IBM Cloud API Docs


With IBM Analytics Engine you can create Apache Spark and Apache Hadoop clusters and customize these clusters by using scripts. You can work with data in IBM Cloud Object Storage, as well as integrate other Watson Data Platform services like IBM Watson Studio and Machine Learning. This set of APIs pertain to various actions you can perform on an IBM Analytics Engine service instance.

The code examples on this tab use the client library that is provided for Java.




The code examples on this tab use the client library that is provided for Node.js.


npm install iaesdk


The code examples on this tab use the client library that is provided for Python.


pip install iaesdk"


The code examples on this tab use the client library that is provided for Go.


go get


Service Endpoints

The endpoint URL used in the examples is not your actual service endpoint. To find out which URL to use, view the service credentials by clicking the service instance on the IBM Cloud console dashboard. Use the API URL under cluster_management section on the service credentials page.

For example: The API URL will be in the following format


You use IBM® Cloud Identity and Access Management (IAM) tokens to make authenticated requests to IBM Analytics Engine APIs without embedding service credentials in every call. IAM authentication uses access tokens for authentication, which you acquire by sending a request with an API key. You can create a token in IBM Cloud using your API key or by using the IBM Cloud command line interface (CLI) as described here.

The SDK provides initialization methods for each form of authentication.

  • Use the API key to have the SDK manage the lifecycle of the access token. The SDK requests an access token, ensures that the access token is valid, and refreshes it if necessary.
  • Use the access token to manage the lifecycle yourself. You must periodically refresh the token.

For more information, see authentication with the SDK.For more information, see authentication with the SDK.For more information, see authentication with the SDK.For more information, see authentication with the SDK.

SDK managing the IAM token. Replace {apikey}, {url}.


private static String IAM_API_KEY = "{apikey}";
private static String IAE_ENDPOINT_URL = "{url}";

public static void main(String[] args)
    try {
        // Create an IAM authenticator.
        Authenticator authenticator = new IamAuthenticator(IAM_API_KEY);
        // Construct the service client.
        service = new IbmAnalyticsEngineApi(IbmAnalyticsEngineApi.DEFAULT_SERVICE_NAME, authenticator);
        // Set our service URL.

    } catch (Exception e) {

SDK managing the IAM token. Replace {apikey}, {url}.

const IbmAnalyticsEngineApiV2 = require('iaesdk/ibm-analytics-engine-api/v2');
const { IamAuthenticator } = require('iaesdk/auth');

const IAM_API_KEY = "{apikey}" // eg "W00YiRnLW4a3fTjMB-odB-2ySfTrFBIQQWanc--P3byk"
const IAE_ENDPOINT_URL = "{url}" // Current list available at

// Create an IAM authenticator.
const authenticator = new IamAuthenticator({
  apikey: IAM_API_KEY,

// Construct the service client.
const IbmAnalyticsEngineServiceClient = new IbmAnalyticsEngineApiV2({
  serviceUrl: IAE_ENDPOINT_URL,

SDK managing the IAM token. Replace {apikey}, {url}.

from iaesdk import IbmAnalyticsEngineApiV2
from ibm_cloud_sdk_core.authenticators import IAMAuthenticator

# Constants for IBM Analytics Engine values
IAM_API_KEY = "{apikey}" # eg "W00YiRnLW4a3fTjMB-odB-2ySfTrFBIQQWanc--P3byk"
IAE_ENDPOINT_URL = "{url}" # Current list avaiable at

# Create an IAM authenticator.
authenticator = IAMAuthenticator(IAM_API_KEY)

# Construct the service client.
iaesdk_service = IbmAnalyticsEngineApiV2(authenticator=authenticator)

# Set our custom service URL

# Service operations can now be invoked using the "iaesdk_service" variable.

SDK managing the IAM token. Replace {apikey}, {url}.

import (

func main() {
    // Create an IAM authenticator.
    authenticator := &core.IamAuthenticator{
        ApiKey: "{apikey}", // eg "0viPHOY7LbLNa9eLftrtHPpTjoGv6hbLD1QalRXikliJ"

    // Construct an "options" struct for creating the service client.
    options := &ibmanalyticsengineapiv2.IbmAnalyticsEngineApiV2Options{
        Authenticator: authenticator,
        URL: "{url}",  // eg ""

    // Construct the service client.
    service, err := ibmanalyticsengineapiv2.NewIbmAnalyticsEngineApiV2(options)
    if err != nil {

    // Service operations can now be invoked using the "service" variable.

Error handling

This API uses standard HTTP response codes to indicate whether a method completed successfully. A 200 response always indicates success. A 400 type response is a client side failure, and a 500 type response usually indicates a server side error.

Status code summary
Status code Description
200 OK The request was processed successfully.
400 Bad Request The request could not be processed, often due to a missing required parameter.
401 Unauthorized The request could not be processed due to insufficient permissions.
404 Not Found The requested resource does not exist.
410 Gone The requested resource was deleted and no longer exists.
429 Too Many Requests The request could not be processed due to too many concurrent requests against the API.
500 Server Error Your request could not be processed due to an internal server error.


List all Analytics Engines

Currently, you cannot fetch the list of all IBM Analytics Engine service instances through this REST API. You should use the IBM Cloud CLI instead. For example, ibmcloud resource service-instances --service-name ibmanalyticsengine

Currently, you cannot fetch the list of all IBM Analytics Engine service instances through this REST API. You should use the IBM Cloud CLI instead. For example, ibmcloud resource service-instances --service-name ibmanalyticsengine.

Currently, you cannot fetch the list of all IBM Analytics Engine service instances through this REST API. You should use the IBM Cloud CLI instead. For example, ibmcloud resource service-instances --service-name ibmanalyticsengine.

Currently, you cannot fetch the list of all IBM Analytics Engine service instances through this REST API. You should use the IBM Cloud CLI instead. For example, ibmcloud resource service-instances --service-name ibmanalyticsengine.

Currently, you cannot fetch the list of all IBM Analytics Engine service instances through this REST API. You should use the IBM Cloud CLI instead. For example, ibmcloud resource service-instances --service-name ibmanalyticsengine.

GET /v2/analytics_engines
getAllAnalyticsEngines(params, [callback()])
get_all_analytics_engines(self, **kwargs) -> DetailedResponse
(ibmAnalyticsEngineApi *IbmAnalyticsEngineApiV2) GetAllAnalyticsEngines(getAllAnalyticsEnginesOptions *GetAllAnalyticsEnginesOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
ServiceCall<Void> getAllAnalyticsEngines()


No Request Parameters

This method does not accept any request parameters.

No Request Parameters

This method does not accept any request parameters.

No Request Parameters

This method does not accept any request parameters.

No Request Parameters

This method does not accept any request parameters.

No Request Parameters

This method does not accept any request parameters.


            Status Code

            • Not Implemented

            No Sample Response

            This method does not specify any sample responses.

            Get details of Analytics Engine

            Retrieves the following details of the IBM Analytics Engine service instance:

            • Hardware size and software package
            • Timestamps at which the cluster was created, deleted or updated
            • Service endpoint URLs

            NOTE: No credentials are returned. You can get the IBM Analytics Engine service instance credentials by invoking the reset_password REST API.

            Retrieves the following details of the IBM Analytics Engine service instance:

            • Hardware size and software package
            • Timestamps at which the cluster was created, deleted or updated
            • Service endpoint URLs

            NOTE: No credentials are returned. You can get the IBM Analytics Engine service instance credentials by invoking the reset_password REST API.

            Retrieves the following details of the IBM Analytics Engine service instance:

            • Hardware size and software package
            • Timestamps at which the cluster was created, deleted or updated
            • Service endpoint URLs

            NOTE: No credentials are returned. You can get the IBM Analytics Engine service instance credentials by invoking the reset_password REST API.

            Retrieves the following details of the IBM Analytics Engine service instance:

            • Hardware size and software package
            • Timestamps at which the cluster was created, deleted or updated
            • Service endpoint URLs

            NOTE: No credentials are returned. You can get the IBM Analytics Engine service instance credentials by invoking the reset_password REST API.

            Retrieves the following details of the IBM Analytics Engine service instance:

            • Hardware size and software package
            • Timestamps at which the cluster was created, deleted or updated
            • Service endpoint URLs

            NOTE: No credentials are returned. You can get the IBM Analytics Engine service instance credentials by invoking the reset_password REST API.

