IBM Cloud API Docs


The Cloud Pak for Data Instance Management API allows users to set up and manage an instance of Cloud Pak for Data.

You can perform the following tasks by using this API:

Install and upgrade an instance of Cloud Pak for Data
A cluster admin can install and upgrade an instance of Cloud Pak for Data.
Shut down and restart an instance of Cloud Pak for Data
A cluster admin can shut down and restart installed components in an instance of Cloud Pak for Data.
Get the status of an instance of Cloud Pak for Data
A cluster admin can get the status of installed components in an instance of Cloud Pak for Data.


To authenticate to the API, pass an access token in an Authorization header.

Generating a Red Hat OpenShift access token through the Red Hat OpenShift console:

  1. Log in to the Red Hat OpenShift web console.
  2. Click your profile.
  3. Click Copy Login Command.
  4. Click Display Token.
  5. Copy and save your API token.

Generate a Red Hat OpenShift access token by using the command-line interface.

  1. Log in to the Red Hat OpenShift cluster and get the host.
host=$(oc get route -n openshift-authentication oauth-openshift -o jsonpath='{}')
  1. Get the access token for the user. Replace {openshift_username} and {openshift_password} with your Red Hat OpenShift credentials. Replace {host} with the result that you got from previous step.
curl -u {openshift_username}:{openshift_password} -kv '{host}/oauth/authorize?client_id=openshift-challenging-client&response_type=token'
  1. Copy and save the API token.

Authenticating to the API by using an access token. Replace {token} with your details.

  1. Get the cpd-mgmt-api-host cpd-mgmt from the server namespace.
  2. Call a method, replacing the {cpd-mgmt-api-host} with the result that you got from previous step.
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer {token}" "https://{cpd-mgmt-api-host}/v1/{method}"

Service endpoint

The service endpoint is based on your cpd-mgmt deployment URL.



curl -H "Authorization: Bearer {token}" -X {request_method} "https://{cpd-mgmt-api-host}/v1/{method}"

Disabling SSL verification

All Cloud Pak for Data services use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) or Transport Layer Security (TLS) for secure connections between the client and server. The connection is verified against the local certificate store to ensure authentication, integrity, and confidentiality.

If you use a self-signed certificate, you need to disable SSL verification to make a successful connection.

Enabling SSL verification is highly recommended. Disabling SSL jeopardizes the security of the connection and data. Disable SSL only if necessary, and take steps to enable SSL as soon as possible.

To disable SSL verification for a curl request, use the --insecure (-k) option with the request.

Example that disables SSL verification

curl -k -X {request_method} -H "Authorization: Bearer {token}" "{url}/v1/{method}"

Error handling

OLM-UTILS uses standard HTTP response codes to indicate whether a method was successful. HTTP response codes in the 2xx range indicate success. A response in the 4xx range is a failure, and a response in the 5xx range usually indicates an internal system error that cannot be resolved by the user. Response codes are listed with the method.


Name Description
A simple string code that should convey the general sense of the error.
The message that describes the error.
A reference to a more detailed explanation when available.


Configure shared cluster components

Install, upgrade, or configure the shared cluster components.

Prerequisite: To use this endpoint, you must install the management service on your cluster.

You can use one of the following methods to specify the settings that you want to use for the shared cluster components:

  • ConfigMap Use the mgmt_cluster_configmap configmap if you want to have a traceable history of changes to the shared cluster components.

    Important: To use this option, the mgmt_cluster_configmap configmap must exist in the project where the management service is installed.

  • JSON: Use this option if you don't have sufficient privileges to create the mgmt_cluster_configmap configmap in the project where the management service is installed.

POST /v1/cluster/configs



Status Code

  • Success. Nothing to be configured.

  • Accepted. A job will start in the background.

  • The mgmt_cluster_configmap configmap is missing or invalid.

  • Unauthorized. The Red Hat OpenShift token is missing or invalid.

  • Forbidden. User does not have the required permissions to access the resource.

  • Internal server error.

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Get the status of the shared cluster components

Get information about the status and configuration of the shared cluster components.

Prerequisite: To use this method, you must install the management service on your cluster.

GET /v1/cluster


Query Parameters

  • Specify whether to read the desired state for the cluster components from the mgmt_cluster_configmap configmap, which enables you to see the expected versions based on the release that is specified in the configmap compared to the actual versions running on the cluster.

    Default: false


Status Code

  • Success. Returns a JSON representation that describes the current state of the shared cluster components.

  • Unauthorized. The Red Hat OpenShift token is missing or invalid.

