • {
      "resources": [
          "id": "fee82deba12e4c0fb69c3b09d1f12345",
          "crn": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:resource-controller::a/987d4cfd77b04e9b9e1a6asdcc861234::resource-group:fee82deba12e4c0fb69c3b09d1f12345",
          "account_id": "987d4cfd77b04e9b9e1a6asdcc861234",
          "name": "test",
          "state": "ACTIVE",
          "default": false,
          "quota_id": "a3d7b8d01e261c24677937c29ab33f3c",
          "quota_url": "/v2/quota_definitions/a3d7b8d01e261c24677937c29ab33f3c",
          "payment_methods_url": "/v2/resource_groups/fee82deba12e4c0fb69c3b09d1f12345/payment_methods",
          "resource_linkages": [],
          "teams_url": "/v2/resource_groups/fee82deba12e4c0fb69c3b09d1f12345/teams",
          "created_at": "2019-03-04T17:30:33.826Z",
          "updated_at": "2019-03-04T17:30:33.826Z"

Create a resource group

Create a resource group in an account to organize your account resources in customizable groupings so that you can quickly assign users access to more than one resource at a time. To learn what makes a good resource group strategy, see Best practices for organizing resources. A default resource group is created when an account is created. If you have a Lite account or 30-day trial, you cannot create extra resource groups, but you can rename your default resource group. If you have a Pay-As-You-Go or Subscription account, you can create multiple resource groups. You must be assigned an IAM policy with the Administrator role on All Account Management services to create extra resource groups.

Create a resource group in an account to organize your account resources in customizable groupings so that you can quickly assign users access to more than one resource at a time. To learn what makes a good resource group strategy, see Best practices for organizing resources. A default resource group is created when an account is created. If you have a Lite account or 30-day trial, you cannot create extra resource groups, but you can rename your default resource group. If you have a Pay-As-You-Go or Subscription account, you can create multiple resource groups. You must be assigned an IAM policy with the Administrator role on All Account Management services to create extra resource groups.

Create a resource group in an account to organize your account resources in customizable groupings so that you can quickly assign users access to more than one resource at a time. To learn what makes a good resource group strategy, see Best practices for organizing resources. A default resource group is created when an account is created. If you have a Lite account or 30-day trial, you cannot create extra resource groups, but you can rename your default resource group. If you have a Pay-As-You-Go or Subscription account, you can create multiple resource groups. You must be assigned an IAM policy with the Administrator role on All Account Management services to create extra resource groups.

Create a resource group in an account to organize your account resources in customizable groupings so that you can quickly assign users access to more than one resource at a time. To learn what makes a good resource group strategy, see Best practices for organizing resources. A default resource group is created when an account is created. If you have a Lite account or 30-day trial, you cannot create extra resource groups, but you can rename your default resource group. If you have a Pay-As-You-Go or Subscription account, you can create multiple resource groups. You must be assigned an IAM policy with the Administrator role on All Account Management services to create extra resource groups.

Create a resource group in an account to organize your account resources in customizable groupings so that you can quickly assign users access to more than one resource at a time. To learn what makes a good resource group strategy, see Best practices for organizing resources. A default resource group is created when an account is created. If you have a Lite account or 30-day trial, you cannot create extra resource groups, but you can rename your default resource group. If you have a Pay-As-You-Go or Subscription account, you can create multiple resource groups. You must be assigned an IAM policy with the Administrator role on All Account Management services to create extra resource groups.

POST /v2/resource_groups
(resourceManager *ResourceManagerV2) CreateResourceGroup(createResourceGroupOptions *CreateResourceGroupOptions) (result *ResCreateResourceGroup, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
(resourceManager *ResourceManagerV2) CreateResourceGroupWithContext(ctx context.Context, createResourceGroupOptions *CreateResourceGroupOptions) (result *ResCreateResourceGroup, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
ServiceCall<ResCreateResourceGroup> createResourceGroup(CreateResourceGroupOptions createResourceGroupOptions)
        name: str = None,
        account_id: str = None,
    ) -> DetailedResponse


To call this method, you must be assigned one or more IAM access roles that include the following action. You can check your access by going to Users > User > Access.



Instantiate the CreateResourceGroupOptions struct and set the fields to provide parameter values for the CreateResourceGroup method.

Use the CreateResourceGroupOptions.Builder to create a CreateResourceGroupOptions object that contains the parameter values for the createResourceGroup method.

Request body for creating a resource group

WithContext method only

The CreateResourceGroup options.

The createResourceGroup options.


  • The new name of the resource group.