            GET /v2/analytics_engines/{instance_guid}
            getAnalyticsEngineById(params, [callback()])
            get_analytics_engine_by_id(self, instance_guid: str, **kwargs) -> DetailedResponse
            (ibmAnalyticsEngineApi *IbmAnalyticsEngineApiV2) GetAnalyticsEngineByID(getAnalyticsEngineByIdOptions *GetAnalyticsEngineByIdOptions) (result *AnalyticsEngine, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
            ServiceCall<AnalyticsEngine> getAnalyticsEngineById(GetAnalyticsEngineByIdOptions getAnalyticsEngineByIdOptions)


            Instantiate the GetAnalyticsEngineByIdOptions struct and set the fields to provide parameter values for the GetAnalyticsEngineByID method.

            Use the GetAnalyticsEngineByIdOptions.Builder to create a GetAnalyticsEngineByIdOptions object that contains the parameter values for the getAnalyticsEngineById method.

            Custom Headers

            • Identity Access Management (IAM) bearer token.

            Path Parameters

            • GUID of the service instance


            • GUID of the service instance.


            • GUID of the service instance.

            The GetAnalyticsEngineByID options.

            The getAnalyticsEngineById options.

            • curl --request GET   --url<instance_guid>   --header 'authorization: Bearer <token>'   --header 'content-type : application/json'
            • func main() {
                  // Construct GetAnalyticsEngineByIdOptions model
                  getAnalyticsEngineByIdOptionsModel := new(ibmanalyticsengineapiv2.GetAnalyticsEngineByIdOptions)
                  getAnalyticsEngineByIdOptionsModel.InstanceGuid = core.StringPtr(instanceGuid)
                  _, response, _ := service.GetAnalyticsEngineByID(getAnalyticsEngineByIdOptionsModel)
            • // Construct an instance of the GetAnalyticsEngineByIdOptions model
              GetAnalyticsEngineByIdOptions getAnalyticsEngineByIdOptionsModel = new GetAnalyticsEngineByIdOptions.Builder()
              // Invoke operation with valid options model (positive test)
              Response<AnalyticsEngine> response = service.getAnalyticsEngineById(getAnalyticsEngineByIdOptionsModel).execute();
              AnalyticsEngine responseObj = response.getResult();
            • IbmAnalyticsEngineServiceClient.getAnalyticsEngineById({
                instanceGuid: "{instanceGuid}",
              }).then((response) => {
                const { result, status, headers, statusText } = response;
              }).catch((err) => {
                console.log(JSON.stringify(err, null, 4));
            • response = iaesdk_service.get_analytics_engine_by_id(instance_guid)


            Analytics Engine cluster details

            Analytics Engine cluster details.

            Analytics Engine cluster details.

            Analytics Engine cluster details.

            Analytics Engine cluster details.

            Status Code

            • OK

            • Bad Request

            • Unauthorized

            • Forbidden

            • No cluster associated with the given service instance GUID

            • Internal Server Error

            Example responses
            • {
                "id": "0cc34703-e109-448b-9182-1da1ea56f4f6",
                "name": "AnalyticsEngine",
                "description": "No description",
                "service_plan": "7715aa8d-fb59-42e8-951e-5f1103d8285e",
                "hardware_size": "default",
                "software_package": "AE 1.1 Spark and Hadoop",
                "domain": "",
                "creation_time": "2018-11-12T09:26:33Z",
                "commision_time": "2018-11-12T09:47:30Z",
                "decommision_time": null,
                "deletion_time": null,
                "state_change_time": "2018-11-12T09:47:30Z",
                "state": "Active",
                "additional_services": [],
                "user_credentials": {
                  "user": "clsadmin"
                "nodes": [
                    "id": 1,
                    "fqdn": "",
                    "type": "master-management",
                    "state": "Commissioned",
                    "public_ip": "node-ip",
                    "private_ip": "node-ip",
                    "state_change_time": "2018-11-12T09:47:30Z",
                    "commission_time": "2018-11-12T09:47:30Z"
                    "id": 2,
                    "fqdn": "",
                    "type": "management-slave1",
                    "state": "Commissioned",
                    "public_ip": "node-ip",
                    "private_ip": "node-ip",
                    "state_change_time": "2018-11-12T09:47:30Z",
                    "commission_time": "2018-11-12T09:47:30Z"
                    "id": 3,
                    "fqdn": "",
                    "type": "management-slave2",
                    "state": "Commissioned",
                    "public_ip": "node-ip",
                    "private_ip": "node-ip",
                    "state_change_time": "2018-11-12T09:47:30Z",
                    "commission_time": "2018-11-12T09:47:30Z"
                    "id": 4,
                    "fqdn": "",
                    "type": "data",
                    "state": "Commissioned",
                    "public_ip": "node-ip",
                    "private_ip": "node-ip",
                    "state_change_time": "2018-11-12T09:47:30Z",
                    "commission_time": "2018-11-12T09:47:30Z"
                "service_endpoints": {
                  "phoenix_jdbc": "jdbc:phoenix:thin:url=;authentication=BASIC;serialization=PROTOBUF",
                  "ambari_console": "",
                  "livy": "",
                  "spark_history_server": "",
                  "oozie_rest": "",
                  "hive_jdbc": "jdbc:hive2://;ssl=true;transportMode=http;httpPath=gateway/default/hive",
                  "notebook_gateway_websocket": "wss://",
                  "notebook_gateway": "",
                  "webhdfs": "",
                  "ssh": "ssh",
                  "spark_sql": "jdbc:hive2://;ssl=true;transportMode=http;httpPath=gateway/default/spark"
                "service_endpoints_ip": {
                  "phoenix_jdbc": "jdbc:phoenix:thin:url=https://node-ip:8443/gateway/default/avatica;authentication=BASIC;serialization=PROTOBUF",
                  "ambari_console": "https://node-ip:9443",
                  "livy": "https://node-ip:8443/gateway/default/livy/v1/batches",
                  "spark_history_server": "https://node-ip:8443/gateway/default/sparkhistory",
                  "oozie_rest": "https://node-ip:8443/gateway/default/oozie",
                  "hive_jdbc": "jdbc:hive2://node-ip:8443/;ssl=true;transportMode=http;httpPath=gateway/default/hive",
                  "notebook_gateway_websocket": "wss://node-ip:8443/gateway/default/jkgws/",
                  "notebook_gateway": "https://node-ip:8443/gateway/default/jkg/",
                  "webhdfs": "https://node-ip:8443/gateway/default/webhdfs/v1/",
                  "ssh": "ssh clsadmin@node-ip",
                  "spark_sql": "jdbc:hive2://node-ip:8443/;ssl=true;transportMode=http;httpPath=gateway/default/spark"
                "private_endpoint_whitelist": [
            • {
                "id": "0cc34703-e109-448b-9182-1da1ea56f4f6",
                "name": "AnalyticsEngine",
                "description": "No description",
                "service_plan": "7715aa8d-fb59-42e8-951e-5f1103d8285e",
                "hardware_size": "default",
                "software_package": "AE 1.1 Spark and Hadoop",
                "domain": "",
                "creation_time": "2018-11-12T09:26:33Z",
                "commision_time": "2018-11-12T09:47:30Z",
                "decommision_time": null,
                "deletion_time": null,
                "state_change_time": "2018-11-12T09:47:30Z",
                "state": "Active",
                "additional_services": [],
                "user_credentials": {
                  "user": "clsadmin"
                "nodes": [
                    "id": 1,
                    "fqdn": "",
                    "type": "master-management",
                    "state": "Commissioned",
                    "public_ip": "node-ip",
                    "private_ip": "node-ip",
                    "state_change_time": "2018-11-12T09:47:30Z",
                    "commission_time": "2018-11-12T09:47:30Z"
                    "id": 2,
                    "fqdn": "",
                    "type": "management-slave1",
                    "state": "Commissioned",
                    "public_ip": "node-ip",
                    "private_ip": "node-ip",
                    "state_change_time": "2018-11-12T09:47:30Z",
                    "commission_time": "2018-11-12T09:47:30Z"
                    "id": 3,
                    "fqdn": "",
                    "type": "management-slave2",
                    "state": "Commissioned",
                    "public_ip": "node-ip",
                    "private_ip": "node-ip",
                    "state_change_time": "2018-11-12T09:47:30Z",
                    "commission_time": "2018-11-12T09:47:30Z"
                    "id": 4,
                    "fqdn": "",
                    "type": "data",
                    "state": "Commissioned",
                    "public_ip": "node-ip",
                    "private_ip": "node-ip",
                    "state_change_time": "2018-11-12T09:47:30Z",
                    "commission_time": "2018-11-12T09:47:30Z"
                "service_endpoints": {
                  "phoenix_jdbc": "jdbc:phoenix:thin:url=;authentication=BASIC;serialization=PROTOBUF",
                  "ambari_console": "",
                  "livy": "",
                  "spark_history_server": "",
                  "oozie_rest": "",
                  "hive_jdbc": "jdbc:hive2://;ssl=true;transportMode=http;httpPath=gateway/default/hive",
                  "notebook_gateway_websocket": "wss://",
                  "notebook_gateway": "",
                  "webhdfs": "",
                  "ssh": "ssh",
                  "spark_sql": "jdbc:hive2://;ssl=true;transportMode=http;httpPath=gateway/default/spark"
                "service_endpoints_ip": {
                  "phoenix_jdbc": "jdbc:phoenix:thin:url=https://node-ip:8443/gateway/default/avatica;authentication=BASIC;serialization=PROTOBUF",
                  "ambari_console": "https://node-ip:9443",
                  "livy": "https://node-ip:8443/gateway/default/livy/v1/batches",
                  "spark_history_server": "https://node-ip:8443/gateway/default/sparkhistory",
                  "oozie_rest": "https://node-ip:8443/gateway/default/oozie",
                  "hive_jdbc": "jdbc:hive2://node-ip:8443/;ssl=true;transportMode=http;httpPath=gateway/default/hive",
                  "notebook_gateway_websocket": "wss://node-ip:8443/gateway/default/jkgws/",
                  "notebook_gateway": "https://node-ip:8443/gateway/default/jkg/",
                  "webhdfs": "https://node-ip:8443/gateway/default/webhdfs/v1/",
                  "ssh": "ssh clsadmin@node-ip",
                  "spark_sql": "jdbc:hive2://node-ip:8443/;ssl=true;transportMode=http;httpPath=gateway/default/spark"
                "private_endpoint_whitelist": [
            • {
                "errors": [
                    "code": "resource_not_found",
                    "message": "The URL in your request is invalid. Specify a valid value for `compute_engine_id` in the URL and send the request again."
            • {
                "errors": [
                    "code": "resource_not_found",
                    "message": "The URL in your request is invalid. Specify a valid value for `compute_engine_id` in the URL and send the request again."

