IBM Cloud API Docs


With the IBM Cloud® Identity and Access Management (IAM) Policy Management API, you can create, update, view, and delete IAM policies. An IAM policy enables a subject to access a resource. These policies are used in access decisions when you call APIs for IAM-enabled services. For more information about how access management works, see Managing access in IBM Cloud.

There are three primary values in a policy: a subject, roles, and resources.

The subject is who or what is being granted access. The subject can be an IAM ID or an access group ID. The IAM ID is the ID of the entity that you are giving access to. The value can be a user or a service ID. The access group ID is the ID of the access group. An access group contains a set of users or service IDs. Access groups are the preferred method of managing access control. For more information, see Setting up access groups.

The following table shows the example formats for the supported subject types:

Type Attribute name Attribute value
User iam_id IBMid-123456...
Service ID iam_id iam-ServiceId-12345...
Access group access_group_id AccessGroupId-12345...

The second value in a policy in the role. A role is a collection of actions that can be taken on a resource. There are platform, service, and custom roles. For more information, see IAM roles. And, the final value of the policy is the targeted resources whether it's an entire service, resource group, or specific service instance.

Two types of policies are supported: access policies and authorization policies. For more information, see Create a policy.

With policy templates and assignments you can centrally manage the policies for child accounts in your organization from the root enterprise account. For more information, see Working with template versions and Best practices for assigning access in an enterprise.

SDKs for Java, Node, Python, and Go are available to make it easier to programmatically access the API from your code. The client libraries that are provided by the SDKs implement best practices for using the API and reduce the amount of code that you need to write. The tab for each language includes code examples that demonstrate how to use the client libraries. For more information about using the SDKs, see the IBM Cloud SDK Common project on GitHub.

Installing the Go SDK

Go modules (recommended): Add the following import in your code, and then run go build or go mod tidy

import (

Go get

go get -u

View on GitHub

Installing the Java SDK




compile '{version}'

Replace {version} in these examples with the release version.

View on GitHub

Installing the Node SDK

npm install ibm-platform-services

View on GitHub

Installing the Python SDK

pip install --upgrade "ibm-platform-services"

View on GitHub

Endpoint URLs

The IAM Policy Management API uses the following public global endpoint URL. When you call the API, add the path for each method to form the complete API endpoint for your requests.

If you enabled service endpoints in your account, you can send API requests over the IBM Cloud private network at the following base endpoint URLs. For more information, see Enabling VRF and service endpoints.

  • Private endpoint URL for VPC infrastructure:
  • Private endpoint URLs for classic infrastructure:
    • Dallas:
    • Washington DC:


Authorization to the IAM Policy Management API is enforced by using an IBM Cloud IAM access token. The token is used to to determine the actions that a user or service ID has access to when they use the API.

Obtaining an IAM token for an authenticated user or service ID is described in the IAM Identity Services API documentation.

To use the API, add a valid IAM token to the HTTP Authorization request header, for example, -H 'Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>'.

When you use the SDK, configure an IAM authenticator with the IAM API key. The authenticator automatically obtains the IAM access token for the API key and includes it with each request. You can construct an authenticator in either of two ways:

  • Programmatically by constructing an IAM authenticator instance and supplying your IAM API key
  • By defining the API key in external configuration properties and then using the SDK authenticator factory to construct an IAM authenticator that uses the configured IAM API key

In this example of using external configuration properties, an IAM authenticator instance is created with the configured API key, and then the service client is constructed with this authenticator instance and the configured service URL.

For more information, see the Authentication section of the IBM Cloud SDK Common documentation.

Any access, such as IAM actions, that is required to call a method is listed per individual method. The IAM actions associated with basic tasks for working with policies, including create, update, and delete actions, are inherited by the platform roles that can be assigned for each IAM-enabled service. For more information about the required IAM actions for custom roles and how they map to the access roles, see the list of actions and roles for the role management service.

To retrieve your access token:

curl -X POST    ""    --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded'    --header 'Accept: application/json'    --data-urlencode 'grant_type=urn:ibm:params:oauth:grant-type:apikey'    --data-urlencode 'apikey=<API_KEY>'

Replace <API_KEY> with your IAM API key.

Setting client options through external configuration

Example environment variables, where <SERVICE_URL> is the endpoint URL and <API_KEY> is your IAM API key


Example of constructing the service client

import {
serviceClientOptions := &iampolicymanagementv1.IamPolicyManagementV1Options{}
serviceClient, err := iampolicymanagementv1.NewIamPolicyManagementV1UsingExternalConfig(serviceClientOptions)

Setting client options through external configuration

Example environment variables, where <SERVICE_URL> is the endpoint URL and <API_KEY> is your IAM API key


Example of constructing the service client

IamPolicyManagement serviceClient = IamPolicyManagement.newInstance();

Setting client options through external configuration

Example environment variables, where <SERVICE_URL> is the endpoint URL and <API_KEY> is your IAM API key


Example of constructing the service client

const IamPolicyManagementV1 = require('ibm-platform-services/iam-policy-management/v1');
const serviceClient = IamPolicyManagementV1.newInstance({});

Setting client options through external configuration

Example environment variables, where <SERVICE_URL> is the endpoint URL and <API_KEY> is your IAM API key


Example of constructing the service client

from ibm_platform_services import IamPolicyManagementV1
service_client = IamPolicyManagementV1.new_instance()


You can monitor API activity within your account by using the IBM Cloud® Activity Tracker service. You can track when specific API methods are called by reviewing generated events in Activity Tracker.

If an event is tracked for a method, you can find it listed with the method. For more information about how to track IAM activity, see Auditing events for IAM.

Error handling

The Policy Management APIs return standard HTTP status codes to indicate the success or failure of a request. The format of the response is represented in JSON as follows:

    "trace": "cd4f7573121a4cf99f0079f8482b3d6b",
    "errors": [
            "code": "invalid_token",
            "message": "The provided IAM token is invalid."
    "status_code": 401

If an operation cannot be fulfilled, an appropriate 400 or 500 series HTTP response is returned from the server. The operations that are defined in the Reference section describe example errors that can be returned from a failed request. All responses from the IAM Policy Management API are in the JSON format.

Here are potential error codes that the API can return.

HTTP Error Code Description Recovery
200 Success The request was successful.
201 Created The resource was successfully created.
204 No Content The request was successful. No response body is provided.
400 Bad Request The input parameters in the request body are either incomplete or in the wrong format. Be sure to include all required parameters in your request.
401 Unauthorized You are not authorized to make this request. The token is either invalid, missing or expired. Get a new valid token and try again.
403 Forbidden The token is valid, but the subject of the token is not authorized to perform the operation. If this error persists, contact the account owner to check your permissions.
404 Not Found The requested resource can't be found.
409 Conflict The entity is already in the requested state.
415 Unsupported Media Type Request body sent was formatted by using an unsupported media type.
429 Too Many Requests Too many requests have been made within a given time window. Wait the time in seconds indicated in the Retry-After response header before calling the API again.
500 Service Unavailable IAM Policy Management Point is currently unavailable. Your request can't be processed. Wait a few minutes and try again.

Additional headers

Some additional headers might be required to make successful requests to the API. Those additional headers are:


An optional transaction ID can be passed to your request, which can be useful for tracking calls through multiple services by using one identifier. The header key must be set to Transaction-Id and the value is anything that you choose.

If no transaction ID is passed in, then a random ID is generated.


Sorting is available on the policies listing APIs. Use a sort query parameter set to the field name you want the results sorted by. All the top level policy fields are supported.

To reverse sort, add a - prefix to the field name.

For example, for the GET /v1/policies endpoint, a query parameter of sort=last_modified_at sorts the returned policies in ascending date and time order by last_modified_at. Meanwhile a query parameter of sort=-last_modified_at returns the policies in descending date and time order by last_modified_at.

Policy data enrichment

Currently two options are available: display and include_last_permit. By including query parameter format=display, the API returns the list of all actions included in each of the policy roles.

"roles": [
              "role_id": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:iam::::role:Administrator",
              "display_name": "Administrator",
              "description": "Administrators can change object metadata or visibility for private services added to the account and can restrict the visibility of a public service.",
              "actions": [
                  "id": "",
                  "displayName": "Find cloud resources",
                  "description": "The ability to find the resource using Global Search and Tagging search API."
                  "id": "",
                  "displayName": "IAM Policy Read",
                  "description": "The ability to see policies."
                  "id": "iam.policy.create",
                  "displayName": "IAM Policy Create",
                  "description": "The ability to create policies."

Including the query parameter format=include_last_permit returns details of when the policy last granted a permit decision and the number of times it has done so.

   "id": "03b5696c-6844-430f-a3b1-8f2d0de53218",
   "type": "access",
   "subjects": ...,
   "roles": ...,
   "resources": ...,
   "last_permit_at": "2020-10-16T22:17:40.832Z",
   "last_permit_frequency": 18

This data is provided for informational purposes only. The last permit data only include records begining from end of October 2020.

Rate limiting

A response with status 429 Too Many Requests is returned if too many requests are made within a time window. The response includes a Retry-After header to indicate the time in seconds to wait before sending the next request.

When you work with the Policy Management API, it might be helpful to be aware of other IAM services. See Identity Services to learn about API key, service ID, and token creation. See Access groups to create groups and manage memberships.


Get policies by attributes

Get policies and filter by attributes. While managing policies, you might want to retrieve policies in the account and filter by attribute values. This can be done through query parameters. The following attributes are supported: account_id, iam_id, access_group_id, type, service_type, sort, format and state. account_id is a required query parameter. Only policies that have the specified attributes and that the caller has read access to are returned. If the caller does not have read access to any policies an empty array is returned.

Get policies and filter by attributes. While managing policies, you might want to retrieve policies in the account and filter by attribute values. This can be done through query parameters. The following attributes are supported: account_id, iam_id, access_group_id, type, service_type, sort, format and state. account_id is a required query parameter. Only policies that have the specified attributes and that the caller has read access to are returned. If the caller does not have read access to any policies an empty array is returned.

Get policies and filter by attributes. While managing policies, you might want to retrieve policies in the account and filter by attribute values. This can be done through query parameters. The following attributes are supported: account_id, iam_id, access_group_id, type, service_type, sort, format and state. account_id is a required query parameter. Only policies that have the specified attributes and that the caller has read access to are returned. If the caller does not have read access to any policies an empty array is returned.

Get policies and filter by attributes. While managing policies, you might want to retrieve policies in the account and filter by attribute values. This can be done through query parameters. The following attributes are supported: account_id, iam_id, access_group_id, type, service_type, sort, format and state. account_id is a required query parameter. Only policies that have the specified attributes and that the caller has read access to are returned. If the caller does not have read access to any policies an empty array is returned.

Get policies and filter by attributes. While managing policies, you might want to retrieve policies in the account and filter by attribute values. This can be done through query parameters. The following attributes are supported: account_id, iam_id, access_group_id, type, service_type, sort, format and state. account_id is a required query parameter. Only policies that have the specified attributes and that the caller has read access to are returned. If the caller does not have read access to any policies an empty array is returned.

GET /v1/policies
(iamPolicyManagement *IamPolicyManagementV1) ListPolicies(listPoliciesOptions *ListPoliciesOptions) (result *PolicyCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
(iamPolicyManagement *IamPolicyManagementV1) ListPoliciesWithContext(ctx context.Context, listPoliciesOptions *ListPoliciesOptions) (result *PolicyCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
ServiceCall<PolicyCollection> listPolicies(ListPoliciesOptions listPoliciesOptions)
        account_id: str,
        accept_language: Optional[str] = None,
        iam_id: Optional[str] = None,
        access_group_id: Optional[str] = None,
        type: Optional[str] = None,
        service_type: Optional[str] = None,
        tag_name: Optional[str] = None,
        tag_value: Optional[str] = None,
        sort: Optional[str] = None,
        format: Optional[str] = None,
        state: Optional[str] = None,
    ) -> DetailedResponse


To call this method, you must be assigned one or more IAM access roles that include the following action. You can check your access by going to Users > User > Access.



Calling this method generates the following auditing event.



Instantiate the ListPoliciesOptions struct and set the fields to provide parameter values for the ListPolicies method.

Use the ListPoliciesOptions.Builder to create a ListPoliciesOptions object that contains the parameter values for the listPolicies method.

Custom Headers

  • Language code for translations

    • default - English
    • de - German (Standard)
    • en - English
    • es - Spanish (Spain)
    • fr - French (Standard)
    • it - Italian (Standard)
    • ja - Japanese
    • ko - Korean
    • pt-br - Portuguese (Brazil)
    • zh-cn - Chinese (Simplified, PRC)
    • zh-tw - (Chinese, Taiwan)

    Possible values: length ≥ 1

    Default: default

Query Parameters

  • The account GUID that the policies belong to.

  • Optional IAM ID used to identify the subject.

  • Optional access group id.

  • Optional type of policy.

    Allowable values: [access,authorization]

  • Optional type of service.

    Allowable values: [service,platform_service]

  • Optional name of the access tag in the policy.

  • Optional value of the access tag in the policy.

  • Optional top level policy field to sort results. Ascending sort is default. Descending sort available by prepending '-' to field. Example '-last_modified_at'

    Allowable values: [id,type,href,created_at,created_by_id,last_modified_at,last_modified_by_id,state]

  • Include additional data per policy returned

    • include_last_permit - returns details of when the policy last granted a permit decision and the number of times it has done so
    • display - returns the list of all actions included in each of the policy roles

    Allowable values: [include_last_permit,display]

  • The state of the policy.

    • active - returns active policies
    • deleted - returns non-active policies

    Allowable values: [active,deleted]

  • The number of documents to include in collection.

    Possible values: 1 ≤ value ≤ 100

    Default: 50

  • Page token that refers to the page of collection to return.

    Possible values: 9 ≤ length ≤ 100, Value must match regular expression ^[-A-Za-z0-9+/]*$

WithContext method only

The ListPolicies options.

The listPolicies options.


  • The account GUID that the policies belong to.

  • Language code for translations

    • default - English
    • de - German (Standard)
    • en - English
    • es - Spanish (Spain)
    • fr - French (Standard)
    • it - Italian (Standard)
    • ja - Japanese
    • ko - Korean
    • pt-br - Portuguese (Brazil)
    • zh-cn - Chinese (Simplified, PRC)
    • zh-tw - (Chinese, Taiwan).

    Possible values: length ≥ 1

    Default: default

  • Optional IAM ID used to identify the subject.

  • Optional access group id.

  • Optional type of policy.

    Allowable values: [access,authorization]

  • Optional type of service.

    Allowable values: [service,platform_service]

  • Optional name of the access tag in the policy.

  • Optional value of the access tag in the policy.

  • Optional top level policy field to sort results. Ascending sort is default. Descending sort available by prepending '-' to field. Example '-last_modified_at'.

    Allowable values: [id,type,href,created_at,created_by_id,last_modified_at,last_modified_by_id,state]

  • Include additional data per policy returned

    • include_last_permit - returns details of when the policy last granted a permit decision and the number of times it has done so
    • display - returns the list of all actions included in each of the policy roles.

    Allowable values: [include_last_permit,display]

  • The state of the policy.

    • active - returns active policies
    • deleted - returns non-active policies.

    Allowable values: [active,deleted]


  • The account GUID that the policies belong to.

  • Language code for translations

    • default - English
    • de - German (Standard)
    • en - English
    • es - Spanish (Spain)
    • fr - French (Standard)
    • it - Italian (Standard)
    • ja - Japanese
    • ko - Korean
    • pt-br - Portuguese (Brazil)
    • zh-cn - Chinese (Simplified, PRC)
    • zh-tw - (Chinese, Taiwan).

    Possible values: length ≥ 1

    Default: default

  • Optional IAM ID used to identify the subject.

  • Optional access group id.

  • Optional type of policy.

    Allowable values: [access,authorization]

  • Optional type of service.

    Allowable values: [service,platform_service]

  • Optional name of the access tag in the policy.

  • Optional value of the access tag in the policy.

  • Optional top level policy field to sort results. Ascending sort is default. Descending sort available by prepending '-' to field. Example '-last_modified_at'.

    Allowable values: [id,type,href,created_at,created_by_id,last_modified_at,last_modified_by_id,state]

  • Include additional data per policy returned

    • include_last_permit - returns details of when the policy last granted a permit decision and the number of times it has done so
    • display - returns the list of all actions included in each of the policy roles.

    Allowable values: [include_last_permit,display]

  • The state of the policy.

    • active - returns active policies
    • deleted - returns non-active policies.

    Allowable values: [active,deleted]

  • curl -X GET '$ACCOUNT_ID' -H 'Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
  • options := iamPolicyManagementService.NewListPoliciesOptions(
    policyList, response, err := iamPolicyManagementService.ListPolicies(options)
    if err != nil {
    b, _ := json.MarshalIndent(policyList, "", "  ")
  • ListPoliciesOptions options = new ListPoliciesOptions.Builder()
    Response<PolicyCollection> response = service.listPolicies(options).execute();
    PolicyCollection policyCollection = response.getResult();
  • const params = {
      accountId: exampleAccountId,
      iamId: exampleUserId,
      format: 'include_last_permit',
    try {
      const res = await iamPolicyManagementService.listPolicies(params);
      console.log(JSON.stringify(res.result, null, 2));
    } catch (err) {
  • policy_list = iam_policy_management_service.list_policies(
      account_id=example_account_id, iam_id=example_user_id, format='include_last_permit'
    print(json.dumps(policy_list, indent=2))


A collection of policies.

A collection of policies.

A collection of policies.

A collection of policies.

A collection of policies.

Status Code

  • Policies retrieval successful.

  • The request you made is not valid.

  • The token you provided is not valid.

  • The requested resource(s) cannot be formatted using the requested media type(s).

  • Too many requests have been made within a given time window.

Example responses
  • {
      "policies": [
          "id": "12345678-abcd-1a2b-a1b2-1234567890ab",
          "type": "access",
          "description": "Viewer role access for all instances of SERVICE_NAME in the account.",
          "subjects": [
              "attributes": [
                  "name": "iam_id",
                  "value": "IBMid-123453user"
          "roles": [
              "role_id": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:iam::::role:Viewer"
          "resources": [
              "attributes": [
                  "name": "accountId",
                  "value": "ACCOUNT_ID",
                  "operator": "stringEquals"
                  "name": "serviceName",
                  "value": "SERVICE_NAME",
                  "operator": "stringEquals"
          "href": "",
          "created_at": "2018-08-30T14:09:09.907Z",
          "created_by_id": "USER_ID",
          "last_modified_at": "2018-08-30T14:09:09.907Z",
          "last_modified_by_id": "USER_ID",
          "state": "active"
  • {
      "policies": [
          "id": "12345678-abcd-1a2b-a1b2-1234567890ab",
          "type": "access",
          "description": "Viewer role access for all instances of SERVICE_NAME in the account.",
          "subjects": [
              "attributes": [
                  "name": "iam_id",
                  "value": "IBMid-123453user"
          "roles": [
              "role_id": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:iam::::role:Viewer"
          "resources": [
              "attributes": [
                  "name": "accountId",
                  "value": "ACCOUNT_ID",
                  "operator": "stringEquals"
                  "name": "serviceName",
                  "value": "SERVICE_NAME",
                  "operator": "stringEquals"
          "href": "",
          "created_at": "2018-08-30T14:09:09.907Z",
          "created_by_id": "USER_ID",
          "last_modified_at": "2018-08-30T14:09:09.907Z",
          "last_modified_by_id": "USER_ID",
          "state": "active"
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "missing_required_query_parameter",
          "message": "'account_id' is a required query parameter"
      "status_code": 400
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "missing_required_query_parameter",
          "message": "'account_id' is a required query parameter"
      "status_code": 400
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "invalid_token",
          "message": "The provided IAM token is invalid."
      "status_code": 401
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "invalid_token",
          "message": "The provided IAM token is invalid."
      "status_code": 401
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "unable_to_process",
          "message": "The requested resource(s) can only be formatted using the 'application/json' media type."
      "status_code": 406
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "unable_to_process",
          "message": "The requested resource(s) can only be formatted using the 'application/json' media type."
      "status_code": 406
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "too_many_requests",
          "message": "Too many requests."
      "status_code": 429
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "too_many_requests",
          "message": "Too many requests."
      "status_code": 429

Create a policy

Creates a policy to grant access between a subject and a resource. There are two types of policies: access and authorization. A policy administrator might want to create an access policy which grants access to a user, service-id, or an access group. They might also want to create an authorization policy and setup access between services.


To create an access policy, use "type": "access" in the body. The possible subject attributes are iam_id and access_group_id. Use the iam_id subject attribute for assigning access for a user or service-id. Use the access_group_id subject attribute for assigning access for an access group. Assign roles that are supported by the service or platform roles. For more information, see IAM roles and actions. Use only the resource attributes supported by the service. To view a service's or the platform's supported attributes, check the documentation. The policy resource must include either the serviceType, serviceName, resourceGroupId or service_group_id attribute and the accountId attribute. The IAM Services group (IAM) is a subset of account management services that includes the IAM platform services IAM Identity, IAM Access Management, IAM Users Management, IAM Groups, and future IAM services. If the subject is a locked service-id, the request will fail.


Authorization policies are supported by services on a case by case basis. Refer to service documentation to verify their support of authorization policies. To create an authorization policy, use "type": "authorization" in the body. The subject attributes must match the supported authorization subjects of the resource. Multiple subject attributes might be provided. The following attributes are supported: serviceName, serviceInstance, region, resourceType, resource, accountId, resourceGroupId Assign roles that are supported by the service or platform roles. For more information, see IAM roles and actions. The user must also have the same level of access or greater to the target resource in order to grant the role. Use only the resource attributes supported by the service. To view a service's or the platform's supported attributes, check the documentation. Both the policy subject and the policy resource must include the accountId attributes. The policy subject must include either serviceName or resourceGroupId (or both) attributes.

Attribute Operators

Currently, only the stringEquals and the stringMatch operators are available. Resource attributes may support one or both operators. For more information, see Assigning access by using wildcard policies.

Attribute Validations

Policy attribute values must be between 1 and 1,000 characters in length. If location related attributes like geography, country, metro, region, satellite, and locationvalues are supported by the service, they are validated against Global Catalog locations.

Creates a policy to grant access between a subject and a resource. There are two types of policies: access and authorization. A policy administrator might want to create an access policy which grants access to a user, service-id, or an access group. They might also want to create an authorization policy and setup access between services.


To create an access policy, use "type": "access" in the body. The possible subject attributes are iam_id and access_group_id. Use the iam_id subject attribute for assigning access for a user or service-id. Use the access_group_id subject attribute for assigning access for an access group. Assign roles that are supported by the service or platform roles. For more information, see IAM roles and actions. Use only the resource attributes supported by the service. To view a service's or the platform's supported attributes, check the documentation. The policy resource must include either the serviceType, serviceName, resourceGroupId or service_group_id attribute and the accountId attribute. The IAM Services group (IAM) is a subset of account management services that includes the IAM platform services IAM Identity, IAM Access Management, IAM Users Management, IAM Groups, and future IAM services. If the subject is a locked service-id, the request will fail.


Authorization policies are supported by services on a case by case basis. Refer to service documentation to verify their support of authorization policies. To create an authorization policy, use "type": "authorization" in the body. The subject attributes must match the supported authorization subjects of the resource. Multiple subject attributes might be provided. The following attributes are supported: serviceName, serviceInstance, region, resourceType, resource, accountId, resourceGroupId Assign roles that are supported by the service or platform roles. For more information, see IAM roles and actions. The user must also have the same level of access or greater to the target resource in order to grant the role. Use only the resource attributes supported by the service. To view a service's or the platform's supported attributes, check the documentation. Both the policy subject and the policy resource must include the accountId attributes. The policy subject must include either serviceName or resourceGroupId (or both) attributes.

Attribute Operators

Currently, only the stringEquals and the stringMatch operators are available. Resource attributes may support one or both operators. For more information, see Assigning access by using wildcard policies.

Attribute Validations

Policy attribute values must be between 1 and 1,000 characters in length. If location related attributes like geography, country, metro, region, satellite, and locationvalues are supported by the service, they are validated against Global Catalog locations.

Creates a policy to grant access between a subject and a resource. There are two types of policies: access and authorization. A policy administrator might want to create an access policy which grants access to a user, service-id, or an access group. They might also want to create an authorization policy and setup access between services.


To create an access policy, use "type": "access" in the body. The possible subject attributes are iam_id and access_group_id. Use the iam_id subject attribute for assigning access for a user or service-id. Use the access_group_id subject attribute for assigning access for an access group. Assign roles that are supported by the service or platform roles. For more information, see IAM roles and actions. Use only the resource attributes supported by the service. To view a service's or the platform's supported attributes, check the documentation. The policy resource must include either the serviceType, serviceName, resourceGroupId or service_group_id attribute and the accountId attribute. The IAM Services group (IAM) is a subset of account management services that includes the IAM platform services IAM Identity, IAM Access Management, IAM Users Management, IAM Groups, and future IAM services. If the subject is a locked service-id, the request will fail.


Authorization policies are supported by services on a case by case basis. Refer to service documentation to verify their support of authorization policies. To create an authorization policy, use "type": "authorization" in the body. The subject attributes must match the supported authorization subjects of the resource. Multiple subject attributes might be provided. The following attributes are supported: serviceName, serviceInstance, region, resourceType, resource, accountId, resourceGroupId Assign roles that are supported by the service or platform roles. For more information, see IAM roles and actions. The user must also have the same level of access or greater to the target resource in order to grant the role. Use only the resource attributes supported by the service. To view a service's or the platform's supported attributes, check the documentation. Both the policy subject and the policy resource must include the accountId attributes. The policy subject must include either serviceName or resourceGroupId (or both) attributes.

Attribute Operators

Currently, only the stringEquals and the stringMatch operators are available. Resource attributes may support one or both operators. For more information, see Assigning access by using wildcard policies.

Attribute Validations

Policy attribute values must be between 1 and 1,000 characters in length. If location related attributes like geography, country, metro, region, satellite, and locationvalues are supported by the service, they are validated against Global Catalog locations.

Creates a policy to grant access between a subject and a resource. There are two types of policies: access and authorization. A policy administrator might want to create an access policy which grants access to a user, service-id, or an access group. They might also want to create an authorization policy and setup access between services.


To create an access policy, use "type": "access" in the body. The possible subject attributes are iam_id and access_group_id. Use the iam_id subject attribute for assigning access for a user or service-id. Use the access_group_id subject attribute for assigning access for an access group. Assign roles that are supported by the service or platform roles. For more information, see IAM roles and actions. Use only the resource attributes supported by the service. To view a service's or the platform's supported attributes, check the documentation. The policy resource must include either the serviceType, serviceName, resourceGroupId or service_group_id attribute and the accountId attribute. The IAM Services group (IAM) is a subset of account management services that includes the IAM platform services IAM Identity, IAM Access Management, IAM Users Management, IAM Groups, and future IAM services. If the subject is a locked service-id, the request will fail.


Authorization policies are supported by services on a case by case basis. Refer to service documentation to verify their support of authorization policies. To create an authorization policy, use "type": "authorization" in the body. The subject attributes must match the supported authorization subjects of the resource. Multiple subject attributes might be provided. The following attributes are supported: serviceName, serviceInstance, region, resourceType, resource, accountId, resourceGroupId Assign roles that are supported by the service or platform roles. For more information, see IAM roles and actions. The user must also have the same level of access or greater to the target resource in order to grant the role. Use only the resource attributes supported by the service. To view a service's or the platform's supported attributes, check the documentation. Both the policy subject and the policy resource must include the accountId attributes. The policy subject must include either serviceName or resourceGroupId (or both) attributes.

Attribute Operators

Currently, only the stringEquals and the stringMatch operators are available. Resource attributes may support one or both operators. For more information, see Assigning access by using wildcard policies.

Attribute Validations

Policy attribute values must be between 1 and 1,000 characters in length. If location related attributes like geography, country, metro, region, satellite, and locationvalues are supported by the service, they are validated against Global Catalog locations.

Creates a policy to grant access between a subject and a resource. There are two types of policies: access and authorization. A policy administrator might want to create an access policy which grants access to a user, service-id, or an access group. They might also want to create an authorization policy and setup access between services.


To create an access policy, use "type": "access" in the body. The possible subject attributes are iam_id and access_group_id. Use the iam_id subject attribute for assigning access for a user or service-id. Use the access_group_id subject attribute for assigning access for an access group. Assign roles that are supported by the service or platform roles. For more information, see IAM roles and actions. Use only the resource attributes supported by the service. To view a service's or the platform's supported attributes, check the documentation. The policy resource must include either the serviceType, serviceName, resourceGroupId or service_group_id attribute and the accountId attribute. The IAM Services group (IAM) is a subset of account management services that includes the IAM platform services IAM Identity, IAM Access Management, IAM Users Management, IAM Groups, and future IAM services. If the subject is a locked service-id, the request will fail.


Authorization policies are supported by services on a case by case basis. Refer to service documentation to verify their support of authorization policies. To create an authorization policy, use "type": "authorization" in the body. The subject attributes must match the supported authorization subjects of the resource. Multiple subject attributes might be provided. The following attributes are supported: serviceName, serviceInstance, region, resourceType, resource, accountId, resourceGroupId Assign roles that are supported by the service or platform roles. For more information, see IAM roles and actions. The user must also have the same level of access or greater to the target resource in order to grant the role. Use only the resource attributes supported by the service. To view a service's or the platform's supported attributes, check the documentation. Both the policy subject and the policy resource must include the accountId attributes. The policy subject must include either serviceName or resourceGroupId (or both) attributes.

Attribute Operators

Currently, only the stringEquals and the stringMatch operators are available. Resource attributes may support one or both operators. For more information, see Assigning access by using wildcard policies.

Attribute Validations

Policy attribute values must be between 1 and 1,000 characters in length. If location related attributes like geography, country, metro, region, satellite, and locationvalues are supported by the service, they are validated against Global Catalog locations.

POST /v1/policies
(iamPolicyManagement *IamPolicyManagementV1) CreatePolicy(createPolicyOptions *CreatePolicyOptions) (result *Policy, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
(iamPolicyManagement *IamPolicyManagementV1) CreatePolicyWithContext(ctx context.Context, createPolicyOptions *CreatePolicyOptions) (result *Policy, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
ServiceCall<Policy> createPolicy(CreatePolicyOptions createPolicyOptions)
        type: str,
        subjects: List['PolicySubject'],
        roles: List['PolicyRole'],
        resources: List['PolicyResource'],
        description: Optional[str] = None,
        accept_language: Optional[str] = None,
    ) -> DetailedResponse


To call this method, you must be assigned one or more IAM access roles that include the following action. You can check your access by going to Users > User > Access.

  • iam.policy.create


Calling this method generates the following auditing event.

  • iam-am.policy.create


Instantiate the CreatePolicyOptions struct and set the fields to provide parameter values for the CreatePolicy method.

Use the CreatePolicyOptions.Builder to create a CreatePolicyOptions object that contains the parameter values for the createPolicy method.

Custom Headers

  • Language code for translations

    • default - English
    • de - German (Standard)
    • en - English
    • es - Spanish (Spain)
    • fr - French (Standard)
    • it - Italian (Standard)
    • ja - Japanese
    • ko - Korean
    • pt-br - Portuguese (Brazil)
    • zh-cn - Chinese (Simplified, PRC)
    • zh-tw - (Chinese, Taiwan)

    Possible values: length ≥ 1

    Default: default

A policy to be created.

WithContext method only

The CreatePolicy options.

The createPolicy options.


  • The policy type; either 'access' or 'authorization'.

    Possible values: 6 ≤ length ≤ 13, Value must match regular expression /^[a-z]+$/

  • The subjects associated with a policy.

    Possible values: number of items = 1

  • A set of role cloud resource names (CRNs) granted by the policy.

    Possible values: number of items ≥ 1

  • The resources associated with a policy.

    Possible values: number of items = 1

  • Customer-defined description.

    Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 300

  • Language code for translations

    • default - English
    • de - German (Standard)
    • en - English
    • es - Spanish (Spain)
    • fr - French (Standard)
    • it - Italian (Standard)
    • ja - Japanese
    • ko - Korean
    • pt-br - Portuguese (Brazil)
    • zh-cn - Chinese (Simplified, PRC)
    • zh-tw - (Chinese, Taiwan).

    Possible values: length ≥ 1

    Default: default


  • The policy type; either 'access' or 'authorization'.

    Possible values: 6 ≤ length ≤ 13, Value must match regular expression /^[a-z]+$/

  • The subjects associated with a policy.

    Possible values: number of items = 1

  • A set of role cloud resource names (CRNs) granted by the policy.

    Possible values: number of items ≥ 1

  • The resources associated with a policy.

    Possible values: number of items = 1

  • Customer-defined description.

    Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 300

  • Language code for translations

    • default - English
    • de - German (Standard)
    • en - English
    • es - Spanish (Spain)
    • fr - French (Standard)
    • it - Italian (Standard)
    • ja - Japanese
    • ko - Korean
    • pt-br - Portuguese (Brazil)
    • zh-cn - Chinese (Simplified, PRC)
    • zh-tw - (Chinese, Taiwan).

    Possible values: length ≥ 1

    Default: default

  • curl -X POST '' -H 'Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{
      "type": "access",
      "description": "Editor role for SERVICE_NAME\'s RESOURCE_NAME",
      "subjects": [
          "attributes": [
              "name": "iam_id",
              "value": "IBMid-123453user"
          "role_id": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:iam::::role:Editor"
          "attributes": [
              "name": "accountId",
              "value": "$ACCOUNT_ID"
              "name": "serviceName",
              "value": "$SERVICE_NAME"
              "name": "resource",
              "value": "$RESOURCE_NAME",
              "operator": "stringEquals"
  • subjectAttribute := &iampolicymanagementv1.SubjectAttribute{
      Name:  core.StringPtr("iam_id"),
      Value: &exampleUserID,
    policySubjects := &iampolicymanagementv1.PolicySubject{
      Attributes: []iampolicymanagementv1.SubjectAttribute{*subjectAttribute},
    policyRoles := &iampolicymanagementv1.PolicyRole{
      RoleID: core.StringPtr("crn:v1:bluemix:public:iam::::role:Viewer"),
    accountIDResourceAttribute := &iampolicymanagementv1.ResourceAttribute{
      Name:     core.StringPtr("accountId"),
      Value:    core.StringPtr(exampleAccountID),
      Operator: core.StringPtr("stringEquals"),
    serviceNameResourceAttribute := &iampolicymanagementv1.ResourceAttribute{
      Name:     core.StringPtr("serviceType"),
      Value:    core.StringPtr("service"),
      Operator: core.StringPtr("stringEquals"),
    policyResourceTag := &iampolicymanagementv1.ResourceTag{
      Name:     core.StringPtr("project"),
      Value:    core.StringPtr("prototype"),
      Operator: core.StringPtr("stringEquals"),
    policyResources := &iampolicymanagementv1.PolicyResource{
      Attributes: []iampolicymanagementv1.ResourceAttribute{
        *accountIDResourceAttribute, *serviceNameResourceAttribute},
      Tags: []iampolicymanagementv1.ResourceTag{*policyResourceTag},
    options := iamPolicyManagementService.NewCreatePolicyOptions(
    policy, response, err := iamPolicyManagementService.CreatePolicy(options)
    if err != nil {
    b, _ := json.MarshalIndent(policy, "", "  ")
    examplePolicyID = *policy.ID
  • SubjectAttribute subjectAttribute = new SubjectAttribute.Builder()
    PolicySubject policySubjects = new PolicySubject.Builder()
    PolicyRole policyRoles = new PolicyRole.Builder()
    ResourceAttribute accountIdResourceAttribute = new ResourceAttribute.Builder()
    ResourceAttribute serviceNameResourceAttribute = new ResourceAttribute.Builder()
    ResourceTag policyResourceTag = new ResourceTag.Builder()
    PolicyResource policyResources = new PolicyResource.Builder()
    CreatePolicyOptions options = new CreatePolicyOptions.Builder()
    Response<Policy> response = service.createPolicy(options).execute();
    Policy policy = response.getResult();
    examplePolicyId = policy.getId();
  • const policySubjects = [
        attributes: [
            name: 'iam_id',
            value: exampleUserId,
    const policyRoles = [
        role_id: 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:iam::::role:Viewer',
    const accountIdResourceAttribute = {
      name: 'accountId',
      value: exampleAccountId,
      operator: 'stringEquals',
    const serviceNameResourceAttribute = {
      name: 'serviceType',
      value: 'service',
      operator: 'stringEquals',
    const policyResourceTag = {
      name: 'project',
      operator: 'stringEquals',
      value: 'prototype',
    const policyResources = [
        attributes: [accountIdResourceAttribute, serviceNameResourceAttribute],
        tags: [policyResourceTag],
    const params = {
      type: 'access',
      subjects: policySubjects,
      roles: policyRoles,
      resources: policyResources,
    try {
      const res = await iamPolicyManagementService.createPolicy(params);
      examplePolicyId =;
      console.log(JSON.stringify(res.result, null, 2));
    } catch (err) {
  • policy_subjects = PolicySubject(attributes=[SubjectAttribute(name='iam_id', value=example_user_id)])
    policy_roles = PolicyRole(role_id='crn:v1:bluemix:public:iam::::role:Viewer')
    account_id_resource_attribute = ResourceAttribute(name='accountId', value=example_account_id)
    service_name_resource_attribute = ResourceAttribute(name='serviceType', value='service')
    policy_resource_tag = ResourceTag(name='project', value='prototype')
    policy_resources = PolicyResource(
      attributes=[account_id_resource_attribute, service_name_resource_attribute], tags=[policy_resource_tag]
    policy = iam_policy_management_service.create_policy(
      type='access', subjects=[policy_subjects], roles=[policy_roles], resources=[policy_resources]
    global example_policy_id
    example_policy_id = policy['id']
    print(json.dumps(policy, indent=2))


The core set of properties associated with a policy.

The core set of properties associated with a policy.

The core set of properties associated with a policy.

The core set of properties associated with a policy.

The core set of properties associated with a policy.

Status Code

  • Policy creation successful.

  • Policy input is invalid.

  • The token you provided is not valid.

  • You do not have access to create the policy.

  • The requested resource(s) cannot be formatted using the requested media type(s).

  • A policy already exists for the given subject and resource. You can update that policy or delete it and create a new one.

  • Request body sent was formatted using an unsupported media type.

  • Exceeded maximum policies quota.

  • Too many requests have been made within a given time window.

Example responses
  • {
      "id": "12345678-abcd-1a2b-a1b2-1234567890ab",
      "type": "access",
      "description": "Viewer role access for all instances of SERVICE_NAME in the account.",
      "subjects": [
          "attributes": [
              "name": "iam_id",
              "value": "IBMid-123453user"
      "roles": [
          "role_id": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:iam::::role:Viewer"
      "resources": [
          "attributes": [
              "name": "accountId",
              "value": "ACCOUNT_ID",
              "operator": "stringEquals"
              "name": "serviceName",
              "value": "SERVICE_NAME",
              "operator": "stringEquals"
          "tags": [
              "name": "project",
              "value": "moonshot",
              "operator": "stringEquals"
              "name": "pipeline",
              "value": "test",
              "operator": "stringEquals"
      "href": "",
      "created_at": "2018-08-30T14:09:09.907Z",
      "created_by_id": "USER_ID",
      "last_modified_at": "2018-08-30T14:09:09.907Z",
      "last_modified_by_id": "USER_ID",
      "state": "active"
  • {
      "id": "12345678-abcd-1a2b-a1b2-1234567890ab",
      "type": "access",
      "description": "Viewer role access for all instances of SERVICE_NAME in the account.",
      "subjects": [
          "attributes": [
              "name": "iam_id",
              "value": "IBMid-123453user"
      "roles": [
          "role_id": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:iam::::role:Viewer"
      "resources": [
          "attributes": [
              "name": "accountId",
              "value": "ACCOUNT_ID",
              "operator": "stringEquals"
              "name": "serviceName",
              "value": "SERVICE_NAME",
              "operator": "stringEquals"
          "tags": [
              "name": "project",
              "value": "moonshot",
              "operator": "stringEquals"
              "name": "pipeline",
              "value": "test",
              "operator": "stringEquals"
      "href": "",
      "created_at": "2018-08-30T14:09:09.907Z",
      "created_by_id": "USER_ID",
      "last_modified_at": "2018-08-30T14:09:09.907Z",
      "last_modified_by_id": "USER_ID",
      "state": "active"
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "invalid_body",
          "message": "Invalid body format. Check the input parameters."
      "status_code": 400
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "invalid_body",
          "message": "Invalid body format. Check the input parameters."
      "status_code": 400
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "invalid_token",
          "message": "The provided IAM token is invalid."
      "status_code": 401
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "invalid_token",
          "message": "The provided IAM token is invalid."
      "status_code": 401
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "insufficent_permissions",
          "message": "You are not allowed to create the requested policy."
      "status_code": 403
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "insufficent_permissions",
          "message": "You are not allowed to create the requested policy."
      "status_code": 403
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "unable_to_process",
          "message": "The requested resource(s) can only be formatted using the 'application/json' media type."
      "status_code": 406
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "unable_to_process",
          "message": "The requested resource(s) can only be formatted using the 'application/json' media type."
      "status_code": 406
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "policy_conflict_error",
          "message": "Failed to create policy.",
          "details": {
            "conflicts_with": {
              "etag": "1-847833cec3bf3f3c3231d8f9492febac",
              "policy": "POLICY"
          "status_code": 409
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "policy_conflict_error",
          "message": "Failed to create policy.",
          "details": {
            "conflicts_with": {
              "etag": "1-847833cec3bf3f3c3231d8f9492febac",
              "policy": "POLICY"
          "status_code": 409
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "unsupported_content_type",
          "message": "The supported media type for this API is 'application/json'."
      "status_code": 415
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "unsupported_content_type",
          "message": "The supported media type for this API is 'application/json'."
      "status_code": 415
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "request_not_processed",
          "message": "Exceeded maximum policies quota (<limit>) for account <account_id>."
      "status_code": 422
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "request_not_processed",
          "message": "Exceeded maximum policies quota (<limit>) for account <account_id>."
      "status_code": 422
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "too_many_requests",
          "message": "Too many requests."
      "status_code": 429
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "too_many_requests",
          "message": "Too many requests."
      "status_code": 429

Update a policy

Update a policy to grant access between a subject and a resource. A policy administrator might want to update an existing policy. The policy type cannot be changed (You cannot change an access policy to an authorization policy).


To update an access policy, use "type": "access" in the body. The possible subject attributes are iam_id and access_group_id. Use the iam_id subject attribute for assigning access for a user or service-id. Use the access_group_id subject attribute for assigning access for an access group. Assign roles that are supported by the service or platform roles. For more information, see IAM roles and actions. Use only the resource attributes supported by the service. To view a service's or the platform's supported attributes, check the documentation. The policy resource must include either the serviceType, serviceName, or resourceGroupId attribute and the accountId attribute.` If the subject is a locked service-id, the request will fail.


To update an authorization policy, use "type": "authorization" in the body. The subject attributes must match the supported authorization subjects of the resource. Multiple subject attributes might be provided. The following attributes are supported: serviceName, serviceInstance, region, resourceType, resource, accountId, resourceGroupId Assign roles that are supported by the service or platform roles. For more information, see IAM roles and actions. The user must also have the same level of access or greater to the target resource in order to grant the role. Use only the resource attributes supported by the service. To view a service's or the platform's supported attributes, check the documentation. Both the policy subject and the policy resource must include the accountId attributes. The policy subject must include either serviceName or resourceGroupId (or both) attributes.