  • The account id of the resource group.



  • The new name of the resource group.

  • The account id of the resource group.

  • curl -X POST   -H 'Authorization: Bearer <IAM_TOKEN>'
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json'     -d '{
          "account_id": "987d4cfd77b04e9b9e1a6asdcc861234",
          "name": "test"
  • createResourceGroupOptions := resourceManagerService.NewCreateResourceGroupOptions()
    resCreateResourceGroup, response, err := resourceManagerService.CreateResourceGroup(createResourceGroupOptions)
    if err != nil {
    b, _ := json.MarshalIndent(resCreateResourceGroup, "", "  ")
  • CreateResourceGroupOptions createResourceGroupOptions = new CreateResourceGroupOptions.Builder()
    Response<ResCreateResourceGroup> response = resourceManagerService.createResourceGroup(createResourceGroupOptions).execute();
    ResCreateResourceGroup resCreateResourceGroup = response.getResult();
  • const params = {
      accountId: exampleUserAccountId,
      name: "ExampleGroup"
      .then(res => {
        resourceGroupId =;
        console.log(JSON.stringify(res.result, null, 2));
      .catch(err => {
  • res_create_resource_group = resource_manager_service.create_resource_group(
    print(json.dumps(res_create_resource_group, indent=2))


A newly-created resource group

A newly-created resource group.

A newly-created resource group.

A newly-created resource group.

A newly-created resource group.

Status Code

  • Resource group has been created.

  • The request could have invalid payload.

  • Your access token is invalid or authentication of your token failed.

  • Your access token is valid but does not have the necessary permissions to access this resource.

  • The resource could not be found.

  • Too many requests. Please wait a few minutes and try again.

  • Your request could not be processed. Please try again later. If the problem persists, note the transaction-id in the response header and contact IBM Cloud support.

Example responses
  • {
      "id": "fee82deba12e4c0fb69c3b09d1f12345",
      "crn": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:resource-controller::a/987d4cfd77b04e9b9e1a6asdcc861234::resource-group:fee82deba12e4c0fb69c3b09d1f12345"
  • {
      "id": "fee82deba12e4c0fb69c3b09d1f12345",
      "crn": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:resource-controller::a/987d4cfd77b04e9b9e1a6asdcc861234::resource-group:fee82deba12e4c0fb69c3b09d1f12345"

Get a resource group

Retrieve a resource group by alias ID. Call this method to get details about a particular resource group, like the name of the resource group, associated quotas, whether the state is active, the resource group ID and the CRN. The id returned in the response can be used to create a resource instance later. Users need to be assigned an IAM policy with the Viewer role or higher on the targeted resource group.

Retrieve a resource group by alias ID. Call this method to get details about a particular resource group, like the name of the resource group, associated quotas, whether the state is active, the resource group ID and the CRN. The id returned in the response can be used to create a resource instance later. Users need to be assigned an IAM policy with the Viewer role or higher on the targeted resource group.

Retrieve a resource group by alias ID. Call this method to get details about a particular resource group, like the name of the resource group, associated quotas, whether the state is active, the resource group ID and the CRN. The id returned in the response can be used to create a resource instance later. Users need to be assigned an IAM policy with the Viewer role or higher on the targeted resource group.

Retrieve a resource group by alias ID. Call this method to get details about a particular resource group, like the name of the resource group, associated quotas, whether the state is active, the resource group ID and the CRN. The id returned in the response can be used to create a resource instance later. Users need to be assigned an IAM policy with the Viewer role or higher on the targeted resource group.

Retrieve a resource group by alias ID. Call this method to get details about a particular resource group, like the name of the resource group, associated quotas, whether the state is active, the resource group ID and the CRN. The id returned in the response can be used to create a resource instance later. Users need to be assigned an IAM policy with the Viewer role or higher on the targeted resource group.

GET /v2/resource_groups/{id}
(resourceManager *ResourceManagerV2) GetResourceGroup(getResourceGroupOptions *GetResourceGroupOptions) (result *ResourceGroup, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
(resourceManager *ResourceManagerV2) GetResourceGroupWithContext(ctx context.Context, getResourceGroupOptions *GetResourceGroupOptions) (result *ResourceGroup, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
ServiceCall<ResourceGroup> getResourceGroup(GetResourceGroupOptions getResourceGroupOptions)
        id: str,
    ) -> DetailedResponse


To call this method, you must be assigned one or more IAM access roles that include the following action. You can check your access by going to Users > User > Access.



Instantiate the GetResourceGroupOptions struct and set the fields to provide parameter values for the GetResourceGroup method.