            Get state of Analytics Engine

            Returns the state of the Analytics Engine cluster. The following states exist:

            • Preparing : A cluster is being created.
            • Active : The cluster is created and running.
            • Deleted : The cluster was deleted.
            • Failed : A cluster couldn't be created.
            • Expired : The service instance has expired. The cluster has been deleted.
            • ResizeFailed : The cluster couldn't be resized. The cluster will be reactivated based on the old settings.

            Returns the state of the Analytics Engine cluster. The following states exist:

            • Preparing : A cluster is being created.
            • Active : The cluster is created and running.
            • Deleted : The cluster was deleted.
            • Failed : A cluster couldn't be created.
            • Expired : The service instance has expired. The cluster has been deleted.
            • ResizeFailed : The cluster couldn't be resized. The cluster will be reactivated based on the old settings.

            Returns the state of the Analytics Engine cluster. The following states exist:

            • Preparing : A cluster is being created.
            • Active : The cluster is created and running.
            • Deleted : The cluster was deleted.
            • Failed : A cluster couldn't be created.
            • Expired : The service instance has expired. The cluster has been deleted.
            • ResizeFailed : The cluster couldn't be resized. The cluster will be reactivated based on the old settings.

            Returns the state of the Analytics Engine cluster. The following states exist:

            • Preparing : A cluster is being created.
            • Active : The cluster is created and running.
            • Deleted : The cluster was deleted.
            • Failed : A cluster couldn't be created.
            • Expired : The service instance has expired. The cluster has been deleted.
            • ResizeFailed : The cluster couldn't be resized. The cluster will be reactivated based on the old settings.

            Returns the state of the Analytics Engine cluster. The following states exist:

            • Preparing : A cluster is being created.
            • Active : The cluster is created and running.
            • Deleted : The cluster was deleted.
            • Failed : A cluster couldn't be created.
            • Expired : The service instance has expired. The cluster has been deleted.
            • ResizeFailed : The cluster couldn't be resized. The cluster will be reactivated based on the old settings.
            GET /v2/analytics_engines/{instance_guid}/state
            getAnalyticsEngineStateById(params, [callback()])
            get_analytics_engine_state_by_id(self, instance_guid: str, **kwargs) -> DetailedResponse
            (ibmAnalyticsEngineApi *IbmAnalyticsEngineApiV2) GetAnalyticsEngineStateByID(getAnalyticsEngineStateByIdOptions *GetAnalyticsEngineStateByIdOptions) (result *AnalyticsEngineState, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
            ServiceCall<AnalyticsEngineState> getAnalyticsEngineStateById(GetAnalyticsEngineStateByIdOptions getAnalyticsEngineStateByIdOptions)


            Instantiate the GetAnalyticsEngineStateByIdOptions struct and set the fields to provide parameter values for the GetAnalyticsEngineStateByID method.

            Use the GetAnalyticsEngineStateByIdOptions.Builder to create a GetAnalyticsEngineStateByIdOptions object that contains the parameter values for the getAnalyticsEngineStateById method.

            Custom Headers

            • Identity Access Management (IAM) bearer token.

            Path Parameters

            • GUID of the service instance


            • GUID of the service instance.


            • GUID of the service instance.

            The GetAnalyticsEngineStateByID options.

            The getAnalyticsEngineStateById options.

            • curl --request GET    --url<instance_guid>/state  --header 'authorization: Bearer <token>'  --header 'content-type: application/json'
            • func main() {
                  // Construct an instance of the GetAnalyticsEngineStateByIdOptions model
                  getAnalyticsEngineStateByIdOptionsModel := new(ibmanalyticsengineapiv2.GetAnalyticsEngineStateByIdOptions)
                  getAnalyticsEngineStateByIdOptionsModel.InstanceGuid = core.StringPtr(instanceGuid)
                  _, response, _ := service.GetAnalyticsEngineStateByID(getAnalyticsEngineStateByIdOptionsModel)
            • // Construct an instance of the GetAnalyticsEngineStateByIdOptions model
              GetAnalyticsEngineStateByIdOptions getAnalyticsEngineStateByIdOptionsModel = new GetAnalyticsEngineStateByIdOptions.Builder()
              Response<AnalyticsEngineState> response = service.getAnalyticsEngineStateById(getAnalyticsEngineStateByIdOptionsModel).execute();
              AnalyticsEngineState responseObj = response.getResult();
            • IbmAnalyticsEngineServiceClient.getAnalyticsEngineStateById({
                instanceGuid: "{instanceGuid}",
              }).then((response) => {
                const { result, status, headers, statusText } = response;
              }).catch((err) => {
                console.log(JSON.stringify(err, null, 4));
            • response = iaesdk_service.get_analytics_engine_state_by_id(instance_guid)


            Cluster state

            Cluster state.

            Cluster state.

            Cluster state.

            Cluster state.

            Status Code

            • OK

            • Bad Request

            • Unauthorized

            • Forbidden

            • No cluster associated with the given service instance GUID

            • Internal Server Error

            Example responses
            • {
                "state": "Active"
            • {
                "state": "Active"
            • {
                "errors": [
                    "code": "resource_not_found",
                    "message": "The URL in your request is invalid. Specify a valid value for `compute_engine_id` in the URL and send the request again."
            • {
                "errors": [
                    "code": "resource_not_found",
                    "message": "The URL in your request is invalid. Specify a valid value for `compute_engine_id` in the URL and send the request again."

            Create an adhoc customization request

            Creates a new adhoc customization request. Adhoc customization scripts can be run only once. They are not persisted with the cluster and are not run automatically when more nodes are added to the cluster.

            Creates a new adhoc customization request. Adhoc customization scripts can be run only once. They are not persisted with the cluster and are not run automatically when more nodes are added to the cluster.

            Creates a new adhoc customization request. Adhoc customization scripts can be run only once. They are not persisted with the cluster and are not run automatically when more nodes are added to the cluster.