Attribute Operators

Currently, only the stringEquals and the stringMatch operators are available. Resource attributes might support one or both operators. For more information, see Assigning access by using wildcard policies.

Attribute Validations

Policy attribute values must be between 1 and 1,000 characters in length. If location related attributes like geography, country, metro, region, satellite, and locationvalues are supported by the service, they are validated against Global Catalog locations.

Update a policy to grant access between a subject and a resource. A policy administrator might want to update an existing policy. The policy type cannot be changed (You cannot change an access policy to an authorization policy).


To update an access policy, use "type": "access" in the body. The possible subject attributes are iam_id and access_group_id. Use the iam_id subject attribute for assigning access for a user or service-id. Use the access_group_id subject attribute for assigning access for an access group. Assign roles that are supported by the service or platform roles. For more information, see IAM roles and actions. Use only the resource attributes supported by the service. To view a service's or the platform's supported attributes, check the documentation. The policy resource must include either the serviceType, serviceName, or resourceGroupId attribute and the accountId attribute.` If the subject is a locked service-id, the request will fail.


To update an authorization policy, use "type": "authorization" in the body. The subject attributes must match the supported authorization subjects of the resource. Multiple subject attributes might be provided. The following attributes are supported: serviceName, serviceInstance, region, resourceType, resource, accountId, resourceGroupId Assign roles that are supported by the service or platform roles. For more information, see IAM roles and actions. The user must also have the same level of access or greater to the target resource in order to grant the role. Use only the resource attributes supported by the service. To view a service's or the platform's supported attributes, check the documentation. Both the policy subject and the policy resource must include the accountId attributes. The policy subject must include either serviceName or resourceGroupId (or both) attributes.

Attribute Operators

Currently, only the stringEquals and the stringMatch operators are available. Resource attributes might support one or both operators. For more information, see Assigning access by using wildcard policies.

Attribute Validations

Policy attribute values must be between 1 and 1,000 characters in length. If location related attributes like geography, country, metro, region, satellite, and locationvalues are supported by the service, they are validated against Global Catalog locations.

Update a policy to grant access between a subject and a resource. A policy administrator might want to update an existing policy. The policy type cannot be changed (You cannot change an access policy to an authorization policy).


To update an access policy, use "type": "access" in the body. The possible subject attributes are iam_id and access_group_id. Use the iam_id subject attribute for assigning access for a user or service-id. Use the access_group_id subject attribute for assigning access for an access group. Assign roles that are supported by the service or platform roles. For more information, see IAM roles and actions. Use only the resource attributes supported by the service. To view a service's or the platform's supported attributes, check the documentation. The policy resource must include either the serviceType, serviceName, or resourceGroupId attribute and the accountId attribute.` If the subject is a locked service-id, the request will fail.


To update an authorization policy, use "type": "authorization" in the body. The subject attributes must match the supported authorization subjects of the resource. Multiple subject attributes might be provided. The following attributes are supported: serviceName, serviceInstance, region, resourceType, resource, accountId, resourceGroupId Assign roles that are supported by the service or platform roles. For more information, see IAM roles and actions. The user must also have the same level of access or greater to the target resource in order to grant the role. Use only the resource attributes supported by the service. To view a service's or the platform's supported attributes, check the documentation. Both the policy subject and the policy resource must include the accountId attributes. The policy subject must include either serviceName or resourceGroupId (or both) attributes.

Attribute Operators

Currently, only the stringEquals and the stringMatch operators are available. Resource attributes might support one or both operators. For more information, see Assigning access by using wildcard policies.

Attribute Validations

Policy attribute values must be between 1 and 1,000 characters in length. If location related attributes like geography, country, metro, region, satellite, and locationvalues are supported by the service, they are validated against Global Catalog locations.

Update a policy to grant access between a subject and a resource. A policy administrator might want to update an existing policy. The policy type cannot be changed (You cannot change an access policy to an authorization policy).


To update an access policy, use "type": "access" in the body. The possible subject attributes are iam_id and access_group_id. Use the iam_id subject attribute for assigning access for a user or service-id. Use the access_group_id subject attribute for assigning access for an access group. Assign roles that are supported by the service or platform roles. For more information, see IAM roles and actions. Use only the resource attributes supported by the service. To view a service's or the platform's supported attributes, check the documentation. The policy resource must include either the serviceType, serviceName, or resourceGroupId attribute and the accountId attribute.` If the subject is a locked service-id, the request will fail.


To update an authorization policy, use "type": "authorization" in the body. The subject attributes must match the supported authorization subjects of the resource. Multiple subject attributes might be provided. The following attributes are supported: serviceName, serviceInstance, region, resourceType, resource, accountId, resourceGroupId Assign roles that are supported by the service or platform roles. For more information, see IAM roles and actions. The user must also have the same level of access or greater to the target resource in order to grant the role. Use only the resource attributes supported by the service. To view a service's or the platform's supported attributes, check the documentation. Both the policy subject and the policy resource must include the accountId attributes. The policy subject must include either serviceName or resourceGroupId (or both) attributes.

Attribute Operators

Currently, only the stringEquals and the stringMatch operators are available. Resource attributes might support one or both operators. For more information, see Assigning access by using wildcard policies.

Attribute Validations

Policy attribute values must be between 1 and 1,000 characters in length. If location related attributes like geography, country, metro, region, satellite, and locationvalues are supported by the service, they are validated against Global Catalog locations.

Update a policy to grant access between a subject and a resource. A policy administrator might want to update an existing policy. The policy type cannot be changed (You cannot change an access policy to an authorization policy).


To update an access policy, use "type": "access" in the body. The possible subject attributes are iam_id and access_group_id. Use the iam_id subject attribute for assigning access for a user or service-id. Use the access_group_id subject attribute for assigning access for an access group. Assign roles that are supported by the service or platform roles. For more information, see IAM roles and actions. Use only the resource attributes supported by the service. To view a service's or the platform's supported attributes, check the documentation. The policy resource must include either the serviceType, serviceName, or resourceGroupId attribute and the accountId attribute.` If the subject is a locked service-id, the request will fail.


To update an authorization policy, use "type": "authorization" in the body. The subject attributes must match the supported authorization subjects of the resource. Multiple subject attributes might be provided. The following attributes are supported: serviceName, serviceInstance, region, resourceType, resource, accountId, resourceGroupId Assign roles that are supported by the service or platform roles. For more information, see IAM roles and actions. The user must also have the same level of access or greater to the target resource in order to grant the role. Use only the resource attributes supported by the service. To view a service's or the platform's supported attributes, check the documentation. Both the policy subject and the policy resource must include the accountId attributes. The policy subject must include either serviceName or resourceGroupId (or both) attributes.

Attribute Operators

Currently, only the stringEquals and the stringMatch operators are available. Resource attributes might support one or both operators. For more information, see Assigning access by using wildcard policies.

Attribute Validations

Policy attribute values must be between 1 and 1,000 characters in length. If location related attributes like geography, country, metro, region, satellite, and locationvalues are supported by the service, they are validated against Global Catalog locations.

PUT /v1/policies/{policy_id}
(iamPolicyManagement *IamPolicyManagementV1) ReplacePolicy(replacePolicyOptions *ReplacePolicyOptions) (result *Policy, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
(iamPolicyManagement *IamPolicyManagementV1) ReplacePolicyWithContext(ctx context.Context, replacePolicyOptions *ReplacePolicyOptions) (result *Policy, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
ServiceCall<Policy> replacePolicy(ReplacePolicyOptions replacePolicyOptions)
        policy_id: str,
        if_match: str,
        type: str,
        subjects: List['PolicySubject'],
        roles: List['PolicyRole'],
        resources: List['PolicyResource'],
        description: Optional[str] = None,
    ) -> DetailedResponse


To call this method, you must be assigned one or more IAM access roles that include the following action. You can check your access by going to Users > User > Access.

  • iam.policy.update


Calling this method generates the following auditing event.

  • iam-am.policy.update


Instantiate the ReplacePolicyOptions struct and set the fields to provide parameter values for the ReplacePolicy method.

Use the ReplacePolicyOptions.Builder to create a ReplacePolicyOptions object that contains the parameter values for the replacePolicy method.

Custom Headers

  • The revision number for updating a policy and must match the ETag value of the existing policy. The Etag can be retrieved using the GET /v1/policies/{policy_id} API and looking at the ETag response header.

Path Parameters

  • The policy ID.

Updated policy content to be saved.

WithContext method only

The ReplacePolicy options.

The replacePolicy options.


  • The policy ID.

  • The revision number for updating a policy and must match the ETag value of the existing policy. The Etag can be retrieved using the GET /v1/policies/{policy_id} API and looking at the ETag response header.

  • The policy type; either 'access' or 'authorization'.

    Possible values: 6 ≤ length ≤ 13, Value must match regular expression /^[a-z]+$/

  • The subjects associated with a policy.

    Possible values: number of items = 1

  • A set of role cloud resource names (CRNs) granted by the policy.

    Possible values: number of items ≥ 1

  • The resources associated with a policy.

    Possible values: number of items = 1

  • Customer-defined description.

    Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 300


  • The policy ID.

  • The revision number for updating a policy and must match the ETag value of the existing policy. The Etag can be retrieved using the GET /v1/policies/{policy_id} API and looking at the ETag response header.

  • The policy type; either 'access' or 'authorization'.

    Possible values: 6 ≤ length ≤ 13, Value must match regular expression /^[a-z]+$/

  • The subjects associated with a policy.

    Possible values: number of items = 1

  • A set of role cloud resource names (CRNs) granted by the policy.

    Possible values: number of items ≥ 1

  • The resources associated with a policy.

    Possible values: number of items = 1

  • Customer-defined description.

    Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 300

  • curl -X PUT '' -H 'Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'If-Match: $ETAG' -d '{
      "type": "access",
      "description": "Viewer role for for all instances of SERVICE_NAME in the account.",
      "subjects": [
          "attributes": [
              "name": "iam_id",
              "value": "IBMid-123453user"
          "role_id": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:iam::::role:Viewer"
          "attributes": [
              "name": "accountId",
              "value": "$ACCOUNT_ID"
              "name": "serviceName",
              "value": "$SERVICE_NAME"
  • subjectAttribute := &iampolicymanagementv1.SubjectAttribute{
      Name:  core.StringPtr("iam_id"),
      Value: &exampleUserID,
    policySubjects := &iampolicymanagementv1.PolicySubject{
      Attributes: []iampolicymanagementv1.SubjectAttribute{*subjectAttribute},
    accountIDResourceAttribute := &iampolicymanagementv1.ResourceAttribute{
      Name:     core.StringPtr("accountId"),
      Value:    core.StringPtr(exampleAccountID),
      Operator: core.StringPtr("stringEquals"),
    serviceNameResourceAttribute := &iampolicymanagementv1.ResourceAttribute{
      Name:     core.StringPtr("serviceType"),
      Value:    core.StringPtr("service"),
      Operator: core.StringPtr("stringEquals"),
    policyResourceTag := &iampolicymanagementv1.ResourceTag{
      Name:     core.StringPtr("project"),
      Value:    core.StringPtr("prototype"),
      Operator: core.StringPtr("stringEquals"),
    policyResources := &iampolicymanagementv1.PolicyResource{
      Attributes: []iampolicymanagementv1.ResourceAttribute{
        *accountIDResourceAttribute, *serviceNameResourceAttribute},
      Tags: []iampolicymanagementv1.ResourceTag{*policyResourceTag},
    updatedPolicyRoles := &iampolicymanagementv1.PolicyRole{
      RoleID: core.StringPtr("crn:v1:bluemix:public:iam::::role:Editor"),
    options := iamPolicyManagementService.NewReplacePolicyOptions(
    policy, response, err := iamPolicyManagementService.ReplacePolicy(options)
    if err != nil {
    b, _ := json.MarshalIndent(policy, "", "  ")
    examplePolicyETag = response.GetHeaders().Get("ETag")
  • SubjectAttribute subjectAttribute = new SubjectAttribute.Builder()
    PolicySubject policySubjects = new PolicySubject.Builder()
    ResourceAttribute accountIdResourceAttribute = new ResourceAttribute.Builder()
    ResourceAttribute serviceNameResourceAttribute = new ResourceAttribute.Builder()
    ResourceTag policyResourceTag = new ResourceTag.Builder()
    PolicyResource policyResources = new PolicyResource.Builder()
    PolicyRole updatedPolicyRole = new PolicyRole.Builder()
    ReplacePolicyOptions options = new ReplacePolicyOptions.Builder()
            .subjects(new ArrayList<PolicySubject>(Arrays.asList(policySubjects)))
            .roles(new ArrayList<PolicyRole>(Arrays.asList(updatedPolicyRole)))
            .resources(new ArrayList<PolicyResource>(Arrays.asList(policyResources)))
    Response<Policy> response = service.replacePolicy(options).execute();
    Policy policy = response.getResult();
    examplePolicyEtag = response.getHeaders().values("Etag").get(0);
  • const policySubjects = [
        attributes: [
            name: 'iam_id',
            value: exampleUserId,
    const accountIdResourceAttribute = {
      name: 'accountId',
      value: exampleAccountId,
      operator: 'stringEquals',
    const serviceNameResourceAttribute = {
      name: 'serviceType',
      value: 'service',
      operator: 'stringEquals',
    const policyResourceTag = {
      name: 'project',
      operator: 'stringEquals',
      value: 'prototype',
    const policyResources = [
        attributes: [accountIdResourceAttribute, serviceNameResourceAttribute],
        tags: [policyResourceTag],
    const updatedPolicyRoles = [
        role_id: 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:iam::::role:Editor',
    const params = {
      type: 'access',
      policyId: examplePolicyId,
      ifMatch: examplePolicyETag,
      subjects: policySubjects,
      roles: updatedPolicyRoles,
      resources: policyResources,
    try {
      const res = await iamPolicyManagementService.replacePolicy(params);
      examplePolicyETag = res.headers.etag;
      console.log(JSON.stringify(res.result, null, 2));
    } catch (err) {
  • policy_subjects = PolicySubject(attributes=[SubjectAttribute(name='iam_id', value=example_user_id)])
    account_id_resource_attribute = ResourceAttribute(name='accountId', value=example_account_id)
    service_name_resource_attribute = ResourceAttribute(name='serviceType', value='service')
    policy_resource_tag = ResourceTag(name='project', value='prototype')
    policy_resources = PolicyResource(
      attributes=[account_id_resource_attribute, service_name_resource_attribute], tags=[policy_resource_tag]
    updated_policy_roles = PolicyRole(role_id='crn:v1:bluemix:public:iam::::role:Editor')
    response = iam_policy_management_service.replace_policy(
    policy = response.get_result()
    global example_updated_policy_etag
    example_updated_policy_etag = response.get_headers().get("Etag")
    print(json.dumps(policy, indent=2))


The core set of properties associated with a policy.

The core set of properties associated with a policy.

The core set of properties associated with a policy.

The core set of properties associated with a policy.

The core set of properties associated with a policy.

Status Code

  • Policy update successful.

  • Policy input is invalid.

  • The token you provided is not valid.

  • You do not have access to update the policy.

  • Policy was not found.

  • The requested resource(s) cannot be formatted using the requested media type(s).

  • A policy already exists for the given subject and resource. You can update that policy or delete it and create a new one.

  • Request body sent was formatted using an unsupported media type.

  • Too many requests have been made within a given time window.

Example responses
  • {
      "id": "12345678-abcd-1a2b-a1b2-1234567890ab",
      "type": "access",
      "description": "Viewer role access for all instances of SERVICE_NAME in the account.",
      "subjects": [
          "attributes": [
              "name": "iam_id",
              "value": "IBMid-123453user"
      "roles": [
          "role_id": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:iam::::role:Viewer"
      "resources": [
          "attributes": [
              "name": "accountId",
              "value": "ACCOUNT_ID",
              "operator": "stringEquals"
              "name": "serviceName",
              "value": "SERVICE_NAME",
              "operator": "stringEquals"
      "href": "",
      "created_at": "2018-08-30T14:09:09.907Z",
      "created_by_id": "USER_ID",
      "last_modified_at": "2018-08-30T14:09:09.907Z",
      "last_modified_by_id": "USER_ID",
      "state": "active"
  • {
      "id": "12345678-abcd-1a2b-a1b2-1234567890ab",
      "type": "access",
      "description": "Viewer role access for all instances of SERVICE_NAME in the account.",
      "subjects": [
          "attributes": [
              "name": "iam_id",
              "value": "IBMid-123453user"
      "roles": [
          "role_id": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:iam::::role:Viewer"
      "resources": [
          "attributes": [
              "name": "accountId",
              "value": "ACCOUNT_ID",
              "operator": "stringEquals"
              "name": "serviceName",
              "value": "SERVICE_NAME",
              "operator": "stringEquals"
      "href": "",
      "created_at": "2018-08-30T14:09:09.907Z",
      "created_by_id": "USER_ID",
      "last_modified_at": "2018-08-30T14:09:09.907Z",
      "last_modified_by_id": "USER_ID",
      "state": "active"
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "invalid_body",
          "message": "A policy's type cannot be updated. Create a new policy and delete the existing one."
      "status_code": 400
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "invalid_body",
          "message": "A policy's type cannot be updated. Create a new policy and delete the existing one."
      "status_code": 400
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "invalid_token",
          "message": "The provided IAM token is invalid."
      "status_code": 401
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "invalid_token",
          "message": "The provided IAM token is invalid."
      "status_code": 401
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "insufficent_permissions",
          "message": "You are not allowed to update the requested policy."
      "status_code": 403
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "insufficent_permissions",
          "message": "You are not allowed to update the requested policy."
      "status_code": 403
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "policy_not_found",
          "message": "Policy with Id POLICY_ID not found."
      "status_code": 404
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "policy_not_found",
          "message": "Policy with Id POLICY_ID not found."
      "status_code": 404
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "unable_to_process",
          "message": "The requested resource(s) can only be formatted using the 'application/json' media type."
      "status_code": 406
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "unable_to_process",
          "message": "The requested resource(s) can only be formatted using the 'application/json' media type."
      "status_code": 406
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "policy_conflict_error",
          "message": "Failed to update policy.",
          "details": {
            "conflicts_with": {
              "etag": "1-847833cec3bf3f3c3231d8f9492febac",
              "policy": "POLICY"
          "status_code": 409
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "policy_conflict_error",
          "message": "Failed to update policy.",
          "details": {
            "conflicts_with": {
              "etag": "1-847833cec3bf3f3c3231d8f9492febac",
              "policy": "POLICY"
          "status_code": 409
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "unsupported_content_type",
          "message": "The supported media type for this API is 'application/json'."
      "status_code": 415
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "unsupported_content_type",
          "message": "The supported media type for this API is 'application/json'."
      "status_code": 415
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "too_many_requests",
          "message": "Too many requests."
      "status_code": 429
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "too_many_requests",
          "message": "Too many requests."
      "status_code": 429

Retrieve a policy by ID

Retrieve a policy by providing a policy ID.

Retrieve a policy by providing a policy ID.

Retrieve a policy by providing a policy ID.

Retrieve a policy by providing a policy ID.

Retrieve a policy by providing a policy ID.

GET /v1/policies/{policy_id}
(iamPolicyManagement *IamPolicyManagementV1) GetPolicy(getPolicyOptions *GetPolicyOptions) (result *PolicyTemplateMetaData, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
(iamPolicyManagement *IamPolicyManagementV1) GetPolicyWithContext(ctx context.Context, getPolicyOptions *GetPolicyOptions) (result *PolicyTemplateMetaData, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
ServiceCall<PolicyTemplateMetaData> getPolicy(GetPolicyOptions getPolicyOptions)
        policy_id: str,
    ) -> DetailedResponse


To call this method, you must be assigned one or more IAM access roles that include the following action. You can check your access by going to Users > User > Access.



Calling this method generates the following auditing event.



Instantiate the GetPolicyOptions struct and set the fields to provide parameter values for the GetPolicy method.

Use the GetPolicyOptions.Builder to create a GetPolicyOptions object that contains the parameter values for the getPolicy method.

Path Parameters

  • The policy ID.

WithContext method only

The GetPolicy options.

The getPolicy options.


  • The policy ID.


  • The policy ID.

  • curl -X GET '$POLICY_ID' -H 'Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
  • options := iamPolicyManagementService.NewGetPolicyOptions(
    policy, response, err := iamPolicyManagementService.GetPolicy(options)
    if err != nil {
    b, _ := json.MarshalIndent(policy, "", "  ")
    examplePolicyETag = response.GetHeaders().Get("ETag")
  • GetPolicyOptions options = new GetPolicyOptions.Builder()
    Response<PolicyTemplateMetaData> response = service.getPolicy(options).execute();
    PolicyTemplateMetaData policy = response.getResult();
    examplePolicyEtag = response.getHeaders().values("Etag").get(0);
  • const params = {
      policyId: examplePolicyId,
    try {
      const res = await iamPolicyManagementService.getPolicy(params);
      examplePolicyETag = res.headers.etag;
      console.log(JSON.stringify(res.result, null, 2));
    } catch (err) {
  • response = iam_policy_management_service.get_policy(policy_id=example_policy_id)
    policy = response.get_result()
    global example_policy_etag
    example_policy_etag = response.get_headers().get("Etag")
    print(json.dumps(policy, indent=2))


The core set of properties associated with a policy.

The core set of properties associated with a policy.

The core set of properties associated with a policy.

The core set of properties associated with a policy.

The core set of properties associated with a policy.

Status Code

  • Policy retrieval successful.

  • The token you provided is not valid.

  • You do not have access to retrieve the policy.

  • Policy was not found.

  • The requested resource(s) cannot be formatted using the requested media type(s).

  • Too many requests have been made within a given time window.

Example responses
  • {
      "id": "12345678-abcd-1a2b-a1b2-1234567890ab",
      "type": "access",
      "description": "Viewer role access for all instances of SERVICE_NAME in the account.",
      "subjects": [
          "attributes": [
              "name": "iam_id",
              "value": "IBMid-123453user"
      "roles": [
          "role_id": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:iam::::role:Viewer"
      "resources": [
          "attributes": [
              "name": "accountId",
              "value": "ACCOUNT_ID",
              "operator": "stringEquals"
              "name": "serviceName",
              "value": "SERVICE_NAME",
              "operator": "stringEquals"
      "href": "",
      "created_at": "2018-08-30T14:09:09.907Z",
      "created_by_id": "USER_ID",
      "last_modified_at": "2018-08-30T14:09:09.907Z",
      "last_modified_by_id": "USER_ID",
      "state": "active"
  • {
      "id": "12345678-abcd-1a2b-a1b2-1234567890ab",
      "type": "access",
      "description": "Viewer role access for all instances of SERVICE_NAME in the account.",
      "subjects": [
          "attributes": [
              "name": "iam_id",
              "value": "IBMid-123453user"
      "roles": [
          "role_id": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:iam::::role:Viewer"
      "resources": [
          "attributes": [
              "name": "accountId",
              "value": "ACCOUNT_ID",
              "operator": "stringEquals"
              "name": "serviceName",
              "value": "SERVICE_NAME",
              "operator": "stringEquals"
      "href": "",
      "created_at": "2018-08-30T14:09:09.907Z",
      "created_by_id": "USER_ID",
      "last_modified_at": "2018-08-30T14:09:09.907Z",
      "last_modified_by_id": "USER_ID",
      "state": "active"
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "invalid_token",
          "message": "The provided IAM token is invalid."
      "status_code": 401
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "invalid_token",
          "message": "The provided IAM token is invalid."
      "status_code": 401
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "insufficent_permissions",
          "message": "You are not allowed to retrieve the requested policy."
      "status_code": 403
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "insufficent_permissions",
          "message": "You are not allowed to retrieve the requested policy."
      "status_code": 403
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "policy_not_found",
          "message": "Policy with Id POLICY_ID not found."
      "status_code": 404
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "policy_not_found",
          "message": "Policy with Id POLICY_ID not found."
      "status_code": 404
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "unable_to_process",
          "message": "The requested resource(s) can only be formatted using the 'application/json' media type."
      "status_code": 406
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "unable_to_process",
          "message": "The requested resource(s) can only be formatted using the 'application/json' media type."
      "status_code": 406
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "too_many_requests",
          "message": "Too many requests."
      "status_code": 429
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "too_many_requests",
          "message": "Too many requests."
      "status_code": 429

Delete a policy by ID

Delete a policy by providing a policy ID. A policy cannot be deleted if the subject ID contains a locked service ID. If the subject of the policy is a locked service-id, the request will fail.

Delete a policy by providing a policy ID. A policy cannot be deleted if the subject ID contains a locked service ID. If the subject of the policy is a locked service-id, the request will fail.

Delete a policy by providing a policy ID. A policy cannot be deleted if the subject ID contains a locked service ID. If the subject of the policy is a locked service-id, the request will fail.

Delete a policy by providing a policy ID. A policy cannot be deleted if the subject ID contains a locked service ID. If the subject of the policy is a locked service-id, the request will fail.

Delete a policy by providing a policy ID. A policy cannot be deleted if the subject ID contains a locked service ID. If the subject of the policy is a locked service-id, the request will fail.

DELETE /v1/policies/{policy_id}
(iamPolicyManagement *IamPolicyManagementV1) DeletePolicy(deletePolicyOptions *DeletePolicyOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
(iamPolicyManagement *IamPolicyManagementV1) DeletePolicyWithContext(ctx context.Context, deletePolicyOptions *DeletePolicyOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
ServiceCall<Void> deletePolicy(DeletePolicyOptions deletePolicyOptions)
        policy_id: str,
    ) -> DetailedResponse


To call this method, you must be assigned one or more IAM access roles that include the following action. You can check your access by going to Users > User > Access.

  • iam.policy.delete


Calling this method generates the following auditing event.

  • iam-am.policy.delete


Instantiate the DeletePolicyOptions struct and set the fields to provide parameter values for the DeletePolicy method.

Use the DeletePolicyOptions.Builder to create a DeletePolicyOptions object that contains the parameter values for the deletePolicy method.

Path Parameters

  • The policy ID.

WithContext method only

The DeletePolicy options.

The deletePolicy options.


  • The policy ID.


  • The policy ID.

  • curl -X DELETE '$POLICY_ID' -H 'Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
  • options := iamPolicyManagementService.NewDeletePolicyOptions(
    response, err := iamPolicyManagementService.DeletePolicy(options)
    if err != nil {
  • DeletePolicyOptions options = new DeletePolicyOptions.Builder()
    Response<Void> response = service.deletePolicy(options).execute();
  • const params = {
      policyId: examplePolicyId,
    try {
      await iamPolicyManagementService.deletePolicy(params);
    } catch (err) {
  • response = iam_policy_management_service.delete_policy(policy_id=example_policy_id).get_result()
    print(json.dumps(response, indent=2))


Status Code

  • Policy deletion successful.

  • Policy was not valid to delete.

  • The token you provided is not valid.

  • You do not have access to delete the policy.

  • Policy was not found.

  • Too many requests have been made within a given time window.

Example responses
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "invalid_body",
          "message": "Request includes a locked service id, cannot perform action"
      "status_code": 400
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "invalid_body",
          "message": "Request includes a locked service id, cannot perform action"
      "status_code": 400
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "invalid_token",
          "message": "The provided IAM token is invalid."
      "status_code": 401
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "invalid_token",
          "message": "The provided IAM token is invalid."
      "status_code": 401
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "insufficent_permissions",
          "message": "You are not allowed to delete the requested policy."
      "status_code": 403
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "insufficent_permissions",
          "message": "You are not allowed to delete the requested policy."
      "status_code": 403
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "policy_not_found",
          "message": "Policy with Id POLICY_ID not found."
      "status_code": 404
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "policy_not_found",
          "message": "Policy with Id POLICY_ID not found."
      "status_code": 404
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "too_many_requests",
          "message": "Too many requests."
      "status_code": 429
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "too_many_requests",
          "message": "Too many requests."
      "status_code": 429

Restore a deleted policy by ID

Restore a policy that has recently been deleted. A policy administrator might want to restore a deleted policy. To restore a policy, use "state": "active" in the body.

Restore a policy that has recently been deleted. A policy administrator might want to restore a deleted policy. To restore a policy, use "state": "active" in the body.

Restore a policy that has recently been deleted. A policy administrator might want to restore a deleted policy. To restore a policy, use "state": "active" in the body.

Restore a policy that has recently been deleted. A policy administrator might want to restore a deleted policy. To restore a policy, use "state": "active" in the body.

Restore a policy that has recently been deleted. A policy administrator might want to restore a deleted policy. To restore a policy, use "state": "active" in the body.

PATCH /v1/policies/{policy_id}
(iamPolicyManagement *IamPolicyManagementV1) UpdatePolicyState(updatePolicyStateOptions *UpdatePolicyStateOptions) (result *Policy, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
(iamPolicyManagement *IamPolicyManagementV1) UpdatePolicyStateWithContext(ctx context.Context, updatePolicyStateOptions *UpdatePolicyStateOptions) (result *Policy, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
ServiceCall<Policy> updatePolicyState(UpdatePolicyStateOptions updatePolicyStateOptions)
        policy_id: str,
        if_match: str,
        state: Optional[str] = None,
    ) -> DetailedResponse


To call this method, you must be assigned one or more IAM access roles that include the following action. You can check your access by going to Users > User > Access.

  • iam.policy.create


Calling this method generates the following auditing event.

  • iam-am.policy.update


Instantiate the UpdatePolicyStateOptions struct and set the fields to provide parameter values for the UpdatePolicyState method.

Use the UpdatePolicyStateOptions.Builder to create a UpdatePolicyStateOptions object that contains the parameter values for the updatePolicyState method.

Custom Headers

  • The revision number for updating a policy and must match the ETag value of the existing policy. The Etag can be retrieved using the GET /v1/policies/{policy_id} API and looking at the ETag response header.

Path Parameters

  • The policy ID.

Policy attribute to be updated.

WithContext method only

The UpdatePolicyState options.

The updatePolicyState options.


  • The policy ID.

  • The revision number for updating a policy and must match the ETag value of the existing policy. The Etag can be retrieved using the GET /v1/policies/{policy_id} API and looking at the ETag response header.

  • The policy state.

    Allowable values: [active,deleted]


  • The policy ID.

  • The revision number for updating a policy and must match the ETag value of the existing policy. The Etag can be retrieved using the GET /v1/policies/{policy_id} API and looking at the ETag response header.

  • The policy state.

    Allowable values: [active,deleted]

  • curl -X PATCH '' -H 'Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'If-Match: $ETAG' -d '{
      "state": "active",
  • options := iamPolicyManagementService.NewUpdatePolicyStateOptions(
    policy, response, err := iamPolicyManagementService.UpdatePolicyState(options)
    if err != nil {
    b, _ := json.MarshalIndent(policy, "", "  ")
  • UpdatePolicyStateOptions updatePolicyStateOptions = new UpdatePolicyStateOptions.Builder()
    Response<Policy> response = service.updatePolicyState(updatePolicyStateOptions).execute();
    Policy policy = response.getResult();
  • const params = {
      policyId: examplePolicyId,
      ifMatch: examplePolicyETag,
      state: 'active'
    try {
      const res = await iamPolicyManagementService.updatePolicyState(params);
      console.log(JSON.stringify(res.result, null, 2));
    } catch (err) {
  • policy = iam_policy_management_service.update_policy_state(
      policy_id=example_policy_id, if_match=example_updated_policy_etag, state='active'
    print(json.dumps(policy, indent=2))


The core set of properties associated with a policy.

The core set of properties associated with a policy.

The core set of properties associated with a policy.

The core set of properties associated with a policy.

The core set of properties associated with a policy.

Status Code

  • Policy successfully restored.

  • Policy input is invalid.

  • The token you provided is not valid.

  • You do not have access to update the policy.

  • Policy was not found.

  • The requested resource(s) cannot be formatted using the requested media type(s).

  • Request body sent was formatted using an unsupported media type.

  • Too many requests have been made within a given time window.

Example responses
  • {
      "id": "12345678-abcd-1a2b-a1b2-1234567890ab",
      "type": "access",
      "description": "Viewer role access for all instances of SERVICE_NAME in the account.",
      "subjects": [
          "attributes": [
              "name": "iam_id",
              "value": "IBMid-123453user"
      "roles": [
          "role_id": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:iam::::role:Viewer"
      "resources": [
          "attributes": [
              "name": "accountId",
              "value": "ACCOUNT_ID",
              "operator": "stringEquals"
              "name": "serviceName",
              "value": "SERVICE_NAME",
              "operator": "stringEquals"
      "href": "",
      "created_at": "2018-08-30T14:09:09.907Z",
      "created_by_id": "USER_ID",
      "last_modified_at": "2018-08-30T14:09:09.907Z",
      "last_modified_by_id": "USER_ID",
      "state": "active"
  • {
      "id": "12345678-abcd-1a2b-a1b2-1234567890ab",
      "type": "access",
      "description": "Viewer role access for all instances of SERVICE_NAME in the account.",
      "subjects": [
          "attributes": [
              "name": "iam_id",
              "value": "IBMid-123453user"
      "roles": [
          "role_id": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:iam::::role:Viewer"
      "resources": [
          "attributes": [
              "name": "accountId",
              "value": "ACCOUNT_ID",
              "operator": "stringEquals"
              "name": "serviceName",
              "value": "SERVICE_NAME",
              "operator": "stringEquals"
      "href": "",
      "created_at": "2018-08-30T14:09:09.907Z",
      "created_by_id": "USER_ID",
      "last_modified_at": "2018-08-30T14:09:09.907Z",
      "last_modified_by_id": "USER_ID",
      "state": "active"
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "invalid_body",
          "message": "Invalid body format. Check missing parameters."
      "status_code": 400
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "invalid_body",
          "message": "Invalid body format. Check missing parameters."
      "status_code": 400
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "invalid_token",
          "message": "The provided IAM token is invalid."
      "status_code": 401
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "invalid_token",
          "message": "The provided IAM token is invalid."
      "status_code": 401
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "insufficent_permissions",
          "message": "You are not allowed to update the requested policy."
      "status_code": 403
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "insufficent_permissions",
          "message": "You are not allowed to update the requested policy."
      "status_code": 403
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "policy_not_found",
          "message": "Policy with Id POLICY_ID not found."
      "status_code": 404
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "policy_not_found",
          "message": "Policy with Id POLICY_ID not found."
      "status_code": 404
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "unable_to_process",
          "message": "The requested resource(s) can only be formatted using the 'application/json' media type."
      "status_code": 406
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "unable_to_process",
          "message": "The requested resource(s) can only be formatted using the 'application/json' media type."
      "status_code": 406
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "unsupported_content_type",
          "message": "The supported media type for this API is 'application/json'."
      "status_code": 415
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "unsupported_content_type",
          "message": "The supported media type for this API is 'application/json'."
      "status_code": 415
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "too_many_requests",
          "message": "Too many requests."
      "status_code": 429
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "too_many_requests",
          "message": "Too many requests."
      "status_code": 429

Get roles by filters

Get roles based on the filters. While managing roles, you may want to retrieve roles and filter by usages. This can be done through query parameters. Currently, we only support the following attributes: account_id, service_name, service_group_id, source_service_name and policy_type. Both service_name and service_group_id attributes are mutually exclusive. Only roles that match the filter and that the caller has read access to are returned. If the caller does not have read access to any roles an empty array is returned.

Get roles based on the filters. While managing roles, you may want to retrieve roles and filter by usages. This can be done through query parameters. Currently, we only support the following attributes: account_id, service_name, service_group_id, source_service_name and policy_type. Both service_name and service_group_id attributes are mutually exclusive. Only roles that match the filter and that the caller has read access to are returned. If the caller does not have read access to any roles an empty array is returned.

Get roles based on the filters. While managing roles, you may want to retrieve roles and filter by usages. This can be done through query parameters. Currently, we only support the following attributes: account_id, service_name, service_group_id, source_service_name and policy_type. Both service_name and service_group_id attributes are mutually exclusive. Only roles that match the filter and that the caller has read access to are returned. If the caller does not have read access to any roles an empty array is returned.

Get roles based on the filters. While managing roles, you may want to retrieve roles and filter by usages. This can be done through query parameters. Currently, we only support the following attributes: account_id, service_name, service_group_id, source_service_name and policy_type. Both service_name and service_group_id attributes are mutually exclusive. Only roles that match the filter and that the caller has read access to are returned. If the caller does not have read access to any roles an empty array is returned.

Get roles based on the filters. While managing roles, you may want to retrieve roles and filter by usages. This can be done through query parameters. Currently, we only support the following attributes: account_id, service_name, service_group_id, source_service_name and policy_type. Both service_name and service_group_id attributes are mutually exclusive. Only roles that match the filter and that the caller has read access to are returned. If the caller does not have read access to any roles an empty array is returned.

GET /v2/roles
(iamPolicyManagement *IamPolicyManagementV1) ListRoles(listRolesOptions *ListRolesOptions) (result *RoleCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
(iamPolicyManagement *IamPolicyManagementV1) ListRolesWithContext(ctx context.Context, listRolesOptions *ListRolesOptions) (result *RoleCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
ServiceCall<RoleCollection> listRoles(ListRolesOptions listRolesOptions)
        accept_language: Optional[str] = None,
        account_id: Optional[str] = None,
        service_name: Optional[str] = None,
        source_service_name: Optional[str] = None,
        policy_type: Optional[str] = None,
        service_group_id: Optional[str] = None,
    ) -> DetailedResponse


To call this method, you must be assigned one or more IAM access roles that include the following action. You can check your access by going to Users > User > Access.



Calling this method generates the following auditing event.



Instantiate the ListRolesOptions struct and set the fields to provide parameter values for the ListRoles method.

Use the ListRolesOptions.Builder to create a ListRolesOptions object that contains the parameter values for the listRoles method.

Custom Headers

  • Language code for translations

    • default - English
    • de - German (Standard)
    • en - English
    • es - Spanish (Spain)
    • fr - French (Standard)
    • it - Italian (Standard)
    • ja - Japanese
    • ko - Korean
    • pt-br - Portuguese (Brazil)
    • zh-cn - Chinese (Simplified, PRC)
    • zh-tw - (Chinese, Taiwan)

    Possible values: length ≥ 1

    Default: default

Query Parameters

  • Optional account GUID in which the roles belong to.

  • Optional name of IAM enabled service.

    Example: iam-groups

  • Optional name of source IAM enabled service.

    Example: iam-groups

  • Optional Policy Type.

    Example: authorization

  • Optional id of service group.

    Example: IAM

WithContext method only

The ListRoles options.

The listRoles options.


  • Language code for translations

    • default - English
    • de - German (Standard)
    • en - English
    • es - Spanish (Spain)
    • fr - French (Standard)
    • it - Italian (Standard)
    • ja - Japanese
    • ko - Korean
    • pt-br - Portuguese (Brazil)
    • zh-cn - Chinese (Simplified, PRC)
    • zh-tw - (Chinese, Taiwan).

    Possible values: length ≥ 1

    Default: default

  • Optional account GUID in which the roles belong to.

  • Optional name of IAM enabled service.

  • Optional name of source IAM enabled service.

  • Optional Policy Type.

  • Optional id of service group.



  • Language code for translations

    • default - English
    • de - German (Standard)
    • en - English
    • es - Spanish (Spain)
    • fr - French (Standard)
    • it - Italian (Standard)
    • ja - Japanese
    • ko - Korean
    • pt-br - Portuguese (Brazil)
    • zh-cn - Chinese (Simplified, PRC)
    • zh-tw - (Chinese, Taiwan).

    Possible values: length ≥ 1

    Default: default

  • Optional account GUID in which the roles belong to.

  • Optional name of IAM enabled service.

  • Optional name of source IAM enabled service.

  • Optional Policy Type.

  • Optional id of service group.

  • curl -X GET '' -H 'Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
  • options := iamPolicyManagementService.NewListRolesOptions()
    roleList, response, err := iamPolicyManagementService.ListRoles(options)
    if err != nil {
    b, _ := json.MarshalIndent(roleList, "", "  ")
  • ListRolesOptions options = new ListRolesOptions.Builder()
    Response<RoleCollection> response = service.listRoles(options).execute();
    RoleCollection roleCollection = response.getResult();
  • const params = {
      accountId: exampleAccountId,
    try {
      const res = await iamPolicyManagementService.listRoles(params);
      console.log(JSON.stringify(res.result, null, 2));
    } catch (err) {
  • role_list = iam_policy_management_service.list_roles(account_id=example_account_id).get_result()
    print(json.dumps(role_list, indent=2))


A collection of roles returned by the 'list roles' operation.

A collection of roles returned by the 'list roles' operation.

A collection of roles returned by the 'list roles' operation.

A collection of roles returned by the 'list roles' operation.

A collection of roles returned by the 'list roles' operation.

Status Code

  • Roles retrieval successful.

  • The token you provided is not valid.

  • Resource was not found.

  • The requested resource(s) cannot be formatted using the requested media type(s).

  • Too many requests have been made within a given time window.

Example responses
  • {
      "custom_roles": [
          "id": "12345678abcd1a2ba1b21234567890ab",
          "crn": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:iam-access-management::::customRole:Example",
          "name": "Example",
          "display_name": "Example Role",
          "description": "Custom role for example",
          "service_name": "SERVICE_NAME",
          "account_id": "ACCOUNT_ID",
          "actions": [
          "created_at": "2018-08-30T14:09:09.907Z",
          "created_by_id": "USER_ID",
          "last_modified_at": "2018-08-30T14:09:09.907Z",
          "last_modified_by_id": "USER_ID",
          "href": ""
      "service_roles": [
          "crn": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:iam::::serviceRole:Reader",
          "display_name": "Reader",
          "description": "Reader role for example",
          "actions": [
      "system_roles": [
          "crn": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:iam::::role:Viewer",
          "display_name": "Viewer",
          "description": "Viewer role for example",
          "actions": [
  • {
      "custom_roles": [
          "id": "12345678abcd1a2ba1b21234567890ab",
          "crn": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:iam-access-management::::customRole:Example",
          "name": "Example",
          "display_name": "Example Role",
          "description": "Custom role for example",
          "service_name": "SERVICE_NAME",
          "account_id": "ACCOUNT_ID",
          "actions": [
          "created_at": "2018-08-30T14:09:09.907Z",
          "created_by_id": "USER_ID",
          "last_modified_at": "2018-08-30T14:09:09.907Z",
          "last_modified_by_id": "USER_ID",
          "href": ""
      "service_roles": [
          "crn": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:iam::::serviceRole:Reader",
          "display_name": "Reader",
          "description": "Reader role for example",
          "actions": [
      "system_roles": [
          "crn": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:iam::::role:Viewer",
          "display_name": "Viewer",
          "description": "Viewer role for example",
          "actions": [
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "invalid_token",
          "message": "The provided IAM token is invalid."
      "status_code": 401
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "invalid_token",
          "message": "The provided IAM token is invalid."
      "status_code": 401
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "not_found",
          "message": "Not Found"
      "status_code": 404
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "not_found",
          "message": "Not Found"
      "status_code": 404
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "unable_to_process",
          "message": "The requested resource(s) can only be formatted using the 'application/json' media type."
      "status_code": 406
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "unable_to_process",
          "message": "The requested resource(s) can only be formatted using the 'application/json' media type."
      "status_code": 406
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "too_many_requests",
          "message": "Too many requests."
      "status_code": 429
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "too_many_requests",
          "message": "Too many requests."
      "status_code": 429

Create a role

Creates a custom role for a specific service within the account. An account owner or a user assigned the Administrator role on the Role management service can create a custom role. Any number of actions for a single service can be mapped to the new role, but there must be at least one service-defined action to successfully create the new role.