Use the GetResourceGroupOptions.Builder to create a GetResourceGroupOptions object that contains the parameter values for the getResourceGroup method.

Path Parameters

  • The short or long ID of the alias.

WithContext method only

The GetResourceGroup options.

The getResourceGroup options.


  • The short or long ID of the alias.


  • The short or long ID of the alias.

  • curl -X GET   -H 'Authorization: Bearer <IAM_TOKEN>'
  • getResourceGroupOptions := resourceManagerService.NewGetResourceGroupOptions(
    resourceGroup, response, err := resourceManagerService.GetResourceGroup(getResourceGroupOptions)
    if err != nil {
    b, _ := json.MarshalIndent(resourceGroup, "", "  ")
  • GetResourceGroupOptions getResourceGroupOptions = new GetResourceGroupOptions.Builder()
    Response<ResourceGroup> response = resourceManagerService.getResourceGroup(getResourceGroupOptions).execute();
    ResourceGroup resourceGroup = response.getResult();
  • const params = {
      id: resourceGroupId,
      .then(res => {
        console.log(JSON.stringify(res.result, null, 2));
      .catch(err => {
  • resource_group = resource_manager_service.get_resource_group(
    print(json.dumps(resource_group, indent=2))


A resource group

A resource group.

A resource group.

A resource group.

A resource group.

Status Code

  • 200 OK

  • Your access token is invalid or authentication of your token failed.

  • Your access token is valid but does not have the necessary permissions to access this resource.

  • The resource could not be found.

  • Too many requests. Please wait a few minutes and try again.

  • Your request could not be processed. Please try again later. If the problem persists, note the transaction-id in the response header and contact IBM Cloud support.

Example responses
  • {
      "id": "fee82deba12e4c0fb69c3b09d1f12345",
      "crn": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:resource-controller::a/987d4cfd77b04e9b9e1a6asdcc861234::resource-group:fee82deba12e4c0fb69c3b09d1f12345",
      "account_id": "987d4cfd77b04e9b9e1a6asdcc861234",
      "name": "test",
      "state": "ACTIVE",
      "default": false,
      "quota_id": "a3d7b8d01e261c24677937c29ab33f3c",
      "quota_url": "/v2/quota_definitions/a3d7b8d01e261c24677937c29ab33f3c",
      "payment_methods_url": "/v2/resource_groups/fee82deba12e4c0fb69c3b09d1f12345/payment_methods",
      "resource_linkages": [],
      "teams_url": "/v2/resource_groups/fee82deba12e4c0fb69c3b09d1f12345/teams",
      "created_at": "2019-03-04T17:30:33.826Z",
      "updated_at": "2019-03-04T17:30:33.826Z"
  • {
      "id": "fee82deba12e4c0fb69c3b09d1f12345",
      "crn": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:resource-controller::a/987d4cfd77b04e9b9e1a6asdcc861234::resource-group:fee82deba12e4c0fb69c3b09d1f12345",
      "account_id": "987d4cfd77b04e9b9e1a6asdcc861234",
      "name": "test",
      "state": "ACTIVE",
      "default": false,
      "quota_id": "a3d7b8d01e261c24677937c29ab33f3c",
      "quota_url": "/v2/quota_definitions/a3d7b8d01e261c24677937c29ab33f3c",
      "payment_methods_url": "/v2/resource_groups/fee82deba12e4c0fb69c3b09d1f12345/payment_methods",
      "resource_linkages": [],
      "teams_url": "/v2/resource_groups/fee82deba12e4c0fb69c3b09d1f12345/teams",
      "created_at": "2019-03-04T17:30:33.826Z",
      "updated_at": "2019-03-04T17:30:33.826Z"

Update a resource group

Update a resource group by the alias ID. Call this method to update information about an existing resource group. You can rename a resource group and activate or suspend a particular resource group. To update a resource group, users need to be assigned with IAM policies with the Editor role or higher.

Update a resource group by the alias ID. Call this method to update information about an existing resource group. You can rename a resource group and activate or suspend a particular resource group. To update a resource group, users need to be assigned with IAM policies with the Editor role or higher.

Update a resource group by the alias ID. Call this method to update information about an existing resource group. You can rename a resource group and activate or suspend a particular resource group. To update a resource group, users need to be assigned with IAM policies with the Editor role or higher.

Update a resource group by the alias ID. Call this method to update information about an existing resource group. You can rename a resource group and activate or suspend a particular resource group. To update a resource group, users need to be assigned with IAM policies with the Editor role or higher.