            Creates a new adhoc customization request. Adhoc customization scripts can be run only once. They are not persisted with the cluster and are not run automatically when more nodes are added to the cluster.

            Creates a new adhoc customization request. Adhoc customization scripts can be run only once. They are not persisted with the cluster and are not run automatically when more nodes are added to the cluster.

            POST /v2/analytics_engines/{instance_guid}/customization_requests
            createCustomizationRequest(params, [callback()])
            create_customization_request(self, instance_guid: str, target: str, custom_actions: List['AnalyticsEngineCustomAction'], **kwargs) -> DetailedResponse
            (ibmAnalyticsEngineApi *IbmAnalyticsEngineApiV2) CreateCustomizationRequest(createCustomizationRequestOptions *CreateCustomizationRequestOptions) (result *AnalyticsEngineCreateCustomizationResponse, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
            ServiceCall<AnalyticsEngineCreateCustomizationResponse> createCustomizationRequest(CreateCustomizationRequestOptions createCustomizationRequestOptions)


            Instantiate the CreateCustomizationRequestOptions struct and set the fields to provide parameter values for the CreateCustomizationRequest method.

            Use the CreateCustomizationRequestOptions.Builder to create a CreateCustomizationRequestOptions object that contains the parameter values for the createCustomizationRequest method.

            Custom Headers

            • Identity Access Management (IAM) bearer token.

            Path Parameters

            • GUID of the service instance

            Set of action scripts to run. The contents of the script property

            varies based on the source_type. Use the example given below.

            If your customization script is to be accessed using HTTP (without SSL), then

              "script_path": "http://host:port/path/to/bootstrap/script"

            If your customization script is to be accessed using HTTPS, then

             "source_props": {
            "script_path": "https://host:port/path/to/bootstrap/script"

            If your customization script is stored in Bluemix Swift Object Store, then

              "source_type": "BluemixSwift",
               "password": "yyyyyyyyyy",
             "region": "dallas"
            "script_path": "/myContainer/myFolder/path/to/bootstrap/script"

            If your customization script is stored in Softlayer Swift Object Store, then

              "source_props": {
                "api_key": "yyyyyyy"

            If your customization script is stored in IBM Cloud Object Store S3, then

              "source_props": {
                  "secret_access_key": "yyyyyy"


            • GUID of the service instance.

            • Type of nodes to target for this customization.

              Allowable values: [all,master-management,data]

            • List of custom actions.


            • GUID of the service instance.

            • Type of nodes to target for this customization.

              Allowable values: [all,master-management,data]

            • List of custom actions.

            The CreateCustomizationRequest options.

            The createCustomizationRequest options.

            • curl --request POST  --url<instance_guid>/customization_requests   --header 'accept: application/json'  --header 'authorization: Bearer <token>'  -d  
               '{ "target": "all", 
               "custom_actions": [{  
               "name": "action1", 
               "source_type": "http", 
               "script_path": "<pathToFile>" 
               "script_params": ["arg1", "arg2"] 
               }'  --header 'content-type: application/json'
            • func main() {
                  // Construct an instance of the AnalyticsEngineCustomActionScript model
                  analyticsEngineCustomActionScriptModel := new(ibmanalyticsengineapiv2.AnalyticsEngineCustomActionScript)
                  analyticsEngineCustomActionScriptModel.SourceType = core.StringPtr("http")
                  analyticsEngineCustomActionScriptModel.ScriptPath = core.StringPtr("testString")
                  analyticsEngineCustomActionScriptModel.SourceProps = core.StringPtr("testString")
                  // Construct an instance of the AnalyticsEngineCustomAction model
                  analyticsEngineCustomActionModel := new(ibmanalyticsengineapiv2.AnalyticsEngineCustomAction)
                  analyticsEngineCustomActionModel.Name = core.StringPtr("testString")
                  analyticsEngineCustomActionModel.Type = core.StringPtr("bootstrap")
                  analyticsEngineCustomActionModel.Script = analyticsEngineCustomActionScriptModel
                  analyticsEngineCustomActionModel.ScriptParams = []string{"testString"}
                  // Construct an instance of the CreateCustomizationRequestOptions model
                  createCustomizationRequestOptionsModel := new(ibmanalyticsengineapiv2.CreateCustomizationRequestOptions)
                  createCustomizationRequestOptionsModel.InstanceGuid = core.StringPtr(instanceGuid)
                  createCustomizationRequestOptionsModel.Target = core.StringPtr("all")
                  createCustomizationRequestOptionsModel.CustomActions = []ibmanalyticsengineapiv2.AnalyticsEngineCustomAction{*analyticsEngineCustomActionModel}
                  // Invoke operation with valid options model (positive test)
                  _, response, _ := service.CreateCustomizationRequest(createCustomizationRequestOptionsModel)
            • // Construct an instance of the AnalyticsEngineCustomActionScript model
              AnalyticsEngineCustomActionScript analyticsEngineCustomActionScriptModel = new AnalyticsEngineCustomActionScript.Builder()
              .sourceProps(new java.util.HashMap<String,Object>(){{put("foo", "testString"); }})
              // Construct an instance of the AnalyticsEngineCustomAction model
              AnalyticsEngineCustomAction analyticsEngineCustomActionModel = new AnalyticsEngineCustomAction.Builder()
              .scriptParams(new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList("testString")))
              // Construct an instance of the CreateCustomizationRequestOptions model
              CreateCustomizationRequestOptions createCustomizationRequestOptionsModel = new CreateCustomizationRequestOptions.Builder()
              .customActions(new ArrayList<AnalyticsEngineCustomAction>(Arrays.asList(analyticsEngineCustomActionModel)))
              // Invoke operation with valid options model (positive test)
              Response<AnalyticsEngineCreateCustomizationResponse> response = service.createCustomizationRequest(createCustomizationRequestOptionsModel).execute();
            • // AnalyticsEngineCustomActionScript
              const analyticsEngineCustomActionScriptModel = {
                source_type: 'http',
                script_path: 'testString',
                source_props: { foo: 'bar' },
              // AnalyticsEngineCustomAction
              const analyticsEngineCustomActionModel = {
                name: 'testString',
                type: 'bootstrap',
                script: analyticsEngineCustomActionScriptModel,
                script_params: ['testString'],
              const target = 'all';
                const customActions = [analyticsEngineCustomActionModel];
                instanceGuid: "{instanceGuid}",
                target: target,
                customActions: customActions,
              }).then((response) => {
                const { result, status, headers, statusText } = response;
              }).catch((err) => {
                console.log(JSON.stringify(err, null, 4));
            • # Construct a dict representation of a AnalyticsEngineCustomActionScript model
              analytics_engine_custom_action_script_model =  {
                  'source_type': 'http',
                  'script_path': 'testString',
                  'source_props': 'unknown type: object'
              # Construct a dict representation of a AnalyticsEngineCustomAction model
              analytics_engine_custom_action_model =  {
                  'name': 'testString',
                  'type': 'bootstrap',
                  'script': analytics_engine_custom_action_script_model,
                  'script_params': ['testString']
              # Set up parameter values
              target = 'all'
              custom_actions = [analytics_engine_custom_action_model]
              # Invoke method
              response = iaesdk_service.create_customization_request(


            Create customization request response

            Create customization request response.

            Create customization request response.

            Create customization request response.

            Create customization request response.

            Status Code

            • OK

            • Bad Request

            • Unauthorized

            • Forbidden

            • Resource Not Found

            • Internal Server Error

            Example responses
            • {
                "request_id": 16734
            • {
                "request_id": 16734

            Get all customization requests run on an Analytics Engine cluster

            Retrieves the request_id of all customization requests submitted to the specified Analytics Engine cluster.

            Retrieves the request_id of all customization requests submitted to the specified Analytics Engine cluster.

            Retrieves the request_id of all customization requests submitted to the specified Analytics Engine cluster.

            Retrieves the request_id of all customization requests submitted to the specified Analytics Engine cluster.

            Retrieves the request_id of all customization requests submitted to the specified Analytics Engine cluster.

            GET /v2/analytics_engines/{instance_guid}/customization_requests
            getAllCustomizationRequests(params, [callback()])
            get_all_customization_requests(self, instance_guid: str, **kwargs) -> DetailedResponse
            (ibmAnalyticsEngineApi *IbmAnalyticsEngineApiV2) GetAllCustomizationRequests(getAllCustomizationRequestsOptions *GetAllCustomizationRequestsOptions) (result *[]AnalyticsEngineCustomizationRequestCollectionItem, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
            ServiceCall<List<AnalyticsEngineCustomizationRequestCollectionItem>> getAllCustomizationRequests(GetAllCustomizationRequestsOptions getAllCustomizationRequestsOptions)


            Instantiate the GetAllCustomizationRequestsOptions struct and set the fields to provide parameter values for the GetAllCustomizationRequests method.