Creates a custom role for a specific service within the account. An account owner or a user assigned the Administrator role on the Role management service can create a custom role. Any number of actions for a single service can be mapped to the new role, but there must be at least one service-defined action to successfully create the new role.

Creates a custom role for a specific service within the account. An account owner or a user assigned the Administrator role on the Role management service can create a custom role. Any number of actions for a single service can be mapped to the new role, but there must be at least one service-defined action to successfully create the new role.

Creates a custom role for a specific service within the account. An account owner or a user assigned the Administrator role on the Role management service can create a custom role. Any number of actions for a single service can be mapped to the new role, but there must be at least one service-defined action to successfully create the new role.

Creates a custom role for a specific service within the account. An account owner or a user assigned the Administrator role on the Role management service can create a custom role. Any number of actions for a single service can be mapped to the new role, but there must be at least one service-defined action to successfully create the new role.

POST /v2/roles
(iamPolicyManagement *IamPolicyManagementV1) CreateRole(createRoleOptions *CreateRoleOptions) (result *CustomRole, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
(iamPolicyManagement *IamPolicyManagementV1) CreateRoleWithContext(ctx context.Context, createRoleOptions *CreateRoleOptions) (result *CustomRole, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
ServiceCall<CustomRole> createRole(CreateRoleOptions createRoleOptions)
        display_name: str,
        actions: List[str],
        name: str,
        account_id: str,
        service_name: str,
        description: Optional[str] = None,
        accept_language: Optional[str] = None,
    ) -> DetailedResponse


To call this method, you must be assigned one or more IAM access roles that include the following action. You can check your access by going to Users > User > Access.

  • iam-access-management.customRole.create


Calling this method generates the following auditing event.

  • iam-am.role.create


Instantiate the CreateRoleOptions struct and set the fields to provide parameter values for the CreateRole method.

Use the CreateRoleOptions.Builder to create a CreateRoleOptions object that contains the parameter values for the createRole method.

Custom Headers

  • Language code for translations

    • default - English
    • de - German (Standard)
    • en - English
    • es - Spanish (Spain)
    • fr - French (Standard)
    • it - Italian (Standard)
    • ja - Japanese
    • ko - Korean
    • pt-br - Portuguese (Brazil)
    • zh-cn - Chinese (Simplified, PRC)
    • zh-tw - (Chinese, Taiwan)

    Possible values: length ≥ 1

    Default: default

A role to be created.

WithContext method only

The CreateRole options.

The createRole options.


  • The display name of the role that is shown in the console.

    Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 50

  • The actions of the role. For more information, see IAM roles and actions.

    Possible values: number of items ≥ 1, length ≥ 1

  • The name of the role that is used in the CRN. Can only be alphanumeric and has to be capitalized.

    Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 30, Value must match regular expression /^[A-Z]{1}[A-Za-z0-9]{0,29}$/

  • The account GUID.

  • The service name.

  • The description of the role.

    Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 250

  • Language code for translations

    • default - English
    • de - German (Standard)
    • en - English
    • es - Spanish (Spain)
    • fr - French (Standard)
    • it - Italian (Standard)
    • ja - Japanese
    • ko - Korean
    • pt-br - Portuguese (Brazil)
    • zh-cn - Chinese (Simplified, PRC)
    • zh-tw - (Chinese, Taiwan).

    Possible values: length ≥ 1

    Default: default


  • The display name of the role that is shown in the console.

    Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 50

  • The actions of the role. For more information, see IAM roles and actions.

    Possible values: number of items ≥ 1, length ≥ 1

  • The name of the role that is used in the CRN. Can only be alphanumeric and has to be capitalized.

    Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 30, Value must match regular expression /^[A-Z]{1}[A-Za-z0-9]{0,29}$/

  • The account GUID.

  • The service name.

  • The description of the role.

    Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 250

  • Language code for translations

    • default - English
    • de - German (Standard)
    • en - English
    • es - Spanish (Spain)
    • fr - French (Standard)
    • it - Italian (Standard)
    • ja - Japanese
    • ko - Korean
    • pt-br - Portuguese (Brazil)
    • zh-cn - Chinese (Simplified, PRC)
    • zh-tw - (Chinese, Taiwan).

    Possible values: length ≥ 1

    Default: default

  • curl -X POST '' -H 'Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{
      "name": "Example",
      "display_name": "Example Role",
      "description": "Custom role for example",
      "account_id": "ACCOUNT_ID",
      "service_name": "SERVICE_NAME",
      "actions":["ACTION_ID_1", "ACTION_ID_2"]
  • options := iamPolicyManagementService.NewCreateRoleOptions(
      "IAM Groups read access",
    customRole, response, err := iamPolicyManagementService.CreateRole(options)
    if err != nil {
    b, _ := json.MarshalIndent(customRole, "", "  ")
    exampleCustomRoleID = *customRole.ID
  • CreateRoleOptions options = new CreateRoleOptions.Builder()
            .displayName("IAM Groups read access")
    Response<CustomRole> response = service.createRole(options).execute();
    CustomRole customRole = response.getResult();
    exampleCustomRoleId = customRole.getId();
  • const params = {
      displayName: exampleCustomRoleDipslayName,
      actions: [''],
      name: 'ExampleRoleIAMGroups',
      accountId: exampleAccountId,
      serviceName: exampleServiceName,
    try {
      const res = await iamPolicyManagementService.createRole(params);
      exampleCustomRoleId =;
      console.log(JSON.stringify(res.result, null, 2));
    } catch (err) {
  • custom_role = iam_policy_management_service.create_role(
      display_name='IAM Groups read access',
    global example_custom_role_id
    example_custom_role_id = custom_role["id"]
    print(json.dumps(custom_role, indent=2))


An additional set of properties associated with a role.

An additional set of properties associated with a role.

An additional set of properties associated with a role.

An additional set of properties associated with a role.

An additional set of properties associated with a role.

Status Code

  • Role creation successful.

  • Role input is invalid.

  • The token you provided is not valid.

  • You don't have access to create the role. You must be assigned the Administrator role on the Role management service.

  • The requested resource(s) cannot be formatted using the requested media type(s).

  • A role already exists with the same name or actions in the account. You can update that role or delete it and create a new one.

  • Request body sent was formatted using an unsupported media type.

  • Exceeded maximum roles quota.

  • Too many requests have been made within a given time window.

Example responses
  • {
      "id": "12345678abcd1a2ba1b21234567890ab",
      "crn": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:iam-access-management::::customRole:Example",
      "name": "Example",
      "display_name": "Example Role",
      "description": "Custom role for example",
      "service_name": "SERVICE_NAME",
      "account_id": "ACCOUNT_ID",
      "actions": [
      "created_at": "2018-08-30T14:09:09.907Z",
      "created_by_id": "USER_ID",
      "last_modified_at": "2018-08-30T14:09:09.907Z",
      "last_modified_by_id": "USER_ID",
      "href": ""
  • {
      "id": "12345678abcd1a2ba1b21234567890ab",
      "crn": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:iam-access-management::::customRole:Example",
      "name": "Example",
      "display_name": "Example Role",
      "description": "Custom role for example",
      "service_name": "SERVICE_NAME",
      "account_id": "ACCOUNT_ID",
      "actions": [
      "created_at": "2018-08-30T14:09:09.907Z",
      "created_by_id": "USER_ID",
      "last_modified_at": "2018-08-30T14:09:09.907Z",
      "last_modified_by_id": "USER_ID",
      "href": ""
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "invalid_body",
          "message": "The role name conflicts with an existing system-defined role name. Choose a different name."
      "status_code": 400
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "invalid_body",
          "message": "The role name conflicts with an existing system-defined role name. Choose a different name."
      "status_code": 400
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "invalid_token",
          "message": "The provided IAM token is invalid."
      "status_code": 401
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "invalid_token",
          "message": "The provided IAM token is invalid."
      "status_code": 401
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "insufficent_permissions",
          "message": "You are not allowed to create the requested role. You must be assigned the Administrator role on the Role management service."
      "status_code": 403
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "insufficent_permissions",
          "message": "You are not allowed to create the requested role. You must be assigned the Administrator role on the Role management service."
      "status_code": 403
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "unable_to_process",
          "message": "The requested resource(s) can only be formatted using the 'application/json' media type."
      "status_code": 406
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "unable_to_process",
          "message": "The requested resource(s) can only be formatted using the 'application/json' media type."
      "status_code": 406
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "role_conflict_error",
          "message": "This role name is already in use. Update the existing one or change the role name to be unique.",
          "details": {
            "conflicts_with": {
              "etag": "1-847833cec3bf3f3c3231d8f9492febac",
              "role": "ROLE"
          "status_code": 409
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "role_conflict_error",
          "message": "This role name is already in use. Update the existing one or change the role name to be unique.",
          "details": {
            "conflicts_with": {
              "etag": "1-847833cec3bf3f3c3231d8f9492febac",
              "role": "ROLE"
          "status_code": 409
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "unsupported_content_type",
          "message": "The supported media type for this API is 'application/json'."
      "status_code": 415
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "unsupported_content_type",
          "message": "The supported media type for this API is 'application/json'."
      "status_code": 415
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "request_not_processed",
          "message": "Exceeded maximum roles quota (<limit>) for account <account_id>."
      "status_code": 422
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "request_not_processed",
          "message": "Exceeded maximum roles quota (<limit>) for account <account_id>."
      "status_code": 422
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "too_many_requests",
          "message": "Too many requests."
      "status_code": 429
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "too_many_requests",
          "message": "Too many requests."
      "status_code": 429

Update a role

Update a custom role. A role administrator might want to update an existing role by updating the display name, description, or the actions that are mapped to the role. The name, account_id, and service_name can't be changed.

Update a custom role. A role administrator might want to update an existing role by updating the display name, description, or the actions that are mapped to the role. The name, account_id, and service_name can't be changed.

Update a custom role. A role administrator might want to update an existing role by updating the display name, description, or the actions that are mapped to the role. The name, account_id, and service_name can't be changed.

Update a custom role. A role administrator might want to update an existing role by updating the display name, description, or the actions that are mapped to the role. The name, account_id, and service_name can't be changed.

Update a custom role. A role administrator might want to update an existing role by updating the display name, description, or the actions that are mapped to the role. The name, account_id, and service_name can't be changed.

PUT /v2/roles/{role_id}
(iamPolicyManagement *IamPolicyManagementV1) ReplaceRole(replaceRoleOptions *ReplaceRoleOptions) (result *CustomRole, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
(iamPolicyManagement *IamPolicyManagementV1) ReplaceRoleWithContext(ctx context.Context, replaceRoleOptions *ReplaceRoleOptions) (result *CustomRole, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
ServiceCall<CustomRole> replaceRole(ReplaceRoleOptions replaceRoleOptions)
        role_id: str,
        if_match: str,
        display_name: str,
        actions: List[str],
        description: Optional[str] = None,
    ) -> DetailedResponse


To call this method, you must be assigned one or more IAM access roles that include the following action. You can check your access by going to Users > User > Access.

  • iam-access-management.customRole.update


Calling this method generates the following auditing event.

  • iam-am.role.update


Instantiate the ReplaceRoleOptions struct and set the fields to provide parameter values for the ReplaceRole method.

Use the ReplaceRoleOptions.Builder to create a ReplaceRoleOptions object that contains the parameter values for the replaceRole method.

Custom Headers

  • The revision number for updating a role and must match the ETag value of the existing role. The Etag can be retrieved using the GET /v2/roles/{role_id} API and looking at the ETag response header.

Path Parameters

  • The role ID.

Updated role content to be saved.

WithContext method only

The ReplaceRole options.

The replaceRole options.


  • The role ID.

  • The revision number for updating a role and must match the ETag value of the existing role. The Etag can be retrieved using the GET /v2/roles/{role_id} API and looking at the ETag response header.

  • The display name of the role that is shown in the console.

    Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 50

  • The actions of the role. For more information, see IAM roles and actions.

    Possible values: number of items ≥ 1, length ≥ 1

  • The description of the role.

    Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 250


  • The role ID.

  • The revision number for updating a role and must match the ETag value of the existing role. The Etag can be retrieved using the GET /v2/roles/{role_id} API and looking at the ETag response header.

  • The display name of the role that is shown in the console.

    Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 50

  • The actions of the role. For more information, see IAM roles and actions.

    Possible values: number of items ≥ 1, length ≥ 1

  • The description of the role.

    Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 250

  • curl -X PUT '' -H 'Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'If-Match: $ETAG' -d '{
      "display_name": "Example Role",
      "description": "Custom role for example",
      "actions":["ACTION_ID_1", "ACTION_ID_2"]
  • updatedRoleActions := []string{"", "iam-groups.groups.list"}
    options := iamPolicyManagementService.NewReplaceRoleOptions(
    customRole, response, err := iamPolicyManagementService.ReplaceRole(options)
    if err != nil {
    b, _ := json.MarshalIndent(customRole, "", "  ")
  • List<String> updatedRoleActions = Arrays.asList("", "iam-groups.groups.list");
    ReplaceRoleOptions options = new ReplaceRoleOptions.Builder()
            .displayName("IAM Groups read access")
    Response<CustomRole> response = service.replaceRole(options).execute();
    CustomRole customRole = response.getResult();
  • const updatedRoleActions = ['', 'iam-groups.groups.list'];
    const params = {
      roleId: exampleCustomRoleId,
      ifMatch: exampleCustomRoleEtag,
      displayName: exampleCustomRoleDipslayName,
      actions: updatedRoleActions,
    try {
      const res = await iamPolicyManagementService.replaceRole(params);
      console.log(JSON.stringify(res.result, null, 2));
    } catch (err) {
  • updated_role_actions = ['', 'iam-groups.groups.list']
    custom_role = iam_policy_management_service.replace_role(
      display_name='IAM Groups read access',
    print(json.dumps(custom_role, indent=2))


An additional set of properties associated with a role.

An additional set of properties associated with a role.

An additional set of properties associated with a role.

An additional set of properties associated with a role.

An additional set of properties associated with a role.

Status Code

  • Role update successful.

  • Role input is invalid.

  • The token you provided is not valid.

  • You do not have access to update the role.

  • Role was not found.

  • The requested resource(s) cannot be formatted using the requested media type(s).

  • A role already exists with the same actions and account_id. You can update that role or delete it and create a new one.

  • Request body sent was formatted using an unsupported media type.

  • Too many requests have been made within a given time window.

Example responses
  • {
      "id": "12345678abcd1a2ba1b21234567890ab",
      "crn": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:iam-access-management::::customRole:Example",
      "name": "Example",
      "display_name": "Example Role",
      "description": "Custom role for example",
      "service_name": "SERVICE_NAME",
      "account_id": "ACCOUNT_ID",
      "actions": [
      "created_at": "2018-08-30T14:09:09.907Z",
      "created_by_id": "USER_ID",
      "last_modified_at": "2018-08-30T14:09:09.907Z",
      "last_modified_by_id": "USER_ID",
      "href": ""
  • {
      "id": "12345678abcd1a2ba1b21234567890ab",
      "crn": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:iam-access-management::::customRole:Example",
      "name": "Example",
      "display_name": "Example Role",
      "description": "Custom role for example",
      "service_name": "SERVICE_NAME",
      "account_id": "ACCOUNT_ID",
      "actions": [
      "created_at": "2018-08-30T14:09:09.907Z",
      "created_by_id": "USER_ID",
      "last_modified_at": "2018-08-30T14:09:09.907Z",
      "last_modified_by_id": "USER_ID",
      "href": ""
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "invalid_body",
          "message": "In order to update an existing role, a rev value must be provided."
      "status_code": 400
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "invalid_body",
          "message": "In order to update an existing role, a rev value must be provided."
      "status_code": 400
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "invalid_token",
          "message": "The provided IAM token is invalid."
      "status_code": 401
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "invalid_token",
          "message": "The provided IAM token is invalid."
      "status_code": 401
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "insufficent_permissions",
          "message": "You are not allowed to update the requested role."
      "status_code": 403
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "insufficent_permissions",
          "message": "You are not allowed to update the requested role."
      "status_code": 403
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "role_not_found",
          "message": "Role with Id ROLE_ID not found."
      "status_code": 404
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "role_not_found",
          "message": "Role with Id ROLE_ID not found."
      "status_code": 404
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "unable_to_process",
          "message": "The requested resource(s) can only be formatted using the 'application/json' media type."
      "status_code": 406
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "unable_to_process",
          "message": "The requested resource(s) can only be formatted using the 'application/json' media type."
      "status_code": 406
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "role_conflict_error",
          "message": "The role wasn't updated.",
          "details": {
            "conflicts_with": {
              "etag": "1-847833cec3bf3f3c3231d8f9492febac",
              "role": "ROLE"
          "status_code": 409
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "role_conflict_error",
          "message": "The role wasn't updated.",
          "details": {
            "conflicts_with": {
              "etag": "1-847833cec3bf3f3c3231d8f9492febac",
              "role": "ROLE"
          "status_code": 409
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "unsupported_content_type",
          "message": "The supported media type for this API is 'application/json'."
      "status_code": 415
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "unsupported_content_type",
          "message": "The supported media type for this API is 'application/json'."
      "status_code": 415
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "too_many_requests",
          "message": "Too many requests."
      "status_code": 429
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "too_many_requests",
          "message": "Too many requests."
      "status_code": 429

Retrieve a role by ID

Retrieve a role by providing a role ID.

Retrieve a role by providing a role ID.

Retrieve a role by providing a role ID.

Retrieve a role by providing a role ID.

Retrieve a role by providing a role ID.

GET /v2/roles/{role_id}
(iamPolicyManagement *IamPolicyManagementV1) GetRole(getRoleOptions *GetRoleOptions) (result *CustomRole, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
(iamPolicyManagement *IamPolicyManagementV1) GetRoleWithContext(ctx context.Context, getRoleOptions *GetRoleOptions) (result *CustomRole, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
ServiceCall<CustomRole> getRole(GetRoleOptions getRoleOptions)
        role_id: str,
    ) -> DetailedResponse


Calling this method generates the following auditing event.



Instantiate the GetRoleOptions struct and set the fields to provide parameter values for the GetRole method.

Use the GetRoleOptions.Builder to create a GetRoleOptions object that contains the parameter values for the getRole method.

Path Parameters

  • The role ID.

WithContext method only

The GetRole options.

The getRole options.


  • The role ID.


  • The role ID.

  • curl -X GET '$ROLE_ID' -H 'Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
  • options := iamPolicyManagementService.NewGetRoleOptions(
    customRole, response, err := iamPolicyManagementService.GetRole(options)
    if err != nil {
    b, _ := json.MarshalIndent(customRole, "", "  ")
    exampleCustomRoleETag = response.Headers.Get("ETag")
  • GetRoleOptions options = new GetRoleOptions.Builder()
    Response<CustomRole> response = service.getRole(options).execute();
    CustomRole customRole = response.getResult();
    exampleCustomRoleEtag = response.getHeaders().values("Etag").get(0);
  • const params = {
      roleId: exampleCustomRoleId,
    try {
      const res = await iamPolicyManagementService.getRole(params);
      exampleCustomRoleEtag = res.headers.etag;
      console.log(JSON.stringify(res.result, null, 2));
    } catch (err) {
  • response = iam_policy_management_service.get_role(role_id=example_custom_role_id)
    custom_role = response.get_result()
    global example_custom_role_etag
    example_custom_role_etag = response.get_headers().get("Etag")
    print(json.dumps(custom_role, indent=2))


An additional set of properties associated with a role.

An additional set of properties associated with a role.

An additional set of properties associated with a role.

An additional set of properties associated with a role.

An additional set of properties associated with a role.

Status Code

  • Role retrieval successful.

  • The token you provided is not valid.

  • You do not have access to retrieve the role.

  • Role was not found.

  • The requested resource(s) cannot be formatted using the requested media type(s).

  • Too many requests have been made within a given time window.

Example responses
  • {
      "id": "12345678abcd1a2ba1b21234567890ab",
      "crn": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:iam-access-management::::customRole:Example",
      "name": "Example",
      "display_name": "Example Role",
      "description": "Custom role for example",
      "service_name": "SERVICE_NAME",
      "account_id": "ACCOUNT_ID",
      "actions": [
      "created_at": "2018-08-30T14:09:09.907Z",
      "created_by_id": "USER_ID",
      "last_modified_at": "2018-08-30T14:09:09.907Z",
      "last_modified_by_id": "USER_ID",
      "href": ""
  • {
      "id": "12345678abcd1a2ba1b21234567890ab",
      "crn": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:iam-access-management::::customRole:Example",
      "name": "Example",
      "display_name": "Example Role",
      "description": "Custom role for example",
      "service_name": "SERVICE_NAME",
      "account_id": "ACCOUNT_ID",
      "actions": [
      "created_at": "2018-08-30T14:09:09.907Z",
      "created_by_id": "USER_ID",
      "last_modified_at": "2018-08-30T14:09:09.907Z",
      "last_modified_by_id": "USER_ID",
      "href": ""
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "invalid_token",
          "message": "The provided IAM token is invalid."
      "status_code": 401
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "invalid_token",
          "message": "The provided IAM token is invalid."
      "status_code": 401
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "insufficent_permissions",
          "message": "You are not allowed to retrieve the requested role."
      "status_code": 403
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "insufficent_permissions",
          "message": "You are not allowed to retrieve the requested role."
      "status_code": 403
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "role_not_found",
          "message": "Role with Id ROLE_ID not found."
      "status_code": 404
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "role_not_found",
          "message": "Role with Id ROLE_ID not found."
      "status_code": 404
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "unable_to_process",
          "message": "The requested resource(s) can only be formatted using the 'application/json' media type."
      "status_code": 406
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "unable_to_process",
          "message": "The requested resource(s) can only be formatted using the 'application/json' media type."
      "status_code": 406
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "too_many_requests",
          "message": "Too many requests."
      "status_code": 429
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "too_many_requests",
          "message": "Too many requests."
      "status_code": 429

Delete a role by ID

Delete a role by providing a role ID.

Delete a role by providing a role ID.

Delete a role by providing a role ID.

Delete a role by providing a role ID.

Delete a role by providing a role ID.

DELETE /v2/roles/{role_id}
(iamPolicyManagement *IamPolicyManagementV1) DeleteRole(deleteRoleOptions *DeleteRoleOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
(iamPolicyManagement *IamPolicyManagementV1) DeleteRoleWithContext(ctx context.Context, deleteRoleOptions *DeleteRoleOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
ServiceCall<Void> deleteRole(DeleteRoleOptions deleteRoleOptions)
        role_id: str,
    ) -> DetailedResponse


To call this method, you must be assigned one or more IAM access roles that include the following action. You can check your access by going to Users > User > Access.

  • iam-access-management.customRole.delete


Calling this method generates the following auditing event.

  • iam-am.role.delete


Instantiate the DeleteRoleOptions struct and set the fields to provide parameter values for the DeleteRole method.

Use the DeleteRoleOptions.Builder to create a DeleteRoleOptions object that contains the parameter values for the deleteRole method.

Path Parameters

  • The role ID.

WithContext method only

The DeleteRole options.

The deleteRole options.


  • The role ID.


  • The role ID.

  • curl -X DELETE '$ROLE_ID' -H 'Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
  • options := iamPolicyManagementService.NewDeleteRoleOptions(
    response, err := iamPolicyManagementService.DeleteRole(options)
    if err != nil {
  • DeleteRoleOptions options = new DeleteRoleOptions.Builder()
    Response<Void> response = service.deleteRole(options).execute();
  • const params = {
      roleId: exampleCustomRoleId,
    try {
      await iamPolicyManagementService.deleteRole(params);
    } catch (err) {
  • response = iam_policy_management_service.delete_role(role_id=example_custom_role_id).get_result()
    print(json.dumps(response, indent=2))


Status Code

  • Role deletion successful.

  • The token you provided is not valid.

  • You do not have access to delete the role.

  • Role was not found.

  • Too many requests have been made within a given time window.

Example responses
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "invalid_token",
          "message": "The provided IAM token is invalid."
      "status_code": 401
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "invalid_token",
          "message": "The provided IAM token is invalid."
      "status_code": 401
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "insufficent_permissions",
          "message": "You are not allowed to delete the requested role."
      "status_code": 403
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "insufficent_permissions",
          "message": "You are not allowed to delete the requested role."
      "status_code": 403
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "role_not_found",
          "message": "Role with Id ROLE_ID not found."
      "status_code": 404
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "role_not_found",
          "message": "Role with Id ROLE_ID not found."
      "status_code": 404
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "too_many_requests",
          "message": "Too many requests."
      "status_code": 429
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "too_many_requests",
          "message": "Too many requests."
      "status_code": 429

Get policies by attributes


Get policies and filter by attributes. While managing policies, you might want to retrieve policies in the account and filter by attribute values. This can be done through query parameters. The following attributes are supported: account_id, iam_id, access_group_id, type, service_type, sort, format and state. account_id is a required query parameter. Only policies that have the specified attributes and that the caller has read access to are returned. If the caller does not have read access to any policies an empty array is returned.

Get policies and filter by attributes. While managing policies, you might want to retrieve policies in the account and filter by attribute values. This can be done through query parameters. The following attributes are supported: account_id, iam_id, access_group_id, type, service_type, sort, format and state. account_id is a required query parameter. Only policies that have the specified attributes and that the caller has read access to are returned. If the caller does not have read access to any policies an empty array is returned.

Get policies and filter by attributes. While managing policies, you might want to retrieve policies in the account and filter by attribute values. This can be done through query parameters. The following attributes are supported: account_id, iam_id, access_group_id, type, service_type, sort, format and state. account_id is a required query parameter. Only policies that have the specified attributes and that the caller has read access to are returned. If the caller does not have read access to any policies an empty array is returned.

Get policies and filter by attributes. While managing policies, you might want to retrieve policies in the account and filter by attribute values. This can be done through query parameters. The following attributes are supported: account_id, iam_id, access_group_id, type, service_type, sort, format and state. account_id is a required query parameter. Only policies that have the specified attributes and that the caller has read access to are returned. If the caller does not have read access to any policies an empty array is returned.

Get policies and filter by attributes. While managing policies, you might want to retrieve policies in the account and filter by attribute values. This can be done through query parameters. The following attributes are supported: account_id, iam_id, access_group_id, type, service_type, sort, format and state. account_id is a required query parameter. Only policies that have the specified attributes and that the caller has read access to are returned. If the caller does not have read access to any policies an empty array is returned.

GET /v2/policies
(iamPolicyManagement *IamPolicyManagementV1) ListV2Policies(listV2PoliciesOptions *ListV2PoliciesOptions) (result *V2PolicyCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
(iamPolicyManagement *IamPolicyManagementV1) ListV2PoliciesWithContext(ctx context.Context, listV2PoliciesOptions *ListV2PoliciesOptions) (result *V2PolicyCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
ServiceCall<V2PolicyCollection> listV2Policies(ListV2PoliciesOptions listV2PoliciesOptions)
        account_id: str,
        accept_language: Optional[str] = None,
        iam_id: Optional[str] = None,
        access_group_id: Optional[str] = None,
        type: Optional[str] = None,
        service_type: Optional[str] = None,
        service_name: Optional[str] = None,
        service_group_id: Optional[str] = None,
        sort: Optional[str] = None,
        format: Optional[str] = None,
        state: Optional[str] = None,
    ) -> DetailedResponse


To call this method, you must be assigned one or more IAM access roles that include the following action. You can check your access by going to Users > User > Access.



Calling this method generates the following auditing event.



Instantiate the ListV2PoliciesOptions struct and set the fields to provide parameter values for the ListV2Policies method.

Use the ListV2PoliciesOptions.Builder to create a ListV2PoliciesOptions object that contains the parameter values for the listV2Policies method.

Custom Headers

  • Language code for translations

    • default - English
    • de - German (Standard)
    • en - English
    • es - Spanish (Spain)
    • fr - French (Standard)
    • it - Italian (Standard)
    • ja - Japanese
    • ko - Korean
    • pt-br - Portuguese (Brazil)
    • zh-cn - Chinese (Simplified, PRC)
    • zh-tw - (Chinese, Taiwan)

    Possible values: length ≥ 1

    Default: default

Query Parameters

  • The account GUID in which the policies belong to.

    Possible values: length ≥ 1

  • Optional IAM ID used to identify the subject.

    Possible values: length ≥ 1

  • Optional access group id.

    Possible values: length ≥ 1

  • Optional type of policy.

    Allowable values: [access,authorization]

  • Optional type of service.

    Allowable values: [service,platform_service]

  • Optional name of service.

    Possible values: length ≥ 1

  • Optional ID of service group.

    Possible values: length ≥ 1

  • Optional top level policy field to sort results. Ascending sort is default. Descending sort available by prepending '-' to field, for example, '-last_modified_at'. Note that last permit information is only included when 'format=include_last_permit', for example, "format=include_last_permit&sort=last_permit_at" Example fields that can be sorted on:

    • 'id'
    • 'type'
    • 'href'
    • 'created_at'
    • 'created_by_id'
    • 'last_modified_at'
    • 'last_modified_by_id'
    • 'state'
    • 'last_permit_at'
    • 'last_permit_frequency'
  • Include additional data per policy returned

    • include_last_permit - returns details of when the policy last granted a permit decision and the number of times it has done so
    • display - returns the list of all actions included in each of the policy roles and translations for all relevant fields

    Allowable values: [include_last_permit,display]

  • The state of the policy.

    • active - returns active policies
    • deleted - returns non-active policies

    Allowable values: [active,deleted]

  • The number of documents to include in collection.

    Possible values: 1 ≤ value ≤ 100

    Default: 50

  • Page token that refers to the page of collection to return.

    Possible values: 9 ≤ length ≤ 100, Value must match regular expression ^[-A-Za-z0-9+/]*$

WithContext method only

The ListV2Policies options.

The listV2Policies options.


  • The account GUID in which the policies belong to.

    Possible values: length ≥ 1

  • Language code for translations

    • default - English
    • de - German (Standard)
    • en - English
    • es - Spanish (Spain)
    • fr - French (Standard)
    • it - Italian (Standard)
    • ja - Japanese
    • ko - Korean
    • pt-br - Portuguese (Brazil)
    • zh-cn - Chinese (Simplified, PRC)
    • zh-tw - (Chinese, Taiwan).

    Possible values: length ≥ 1

    Default: default

  • Optional IAM ID used to identify the subject.

    Possible values: length ≥ 1

  • Optional access group id.

    Possible values: length ≥ 1

  • Optional type of policy.

    Allowable values: [access,authorization]

  • Optional type of service.

    Allowable values: [service,platform_service]

  • Optional name of service.

    Possible values: length ≥ 1

  • Optional ID of service group.

    Possible values: length ≥ 1

  • Optional top level policy field to sort results. Ascending sort is default. Descending sort available by prepending '-' to field, for example, '-last_modified_at'. Note that last permit information is only included when 'format=include_last_permit', for example, "format=include_last_permit&sort=last_permit_at" Example fields that can be sorted on:

    • 'id'
    • 'type'
    • 'href'
    • 'created_at'
    • 'created_by_id'
    • 'last_modified_at'
    • 'last_modified_by_id'
    • 'state'
    • 'last_permit_at'
    • 'last_permit_frequency'.
  • Include additional data per policy returned

    • include_last_permit - returns details of when the policy last granted a permit decision and the number of times it has done so
    • display - returns the list of all actions included in each of the policy roles and translations for all relevant fields.

    Allowable values: [include_last_permit,display]

  • The state of the policy.

    • active - returns active policies
    • deleted - returns non-active policies.

    Allowable values: [active,deleted]


  • The account GUID in which the policies belong to.

    Possible values: length ≥ 1

  • Language code for translations

    • default - English
    • de - German (Standard)
    • en - English
    • es - Spanish (Spain)
    • fr - French (Standard)
    • it - Italian (Standard)
    • ja - Japanese
    • ko - Korean
    • pt-br - Portuguese (Brazil)
    • zh-cn - Chinese (Simplified, PRC)
    • zh-tw - (Chinese, Taiwan).

    Possible values: length ≥ 1

    Default: default

  • Optional IAM ID used to identify the subject.

    Possible values: length ≥ 1

  • Optional access group id.

    Possible values: length ≥ 1

  • Optional type of policy.

    Allowable values: [access,authorization]

  • Optional type of service.

    Allowable values: [service,platform_service]

  • Optional name of service.

    Possible values: length ≥ 1

  • Optional ID of service group.

    Possible values: length ≥ 1

  • Optional top level policy field to sort results. Ascending sort is default. Descending sort available by prepending '-' to field, for example, '-last_modified_at'. Note that last permit information is only included when 'format=include_last_permit', for example, "format=include_last_permit&sort=last_permit_at" Example fields that can be sorted on:

    • 'id'
    • 'type'
    • 'href'
    • 'created_at'
    • 'created_by_id'
    • 'last_modified_at'
    • 'last_modified_by_id'
    • 'state'
    • 'last_permit_at'
    • 'last_permit_frequency'.
  • Include additional data per policy returned

    • include_last_permit - returns details of when the policy last granted a permit decision and the number of times it has done so
    • display - returns the list of all actions included in each of the policy roles and translations for all relevant fields.

    Allowable values: [include_last_permit,display]

  • The state of the policy.

    • active - returns active policies
    • deleted - returns non-active policies.

    Allowable values: [active,deleted]

  • curl -X GET '$ACCOUNT_ID' -H 'Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
  • options := iamPolicyManagementService.NewListV2PoliciesOptions(
    policyList, response, err := iamPolicyManagementService.ListV2Policies(options)
    if err != nil {
    b, _ := json.MarshalIndent(policyList, "", "  ")
  • ListV2PoliciesOptions options = new ListV2PoliciesOptions.Builder()
    Response<V2PolicyCollection> response = service.listV2Policies(options).execute();
    V2PolicyCollection policyCollection = response.getResult();
  • const params = {
      accountId: exampleAccountId,
      iamId: exampleUserId,
      format: 'include_last_permit',
    try {
      const res = await iamPolicyManagementService.listV2Policies(params);
      console.log(JSON.stringify(res.result, null, 2));
    } catch (err) {
  • policy_list = iam_policy_management_service.list_v2_policies(
      account_id=example_account_id, iam_id=example_user_id, format='include_last_permit'
    print(json.dumps(policy_list, indent=2))


A collection of policies.

A collection of policies.

A collection of policies.

A collection of policies.

A collection of policies.

Status Code

  • Policies retrieval successful.

  • The request you made is not valid.

  • The token you provided is not valid.

  • The requested resource(s) cannot be formatted using the requested media type(s).

  • Too many requests have been made within a given time window.

Example responses
  • {
      "policies": [
          "id": "12345678-abcd-1a2b-a1b2-1234567890ab",
          "type": "access",
          "description": "Viewer role access for all instances of key protect in the account during business hours.",
          "subject": {
            "attributes": [
                "key": "iam_id",
                "operator": "stringEquals",
                "value": "IBMid-123453user"
          "control": {
            "grant": {
              "roles": [
                  "role_id": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:iam::::role:Viewer"
          "resource": {
            "attributes": [
                "key": "accountId",
                "operator": "stringEquals",
                "value": "100abcde100a41abc100aza678abc0zz"
                "key": "serviceName",
                "operator": "stringEquals",
                "value": "kms"
          "rule": {
            "operator": "and",
            "conditions": [
                "key": "{{environment.attributes.day_of_week}}",
                "operator": "dayOfWeekAnyOf",
                "value": [
                "key": "{{environment.attributes.current_time}}",
                "operator": "timeGreaterThanOrEquals",
                "value": "09:00:00+00:00"
                "key": "{{environment.attributes.current_time}}",
                "operator": "timeLessThanOrEquals",
                "value": "17:00:00+00:00"
          "pattern": "time-based-conditions:weekly:custom-hours",
          "href": "",
          "created_at": "2018-08-30T14:09:09.907Z",
          "created_by_id": "IBMid-12345678",
          "last_modified_at": "2018-08-30T14:09:09.907Z",
          "last_modified_by_id": "IBMid-12345678",
          "state": "active"
  • {
      "policies": [
          "id": "12345678-abcd-1a2b-a1b2-1234567890ab",
          "type": "access",
          "description": "Viewer role access for all instances of key protect in the account during business hours.",
          "subject": {
            "attributes": [
                "key": "iam_id",
                "operator": "stringEquals",
                "value": "IBMid-123453user"
          "control": {
            "grant": {
              "roles": [
                  "role_id": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:iam::::role:Viewer"
          "resource": {
            "attributes": [
                "key": "accountId",
                "operator": "stringEquals",
                "value": "100abcde100a41abc100aza678abc0zz"
                "key": "serviceName",
                "operator": "stringEquals",
                "value": "kms"
          "rule": {
            "operator": "and",
            "conditions": [
                "key": "{{environment.attributes.day_of_week}}",
                "operator": "dayOfWeekAnyOf",
                "value": [
                "key": "{{environment.attributes.current_time}}",
                "operator": "timeGreaterThanOrEquals",
                "value": "09:00:00+00:00"
                "key": "{{environment.attributes.current_time}}",
                "operator": "timeLessThanOrEquals",
                "value": "17:00:00+00:00"
          "pattern": "time-based-conditions:weekly:custom-hours",
          "href": "",
          "created_at": "2018-08-30T14:09:09.907Z",
          "created_by_id": "IBMid-12345678",
          "last_modified_at": "2018-08-30T14:09:09.907Z",
          "last_modified_by_id": "IBMid-12345678",
          "state": "active"
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "missing_required_query_parameter",
          "message": "'account_id' is a required query parameter"
      "status_code": 400
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "missing_required_query_parameter",
          "message": "'account_id' is a required query parameter"
      "status_code": 400
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "invalid_token",
          "message": "The provided IAM token is invalid."
      "status_code": 401
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "invalid_token",
          "message": "The provided IAM token is invalid."
      "status_code": 401
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "unable_to_process",
          "message": "The requested resource(s) can only be formatted using the 'application/json' media type."
      "status_code": 406
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "unable_to_process",
          "message": "The requested resource(s) can only be formatted using the 'application/json' media type."
      "status_code": 406
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "too_many_requests",
          "message": "Too many requests."
      "status_code": 429
  • {
      "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
      "errors": [
          "code": "too_many_requests",
          "message": "Too many requests."
      "status_code": 429

Create a policy


Creates a policy to grant access between a subject and a resource. Currently, there is one type of a v2/policy: access. A policy administrator might want to create an access policy that grants access to a user, service-id, or an access group.


To create an access policy, use "type": "access" in the body. The supported subject attributes are iam_id and access_group_id. Use the iam_id subject attribute to assign access to a user or service-id. Use the access_group_id subject attribute to assign access to an access group. Assign roles that are supported by the service or platform roles. For more information, see IAM roles and actions. Use only the resource attributes supported by the service. To view a service's or the platform's supported attributes, check the documentation. The policy resource must include either the serviceType, serviceName, resourceGroupId or service_group_id attribute and the accountId attribute. In the rule field, you can specify a single condition by using key, value, and condition operator, or a set of conditions with a combination operator. The possible combination operators are and and or.

Currently, we support two types of patterns:

  1. time-based: Used to specify a time-based restriction

Combine conditions to specify a time-based restriction (e.g., access only during business hours, during the Monday-Friday work week). For example, a policy can grant access Monday-Friday, 9:00am-5:00pm using the following rule:

  "rule": {
    "operator": "and",
    "conditions": [{
      "key": "{{environment.attributes.day_of_week}}",
      "operator": "dayOfWeekAnyOf",
      "value": ["1+00:00", "2+00:00", "3+00:00", "4+00:00", "5+00:00"]
      "key": "{{environment.attributes.current_time}}",
      "operator": "timeGreaterThanOrEquals",
      "value": "09:00:00+00:00"
      "key": "{{environment.attributes.current_time}}",
      "operator": "timeLessThanOrEquals",
      "value": "17:00:00+00:00"

You can use the following operators in the key and value pair:

  'timeLessThan', 'timeLessThanOrEquals', 'timeGreaterThan', 'timeGreaterThanOrEquals',
  'dateLessThan', 'dateLessThanOrEquals', 'dateGreaterThan', 'dateGreaterThanOrEquals',
  'dateTimeLessThan', 'dateTimeLessThanOrEquals', 'dateTimeGreaterThan', 'dateTimeGreaterThanOrEquals',
  'dayOfWeekEquals', 'dayOfWeekAnyOf'

The pattern field that matches the rule is required when rule is provided. For the business hour rule example above, the pattern is "time-based-conditions:weekly". For more information, see Time-based conditions operators and Limiting access with time-based conditions. If the subject is a locked service-id, the request will fail.

  1. attribute-based: Used to specify a combination of OR/AND based conditions applied on resource attributes.

Combine conditions to specify an attribute-based condition using AND/OR-based operators.

For example, a policy can grant access based on multiple conditions applied on the resource attributes below:

  "pattern": "attribute-based-condition:resource:literal-and-wildcard"
  "rule": {
      "operator": "or",
      "conditions": [
          "operator": "and",
          "conditions": [
              "key": "{{resource.attributes.prefix}}",
              "operator": "stringEquals",
              "value": "home/test"
              "key": "{{environment.attributes.delimiter}}",
              "operator": "stringEquals",
              "value": "/"
          "key": "{{resource.attributes.path}}",
          "operator": "stringMatch",
          "value": "home/David/*"

In addition to satisfying the resources section, the policy grants permission only if either the path begins with home/David/ OR the prefix is home/test and the delimiter is /. This mechanism helps you consolidate multiple policies in to a single policy, making policies easier to administer and stay within the policy limit for an account. View the list of operators that can be used in the condition here.


Authorization policies are supported by services on a case by case basis. Refer to service documentation to verify their support of authorization policies. To create an authorization policy, use "type": "authorization" in the body. The subject attributes must match the supported authorization subjects of the resource. Multiple subject attributes might be provided. The following attributes are supported: serviceName, serviceInstance, region, resourceType, resource, accountId, resourceGroupId Assign roles that are supported by the service or platform roles. For more information, see IAM roles and actions. The user must also have the same level of access or greater to the target resource in order to grant the role. Use only the resource attributes supported by the service. To view a service's or the platform's supported attributes, check the documentation. Both the policy subject and the policy resource must include the accountId attributes. The policy subject must include either serviceName or resourceGroupId (or both) attributes.

Attribute Operators

Currently, only the stringEquals, stringMatch, and stringEquals operators are available. For more information, see Assigning access by using wildcard policies.

Attribute Validations

Policy attribute values must be between 1 and 1,000 characters in length. If location related attributes like geography, country, metro, region, satellite, and locationvalues are supported by the service, they are validated against Global Catalog locations.

Creates a policy to grant access between a subject and a resource. Currently, there is one type of a v2/policy: access. A policy administrator might want to create an access policy that grants access to a user, service-id, or an access group.


To create an access policy, use "type": "access" in the body. The supported subject attributes are iam_id and access_group_id. Use the iam_id subject attribute to assign access to a user or service-id. Use the access_group_id subject attribute to assign access to an access group. Assign roles that are supported by the service or platform roles. For more information, see IAM roles and actions. Use only the resource attributes supported by the service. To view a service's or the platform's supported attributes, check the documentation. The policy resource must include either the serviceType, serviceName, resourceGroupId or service_group_id attribute and the accountId attribute. In the rule field, you can specify a single condition by using key, value, and condition operator, or a set of conditions with a combination operator. The possible combination operators are and and or.