Update a resource group by the alias ID. Call this method to update information about an existing resource group. You can rename a resource group and activate or suspend a particular resource group. To update a resource group, users need to be assigned with IAM policies with the Editor role or higher.

PATCH /v2/resource_groups/{id}
(resourceManager *ResourceManagerV2) UpdateResourceGroup(updateResourceGroupOptions *UpdateResourceGroupOptions) (result *ResourceGroup, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
(resourceManager *ResourceManagerV2) UpdateResourceGroupWithContext(ctx context.Context, updateResourceGroupOptions *UpdateResourceGroupOptions) (result *ResourceGroup, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
ServiceCall<ResourceGroup> updateResourceGroup(UpdateResourceGroupOptions updateResourceGroupOptions)
        id: str,
        name: str = None,
        state: str = None,
    ) -> DetailedResponse


To call this method, you must be assigned one or more IAM access roles that include the following action. You can check your access by going to Users > User > Access.



Instantiate the UpdateResourceGroupOptions struct and set the fields to provide parameter values for the UpdateResourceGroup method.

Use the UpdateResourceGroupOptions.Builder to create a UpdateResourceGroupOptions object that contains the parameter values for the updateResourceGroup method.

Path Parameters

  • The short or long ID of the alias.

Request body for updating a resource group

WithContext method only

The UpdateResourceGroup options.

The updateResourceGroup options.


  • The short or long ID of the alias.

  • The new name of the resource group.

  • The state of the resource group.


  • The short or long ID of the alias.

  • The new name of the resource group.

  • The state of the resource group.

  • curl -X PATCH   -H 'Authorization: Bearer <IAM_TOKEN>'
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json'     -d '{
          "name": "test1"
  • updateResourceGroupOptions := resourceManagerService.NewUpdateResourceGroupOptions(
    resourceGroup, response, err := resourceManagerService.UpdateResourceGroup(updateResourceGroupOptions)
    if err != nil {
    b, _ := json.MarshalIndent(resourceGroup, "", "  ")
  • UpdateResourceGroupOptions updateResourceGroupOptions = new UpdateResourceGroupOptions.Builder()
    Response<ResourceGroup> response = resourceManagerService.updateResourceGroup(updateResourceGroupOptions).execute();
    ResourceGroup resourceGroup = response.getResult();
  • const params = {
      id: resourceGroupId,
      state: 'ACTIVE',
      name: 'RenamedExampleGroup'
      .then(res => {
        console.log(JSON.stringify(res.result, null, 2));
      .catch(err => {
  • resource_group = resource_manager_service.update_resource_group(
    print(json.dumps(resource_group, indent=2))


A resource group

A resource group.

A resource group.

A resource group.

A resource group.

Status Code

  • Successfully updated resource group.

  • The request could have invalid payload.

  • Your access token is invalid or authentication of your token failed.

  • Your access token is valid but does not have the necessary permissions to access this resource.

  • The resource could not be found.

  • Too many requests. Please wait a few minutes and try again.

  • Your request could not be processed. Please try again later. If the problem persists, note the transaction-id in the response header and contact IBM Cloud support.

Example responses
  • {
      "id": "fee82deba12e4c0fb69c3b09d1f12345",
      "crn": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:resource-controller::a/987d4cfd77b04e9b9e1a6asdcc861234::resource-group:fee82deba12e4c0fb69c3b09d1f12345",
      "account_id": "987d4cfd77b04e9b9e1a6asdcc861234",
      "name": "test1",
      "state": "ACTIVE",
      "default": false,
      "quota_id": "a3d7b8d01e261c24677937c29ab33f3c",
      "quota_url": "/v2/quota_definitions/a3d7b8d01e261c24677937c29ab33f3c",
      "payment_methods_url": "/v2/resource_groups/fee82deba12e4c0fb69c3b09d1f12345/payment_methods",
      "resource_linkages": [],
      "teams_url": "/v2/resource_groups/fee82deba12e4c0fb69c3b09d1f12345/teams",
      "created_at": "2019-03-04T17:30:33.826Z",
      "updated_at": "2019-03-04T17:30:33.826Z"
  • {
      "id": "fee82deba12e4c0fb69c3b09d1f12345",
      "crn": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:resource-controller::a/987d4cfd77b04e9b9e1a6asdcc861234::resource-group:fee82deba12e4c0fb69c3b09d1f12345",
      "account_id": "987d4cfd77b04e9b9e1a6asdcc861234",
      "name": "test1",
      "state": "ACTIVE",
      "default": false,
      "quota_id": "a3d7b8d01e261c24677937c29ab33f3c",
      "quota_url": "/v2/quota_definitions/a3d7b8d01e261c24677937c29ab33f3c",
      "payment_methods_url": "/v2/resource_groups/fee82deba12e4c0fb69c3b09d1f12345/payment_methods",
      "resource_linkages": [],
      "teams_url": "/v2/resource_groups/fee82deba12e4c0fb69c3b09d1f12345/teams",
      "created_at": "2019-03-04T17:30:33.826Z",
      "updated_at": "2019-03-04T17:30:33.826Z"