            Use the GetAllCustomizationRequestsOptions.Builder to create a GetAllCustomizationRequestsOptions object that contains the parameter values for the getAllCustomizationRequests method.

            Custom Headers

            • Identity Access Management (IAM) bearer token.

            Path Parameters

            • service instance GUID


            • service instance GUID.


            • service instance GUID.

            The GetAllCustomizationRequests options.

            The getAllCustomizationRequests options.

            • curl --request GET  --url<instance_guid>/customization_requests  --header 'authorization: Bearer <token>'  --header 'content-type: application/json'
            • func main() {
                  // Construct an instance of the GetAllCustomizationRequestsOptions model
                  getAllCustomizationRequestsOptionsModel := new(ibmanalyticsengineapiv2.GetAllCustomizationRequestsOptions)
                  getAllCustomizationRequestsOptionsModel.InstanceGuid = core.StringPtr(instanceGuid)
                  // Invoke operation with valid options model
                  _, response, _ := service.GetAllCustomizationRequests(getAllCustomizationRequestsOptionsModel)
            • // Construct an instance of the GetAllCustomizationRequestsOptions model
              GetAllCustomizationRequestsOptions getAllCustomizationRequestsOptionsModel = new GetAllCustomizationRequestsOptions.Builder()
              // Invoke operation with valid options model (positive test)
              Response<List<AnalyticsEngineCustomizationRequestCollectionItem>> response = service.getAllCustomizationRequests(getAllCustomizationRequestsOptionsModel).execute();
              List<AnalyticsEngineCustomizationRequestCollectionItem> responseObj = response.getResult();
            • IbmAnalyticsEngineServiceClient.getAllCustomizationRequests({
                instanceGuid: "{instanceGuid}",
              }).then((response) => {
                const { result, status, headers, statusText } = response;
              }).catch((err) => {
                console.log(JSON.stringify(err, null, 4));
            • response = iaesdk_service.get_all_customization_requests(instance_guid)


            Response type: AnalyticsEngineCustomizationRequestCollectionItem[]

            Response type: List[AnalyticsEngineCustomizationRequestCollectionItem]

            Response type: []AnalyticsEngineCustomizationRequestCollectionItem

            Response type: List<AnalyticsEngineCustomizationRequestCollectionItem>

            List of all customization requests run on this cluster

            Status Code

            • OK

            • Bad Request

            • Unauthorized

            • Forbidden

            • Resource Not Found

            • Internal Server Error

            Example responses
            • [
                  "id": "16734"
            • [
                  "id": "16734"

            Retrieve details of specified customization request ID

            Retrieves the status of the specified customization request, along with pointers to log files generated during the run.

            Retrieves the status of the specified customization request, along with pointers to log files generated during the run.

            Retrieves the status of the specified customization request, along with pointers to log files generated during the run.

            Retrieves the status of the specified customization request, along with pointers to log files generated during the run.

            Retrieves the status of the specified customization request, along with pointers to log files generated during the run.

            GET /v2/analytics_engines/{instance_guid}/customization_requests/{request_id}
            getCustomizationRequestById(params, [callback()])
            get_customization_request_by_id(self, instance_guid: str, request_id: str, **kwargs) -> DetailedResponse
            (ibmAnalyticsEngineApi *IbmAnalyticsEngineApiV2) GetCustomizationRequestByID(getCustomizationRequestByIdOptions *GetCustomizationRequestByIdOptions) (result *AnalyticsEngineCustomizationRunDetails, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
            ServiceCall<AnalyticsEngineCustomizationRunDetails> getCustomizationRequestById(GetCustomizationRequestByIdOptions getCustomizationRequestByIdOptions)


            Instantiate the GetCustomizationRequestByIdOptions struct and set the fields to provide parameter values for the GetCustomizationRequestByID method.

            Use the GetCustomizationRequestByIdOptions.Builder to create a GetCustomizationRequestByIdOptions object that contains the parameter values for the getCustomizationRequestById method.

            Custom Headers

            • Identity Access Management (IAM) bearer token.

            Path Parameters

            • Service instance GUID

            • customization request ID


            • Service instance GUID.

            • customization request ID.


            • Service instance GUID.

            • customization request ID.

            The GetCustomizationRequestByID options.

            The getCustomizationRequestById options.

            • curl --request GET   --url<instance_guid>/customization_requests/<request_id>  --header 'authorization: Bearer <token>'  --header 'content-type: application/json'
            • func main() {
                  // Construct an instance of the GetCustomizationRequestByIdOptions model
                  getCustomizationRequestByIdOptionsModel := new(ibmanalyticsengineapiv2.GetCustomizationRequestByIdOptions)
                  getCustomizationRequestByIdOptionsModel.InstanceGuid = core.StringPtr(instanceGuid)
                  getCustomizationRequestByIdOptionsModel.RequestID = core.StringPtr("RequestID")
                  // Invoke operation with valid options model (positive test)
                  _, response, _ := service.GetCustomizationRequestByID(getCustomizationRequestByIdOptionsModel)
            • // Construct an instance of the GetCustomizationRequestByIdOptions model
              GetCustomizationRequestByIdOptions getCustomizationRequestByIdOptionsModel = new GetCustomizationRequestByIdOptions.Builder()
              // Invoke operation with valid options model (positive test)
              Response<AnalyticsEngineCustomizationRunDetails> response = service.getCustomizationRequestById(getCustomizationRequestByIdOptionsModel).execute();
              AnalyticsEngineCustomizationRunDetails responseObj = response.getResult();
            • IbmAnalyticsEngineServiceClient.getCustomizationRequestById({
                instanceGuid: "{instanceGuid}",
                requestId: requestId,
              }).then((response) => {
                const { result, status, headers, statusText } = response;
              }).catch((err) => {
                console.log(JSON.stringify(err, null, 4));
            • response = iaesdk_service.get_customization_request_by_id(instance_guid, request_id)


            Customization run details for the cluster

            Customization run details for the cluster.

            Customization run details for the cluster.

            Customization run details for the cluster.

            Customization run details for the cluster.

            Status Code

            • OK

            • Bad Request

            • Unauthorized

            • Forbidden

            • Resource Not Found

            • Internal Server Error

            Example responses
            • {
                "id": "16734",
                "run_status": "Completed",
                "run_details": {
                  "overall_status": "success",
                  "details": [
                      "node_name": "",
                      "node_type": "management-slave2",
                      "start_time": "2018-11-13 10:13:28.799000",
                      "end_time": "2018-11-13 10:18:34.599000",
                      "time_taken": "305 secs",
                      "status": "CustomizeSuccess",
                      "log_file": "/var/log/"
            • {
                "id": "16734",
                "run_status": "Completed",
                "run_details": {
                  "overall_status": "success",
                  "details": [
                      "node_name": "",
                      "node_type": "management-slave2",
                      "start_time": "2018-11-13 10:13:28.799000",
                      "end_time": "2018-11-13 10:18:34.599000",
                      "time_taken": "305 secs",
                      "status": "CustomizeSuccess",
                      "log_file": "/var/log/"

            Resize the cluster

            Resizes the cluster by adjusting the number of compute and task nodes. Task nodes can be added and removed. Compute nodes, once added, can't be removed.


            1. You can't modify the number of compute nodes and tasks nodes in the same request.

            2. You can't modify the number of task nodes if you enabled auto scaling when you created the cluster.

            3. Task nodes are not supported on Lite plan clusters.

            4. You can't resize the cluster if the software package on the cluster is deprecated or doesn't permit cluster resizing. See here.

            Resizes the cluster by adding compute nodes.

            Note: You can't resize the cluster if the software package on the cluster is deprecated or if the software package doesn't permit cluster resizing. See here.

            Resizes the cluster by adding compute nodes.

            Note: You can't resize the cluster if the software package on the cluster is deprecated or if the software package doesn't permit cluster resizing. See here.

            Resizes the cluster by adding compute nodes.

            Note: You can't resize the cluster if the software package on the cluster is deprecated or if the software package doesn't permit cluster resizing. See here.