Currently, we support two types of patterns:

  1. time-based: Used to specify a time-based restriction

Combine conditions to specify a time-based restriction (e.g., access only during business hours, during the Monday-Friday work week). For example, a policy can grant access Monday-Friday, 9:00am-5:00pm using the following rule:

  "rule": {
    "operator": "and",
    "conditions": [{
      "key": "{{environment.attributes.day_of_week}}",
      "operator": "dayOfWeekAnyOf",
      "value": ["1+00:00", "2+00:00", "3+00:00", "4+00:00", "5+00:00"]
      "key": "{{environment.attributes.current_time}}",
      "operator": "timeGreaterThanOrEquals",
      "value": "09:00:00+00:00"
      "key": "{{environment.attributes.current_time}}",
      "operator": "timeLessThanOrEquals",
      "value": "17:00:00+00:00"
``` You can use the following operators in the **`key`** and **`value`** pair:

'timeLessThan', 'timeLessThanOrEquals', 'timeGreaterThan', 'timeGreaterThanOrEquals', 'dateLessThan', 'dateLessThanOrEquals', 'dateGreaterThan', 'dateGreaterThanOrEquals', 'dateTimeLessThan', 'dateTimeLessThanOrEquals', 'dateTimeGreaterThan', 'dateTimeGreaterThanOrEquals', 'dayOfWeekEquals', 'dayOfWeekAnyOf' ``` The pattern field that matches the rule is required when rule is provided. For the business hour rule example above, the pattern is "time-based-conditions:weekly". For more information, see Time-based conditions operators and Limiting access with time-based conditions. If the subject is a locked service-id, the request will fail.

  1. attribute-based: Used to specify a combination of OR/AND based conditions applied on resource attributes.

Combine conditions to specify an attribute-based condition using AND/OR-based operators.

For example, a policy can grant access based on multiple conditions applied on the resource attributes below:

  "pattern": "attribute-based-condition:resource:literal-and-wildcard"
  "rule": {
      "operator": "or",
      "conditions": [
          "operator": "and",
          "conditions": [
              "key": "{{resource.attributes.prefix}}",
              "operator": "stringEquals",
              "value": "home/test"
              "key": "{{environment.attributes.delimiter}}",
              "operator": "stringEquals",
              "value": "/"
          "key": "{{resource.attributes.path}}",
          "operator": "stringMatch",
          "value": "home/David/_*"

In addition to satisfying the resources section, the policy grants permission only if either the path begins with home/David/ OR the prefix is home/test and the delimiter is /. This mechanism helps you consolidate multiple policies in to a single policy, making policies easier to administer and stay within the policy limit for an account. View the list of operators that can be used in the condition here.


Authorization policies are supported by services on a case by case basis. Refer to service documentation to verify their support of authorization policies. To create an authorization policy, use "type": "authorization" in the body. The subject attributes must match the supported authorization subjects of the resource. Multiple subject attributes might be provided. The following attributes are supported: serviceName, serviceInstance, region, resourceType, resource, accountId, resourceGroupId Assign roles that are supported by the service or platform roles. For more information, see IAM roles and actions. The user must also have the same level of access or greater to the target resource in order to grant the role. Use only the resource attributes supported by the service. To view a service's or the platform's supported attributes, check the documentation. Both the policy subject and the policy resource must include the accountId attributes. The policy subject must include either serviceName or resourceGroupId (or both) attributes.

Attribute Operators

Currently, only the stringEquals, stringMatch, and stringEquals operators are available. For more information, see Assigning access by using wildcard policies.

Attribute Validations

Policy attribute values must be between 1 and 1,000 characters in length. If location related attributes like geography, country, metro, region, satellite, and locationvalues are supported by the service, they are validated against Global Catalog locations.

Creates a policy to grant access between a subject and a resource. Currently, there is one type of a v2/policy: access. A policy administrator might want to create an access policy that grants access to a user, service-id, or an access group.


To create an access policy, use "type": "access" in the body. The supported subject attributes are iam_id and access_group_id. Use the iam_id subject attribute to assign access to a user or service-id. Use the access_group_id subject attribute to assign access to an access group. Assign roles that are supported by the service or platform roles. For more information, see IAM roles and actions. Use only the resource attributes supported by the service. To view a service's or the platform's supported attributes, check the documentation. The policy resource must include either the serviceType, serviceName, resourceGroupId or service_group_id attribute and the accountId attribute. In the rule field, you can specify a single condition by using key, value, and condition operator, or a set of conditions with a combination operator. The possible combination operators are and and or.

Currently, we support two types of patterns:

  1. time-based: Used to specify a time-based restriction

Combine conditions to specify a time-based restriction (e.g., access only during business hours, during the Monday-Friday work week). For example, a policy can grant access Monday-Friday, 9:00am-5:00pm using the following rule:

  "rule": {
    "operator": "and",
    "conditions": [{
      "key": "{{environment.attributes.day_of_week}}",
      "operator": "dayOfWeekAnyOf",
      "value": ["1+00:00", "2+00:00", "3+00:00", "4+00:00", "5+00:00"]
      "key": "{{environment.attributes.current_time}}",
      "operator": "timeGreaterThanOrEquals",
      "value": "09:00:00+00:00"
      "key": "{{environment.attributes.current_time}}",
      "operator": "timeLessThanOrEquals",
      "value": "17:00:00+00:00"
``` You can use the following operators in the **`key`** and **`value`** pair:

'timeLessThan', 'timeLessThanOrEquals', 'timeGreaterThan', 'timeGreaterThanOrEquals', 'dateLessThan', 'dateLessThanOrEquals', 'dateGreaterThan', 'dateGreaterThanOrEquals', 'dateTimeLessThan', 'dateTimeLessThanOrEquals', 'dateTimeGreaterThan', 'dateTimeGreaterThanOrEquals', 'dayOfWeekEquals', 'dayOfWeekAnyOf' ``` The pattern field that matches the rule is required when rule is provided. For the business hour rule example above, the pattern is "time-based-conditions:weekly". For more information, see Time-based conditions operators and Limiting access with time-based conditions. If the subject is a locked service-id, the request will fail.

  1. attribute-based: Used to specify a combination of OR/AND based conditions applied on resource attributes.

Combine conditions to specify an attribute-based condition using AND/OR-based operators.

For example, a policy can grant access based on multiple conditions applied on the resource attributes below:

  "pattern": "attribute-based-condition:resource:literal-and-wildcard"
  "rule": {
      "operator": "or",
      "conditions": [
          "operator": "and",
          "conditions": [
              "key": "{{resource.attributes.prefix}}",
              "operator": "stringEquals",
              "value": "home/test"
              "key": "{{environment.attributes.delimiter}}",
              "operator": "stringEquals",
              "value": "/"
          "key": "{{resource.attributes.path}}",
          "operator": "stringMatch",
          "value": "home/David/_*"

In addition to satisfying the resources section, the policy grants permission only if either the path begins with home/David/ OR the prefix is home/test and the delimiter is /. This mechanism helps you consolidate multiple policies in to a single policy, making policies easier to administer and stay within the policy limit for an account. View the list of operators that can be used in the condition here.


Authorization policies are supported by services on a case by case basis. Refer to service documentation to verify their support of authorization policies. To create an authorization policy, use "type": "authorization" in the body. The subject attributes must match the supported authorization subjects of the resource. Multiple subject attributes might be provided. The following attributes are supported: serviceName, serviceInstance, region, resourceType, resource, accountId, resourceGroupId Assign roles that are supported by the service or platform roles. For more information, see IAM roles and actions. The user must also have the same level of access or greater to the target resource in order to grant the role. Use only the resource attributes supported by the service. To view a service's or the platform's supported attributes, check the documentation. Both the policy subject and the policy resource must include the accountId attributes. The policy subject must include either serviceName or resourceGroupId (or both) attributes.

Attribute Operators

Currently, only the stringEquals, stringMatch, and stringEquals operators are available. For more information, see Assigning access by using wildcard policies.

Attribute Validations

Policy attribute values must be between 1 and 1,000 characters in length. If location related attributes like geography, country, metro, region, satellite, and locationvalues are supported by the service, they are validated against Global Catalog locations.

Creates a policy to grant access between a subject and a resource. Currently, there is one type of a v2/policy: access. A policy administrator might want to create an access policy that grants access to a user, service-id, or an access group.


To create an access policy, use "type": "access" in the body. The supported subject attributes are iam_id and access_group_id. Use the iam_id subject attribute to assign access to a user or service-id. Use the access_group_id subject attribute to assign access to an access group. Assign roles that are supported by the service or platform roles. For more information, see IAM roles and actions. Use only the resource attributes supported by the service. To view a service's or the platform's supported attributes, check the documentation. The policy resource must include either the serviceType, serviceName, resourceGroupId or service_group_id attribute and the accountId attribute. In the rule field, you can specify a single condition by using key, value, and condition operator, or a set of conditions with a combination operator. The possible combination operators are and and or.

Currently, we support two types of patterns:

  1. time-based: Used to specify a time-based restriction

Combine conditions to specify a time-based restriction (e.g., access only during business hours, during the Monday-Friday work week). For example, a policy can grant access Monday-Friday, 9:00am-5:00pm using the following rule:

  "rule": {
    "operator": "and",
    "conditions": [{
      "key": "{{environment.attributes.day_of_week}}",
      "operator": "dayOfWeekAnyOf",
      "value": ["1+00:00", "2+00:00", "3+00:00", "4+00:00", "5+00:00"]
      "key": "{{environment.attributes.current_time}}",
      "operator": "timeGreaterThanOrEquals",
      "value": "09:00:00+00:00"
      "key": "{{environment.attributes.current_time}}",
      "operator": "timeLessThanOrEquals",
      "value": "17:00:00+00:00"
``` You can use the following operators in the **`key`** and **`value`** pair:

'timeLessThan', 'timeLessThanOrEquals', 'timeGreaterThan', 'timeGreaterThanOrEquals', 'dateLessThan', 'dateLessThanOrEquals', 'dateGreaterThan', 'dateGreaterThanOrEquals', 'dateTimeLessThan', 'dateTimeLessThanOrEquals', 'dateTimeGreaterThan', 'dateTimeGreaterThanOrEquals', 'dayOfWeekEquals', 'dayOfWeekAnyOf' ``` The pattern field that matches the rule is required when rule is provided. For the business hour rule example above, the pattern is "time-based-conditions:weekly". For more information, see Time-based conditions operators and Limiting access with time-based conditions. If the subject is a locked service-id, the request will fail.

  1. attribute-based: Used to specify a combination of OR/AND based conditions applied on resource attributes.

Combine conditions to specify an attribute-based condition using AND/OR-based operators.

For example, a policy can grant access based on multiple conditions applied on the resource attributes below:

  "pattern": "attribute-based-condition:resource:literal-and-wildcard"
  "rule": {
      "operator": "or",
      "conditions": [
          "operator": "and",
          "conditions": [
              "key": "{{resource.attributes.prefix}}",
              "operator": "stringEquals",
              "value": "home/test"
              "key": "{{environment.attributes.delimiter}}",
              "operator": "stringEquals",
              "value": "/"
          "key": "{{resource.attributes.path}}",
          "operator": "stringMatch",
          "value": "home/David/_*"

In addition to satisfying the resources section, the policy grants permission only if either the path begins with home/David/ OR the prefix is home/test and the delimiter is /. This mechanism helps you consolidate multiple policies in to a single policy, making policies easier to administer and stay within the policy limit for an account. View the list of operators that can be used in the condition here.


Authorization policies are supported by services on a case by case basis. Refer to service documentation to verify their support of authorization policies. To create an authorization policy, use "type": "authorization" in the body. The subject attributes must match the supported authorization subjects of the resource. Multiple subject attributes might be provided. The following attributes are supported: serviceName, serviceInstance, region, resourceType, resource, accountId, resourceGroupId Assign roles that are supported by the service or platform roles. For more information, see IAM roles and actions. The user must also have the same level of access or greater to the target resource in order to grant the role. Use only the resource attributes supported by the service. To view a service's or the platform's supported attributes, check the documentation. Both the policy subject and the policy resource must include the accountId attributes. The policy subject must include either serviceName or resourceGroupId (or both) attributes.

Attribute Operators

Currently, only the stringEquals, stringMatch, and stringEquals operators are available. For more information, see Assigning access by using wildcard policies.

Attribute Validations

Policy attribute values must be between 1 and 1,000 characters in length. If location related attributes like geography, country, metro, region, satellite, and locationvalues are supported by the service, they are validated against Global Catalog locations.

Creates a policy to grant access between a subject and a resource. Currently, there is one type of a v2/policy: access. A policy administrator might want to create an access policy that grants access to a user, service-id, or an access group.


To create an access policy, use "type": "access" in the body. The supported subject attributes are iam_id and access_group_id. Use the iam_id subject attribute to assign access to a user or service-id. Use the access_group_id subject attribute to assign access to an access group. Assign roles that are supported by the service or platform roles. For more information, see IAM roles and actions. Use only the resource attributes supported by the service. To view a service's or the platform's supported attributes, check the documentation. The policy resource must include either the serviceType, serviceName, resourceGroupId or service_group_id attribute and the accountId attribute. In the rule field, you can specify a single condition by using key, value, and condition operator, or a set of conditions with a combination operator. The possible combination operators are and and or.

Currently, we support two types of patterns:

  1. time-based: Used to specify a time-based restriction

Combine conditions to specify a time-based restriction (e.g., access only during business hours, during the Monday-Friday work week). For example, a policy can grant access Monday-Friday, 9:00am-5:00pm using the following rule:

  "rule": {
    "operator": "and",
    "conditions": [{
      "key": "{{environment.attributes.day_of_week}}",
      "operator": "dayOfWeekAnyOf",
      "value": ["1+00:00", "2+00:00", "3+00:00", "4+00:00", "5+00:00"]
      "key": "{{environment.attributes.current_time}}",
      "operator": "timeGreaterThanOrEquals",
      "value": "09:00:00+00:00"
      "key": "{{environment.attributes.current_time}}",
      "operator": "timeLessThanOrEquals",
      "value": "17:00:00+00:00"
``` You can use the following operators in the **`key`** and **`value`** pair:

'timeLessThan', 'timeLessThanOrEquals', 'timeGreaterThan', 'timeGreaterThanOrEquals', 'dateLessThan', 'dateLessThanOrEquals', 'dateGreaterThan', 'dateGreaterThanOrEquals', 'dateTimeLessThan', 'dateTimeLessThanOrEquals', 'dateTimeGreaterThan', 'dateTimeGreaterThanOrEquals', 'dayOfWeekEquals', 'dayOfWeekAnyOf' ``` The pattern field that matches the rule is required when rule is provided. For the business hour rule example above, the pattern is "time-based-conditions:weekly". For more information, see Time-based conditions operators and Limiting access with time-based conditions. If the subject is a locked service-id, the request will fail.

  1. attribute-based: Used to specify a combination of OR/AND based conditions applied on resource attributes.

Combine conditions to specify an attribute-based condition using AND/OR-based operators.

For example, a policy can grant access based on multiple conditions applied on the resource attributes below:

  "pattern": "attribute-based-condition:resource:literal-and-wildcard"
  "rule": {
      "operator": "or",
      "conditions": [
          "operator": "and",
          "conditions": [
              "key": "{{resource.attributes.prefix}}",
              "operator": "stringEquals",
              "value": "home/test"
              "key": "{{environment.attributes.delimiter}}",
              "operator": "stringEquals",
              "value": "/"
          "key": "{{resource.attributes.path}}",
          "operator": "stringMatch",
          "value": "home/David/*"

In addition to satisfying the resources section, the policy grants permission only if either the path begins with home/David/ OR the prefix is home/test and the delimiter is /. This mechanism helps you consolidate multiple policies in to a single policy, making policies easier to administer and stay within the policy limit for an account. View the list of operators that can be used in the condition here.


Authorization policies are supported by services on a case by case basis. Refer to service documentation to verify their support of authorization policies. To create an authorization policy, use "type": "authorization" in the body. The subject attributes must match the supported authorization subjects of the resource. Multiple subject attributes might be provided. The following attributes are supported: serviceName, serviceInstance, region, resourceType, resource, accountId, resourceGroupId Assign roles that are supported by the service or platform roles. For more information, see IAM roles and actions. The user must also have the same level of access or greater to the target resource in order to grant the role. Use only the resource attributes supported by the service. To view a service's or the platform's supported attributes, check the documentation. Both the policy subject and the policy resource must include the accountId attributes. The policy subject must include either serviceName or resourceGroupId (or both) attributes.

Attribute Operators

Currently, only the stringEquals, stringMatch, and stringEquals operators are available. For more information, see Assigning access by using wildcard policies.

Attribute Validations

Policy attribute values must be between 1 and 1,000 characters in length. If location related attributes like geography, country, metro, region, satellite, and locationvalues are supported by the service, they are validated against Global Catalog locations.

POST /v2/policies
(iamPolicyManagement *IamPolicyManagementV1) CreateV2Policy(createV2PolicyOptions *CreateV2PolicyOptions) (result *V2Policy, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
(iamPolicyManagement *IamPolicyManagementV1) CreateV2PolicyWithContext(ctx context.Context, createV2PolicyOptions *CreateV2PolicyOptions) (result *V2Policy, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
ServiceCall<V2Policy> createV2Policy(CreateV2PolicyOptions createV2PolicyOptions)
        control: 'Control',
        type: str,
        description: Optional[str] = None,
        subject: Optional['V2PolicySubject'] = None,
        resource: Optional['V2PolicyResource'] = None,
        pattern: Optional[str] = None,
        rule: Optional['V2PolicyRule'] = None,
        accept_language: Optional[str] = None,
    ) -> DetailedResponse


To call this method, you must be assigned one or more IAM access roles that include the following action. You can check your access by going to Users > User > Access.

  • iam.policy.create


Calling this method generates the following auditing event.

  • iam-am.policy.create


Instantiate the CreateV2PolicyOptions struct and set the fields to provide parameter values for the CreateV2Policy method.

Use the CreateV2PolicyOptions.Builder to create a CreateV2PolicyOptions object that contains the parameter values for the createV2Policy method.

Custom Headers

  • Language code for translations

    • default - English
    • de - German (Standard)
    • en - English
    • es - Spanish (Spain)
    • fr - French (Standard)
    • it - Italian (Standard)
    • ja - Japanese
    • ko - Korean
    • pt-br - Portuguese (Brazil)
    • zh-cn - Chinese (Simplified, PRC)
    • zh-tw - (Chinese, Taiwan)

    Possible values: length ≥ 1

    Default: default

A policy to be created.

WithContext method only

The CreateV2Policy options.

The createV2Policy options.


  • Specifies the type of access granted by the policy.

  • The policy type; either 'access' or 'authorization'.

    Allowable values: [access,authorization]

  • Description of the policy.

    Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 300, Value must match regular expression /^.*$/

  • The subject attributes for whom the policy grants access.

  • The resource attributes to which the policy grants access.

  • Indicates pattern of rule, either 'time-based-conditions:once', 'time-based-conditions:weekly:all-day', or 'time-based-conditions:weekly:custom-hours'.

    Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 42, Value must match regular expression /^[a-z:-]*$/

  • Rule that specifies additional access granted (e.g., time-based condition).

    • Language code for translations

      • default - English
      • de - German (Standard)
      • en - English
      • es - Spanish (Spain)
      • fr - French (Standard)
      • it - Italian (Standard)
      • ja - Japanese
      • ko - Korean
      • pt-br - Portuguese (Brazil)
      • zh-cn - Chinese (Simplified, PRC)
      • zh-tw - (Chinese, Taiwan).

      Possible values: length ≥ 1

      Default: default


    • Specifies the type of access granted by the policy.

    • The policy type; either 'access' or 'authorization'.

      Allowable values: [access,authorization]

    • Description of the policy.

      Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 300, Value must match regular expression /^.*$/

    • The subject attributes for whom the policy grants access.

    • The resource attributes to which the policy grants access.

    • Indicates pattern of rule, either 'time-based-conditions:once', 'time-based-conditions:weekly:all-day', or 'time-based-conditions:weekly:custom-hours'.

      Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 42, Value must match regular expression /^[a-z:-]*$/

    • Rule that specifies additional access granted (e.g., time-based condition).

      • Language code for translations

        • default - English
        • de - German (Standard)
        • en - English
        • es - Spanish (Spain)
        • fr - French (Standard)
        • it - Italian (Standard)
        • ja - Japanese
        • ko - Korean
        • pt-br - Portuguese (Brazil)
        • zh-cn - Chinese (Simplified, PRC)
        • zh-tw - (Chinese, Taiwan).

        Possible values: length ≥ 1

        Default: default

      • curl -X POST '' -H 'Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{
          "type": "access",
          "description": "Editor role for SERVICE_NAME\'s RESOURCE_NAME",
          "subject": [
              "attributes": [
                  "key": "iam_id",
                  "operator": "stringEquals",
                  "value": "IBMid-123453user"
          "control": {
            "grant": {
              "roles": [
                  "role_id": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:iam::::role:Editor"
          "resource": [
              "attributes": [
                  "key": "accountId",
                  "operator": "stringEquals",
                  "value": "$ACCOUNT_ID"
                  "key": "serviceName",
                  "operator": "stringEquals",
                  "value": "$SERVICE_NAME"
                  "key": "resource",
                  "operator": "stringEquals"
                  "value": "$RESOURCE_NAME",
          "rule" :{
            "key": "{{environment.attributes.day_of_week}}",
            "operator": "dayOfWeekAnyOf",
            "value": ["1+00:00", "2+00:00", "3+00:00", "4+00:00", "5+00:00"]
          "pattern": "time-based-conditions:weekly:all-day"
      • subjectAttribute := &iampolicymanagementv1.V2PolicySubjectAttribute{
          Key:      core.StringPtr("iam_id"),
          Operator: core.StringPtr("stringEquals"),
          Value:    &exampleUserID,
        policySubject := &iampolicymanagementv1.V2PolicySubject{
          Attributes: []iampolicymanagementv1.V2PolicySubjectAttribute{*subjectAttribute},
        policyRole := &iampolicymanagementv1.Roles{
          RoleID: core.StringPtr("crn:v1:bluemix:public:iam::::role:Viewer"),
        v2PolicyGrant := &iampolicymanagementv1.Grant{
          Roles: []iampolicymanagementv1.Roles{*policyRole},
        v2PolicyControl := &iampolicymanagementv1.Control{
          Grant: v2PolicyGrant,
        accountIDResourceAttribute := &iampolicymanagementv1.V2PolicyResourceAttribute{
          Key:      core.StringPtr("accountId"),
          Operator: core.StringPtr("stringEquals"),
          Value:    core.StringPtr(exampleAccountID),
        serviceNameResourceAttribute := &iampolicymanagementv1.V2PolicyResourceAttribute{
          Key:      core.StringPtr("serviceType"),
          Operator: core.StringPtr("stringEquals"),
          Value:    core.StringPtr("service"),
        policyResourceTag := &iampolicymanagementv1.V2PolicyResourceTag{
          Key:      core.StringPtr("project"),
          Value:    core.StringPtr("prototype"),
          Operator: core.StringPtr("stringEquals"),
        policyResource := &iampolicymanagementv1.V2PolicyResource{
          Attributes: []iampolicymanagementv1.V2PolicyResourceAttribute{
            *accountIDResourceAttribute, *serviceNameResourceAttribute},
          Tags: []iampolicymanagementv1.V2PolicyResourceTag{*policyResourceTag},
        weeklyConditionAttribute := &iampolicymanagementv1.NestedCondition{
          Key:      core.StringPtr("{{environment.attributes.day_of_week}}"),
          Operator: core.StringPtr("dayOfWeekAnyOf"),
          Value:    []string{"1+00:00", "2+00:00", "3+00:00", "4+00:00", "5+00:00"},
        startConditionAttribute := &iampolicymanagementv1.NestedCondition{
          Key:      core.StringPtr("{{environment.attributes.current_time}}"),
          Operator: core.StringPtr("timeGreaterThanOrEquals"),
          Value:    core.StringPtr("09:00:00+00:00"),
        endConditionAttribute := &iampolicymanagementv1.NestedCondition{
          Key:      core.StringPtr("{{environment.attributes.current_time}}"),
          Operator: core.StringPtr("timeLessThanOrEquals"),
          Value:    core.StringPtr("17:00:00+00:00"),
        policyRule := &iampolicymanagementv1.V2PolicyRule{
          Operator: core.StringPtr("and"),
          Conditions: []iampolicymanagementv1.NestedConditionIntf{
            weeklyConditionAttribute, startConditionAttribute, endConditionAttribute},
        options := iamPolicyManagementService.NewCreateV2PolicyOptions(
        policy, response, err := iamPolicyManagementService.CreateV2Policy(options)
        if err != nil {
        b, _ := json.MarshalIndent(policy, "", "  ")
        examplePolicyID = *policy.ID
      • V2PolicySubjectAttribute subjectAttribute = new V2PolicySubjectAttribute.Builder()
        V2PolicySubject policySubject = new V2PolicySubject.Builder()
        V2PolicyResourceAttribute accountIdResourceAttribute = new V2PolicyResourceAttribute.Builder()
        V2PolicyResourceAttribute serviceNameResourceAttribute = new V2PolicyResourceAttribute.Builder()
        V2PolicyResourceTag policyResourceTag = new V2PolicyResourceTag.Builder()
        V2PolicyResource policyResource = new V2PolicyResource.Builder()
        Roles policyRoles = new Roles.Builder()
        Grant policyGrant = new Grant.Builder()
        Control control = new Control.Builder()
        NestedConditionRuleAttribute weeklyConditionAttribute = new NestedConditionRuleAttribute.Builder()
                .value(new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList("1+00:00", "2+00:00", "3+00:00", "4+00:00", "5+00:00")))
        NestedConditionRuleAttribute startConditionAttribute = new NestedConditionRuleAttribute.Builder()
        NestedConditionRuleAttribute endConditionAttribute = new NestedConditionRuleAttribute.Builder()
        V2PolicyRuleRuleWithNestedConditions policyRule = new V2PolicyRuleRuleWithNestedConditions.Builder()
                .conditions(new ArrayList<NestedCondition>(Arrays.asList(weeklyConditionAttribute, startConditionAttribute, endConditionAttribute)))
        CreateV2PolicyOptions options = new CreateV2PolicyOptions.Builder()
        Response<V2Policy> response = service.createV2Policy(options).execute();
        V2Policy policy = response.getResult();
        exampleV2PolicyId = policy.getId();
      • const policySubject = {
          attributes: [
              key: 'iam_id',
              operator: 'stringEquals',
              value: exampleUserId,
        const policyResourceAccountAttribute = {
          key: 'accountId',
          value: exampleAccountId,
          operator: 'stringEquals',
        const policyResourceServiceAttribute = {
          key: 'serviceType',
          operator: 'stringEquals',
          value: 'service',
        const policyResource = {
          attributes: [policyResourceAccountAttribute, policyResourceServiceAttribute]
        const policyControl = {
          grant: {
            roles: [{
              role_id: 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:iam::::role:Viewer',
        const policyRule = {
          operator: 'and',
          conditions: [
                  key: '{{environment.attributes.day_of_week}}',
                  operator: 'dayOfWeekAnyOf',
                  value: ['1+00:00', '2+00:00', '3+00:00', '4+00:00', '5+00:00'],
                  key: '{{environment.attributes.current_time}}',
                  operator: 'timeGreaterThanOrEquals',
                  value: '09:00:00+00:00',
                  key: '{{environment.attributes.current_time}}',
                  operator: 'timeLessThanOrEquals',
                  value: '17:00:00+00:00',
        const policyPattern = 'time-based-conditions:weekly:custom-hours'
        const params = {
          type: 'access',
          subject: policySubject,
          control: policyControl,
          resource: policyResource,
          rule: policyRule,
          pattern: policyPattern,
        try {
          const res = await iamPolicyManagementService.createV2Policy(params);
          examplePolicyId =;
          console.log(JSON.stringify(res.result, null, 2));
        } catch (err) {
      • policy_subject = V2PolicySubject(
          attributes=[V2PolicySubjectAttribute(key='iam_id', value=example_user_id, operator='stringEquals')]
        policy_role = PolicyRole(role_id='crn:v1:bluemix:public:iam::::role:Viewer')
        account_id_resource_attribute = V2PolicyResourceAttribute(
          key='accountId', value=example_account_id, operator='stringEquals'
        service_name_resource_attribute = V2PolicyResourceAttribute(
          key='serviceType', value='service', operator='stringEquals'
        policy_resource_tag = V2PolicyResourceTag(key='project', value='prototype', operator='stringEquals')
        policy_resource = V2PolicyResource(
          attributes=[account_id_resource_attribute, service_name_resource_attribute], tags=[policy_resource_tag]
        policy_control = Control(grant=Grant(roles=[policy_role]))
        policy_rule = V2PolicyRuleRuleWithNestedConditions(
              value=['1+00:00', '2+00:00', '3+00:00', '4+00:00', '5+00:00'],
        policy_pattern = 'time-based-conditions:weekly:custom-hours'
        policy = iam_policy_management_service.create_v2_policy(
        global example_policy_id
        example_policy_id = policy['id']
        print(json.dumps(policy, indent=2))


      The core set of properties associated with the policy.

      The core set of properties associated with the policy.

      The core set of properties associated with the policy.

      The core set of properties associated with the policy.

      The core set of properties associated with the policy.

      Status Code

      • Policy creation successful.

      • Policy input is invalid.

      • The token you provided is not valid.

      • You do not have access to create the policy.

      • The requested resource(s) cannot be formatted using the requested media type(s).

      • A policy already exists for the given subject and resource. You can update that policy or delete it and create a new one.

      • Request body sent was formatted using an unsupported media type.

      • Exceeded maximum policies quota.

      • Too many requests have been made within a given time window.

      Example responses
      • {
          "id": "12345678-abcd-1a2b-a1b2-1234567890ab",
          "type": "access",
          "description": "Viewer role access for all instances of key protect in the account during business hours.",
          "subject": {
            "attributes": [
                "key": "iam_id",
                "operator": "stringEquals",
                "value": "IBMid-123453user"
          "control": {
            "grant": {
              "roles": [
                  "role_id": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:iam::::role:Viewer"
          "resource": {
            "attributes": [
                "key": "accountId",
                "operator": "stringEquals",
                "value": "100abcde100a41abc100aza678abc0zz"
                "key": "serviceName",
                "operator": "stringEquals",
                "value": "kms"
          "rule": {
            "operator": "and",
            "conditions": [
                "key": "{{environment.attributes.day_of_week}}",
                "operator": "dayOfWeekAnyOf",
                "value": [
                "key": "{{environment.attributes.current_time}}",
                "operator": "timeGreaterThanOrEquals",
                "value": "09:00:00+00:00"
                "key": "{{environment.attributes.current_time}}",
                "operator": "timeLessThanOrEquals",
                "value": "17:00:00+00:00"
          "pattern": "time-based-conditions:weekly:custom-hours",
          "href": "",
          "created_at": "2018-08-30T14:09:09.907Z",
          "created_by_id": "IBMid-12345678",
          "last_modified_at": "2018-08-30T14:09:09.907Z",
          "last_modified_by_id": "IBMid-12345678",
          "state": "active"
      • {
          "id": "12345678-abcd-1a2b-a1b2-1234567890ab",
          "type": "access",
          "description": "Viewer role access for all instances of key protect in the account during business hours.",
          "subject": {
            "attributes": [
                "key": "iam_id",
                "operator": "stringEquals",
                "value": "IBMid-123453user"
          "control": {
            "grant": {
              "roles": [
                  "role_id": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:iam::::role:Viewer"
          "resource": {
            "attributes": [
                "key": "accountId",
                "operator": "stringEquals",
                "value": "100abcde100a41abc100aza678abc0zz"
                "key": "serviceName",
                "operator": "stringEquals",
                "value": "kms"
          "rule": {
            "operator": "and",
            "conditions": [
                "key": "{{environment.attributes.day_of_week}}",
                "operator": "dayOfWeekAnyOf",
                "value": [
                "key": "{{environment.attributes.current_time}}",
                "operator": "timeGreaterThanOrEquals",
                "value": "09:00:00+00:00"
                "key": "{{environment.attributes.current_time}}",
                "operator": "timeLessThanOrEquals",
                "value": "17:00:00+00:00"
          "pattern": "time-based-conditions:weekly:custom-hours",
          "href": "",
          "created_at": "2018-08-30T14:09:09.907Z",
          "created_by_id": "IBMid-12345678",
          "last_modified_at": "2018-08-30T14:09:09.907Z",
          "last_modified_by_id": "IBMid-12345678",
          "state": "active"
      • {
          "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
          "errors": [
              "code": "invalid_body",
              "message": "Invalid body format. Check the input parameters."
          "status_code": 400
      • {
          "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
          "errors": [
              "code": "invalid_body",
              "message": "Invalid body format. Check the input parameters."
          "status_code": 400
      • {
          "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
          "errors": [
              "code": "invalid_token",
              "message": "The provided IAM token is invalid."
          "status_code": 401
      • {
          "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
          "errors": [
              "code": "invalid_token",
              "message": "The provided IAM token is invalid."
          "status_code": 401
      • {
          "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
          "errors": [
              "code": "insufficent_permissions",
              "message": "You are not allowed to create the requested policy."
          "status_code": 403
      • {
          "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
          "errors": [
              "code": "insufficent_permissions",
              "message": "You are not allowed to create the requested policy."
          "status_code": 403
      • {
          "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
          "errors": [
              "code": "unable_to_process",
              "message": "The requested resource(s) can only be formatted using the 'application/json' media type."
          "status_code": 406
      • {
          "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
          "errors": [
              "code": "unable_to_process",
              "message": "The requested resource(s) can only be formatted using the 'application/json' media type."
          "status_code": 406
      • {
          "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
          "errors": [
              "code": "policy_conflict_error",
              "message": "Failed to create policy.",
              "details": {
                "conflicts_with": {
                  "etag": "1-847833cec3bf3f3c3231d8f9492febac",
                  "policy": "POLICY"
              "status_code": 409
      • {
          "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
          "errors": [
              "code": "policy_conflict_error",
              "message": "Failed to create policy.",
              "details": {
                "conflicts_with": {
                  "etag": "1-847833cec3bf3f3c3231d8f9492febac",
                  "policy": "POLICY"
              "status_code": 409
      • {
          "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
          "errors": [
              "code": "unsupported_content_type",
              "message": "The supported media type for this API is 'application/json'."
          "status_code": 415
      • {
          "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
          "errors": [
              "code": "unsupported_content_type",
              "message": "The supported media type for this API is 'application/json'."
          "status_code": 415
      • {
          "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
          "errors": [
              "code": "request_not_processed",
              "message": "Exceeded maximum policies quota (4020) for account 100abcde100a41abc100aza678abc0zz."
          "status_code": 422
      • {
          "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
          "errors": [
              "code": "request_not_processed",
              "message": "Exceeded maximum policies quota (4020) for account 100abcde100a41abc100aza678abc0zz."
          "status_code": 422
      • {
          "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
          "errors": [
              "code": "too_many_requests",
              "message": "Too many requests."
          "status_code": 429
      • {
          "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
          "errors": [
              "code": "too_many_requests",
              "message": "Too many requests."
          "status_code": 429

      Update a policy


      Update a policy to grant access between a subject and a resource. A policy administrator might want to update an existing policy.


      To update an access policy, use "type": "access" in the body. The supported subject attributes are iam_id and access_group_id. Use the iam_id subject attribute to assign access to a user or service-id. Use the access_group_id subject attribute to assign access to an access group. Assign roles that are supported by the service or platform roles. For more information, see IAM roles and actions. Use only the resource attributes supported by the service. To view a service's or the platform's supported attributes, check the documentation. The policy resource must include either the serviceType, serviceName, resourceGroupId or service_group_id attribute and the accountId attribute. In the rule field, you can specify a single condition by using key, value, and condition operator, or a set of conditions with a combination operator. The possible combination operators are and and or.

      Currently, we support two types of patterns:

      1. time-based: Used to specify a time-based restriction

      Combine conditions to specify a time-based restriction (e.g., access only during business hours, during the Monday-Friday work week). For example, a policy can grant access Monday-Friday, 9:00am-5:00pm using the following rule:

        "rule": {
          "operator": "and",
          "conditions": [{
            "key": "{{environment.attributes.day_of_week}}",
            "operator": "dayOfWeekAnyOf",
            "value": ["1+00:00", "2+00:00", "3+00:00", "4+00:00", "5+00:00"]
            "key": "{{environment.attributes.current_time}}",
            "operator": "timeGreaterThanOrEquals",
            "value": "09:00:00+00:00"
            "key": "{{environment.attributes.current_time}}",
            "operator": "timeLessThanOrEquals",
            "value": "17:00:00+00:00"

      You can use the following operators in the key and value pair:

        'timeLessThan', 'timeLessThanOrEquals', 'timeGreaterThan', 'timeGreaterThanOrEquals',
        'dateLessThan', 'dateLessThanOrEquals', 'dateGreaterThan', 'dateGreaterThanOrEquals',
        'dateTimeLessThan', 'dateTimeLessThanOrEquals', 'dateTimeGreaterThan', 'dateTimeGreaterThanOrEquals',
        'dayOfWeekEquals', 'dayOfWeekAnyOf'

      The pattern field that matches the rule is required when rule is provided. For the business hour rule example above, the pattern is "time-based-conditions:weekly". For more information, see Time-based conditions operators and Limiting access with time-based conditions. If the subject is a locked service-id, the request will fail.

      1. attribute-based: Used to specify a combination of OR/AND based conditions applied on resource attributes.

      Combine conditions to specify an attribute-based condition using AND/OR-based operators.

      For example, a policy can grant access based on multiple conditions applied on the resource attributes below:

        "pattern": "attribute-based-condition:resource:literal-and-wildcard"
        "rule": {
            "operator": "or",
            "conditions": [
                "operator": "and",
                "conditions": [
                    "key": "{{resource.attributes.prefix}}",
                    "operator": "stringEquals",
                    "value": "home/test"
                    "key": "{{environment.attributes.delimiter}}",
                    "operator": "stringEquals",
                    "value": "/"
                "key": "{{resource.attributes.path}}",
                "operator": "stringMatch",
                "value": "home/David/*"

      In addition to satisfying the resources section, the policy grants permission only if either the path begins with home/David/ OR the prefix is home/test and the delimiter is /. This mechanism helps you consolidate multiple policies in to a single policy, making policies easier to administer and stay within the policy limit for an account. View the list of operators that can be used in the condition here.


      To update an authorization policy, use "type": "authorization" in the body. The subject attributes must match the supported authorization subjects of the resource. Multiple subject attributes might be provided. The following attributes are supported: serviceName, serviceInstance, region, resourceType, resource, accountId, resourceGroupId Assign roles that are supported by the service or platform roles. For more information, see IAM roles and actions. The user must also have the same level of access or greater to the target resource in order to grant the role. Use only the resource attributes supported by the service. To view a service's or the platform's supported attributes, check the documentation. Both the policy subject and the policy resource must include the accountId attributes. The policy subject must include either serviceName or resourceGroupId (or both) attributes.

      Attribute Operators

      Currently, only the stringEquals, stringMatch, and stringEquals operators are available. For more information, see Assigning access by using wildcard policies.

      Attribute Validations

      Policy attribute values must be between 1 and 1,000 characters in length. If location related attributes like geography, country, metro, region, satellite, and locationvalues are supported by the service, they are validated against Global Catalog locations.

      Update a policy to grant access between a subject and a resource. A policy administrator might want to update an existing policy.


      To update an access policy, use "type": "access" in the body. The supported subject attributes are iam_id and access_group_id. Use the iam_id subject attribute to assign access to a user or service-id. Use the access_group_id subject attribute to assign access to an access group. Assign roles that are supported by the service or platform roles. For more information, see IAM roles and actions. Use only the resource attributes supported by the service. To view a service's or the platform's supported attributes, check the documentation. The policy resource must include either the serviceType, serviceName, resourceGroupId or service_group_id attribute and the accountId attribute. In the rule field, you can specify a single condition by using key, value, and condition operator, or a set of conditions with a combination operator. The possible combination operators are and and or.

      Currently, we support two types of patterns:

      1. time-based: Used to specify a time-based restriction

      Combine conditions to specify a time-based restriction (e.g., access only during business hours, during the Monday-Friday work week). For example, a policy can grant access Monday-Friday, 9:00am-5:00pm using the following rule:

        "rule": {
          "operator": "and",
          "conditions": [{
            "key": "{{environment.attributes.day_of_week}}",
            "operator": "dayOfWeekAnyOf",
            "value": ["1+00:00", "2+00:00", "3+00:00", "4+00:00", "5+00:00"]
            "key": "{{environment.attributes.current_time}}",
            "operator": "timeGreaterThanOrEquals",
            "value": "09:00:00+00:00"
            "key": "{{environment.attributes.current_time}}",
            "operator": "timeLessThanOrEquals",
            "value": "17:00:00+00:00"
      ``` You can use the following operators in the **`key`** and **`value`** pair:

      'timeLessThan', 'timeLessThanOrEquals', 'timeGreaterThan', 'timeGreaterThanOrEquals', 'dateLessThan', 'dateLessThanOrEquals', 'dateGreaterThan', 'dateGreaterThanOrEquals', 'dateTimeLessThan', 'dateTimeLessThanOrEquals', 'dateTimeGreaterThan', 'dateTimeGreaterThanOrEquals', 'dayOfWeekEquals', 'dayOfWeekAnyOf' ``` The pattern field that matches the rule is required when rule is provided. For the business hour rule example above, the pattern is "time-based-conditions:weekly". For more information, see Time-based conditions operators and Limiting access with time-based conditions. If the subject is a locked service-id, the request will fail.

      1. attribute-based: Used to specify a combination of OR/AND based conditions applied on resource attributes.

      Combine conditions to specify an attribute-based condition using AND/OR-based operators.

      For example, a policy can grant access based on multiple conditions applied on the resource attributes below:

        "pattern": "attribute-based-condition:resource:literal-and-wildcard"
        "rule": {
            "operator": "or",
            "conditions": [
                "operator": "and",
                "conditions": [
                    "key": "{{resource.attributes.prefix}}",
                    "operator": "stringEquals",
                    "value": "home/test"
                    "key": "{{environment.attributes.delimiter}}",
                    "operator": "stringEquals",
                    "value": "/"
                "key": "{{resource.attributes.path}}",
                "operator": "stringMatch",
                "value": "home/David/_*"

      In addition to satisfying the resources section, the policy grants permission only if either the path begins with home/David/ OR the prefix is home/test and the delimiter is /. This mechanism helps you consolidate multiple policies in to a single policy, making policies easier to administer and stay within the policy limit for an account. View the list of operators that can be used in the condition here.


      To update an authorization policy, use "type": "authorization" in the body. The subject attributes must match the supported authorization subjects of the resource. Multiple subject attributes might be provided. The following attributes are supported: serviceName, serviceInstance, region, resourceType, resource, accountId, resourceGroupId Assign roles that are supported by the service or platform roles. For more information, see IAM roles and actions. The user must also have the same level of access or greater to the target resource in order to grant the role. Use only the resource attributes supported by the service. To view a service's or the platform's supported attributes, check the documentation. Both the policy subject and the policy resource must include the accountId attributes. The policy subject must include either serviceName or resourceGroupId (or both) attributes.

      Attribute Operators

      Currently, only the stringEquals, stringMatch, and stringEquals operators are available. For more information, see Assigning access by using wildcard policies.