  • Forbidden. User does not have the required permissions to access the resource.

  • Not found.

  • Internal server error.

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Configure an instance

Install, upgrade, or configure the components associated with an instance of Cloud Pak for Data by applying the contents of the specified configmap.

Important: You must be an instance administrator or cluster administrator to use this method.

  • If you are an instance administrator, a cluster administrator must install the shared cluster components before you install an instance of Cloud Pak for Data.
  • If you are a cluster administrator, the management service automatically installs the shared cluster components if it can find the mgmt_cluster_configmap configmap.
POST /v1/instance/configs



Status Code

  • Success. There are no changes to the instance.

  • Accepted. Started an asynchronous job to configure the instance.

  • Bad Request.

  • Unauthorized. The Red Hat OpenShift token is missing or invalid.

  • Forbidden. User does not have the required permissions to access the resource.

  • Internal server error.

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Get the status of an instance of Cloud Pak for Data

Get information about the status and configuration of the components associated with an instance of Cloud Pak for Data.

Prerequisite: To use this endpoint, you must install the management service on your cluster.

GET /v1/instance


Query Parameters

  • The project where the operands for the instance are installed.

  • The project where the operators for the instance are installed.

  • The list of components to query. If not set, return everything.

  • Do not return error if one or more components are not found in the instance.

    Default: true


Status Code

  • Success. Returns a JSON representation that describes the current state of all the installed components or the components that are queried.

  • Bad Request. One of the request components does not found in the instance.

  • Unauthorized. The Red Hat OpenShift token is missing or invalid.

  • Forbidden. User does not have the required permissions to access the resource.

  • Internal server error.

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Shut down services installed in an instance of Cloud Pak for Data

This method shuts down one or more services that are installed in an instance of Cloud Pak for Data.

POST /v1/instance/shutdown




Status Code

  • Success. Nothing to shut down.

  • Accepted. Return a job ID that is created by the server.

  • Bad Request. One of the request components is not valid.

  • Unauthorized. The Red Hat OpenShift token is missing or invalid.

  • Forbidden. User does not have the required permissions to access the resource.

  • Internal server error.

Example responses
  • {
      "job_id": "job_id",
      "logs": "logs",
      "status": "status"

Restart services installed in an instance of Cloud Pak for Data

This method restarts one or more services and all of their dependencies that are installed on an instance of Cloud Pak for Data.

POST /v1/instance/restart




Status Code

  • Success. Nothing to restart.

  • Accepted. Return a job ID that is created by the server.

  • Bad Request. One of the request components is not valid.

  • Unauthorized. The Red Hat OpenShift token is missing or invalid.

  • Forbidden. User does not have the required permissions to access the resource.

  • Internal server error.

Example responses
  • {
      "job_id": "job_id",
      "logs": "logs",
      "status": "status"

Get the list of jobs generated by the cpd-mgmt server

Display all jobs that are generated by the server and associated with the user. The search can be narrowed by operator namespace and instance namespace. Additionally, jobs that are related to cluster components are not displayed by default.

GET /v1/jobs


Query Parameters

  • Default: false


Status Code

  • Return a list of jobs that were created by the user.

  • Unauthorized. The Red Hat OpenShift token is missing or invalid.

  • Forbidden. User does not have the required permissions to access the resource.

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Get the status and log of a specific job

Query a specific job and get its status and log.

GET /v1/jobs/{jobId}


Path Parameters

Query Parameters

  • Set to true if you want to display the log of the job.


Status Code

  • Success. Return details about a job.

  • Unauthorized. The Red Hat OpenShift token is missing or invalid.

  • Forbidden. User does not have the required permissions to access the resource.

  • Job not found.

  • Internal server error.

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Delete an existing job

Delete a specific job associated with the user and force the job to stop.

DELETE /v1/jobs/{jobId}


Path Parameters


Status Code

  • Accepted. Job will be deleted.

  • Bad Request. User attempted to delete a job that they do not own.

  • Unauthorized. The Red Hat OpenShift token is missing or invalid.

  • Forbidden. User does not have the required permissions to access the resource.

  • Job not found.

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Query the metadata of Cloud Pak for Data components

Query the ansible-play config-var metadata from olm utils for information on a single component of a Cloud Pak for Data release.

GET /v1/metadata


Query Parameters

  • Comma-separated list of component names.

  • Comma-separated list of addon IDs.

  • If set to true, do not return error when invalid component name or addon IDs are detected.


Status Code

  • Success. Return metadata of the request component name or addon ID."

  • Bad Request.

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.