            Resizes the cluster by adding compute nodes.

            Note: You can't resize the cluster if the software package on the cluster is deprecated or if the software package doesn't permit cluster resizing. See here.

            POST /v2/analytics_engines/{instance_guid}/resize
            resizeCluster(params, [callback()])
            resize_cluster(self, instance_guid: str, *, compute_nodes_count: int = None, **kwargs) -> DetailedResponse
            (ibmAnalyticsEngineApi *IbmAnalyticsEngineApiV2) ResizeCluster(resizeClusterOptions *ResizeClusterOptions) (result *AnalyticsEngineResizeClusterResponse, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
            ServiceCall<AnalyticsEngineResizeClusterResponse> resizeCluster(ResizeClusterOptions resizeClusterOptions)


            Instantiate the ResizeClusterOptions struct and set the fields to provide parameter values for the ResizeCluster method.

            Use the ResizeClusterOptions.Builder to create a ResizeClusterOptions object that contains the parameter values for the resizeCluster method.

            Custom Headers

            • Identity Access Management (IAM) bearer token.

            Path Parameters

            • Service instance GUID

            Expected size of the cluster after the resize operation. If the number of nodes in the cluster is 5 and you want to add 2 nodes, specify 7.


            • Service instance GUID.

            • Expected number of nodes in the cluster after the resize operation.


            • Service instance GUID.

            • Expected number of nodes in the cluster after the resize operation.

            The ResizeCluster options.

            The resizeCluster options.

            • curl --request POST   --url<instance_guid>/resize  --header 'accept: application/json'  --header 'authorization: Bearer <token>'  -d '{"compute_nodes_count":<numOFComputeNodes>}'  --header 'content-type: application/json'
            • curl --request POST   --url<instance_guid>/resize  --header 'accept: application/json'  --header 'authorization: Bearer <token>'  -d '{"task_nodes_count":<numOfTaskNodes>}'  --header 'content-type: application/json'
            • func main() {
                  // Construct an instance of the ResizeClusterOptions model
                  resizeClusterOptionsModel := new(ibmanalyticsengineapiv2.ResizeClusterOptions)
                  resizeClusterOptionsModel.InstanceGuid = core.StringPtr(instanceGuid)
                  resizeClusterOptionsModel.ComputeNodesCount = core.Int64Ptr(int64(computeNodesCount))
                  // Invoke operation with valid options model (positive test)
                  _, response, _ := service.ResizeCluster(resizeClusterOptionsModel)
            • // Construct an instance of the ResizeClusterOptions model
              ResizeClusterOptions resizeClusterOptionsModel = new ResizeClusterOptions.Builder()
              // Invoke operation with valid options model (positive test)
              Response<AnalyticsEngineResizeClusterResponse> response = service.resizeCluster(resizeClusterOptionsModel).execute();
            • IbmAnalyticsEngineServiceClient.resizeCluster({
                instanceGuid: "{instanceGuid}",
                computeNodesCount: computeNodesCount,
              }).then((response) => {
                const { result, status, headers, statusText } = response;
              }).catch((err) => {
                console.log(JSON.stringify(err, null, 4));
            • response = iaesdk_service.resize_cluster(instance_guid, compute_nodes_count)


            Resize request response

            Resize request response.

            Resize request response.

            Resize request response.

            Resize request response.

            Status Code

            • OK

            • Bad Request

            • Unauthorized

            • Forbidden

            • Resource Not Found

            • Unprocessable request

            • Internal Server Error

            Example responses
            • {
                "request_id": 407
            • {
                "request_id": 407

            Reset cluster password

            Resets the cluster's password to a new system-generated crytographically strong value. The new password is included in the response and you should make a note of it. This password is displayed only once here and cannot be retrieved later.

            Resets the cluster's password to a new system-generated crytographically strong value. The new password is included in the response and you should make a note of it. This password is displayed only once here and cannot be retrieved later.

            Resets the cluster's password to a new system-generated crytographically strong value. The new password is included in the response and you should make a note of it. This password is displayed only once here and cannot be retrieved later.

            Resets the cluster's password to a new system-generated crytographically strong value. The new password is included in the response and you should make a note of it. This password is displayed only once here and cannot be retrieved later.

            Resets the cluster's password to a new system-generated crytographically strong value. The new password is included in the response and you should make a note of it. This password is displayed only once here and cannot be retrieved later.

            POST /v2/analytics_engines/{instance_guid}/reset_password
            resetClusterPassword(params, [callback()])
            reset_cluster_password(self, instance_guid: str, **kwargs) -> DetailedResponse
            (ibmAnalyticsEngineApi *IbmAnalyticsEngineApiV2) ResetClusterPassword(resetClusterPasswordOptions *ResetClusterPasswordOptions) (result *AnalyticsEngineResetClusterPasswordResponse, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
            ServiceCall<AnalyticsEngineResetClusterPasswordResponse> resetClusterPassword(ResetClusterPasswordOptions resetClusterPasswordOptions)


            Instantiate the ResetClusterPasswordOptions struct and set the fields to provide parameter values for the ResetClusterPassword method.

            Use the ResetClusterPasswordOptions.Builder to create a ResetClusterPasswordOptions object that contains the parameter values for the resetClusterPassword method.

            Custom Headers

            • Identity Access Management (IAM) bearer token.

            Path Parameters

            • Service instance GUID


            • Service instance GUID.


            • Service instance GUID.

            The ResetClusterPassword options.

            The resetClusterPassword options.

            • curl --request POST  --url<instance_guid>/reset_password  --header 'authorization: Bearer <token>'  --header 'content-type: application/json'
            • func main() {
                  // Construct an instance of the ResetClusterPasswordOptions model
                  resetClusterPasswordOptionsModel := new(ibmanalyticsengineapiv2.ResetClusterPasswordOptions)
                  resetClusterPasswordOptionsModel.InstanceGuid = core.StringPtr(instanceGuid)
                  // Invoke operation with valid options model (positive test)
                  _, response, _ := service.ResetClusterPassword(resetClusterPasswordOptionsModel)
            • // Construct an instance of the ResetClusterPasswordOptions model
              ResetClusterPasswordOptions resetClusterPasswordOptionsModel = new ResetClusterPasswordOptions.Builder()
              // Invoke operation with valid options model (positive test)
              Response<AnalyticsEngineResetClusterPasswordResponse> response = service.resetClusterPassword(resetClusterPasswordOptionsModel).execute();
              AnalyticsEngineResetClusterPasswordResponse responseObj = response.getResult();
            • IbmAnalyticsEngineServiceClient.resetClusterPassword({
                instanceGuid: "{instanceGuid}",
              }).then((response) => {
                const { result, status, headers, statusText } = response;
              }).catch((err) => {
                console.log(JSON.stringify(err, null, 4));
            • response = iaesdk_service.reset_cluster_password(instance_guid)


            Response for resetting cluster password

            Response for resetting cluster password.

            Response for resetting cluster password.

            Response for resetting cluster password.

            Response for resetting cluster password.

            Status Code

            • OK

            • Unauthorized

            • Forbidden

            • Resource Not Found

            • Method Not Allowed

            • Conflict

            • Internal Server Error

            Example responses
            • {
                "id": "67aeae06-9caf-4e2b-8236-debfb848721c",
                "user_credentials": {
                  "user": "clsadmin",
                  "password": "YourChangedPassword"
            • {
                "id": "67aeae06-9caf-4e2b-8236-debfb848721c",
                "user_credentials": {
                  "user": "clsadmin",
                  "password": "YourChangedPassword"

            Configure log aggregation

            Collects the logs for the following components in an IBM Analytics Engine cluster:

            • IBM Analytics Engine daemon logs, for example those for Spark, Hive, Yarn, and Knox on the management, data and task nodes
            • Yarn application job logs

            Collects the logs for the following components in an IBM Analytics Engine cluster:

            • IBM Analytics Engine daemon logs, for example those for Spark, Hive, Yarn, and Knox on the management and data nodes
            • Yarn application job logs.

            Collects the logs for the following components in an IBM Analytics Engine cluster:

            • IBM Analytics Engine daemon logs, for example those for Spark, Hive, Yarn, and Knox on the management and data nodes
            • Yarn application job logs.

            Collects the logs for the following components in an IBM Analytics Engine cluster:

            • IBM Analytics Engine daemon logs, for example those for Spark, Hive, Yarn, and Knox on the management and data nodes
            • Yarn application job logs.