      Attribute Validations

      Policy attribute values must be between 1 and 1,000 characters in length. If location related attributes like geography, country, metro, region, satellite, and locationvalues are supported by the service, they are validated against Global Catalog locations.

      Update a policy to grant access between a subject and a resource. A policy administrator might want to update an existing policy.


      To update an access policy, use "type": "access" in the body. The supported subject attributes are iam_id and access_group_id. Use the iam_id subject attribute to assign access to a user or service-id. Use the access_group_id subject attribute to assign access to an access group. Assign roles that are supported by the service or platform roles. For more information, see IAM roles and actions. Use only the resource attributes supported by the service. To view a service's or the platform's supported attributes, check the documentation. The policy resource must include either the serviceType, serviceName, resourceGroupId or service_group_id attribute and the accountId attribute. In the rule field, you can specify a single condition by using key, value, and condition operator, or a set of conditions with a combination operator. The possible combination operators are and and or.

      Currently, we support two types of patterns:

      1. time-based: Used to specify a time-based restriction

      Combine conditions to specify a time-based restriction (e.g., access only during business hours, during the Monday-Friday work week). For example, a policy can grant access Monday-Friday, 9:00am-5:00pm using the following rule:

        "rule": {
          "operator": "and",
          "conditions": [{
            "key": "{{environment.attributes.day_of_week}}",
            "operator": "dayOfWeekAnyOf",
            "value": ["1+00:00", "2+00:00", "3+00:00", "4+00:00", "5+00:00"]
            "key": "{{environment.attributes.current_time}}",
            "operator": "timeGreaterThanOrEquals",
            "value": "09:00:00+00:00"
            "key": "{{environment.attributes.current_time}}",
            "operator": "timeLessThanOrEquals",
            "value": "17:00:00+00:00"
      ``` You can use the following operators in the **`key`** and **`value`** pair:

      'timeLessThan', 'timeLessThanOrEquals', 'timeGreaterThan', 'timeGreaterThanOrEquals', 'dateLessThan', 'dateLessThanOrEquals', 'dateGreaterThan', 'dateGreaterThanOrEquals', 'dateTimeLessThan', 'dateTimeLessThanOrEquals', 'dateTimeGreaterThan', 'dateTimeGreaterThanOrEquals', 'dayOfWeekEquals', 'dayOfWeekAnyOf' ``` The pattern field that matches the rule is required when rule is provided. For the business hour rule example above, the pattern is "time-based-conditions:weekly". For more information, see Time-based conditions operators and Limiting access with time-based conditions. If the subject is a locked service-id, the request will fail.

      1. attribute-based: Used to specify a combination of OR/AND based conditions applied on resource attributes.

      Combine conditions to specify an attribute-based condition using AND/OR-based operators.

      For example, a policy can grant access based on multiple conditions applied on the resource attributes below:

        "pattern": "attribute-based-condition:resource:literal-and-wildcard"
        "rule": {
            "operator": "or",
            "conditions": [
                "operator": "and",
                "conditions": [
                    "key": "{{resource.attributes.prefix}}",
                    "operator": "stringEquals",
                    "value": "home/test"
                    "key": "{{environment.attributes.delimiter}}",
                    "operator": "stringEquals",
                    "value": "/"
                "key": "{{resource.attributes.path}}",
                "operator": "stringMatch",
                "value": "home/David/_*"

      In addition to satisfying the resources section, the policy grants permission only if either the path begins with home/David/ OR the prefix is home/test and the delimiter is /. This mechanism helps you consolidate multiple policies in to a single policy, making policies easier to administer and stay within the policy limit for an account. View the list of operators that can be used in the condition here.


      To update an authorization policy, use "type": "authorization" in the body. The subject attributes must match the supported authorization subjects of the resource. Multiple subject attributes might be provided. The following attributes are supported: serviceName, serviceInstance, region, resourceType, resource, accountId, resourceGroupId Assign roles that are supported by the service or platform roles. For more information, see IAM roles and actions. The user must also have the same level of access or greater to the target resource in order to grant the role. Use only the resource attributes supported by the service. To view a service's or the platform's supported attributes, check the documentation. Both the policy subject and the policy resource must include the accountId attributes. The policy subject must include either serviceName or resourceGroupId (or both) attributes.

      Attribute Operators

      Currently, only the stringEquals, stringMatch, and stringEquals operators are available. For more information, see Assigning access by using wildcard policies.

      Attribute Validations

      Policy attribute values must be between 1 and 1,000 characters in length. If location related attributes like geography, country, metro, region, satellite, and locationvalues are supported by the service, they are validated against Global Catalog locations.

      Update a policy to grant access between a subject and a resource. A policy administrator might want to update an existing policy.


      To update an access policy, use "type": "access" in the body. The supported subject attributes are iam_id and access_group_id. Use the iam_id subject attribute to assign access to a user or service-id. Use the access_group_id subject attribute to assign access to an access group. Assign roles that are supported by the service or platform roles. For more information, see IAM roles and actions. Use only the resource attributes supported by the service. To view a service's or the platform's supported attributes, check the documentation. The policy resource must include either the serviceType, serviceName, resourceGroupId or service_group_id attribute and the accountId attribute. In the rule field, you can specify a single condition by using key, value, and condition operator, or a set of conditions with a combination operator. The possible combination operators are and and or.

      Currently, we support two types of patterns:

      1. time-based: Used to specify a time-based restriction

      Combine conditions to specify a time-based restriction (e.g., access only during business hours, during the Monday-Friday work week). For example, a policy can grant access Monday-Friday, 9:00am-5:00pm using the following rule:

        "rule": {
          "operator": "and",
          "conditions": [{
            "key": "{{environment.attributes.day_of_week}}",
            "operator": "dayOfWeekAnyOf",
            "value": ["1+00:00", "2+00:00", "3+00:00", "4+00:00", "5+00:00"]
            "key": "{{environment.attributes.current_time}}",
            "operator": "timeGreaterThanOrEquals",
            "value": "09:00:00+00:00"
            "key": "{{environment.attributes.current_time}}",
            "operator": "timeLessThanOrEquals",
            "value": "17:00:00+00:00"
      ``` You can use the following operators in the **`key`** and **`value`** pair:

      'timeLessThan', 'timeLessThanOrEquals', 'timeGreaterThan', 'timeGreaterThanOrEquals', 'dateLessThan', 'dateLessThanOrEquals', 'dateGreaterThan', 'dateGreaterThanOrEquals', 'dateTimeLessThan', 'dateTimeLessThanOrEquals', 'dateTimeGreaterThan', 'dateTimeGreaterThanOrEquals', 'dayOfWeekEquals', 'dayOfWeekAnyOf' ``` The pattern field that matches the rule is required when rule is provided. For the business hour rule example above, the pattern is "time-based-conditions:weekly". For more information, see Time-based conditions operators and Limiting access with time-based conditions. If the subject is a locked service-id, the request will fail.

      1. attribute-based: Used to specify a combination of OR/AND based conditions applied on resource attributes.

      Combine conditions to specify an attribute-based condition using AND/OR-based operators.

      For example, a policy can grant access based on multiple conditions applied on the resource attributes below:

        "pattern": "attribute-based-condition:resource:literal-and-wildcard"
        "rule": {
            "operator": "or",
            "conditions": [
                "operator": "and",
                "conditions": [
                    "key": "{{resource.attributes.prefix}}",
                    "operator": "stringEquals",
                    "value": "home/test"
                    "key": "{{environment.attributes.delimiter}}",
                    "operator": "stringEquals",
                    "value": "/"
                "key": "{{resource.attributes.path}}",
                "operator": "stringMatch",
                "value": "home/David/_*"

      In addition to satisfying the resources section, the policy grants permission only if either the path begins with home/David/ OR the prefix is home/test and the delimiter is /. This mechanism helps you consolidate multiple policies in to a single policy, making policies easier to administer and stay within the policy limit for an account. View the list of operators that can be used in the condition here.


      To update an authorization policy, use "type": "authorization" in the body. The subject attributes must match the supported authorization subjects of the resource. Multiple subject attributes might be provided. The following attributes are supported: serviceName, serviceInstance, region, resourceType, resource, accountId, resourceGroupId Assign roles that are supported by the service or platform roles. For more information, see IAM roles and actions. The user must also have the same level of access or greater to the target resource in order to grant the role. Use only the resource attributes supported by the service. To view a service's or the platform's supported attributes, check the documentation. Both the policy subject and the policy resource must include the accountId attributes. The policy subject must include either serviceName or resourceGroupId (or both) attributes.

      Attribute Operators

      Currently, only the stringEquals, stringMatch, and stringEquals operators are available. For more information, see Assigning access by using wildcard policies.

      Attribute Validations

      Policy attribute values must be between 1 and 1,000 characters in length. If location related attributes like geography, country, metro, region, satellite, and locationvalues are supported by the service, they are validated against Global Catalog locations.

      Update a policy to grant access between a subject and a resource. A policy administrator might want to update an existing policy.


      To update an access policy, use "type": "access" in the body. The supported subject attributes are iam_id and access_group_id. Use the iam_id subject attribute to assign access to a user or service-id. Use the access_group_id subject attribute to assign access to an access group. Assign roles that are supported by the service or platform roles. For more information, see IAM roles and actions. Use only the resource attributes supported by the service. To view a service's or the platform's supported attributes, check the documentation. The policy resource must include either the serviceType, serviceName, resourceGroupId or service_group_id attribute and the accountId attribute. In the rule field, you can specify a single condition by using key, value, and condition operator, or a set of conditions with a combination operator. The possible combination operators are and and or.

      Currently, we support two types of patterns:

      1. time-based: Used to specify a time-based restriction

      Combine conditions to specify a time-based restriction (e.g., access only during business hours, during the Monday-Friday work week). For example, a policy can grant access Monday-Friday, 9:00am-5:00pm using the following rule:

        "rule": {
          "operator": "and",
          "conditions": [{
            "key": "{{environment.attributes.day_of_week}}",
            "operator": "dayOfWeekAnyOf",
            "value": ["1+00:00", "2+00:00", "3+00:00", "4+00:00", "5+00:00"]
            "key": "{{environment.attributes.current_time}}",
            "operator": "timeGreaterThanOrEquals",
            "value": "09:00:00+00:00"
            "key": "{{environment.attributes.current_time}}",
            "operator": "timeLessThanOrEquals",
            "value": "17:00:00+00:00"
      ``` You can use the following operators in the **`key`** and **`value`** pair:

      'timeLessThan', 'timeLessThanOrEquals', 'timeGreaterThan', 'timeGreaterThanOrEquals', 'dateLessThan', 'dateLessThanOrEquals', 'dateGreaterThan', 'dateGreaterThanOrEquals', 'dateTimeLessThan', 'dateTimeLessThanOrEquals', 'dateTimeGreaterThan', 'dateTimeGreaterThanOrEquals', 'dayOfWeekEquals', 'dayOfWeekAnyOf' ``` The pattern field that matches the rule is required when rule is provided. For the business hour rule example above, the pattern is "time-based-conditions:weekly". For more information, see Time-based conditions operators and Limiting access with time-based conditions. If the subject is a locked service-id, the request will fail.

      1. attribute-based: Used to specify a combination of OR/AND based conditions applied on resource attributes.

      Combine conditions to specify an attribute-based condition using AND/OR-based operators.

      For example, a policy can grant access based on multiple conditions applied on the resource attributes below:

        "pattern": "attribute-based-condition:resource:literal-and-wildcard"
        "rule": {
            "operator": "or",
            "conditions": [
                "operator": "and",
                "conditions": [
                    "key": "{{resource.attributes.prefix}}",
                    "operator": "stringEquals",
                    "value": "home/test"
                    "key": "{{environment.attributes.delimiter}}",
                    "operator": "stringEquals",
                    "value": "/"
                "key": "{{resource.attributes.path}}",
                "operator": "stringMatch",
                "value": "home/David/*"

      In addition to satisfying the resources section, the policy grants permission only if either the path begins with home/David/ OR the prefix is home/test and the delimiter is /. This mechanism helps you consolidate multiple policies in to a single policy, making policies easier to administer and stay within the policy limit for an account. View the list of operators that can be used in the condition here.


      To update an authorization policy, use "type": "authorization" in the body. The subject attributes must match the supported authorization subjects of the resource. Multiple subject attributes might be provided. The following attributes are supported: serviceName, serviceInstance, region, resourceType, resource, accountId, resourceGroupId Assign roles that are supported by the service or platform roles. For more information, see IAM roles and actions. The user must also have the same level of access or greater to the target resource in order to grant the role. Use only the resource attributes supported by the service. To view a service's or the platform's supported attributes, check the documentation. Both the policy subject and the policy resource must include the accountId attributes. The policy subject must include either serviceName or resourceGroupId (or both) attributes.

      Attribute Operators

      Currently, only the stringEquals, stringMatch, and stringEquals operators are available. For more information, see Assigning access by using wildcard policies.

      Attribute Validations

      Policy attribute values must be between 1 and 1,000 characters in length. If location related attributes like geography, country, metro, region, satellite, and locationvalues are supported by the service, they are validated against Global Catalog locations.

      PUT /v2/policies/{id}
      (iamPolicyManagement *IamPolicyManagementV1) ReplaceV2Policy(replaceV2PolicyOptions *ReplaceV2PolicyOptions) (result *V2Policy, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
      (iamPolicyManagement *IamPolicyManagementV1) ReplaceV2PolicyWithContext(ctx context.Context, replaceV2PolicyOptions *ReplaceV2PolicyOptions) (result *V2Policy, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
      ServiceCall<V2Policy> replaceV2Policy(ReplaceV2PolicyOptions replaceV2PolicyOptions)
              id: str,
              if_match: str,
              control: 'Control',
              type: str,
              description: Optional[str] = None,
              subject: Optional['V2PolicySubject'] = None,
              resource: Optional['V2PolicyResource'] = None,
              pattern: Optional[str] = None,
              rule: Optional['V2PolicyRule'] = None,
          ) -> DetailedResponse


      To call this method, you must be assigned one or more IAM access roles that include the following action. You can check your access by going to Users > User > Access.

      • iam.policy.update


      Calling this method generates the following auditing event.

      • iam-am.policy.update


      Instantiate the ReplaceV2PolicyOptions struct and set the fields to provide parameter values for the ReplaceV2Policy method.

      Use the ReplaceV2PolicyOptions.Builder to create a ReplaceV2PolicyOptions object that contains the parameter values for the replaceV2Policy method.

      Custom Headers

      • The revision number for updating a policy and must match the ETag value of the existing policy. The Etag can be retrieved using the GET /v2/policies/{id} API and looking at the ETag response header.

        Possible values: length ≥ 1

      Path Parameters

      • The policy ID.

        Possible values: length ≥ 1

      Updated policy content to be saved.

      WithContext method only

      The ReplaceV2Policy options.

      The replaceV2Policy options.


      • The policy ID.

        Possible values: length ≥ 1

      • The revision number for updating a policy and must match the ETag value of the existing policy. The Etag can be retrieved using the GET /v2/policies/{id} API and looking at the ETag response header.

        Possible values: length ≥ 1

      • Specifies the type of access granted by the policy.

      • The policy type; either 'access' or 'authorization'.

        Allowable values: [access,authorization]

      • Description of the policy.

        Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 300, Value must match regular expression /^.*$/

      • The subject attributes for whom the policy grants access.

      • The resource attributes to which the policy grants access.

      • Indicates pattern of rule, either 'time-based-conditions:once', 'time-based-conditions:weekly:all-day', or 'time-based-conditions:weekly:custom-hours'.

        Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 42, Value must match regular expression /^[a-z:-]*$/

      • Rule that specifies additional access granted (e.g., time-based condition).


        • The policy ID.

          Possible values: length ≥ 1

        • The revision number for updating a policy and must match the ETag value of the existing policy. The Etag can be retrieved using the GET /v2/policies/{id} API and looking at the ETag response header.

          Possible values: length ≥ 1

        • Specifies the type of access granted by the policy.

        • The policy type; either 'access' or 'authorization'.

          Allowable values: [access,authorization]

        • Description of the policy.

          Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 300, Value must match regular expression /^.*$/

        • The subject attributes for whom the policy grants access.

        • The resource attributes to which the policy grants access.

        • Indicates pattern of rule, either 'time-based-conditions:once', 'time-based-conditions:weekly:all-day', or 'time-based-conditions:weekly:custom-hours'.

          Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 42, Value must match regular expression /^[a-z:-]*$/

        • Rule that specifies additional access granted (e.g., time-based condition).

          • curl -X PUT '' -H 'Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'If-Match: $ETAG' -d '{
              "type": "access",
              "description": "Viewer role for for all instances of SERVICE_NAME in the account.",
              "subject": [
                  "attributes": [
                      "key": "iam_id",
                      "operator": "stringEquals",
                      "value": "IBMid-123453user"
              "control": {
                "grant": {
                  "roles": [
                      "role_id": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:iam::::role:Viewer"
              "resource": [
                  "attributes": [
                      "key": "accountId",
                      "operator": "stringEquals",
                      "value": "$ACCOUNT_ID"
                      "key": "serviceName",
                      "operator": "stringEquals",
                      "value": "$SERVICE_NAME"
              "rule": {
                "key": "{{environment.attributes.day_of_week}}",
                "operator": "dayOfWeekAnyOf",
                "value": ["1+00:00", "2+00:00", "3+00:00", "4+00:00", "5+00:00"]
              "pattern": "time-based-conditions:weekly:all-day"
          • subjectAttribute := &iampolicymanagementv1.V2PolicySubjectAttribute{
              Key:      core.StringPtr("iam_id"),
              Operator: core.StringPtr("stringEquals"),
              Value:    &exampleUserID,
            policySubject := &iampolicymanagementv1.V2PolicySubject{
              Attributes: []iampolicymanagementv1.V2PolicySubjectAttribute{*subjectAttribute},
            updatedPolicyRole := &iampolicymanagementv1.Roles{
              RoleID: core.StringPtr("crn:v1:bluemix:public:iam::::role:Editor"),
            v2PolicyGrant := &iampolicymanagementv1.Grant{
              Roles: []iampolicymanagementv1.Roles{*updatedPolicyRole},
            v2PolicyControl := &iampolicymanagementv1.Control{
              Grant: v2PolicyGrant,
            accountIDResourceAttribute := &iampolicymanagementv1.V2PolicyResourceAttribute{
              Key:      core.StringPtr("accountId"),
              Operator: core.StringPtr("stringEquals"),
              Value:    core.StringPtr(exampleAccountID),
            serviceNameResourceAttribute := &iampolicymanagementv1.V2PolicyResourceAttribute{
              Key:      core.StringPtr("serviceType"),
              Operator: core.StringPtr("stringEquals"),
              Value:    core.StringPtr("service"),
            policyResource := &iampolicymanagementv1.V2PolicyResource{
              Attributes: []iampolicymanagementv1.V2PolicyResourceAttribute{
                *accountIDResourceAttribute, *serviceNameResourceAttribute},
            options := iamPolicyManagementService.NewReplaceV2PolicyOptions(
            weeklyConditionAttribute := &iampolicymanagementv1.NestedCondition{
              Key:      core.StringPtr("{{environment.attributes.day_of_week}}"),
              Operator: core.StringPtr("dayOfWeekAnyOf"),
              Value:    []string{"1+00:00", "2+00:00", "3+00:00", "4+00:00"},
            startConditionAttribute := &iampolicymanagementv1.NestedCondition{
              Key:      core.StringPtr("{{environment.attributes.current_time}}"),
              Operator: core.StringPtr("timeGreaterThanOrEquals"),
              Value:    core.StringPtr("09:00:00+00:00"),
            endConditionAttribute := &iampolicymanagementv1.NestedCondition{
              Key:      core.StringPtr("{{environment.attributes.current_time}}"),
              Operator: core.StringPtr("timeLessThanOrEquals"),
              Value:    core.StringPtr("17:00:00+00:00"),
            policyRule := &iampolicymanagementv1.V2PolicyRule{
              Operator: core.StringPtr("and"),
              Conditions: []iampolicymanagementv1.NestedConditionIntf{
                weeklyConditionAttribute, startConditionAttribute, endConditionAttribute},
            policy, response, err := iamPolicyManagementService.ReplaceV2Policy(options)
            if err != nil {
            b, _ := json.MarshalIndent(policy, "", "  ")
          • V2PolicySubjectAttribute subjectAttribute = new V2PolicySubjectAttribute.Builder()
            V2PolicySubject policySubject = new V2PolicySubject.Builder()
            V2PolicyResourceAttribute accountIdResourceAttribute = new V2PolicyResourceAttribute.Builder()
            V2PolicyResourceAttribute serviceNameResourceAttribute = new V2PolicyResourceAttribute.Builder()
            V2PolicyResourceTag policyResourceTag = new V2PolicyResourceTag.Builder()
            V2PolicyResource policyResource = new V2PolicyResource.Builder()
            Roles updatedPolicyRole = new Roles.Builder()
            Grant policyGrant = new Grant.Builder()
            Control policyControl = new Control.Builder()
            NestedConditionRuleAttribute weeklyConditionAttribute = new NestedConditionRuleAttribute.Builder()
                    .value(new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList("1+00:00", "2+00:00", "3+00:00", "4+00:00", "5+00:00")))
            NestedConditionRuleAttribute startConditionAttribute = new NestedConditionRuleAttribute.Builder()
            NestedConditionRuleAttribute endConditionAttribute = new NestedConditionRuleAttribute.Builder()
            V2PolicyRuleRuleWithNestedConditions policyRule = new V2PolicyRuleRuleWithNestedConditions.Builder()
                    .conditions(new ArrayList<NestedCondition>(Arrays.asList(weeklyConditionAttribute, startConditionAttribute, endConditionAttribute)))
            ReplaceV2PolicyOptions options = new ReplaceV2PolicyOptions.Builder()
            Response<V2Policy> response = service.replaceV2Policy(options).execute();
            V2Policy policy = response.getResult();
            exampleV2PolicyEtag = response.getHeaders().values("Etag").get(0);
          • const policySubject = {
              attributes: [
                  key: 'iam_id',
                  operator: 'stringEquals',
                  value: exampleUserId,
            const policyResourceAccountAttribute = {
              key: 'accountId',
              value: exampleAccountId,
              operator: 'stringEquals',
            const policyResourceServiceAttribute = {
              key: 'serviceType',
              operator: 'stringEquals',
              value: 'service',
            const policyResource = {
              attributes: [policyResourceAccountAttribute, policyResourceServiceAttribute]
            const updatedPolicyControl = {
              grant: {
                roles: [{
                  role_id: 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:iam::::role:Editor',
            const policyRule = {
              operator: 'and',
              conditions: [
                      key: '{{environment.attributes.day_of_week}}',
                      operator: 'dayOfWeekAnyOf',
                      value: ['1+00:00', '2+00:00', '3+00:00', '4+00:00', '5+00:00'],
                      key: '{{environment.attributes.current_time}}',
                      operator: 'timeGreaterThanOrEquals',
                      value: '09:00:00+00:00',
                      key: '{{environment.attributes.current_time}}',
                      operator: 'timeLessThanOrEquals',
                      value: '17:00:00+00:00',
            const policyPattern = 'time-based-conditions:weekly:custom-hours'
            const params = {
              type: 'access',
              id: examplePolicyId,
              ifMatch: examplePolicyETag,
              subject: policySubject,
              control: updatedPolicyControl,
              resource: policyResource,
              rule: policyRule,
              pattern: policyPattern,
            try {
              const res = await iamPolicyManagementService.replaceV2Policy(params);
              console.log(JSON.stringify(res.result, null, 2));
            } catch (err) {
          • policy_subject = V2PolicySubject(
              attributes=[V2PolicySubjectAttribute(key='iam_id', value=example_user_id, operator='stringEquals')]
            updated_policy_role = PolicyRole(role_id='crn:v1:bluemix:public:iam::::role:Editor')
            account_id_resource_attribute = V2PolicyResourceAttribute(
              key='accountId', value=example_account_id, operator='stringEquals'
            service_name_resource_attribute = V2PolicyResourceAttribute(
              key='serviceType', value='service', operator='stringEquals'
            policy_resource_tag = V2PolicyResourceTag(key='project', value='prototype', operator='stringEquals')
            policy_resource = PolicyResource(
              attributes=[account_id_resource_attribute, service_name_resource_attribute], tags=[policy_resource_tag]
            policy_control = Control(grant=Grant(roles=[updated_policy_role]))
            policy_rule = V2PolicyRuleRuleWithNestedConditions(
                  value=['1+00:00', '2+00:00', '3+00:00', '4+00:00', '5+00:00'],
            policy_pattern = 'time-based-conditions:weekly:custom-hours'
            response = iam_policy_management_service.replace_v2_policy(
            policy = response.get_result()
            print(json.dumps(policy, indent=2))


          The core set of properties associated with the policy.

          The core set of properties associated with the policy.

          The core set of properties associated with the policy.

          The core set of properties associated with the policy.

          The core set of properties associated with the policy.

          Status Code

          • Policy update successful.

          • Policy input is invalid.

          • The token you provided is not valid.

          • You do not have access to update the policy.

          • Policy was not found.

          • The requested resource(s) cannot be formatted using the requested media type(s).

          • A policy already exists for the given subject and resource. You can update that policy or delete it and create a new one.

          • Request body sent was formatted using an unsupported media type.

          • Too many requests have been made within a given time window.

          Example responses
          • {
              "id": "12345678-abcd-1a2b-a1b2-1234567890ab",
              "type": "access",
              "description": "Viewer role access for all instances of key protect in the account during business hours, except Friday.",
              "subject": {
                "attributes": [
                    "key": "iam_id",
                    "operator": "stringEquals",
                    "value": "IBMid-123453user"
              "control": {
                "grant": {
                  "roles": [
                      "role_id": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:iam::::role:Viewer"
              "resource": {
                "attributes": [
                    "key": "accountId",
                    "operator": "stringEquals",
                    "value": "100abcde100a41abc100aza678abc0zz"
                    "key": "serviceName",
                    "operator": "stringEquals",
                    "value": "kms"
              "rule": {
                "operator": "and",
                "conditions": [
                    "key": "{{environment.attributes.day_of_week}}",
                    "operator": "dayOfWeekAnyOf",
                    "value": [
                    "key": "{{environment.attributes.current_time}}",
                    "operator": "timeGreaterThanOrEquals",
                    "value": "09:00:00+00:00"
                    "key": "{{environment.attributes.current_time}}",
                    "operator": "timeLessThanOrEquals",
                    "value": "17:00:00+00:00"
              "pattern": "time-based-conditions:weekly:custom-hours",
              "href": "",
              "created_at": "2018-08-30T14:09:09.907Z",
              "created_by_id": "IBMid-12345678",
              "last_modified_at": "2018-08-30T14:09:09.907Z",
              "last_modified_by_id": "IBMid-12345678",
              "state": "active"
          • {
              "id": "12345678-abcd-1a2b-a1b2-1234567890ab",
              "type": "access",
              "description": "Viewer role access for all instances of key protect in the account during business hours, except Friday.",
              "subject": {
                "attributes": [
                    "key": "iam_id",
                    "operator": "stringEquals",
                    "value": "IBMid-123453user"
              "control": {
                "grant": {
                  "roles": [
                      "role_id": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:iam::::role:Viewer"
              "resource": {
                "attributes": [
                    "key": "accountId",
                    "operator": "stringEquals",
                    "value": "100abcde100a41abc100aza678abc0zz"
                    "key": "serviceName",
                    "operator": "stringEquals",
                    "value": "kms"
              "rule": {
                "operator": "and",
                "conditions": [
                    "key": "{{environment.attributes.day_of_week}}",
                    "operator": "dayOfWeekAnyOf",
                    "value": [
                    "key": "{{environment.attributes.current_time}}",
                    "operator": "timeGreaterThanOrEquals",
                    "value": "09:00:00+00:00"
                    "key": "{{environment.attributes.current_time}}",
                    "operator": "timeLessThanOrEquals",
                    "value": "17:00:00+00:00"
              "pattern": "time-based-conditions:weekly:custom-hours",
              "href": "",
              "created_at": "2018-08-30T14:09:09.907Z",
              "created_by_id": "IBMid-12345678",
              "last_modified_at": "2018-08-30T14:09:09.907Z",
              "last_modified_by_id": "IBMid-12345678",
              "state": "active"
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "invalid_body",
                  "message": "A policy's type cannot be updated. Create a new policy and delete the existing one."
              "status_code": 400
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "invalid_body",
                  "message": "A policy's type cannot be updated. Create a new policy and delete the existing one."
              "status_code": 400
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "invalid_token",
                  "message": "The provided IAM token is invalid."
              "status_code": 401
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "invalid_token",
                  "message": "The provided IAM token is invalid."
              "status_code": 401
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "insufficent_permissions",
                  "message": "You are not allowed to update the requested policy."
              "status_code": 403
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "insufficent_permissions",
                  "message": "You are not allowed to update the requested policy."
              "status_code": 403
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "policy_not_found",
                  "message": "Policy with Id POLICY_ID not found."
              "status_code": 404
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "policy_not_found",
                  "message": "Policy with Id POLICY_ID not found."
              "status_code": 404
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "unable_to_process",
                  "message": "The requested resource(s) can only be formatted using the 'application/json' media type."
              "status_code": 406
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "unable_to_process",
                  "message": "The requested resource(s) can only be formatted using the 'application/json' media type."
              "status_code": 406
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "policy_conflict_error",
                  "message": "Failed to update policy.",
                  "details": {
                    "conflicts_with": {
                      "etag": "1-847833cec3bf3f3c3231d8f9492febac",
                      "policy": "POLICY"
                  "status_code": 409
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "policy_conflict_error",
                  "message": "Failed to update policy.",
                  "details": {
                    "conflicts_with": {
                      "etag": "1-847833cec3bf3f3c3231d8f9492febac",
                      "policy": "POLICY"
                  "status_code": 409
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "unsupported_content_type",
                  "message": "The supported media type for this API is 'application/json'."
              "status_code": 415
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "unsupported_content_type",
                  "message": "The supported media type for this API is 'application/json'."
              "status_code": 415
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "too_many_requests",
                  "message": "Too many requests."
              "status_code": 429
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "too_many_requests",
                  "message": "Too many requests."
              "status_code": 429

          Retrieve a policy by ID


          Retrieve a policy by providing a policy ID.

          Retrieve a policy by providing a policy ID.

          Retrieve a policy by providing a policy ID.

          Retrieve a policy by providing a policy ID.

          Retrieve a policy by providing a policy ID.

          GET /v2/policies/{id}
          (iamPolicyManagement *IamPolicyManagementV1) GetV2Policy(getV2PolicyOptions *GetV2PolicyOptions) (result *V2PolicyTemplateMetaData, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
          (iamPolicyManagement *IamPolicyManagementV1) GetV2PolicyWithContext(ctx context.Context, getV2PolicyOptions *GetV2PolicyOptions) (result *V2PolicyTemplateMetaData, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
          ServiceCall<V2PolicyTemplateMetaData> getV2Policy(GetV2PolicyOptions getV2PolicyOptions)
                  id: str,
                  format: Optional[str] = None,
              ) -> DetailedResponse


          To call this method, you must be assigned one or more IAM access roles that include the following action. You can check your access by going to Users > User > Access.



          Calling this method generates the following auditing event.



          Instantiate the GetV2PolicyOptions struct and set the fields to provide parameter values for the GetV2Policy method.

          Use the GetV2PolicyOptions.Builder to create a GetV2PolicyOptions object that contains the parameter values for the getV2Policy method.

          Path Parameters

          • The policy ID.

            Possible values: length ≥ 1

          Query Parameters

          • Include additional data for policy returned

            • include_last_permit - returns details of when the policy last granted a permit decision and the number of times it has done so
            • display - returns the list of all actions included in each of the policy roles and translations for all relevant fields

            Allowable values: [include_last_permit,display]

          WithContext method only

          The GetV2Policy options.

          The getV2Policy options.


          • The policy ID.

            Possible values: length ≥ 1

          • Include additional data for policy returned

            • include_last_permit - returns details of when the policy last granted a permit decision and the number of times it has done so
            • display - returns the list of all actions included in each of the policy roles and translations for all relevant fields.

            Allowable values: [include_last_permit,display]


          • The policy ID.

            Possible values: length ≥ 1

          • Include additional data for policy returned

            • include_last_permit - returns details of when the policy last granted a permit decision and the number of times it has done so
            • display - returns the list of all actions included in each of the policy roles and translations for all relevant fields.

            Allowable values: [include_last_permit,display]

          • curl -X GET '$POLICY_ID' -H 'Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
          • options := iamPolicyManagementService.NewGetV2PolicyOptions(
            policy, response, err := iamPolicyManagementService.GetV2Policy(options)
            if err != nil {
            b, _ := json.MarshalIndent(policy, "", "  ")
            examplePolicyETag = response.GetHeaders().Get("ETag")
          • GetV2PolicyOptions options = new GetV2PolicyOptions.Builder()
            Response<V2PolicyTemplateMetaData> response = service.getV2Policy(options).execute();
            V2PolicyTemplateMetaData policy = response.getResult();
            exampleV2PolicyEtag = response.getHeaders().values("Etag").get(0);
            GetV2PolicyOptions options = new GetV2PolicyOptions.Builder()
            Response<V2PolicyTemplateMetaData> response = service.getV2Policy(options).execute();
            V2PolicyTemplateMetaData policy = response.getResult();
          • const params = {
              id: examplePolicyId,
            try {
              const res = await iamPolicyManagementService.getV2Policy(params);
              examplePolicyETag = res.headers.etag;
              console.log(JSON.stringify(res.result, null, 2));
            } catch (err) {
            const params = {
              id: exampleAssignmentPolicyId,
            try {
              const res = await iamPolicyManagementService.getV2Policy(params);
              examplePolicyETag = res.headers.etag;
              console.log(JSON.stringify(res.result, null, 2));
            } catch (err) {
          • response = iam_policy_management_service.get_v2_policy(id=example_policy_id)
            policy = response.get_result()
            global example_policy_etag
            example_policy_etag = response.get_headers().get("Etag")
            print(json.dumps(policy, indent=2))


          The core set of properties associated with the policy.

          The core set of properties associated with the policy.

          The core set of properties associated with the policy.

          The core set of properties associated with the policy.

          The core set of properties associated with the policy.

          Status Code

          • Policy retrieval successful.

          • The token you provided is not valid.

          • You do not have access to retrieve the policy.

          • Policy was not found.

          • The requested resource(s) cannot be formatted using the requested media type(s).

          • Too many requests have been made within a given time window.

          Example responses
          • {
              "id": "12345678-abcd-1a2b-a1b2-1234567890ab",
              "type": "access",
              "description": "Viewer role access for all instances of key protect in the account during business hours.",
              "subject": {
                "attributes": [
                    "key": "iam_id",
                    "operator": "stringEquals",
                    "value": "IBMid-123453user"
              "control": {
                "grant": {
                  "roles": [
                      "role_id": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:iam::::role:Viewer"
              "resource": {
                "attributes": [
                    "key": "accountId",
                    "operator": "stringEquals",
                    "value": "100abcde100a41abc100aza678abc0zz"
                    "key": "serviceName",
                    "operator": "stringEquals",
                    "value": "kms"
              "rule": {
                "operator": "and",
                "conditions": [
                    "key": "{{environment.attributes.day_of_week}}",
                    "operator": "dayOfWeekAnyOf",
                    "value": [
                    "key": "{{environment.attributes.current_time}}",
                    "operator": "timeGreaterThanOrEquals",
                    "value": "09:00:00+00:00"
                    "key": "{{environment.attributes.current_time}}",
                    "operator": "timeLessThanOrEquals",
                    "value": "17:00:00+00:00"
              "pattern": "time-based-conditions:weekly:custom-hours",
              "href": "",
              "created_at": "2018-08-30T14:09:09.907Z",
              "created_by_id": "IBMid-12345678",
              "last_modified_at": "2018-08-30T14:09:09.907Z",
              "last_modified_by_id": "IBMid-12345678",
              "state": "active"
          • {
              "id": "12345678-abcd-1a2b-a1b2-1234567890ab",
              "type": "access",
              "description": "Viewer role access for all instances of key protect in the account during business hours.",
              "subject": {
                "attributes": [
                    "key": "iam_id",
                    "operator": "stringEquals",
                    "value": "IBMid-123453user"
              "control": {
                "grant": {
                  "roles": [
                      "role_id": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:iam::::role:Viewer"
              "resource": {
                "attributes": [
                    "key": "accountId",
                    "operator": "stringEquals",
                    "value": "100abcde100a41abc100aza678abc0zz"
                    "key": "serviceName",
                    "operator": "stringEquals",
                    "value": "kms"
              "rule": {
                "operator": "and",
                "conditions": [
                    "key": "{{environment.attributes.day_of_week}}",
                    "operator": "dayOfWeekAnyOf",
                    "value": [
                    "key": "{{environment.attributes.current_time}}",
                    "operator": "timeGreaterThanOrEquals",
                    "value": "09:00:00+00:00"
                    "key": "{{environment.attributes.current_time}}",
                    "operator": "timeLessThanOrEquals",
                    "value": "17:00:00+00:00"
              "pattern": "time-based-conditions:weekly:custom-hours",
              "href": "",
              "created_at": "2018-08-30T14:09:09.907Z",
              "created_by_id": "IBMid-12345678",
              "last_modified_at": "2018-08-30T14:09:09.907Z",
              "last_modified_by_id": "IBMid-12345678",
              "state": "active"
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "invalid_token",
                  "message": "The provided IAM token is invalid."
              "status_code": 401
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "invalid_token",
                  "message": "The provided IAM token is invalid."
              "status_code": 401
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "insufficent_permissions",
                  "message": "You are not allowed to retrieve the requested policy."
              "status_code": 403
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "insufficent_permissions",
                  "message": "You are not allowed to retrieve the requested policy."
              "status_code": 403
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "policy_not_found",
                  "message": "Policy with Id POLICY_ID not found."
              "status_code": 404
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "policy_not_found",
                  "message": "Policy with Id POLICY_ID not found."
              "status_code": 404
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "unable_to_process",
                  "message": "The requested resource(s) can only be formatted using the 'application/json' media type."
              "status_code": 406
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "unable_to_process",
                  "message": "The requested resource(s) can only be formatted using the 'application/json' media type."
              "status_code": 406
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "too_many_requests",
                  "message": "Too many requests."
              "status_code": 429
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "too_many_requests",
                  "message": "Too many requests."
              "status_code": 429

          Delete a policy by ID


          Delete a policy by providing a policy ID. A policy cannot be deleted if the subject ID contains a locked service ID. If the subject of the policy is a locked service-id, the request will fail.

          Delete a policy by providing a policy ID. A policy cannot be deleted if the subject ID contains a locked service ID. If the subject of the policy is a locked service-id, the request will fail.

          Delete a policy by providing a policy ID. A policy cannot be deleted if the subject ID contains a locked service ID. If the subject of the policy is a locked service-id, the request will fail.

          Delete a policy by providing a policy ID. A policy cannot be deleted if the subject ID contains a locked service ID. If the subject of the policy is a locked service-id, the request will fail.

          Delete a policy by providing a policy ID. A policy cannot be deleted if the subject ID contains a locked service ID. If the subject of the policy is a locked service-id, the request will fail.

          DELETE /v2/policies/{id}
          (iamPolicyManagement *IamPolicyManagementV1) DeleteV2Policy(deleteV2PolicyOptions *DeleteV2PolicyOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
          (iamPolicyManagement *IamPolicyManagementV1) DeleteV2PolicyWithContext(ctx context.Context, deleteV2PolicyOptions *DeleteV2PolicyOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
          ServiceCall<Void> deleteV2Policy(DeleteV2PolicyOptions deleteV2PolicyOptions)
                  id: str,
              ) -> DetailedResponse


          To call this method, you must be assigned one or more IAM access roles that include the following action. You can check your access by going to Users > User > Access.

          • iam.policy.delete


          Calling this method generates the following auditing event.

          • iam-am.policy.delete


          Instantiate the DeleteV2PolicyOptions struct and set the fields to provide parameter values for the DeleteV2Policy method.

          Use the DeleteV2PolicyOptions.Builder to create a DeleteV2PolicyOptions object that contains the parameter values for the deleteV2Policy method.

          Path Parameters

          • The policy ID.

            Possible values: length ≥ 1

          WithContext method only

          The DeleteV2Policy options.

          The deleteV2Policy options.


          • The policy ID.

            Possible values: length ≥ 1


          • The policy ID.

            Possible values: length ≥ 1

          • curl -X DELETE '$POLICY_ID' -H 'Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
          • options := iamPolicyManagementService.NewDeleteV2PolicyOptions(
            response, err := iamPolicyManagementService.DeleteV2Policy(options)
            if err != nil {
          • const params = {
              id: examplePolicyId,
            try {
              await iamPolicyManagementService.deleteV2Policy(params);
            } catch (err) {
          • response = iam_policy_management_service.delete_v2_policy(id=example_policy_id).get_result()
            print(json.dumps(response, indent=2))


          Status Code

          • Policy deletion successful.

          • Policy was not valid to delete.

          • The token you provided is not valid.

          • You do not have access to delete the policy.

          • Policy was not found.

          • Too many requests have been made within a given time window.

          Example responses
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "invalid_body",
                  "message": "Request includes a locked service id, cannot perform action"
              "status_code": 400
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "invalid_body",
                  "message": "Request includes a locked service id, cannot perform action"
              "status_code": 400
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "invalid_token",
                  "message": "The provided IAM token is invalid."
              "status_code": 401
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "invalid_token",
                  "message": "The provided IAM token is invalid."
              "status_code": 401
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "insufficent_permissions",
                  "message": "You are not allowed to delete the requested policy."
              "status_code": 403
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "insufficent_permissions",
                  "message": "You are not allowed to delete the requested policy."
              "status_code": 403
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "policy_not_found",
                  "message": "Policy with Id POLICY_ID not found."
              "status_code": 404
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "policy_not_found",
                  "message": "Policy with Id POLICY_ID not found."
              "status_code": 404
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "too_many_requests",
                  "message": "Too many requests."
              "status_code": 429
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "too_many_requests",
                  "message": "Too many requests."
              "status_code": 429

          List policy templates by attributes

          List policy templates and filter by attributes by using query parameters. The following attributes are supported: account_id, policy_service_name, policy_service_type, policy_service_group_id and policy_type. account_id is a required query parameter. These attributes policy_service_name, policy_service_type and policy_service_group_id are mutually exclusive. Only policy templates that have the specified attributes and that the caller has read access to are returned. If the caller does not have read access to any policy templates an empty array is returned.

          List policy templates and filter by attributes by using query parameters. The following attributes are supported: account_id, policy_service_name, policy_service_type, policy_service_group_id and policy_type. account_id is a required query parameter. These attributes policy_service_name, policy_service_type and policy_service_group_id are mutually exclusive. Only policy templates that have the specified attributes and that the caller has read access to are returned. If the caller does not have read access to any policy templates an empty array is returned.

          List policy templates and filter by attributes by using query parameters. The following attributes are supported: account_id, policy_service_name, policy_service_type, policy_service_group_id and policy_type. account_id is a required query parameter. These attributes policy_service_name, policy_service_type and policy_service_group_id are mutually exclusive. Only policy templates that have the specified attributes and that the caller has read access to are returned. If the caller does not have read access to any policy templates an empty array is returned.