Delete a resource group

Delete a resource group by the alias ID. You can delete a resource group only if the targeted resource group does not contain any resources or if it is not a default resource group. When a user creates an account, a default resource group is created in the account. If you want to delete a resource group that contains resources, first delete the resource instances. Then, delete the resource group when all resource instances in the group are deleted. Users need to be assigned an IAM policy with the Editor role or higher on the targeted resource group.

Delete a resource group by the alias ID. You can delete a resource group only if the targeted resource group does not contain any resources or if it is not a default resource group. When a user creates an account, a default resource group is created in the account. If you want to delete a resource group that contains resources, first delete the resource instances. Then, delete the resource group when all resource instances in the group are deleted. Users need to be assigned an IAM policy with the Editor role or higher on the targeted resource group.

Delete a resource group by the alias ID. You can delete a resource group only if the targeted resource group does not contain any resources or if it is not a default resource group. When a user creates an account, a default resource group is created in the account. If you want to delete a resource group that contains resources, first delete the resource instances. Then, delete the resource group when all resource instances in the group are deleted. Users need to be assigned an IAM policy with the Editor role or higher on the targeted resource group.

Delete a resource group by the alias ID. You can delete a resource group only if the targeted resource group does not contain any resources or if it is not a default resource group. When a user creates an account, a default resource group is created in the account. If you want to delete a resource group that contains resources, first delete the resource instances. Then, delete the resource group when all resource instances in the group are deleted. Users need to be assigned an IAM policy with the Editor role or higher on the targeted resource group.

Delete a resource group by the alias ID. You can delete a resource group only if the targeted resource group does not contain any resources or if it is not a default resource group. When a user creates an account, a default resource group is created in the account. If you want to delete a resource group that contains resources, first delete the resource instances. Then, delete the resource group when all resource instances in the group are deleted. Users need to be assigned an IAM policy with the Editor role or higher on the targeted resource group.

DELETE /v2/resource_groups/{id}
(resourceManager *ResourceManagerV2) DeleteResourceGroup(deleteResourceGroupOptions *DeleteResourceGroupOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
(resourceManager *ResourceManagerV2) DeleteResourceGroupWithContext(ctx context.Context, deleteResourceGroupOptions *DeleteResourceGroupOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
ServiceCall<Void> deleteResourceGroup(DeleteResourceGroupOptions deleteResourceGroupOptions)
        id: str,
    ) -> DetailedResponse


To call this method, you must be assigned one or more IAM access roles that include the following action. You can check your access by going to Users > User > Access.



Instantiate the DeleteResourceGroupOptions struct and set the fields to provide parameter values for the DeleteResourceGroup method.

Use the DeleteResourceGroupOptions.Builder to create a DeleteResourceGroupOptions object that contains the parameter values for the deleteResourceGroup method.

Path Parameters

  • The short or long ID of the alias.

WithContext method only

The DeleteResourceGroup options.

The deleteResourceGroup options.


  • The short or long ID of the alias.


  • The short or long ID of the alias.

  • curl -X DELETE   -H 'Authorization: Bearer <IAM_TOKEN>'
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
  • deleteResourceGroupOptions := resourceManagerService.NewDeleteResourceGroupOptions(
    response, err := deleteResourceManagerService.DeleteResourceGroup(deleteResourceGroupOptions)
    if err != nil {
  • DeleteResourceGroupOptions deleteResourceGroupOptions = new DeleteResourceGroupOptions.Builder()
  • const params = {
      id: resourceGroupId,
      .then(res => {
        console.log(JSON.stringify(res.result, null, 2));
      .catch(err => {
  • response = delete_resource_manager_service.delete_resource_group(
    print(json.dumps(response, indent=2))


Status Code

  • The resource group is successfully deleted.

  • The request could have invalid payload.

  • Your access token is invalid or authentication of your token failed.

  • Your access token is valid but does not have the necessary permissions to access this resource.

  • The resource could not be found.

  • Too many requests. Please wait a few minutes and try again.