            Collects the logs for the following components in an IBM Analytics Engine cluster:

            • IBM Analytics Engine daemon logs, for example those for Spark, Hive, Yarn, and Knox on the management and data nodes
            • Yarn application job logs.
            PUT /v2/analytics_engines/{instance_guid}/log_config
            configureLogging(params, [callback()])
            configure_logging(self, instance_guid: str, log_specs: List['AnalyticsEngineLoggingNodeSpec'], log_server: 'AnalyticsEngineLoggingServer', **kwargs) -> DetailedResponse
            (ibmAnalyticsEngineApi *IbmAnalyticsEngineApiV2) ConfigureLogging(configureLoggingOptions *ConfigureLoggingOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
            ServiceCall<Void> configureLogging(ConfigureLoggingOptions configureLoggingOptions)


            Instantiate the ConfigureLoggingOptions struct and set the fields to provide parameter values for the ConfigureLogging method.

            Use the ConfigureLoggingOptions.Builder to create a ConfigureLoggingOptions object that contains the parameter values for the configureLogging method.

            Custom Headers

            • Identity Access Management (IAM) bearer token.

            Path Parameters

            • GUID of the service instance

            Nodes and components to be logged. Logging server information


            • GUID of the service instance.

            • Logging specifications on each node.

            • Logging server configuration.


            • GUID of the service instance.

            • Logging specifications on each node.

            • Logging server configuration.

            The ConfigureLogging options.

            The configureLogging options.

            • curl --request POST  --url<instance_guid>/log_config  --header 'authorization: Bearer <token>'  --header 'content-type: application/json'  -d @log-config.json
            • func main() {
                  // Construct an instance of the AnalyticsEngineLoggingNodeSpec model
                  analyticsEngineLoggingNodeSpecModel := new(ibmanalyticsengineapiv2.AnalyticsEngineLoggingNodeSpec)
                  analyticsEngineLoggingNodeSpecModel.NodeType = core.StringPtr("management")
                  analyticsEngineLoggingNodeSpecModel.Components = []string{"ambari-server"}
                  // Construct an instance of the AnalyticsEngineLoggingServer model
                  analyticsEngineLoggingServerModel := new(ibmanalyticsengineapiv2.AnalyticsEngineLoggingServer)
                  analyticsEngineLoggingServerModel.Type = core.StringPtr("logdna")
                  analyticsEngineLoggingServerModel.Credential = core.StringPtr("testString")
                  analyticsEngineLoggingServerModel.ApiHost = core.StringPtr("testString")
                  analyticsEngineLoggingServerModel.LogHost = core.StringPtr("testString")
                  analyticsEngineLoggingServerModel.Owner = core.StringPtr("testString")
                  // Construct an instance of the ConfigureLoggingOptions model
                  configureLoggingOptionsModel := new(ibmanalyticsengineapiv2.ConfigureLoggingOptions)
                  configureLoggingOptionsModel.InstanceGuid = core.StringPtr(instanceGuid)
                  configureLoggingOptionsModel.LogSpecs = []ibmanalyticsengineapiv2.AnalyticsEngineLoggingNodeSpec{*analyticsEngineLoggingNodeSpecModel}
                configureLoggingOptionsModel.LogServer = analyticsEngineLoggingServerModel
                  // Invoke operation with valid options model (positive test)
                  response, _ := service.ConfigureLogging(configureLoggingOptionsModel)
            • // Construct an instance of the AnalyticsEngineLoggingServer model
              AnalyticsEngineLoggingServer analyticsEngineLoggingServerModel = new AnalyticsEngineLoggingServer.Builder()
              // Construct an instance of the AnalyticsEngineLoggingNodeSpec model
              AnalyticsEngineLoggingNodeSpec analyticsEngineLoggingNodeSpecModel = new AnalyticsEngineLoggingNodeSpec.Builder()
              .components(new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList("ambari-server")))
              // Construct an instance of the ConfigureLoggingOptions model
              ConfigureLoggingOptions configureLoggingOptionsModel = new ConfigureLoggingOptions.Builder()
              .logSpecs(new ArrayList<AnalyticsEngineLoggingNodeSpec>(Arrays.asList(analyticsEngineLoggingNodeSpecModel)))
              // Invoke operation with valid options model (positive test)
              Response<Void> response = service.configureLogging(configureLoggingOptionsModel).execute();
            • // AnalyticsEngineLoggingNodeSpec
              const analyticsEngineLoggingNodeSpecModel = {
                node_type: 'management',
                components: ['ambari-server'],
              // AnalyticsEngineLoggingServer
              const analyticsEngineLoggingServerModel = {
                type: 'logdna',
                credential: 'testString',
                api_host: 'testString',
                log_host: 'testString',
                owner: 'testString',
              const logSpecs = [analyticsEngineLoggingNodeSpecModel];
              const logServer = analyticsEngineLoggingServerModel;
                instanceGuid: "{instanceGuid}",
                logSpecs: logSpecs,
                logServer: logServer,
              }).then((response) => {
                const { result, status, headers, statusText } = response;
              }).catch((err) => {
                console.log(JSON.stringify(err, null, 4));
            • # Construct a dict representation of a AnalyticsEngineLoggingNodeSpec model
              analytics_engine_logging_node_spec_model =  {
                  'node_type': 'management',
                  'components': ['ambari-server']
              # Construct a dict representation of a AnalyticsEngineLoggingServer model
              analytics_engine_logging_server_model =  {
                  'type': 'logdna',
                  'credential': 'testString',
                  'api_host': 'testString',
                  'log_host': 'testString',
                  'owner': 'testString'
              # Set up parameter values
              log_specs = [analytics_engine_logging_node_spec_model]
              log_server = analytics_engine_logging_server_model
                  response = iaesdk_service.configure_logging(instance_guid, log_specs, log_server)


            Status Code

            • Accepted

            • Unauthorized

            • Forbidden

            • Resource Not Found

            • Conflict

            • Internal Server Error

            No Sample Response

            This method does not specify any sample responses.

            Retrieve the status of log configuration

            Retrieves the status and details of the log configuration for your cluster.

            Retrieves the status and details of the log configuration for your cluster.

            Retrieves the status and details of the log configuration for your cluster.

            Retrieves the status and details of the log configuration for your cluster.

            Retrieves the status and details of the log configuration for your cluster.

            GET /v2/analytics_engines/{instance_guid}/log_config
            getLoggingConfig(params, [callback()])
            get_logging_config(self, instance_guid: str, **kwargs) -> DetailedResponse
            (ibmAnalyticsEngineApi *IbmAnalyticsEngineApiV2) GetLoggingConfig(getLoggingConfigOptions *GetLoggingConfigOptions) (result *AnalyticsEngineLoggingConfigDetails, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
            ServiceCall<AnalyticsEngineLoggingConfigDetails> getLoggingConfig(GetLoggingConfigOptions getLoggingConfigOptions)


            Instantiate the GetLoggingConfigOptions struct and set the fields to provide parameter values for the GetLoggingConfig method.

            Use the GetLoggingConfigOptions.Builder to create a GetLoggingConfigOptions object that contains the parameter values for the getLoggingConfig method.

            Custom Headers

            • Identity Access Management (IAM) bearer token.

            Path Parameters

            • Service instance GUID


            • Service instance GUID.


            • Service instance GUID.

            The GetLoggingConfig options.

            The getLoggingConfig options.

            • curl --request GET  --url<instance_guid>/log_config  --header 'authorization: Bearer <token>'
            • func main() {
                  // Construct an instance of the GetLoggingConfigOptions model
                  getLoggingConfigOptionsModel := new(ibmanalyticsengineapiv2.GetLoggingConfigOptions)
                  getLoggingConfigOptionsModel.InstanceGuid = core.StringPtr(instanceGuid)
                  // Invoke operation with valid options model (positive test)
                  _, response, _ := service.GetLoggingConfig(getLoggingConfigOptionsModel)
            • // Construct an instance of the GetLoggingConfigOptions model
              GetLoggingConfigOptions getLoggingConfigOptionsModel = new GetLoggingConfigOptions.Builder()
              // Invoke operation with valid options model (positive test)
              Response<AnalyticsEngineLoggingConfigDetails> response = service.getLoggingConfig(getLoggingConfigOptionsModel).execute();
              AnalyticsEngineLoggingConfigDetails responseObj = response.getResult();
            • IbmAnalyticsEngineServiceClient.getLoggingConfig({
                instanceGuid: "{instanceGuid}",
              }).then((response) => {
                const { result, status, headers, statusText } = response;
              }).catch((err) => {
                console.log(JSON.stringify(err, null, 4));
            • response = iaesdk_service.get_logging_config(instance_guid)


            Logging configuration

            Logging configuration.