          List policy templates and filter by attributes by using query parameters. The following attributes are supported: account_id, policy_service_name, policy_service_type, policy_service_group_id and policy_type. account_id is a required query parameter. These attributes policy_service_name, policy_service_type and policy_service_group_id are mutually exclusive. Only policy templates that have the specified attributes and that the caller has read access to are returned. If the caller does not have read access to any policy templates an empty array is returned.

          List policy templates and filter by attributes by using query parameters. The following attributes are supported: account_id, policy_service_name, policy_service_type, policy_service_group_id and policy_type. account_id is a required query parameter. These attributes policy_service_name, policy_service_type and policy_service_group_id are mutually exclusive. Only policy templates that have the specified attributes and that the caller has read access to are returned. If the caller does not have read access to any policy templates an empty array is returned.

          GET /v1/policy_templates
          (iamPolicyManagement *IamPolicyManagementV1) ListPolicyTemplates(listPolicyTemplatesOptions *ListPolicyTemplatesOptions) (result *PolicyTemplateCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
          (iamPolicyManagement *IamPolicyManagementV1) ListPolicyTemplatesWithContext(ctx context.Context, listPolicyTemplatesOptions *ListPolicyTemplatesOptions) (result *PolicyTemplateCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
          ServiceCall<PolicyTemplateCollection> listPolicyTemplates(ListPolicyTemplatesOptions listPolicyTemplatesOptions)
                  account_id: str,
                  accept_language: Optional[str] = None,
                  state: Optional[str] = None,
                  name: Optional[str] = None,
                  policy_service_type: Optional[str] = None,
                  policy_service_name: Optional[str] = None,
                  policy_service_group_id: Optional[str] = None,
                  policy_type: Optional[str] = None,
              ) -> DetailedResponse


          To call this method, you must be assigned one or more IAM access roles that include the following action. You can check your access by going to Users > User > Access.



          Calling this method generates the following auditing event.



          Instantiate the ListPolicyTemplatesOptions struct and set the fields to provide parameter values for the ListPolicyTemplates method.

          Use the ListPolicyTemplatesOptions.Builder to create a ListPolicyTemplatesOptions object that contains the parameter values for the listPolicyTemplates method.

          Custom Headers

          • Language code for translations

            • default - English
            • de - German (Standard)
            • en - English
            • es - Spanish (Spain)
            • fr - French (Standard)
            • it - Italian (Standard)
            • ja - Japanese
            • ko - Korean
            • pt-br - Portuguese (Brazil)
            • zh-cn - Chinese (Simplified, PRC)
            • zh-tw - (Chinese, Taiwan)

            Possible values: length ≥ 1

            Default: default

          Query Parameters

          • The account GUID that the policy templates belong to.

            Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 32, Value must match regular expression ^[A-Za-z0-9-]*$

          • The policy template state.

            Allowable values: [active,deleted]

          • The policy template name.

            Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 100

          • Service type, Optional.

            Allowable values: [service,platform_service]

          • Service name, Optional.

            Possible values: length ≥ 1

          • Service group id, Optional.

            Possible values: length ≥ 1

          • Policy type, Optional.

            Allowable values: [access,authorization]

          • The number of documents to include in collection.

            Possible values: 1 ≤ value ≤ 100

            Default: 50

          • Page token that refers to the page of collection to return.

            Possible values: 9 ≤ length ≤ 100, Value must match regular expression ^[-A-Za-z0-9+/]*$

          WithContext method only

          The ListPolicyTemplates options.

          The listPolicyTemplates options.


          • The account GUID that the policy templates belong to.

            Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 32, Value must match regular expression /^[A-Za-z0-9-]*$/

          • Language code for translations

            • default - English
            • de - German (Standard)
            • en - English
            • es - Spanish (Spain)
            • fr - French (Standard)
            • it - Italian (Standard)
            • ja - Japanese
            • ko - Korean
            • pt-br - Portuguese (Brazil)
            • zh-cn - Chinese (Simplified, PRC)
            • zh-tw - (Chinese, Taiwan).

            Possible values: length ≥ 1

            Default: default

          • The policy template state.

            Allowable values: [active,deleted]

          • The policy template name.

            Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 100

          • Service type, Optional.

            Allowable values: [service,platform_service]

          • Service name, Optional.

            Possible values: length ≥ 1

          • Service group id, Optional.

            Possible values: length ≥ 1

          • Policy type, Optional.

            Allowable values: [access,authorization]


          • The account GUID that the policy templates belong to.

            Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 32, Value must match regular expression /^[A-Za-z0-9-]*$/

          • Language code for translations

            • default - English
            • de - German (Standard)
            • en - English
            • es - Spanish (Spain)
            • fr - French (Standard)
            • it - Italian (Standard)
            • ja - Japanese
            • ko - Korean
            • pt-br - Portuguese (Brazil)
            • zh-cn - Chinese (Simplified, PRC)
            • zh-tw - (Chinese, Taiwan).

            Possible values: length ≥ 1

            Default: default

          • The policy template state.

            Allowable values: [active,deleted]

          • The policy template name.

            Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 100

          • Service type, Optional.

            Allowable values: [service,platform_service]

          • Service name, Optional.

            Possible values: length ≥ 1

          • Service group id, Optional.

            Possible values: length ≥ 1

          • Policy type, Optional.

            Allowable values: [access,authorization]

          • curl -X GET '$ACCOUNT_ID&state=active' -H 'Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
          • listPolicyTemplatesOptions := iamPolicyManagementService.NewListPolicyTemplatesOptions(
            policyTemplateCollection, response, err := iamPolicyManagementService.ListPolicyTemplates(listPolicyTemplatesOptions)
            if err != nil {
            b, _ := json.MarshalIndent(policyTemplateCollection, "", "  ")
          • ListPolicyTemplatesOptions listPolicyTemplatesOptions = new ListPolicyTemplatesOptions.Builder()
            Response<PolicyTemplateCollection> response = service.listPolicyTemplates(listPolicyTemplatesOptions).execute();
            PolicyTemplateCollection policyTemplateCollection = response.getResult();
          • const params = {
              accountId: exampleAccountId,
            let res;
            try {
              res = await iamPolicyManagementService.listPolicyTemplates(params);
              console.log(JSON.stringify(res.result, null, 2));
            } catch (err) {
          • response = iam_policy_management_service.list_policy_templates(
            policy_template_collection = response.get_result()
            print(json.dumps(policy_template_collection, indent=2))


          A collection of policy Templates.

          A collection of policy Templates.

          A collection of policy Templates.

          A collection of policy Templates.

          A collection of policy Templates.

          Status Code

          • Policy Templates retrieval successful.

          • The request you made is not valid.

          • The token you provided is not valid.

          • The requested resource(s) cannot be formatted using the requested media type(s).

          • Too many requests have been made within a given time window.

          Example responses
          • {
              "policy_templates": [
                  "id": "12345678-abcd-1a2b-a1b2-1234567890ab",
                  "name": "Service Viewer template",
                  "description": "Viewer role for all instances of SERVICE_NAME in the account.",
                  "version": "1",
                  "account_id": "000-000-000-001",
                  "policy": {
                    "type": "access",
                    "description": "Viewer role access for all instances of key protect in the account during business hours.",
                    "control": {
                      "grant": {
                        "roles": [
                            "role_id": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:iam::::role:Viewer"
                    "resource": {
                      "attributes": [
                          "key": "serviceName",
                          "operator": "stringEquals",
                          "value": "kms"
                    "rule": {
                      "operator": "and",
                      "conditions": [
                          "key": "{{environment.attributes.day_of_week}}",
                          "operator": "dayOfWeekAnyOf",
                          "value": [
                          "key": "{{environment.attributes.current_time}}",
                          "operator": "timeGreaterThanOrEquals",
                          "value": "09:00:00+00:00"
                          "key": "{{environment.attributes.current_time}}",
                          "operator": "timeLessThanOrEquals",
                          "value": "17:00:00+00:00"
                    "pattern": "time-based-conditions:weekly:custom-hours"
                  "href": "",
                  "created_at": "2018-08-30T14:09:09.907Z",
                  "created_by_id": "USER_ID",
                  "last_modified_at": "2018-08-30T14:09:09.907Z",
                  "last_modified_by_id": "USER_ID",
                  "state": "active"
          • {
              "policy_templates": [
                  "id": "12345678-abcd-1a2b-a1b2-1234567890ab",
                  "name": "Service Viewer template",
                  "description": "Viewer role for all instances of SERVICE_NAME in the account.",
                  "version": "1",
                  "account_id": "000-000-000-001",
                  "policy": {
                    "type": "access",
                    "description": "Viewer role access for all instances of key protect in the account during business hours.",
                    "control": {
                      "grant": {
                        "roles": [
                            "role_id": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:iam::::role:Viewer"
                    "resource": {
                      "attributes": [
                          "key": "serviceName",
                          "operator": "stringEquals",
                          "value": "kms"
                    "rule": {
                      "operator": "and",
                      "conditions": [
                          "key": "{{environment.attributes.day_of_week}}",
                          "operator": "dayOfWeekAnyOf",
                          "value": [
                          "key": "{{environment.attributes.current_time}}",
                          "operator": "timeGreaterThanOrEquals",
                          "value": "09:00:00+00:00"
                          "key": "{{environment.attributes.current_time}}",
                          "operator": "timeLessThanOrEquals",
                          "value": "17:00:00+00:00"
                    "pattern": "time-based-conditions:weekly:custom-hours"
                  "href": "",
                  "created_at": "2018-08-30T14:09:09.907Z",
                  "created_by_id": "USER_ID",
                  "last_modified_at": "2018-08-30T14:09:09.907Z",
                  "last_modified_by_id": "USER_ID",
                  "state": "active"
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "missing_required_query_parameter",
                  "message": "'account_id' is a required query parameter"
              "status_code": 400
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "missing_required_query_parameter",
                  "message": "'account_id' is a required query parameter"
              "status_code": 400
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "invalid_token",
                  "message": "The provided IAM token is invalid."
              "status_code": 401
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "invalid_token",
                  "message": "The provided IAM token is invalid."
              "status_code": 401
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "unable_to_process",
                  "message": "The requested resource(s) can only be formatted using the 'application/json' media type."
              "status_code": 406
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "unable_to_process",
                  "message": "The requested resource(s) can only be formatted using the 'application/json' media type."
              "status_code": 406
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "too_many_requests",
                  "message": "Too many requests."
              "status_code": 429
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "too_many_requests",
                  "message": "Too many requests."
              "status_code": 429

          Create a policy template

          Create a policy template. Policy templates define a policy without requiring a subject, and you can use them to grant access to multiple subjects.

          Create a policy template. Policy templates define a policy without requiring a subject, and you can use them to grant access to multiple subjects.

          Create a policy template. Policy templates define a policy without requiring a subject, and you can use them to grant access to multiple subjects.

          Create a policy template. Policy templates define a policy without requiring a subject, and you can use them to grant access to multiple subjects.

          Create a policy template. Policy templates define a policy without requiring a subject, and you can use them to grant access to multiple subjects.

          POST /v1/policy_templates
          (iamPolicyManagement *IamPolicyManagementV1) CreatePolicyTemplate(createPolicyTemplateOptions *CreatePolicyTemplateOptions) (result *PolicyTemplateLimitData, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
          (iamPolicyManagement *IamPolicyManagementV1) CreatePolicyTemplateWithContext(ctx context.Context, createPolicyTemplateOptions *CreatePolicyTemplateOptions) (result *PolicyTemplateLimitData, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
          ServiceCall<PolicyTemplateLimitData> createPolicyTemplate(CreatePolicyTemplateOptions createPolicyTemplateOptions)
                  name: str,
                  account_id: str,
                  policy: 'TemplatePolicy',
                  description: Optional[str] = None,
                  committed: Optional[bool] = None,
                  accept_language: Optional[str] = None,
              ) -> DetailedResponse


          To call this method, you must be assigned one or more IAM access roles that include the following action. You can check your access by going to Users > User > Access.

          • iam-access-management.policy-template.create


          Calling this method generates the following auditing event.

          • iam-am.policyTemplate.create


          Instantiate the CreatePolicyTemplateOptions struct and set the fields to provide parameter values for the CreatePolicyTemplate method.

          Use the CreatePolicyTemplateOptions.Builder to create a CreatePolicyTemplateOptions object that contains the parameter values for the createPolicyTemplate method.

          Custom Headers

          • Language code for translations

            • default - English
            • de - German (Standard)
            • en - English
            • es - Spanish (Spain)
            • fr - French (Standard)
            • it - Italian (Standard)
            • ja - Japanese
            • ko - Korean
            • pt-br - Portuguese (Brazil)
            • zh-cn - Chinese (Simplified, PRC)
            • zh-tw - (Chinese, Taiwan)

            Possible values: length ≥ 1

            Default: default

          A policy template to be created.

          WithContext method only

          The CreatePolicyTemplate options.

          The createPolicyTemplate options.


          • Required field when creating a new template. Otherwise this field is optional. If the field is included it will change the name value for all existing versions of the template.

            Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 100, Value must match regular expression /^.*$/

          • Enterprise account ID where this template will be created.

            Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 32, Value must match regular expression /^[A-Za-z0-9-]*$/

          • The core set of properties associated with the template's policy objet.

          • Description of the policy template. This is shown to users in the enterprise account. Use this to describe the purpose or context of the policy for enterprise users managing IAM templates.

            Possible values: 0 ≤ length ≤ 300, Value must match regular expression /^.*$/

          • Committed status of the template.

          • Language code for translations

            • default - English
            • de - German (Standard)
            • en - English
            • es - Spanish (Spain)
            • fr - French (Standard)
            • it - Italian (Standard)
            • ja - Japanese
            • ko - Korean
            • pt-br - Portuguese (Brazil)
            • zh-cn - Chinese (Simplified, PRC)
            • zh-tw - (Chinese, Taiwan).

            Possible values: length ≥ 1

            Default: default


          • Required field when creating a new template. Otherwise this field is optional. If the field is included it will change the name value for all existing versions of the template.

            Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 100, Value must match regular expression /^.*$/

          • Enterprise account ID where this template will be created.

            Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 32, Value must match regular expression /^[A-Za-z0-9-]*$/

          • The core set of properties associated with the template's policy objet.

          • Description of the policy template. This is shown to users in the enterprise account. Use this to describe the purpose or context of the policy for enterprise users managing IAM templates.

            Possible values: 0 ≤ length ≤ 300, Value must match regular expression /^.*$/

          • Committed status of the template.

          • Language code for translations

            • default - English
            • de - German (Standard)
            • en - English
            • es - Spanish (Spain)
            • fr - French (Standard)
            • it - Italian (Standard)
            • ja - Japanese
            • ko - Korean
            • pt-br - Portuguese (Brazil)
            • zh-cn - Chinese (Simplified, PRC)
            • zh-tw - (Chinese, Taiwan).

            Possible values: length ≥ 1

            Default: default

          • curl -X POST '' -H 'Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{
              "name": "IKSEditor",
              "description": "Grant Editor Role on SERVICE_NAME",
              "account_id": "ACCOUNT_ID",
              "policy": {
                 "type": "access",
                 "description": "Grant Editor Role on SERVICE_NAMEe",
                 "control": {
                    "grant": {
                    "roles": [
                        "role_id": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:iam::::role:Editor"
                "resource": [
                    "attributes": [
                        "key": "serviceName",
                        "operator": "stringEquals",
                        "value": "$SERVICE_NAME"
                "rule" :{
                  "key": "{{environment.attributes.day_of_week}}",
                  "operator": "dayOfWeekAnyOf",
                  "value": ["1+00:00", "2+00:00", "3+00:00", "4+00:00", "5+00:00"]
                "pattern": "time-based-conditions:weekly:all-day"
          • policyRole := &iampolicymanagementv1.Roles{
              RoleID: core.StringPtr("crn:v1:bluemix:public:iam::::role:Viewer"),
            v2PolicyGrant := &iampolicymanagementv1.Grant{
              Roles: []iampolicymanagementv1.Roles{*policyRole},
            v2PolicyControl := &iampolicymanagementv1.Control{
              Grant: v2PolicyGrant,
            serviceNameResourceAttribute := &iampolicymanagementv1.V2PolicyResourceAttribute{
              Key:      core.StringPtr("serviceName"),
              Operator: core.StringPtr("stringEquals"),
              Value:    core.StringPtr("iam-access-management"),
            policyResource := &iampolicymanagementv1.V2PolicyResource{
              Attributes: []iampolicymanagementv1.V2PolicyResourceAttribute{
            templatePolicyModel := &iampolicymanagementv1.TemplatePolicy{
              Type:        core.StringPtr("access"),
              Description: core.StringPtr("Test Template"),
              Resource:    policyResource,
              Control:     v2PolicyControl,
            createPolicyTemplateOptions := iamPolicyManagementService.NewCreatePolicyTemplateOptions(
            policyTemplate, response, err := iamPolicyManagementService.CreatePolicyTemplate(createPolicyTemplateOptions)
            if err != nil {
            b, _ := json.MarshalIndent(policyTemplate, "", "  ")
            examplePolicyTemplateID = *policyTemplate.ID
          • V2PolicyResourceAttribute v2PolicyResourceAttributeModel = new V2PolicyResourceAttribute.Builder()
            V2PolicyResource v2PolicyResourceModel = new V2PolicyResource.Builder()
            Roles rolesModel = new Roles.Builder()
            Grant grantModel = new Grant.Builder()
            Control controlModel = new Control.Builder()
            TemplatePolicy templatePolicyModel = new TemplatePolicy.Builder()
            CreatePolicyTemplateOptions createPolicyTemplateOptions = new CreatePolicyTemplateOptions.Builder()
            Response<PolicyTemplateLimitData> response = service.createPolicyTemplate(createPolicyTemplateOptions).execute();
            PolicyTemplateLimitData policyTemplate = response.getResult();
            exampleTemplateId = policyTemplate.getId();
            exampleTemplateVersion = policyTemplate.getVersion();
          • // Request models needed by this operation.
            // V2PolicyResourceAttribute
            const v2PolicyResourceAttributeModel = {
              key: 'serviceType',
              operator: 'stringEquals',
              value: 'service',
            // V2PolicyResource
            const v2PolicyResourceModel = {
              attributes: [v2PolicyResourceAttributeModel],
            // Roles
            const rolesModel = {
              role_id: 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:iam::::role:Viewer',
            // Grant
            const grantModel = {
              roles: [rolesModel],
            // Control
            const controlModel = {
              grant: grantModel,
            // TemplatePolicy
            const templatePolicyModel = {
              type: 'access',
              resource: v2PolicyResourceModel,
              control: controlModel,
            const params = {
              name: 'SDKNodeExampleTemplate',
              accountId: exampleAccountId,
              policy: templatePolicyModel,
            try {
              const res = await iamPolicyManagementService.createPolicyTemplate(params);
              exampleTemplateId =;
              exampleTemplateVersion = res.result.version;
              console.log(JSON.stringify(res.result, null, 2));
            } catch (err) {
          • v2_policy_resource_attribute_model = {
              'key': 'serviceType',
              'operator': 'stringEquals',
              'value': 'service',
            v2_policy_resource_model = {
              'attributes': [v2_policy_resource_attribute_model],
            roles_model = {
              'role_id': 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:iam::::role:Viewer',
            grant_model = {
              'roles': [roles_model],
            control_model = {
              'grant': grant_model,
            template_policy_model = {
              'type': 'access',
              'resource': v2_policy_resource_model,
              'control': control_model,
            response = iam_policy_management_service.create_policy_template(
            policy_template = response.get_result()
            global example_template_id
            example_template_id = policy_template['id']
            global example_template_version
            example_template_version = policy_template['version']
            print(json.dumps(policy_template, indent=2))


          The core set of properties associated with the policy template.

          The core set of properties associated with the policy template.

          The core set of properties associated with the policy template.

          The core set of properties associated with the policy template.

          The core set of properties associated with the policy template.

          Status Code

          • Policy Template creation successful.

          • Policy Template input is invalid.

          • The token you provided is not valid.

          • You do not have access to create the policy template.

          • The requested resource(s) cannot be formatted using the requested media type(s).

          • A policy template already exists for the .... TBD

          • Request body sent was formatted using an unsupported media type.

          • Exceeded maximum policy templates quota.

          • Too many requests have been made within a given time window.

          Example responses
          • {
              "id": "12345678-abcd-1a2b-a1b2-1234567890ab",
              "name": "Service Viewer template",
              "description": "Viewer role for all instances of SERVICE_NAME in the account.",
              "version": "1",
              "account_id": "0000-0000-0001",
              "committed": false,
              "policy": {
                "type": "access",
                "description": "Viewer role access for all instances of key protect in the account during business hours.",
                "control": {
                  "grant": {
                    "roles": [
                        "role_id": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:iam::::role:Viewer"
                "resource": {
                  "attributes": [
                      "key": "serviceName",
                      "operator": "stringEquals",
                      "value": "kms"
                "rule": {
                  "operator": "and",
                  "conditions": [
                      "key": "{{environment.attributes.day_of_week}}",
                      "operator": "dayOfWeekAnyOf",
                      "value": [
                      "key": "{{environment.attributes.current_time}}",
                      "operator": "timeGreaterThanOrEquals",
                      "value": "09:00:00+00:00"
                      "key": "{{environment.attributes.current_time}}",
                      "operator": "timeLessThanOrEquals",
                      "value": "17:00:00+00:00"
                "pattern": "time-based-conditions:weekly:custom-hours"
              "counts": {
                "template": {
                  "current": 1,
                  "limit": 100
                "version": {
                  "current": 1,
                  "limit": 100
              "href": "",
              "created_at": "2018-08-30T14:09:09.907Z",
              "created_by_id": "USER_ID",
              "last_modified_at": "2018-08-30T14:09:09.907Z",
              "last_modified_by_id": "USER_ID",
              "state": "active"
          • {
              "id": "12345678-abcd-1a2b-a1b2-1234567890ab",
              "name": "Service Viewer template",
              "description": "Viewer role for all instances of SERVICE_NAME in the account.",
              "version": "1",
              "account_id": "0000-0000-0001",
              "committed": false,
              "policy": {
                "type": "access",
                "description": "Viewer role access for all instances of key protect in the account during business hours.",
                "control": {
                  "grant": {
                    "roles": [
                        "role_id": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:iam::::role:Viewer"
                "resource": {
                  "attributes": [
                      "key": "serviceName",
                      "operator": "stringEquals",
                      "value": "kms"
                "rule": {
                  "operator": "and",
                  "conditions": [
                      "key": "{{environment.attributes.day_of_week}}",
                      "operator": "dayOfWeekAnyOf",
                      "value": [
                      "key": "{{environment.attributes.current_time}}",
                      "operator": "timeGreaterThanOrEquals",
                      "value": "09:00:00+00:00"
                      "key": "{{environment.attributes.current_time}}",
                      "operator": "timeLessThanOrEquals",
                      "value": "17:00:00+00:00"
                "pattern": "time-based-conditions:weekly:custom-hours"
              "counts": {
                "template": {
                  "current": 1,
                  "limit": 100
                "version": {
                  "current": 1,
                  "limit": 100
              "href": "",
              "created_at": "2018-08-30T14:09:09.907Z",
              "created_by_id": "USER_ID",
              "last_modified_at": "2018-08-30T14:09:09.907Z",
              "last_modified_by_id": "USER_ID",
              "state": "active"
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "invalid_body",
                  "message": "Invalid body format. Check the input parameters."
              "status_code": 400
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "invalid_body",
                  "message": "Invalid body format. Check the input parameters."
              "status_code": 400
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "invalid_token",
                  "message": "The provided IAM token is invalid."
              "status_code": 401
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "invalid_token",
                  "message": "The provided IAM token is invalid."
              "status_code": 401
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "insufficent_permissions",
                  "message": "You are not allowed to create the requested policy template."
              "status_code": 403
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "insufficent_permissions",
                  "message": "You are not allowed to create the requested policy template."
              "status_code": 403
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "unable_to_process",
                  "message": "The requested resource(s) can only be formatted using the 'application/json' media type."
              "status_code": 406
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "unable_to_process",
                  "message": "The requested resource(s) can only be formatted using the 'application/json' media type."
              "status_code": 406
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "policy_template_conflict_error",
                  "message": "Failed to create policy template.",
                  "details": {
                    "conflicts_with": {
                      "etag": "1-847833cec3bf3f3c3231d8f9492febac",
                      "policyTemplate": "POLICY_TEMPLATE"
                  "status_code": 409
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "policy_template_conflict_error",
                  "message": "Failed to create policy template.",
                  "details": {
                    "conflicts_with": {
                      "etag": "1-847833cec3bf3f3c3231d8f9492febac",
                      "policyTemplate": "POLICY_TEMPLATE"
                  "status_code": 409
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "unsupported_content_type",
                  "message": "The supported media type for this API is 'application/json'."
              "status_code": 415
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "unsupported_content_type",
                  "message": "The supported media type for this API is 'application/json'."
              "status_code": 415
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "request_not_processed",
                  "message": "Exceeded maximum policy templates quota (<limit>) for account <account_id>."
              "status_code": 422
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "request_not_processed",
                  "message": "Exceeded maximum policy templates quota (<limit>) for account <account_id>."
              "status_code": 422
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "too_many_requests",
                  "message": "Too many requests."
              "status_code": 429
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "too_many_requests",
                  "message": "Too many requests."
              "status_code": 429

          Retrieve latest version of a policy template

          Retrieve the latest version of a policy template by providing a policy template ID.

          Retrieve the latest version of a policy template by providing a policy template ID.

          Retrieve the latest version of a policy template by providing a policy template ID.

          Retrieve the latest version of a policy template by providing a policy template ID.

          Retrieve the latest version of a policy template by providing a policy template ID.

          GET /v1/policy_templates/{policy_template_id}
          (iamPolicyManagement *IamPolicyManagementV1) GetPolicyTemplate(getPolicyTemplateOptions *GetPolicyTemplateOptions) (result *PolicyTemplate, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
          (iamPolicyManagement *IamPolicyManagementV1) GetPolicyTemplateWithContext(ctx context.Context, getPolicyTemplateOptions *GetPolicyTemplateOptions) (result *PolicyTemplate, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
          ServiceCall<PolicyTemplate> getPolicyTemplate(GetPolicyTemplateOptions getPolicyTemplateOptions)
                  policy_template_id: str,
                  state: Optional[str] = None,
              ) -> DetailedResponse


          To call this method, you must be assigned one or more IAM access roles that include the following action. You can check your access by going to Users > User > Access.



          Calling this method generates the following auditing event.



          Instantiate the GetPolicyTemplateOptions struct and set the fields to provide parameter values for the GetPolicyTemplate method.

          Use the GetPolicyTemplateOptions.Builder to create a GetPolicyTemplateOptions object that contains the parameter values for the getPolicyTemplate method.

          Path Parameters

          • The policy template ID.

            Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 51, Value must match regular expression ^policyTemplate-[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$

          Query Parameters

          • The policy template state.

            Allowable values: [active,deleted]

          WithContext method only

          The GetPolicyTemplate options.

          The getPolicyTemplate options.


          • The policy template ID.

            Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 51, Value must match regular expression /^policyTemplate-[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$/

          • The policy template state.

            Allowable values: [active,deleted]


          • The policy template ID.

            Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 51, Value must match regular expression /^policyTemplate-[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$/

          • The policy template state.

            Allowable values: [active,deleted]

          • curl -X GET '$TEMPLATE_ID&state=active' -H 'Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
          • getPolicyTemplateOptions := iamPolicyManagementService.NewGetPolicyTemplateOptions(
            policyTemplate, response, err := iamPolicyManagementService.GetPolicyTemplate(getPolicyTemplateOptions)
            if err != nil {
            b, _ := json.MarshalIndent(policyTemplate, "", "  ")
            examplePolicyTemplateETag = response.GetHeaders().Get("ETag")
          • GetPolicyTemplateOptions getPolicyTemplateOptions = new GetPolicyTemplateOptions.Builder()
            Response<PolicyTemplate> response = service.getPolicyTemplate(getPolicyTemplateOptions).execute();
            PolicyTemplate policyTemplate = response.getResult();
            exampleTemplateEtag = response.getHeaders().values("Etag").get(0);
          • const params = {
              policyTemplateId: exampleTemplateId,
            let res;
            try {
              res = await iamPolicyManagementService.getPolicyTemplate(params);
              exampleTemplateEtag = res.headers.etag;
              console.log(JSON.stringify(res.result, null, 2));
            } catch (err) {
          • print('example_template_id: ', example_template_id)
            response = iam_policy_management_service.get_policy_template(
            policy_template = response.get_result()
            global example_template_etag
            example_template_etag = response.get_headers().get("Etag")
            print(json.dumps(policy_template, indent=2))


          The core set of properties associated with the policy template.

          The core set of properties associated with the policy template.

          The core set of properties associated with the policy template.

          The core set of properties associated with the policy template.

          The core set of properties associated with the policy template.

          Status Code

          • Policy Template retrieval successful.

          • The token you provided is not valid.

          • You do not have access to retrieve the policy template.

          • Policy Template was not found.

          • The requested resource(s) cannot be formatted using the requested media type(s).

          • Too many requests have been made within a given time window.

          Example responses
          • {
              "id": "12345678-abcd-1a2b-a1b2-1234567890ab",
              "name": "Service Viewer template",
              "description": "Viewer role for all instances of SERVICE_NAME in the account.",
              "account_id": "0000-0000-0000-0001",
              "version": "2",
              "committed": false,
              "policy": {
                "type": "access",
                "description": "Viewer role access for all instances of key protect in the account during business hours.",
                "control": {
                  "grant": {
                    "roles": [
                        "role_id": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:iam::::role:Viewer"
                "resource": {
                  "attributes": [
                      "key": "serviceName",
                      "operator": "stringEquals",
                      "value": "kms"
                "rule": {
                  "operator": "and",
                  "conditions": [
                      "key": "{{environment.attributes.day_of_week}}",
                      "operator": "dayOfWeekAnyOf",
                      "value": [
                      "key": "{{environment.attributes.current_time}}",
                      "operator": "timeGreaterThanOrEquals",
                      "value": "09:00:00+00:00"
                      "key": "{{environment.attributes.current_time}}",
                      "operator": "timeLessThanOrEquals",
                      "value": "17:00:00+00:00"
                "pattern": "time-based-conditions:weekly:custom-hours"
              "href": "",
              "created_at": "2018-08-30T14:09:09.907Z",
              "created_by_id": "USER_ID",
              "last_modified_at": "2018-08-30T14:09:09.907Z",
              "last_modified_by_id": "USER_ID",
              "state": "active"
          • {
              "id": "12345678-abcd-1a2b-a1b2-1234567890ab",
              "name": "Service Viewer template",
              "description": "Viewer role for all instances of SERVICE_NAME in the account.",
              "account_id": "0000-0000-0000-0001",
              "version": "2",
              "committed": false,
              "policy": {
                "type": "access",
                "description": "Viewer role access for all instances of key protect in the account during business hours.",
                "control": {
                  "grant": {
                    "roles": [
                        "role_id": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:iam::::role:Viewer"
                "resource": {
                  "attributes": [
                      "key": "serviceName",
                      "operator": "stringEquals",
                      "value": "kms"
                "rule": {
                  "operator": "and",
                  "conditions": [
                      "key": "{{environment.attributes.day_of_week}}",
                      "operator": "dayOfWeekAnyOf",
                      "value": [
                      "key": "{{environment.attributes.current_time}}",
                      "operator": "timeGreaterThanOrEquals",
                      "value": "09:00:00+00:00"
                      "key": "{{environment.attributes.current_time}}",
                      "operator": "timeLessThanOrEquals",
                      "value": "17:00:00+00:00"
                "pattern": "time-based-conditions:weekly:custom-hours"
              "href": "",
              "created_at": "2018-08-30T14:09:09.907Z",
              "created_by_id": "USER_ID",
              "last_modified_at": "2018-08-30T14:09:09.907Z",
              "last_modified_by_id": "USER_ID",
              "state": "active"
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "invalid_token",
                  "message": "The provided IAM token is invalid."
              "status_code": 401
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "invalid_token",
                  "message": "The provided IAM token is invalid."
              "status_code": 401
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "insufficent_permissions",
                  "message": "You are not allowed to retrieve the requested policy template."
              "status_code": 403
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "insufficent_permissions",
                  "message": "You are not allowed to retrieve the requested policy template."
              "status_code": 403
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "policy_template_not_found",
                  "message": "Policy with Id POLICY_ID not found."
              "status_code": 404
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "policy_template_not_found",
                  "message": "Policy with Id POLICY_ID not found."
              "status_code": 404
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "unable_to_process",
                  "message": "The requested resource(s) can only be formatted using the 'application/json' media type."
              "status_code": 406
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "unable_to_process",
                  "message": "The requested resource(s) can only be formatted using the 'application/json' media type."
              "status_code": 406
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "too_many_requests",
                  "message": "Too many requests."
              "status_code": 429
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "too_many_requests",
                  "message": "Too many requests."
              "status_code": 429

          Delete a policy template

          Delete a policy template by providing the policy template ID. This deletes all versions of this template. A policy template can't be deleted if any version of the template is assigned to one or more child accounts. You must remove the policy assignments first.

          Delete a policy template by providing the policy template ID. This deletes all versions of this template. A policy template can't be deleted if any version of the template is assigned to one or more child accounts. You must remove the policy assignments first.

          Delete a policy template by providing the policy template ID. This deletes all versions of this template. A policy template can't be deleted if any version of the template is assigned to one or more child accounts. You must remove the policy assignments first.

          Delete a policy template by providing the policy template ID. This deletes all versions of this template. A policy template can't be deleted if any version of the template is assigned to one or more child accounts. You must remove the policy assignments first.

          Delete a policy template by providing the policy template ID. This deletes all versions of this template. A policy template can't be deleted if any version of the template is assigned to one or more child accounts. You must remove the policy assignments first.

          DELETE /v1/policy_templates/{policy_template_id}
          (iamPolicyManagement *IamPolicyManagementV1) DeletePolicyTemplate(deletePolicyTemplateOptions *DeletePolicyTemplateOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
          (iamPolicyManagement *IamPolicyManagementV1) DeletePolicyTemplateWithContext(ctx context.Context, deletePolicyTemplateOptions *DeletePolicyTemplateOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
          ServiceCall<Void> deletePolicyTemplate(DeletePolicyTemplateOptions deletePolicyTemplateOptions)
                  policy_template_id: str,
              ) -> DetailedResponse


          To call this method, you must be assigned one or more IAM access roles that include the following action. You can check your access by going to Users > User > Access.

          • iam-access-management.policy-template.delete


          Calling this method generates the following auditing event.

          • iam-am.policyTemplate.delete


          Instantiate the DeletePolicyTemplateOptions struct and set the fields to provide parameter values for the DeletePolicyTemplate method.

          Use the DeletePolicyTemplateOptions.Builder to create a DeletePolicyTemplateOptions object that contains the parameter values for the deletePolicyTemplate method.

          Path Parameters

          • The policy template ID.

            Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 51, Value must match regular expression ^policyTemplate-[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$

          WithContext method only

          The DeletePolicyTemplate options.

          The deletePolicyTemplate options.


          • The policy template ID.

            Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 51, Value must match regular expression /^policyTemplate-[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$/


          • The policy template ID.

            Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 51, Value must match regular expression /^policyTemplate-[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$/

          • curl -X DELETE '$TEMPLATE_ID' -H 'Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
          • deletePolicyTemplateOptions := iamPolicyManagementService.NewDeletePolicyTemplateOptions(
            response, err := iamPolicyManagementService.DeletePolicyTemplate(deletePolicyTemplateOptions)
            if err != nil {
            if response.StatusCode != 204 {
              fmt.Printf("\nUnexpected response status code received from DeletePolicyTemplate(): %d\n", response.StatusCode)
          • DeletePolicyTemplateOptions deletePolicyTemplateOptions = new DeletePolicyTemplateOptions.Builder()
            Response<Void> response = service.deletePolicyTemplate(deletePolicyTemplateOptions).execute();
          • const params = {
              policyTemplateId: exampleTemplateId,
            try {
              await iamPolicyManagementService.deletePolicyTemplate(params);
            } catch (err) {
          • response = iam_policy_management_service.delete_policy_template(


          Status Code

          • Policy Template deletion successful.

          • Policy Template was not valid to delete.

          • The token you provided is not valid.

          • You do not have access to delete the policy template.

          • Policy Template was not found.

          • Too many requests have been made within a given time window.

          Example responses
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "invalid_body",
                  "message": "Request includes a version assigned to an account, cannot perform action"
              "status_code": 400
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "invalid_body",
                  "message": "Request includes a version assigned to an account, cannot perform action"
              "status_code": 400
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "invalid_token",
                  "message": "The provided IAM token is invalid."
              "status_code": 401
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "invalid_token",
                  "message": "The provided IAM token is invalid."
              "status_code": 401
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "insufficent_permissions",
                  "message": "You are not allowed to delete the requested policy template version."
              "status_code": 403
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "insufficent_permissions",
                  "message": "You are not allowed to delete the requested policy template version."
              "status_code": 403
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "policy_template_not_found",
                  "message": "Policy with Id POLICY_ID not found."
              "status_code": 404
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "policy_template_not_found",
                  "message": "Policy with Id POLICY_ID not found."
              "status_code": 404
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "too_many_requests",
                  "message": "Too many requests."
              "status_code": 429
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "too_many_requests",
                  "message": "Too many requests."
              "status_code": 429

          Create a new policy template version

          Create a new version of a policy template. Use this if you need to make updates to a policy template that is committed.

          Create a new version of a policy template. Use this if you need to make updates to a policy template that is committed.

          Create a new version of a policy template. Use this if you need to make updates to a policy template that is committed.

          Create a new version of a policy template. Use this if you need to make updates to a policy template that is committed.

          Create a new version of a policy template. Use this if you need to make updates to a policy template that is committed.

          POST /v1/policy_templates/{policy_template_id}/versions
          (iamPolicyManagement *IamPolicyManagementV1) CreatePolicyTemplateVersion(createPolicyTemplateVersionOptions *CreatePolicyTemplateVersionOptions) (result *PolicyTemplateLimitData, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
          (iamPolicyManagement *IamPolicyManagementV1) CreatePolicyTemplateVersionWithContext(ctx context.Context, createPolicyTemplateVersionOptions *CreatePolicyTemplateVersionOptions) (result *PolicyTemplateLimitData, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
          ServiceCall<PolicyTemplateLimitData> createPolicyTemplateVersion(CreatePolicyTemplateVersionOptions createPolicyTemplateVersionOptions)
                  policy_template_id: str,
                  policy: 'TemplatePolicy',
                  name: Optional[str] = None,
                  description: Optional[str] = None,
                  committed: Optional[bool] = None,
              ) -> DetailedResponse


          To call this method, you must be assigned one or more IAM access roles that include the following action. You can check your access by going to Users > User > Access.

          • iam-access-management.policy-template.create


          Calling this method generates the following auditing event.

          • iam-am.policyTemplate.create


          Instantiate the CreatePolicyTemplateVersionOptions struct and set the fields to provide parameter values for the CreatePolicyTemplateVersion method.

          Use the CreatePolicyTemplateVersionOptions.Builder to create a CreatePolicyTemplateVersionOptions object that contains the parameter values for the createPolicyTemplateVersion method.

          Path Parameters

          • The policy template ID.

            Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 51, Value must match regular expression ^policyTemplate-[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$

          A policy template to be created.

          WithContext method only

          The CreatePolicyTemplateVersion options.

          The createPolicyTemplateVersion options.


          • The policy template ID.

            Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 51, Value must match regular expression /^policyTemplate-[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$/

          • The core set of properties associated with the template's policy objet.

          • Required field when creating a new template. Otherwise this field is optional. If the field is included it will change the name value for all existing versions of the template.

            Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 100, Value must match regular expression /^.*$/

          • Description of the policy template. This is shown to users in the enterprise account. Use this to describe the purpose or context of the policy for enterprise users managing IAM templates.

            Possible values: 0 ≤ length ≤ 300, Value must match regular expression /^.*$/

          • Committed status of the template version.


          • The policy template ID.

            Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 51, Value must match regular expression /^policyTemplate-[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$/

          • The core set of properties associated with the template's policy objet.

          • Required field when creating a new template. Otherwise this field is optional. If the field is included it will change the name value for all existing versions of the template.

            Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 100, Value must match regular expression /^.*$/

          • Description of the policy template. This is shown to users in the enterprise account. Use this to describe the purpose or context of the policy for enterprise users managing IAM templates.

            Possible values: 0 ≤ length ≤ 300, Value must match regular expression /^.*$/

          • Committed status of the template version.

          • curl -X POST '$TEMPLATE_ID/versions' -H 'Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{
              "name": "IKSEditor",
              "description": "Grant Editor Role on SERVICE_NAME",
              "account_id": "ACCOUNT_ID",
              "policy": {
                 "type": "access",
                 "description": "Grant Editor Role on SERVICE_NAMEe",
                 "control": {
                    "grant": {
                    "roles": [
                        "role_id": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:iam::::role:Editor"
                "resource": [
                    "attributes": [
                        "key": "serviceName",
                        "operator": "stringEquals",
                        "value": "$SERVICE_NAME"
                "rule" :{
                  "key": "{{environment.attributes.day_of_week}}",
                  "operator": "dayOfWeekAnyOf",
                  "value": ["1+00:00", "2+00:00", "3+00:00", "4+00:00", "5+00:00"]
                "pattern": "time-based-conditions:weekly:all-day"
          • v2PolicyGrant := &iampolicymanagementv1.Grant{
              Roles: []iampolicymanagementv1.Roles{
            v2PolicyControl := &iampolicymanagementv1.Control{
              Grant: v2PolicyGrant,
            serviceNameResourceAttribute := &iampolicymanagementv1.V2PolicyResourceAttribute{
              Key:      core.StringPtr("serviceName"),
              Operator: core.StringPtr("stringEquals"),
              Value:    core.StringPtr("watson"),
            policyResource := &iampolicymanagementv1.V2PolicyResource{
              Attributes: []iampolicymanagementv1.V2PolicyResourceAttribute{
            templatePolicyModel := &iampolicymanagementv1.TemplatePolicy{
              Type:        core.StringPtr("access"),
              Description: core.StringPtr("Test Template v2"),
              Resource:    policyResource,
              Control:     v2PolicyControl,
            createPolicyTemplateVersionOptions := iamPolicyManagementService.NewCreatePolicyTemplateVersionOptions(
            policyTemplate, response, err := iamPolicyManagementService.CreatePolicyTemplateVersion(createPolicyTemplateVersionOptions)
            if err != nil {
            b, _ := json.MarshalIndent(policyTemplate, "", "  ")
            examplePolicyTemplateETag = response.GetHeaders().Get("ETag")
            examplePolicyTemplateVersion = *policyTemplate.Version
          • V2PolicyResourceAttribute v2PolicyResourceAttributeModel = new V2PolicyResourceAttribute.Builder()
            V2PolicyResource v2PolicyResourceModel = new V2PolicyResource.Builder()
            Roles rolesModel = new Roles.Builder()
            Grant grantModel = new Grant.Builder()
            Control controlModel = new Control.Builder()
            TemplatePolicy templatePolicyModel = new TemplatePolicy.Builder()
            CreatePolicyTemplateVersionOptions createPolicyTemplateVersionOptions = new CreatePolicyTemplateVersionOptions.Builder()
            Response<PolicyTemplateLimitData> response = service.createPolicyTemplateVersion(createPolicyTemplateVersionOptions).execute();
            PolicyTemplateLimitData policyTemplate = response.getResult();
          • // Request models needed by this operation.
            // V2PolicyResourceAttribute
            const v2PolicyResourceAttributeModel = {
              key: 'serviceType',
              operator: 'stringEquals',
              value: 'service',
            // V2PolicyResource
            const v2PolicyResourceModel = {
              attributes: [v2PolicyResourceAttributeModel],
            // Roles
            const rolesModel = {
              role_id: 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:iam::::role:Viewer',
            // Grant
            const grantModel = {
              roles: [rolesModel],
            // Control
            const controlModel = {
              grant: grantModel,
            // TemplatePolicy
            const templatePolicyModel = {
              type: 'access',
              resource: v2PolicyResourceModel,
              control: controlModel,
            const params = {
              policyTemplateId: exampleTemplateId,
              policy: templatePolicyModel,
            let res;
            try {
              res = await iamPolicyManagementService.createPolicyTemplateVersion(params);
              console.log(JSON.stringify(res.result, null, 2));
            } catch (err) {
          • v2_policy_resource_attribute_model = {
              'key': 'serviceType',
              'operator': 'stringEquals',
              'value': 'service',
            v2_policy_resource_model = {
              'attributes': [v2_policy_resource_attribute_model],
            roles_model = {
              'role_id': 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:iam::::role:Viewer',
            grant_model = {
              'roles': [roles_model],
            control_model = {
              'grant': grant_model,
            template_policy_model = {
              'type': 'access',
              'resource': v2_policy_resource_model,
              'control': control_model,
            response = iam_policy_management_service.create_policy_template_version(
            policy_template = response.get_result()
            print(json.dumps(policy_template, indent=2))


          The core set of properties associated with the policy template.