  • Your request could not be processed. Please try again later. If the problem persists, note the transaction-id in the response header and contact IBM Cloud support.

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

List quota definitions

Get a list of all quota definitions. Quotas for a resource group limit the number of apps, instances, and memory allowed for that specific resource group. Each resource group that you have on your account has a specific set of quotas. Standard quotas are for resource groups that are created by users with a Lite account, and Pay-As-You-Go quotas are for resource groups that are created with a Pay-As-You-Go account. This method provides list of all available quota definitions. No specific IAM policy needed.

Get a list of all quota definitions. Quotas for a resource group limit the number of apps, instances, and memory allowed for that specific resource group. Each resource group that you have on your account has a specific set of quotas. Standard quotas are for resource groups that are created by users with a Lite account, and Pay-As-You-Go quotas are for resource groups that are created with a Pay-As-You-Go account. This method provides list of all available quota definitions. No specific IAM policy needed.

Get a list of all quota definitions. Quotas for a resource group limit the number of apps, instances, and memory allowed for that specific resource group. Each resource group that you have on your account has a specific set of quotas. Standard quotas are for resource groups that are created by users with a Lite account, and Pay-As-You-Go quotas are for resource groups that are created with a Pay-As-You-Go account. This method provides list of all available quota definitions. No specific IAM policy needed.

Get a list of all quota definitions. Quotas for a resource group limit the number of apps, instances, and memory allowed for that specific resource group. Each resource group that you have on your account has a specific set of quotas. Standard quotas are for resource groups that are created by users with a Lite account, and Pay-As-You-Go quotas are for resource groups that are created with a Pay-As-You-Go account. This method provides list of all available quota definitions. No specific IAM policy needed.

Get a list of all quota definitions. Quotas for a resource group limit the number of apps, instances, and memory allowed for that specific resource group. Each resource group that you have on your account has a specific set of quotas. Standard quotas are for resource groups that are created by users with a Lite account, and Pay-As-You-Go quotas are for resource groups that are created with a Pay-As-You-Go account. This method provides list of all available quota definitions. No specific IAM policy needed.

GET /v2/quota_definitions
(resourceManager *ResourceManagerV2) ListQuotaDefinitions(listQuotaDefinitionsOptions *ListQuotaDefinitionsOptions) (result *QuotaDefinitionList, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
(resourceManager *ResourceManagerV2) ListQuotaDefinitionsWithContext(ctx context.Context, listQuotaDefinitionsOptions *ListQuotaDefinitionsOptions) (result *QuotaDefinitionList, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
ServiceCall<QuotaDefinitionList> listQuotaDefinitions()
    ) -> DetailedResponse


To call this method, you must be assigned one or more IAM access roles that include the following action. You can check your access by going to Users > User > Access.

  • resource-controller.quota.retrieve


No Request Parameters

This method does not accept any request parameters.

WithContext method only

No Request Parameters

This method does not accept any request parameters.

No Request Parameters

This method does not accept any request parameters.

No Request Parameters

This method does not accept any request parameters.

No Request Parameters

This method does not accept any request parameters.

  • curl -X GET   -H 'Authorization: Bearer <IAM_TOKEN>'
  • listQuotaDefinitionsOptions := resourceManagerService.NewListQuotaDefinitionsOptions()
    quotaDefinitionList, response, err := resourceManagerService.ListQuotaDefinitions(listQuotaDefinitionsOptions)
    if err != nil {
    b, _ := json.MarshalIndent(quotaDefinitionList, "", "  ")
  • ListQuotaDefinitionsOptions listQuotaDefinitionsOptions = new ListQuotaDefinitionsOptions();
    Response<QuotaDefinitionList> response = resourceManagerService.listQuotaDefinitions().execute();
    QuotaDefinitionList quotaDefinitionList = response.getResult();
  • resourceManagerService.listQuotaDefinitions({})
      .then(res => {
        console.log(JSON.stringify(res.result, null, 2));
      .catch(err => {
  • quota_definition_list = resource_manager_service.list_quota_definitions().get_result()
    print(json.dumps(quota_definition_list, indent=2))


A list of quota definitions

A list of quota definitions.

A list of quota definitions.

A list of quota definitions.

A list of quota definitions.

Status Code

  • The quota definitions were successfully retrieved.

  • The request could have invalid payload.

  • Your access token is invalid or authentication of your token failed.

  • Your access token is valid but does not have the necessary permissions to access this resource.

  • The resource could not be found.

  • Too many requests. Please wait a few minutes and try again.