            Logging configuration.

            Logging configuration.

            Logging configuration.

            Status Code

            • OK

            • Bad Request

            • Unauthorized

            • Forbidden

            • Resource Not Found

            • Internal Server Error

            No Sample Response

            This method does not specify any sample responses.

            Delete the log configuration

            Deletes the log configuration. This operation stops sending logs to the centralized log server.

            Deletes the log configuration. This operation stops sending logs to the centralized log server.

            Deletes the log configuration. This operation stops sending logs to the centralized log server.

            Deletes the log configuration. This operation stops sending logs to the centralized log server.

            Deletes the log configuration. This operation stops sending logs to the centralized log server.

            DELETE /v2/analytics_engines/{instance_guid}/log_config
            deleteLoggingConfig(params, [callback()])
            delete_logging_config(self, instance_guid: str, **kwargs) -> DetailedResponse
            (ibmAnalyticsEngineApi *IbmAnalyticsEngineApiV2) DeleteLoggingConfig(deleteLoggingConfigOptions *DeleteLoggingConfigOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
            ServiceCall<Void> deleteLoggingConfig(DeleteLoggingConfigOptions deleteLoggingConfigOptions)


            Instantiate the DeleteLoggingConfigOptions struct and set the fields to provide parameter values for the DeleteLoggingConfig method.

            Use the DeleteLoggingConfigOptions.Builder to create a DeleteLoggingConfigOptions object that contains the parameter values for the deleteLoggingConfig method.

            Custom Headers

            • Identity Access Management (IAM) bearer token.

            Path Parameters

            • Service instance GUID


            • Service instance GUID.


            • Service instance GUID.

            The DeleteLoggingConfig options.

            The deleteLoggingConfig options.

            • curl --request DELETE  --url<instance_guid>/log_config  --header 'authorization: Bearer <token>'
            • func main() {
                  // Construct an instance of the DeleteLoggingConfigOptions model
                  deleteLoggingConfigOptionsModel := new(ibmanalyticsengineapiv2.DeleteLoggingConfigOptions)
                  deleteLoggingConfigOptionsModel.InstanceGuid = core.StringPtr(instanceGuid)
                  // Invoke operation with valid options model (positive test)
                  response, _ := service.DeleteLoggingConfig(deleteLoggingConfigOptionsModel)
            • // Construct an instance of the DeleteLoggingConfigOptions model
              DeleteLoggingConfigOptions deleteLoggingConfigOptionsModel = new DeleteLoggingConfigOptions.Builder()
              // Invoke operation with valid options model (positive test)
              Response<Void> response = service.deleteLoggingConfig(deleteLoggingConfigOptionsModel).execute();
            • IbmAnalyticsEngineServiceClient.deleteLoggingConfig({
                instanceGuid: "{instanceGuid}",
              }).then((response) => {
               const { result, status, headers, statusText } = response;
              }).catch((err) => {
                console.log(JSON.stringify(err, null, 4));
            • response = iaesdk_service.delete_logging_config(instance_guid)


            Status Code

            • Accepted

            • Bad Request

            • Unauthorized

            • Forbidden

            • Resource Not Found

            • Conflict

            • Internal Server Error

            No Sample Response

            This method does not specify any sample responses.

            Update private endpoint whitelist

            Updates the list of whitelisted private endpoints. This operation either adds ip ranges to the whitelist or deletes them.

            Updates the list of whitelisted private endpoints. This operation either adds ip ranges to the whitelist or deletes them.

            Updates the list of whitelisted private endpoints. This operation either adds ip ranges to the whitelist or deletes them.

            Updates the list of whitelisted private endpoints. This operation either adds ip ranges to the whitelist or deletes them.

            Updates the list of whitelisted private endpoints. This operation either adds ip ranges to the whitelist or deletes them.

            PATCH /v2/analytics_engines/{instance_guid}/private_endpoint_whitelist
            updatePrivateEndpointWhitelist(params, [callback()])
            update_private_endpoint_whitelist(self, instance_guid: str, ip_ranges: List[str], action: str, **kwargs) -> DetailedResponse
            (ibmAnalyticsEngineApi *IbmAnalyticsEngineApiV2) UpdatePrivateEndpointWhitelist(updatePrivateEndpointWhitelistOptions *UpdatePrivateEndpointWhitelistOptions) (result *AnalyticsEngineWhitelistResponse, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
            ServiceCall<AnalyticsEngineWhitelistResponse> updatePrivateEndpointWhitelist(UpdatePrivateEndpointWhitelistOptions updatePrivateEndpointWhitelistOptions)


            Instantiate the UpdatePrivateEndpointWhitelistOptions struct and set the fields to provide parameter values for the UpdatePrivateEndpointWhitelist method.

            Use the UpdatePrivateEndpointWhitelistOptions.Builder to create a UpdatePrivateEndpointWhitelistOptions object that contains the parameter values for the updatePrivateEndpointWhitelist method.

            Custom Headers

            • Identity Access Management (IAM) bearer token.

            Path Parameters

            • GUID of the service instance

            The private endpoints to whitelist and the action to perform, which can be either to add IP ranges or delete IP ranges from the whitelist.


            • GUID of the service instance.

            • List of IP ranges to add to or remove from the whitelist.

            • Update Whitelist IP ranges. Add (or) Delete.

              Allowable values: [add,delete]


            • GUID of the service instance.

            • List of IP ranges to add to or remove from the whitelist.

            • Update Whitelist IP ranges. Add (or) Delete.

              Allowable values: [add,delete]

            The UpdatePrivateEndpointWhitelist options.

            The updatePrivateEndpointWhitelist options.

            • curl --request PATCH  --url<instance_guid>/private_endpoint_whitelist  --header 'authorization: Bearer <token>'  --header 'content-type: application/json'  -d'{"ip_ranges":["xx.xx.xx.xx/xx","xx.xx.xx.xx/xx"],"action":"<action>"}'
            • func main() {
                  // Construct an instance of the UpdatePrivateEndpointWhitelistOptions model
                  updatePrivateEndpointWhitelistOptionsModel := new(ibmanalyticsengineapiv2.UpdatePrivateEndpointWhitelistOptions)
                  updatePrivateEndpointWhitelistOptionsModel.InstanceGuid = core.StringPtr(instanceGuid)
                  updatePrivateEndpointWhitelistOptionsModel.IpRanges = []string{"xx.xx.xx.xx/xx"}
                  updatePrivateEndpointWhitelistOptionsModel.Action = core.StringPtr("add")
                  // Invoke operation with valid options model (positive test)
                  response, _ := service.UpdatePrivateEndpointWhitelist(updatePrivateEndpointWhitelistOptionsModel)
            • // Construct an instance of the UpdatePrivateEndpointWhitelistOptions model
              UpdatePrivateEndpointWhitelistOptions updatePrivateEndpointWhitelistOptionsModel = new UpdatePrivateEndpointWhitelistOptions.Builder()
              .ipRanges(new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList("xx.xx.xx.xx/xx")))
              // Invoke operation with valid options model (positive test)
              Response<AnalyticsEngineWhitelistResponse> response = service.updatePrivateEndpointWhitelist(updatePrivateEndpointWhitelistOptionsModel).execute();
            • IbmAnalyticsEngineServiceClient.updatePrivateEndpointWhitelist({
                instanceGuid: "{instanceGuid}",
                ipRanges: ipRanges,
                action: action,
              }).then((response) => {
                const { result, status, headers, statusText } = response;
              }).catch((err) => {
                console.log(JSON.stringify(err, null, 4));
            • response = iaesdk_service.update_private_endpoint_whitelist(instance_guid)


            Whitelisted IP Ranges

            Whitelisted IP Ranges.

            Whitelisted IP Ranges.

            Whitelisted IP Ranges.

            Whitelisted IP Ranges.

            Status Code

            • OK

            • Bad Request

            • Unauthorized

            • Forbidden

            • Resource Not Found

            • Conflict

            • Internal Server Error

            No Sample Response

            This method does not specify any sample responses.