          The core set of properties associated with the policy template.

          The core set of properties associated with the policy template.

          The core set of properties associated with the policy template.

          The core set of properties associated with the policy template.

          Status Code

          • Policy Template creation successful.

          • Policy Template input is invalid.

          • The token you provided is not valid.

          • You do not have access to create the policy template.

          • The requested resource(s) cannot be formatted using the requested media type(s).

          • A policy template already exists for the .... TBD

          • Request body sent was formatted using an unsupported media type.

          • Exceeded maximum policies templates quota.

          • Too many requests have been made within a given time window.

          Example responses
          • {
              "id": "12345678-abcd-1a2b-a1b2-1234567890ab",
              "name": "Service Viewer template",
              "description": "Viewer role for all instances of SERVICE_NAME in the account.",
              "account_id": "0000-0000-0000-0001",
              "version": "2",
              "committed": false,
              "policy": {
                "type": "access",
                "description": "Viewer role access for all instances of key protect in the account during business hours.",
                "control": {
                  "grant": {
                    "roles": [
                        "role_id": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:iam::::role:Viewer"
                "resource": {
                  "attributes": [
                      "key": "serviceName",
                      "operator": "stringEquals",
                      "value": "kms"
                "rule": {
                  "operator": "and",
                  "conditions": [
                      "key": "{{environment.attributes.day_of_week}}",
                      "operator": "dayOfWeekAnyOf",
                      "value": [
                      "key": "{{environment.attributes.current_time}}",
                      "operator": "timeGreaterThanOrEquals",
                      "value": "09:00:00+00:00"
                      "key": "{{environment.attributes.current_time}}",
                      "operator": "timeLessThanOrEquals",
                      "value": "17:00:00+00:00"
                "pattern": "time-based-conditions:weekly:custom-hours"
              "counts": {
                "template": {
                  "current": 1,
                  "limit": 100
                "version": {
                  "current": 1,
                  "limit": 100
              "href": "",
              "created_at": "2018-08-30T14:09:09.907Z",
              "created_by_id": "USER_ID",
              "last_modified_at": "2018-08-30T14:09:09.907Z",
              "last_modified_by_id": "USER_ID",
              "state": "active"
          • {
              "id": "12345678-abcd-1a2b-a1b2-1234567890ab",
              "name": "Service Viewer template",
              "description": "Viewer role for all instances of SERVICE_NAME in the account.",
              "account_id": "0000-0000-0000-0001",
              "version": "2",
              "committed": false,
              "policy": {
                "type": "access",
                "description": "Viewer role access for all instances of key protect in the account during business hours.",
                "control": {
                  "grant": {
                    "roles": [
                        "role_id": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:iam::::role:Viewer"
                "resource": {
                  "attributes": [
                      "key": "serviceName",
                      "operator": "stringEquals",
                      "value": "kms"
                "rule": {
                  "operator": "and",
                  "conditions": [
                      "key": "{{environment.attributes.day_of_week}}",
                      "operator": "dayOfWeekAnyOf",
                      "value": [
                      "key": "{{environment.attributes.current_time}}",
                      "operator": "timeGreaterThanOrEquals",
                      "value": "09:00:00+00:00"
                      "key": "{{environment.attributes.current_time}}",
                      "operator": "timeLessThanOrEquals",
                      "value": "17:00:00+00:00"
                "pattern": "time-based-conditions:weekly:custom-hours"
              "counts": {
                "template": {
                  "current": 1,
                  "limit": 100
                "version": {
                  "current": 1,
                  "limit": 100
              "href": "",
              "created_at": "2018-08-30T14:09:09.907Z",
              "created_by_id": "USER_ID",
              "last_modified_at": "2018-08-30T14:09:09.907Z",
              "last_modified_by_id": "USER_ID",
              "state": "active"
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "invalid_body",
                  "message": "Invalid body format. Check the input parameters."
              "status_code": 400
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "invalid_body",
                  "message": "Invalid body format. Check the input parameters."
              "status_code": 400
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "invalid_token",
                  "message": "The provided IAM token is invalid."
              "status_code": 401
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "invalid_token",
                  "message": "The provided IAM token is invalid."
              "status_code": 401
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "insufficent_permissions",
                  "message": "You are not allowed to create the requested policy template."
              "status_code": 403
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "insufficent_permissions",
                  "message": "You are not allowed to create the requested policy template."
              "status_code": 403
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "unable_to_process",
                  "message": "The requested resource(s) can only be formatted using the 'application/json' media type."
              "status_code": 406
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "unable_to_process",
                  "message": "The requested resource(s) can only be formatted using the 'application/json' media type."
              "status_code": 406
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "policy_template_conflict_error",
                  "message": "Failed to create policy template.",
                  "details": {
                    "conflicts_with": {
                      "etag": "1-847833cec3bf3f3c3231d8f9492febac",
                      "policyTemplate": "POLICY_TEMPLATE"
                  "status_code": 409
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "policy_template_conflict_error",
                  "message": "Failed to create policy template.",
                  "details": {
                    "conflicts_with": {
                      "etag": "1-847833cec3bf3f3c3231d8f9492febac",
                      "policyTemplate": "POLICY_TEMPLATE"
                  "status_code": 409
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "unsupported_content_type",
                  "message": "The supported media type for this API is 'application/json'."
              "status_code": 415
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "unsupported_content_type",
                  "message": "The supported media type for this API is 'application/json'."
              "status_code": 415
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "request_not_processed",
                  "message": "Exceeded maximum policy templates quota (<limit>) for account <account_id>."
              "status_code": 422
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "request_not_processed",
                  "message": "Exceeded maximum policy templates quota (<limit>) for account <account_id>."
              "status_code": 422
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "too_many_requests",
                  "message": "Too many requests."
              "status_code": 429
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "too_many_requests",
                  "message": "Too many requests."
              "status_code": 429

          Retrieve policy template versions

          Retrieve the versions of a policy template by providing a policy template ID.

          Retrieve the versions of a policy template by providing a policy template ID.

          Retrieve the versions of a policy template by providing a policy template ID.

          Retrieve the versions of a policy template by providing a policy template ID.

          Retrieve the versions of a policy template by providing a policy template ID.

          GET /v1/policy_templates/{policy_template_id}/versions
          (iamPolicyManagement *IamPolicyManagementV1) ListPolicyTemplateVersions(listPolicyTemplateVersionsOptions *ListPolicyTemplateVersionsOptions) (result *PolicyTemplateVersionsCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
          (iamPolicyManagement *IamPolicyManagementV1) ListPolicyTemplateVersionsWithContext(ctx context.Context, listPolicyTemplateVersionsOptions *ListPolicyTemplateVersionsOptions) (result *PolicyTemplateVersionsCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
          ServiceCall<PolicyTemplateVersionsCollection> listPolicyTemplateVersions(ListPolicyTemplateVersionsOptions listPolicyTemplateVersionsOptions)
                  policy_template_id: str,
                  state: Optional[str] = None,
              ) -> DetailedResponse


          To call this method, you must be assigned one or more IAM access roles that include the following action. You can check your access by going to Users > User > Access.



          Calling this method generates the following auditing event.



          Instantiate the ListPolicyTemplateVersionsOptions struct and set the fields to provide parameter values for the ListPolicyTemplateVersions method.

          Use the ListPolicyTemplateVersionsOptions.Builder to create a ListPolicyTemplateVersionsOptions object that contains the parameter values for the listPolicyTemplateVersions method.

          Path Parameters

          • The policy template ID.

            Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 51, Value must match regular expression ^policyTemplate-[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$

          Query Parameters

          • The policy template state.

            Allowable values: [active,deleted]

          • The number of documents to include in collection.

            Possible values: 1 ≤ value ≤ 100

            Default: 50

          • Page token that refers to the page of collection to return.

            Possible values: 9 ≤ length ≤ 100, Value must match regular expression ^[-A-Za-z0-9+/]*$

          WithContext method only

          The ListPolicyTemplateVersions options.

          The listPolicyTemplateVersions options.


          • The policy template ID.

            Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 51, Value must match regular expression /^policyTemplate-[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$/

          • The policy template state.

            Allowable values: [active,deleted]


          • The policy template ID.

            Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 51, Value must match regular expression /^policyTemplate-[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$/

          • The policy template state.

            Allowable values: [active,deleted]

          • curl -X GET '$TEMPLATE_ID/versions&state=active' -H 'Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
          • listPolicyTemplateVersionsOptions := iamPolicyManagementService.NewListPolicyTemplateVersionsOptions(
            policyTemplateVersionsCollection, response, err := iamPolicyManagementService.ListPolicyTemplateVersions(listPolicyTemplateVersionsOptions)
            if err != nil {
            b, _ := json.MarshalIndent(policyTemplateVersionsCollection, "", "  ")
          • ListPolicyTemplateVersionsOptions listPolicyTemplateVersionsOptions = new ListPolicyTemplateVersionsOptions.Builder()
            Response<PolicyTemplateVersionsCollection> response = service.listPolicyTemplateVersions(listPolicyTemplateVersionsOptions).execute();
            PolicyTemplateVersionsCollection policyTemplateVersionsCollection = response.getResult();
          • const params = {
              policyTemplateId: exampleTemplateId,
            let res;
            try {
              res = await iamPolicyManagementService.listPolicyTemplateVersions(params);
              console.log(JSON.stringify(res.result, null, 2));
            } catch (err) {
          • response = iam_policy_management_service.list_policy_template_versions(
            policy_template_versions_collection = response.get_result()
            print(json.dumps(policy_template_versions_collection, indent=2))


          A collection of versions for a specific policy template.

          A collection of versions for a specific policy template.

          A collection of versions for a specific policy template.

          A collection of versions for a specific policy template.

          A collection of versions for a specific policy template.

          Status Code

          • Policy Template versions retrieval successful.

          • The token you provided is not valid.

          • You do not have access to retrieve the policy template.

          • Policy Template was not found.

          • The requested resource(s) cannot be formatted using the requested media type(s).

          • Too many requests have been made within a given time window.

          Example responses
          • {
              "versions": [
                  "id": "12345678-abcd-1a2b-a1b2-1234567890ab",
                  "name": "Service Viewer template",
                  "description": "Viewer role for all instances of SERVICE_NAME in the account.",
                  "account_id": "0000-0000-0000-0001",
                  "version": "2",
                  "committed": false,
                  "policy": {
                    "type": "access",
                    "description": "Viewer role access for all instances of key protect in the account during business hours.",
                    "control": {
                      "grant": {
                        "roles": [
                            "role_id": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:iam::::role:Viewer"
                    "resource": {
                      "attributes": [
                          "key": "serviceName",
                          "operator": "stringEquals",
                          "value": "kms"
                    "rule": {
                      "operator": "and",
                      "conditions": [
                          "key": "{{environment.attributes.day_of_week}}",
                          "operator": "dayOfWeekAnyOf",
                          "value": [
                          "key": "{{environment.attributes.current_time}}",
                          "operator": "timeGreaterThanOrEquals",
                          "value": "09:00:00+00:00"
                          "key": "{{environment.attributes.current_time}}",
                          "operator": "timeLessThanOrEquals",
                          "value": "17:00:00+00:00"
                    "pattern": "time-based-conditions:weekly:custom-hours"
                  "href": "",
                  "created_at": "2018-08-30T14:09:09.907Z",
                  "created_by_id": "USER_ID",
                  "last_modified_at": "2018-08-30T14:09:09.907Z",
                  "last_modified_by_id": "USER_ID",
                  "state": "active"
          • {
              "versions": [
                  "id": "12345678-abcd-1a2b-a1b2-1234567890ab",
                  "name": "Service Viewer template",
                  "description": "Viewer role for all instances of SERVICE_NAME in the account.",
                  "account_id": "0000-0000-0000-0001",
                  "version": "2",
                  "committed": false,
                  "policy": {
                    "type": "access",
                    "description": "Viewer role access for all instances of key protect in the account during business hours.",
                    "control": {
                      "grant": {
                        "roles": [
                            "role_id": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:iam::::role:Viewer"
                    "resource": {
                      "attributes": [
                          "key": "serviceName",
                          "operator": "stringEquals",
                          "value": "kms"
                    "rule": {
                      "operator": "and",
                      "conditions": [
                          "key": "{{environment.attributes.day_of_week}}",
                          "operator": "dayOfWeekAnyOf",
                          "value": [
                          "key": "{{environment.attributes.current_time}}",
                          "operator": "timeGreaterThanOrEquals",
                          "value": "09:00:00+00:00"
                          "key": "{{environment.attributes.current_time}}",
                          "operator": "timeLessThanOrEquals",
                          "value": "17:00:00+00:00"
                    "pattern": "time-based-conditions:weekly:custom-hours"
                  "href": "",
                  "created_at": "2018-08-30T14:09:09.907Z",
                  "created_by_id": "USER_ID",
                  "last_modified_at": "2018-08-30T14:09:09.907Z",
                  "last_modified_by_id": "USER_ID",
                  "state": "active"
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "invalid_token",
                  "message": "The provided IAM token is invalid."
              "status_code": 401
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "invalid_token",
                  "message": "The provided IAM token is invalid."
              "status_code": 401
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "insufficent_permissions",
                  "message": "You are not allowed to retrieve the requested policy template."
              "status_code": 403
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "insufficent_permissions",
                  "message": "You are not allowed to retrieve the requested policy template."
              "status_code": 403
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "policy_template_not_found",
                  "message": "Policy with Id POLICY_ID not found."
              "status_code": 404
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "policy_template_not_found",
                  "message": "Policy with Id POLICY_ID not found."
              "status_code": 404
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "unable_to_process",
                  "message": "The requested resource(s) can only be formatted using the 'application/json' media type."
              "status_code": 406
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "unable_to_process",
                  "message": "The requested resource(s) can only be formatted using the 'application/json' media type."
              "status_code": 406
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "too_many_requests",
                  "message": "Too many requests."
              "status_code": 429
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "too_many_requests",
                  "message": "Too many requests."
              "status_code": 429

          Update a policy template version

          Update a specific version of a policy template. You can use this only if the version isn't committed.

          Update a specific version of a policy template. You can use this only if the version isn't committed.

          Update a specific version of a policy template. You can use this only if the version isn't committed.

          Update a specific version of a policy template. You can use this only if the version isn't committed.

          Update a specific version of a policy template. You can use this only if the version isn't committed.

          PUT /v1/policy_templates/{policy_template_id}/versions/{version}
          (iamPolicyManagement *IamPolicyManagementV1) ReplacePolicyTemplate(replacePolicyTemplateOptions *ReplacePolicyTemplateOptions) (result *PolicyTemplate, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
          (iamPolicyManagement *IamPolicyManagementV1) ReplacePolicyTemplateWithContext(ctx context.Context, replacePolicyTemplateOptions *ReplacePolicyTemplateOptions) (result *PolicyTemplate, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
          ServiceCall<PolicyTemplate> replacePolicyTemplate(ReplacePolicyTemplateOptions replacePolicyTemplateOptions)
                  policy_template_id: str,
                  version: str,
                  if_match: str,
                  policy: 'TemplatePolicy',
                  name: Optional[str] = None,
                  description: Optional[str] = None,
                  committed: Optional[bool] = None,
              ) -> DetailedResponse


          To call this method, you must be assigned one or more IAM access roles that include the following action. You can check your access by going to Users > User > Access.

          • iam-access-management.policy-template.update


          Calling this method generates the following auditing event.

          • iam-am.policyTemplate.update


          Instantiate the ReplacePolicyTemplateOptions struct and set the fields to provide parameter values for the ReplacePolicyTemplate method.

          Use the ReplacePolicyTemplateOptions.Builder to create a ReplacePolicyTemplateOptions object that contains the parameter values for the replacePolicyTemplate method.

          Custom Headers

          • The revision number for updating a policy template version and must match the ETag value of the existing policy template version. The Etag can be retrieved using the GET /v1/policy_templates/{policy_template_id}/versions/{version} API and looking at the ETag response header.

            Possible values: length ≥ 1

          Path Parameters

          • The policy template ID.

            Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 51, Value must match regular expression ^policyTemplate-[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$

          • The policy template version.

            Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 2, Value must match regular expression ^[0-9]*$

          Updated policy template content to be saved.

          WithContext method only

          The ReplacePolicyTemplate options.

          The replacePolicyTemplate options.


          • The policy template ID.

            Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 51, Value must match regular expression /^policyTemplate-[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$/

          • The policy template version.

            Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 2, Value must match regular expression /^[0-9]*$/

          • The revision number for updating a policy template version and must match the ETag value of the existing policy template version. The Etag can be retrieved using the GET /v1/policy_templates/{policy_template_id}/versions/{version} API and looking at the ETag response header.

            Possible values: length ≥ 1

          • The core set of properties associated with the template's policy objet.

          • Required field when creating a new template. Otherwise this field is optional. If the field is included it will change the name value for all existing versions of the template.

            Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 100, Value must match regular expression /^.*$/

          • Description of the policy template. This is shown to users in the enterprise account. Use this to describe the purpose or context of the policy for enterprise users managing IAM templates.

            Possible values: 0 ≤ length ≤ 300, Value must match regular expression /^.*$/

          • Committed status of the template version.


          • The policy template ID.

            Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 51, Value must match regular expression /^policyTemplate-[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$/

          • The policy template version.

            Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 2, Value must match regular expression /^[0-9]*$/

          • The revision number for updating a policy template version and must match the ETag value of the existing policy template version. The Etag can be retrieved using the GET /v1/policy_templates/{policy_template_id}/versions/{version} API and looking at the ETag response header.

            Possible values: length ≥ 1

          • The core set of properties associated with the template's policy objet.

          • Required field when creating a new template. Otherwise this field is optional. If the field is included it will change the name value for all existing versions of the template.

            Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 100, Value must match regular expression /^.*$/

          • Description of the policy template. This is shown to users in the enterprise account. Use this to describe the purpose or context of the policy for enterprise users managing IAM templates.

            Possible values: 0 ≤ length ≤ 300, Value must match regular expression /^.*$/

          • Committed status of the template version.

          • curl -X PUT '$TEMPLATE_ID/versions/$TEMPLATE_VERSION' -H 'Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'If-Match: $ETAG' -d '{
              "type": "access",
              "description": "Viewer role for for all instances of SERVICE_NAME in the account.",
              "subjects": [
                  "attributes": [
                      "name": "iam_id",
                      "value": "$USER_ID"
                  "role_id": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:iam::::role:Viewer"
                  "attributes": [
                      "name": "accountId",
                      "value": "$ACCOUNT_ID"
                      "name": "serviceName",
                      "value": "$SERVICE_NAME"
          • v2PolicyGrant := &iampolicymanagementv1.Grant{
              Roles: []iampolicymanagementv1.Roles{
            v2PolicyControl := &iampolicymanagementv1.Control{
              Grant: v2PolicyGrant,
            serviceNameResourceAttribute := &iampolicymanagementv1.V2PolicyResourceAttribute{
              Key:      core.StringPtr("serviceName"),
              Operator: core.StringPtr("stringEquals"),
              Value:    core.StringPtr("watson"),
            policyResource := &iampolicymanagementv1.V2PolicyResource{
              Attributes: []iampolicymanagementv1.V2PolicyResourceAttribute{
            templatePolicyModel := &iampolicymanagementv1.TemplatePolicy{
              Type:        core.StringPtr("access"),
              Description: core.StringPtr("Test Template v2"),
              Resource:    policyResource,
              Control:     v2PolicyControl,
            replacePolicyTemplateOptions := iamPolicyManagementService.NewReplacePolicyTemplateOptions(
            policyTemplate, response, err := iamPolicyManagementService.ReplacePolicyTemplate(replacePolicyTemplateOptions)
            if err != nil {
            b, _ := json.MarshalIndent(policyTemplate, "", "  ")
            examplePolicyTemplateVersion = *policyTemplate.Version
            examplePolicyTemplateETag = response.GetHeaders().Get("ETag")
          • V2PolicyResourceAttribute v2PolicyResourceAttributeModel = new V2PolicyResourceAttribute.Builder()
            V2PolicyResource v2PolicyResourceModel = new V2PolicyResource.Builder()
            Roles rolesModel = new Roles.Builder()
            Grant grantModel = new Grant.Builder()
            Control controlModel = new Control.Builder()
            TemplatePolicy templatePolicyModel = new TemplatePolicy.Builder()
            ReplacePolicyTemplateOptions replacePolicyTemplateOptions = new ReplacePolicyTemplateOptions.Builder()
            Response<PolicyTemplate> response = service.replacePolicyTemplate(replacePolicyTemplateOptions).execute();
            PolicyTemplate policyTemplate = response.getResult();
          • // Request models needed by this operation.
            // V2PolicyResourceAttribute
            const v2PolicyResourceAttributeModel = {
              key: 'serviceType',
              operator: 'stringEquals',
              value: 'service',
            // V2PolicyResource
            const v2PolicyResourceModel = {
              attributes: [v2PolicyResourceAttributeModel],
            // Roles
            const rolesModel = {
              role_id: 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:iam::::role:Editor',
            // Grant
            const grantModel = {
              roles: [rolesModel],
            // Control
            const controlModel = {
              grant: grantModel,
            // TemplatePolicy
            const templatePolicyModel = {
              type: 'access',
              resource: v2PolicyResourceModel,
              control: controlModel,
            const params = {
              policyTemplateId: exampleTemplateId,
              version: exampleTemplateVersion,
              ifMatch: exampleTemplateEtag,
              policy: templatePolicyModel,
            let res;
            try {
              res = await iamPolicyManagementService.replacePolicyTemplate(params);
              console.log(JSON.stringify(res.result, null, 2));
            } catch (err) {
          • v2_policy_resource_attribute_model = {
              'key': 'serviceType',
              'operator': 'stringEquals',
              'value': 'service',
            v2_policy_resource_model = {
              'attributes': [v2_policy_resource_attribute_model],
            roles_model = {
              'role_id': 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:iam::::role:Editor',
            grant_model = {
              'roles': [roles_model],
            control_model = {
              'grant': grant_model,
            template_policy_model = {
              'type': 'access',
              'resource': v2_policy_resource_model,
              'control': control_model,
            response = iam_policy_management_service.replace_policy_template(
            policy_template = response.get_result()
            print(json.dumps(policy_template, indent=2))


          The core set of properties associated with the policy template.

          The core set of properties associated with the policy template.

          The core set of properties associated with the policy template.

          The core set of properties associated with the policy template.

          The core set of properties associated with the policy template.

          Status Code

          • Policy Template version update successful.

          • Policy template input is invalid.

          • The token you provided is not valid.

          • You do not have access to update the policy template.

          • Policy Template was not found.

          • The requested resource(s) cannot be formatted using the requested media type(s).

          • A policy template already exists ... TBD

          • Request body sent was formatted using an unsupported media type.

          • Too many requests have been made within a given time window.

          Example responses
          • {
              "id": "12345678-abcd-1a2b-a1b2-1234567890ab",
              "name": "Service Viewer template",
              "description": "Viewer role for all instances of SERVICE_NAME in the account.",
              "account_id": "0000-0000-0000-0001",
              "version": "2",
              "committed": false,
              "policy": {
                "type": "access",
                "description": "Viewer role access for all instances of key protect in the account during business hours.",
                "control": {
                  "grant": {
                    "roles": [
                        "role_id": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:iam::::role:Viewer"
                "resource": {
                  "attributes": [
                      "key": "serviceName",
                      "operator": "stringEquals",
                      "value": "kms"
                "rule": {
                  "operator": "and",
                  "conditions": [
                      "key": "{{environment.attributes.day_of_week}}",
                      "operator": "dayOfWeekAnyOf",
                      "value": [
                      "key": "{{environment.attributes.current_time}}",
                      "operator": "timeGreaterThanOrEquals",
                      "value": "09:00:00+00:00"
                      "key": "{{environment.attributes.current_time}}",
                      "operator": "timeLessThanOrEquals",
                      "value": "17:00:00+00:00"
                "pattern": "time-based-conditions:weekly:custom-hours"
              "href": "",
              "created_at": "2018-08-30T14:09:09.907Z",
              "created_by_id": "USER_ID",
              "last_modified_at": "2018-08-30T14:09:09.907Z",
              "last_modified_by_id": "USER_ID",
              "state": "active"
          • {
              "id": "12345678-abcd-1a2b-a1b2-1234567890ab",
              "name": "Service Viewer template",
              "description": "Viewer role for all instances of SERVICE_NAME in the account.",
              "account_id": "0000-0000-0000-0001",
              "version": "2",
              "committed": false,
              "policy": {
                "type": "access",
                "description": "Viewer role access for all instances of key protect in the account during business hours.",
                "control": {
                  "grant": {
                    "roles": [
                        "role_id": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:iam::::role:Viewer"
                "resource": {
                  "attributes": [
                      "key": "serviceName",
                      "operator": "stringEquals",
                      "value": "kms"
                "rule": {
                  "operator": "and",
                  "conditions": [
                      "key": "{{environment.attributes.day_of_week}}",
                      "operator": "dayOfWeekAnyOf",
                      "value": [
                      "key": "{{environment.attributes.current_time}}",
                      "operator": "timeGreaterThanOrEquals",
                      "value": "09:00:00+00:00"
                      "key": "{{environment.attributes.current_time}}",
                      "operator": "timeLessThanOrEquals",
                      "value": "17:00:00+00:00"
                "pattern": "time-based-conditions:weekly:custom-hours"
              "href": "",
              "created_at": "2018-08-30T14:09:09.907Z",
              "created_by_id": "USER_ID",
              "last_modified_at": "2018-08-30T14:09:09.907Z",
              "last_modified_by_id": "USER_ID",
              "state": "active"
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "invalid_body",
                  "message": "A policy's type cannot be updated. Create a new policy template and delete the existing one."
              "status_code": 400
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "invalid_body",
                  "message": "A policy's type cannot be updated. Create a new policy template and delete the existing one."
              "status_code": 400
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "invalid_token",
                  "message": "The provided IAM token is invalid."
              "status_code": 401
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "invalid_token",
                  "message": "The provided IAM token is invalid."
              "status_code": 401
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "insufficent_permissions",
                  "message": "You are not allowed to update the requested policy template."
              "status_code": 403
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "insufficent_permissions",
                  "message": "You are not allowed to update the requested policy template."
              "status_code": 403
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "policy_template_not_found",
                  "message": "Policy with Id POLICY_ID not found."
              "status_code": 404
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "policy_template_not_found",
                  "message": "Policy with Id POLICY_ID not found."
              "status_code": 404
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "unable_to_process",
                  "message": "The requested resource(s) can only be formatted using the 'application/json' media type."
              "status_code": 406
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "unable_to_process",
                  "message": "The requested resource(s) can only be formatted using the 'application/json' media type."
              "status_code": 406
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "policy_template_conflict_error",
                  "message": "Failed to update policy template.",
                  "details": {
                    "conflicts_with": {
                      "etag": "1-847833cec3bf3f3c3231d8f9492febac",
                      "policy_template": "POLICY_TEMPLATE"
                  "status_code": 409
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "policy_template_conflict_error",
                  "message": "Failed to update policy template.",
                  "details": {
                    "conflicts_with": {
                      "etag": "1-847833cec3bf3f3c3231d8f9492febac",
                      "policy_template": "POLICY_TEMPLATE"
                  "status_code": 409
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "unsupported_content_type",
                  "message": "The supported media type for this API is 'application/json'."
              "status_code": 415
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "unsupported_content_type",
                  "message": "The supported media type for this API is 'application/json'."
              "status_code": 415
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "too_many_requests",
                  "message": "Too many requests."
              "status_code": 429
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "too_many_requests",
                  "message": "Too many requests."
              "status_code": 429

          Delete a policy template version

          Delete a specific version of a policy template by providing a policy template ID and version number. You can't delete a policy template version that is assigned to one or more child accounts. You must remove the policy assignments first.

          Delete a specific version of a policy template by providing a policy template ID and version number. You can't delete a policy template version that is assigned to one or more child accounts. You must remove the policy assignments first.

          Delete a specific version of a policy template by providing a policy template ID and version number. You can't delete a policy template version that is assigned to one or more child accounts. You must remove the policy assignments first.

          Delete a specific version of a policy template by providing a policy template ID and version number. You can't delete a policy template version that is assigned to one or more child accounts. You must remove the policy assignments first.

          Delete a specific version of a policy template by providing a policy template ID and version number. You can't delete a policy template version that is assigned to one or more child accounts. You must remove the policy assignments first.

          DELETE /v1/policy_templates/{policy_template_id}/versions/{version}
          (iamPolicyManagement *IamPolicyManagementV1) DeletePolicyTemplateVersion(deletePolicyTemplateVersionOptions *DeletePolicyTemplateVersionOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
          (iamPolicyManagement *IamPolicyManagementV1) DeletePolicyTemplateVersionWithContext(ctx context.Context, deletePolicyTemplateVersionOptions *DeletePolicyTemplateVersionOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
          ServiceCall<Void> deletePolicyTemplateVersion(DeletePolicyTemplateVersionOptions deletePolicyTemplateVersionOptions)
                  policy_template_id: str,
                  version: str,
              ) -> DetailedResponse


          To call this method, you must be assigned one or more IAM access roles that include the following action. You can check your access by going to Users > User > Access.

          • iam-access-management.policy-template.delete


          Calling this method generates the following auditing event.

          • iam-am.policyTemplate.delete


          Instantiate the DeletePolicyTemplateVersionOptions struct and set the fields to provide parameter values for the DeletePolicyTemplateVersion method.

          Use the DeletePolicyTemplateVersionOptions.Builder to create a DeletePolicyTemplateVersionOptions object that contains the parameter values for the deletePolicyTemplateVersion method.

          Path Parameters

          • The policy template ID.

            Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 51, Value must match regular expression ^policyTemplate-[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$

          • The policy template version.

            Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 2, Value must match regular expression ^[0-9]*$

          WithContext method only

          The DeletePolicyTemplateVersion options.

          The deletePolicyTemplateVersion options.


          • The policy template ID.

            Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 51, Value must match regular expression /^policyTemplate-[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$/

          • The policy template version.

            Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 2, Value must match regular expression /^[0-9]*$/


          • The policy template ID.

            Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 51, Value must match regular expression /^policyTemplate-[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$/

          • The policy template version.

            Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 2, Value must match regular expression /^[0-9]*$/

          • curl -X DELETE '$TEMPLATE_ID/versions/$TEMPLATE_VERSION' -H 'Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
          • deletePolicyTemplateVersionOptions := iamPolicyManagementService.NewDeletePolicyTemplateVersionOptions(
            response, err := iamPolicyManagementService.DeletePolicyTemplateVersion(deletePolicyTemplateVersionOptions)
            if err != nil {
            if response.StatusCode != 204 {
              fmt.Printf("\nUnexpected response status code received from DeletePolicyTemplateVersion(): %d\n", response.StatusCode)
          • DeletePolicyTemplateVersionOptions deletePolicyTemplateVersionOptions = new DeletePolicyTemplateVersionOptions.Builder()
            Response<Void> response = service.deletePolicyTemplateVersion(deletePolicyTemplateVersionOptions).execute();
          • const params = {
              policyTemplateId: exampleTemplateId,
              version: exampleTemplateVersion,
            try {
              await iamPolicyManagementService.deletePolicyTemplateVersion(params);
            } catch (err) {


          Status Code

          • Policy Template deletion successful.

          • Policy Template was not valid to delete.

          • The token you provided is not valid.

          • You do not have access to delete the policy template.

          • Policy Template was not found.

          • Too many requests have been made within a given time window.

          Example responses
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "invalid_body",
                  "message": "Request includes a version assigned to an account, cannot perform action"
              "status_code": 400
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "invalid_body",
                  "message": "Request includes a version assigned to an account, cannot perform action"
              "status_code": 400
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "invalid_token",
                  "message": "The provided IAM token is invalid."
              "status_code": 401
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "invalid_token",
                  "message": "The provided IAM token is invalid."
              "status_code": 401
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "insufficent_permissions",
                  "message": "You are not allowed to delete the requested policy template version."
              "status_code": 403
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "insufficent_permissions",
                  "message": "You are not allowed to delete the requested policy template version."
              "status_code": 403
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "policy_template_not_found",
                  "message": "Policy with Id POLICY_ID not found."
              "status_code": 404
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "policy_template_not_found",
                  "message": "Policy with Id POLICY_ID not found."
              "status_code": 404
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "too_many_requests",
                  "message": "Too many requests."
              "status_code": 429
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "too_many_requests",
                  "message": "Too many requests."
              "status_code": 429

          Retrieve a policy template version

          Retrieve a policy template by providing a policy template ID and version number.

          Retrieve a policy template by providing a policy template ID and version number.

          Retrieve a policy template by providing a policy template ID and version number.

          Retrieve a policy template by providing a policy template ID and version number.

          Retrieve a policy template by providing a policy template ID and version number.

          GET /v1/policy_templates/{policy_template_id}/versions/{version}
          (iamPolicyManagement *IamPolicyManagementV1) GetPolicyTemplateVersion(getPolicyTemplateVersionOptions *GetPolicyTemplateVersionOptions) (result *PolicyTemplate, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
          (iamPolicyManagement *IamPolicyManagementV1) GetPolicyTemplateVersionWithContext(ctx context.Context, getPolicyTemplateVersionOptions *GetPolicyTemplateVersionOptions) (result *PolicyTemplate, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
          ServiceCall<PolicyTemplate> getPolicyTemplateVersion(GetPolicyTemplateVersionOptions getPolicyTemplateVersionOptions)
                  policy_template_id: str,
                  version: str,
              ) -> DetailedResponse


          To call this method, you must be assigned one or more IAM access roles that include the following action. You can check your access by going to Users > User > Access.



          Calling this method generates the following auditing event.



          Instantiate the GetPolicyTemplateVersionOptions struct and set the fields to provide parameter values for the GetPolicyTemplateVersion method.

          Use the GetPolicyTemplateVersionOptions.Builder to create a GetPolicyTemplateVersionOptions object that contains the parameter values for the getPolicyTemplateVersion method.

          Path Parameters

          • The policy template ID.

            Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 51, Value must match regular expression ^policyTemplate-[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$

          • The policy template version.

            Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 2, Value must match regular expression ^[0-9]*$

          WithContext method only

          The GetPolicyTemplateVersion options.

          The getPolicyTemplateVersion options.


          • The policy template ID.

            Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 51, Value must match regular expression /^policyTemplate-[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$/

          • The policy template version.

            Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 2, Value must match regular expression /^[0-9]*$/


          • The policy template ID.

            Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 51, Value must match regular expression /^policyTemplate-[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$/

          • The policy template version.

            Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 2, Value must match regular expression /^[0-9]*$/

          • curl -X GET '$TEMPLATE_ID/versions/$TEMPLATE_VERSION' -H 'Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
          • getPolicyTemplateVersionOptions := iamPolicyManagementService.NewGetPolicyTemplateVersionOptions(
            policyTemplate, response, err := iamPolicyManagementService.GetPolicyTemplateVersion(getPolicyTemplateVersionOptions)
            if err != nil {
            b, _ := json.MarshalIndent(policyTemplate, "", "  ")
          • GetPolicyTemplateVersionOptions getPolicyTemplateVersionOptions = new GetPolicyTemplateVersionOptions.Builder()
            Response<PolicyTemplate> response = service.getPolicyTemplateVersion(getPolicyTemplateVersionOptions).execute();
            PolicyTemplate policyTemplate = response.getResult();
            exampleTemplateEtag = response.getHeaders().values("Etag").get(0);
          • const params = {
              policyTemplateId: exampleTemplateId,
              version: exampleTemplateVersion,
            let res;
            try {
              res = await iamPolicyManagementService.getPolicyTemplateVersion(params);
              exampleTemplateEtag = res.headers.etag;
              console.log(JSON.stringify(res.result, null, 2));
            } catch (err) {
          • response = iam_policy_management_service.get_policy_template_version(
            policy_template = response.get_result()
            global example_template_etag
            example_template_etag = response.get_headers().get("Etag")
            print(json.dumps(policy_template, indent=2))


          The core set of properties associated with the policy template.

          The core set of properties associated with the policy template.

          The core set of properties associated with the policy template.

          The core set of properties associated with the policy template.

          The core set of properties associated with the policy template.

          Status Code

          • Policy Template retrieval successful.

          • The token you provided is not valid.

          • You do not have access to retrieve the policy template.

          • Policy Template was not found.

          • The requested resource(s) cannot be formatted using the requested media type(s).

          • Too many requests have been made within a given time window.

          Example responses
          • {
              "id": "12345678-abcd-1a2b-a1b2-1234567890ab",
              "name": "Service Viewer template",
              "description": "Viewer role for all instances of SERVICE_NAME in the account.",
              "account_id": "0000-0000-0000-0001",
              "version": "2",
              "committed": false,
              "policy": {
                "type": "access",
                "description": "Viewer role access for all instances of key protect in the account during business hours.",
                "control": {
                  "grant": {
                    "roles": [
                        "role_id": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:iam::::role:Viewer"
                "resource": {
                  "attributes": [
                      "key": "serviceName",
                      "operator": "stringEquals",
                      "value": "kms"
                "rule": {
                  "operator": "and",
                  "conditions": [
                      "key": "{{environment.attributes.day_of_week}}",
                      "operator": "dayOfWeekAnyOf",
                      "value": [
                      "key": "{{environment.attributes.current_time}}",
                      "operator": "timeGreaterThanOrEquals",
                      "value": "09:00:00+00:00"
                      "key": "{{environment.attributes.current_time}}",
                      "operator": "timeLessThanOrEquals",
                      "value": "17:00:00+00:00"
                "pattern": "time-based-conditions:weekly:custom-hours"
              "href": "",
              "created_at": "2018-08-30T14:09:09.907Z",
              "created_by_id": "USER_ID",
              "last_modified_at": "2018-08-30T14:09:09.907Z",
              "last_modified_by_id": "USER_ID",
              "state": "active"
          • {
              "id": "12345678-abcd-1a2b-a1b2-1234567890ab",
              "name": "Service Viewer template",
              "description": "Viewer role for all instances of SERVICE_NAME in the account.",
              "account_id": "0000-0000-0000-0001",
              "version": "2",
              "committed": false,
              "policy": {
                "type": "access",
                "description": "Viewer role access for all instances of key protect in the account during business hours.",
                "control": {
                  "grant": {
                    "roles": [
                        "role_id": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:iam::::role:Viewer"
                "resource": {
                  "attributes": [
                      "key": "serviceName",
                      "operator": "stringEquals",
                      "value": "kms"
                "rule": {
                  "operator": "and",
                  "conditions": [
                      "key": "{{environment.attributes.day_of_week}}",
                      "operator": "dayOfWeekAnyOf",
                      "value": [
                      "key": "{{environment.attributes.current_time}}",
                      "operator": "timeGreaterThanOrEquals",
                      "value": "09:00:00+00:00"
                      "key": "{{environment.attributes.current_time}}",
                      "operator": "timeLessThanOrEquals",
                      "value": "17:00:00+00:00"
                "pattern": "time-based-conditions:weekly:custom-hours"
              "href": "",
              "created_at": "2018-08-30T14:09:09.907Z",
              "created_by_id": "USER_ID",
              "last_modified_at": "2018-08-30T14:09:09.907Z",
              "last_modified_by_id": "USER_ID",
              "state": "active"
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "invalid_token",
                  "message": "The provided IAM token is invalid."
              "status_code": 401
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "invalid_token",
                  "message": "The provided IAM token is invalid."
              "status_code": 401
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "insufficent_permissions",
                  "message": "You are not allowed to retrieve the requested policy template."
              "status_code": 403
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "insufficent_permissions",
                  "message": "You are not allowed to retrieve the requested policy template."
              "status_code": 403
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "policy_template_not_found",
                  "message": "Policy with Id POLICY_ID not found."
              "status_code": 404
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "policy_template_not_found",
                  "message": "Policy with Id POLICY_ID not found."
              "status_code": 404
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "unable_to_process",
                  "message": "The requested resource(s) can only be formatted using the 'application/json' media type."
              "status_code": 406
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "unable_to_process",
                  "message": "The requested resource(s) can only be formatted using the 'application/json' media type."
              "status_code": 406
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "too_many_requests",
                  "message": "Too many requests."
              "status_code": 429
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "too_many_requests",
                  "message": "Too many requests."
              "status_code": 429

          Commit a policy template version

          Commit a policy template version. You can make no further changes to the policy template once it's committed. If you need to make updates after committing a version, create a new version.

          Commit a policy template version. You can make no further changes to the policy template once it's committed. If you need to make updates after committing a version, create a new version.

          Commit a policy template version. You can make no further changes to the policy template once it's committed. If you need to make updates after committing a version, create a new version.

          Commit a policy template version. You can make no further changes to the policy template once it's committed. If you need to make updates after committing a version, create a new version.

          Commit a policy template version. You can make no further changes to the policy template once it's committed. If you need to make updates after committing a version, create a new version.

          POST /v1/policy_templates/{policy_template_id}/versions/{version}/commit
          (iamPolicyManagement *IamPolicyManagementV1) CommitPolicyTemplate(commitPolicyTemplateOptions *CommitPolicyTemplateOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
          (iamPolicyManagement *IamPolicyManagementV1) CommitPolicyTemplateWithContext(ctx context.Context, commitPolicyTemplateOptions *CommitPolicyTemplateOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
          ServiceCall<Void> commitPolicyTemplate(CommitPolicyTemplateOptions commitPolicyTemplateOptions)
                  policy_template_id: str,
                  version: str,
              ) -> DetailedResponse


          To call this method, you must be assigned one or more IAM access roles that include the following action. You can check your access by going to Users > User > Access.

          • iam-access-management.policy-template.update


          Calling this method generates the following auditing event.

          • iam-am.policyTemplate.update


          Instantiate the CommitPolicyTemplateOptions struct and set the fields to provide parameter values for the CommitPolicyTemplate method.

          Use the CommitPolicyTemplateOptions.Builder to create a CommitPolicyTemplateOptions object that contains the parameter values for the commitPolicyTemplate method.