  • Your request could not be processed. Please try again later. If the problem persists, note the transaction-id in the response header and contact IBM Cloud support.

Example responses
  • {
      "resources": [
          "_id": "7ce89f4a-4381-4600-b814-3cd9a412345",
          "_rev": "14-e8384c02aac04afcc08ce7991234556",
          "name": "Trial Quota",
          "type": "SDQ",
          "number_of_service_instances": 1000,
          "number_of_apps": 4,
          "instances_per_app": 4,
          "instance_memory": "1G",
          "total_app_memory": "1G",
          "vsi_limit": 1,
          "resource_quotas": [
              "_id": "65012f5b6fa84ecaaac5eab4abc12345",
              "resource_id": "rcf0c17db8-35ad-11e7-a919-92ebc1234567",
              "crn": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:resource-catalog::global:::rcf0c17db8-35ad-11e7-a919-92ebc1234567",
              "limit": 1
          "created_at": "2017-05-16T17:12:52.925Z",
          "updated_at": "2019-01-09T17:12:52.925Z"
  • {
      "resources": [
          "_id": "7ce89f4a-4381-4600-b814-3cd9a412345",
          "_rev": "14-e8384c02aac04afcc08ce7991234556",
          "name": "Trial Quota",
          "type": "SDQ",
          "number_of_service_instances": 1000,
          "number_of_apps": 4,
          "instances_per_app": 4,
          "instance_memory": "1G",
          "total_app_memory": "1G",
          "vsi_limit": 1,
          "resource_quotas": [
              "_id": "65012f5b6fa84ecaaac5eab4abc12345",
              "resource_id": "rcf0c17db8-35ad-11e7-a919-92ebc1234567",
              "crn": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:resource-catalog::global:::rcf0c17db8-35ad-11e7-a919-92ebc1234567",
              "limit": 1
          "created_at": "2017-05-16T17:12:52.925Z",
          "updated_at": "2019-01-09T17:12:52.925Z"

Get a quota definition

Call this method to retrieve information about a particular quota by passing the quota ID. The response can be used to identify the quota type, Standard or Paid. Information about available resources, such as number of apps, number of service instances, and memory, are returned in the response. Quotas for a resource group limit the number of apps, instances, and memory allowed for that specific resource group. Each resource group that you have on your account has a specific set of quotas. Standard quotas are for resource groups that are created by users with a Lite account, and Pay-As-You-Go quotas are for resource groups that are created with a Pay-As-You-Go account. No specific IAM policy needed.

Call this method to retrieve information about a particular quota by passing the quota ID. The response can be used to identify the quota type, Standard or Paid. Information about available resources, such as number of apps, number of service instances, and memory, are returned in the response. Quotas for a resource group limit the number of apps, instances, and memory allowed for that specific resource group. Each resource group that you have on your account has a specific set of quotas. Standard quotas are for resource groups that are created by users with a Lite account, and Pay-As-You-Go quotas are for resource groups that are created with a Pay-As-You-Go account. No specific IAM policy needed.

Call this method to retrieve information about a particular quota by passing the quota ID. The response can be used to identify the quota type, Standard or Paid. Information about available resources, such as number of apps, number of service instances, and memory, are returned in the response. Quotas for a resource group limit the number of apps, instances, and memory allowed for that specific resource group. Each resource group that you have on your account has a specific set of quotas. Standard quotas are for resource groups that are created by users with a Lite account, and Pay-As-You-Go quotas are for resource groups that are created with a Pay-As-You-Go account. No specific IAM policy needed.

Call this method to retrieve information about a particular quota by passing the quota ID. The response can be used to identify the quota type, Standard or Paid. Information about available resources, such as number of apps, number of service instances, and memory, are returned in the response. Quotas for a resource group limit the number of apps, instances, and memory allowed for that specific resource group. Each resource group that you have on your account has a specific set of quotas. Standard quotas are for resource groups that are created by users with a Lite account, and Pay-As-You-Go quotas are for resource groups that are created with a Pay-As-You-Go account. No specific IAM policy needed.

Call this method to retrieve information about a particular quota by passing the quota ID. The response can be used to identify the quota type, Standard or Paid. Information about available resources, such as number of apps, number of service instances, and memory, are returned in the response. Quotas for a resource group limit the number of apps, instances, and memory allowed for that specific resource group. Each resource group that you have on your account has a specific set of quotas. Standard quotas are for resource groups that are created by users with a Lite account, and Pay-As-You-Go quotas are for resource groups that are created with a Pay-As-You-Go account. No specific IAM policy needed.