          Path Parameters

          • The policy template ID.

            Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 51, Value must match regular expression ^policyTemplate-[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$

          • The policy template version.

            Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 2, Value must match regular expression ^[0-9]*$

          WithContext method only

          The CommitPolicyTemplate options.

          The commitPolicyTemplate options.


          • The policy template ID.

            Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 51, Value must match regular expression /^policyTemplate-[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$/

          • The policy template version.

            Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 2, Value must match regular expression /^[0-9]*$/


          • The policy template ID.

            Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 51, Value must match regular expression /^policyTemplate-[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$/

          • The policy template version.

            Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 2, Value must match regular expression /^[0-9]*$/

          • curl -X POST '$TEMPLATE_ID/versions/$TEMLPATE_VERSION/commit' -H 'Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{}'
          • commitPolicyTemplateOptions := iamPolicyManagementService.NewCommitPolicyTemplateOptions(
            response, err := iamPolicyManagementService.CommitPolicyTemplate(commitPolicyTemplateOptions)
            if err != nil {
            if response.StatusCode != 204 {
              fmt.Printf("\nUnexpected response status code received from CommitPolicyTemplate(): %d\n", response.StatusCode)
          • CommitPolicyTemplateOptions commitPolicyTemplateOptions = new CommitPolicyTemplateOptions.Builder()
            Response<Void> response = service.commitPolicyTemplate(commitPolicyTemplateOptions).execute();
          • const params = {
              policyTemplateId: exampleTemplateId,
              version: exampleTemplateVersion,
            try {
              await iamPolicyManagementService.commitPolicyTemplate(params);
            } catch (err) {
          • response = iam_policy_management_service.commit_policy_template(


          Status Code

          • Policy Template version update successful.

          • Policy template input is invalid.

          • The token you provided is not valid.

          • You do not have access to update the policy template.

          • Policy Template was not found.

          • The requested resource(s) cannot be formatted using the requested media type(s).

          • Request body sent was formatted using an unsupported media type.

          • Too many requests have been made within a given time window.

          Example responses
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "invalid_body",
                  "message": "A policy's type cannot be updated. Create a new policy template and delete the existing one."
              "status_code": 400
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "invalid_body",
                  "message": "A policy's type cannot be updated. Create a new policy template and delete the existing one."
              "status_code": 400
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "invalid_token",
                  "message": "The provided IAM token is invalid."
              "status_code": 401
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "invalid_token",
                  "message": "The provided IAM token is invalid."
              "status_code": 401
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "insufficent_permissions",
                  "message": "You are not allowed to update the requested policy template."
              "status_code": 403
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "insufficent_permissions",
                  "message": "You are not allowed to update the requested policy template."
              "status_code": 403
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "policy_template_not_found",
                  "message": "Policy with Id POLICY_ID not found."
              "status_code": 404
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "policy_template_not_found",
                  "message": "Policy with Id POLICY_ID not found."
              "status_code": 404
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "unable_to_process",
                  "message": "The requested resource(s) can only be formatted using the 'application/json' media type."
              "status_code": 406
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "unable_to_process",
                  "message": "The requested resource(s) can only be formatted using the 'application/json' media type."
              "status_code": 406
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "unsupported_content_type",
                  "message": "The supported media type for this API is 'application/json'."
              "status_code": 415
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "unsupported_content_type",
                  "message": "The supported media type for this API is 'application/json'."
              "status_code": 415
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "too_many_requests",
                  "message": "Too many requests."
              "status_code": 429
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "too_many_requests",
                  "message": "Too many requests."
              "status_code": 429

          Get policy template assignments


          Get policy template assignments by attributes. The following attributes are supported: account_id, template_id, template_version, sort. account_id is a required query parameter. Only policy template assignments that have the specified attributes and that the caller has read access to are returned. If the caller does not have read access to any policy template assignments an empty array is returned.

          Get policy template assignments by attributes. The following attributes are supported: account_id, template_id, template_version, sort. account_id is a required query parameter. Only policy template assignments that have the specified attributes and that the caller has read access to are returned. If the caller does not have read access to any policy template assignments an empty array is returned.

          Get policy template assignments by attributes. The following attributes are supported: account_id, template_id, template_version, sort. account_id is a required query parameter. Only policy template assignments that have the specified attributes and that the caller has read access to are returned. If the caller does not have read access to any policy template assignments an empty array is returned.

          Get policy template assignments by attributes. The following attributes are supported: account_id, template_id, template_version, sort. account_id is a required query parameter. Only policy template assignments that have the specified attributes and that the caller has read access to are returned. If the caller does not have read access to any policy template assignments an empty array is returned.

          Get policy template assignments by attributes. The following attributes are supported: account_id, template_id, template_version, sort. account_id is a required query parameter. Only policy template assignments that have the specified attributes and that the caller has read access to are returned. If the caller does not have read access to any policy template assignments an empty array is returned.

          GET /v1/policy_assignments
          (iamPolicyManagement *IamPolicyManagementV1) ListPolicyAssignments(listPolicyAssignmentsOptions *ListPolicyAssignmentsOptions) (result *PolicyTemplateAssignmentCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
          (iamPolicyManagement *IamPolicyManagementV1) ListPolicyAssignmentsWithContext(ctx context.Context, listPolicyAssignmentsOptions *ListPolicyAssignmentsOptions) (result *PolicyTemplateAssignmentCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
          ServiceCall<PolicyTemplateAssignmentCollection> listPolicyAssignments(ListPolicyAssignmentsOptions listPolicyAssignmentsOptions)
                  version: str,
                  account_id: str,
                  accept_language: Optional[str] = None,
                  template_id: Optional[str] = None,
                  template_version: Optional[str] = None,
              ) -> DetailedResponse


          To call this method, you must be assigned one or more IAM access roles that include the following action. You can check your access by going to Users > User > Access.



          Calling this method generates the following auditing event.



          Instantiate the ListPolicyAssignmentsOptions struct and set the fields to provide parameter values for the ListPolicyAssignments method.

          Use the ListPolicyAssignmentsOptions.Builder to create a ListPolicyAssignmentsOptions object that contains the parameter values for the listPolicyAssignments method.

          Custom Headers

          • Language code for translations

            • default - English
            • de - German (Standard)
            • en - English
            • es - Spanish (Spain)
            • fr - French (Standard)
            • it - Italian (Standard)
            • ja - Japanese
            • ko - Korean
            • pt-br - Portuguese (Brazil)
            • zh-cn - Chinese (Simplified, PRC)
            • zh-tw - (Chinese, Taiwan)

            Possible values: length ≥ 1

            Default: default

          Query Parameters

          • specify version of response body format

            Allowable values: [1.0]

            Possible values: length ≥ 1

          • The account GUID in which the policies belong to.

            Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 32, Value must match regular expression ^[A-Za-z0-9-]*$

          • Optional template id.

            Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 51, Value must match regular expression ^policyTemplate-[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$

          • Optional policy template version.

            Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 2, Value must match regular expression ^[0-9]*$

          • The number of documents to include in collection.

            Possible values: 1 ≤ value ≤ 100

            Default: 50

          • Page token that refers to the page of collection to return.

            Possible values: 9 ≤ length ≤ 100, Value must match regular expression ^[-A-Za-z0-9+/]*$

          WithContext method only

          The ListPolicyAssignments options.

          The listPolicyAssignments options.


          • specify version of response body format.

            Allowable values: [1.0]

            Possible values: length ≥ 1

          • The account GUID in which the policies belong to.

            Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 32, Value must match regular expression /^[A-Za-z0-9-]*$/

          • Language code for translations

            • default - English
            • de - German (Standard)
            • en - English
            • es - Spanish (Spain)
            • fr - French (Standard)
            • it - Italian (Standard)
            • ja - Japanese
            • ko - Korean
            • pt-br - Portuguese (Brazil)
            • zh-cn - Chinese (Simplified, PRC)
            • zh-tw - (Chinese, Taiwan).

            Possible values: length ≥ 1

            Default: default

          • Optional template id.

            Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 51, Value must match regular expression /^policyTemplate-[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$/

          • Optional policy template version.

            Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 2, Value must match regular expression /^[0-9]*$/


          • specify version of response body format.

            Allowable values: [1.0]

            Possible values: length ≥ 1

          • The account GUID in which the policies belong to.

            Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 32, Value must match regular expression /^[A-Za-z0-9-]*$/

          • Language code for translations

            • default - English
            • de - German (Standard)
            • en - English
            • es - Spanish (Spain)
            • fr - French (Standard)
            • it - Italian (Standard)
            • ja - Japanese
            • ko - Korean
            • pt-br - Portuguese (Brazil)
            • zh-cn - Chinese (Simplified, PRC)
            • zh-tw - (Chinese, Taiwan).

            Possible values: length ≥ 1

            Default: default

          • Optional template id.

            Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 51, Value must match regular expression /^policyTemplate-[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$/

          • Optional policy template version.

            Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 2, Value must match regular expression /^[0-9]*$/

          • curl -X GET '$ACCOUNT_ID&version=1.0' -H 'Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
          • listPolicyAssignmentsOptions := iamPolicyManagementService.NewListPolicyAssignmentsOptions(
            polcyTemplateAssignmentCollection, response, err := iamPolicyManagementService.ListPolicyAssignments(listPolicyAssignmentsOptions)
            if err != nil {
            b, _ := json.MarshalIndent(polcyTemplateAssignmentCollection, "", "  ")
            testPolicyAssignmentId = *polcyTemplateAssignmentCollection.Assignments[0].ID
          • ListPolicyAssignmentsOptions listPolicyAssignmentsOptions = new ListPolicyAssignmentsOptions.Builder()
            Response<PolicyTemplateAssignmentCollection> response = service.listPolicyAssignments(listPolicyAssignmentsOptions).execute();
            PolicyTemplateAssignmentCollection polcyTemplateAssignmentCollection = response.getResult();
            exampleAssignmentId = polcyTemplateAssignmentCollection.getAssignments().get(0).getId();
          • const params = {
              accountId: exampleAccountId,
            let res;
            try {
              res = await iamPolicyManagementService.listPolicyAssignments(params);
              exampleAssignmentId = res.result.assignments[0].id
              console.log(JSON.stringify(res.result, null, 2));
            } catch (err) {
          • response = iam_policy_management_service.list_policy_assignments(
            polcy_template_assignment_collection = response.get_result()
            global example_assignment_id
            example_assignment_id = polcy_template_assignment_collection['assignments'][0]['id']
            print(json.dumps(polcy_template_assignment_collection, indent=2))


          A collection of policies assignments.

          A collection of policies assignments.

          A collection of policies assignments.

          A collection of policies assignments.

          A collection of policies assignments.

          Status Code

          • Policy template assignments retrieval successful.

          • The request you made is not valid.

          • The token you provided is not valid.

          • The requested resource(s) cannot be formatted using the requested media type(s).

          • Too many requests have been made within a given time window.

          Example responses
          • {
              "assignments": [
                  "id": "<uuid>",
                  "account_id": "<account-id>",
                  "template": {
                    "id": "policyTemplate-12345678-abcd-1a2b-a1b2-1234567890ab",
                    "version": "2"
                  "target": {
                    "type": "Account",
                    "id": "AccountId"
                  "status": "succeeded",
                  "resources": [
                      "target": "Account-1",
                      "policy": {
                        "resource_created": {
                          "id": "0000-0000-0000-0001"
                        "status": "succeeded"
                  "href": "",
                  "created_at": "2022-07-23T14:09:09.907Z",
                  "created_by_id": "USER_ID",
                  "last_modified_at": "2022-07-23T14:09:09.907Z",
                  "last_modified_by_id": "USER_ID"
          • {
              "assignments": [
                  "id": "<uuid>",
                  "account_id": "<account-id>",
                  "template": {
                    "id": "policyTemplate-12345678-abcd-1a2b-a1b2-1234567890ab",
                    "version": "2"
                  "target": {
                    "type": "Account",
                    "id": "AccountId"
                  "status": "succeeded",
                  "resources": [
                      "target": "Account-1",
                      "policy": {
                        "resource_created": {
                          "id": "0000-0000-0000-0001"
                        "status": "succeeded"
                  "href": "",
                  "created_at": "2022-07-23T14:09:09.907Z",
                  "created_by_id": "USER_ID",
                  "last_modified_at": "2022-07-23T14:09:09.907Z",
                  "last_modified_by_id": "USER_ID"
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "missing_required_query_parameter",
                  "message": "'account_id' is a required query parameter"
              "status_code": 400
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "missing_required_query_parameter",
                  "message": "'account_id' is a required query parameter"
              "status_code": 400
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "invalid_token",
                  "message": "The provided IAM token is invalid."
              "status_code": 401
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "invalid_token",
                  "message": "The provided IAM token is invalid."
              "status_code": 401
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "unable_to_process",
                  "message": "The requested resource(s) can only be formatted using the 'application/json' media type."
              "status_code": 406
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "unable_to_process",
                  "message": "The requested resource(s) can only be formatted using the 'application/json' media type."
              "status_code": 406
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "too_many_requests",
                  "message": "Too many requests."
              "status_code": 429
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "too_many_requests",
                  "message": "Too many requests."
              "status_code": 429

          Create a policy authorization template assignment


          Assign a policy template to child accounts and account groups. This creates the policy in the accounts and account groups that you specify.

          Assign a policy template to child accounts and account groups. This creates the policy in the accounts and account groups that you specify.

          Assign a policy template to child accounts and account groups. This creates the policy in the accounts and account groups that you specify.

          Assign a policy template to child accounts and account groups. This creates the policy in the accounts and account groups that you specify.

          Assign a policy template to child accounts and account groups. This creates the policy in the accounts and account groups that you specify.

          POST /v1/policy_assignments
          (iamPolicyManagement *IamPolicyManagementV1) CreatePolicyTemplateAssignment(createPolicyTemplateAssignmentOptions *CreatePolicyTemplateAssignmentOptions) (result *PolicyAssignmentV1Collection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
          (iamPolicyManagement *IamPolicyManagementV1) CreatePolicyTemplateAssignmentWithContext(ctx context.Context, createPolicyTemplateAssignmentOptions *CreatePolicyTemplateAssignmentOptions) (result *PolicyAssignmentV1Collection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
          ServiceCall<PolicyAssignmentV1Collection> createPolicyTemplateAssignment(CreatePolicyTemplateAssignmentOptions createPolicyTemplateAssignmentOptions)
                  version: str,
                  target: 'AssignmentTargetDetails',
                  options: 'PolicyAssignmentV1Options',
                  templates: List['AssignmentTemplateDetails'],
                  accept_language: Optional[str] = None,
              ) -> DetailedResponse


          To call this method, you must be assigned one or more IAM access roles that include the following action. You can check your access by going to Users > User > Access.

          • iam-access-management.policy-assignment.create


          Calling this method generates the following auditing event.

          • iam-am.policyAssignment.create


          Instantiate the CreatePolicyTemplateAssignmentOptions struct and set the fields to provide parameter values for the CreatePolicyTemplateAssignment method.

          Use the CreatePolicyTemplateAssignmentOptions.Builder to create a CreatePolicyTemplateAssignmentOptions object that contains the parameter values for the createPolicyTemplateAssignment method.

          Custom Headers

          • Language code for translations

            • default - English
            • de - German (Standard)
            • en - English
            • es - Spanish (Spain)
            • fr - French (Standard)
            • it - Italian (Standard)
            • ja - Japanese
            • ko - Korean
            • pt-br - Portuguese (Brazil)
            • zh-cn - Chinese (Simplified, PRC)
            • zh-tw - (Chinese, Taiwan)

            Possible values: length ≥ 1

            Default: default

          Query Parameters

          • specify version of response body format

            Allowable values: [1.0]

            Possible values: length ≥ 1

          A policy assignment to be created.

          WithContext method only

          The CreatePolicyTemplateAssignment options.

          The createPolicyTemplateAssignment options.


          • specify version of response body format.

            Allowable values: [1.0]

            Possible values: length ≥ 1

          • assignment target account and type.

          • The set of properties required for a policy assignment.

          • List of template details for policy assignment.

            Possible values: number of items = 1

          • Language code for translations

            • default - English
            • de - German (Standard)
            • en - English
            • es - Spanish (Spain)
            • fr - French (Standard)
            • it - Italian (Standard)
            • ja - Japanese
            • ko - Korean
            • pt-br - Portuguese (Brazil)
            • zh-cn - Chinese (Simplified, PRC)
            • zh-tw - (Chinese, Taiwan).

            Possible values: length ≥ 1

            Default: default


          • specify version of response body format.

            Allowable values: [1.0]

            Possible values: length ≥ 1

          • assignment target account and type.

          • The set of properties required for a policy assignment.

          • List of template details for policy assignment.

            Possible values: number of items = 1

          • Language code for translations

            • default - English
            • de - German (Standard)
            • en - English
            • es - Spanish (Spain)
            • fr - French (Standard)
            • it - Italian (Standard)
            • ja - Japanese
            • ko - Korean
            • pt-br - Portuguese (Brazil)
            • zh-cn - Chinese (Simplified, PRC)
            • zh-tw - (Chinese, Taiwan).

            Possible values: length ≥ 1

            Default: default

          • curl -X POST '' -H 'Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{
                "templates": [{
                "id": "template_id",
                "version": "template_version"
                "target": {
                "id": "target account",
                "type": "target type"


          Policy assignment response.

          Policy assignment response.

          Policy assignment response.

          Policy assignment response.

          Policy assignment response.

          Status Code

          • Policy assignment creation successful.

          • Policy assignment input is invalid.

          • The token you provided is not valid.

          • You do not have access to create the policy.

          • The requested resource(s) cannot be formatted using the requested media type(s).

          • A policy assignment already exists for the given template id, version and target account.

          • Request body sent was formatted using an unsupported media type.

          • Too many requests have been made within a given time window.

          Example responses
          • {
              "assignments": [
                  "id": "<uuid>",
                  "account_id": "<account-id>",
                  "template": {
                    "id": "policyTemplate-12345678-abcd-1a2b-a1b2-1234567890ab",
                    "version": "1"
                  "target": {
                    "type": "Account",
                    "id": "AccountId"
                  "status": "succeeded",
                  "resources": [
                      "target": {
                        "type": "Account",
                        "id": "Account-1"
                      "policy": {
                        "resource_created": {
                          "id": "0000-0000-0000-0001"
                        "status": "succeeded"
                  "href": "{assignment_id}",
                  "created_at": "2022-07-23T14:09:09.907Z",
                  "created_by_id": "USER_ID",
                  "last_modified_at": "2022-07-23T14:09:09.907Z",
                  "last_modified_by_id": "USER_ID"
          • {
              "assignments": [
                  "id": "<uuid>",
                  "account_id": "<account-id>",
                  "template": {
                    "id": "policyTemplate-12345678-abcd-1a2b-a1b2-1234567890ab",
                    "version": "1"
                  "target": {
                    "type": "Account",
                    "id": "AccountId"
                  "status": "succeeded",
                  "resources": [
                      "target": {
                        "type": "Account",
                        "id": "Account-1"
                      "policy": {
                        "resource_created": {
                          "id": "0000-0000-0000-0001"
                        "status": "succeeded"
                  "href": "{assignment_id}",
                  "created_at": "2022-07-23T14:09:09.907Z",
                  "created_by_id": "USER_ID",
                  "last_modified_at": "2022-07-23T14:09:09.907Z",
                  "last_modified_by_id": "USER_ID"
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "invalid_body",
                  "message": "Invalid body format. Check the input parameters."
              "status_code": 400
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "invalid_body",
                  "message": "Invalid body format. Check the input parameters."
              "status_code": 400
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "invalid_token",
                  "message": "The provided IAM token is invalid."
              "status_code": 401
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "invalid_token",
                  "message": "The provided IAM token is invalid."
              "status_code": 401
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "insufficent_permissions",
                  "message": "You are not allowed to create the requested policy."
              "status_code": 403
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "insufficent_permissions",
                  "message": "You are not allowed to create the requested policy."
              "status_code": 403
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "unable_to_process",
                  "message": "The requested resource(s) can only be formatted using the 'application/json' media type."
              "status_code": 406
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "unable_to_process",
                  "message": "The requested resource(s) can only be formatted using the 'application/json' media type."
              "status_code": 406
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "policy_assignment_conflict_error",
                  "message": "Failed to create policy assignment.",
                  "details": {
                    "conflicts_with": {
                      "etag": "1-847833cec3bf3f3c3231d8f9492febac",
                      "policy_assignment": "POLICY_ASSIGNMENT"
                  "status_code": 409
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "policy_assignment_conflict_error",
                  "message": "Failed to create policy assignment.",
                  "details": {
                    "conflicts_with": {
                      "etag": "1-847833cec3bf3f3c3231d8f9492febac",
                      "policy_assignment": "POLICY_ASSIGNMENT"
                  "status_code": 409
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "unsupported_content_type",
                  "message": "The supported media type for this API is 'application/json'."
              "status_code": 415
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "unsupported_content_type",
                  "message": "The supported media type for this API is 'application/json'."
              "status_code": 415
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "too_many_requests",
                  "message": "Too many requests."
              "status_code": 429
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "too_many_requests",
                  "message": "Too many requests."
              "status_code": 429

          Retrieve a policy assignment


          Retrieve a policy template assignment by providing a policy assignment ID.

          Retrieve a policy template assignment by providing a policy assignment ID.

          Retrieve a policy template assignment by providing a policy assignment ID.

          Retrieve a policy template assignment by providing a policy assignment ID.

          Retrieve a policy template assignment by providing a policy assignment ID.

          GET /v1/policy_assignments/{assignment_id}
          (iamPolicyManagement *IamPolicyManagementV1) GetPolicyAssignment(getPolicyAssignmentOptions *GetPolicyAssignmentOptions) (result GetPolicyAssignmentResponseIntf, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
          (iamPolicyManagement *IamPolicyManagementV1) GetPolicyAssignmentWithContext(ctx context.Context, getPolicyAssignmentOptions *GetPolicyAssignmentOptions) (result GetPolicyAssignmentResponseIntf, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
          ServiceCall<GetPolicyAssignmentResponse> getPolicyAssignment(GetPolicyAssignmentOptions getPolicyAssignmentOptions)
                  assignment_id: str,
                  version: str,
              ) -> DetailedResponse


          To call this method, you must be assigned one or more IAM access roles that include the following action. You can check your access by going to Users > User > Access.



          Calling this method generates the following auditing event.



          Instantiate the GetPolicyAssignmentOptions struct and set the fields to provide parameter values for the GetPolicyAssignment method.

          Use the GetPolicyAssignmentOptions.Builder to create a GetPolicyAssignmentOptions object that contains the parameter values for the getPolicyAssignment method.

          Path Parameters

          • The policy template assignment ID.

            Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 53

          Query Parameters

          • specify version of response body format

            Allowable values: [1.0]

            Possible values: length ≥ 1

          WithContext method only

          The GetPolicyAssignment options.

          The getPolicyAssignment options.


          • The policy template assignment ID.

            Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 53

          • specify version of response body format.

            Allowable values: [1.0]

            Possible values: length ≥ 1


          • The policy template assignment ID.

            Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 53

          • specify version of response body format.

            Allowable values: [1.0]

            Possible values: length ≥ 1

          • curl -X GET '$POLICY_ASSIGNMENT_ID?version=1.0' -H 'Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
          • getPolicyAssignmentOptions := iamPolicyManagementService.NewGetPolicyAssignmentOptions(
            policyAssignmentRecord, response, err := iamPolicyManagementService.GetPolicyAssignment(getPolicyAssignmentOptions)
            if err != nil {
            b, _ := json.MarshalIndent(policyAssignmentRecord, "", "  ")
            assignmentPolicyID = *policyAssignmentRecord.Resources[0].Policy.ResourceCreated.ID
          • GetPolicyAssignmentOptions getPolicyAssignmentOptions = new GetPolicyAssignmentOptions.Builder()
            Response<PolicyAssignment> response = service.getPolicyAssignment(getPolicyAssignmentOptions).execute();
            PolicyAssignment policyAssignmentRecord = response.getResult();
            PolicyAssignmentResources resource = policyAssignmentRecord.getResources().get(0);
            PolicyAssignmentResourcePolicy policy = resource.getPolicy();
            AssignmentResourceCreated resourceCreated = policy.getResourceCreated();
            exampleAssignmentPolicyId = resourceCreated.getId();
          • const params = {
              assignmentId: exampleAssignmentId,
            let res;
            try {
              res = await iamPolicyManagementService.getPolicyAssignment(params);
              console.log(JSON.stringify(res.result, null, 2));
              exampleAssignmentPolicyId = res.result.resources[0];
            } catch (err) {
          • response = iam_policy_management_service.get_policy_assignment(
            policy_assignment_record = response.get_result()
            global example_assignment_policy_id
            example_assignment_policy_id = policy_assignment_record['resources'][0]['policy']['resource_created']['id']
            print(json.dumps(policy_assignment_record, indent=2))


          The set of properties associated with the policy template assignment.

          The set of properties associated with the policy template assignment.

          The set of properties associated with the policy template assignment.

          The set of properties associated with the policy template assignment.

          The set of properties associated with the policy template assignment.

          Status Code

          • Policy assignment retrieval successful.

          • The token you provided is not valid.

          • You do not have access to retrieve the policy assignment.

          • Policy Template Assignment was not found.

          • The requested resource(s) cannot be formatted using the requested media type(s).

          • Too many requests have been made within a given time window.

          Example responses
          • {
              "id": "<uuid>",
              "account_id": "<account-id>",
              "template": {
                "id": "policyTemplate-12345678-abcd-1a2b-a1b2-1234567890ab",
                "version": "1"
              "target": {
                "type": "Account",
                "id": "AccountId"
              "status": "succeeded",
              "resources": [
                  "target": {
                    "type": "Account",
                    "id": "Account-1"
                  "policy": {
                    "resource_created": {
                      "id": "0000-0000-0000-0001",
                      "status": "succeeded"
              "href": "{assignment_id}",
              "created_at": "2022-07-23T14:09:09.907Z",
              "created_by_id": "USER_ID",
              "last_modified_at": "2022-07-23T14:09:09.907Z",
              "last_modified_by_id": "USER_ID"
          • {
              "id": "<uuid>",
              "account_id": "<account-id>",
              "template": {
                "id": "policyTemplate-12345678-abcd-1a2b-a1b2-1234567890ab",
                "version": "1"
              "target": {
                "type": "Account",
                "id": "AccountId"
              "status": "succeeded",
              "resources": [
                  "target": {
                    "type": "Account",
                    "id": "Account-1"
                  "policy": {
                    "resource_created": {
                      "id": "0000-0000-0000-0001",
                      "status": "succeeded"
              "href": "{assignment_id}",
              "created_at": "2022-07-23T14:09:09.907Z",
              "created_by_id": "USER_ID",
              "last_modified_at": "2022-07-23T14:09:09.907Z",
              "last_modified_by_id": "USER_ID"
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "invalid_token",
                  "message": "The provided IAM token is invalid."
              "status_code": 401
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "invalid_token",
                  "message": "The provided IAM token is invalid."
              "status_code": 401
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "insufficent_permissions",
                  "message": "You are not allowed to retrieve the requested policy assignment."
              "status_code": 403
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "insufficent_permissions",
                  "message": "You are not allowed to retrieve the requested policy assignment."
              "status_code": 403
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "policy_assignment_not_found",
                  "message": "Policy Assignment with Id POLICY_ASSIGNMENT_ID not found."
              "status_code": 404
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "policy_assignment_not_found",
                  "message": "Policy Assignment with Id POLICY_ASSIGNMENT_ID not found."
              "status_code": 404
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "unable_to_process",
                  "message": "The requested resource(s) can only be formatted using the 'application/json' media type."
              "status_code": 406
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "unable_to_process",
                  "message": "The requested resource(s) can only be formatted using the 'application/json' media type."
              "status_code": 406
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "too_many_requests",
                  "message": "Too many requests."
              "status_code": 429
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "too_many_requests",
                  "message": "Too many requests."
              "status_code": 429

          Update a policy authorization type assignment


          Update a policy assignment by providing a policy assignment ID.

          Update a policy assignment by providing a policy assignment ID.

          Update a policy assignment by providing a policy assignment ID.

          Update a policy assignment by providing a policy assignment ID.

          Update a policy assignment by providing a policy assignment ID.

          PATCH /v1/policy_assignments/{assignment_id}
          (iamPolicyManagement *IamPolicyManagementV1) UpdatePolicyAssignment(updatePolicyAssignmentOptions *UpdatePolicyAssignmentOptions) (result *PolicyAssignmentV1, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
          (iamPolicyManagement *IamPolicyManagementV1) UpdatePolicyAssignmentWithContext(ctx context.Context, updatePolicyAssignmentOptions *UpdatePolicyAssignmentOptions) (result *PolicyAssignmentV1, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
          ServiceCall<PolicyAssignmentV1> updatePolicyAssignment(UpdatePolicyAssignmentOptions updatePolicyAssignmentOptions)
                  assignment_id: str,
                  version: str,
                  if_match: str,
                  template_version: str,
              ) -> DetailedResponse


          To call this method, you must be assigned one or more IAM access roles that include the following action. You can check your access by going to Users > User > Access.

          • iam-access-management.policy-assignment.update


          Calling this method generates the following auditing event.

          • iam-am.policyAssignment.update


          Instantiate the UpdatePolicyAssignmentOptions struct and set the fields to provide parameter values for the UpdatePolicyAssignment method.

          Use the UpdatePolicyAssignmentOptions.Builder to create a UpdatePolicyAssignmentOptions object that contains the parameter values for the updatePolicyAssignment method.

          Custom Headers

          • The revision number for updating a policy assignment and must match the ETag value of the existing policy assignment. The Etag can be retrieved using the GET /v1/policy_assignments/{assignment_id} API and looking at the ETag response header.

          Path Parameters

          • The policy template assignment ID.

            Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 53

          Query Parameters

          • specify version of response body format

            Allowable values: [1.0]

            Possible values: length ≥ 1

          A policy assignment to be created.

          WithContext method only

          The UpdatePolicyAssignment options.

          The updatePolicyAssignment options.


          • The policy template assignment ID.

            Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 53

          • specify version of response body format.

            Allowable values: [1.0]

            Possible values: length ≥ 1

          • The revision number for updating a policy assignment and must match the ETag value of the existing policy assignment. The Etag can be retrieved using the GET /v1/policy_assignments/{assignment_id} API and looking at the ETag response header.

          • The policy template version to update to.

            Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 2, Value must match regular expression /^[0-9]*$/


          • The policy template assignment ID.

            Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 53

          • specify version of response body format.

            Allowable values: [1.0]

            Possible values: length ≥ 1

          • The revision number for updating a policy assignment and must match the ETag value of the existing policy assignment. The Etag can be retrieved using the GET /v1/policy_assignments/{assignment_id} API and looking at the ETag response header.

          • The policy template version to update to.

            Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 2, Value must match regular expression /^[0-9]*$/

          • curl -X PATCH '$POLICY_ASSIGNMENT_ID?version=1.0' -H 'Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{
              "template_version": "2",


          The set of properties associated with the policy template assignment.

          The set of properties associated with the policy template assignment.

          The set of properties associated with the policy template assignment.

          The set of properties associated with the policy template assignment.

          The set of properties associated with the policy template assignment.

          Status Code

          • Policy assignment update successful.

          • The token you provided is not valid.

          • You do not have access to retrieve the policy assignment.

          • Policy Template Assignment was not found.

          • The requested resource(s) cannot be formatted using the requested media type(s).

          • Too many requests have been made within a given time window.

          Example responses
          • {
              "id": "<uuid>",
              "account_id": "<account-id>",
              "template": {
                "id": "policyTemplate-12345678-abcd-1a2b-a1b2-1234567890ab",
                "version": "1"
              "target": {
                "type": "Account",
                "id": "AccountId"
              "status": "succeeded",
              "resources": [
                  "target": {
                    "type": "Account",
                    "id": "AccountId"
                  "policy": {
                    "resource_created": {
                      "id": "0000-0000-0000-0001"
                    "status": "succeeded"
              "href": "{assignment_id}",
              "created_at": "2022-07-23T14:09:09.907Z",
              "created_by_id": "USER_ID",
              "last_modified_at": "2022-07-23T14:09:09.907Z",
              "last_modified_by_id": "USER_ID"
          • {
              "id": "<uuid>",
              "account_id": "<account-id>",
              "template": {
                "id": "policyTemplate-12345678-abcd-1a2b-a1b2-1234567890ab",
                "version": "1"
              "target": {
                "type": "Account",
                "id": "AccountId"
              "status": "succeeded",
              "resources": [
                  "target": {
                    "type": "Account",
                    "id": "AccountId"
                  "policy": {
                    "resource_created": {
                      "id": "0000-0000-0000-0001"
                    "status": "succeeded"
              "href": "{assignment_id}",
              "created_at": "2022-07-23T14:09:09.907Z",
              "created_by_id": "USER_ID",
              "last_modified_at": "2022-07-23T14:09:09.907Z",
              "last_modified_by_id": "USER_ID"
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "invalid_token",
                  "message": "The provided IAM token is invalid."
              "status_code": 401
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "invalid_token",
                  "message": "The provided IAM token is invalid."
              "status_code": 401
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "insufficent_permissions",
                  "message": "You are not allowed to retrieve the requested policy assignment."
              "status_code": 403
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "insufficent_permissions",
                  "message": "You are not allowed to retrieve the requested policy assignment."
              "status_code": 403
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "policy_assignment_not_found",
                  "message": "Policy Assignment with Id POLICY_ASSIGNMENT_ID not found."
              "status_code": 404
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "policy_assignment_not_found",
                  "message": "Policy Assignment with Id POLICY_ASSIGNMENT_ID not found."
              "status_code": 404
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "unable_to_process",
                  "message": "The requested resource(s) can only be formatted using the 'application/json' media type."
              "status_code": 406
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "unable_to_process",
                  "message": "The requested resource(s) can only be formatted using the 'application/json' media type."
              "status_code": 406
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "too_many_requests",
                  "message": "Too many requests."
              "status_code": 429
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "too_many_requests",
                  "message": "Too many requests."
              "status_code": 429

          Remove a policy assignment


          Remove a policy template assignment by providing a policy assignment ID. You can't delete a policy assignment if the status is "in_progress".

          Remove a policy template assignment by providing a policy assignment ID. You can't delete a policy assignment if the status is "in_progress".

          Remove a policy template assignment by providing a policy assignment ID. You can't delete a policy assignment if the status is "in_progress".

          Remove a policy template assignment by providing a policy assignment ID. You can't delete a policy assignment if the status is "in_progress".

          Remove a policy template assignment by providing a policy assignment ID. You can't delete a policy assignment if the status is "in_progress".

          DELETE /v1/policy_assignments/{assignment_id}
          (iamPolicyManagement *IamPolicyManagementV1) DeletePolicyAssignment(deletePolicyAssignmentOptions *DeletePolicyAssignmentOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
          (iamPolicyManagement *IamPolicyManagementV1) DeletePolicyAssignmentWithContext(ctx context.Context, deletePolicyAssignmentOptions *DeletePolicyAssignmentOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
          ServiceCall<Void> deletePolicyAssignment(DeletePolicyAssignmentOptions deletePolicyAssignmentOptions)
                  assignment_id: str,
              ) -> DetailedResponse


          To call this method, you must be assigned one or more IAM access roles that include the following action. You can check your access by going to Users > User > Access.

          • iam-access-management.policy-assignment.delete


          Calling this method generates the following auditing event.

          • iam-am.policyAssignment.delete


          Instantiate the DeletePolicyAssignmentOptions struct and set the fields to provide parameter values for the DeletePolicyAssignment method.

          Use the DeletePolicyAssignmentOptions.Builder to create a DeletePolicyAssignmentOptions object that contains the parameter values for the deletePolicyAssignment method.

          Path Parameters

          • The policy template assignment ID.

            Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 53

          WithContext method only

          The DeletePolicyAssignment options.

          The deletePolicyAssignment options.


          • The policy template assignment ID.

            Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 53


          • The policy template assignment ID.

            Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 53

          • curl -X DELETE '$POLICY_ASSIGNMENT_ID' -H 'Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'


          Status Code

          • Policy assignment deletion successful.

          • Policy assignment was not in valid to delete.

          • The token you provided is not valid.

          • You do not have access to remove the policy assignment.

          • Policy Template Assignment was not found.

          • Too many requests have been made within a given time window.

          Example responses
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "invalid_body",
                  "message": "Request includes an assignment with state \"in_progress\", cannot perform action"
              "status_code": 400
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "invalid_body",
                  "message": "Request includes an assignment with state \"in_progress\", cannot perform action"
              "status_code": 400
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "invalid_token",
                  "message": "The provided IAM token is invalid."
              "status_code": 401
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "invalid_token",
                  "message": "The provided IAM token is invalid."
              "status_code": 401
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "insufficent_permissions",
                  "message": "You are not allowed to delete the requested policy assignment."
              "status_code": 403
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "insufficent_permissions",
                  "message": "You are not allowed to delete the requested policy assignment."
              "status_code": 403
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "policy_assignment_not_found",
                  "message": "Policy Assignment with Id POLICY_ASSIGNMENT_ID not found."
              "status_code": 404
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "policy_assignment_not_found",
                  "message": "Policy Assignment with Id POLICY_ASSIGNMENT_ID not found."
              "status_code": 404
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "too_many_requests",
                  "message": "Too many requests."
              "status_code": 429
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "too_many_requests",
                  "message": "Too many requests."
              "status_code": 429

          Retrieve Access Management account settings by account ID

          Retrieve Access Management settings for an account by providing the account ID.

          GET /v1/accounts/{account_id}/settings/access_management


          To call this method, you must be assigned one or more IAM access roles that include the following action. You can check your access by going to Users > User > Access.



          Custom Headers

          • Language code for translations

            • default - English
            • de - German (Standard)
            • en - English
            • es - Spanish (Spain)
            • fr - French (Standard)
            • it - Italian (Standard)
            • ja - Japanese
            • ko - Korean
            • pt-br - Portuguese (Brazil)
            • zh-cn - Chinese (Simplified, PRC)
            • zh-tw - (Chinese, Taiwan)

            Possible values: length ≥ 1

            Default: default

          Path Parameters

          • The account GUID that the settings belong to.

            Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 1024, Value must match regular expression ^[A-Za-z0-9-_]+$

          • curl -X GET "$ACCOUNT_ID/settings/access_management" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" -H 'Content-Type: application/json'


          The Access Management Account Settings that are currently set for the requested account.

          Status Code

          • Access Management account settings retrieval successful.

          • The token you provided is not valid.

          • You do not have access to retrieve the account settings.

          • Resource was not found.

          • The requested resource(s) cannot be formatted using the requested media type(s).

          • Too many requests have been made within a given time window.

          Example responses
          • {
              "external_account_identity_interaction": {
                "identity_types": {
                  "user": {
                    "state": "monitor",
                    "external_allowed_accounts": [
                  "service_id": {
                    "state": "enabled",
                    "external_allowed_accounts": []
                  "service": {
                    "state": "monitor",
                    "external_allowed_accounts": []
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "invalid_token",
                  "message": "The provided IAM token is invalid."
              "status_code": 401
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "insufficent_permissions",
                  "message": "You are not allowed to retrieve the access management account settings."
              "status_code": 403
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "resource_not_found",
                  "message": "account_id 100abcde100a41a?c100aza678abc0&z is malformed."
              "status_code": 404
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "unable_to_process",
                  "message": "The requested resource(s) can only be formatted using the 'application/json' media type."
              "status_code": 406
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "too_many_requests",
                  "message": "Too many requests."
              "status_code": 429

          Update Access Management account settings by account ID

          Update access management settings for an account.

          External Account Identity Interaction

          Update the way identities within an external account are allowed to interact with the requested account by providing:

          • the account_id as a parameter
          • the external account ID(s) and state for the specific identity in the request body

          External account identity interaction includes the following identity_types: user (user identities defined as IBMid's), service_id (defined as IAM ServiceIds), service (defined by a service’s CRN). To update an Identity’s setting, the state and external_allowed_accounts fields are required.

          Different identity states are:

          • "enabled": An identity type is allowed to access resources in the account provided it has access policies on those resources.
          • "limited": An identity type is allowed to access resources in the account provided it has access policies on those resources AND it is associated with either the account the resources are in or one of the allowed accounts. This setting leverages the "external_allowed_accounts" list.
          • "monitor": Has no direct impact on an Identity’s access. Instead, it creates AT events for access decisions as if the account were in a limited “state”.

          Note: The state "enabled" is a special case. In this case, access is given to all accounts and there is no need to specify a particular list. Therefore, when updating "state" to "enabled" for an identity type "external_allowed_accounts" should be left empty.

          PATCH /v1/accounts/{account_id}/settings/access_management


          To call this method, you must be assigned one or more IAM access roles that include the following action. You can check your access by going to Users > User > Access.

          • iam-access-management.settings.update


          Custom Headers

          • The revision number for updating Access Management Account Settings and must match the ETag value of the existing Access Management Account Settings. The Etag can be retrieved using the GET /v1/accounts/{account_id}/settings/access_management API and looking at the ETag response header.

            Possible values: 5 ≤ length ≤ 43, Value must match regular expression ^[1-9]\d{0,9}-[\da-f]{32}|0-new$

          • Language code for translations

            • default - English
            • de - German (Standard)
            • en - English
            • es - Spanish (Spain)
            • fr - French (Standard)
            • it - Italian (Standard)
            • ja - Japanese
            • ko - Korean
            • pt-br - Portuguese (Brazil)
            • zh-cn - Chinese (Simplified, PRC)
            • zh-tw - (Chinese, Taiwan)

            Possible values: length ≥ 1

            Default: default

          Path Parameters

          • The account GUID that the settings belong to.

            Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 1024, Value must match regular expression ^[A-Za-z0-9-_]+$

          Access Management Account Settings attribute to be updated.

          • curl -X PATCH "$ACCOUNT_ID/settings/access_management" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'If-Match: $ETAG' -d '{
              "external_account_identity_interaction": {
                "identity_types": {
                  "service_id": {
                    "state": "monitor",
                    "external_allowed_accounts": ["100abcde100a41abc100aza678abc0zz"]


          The Access Management Account Settings that are currently set for the requested account.

          Status Code

          • Access Management account settings update successful.

          • Access Management Account settings input is invalid.

          • The token you provided is not valid.

          • You do not have access to retrieve the account settings.

          • Resource was not found.

          • The requested resource(s) cannot be formatted using the requested media type(s).

          • Too many requests have been made within a given time window.

          Example responses
          • {
              "external_account_identity_interaction": {
                "identity_types": {
                  "user": {
                    "state": "monitor",
                    "external_allowed_accounts": [
                  "service_id": {
                    "state": "monitor",
                    "external_allowed_accounts": [
                  "service": {
                    "state": "monitor",
                    "external_allowed_accounts": []
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "invalid_body",
                  "message": "Invalid body format. Check missing parameters."
              "status_code": 400
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "invalid_token",
                  "message": "The provided IAM token is invalid."
              "status_code": 401
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "insufficent_permissions",
                  "message": "You are not allowed to create or update the access management account settings."
              "status_code": 403
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "resource_not_found",
                  "message": "account_id 100abcde100a41a?c100aza678abc0&z is malformed."
              "status_code": 404
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "unable_to_process",
                  "message": "The requested resource(s) can only be formatted using the 'application/json' media type."
              "status_code": 406
          • {
              "trace": "26f0b2491ed6425c9e7b0c08a3a645f7",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "too_many_requests",
                  "message": "Too many requests."
              "status_code": 429