GET /v2/quota_definitions/{id}
(resourceManager *ResourceManagerV2) GetQuotaDefinition(getQuotaDefinitionOptions *GetQuotaDefinitionOptions) (result *QuotaDefinition, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
(resourceManager *ResourceManagerV2) GetQuotaDefinitionWithContext(ctx context.Context, getQuotaDefinitionOptions *GetQuotaDefinitionOptions) (result *QuotaDefinition, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
ServiceCall<QuotaDefinition> getQuotaDefinition(GetQuotaDefinitionOptions getQuotaDefinitionOptions)
        id: str,
    ) -> DetailedResponse


To call this method, you must be assigned one or more IAM access roles that include the following action. You can check your access by going to Users > User > Access.

  • resource-controller.quota.retrieve


Instantiate the GetQuotaDefinitionOptions struct and set the fields to provide parameter values for the GetQuotaDefinition method.

Use the GetQuotaDefinitionOptions.Builder to create a GetQuotaDefinitionOptions object that contains the parameter values for the getQuotaDefinition method.

Path Parameters

  • The id of the quota.

WithContext method only

The GetQuotaDefinition options.

The getQuotaDefinition options.


  • The id of the quota.


  • The id of the quota.

  • curl -X GET   -H 'Authorization: Bearer <IAM_TOKEN>'
  • getQuotaDefinitionOptions := resourceManagerService.NewGetQuotaDefinitionOptions(
    quotaDefinition, response, err := resourceManagerService.GetQuotaDefinition(getQuotaDefinitionOptions)
    if err != nil {
    b, _ := json.MarshalIndent(quotaDefinition, "", "  ")
  • GetQuotaDefinitionOptions getQuotaDefinitionOptions = new GetQuotaDefinitionOptions.Builder()
    Response<QuotaDefinition> response = resourceManagerService.getQuotaDefinition(getQuotaDefinitionOptions).execute();
    QuotaDefinition quotaDefinition = response.getResult();
  • const params = {
      id: exampleQuotaId,
      .then(res => {
        console.log(JSON.stringify(res.result, null, 2));
      .catch(err => {
  • quota_definition = resource_manager_service.get_quota_definition(
    print(json.dumps(quota_definition, indent=2))


A returned quota definition

A returned quota definition.

A returned quota definition.

A returned quota definition.

A returned quota definition.

Status Code

  • The quota is successfully retrieved.

  • The request could have invalid payload.

  • Your access token is invalid or authentication of your token failed.

  • Your access token is valid but does not have the necessary permissions to access this resource.

  • The resource could not be found.

  • Too many requests. Please wait a few minutes and try again.

  • Your request could not be processed. Please try again later. If the problem persists, note the transaction-id in the response header and contact IBM Cloud support.

Example responses
  • {
      "_id": "7ce89f4a-4381-4600-b814-3cd9a412345",
      "_rev": "14-e8384c02aac04afcc08ce7991234556",
      "name": "Trial Quota",
      "type": "SDQ",
      "number_of_service_instances": 1000,
      "number_of_apps": 4,
      "instances_per_app": 4,
      "instance_memory": "1G",
      "total_app_memory": "1G",
      "vsi_limit": 1,
      "resource_quotas": [
          "_id": "65012f5b6fa84ecaaac5eab4abc12345",
          "resource_id": "rcf0c17db8-35ad-11e7-a919-92ebc1234567",
          "crn": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:resource-catalog::global:::rcf0c17db8-35ad-11e7-a919-92ebc1234567",
          "limit": 1
      "created_at": "2017-05-16T17:12:52.925Z",
      "updated_at": "2019-01-09T17:12:52.925Z"
  • {
      "_id": "7ce89f4a-4381-4600-b814-3cd9a412345",
      "_rev": "14-e8384c02aac04afcc08ce7991234556",
      "name": "Trial Quota",
      "type": "SDQ",
      "number_of_service_instances": 1000,
      "number_of_apps": 4,
      "instances_per_app": 4,
      "instance_memory": "1G",
      "total_app_memory": "1G",
      "vsi_limit": 1,
      "resource_quotas": [
          "_id": "65012f5b6fa84ecaaac5eab4abc12345",
          "resource_id": "rcf0c17db8-35ad-11e7-a919-92ebc1234567",
          "crn": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:resource-catalog::global:::rcf0c17db8-35ad-11e7-a919-92ebc1234567",
          "limit": 1
      "created_at": "2017-05-16T17:12:52.925Z",
      "updated_at": "2019-01-09T17:12:52.925Z"