IBM Cloud API Docs

Introduction to common core functionality APIs for Data and AI software products

You can use the common core functionality REST APIs for Data and AI software products to work with assets and their workspaces: projects, deployment spaces, and catalogs. Common core functionality is shared among multiple products, such as watsonx software, Cloud Pak for Data, and others.

If you are looking for the common core functionality APIs for SaaS products, see here.

For more information, see documentation for:

Endpoint URL

The base URL for all API endpoints is your product software deployment URL. To form a complete request URL for an API endpoint, append the method path to the base URL.

API endpoint


Example request

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer {access_token}"   -X GET "https://{cluster_host}/{method_endpoint}"


To authenticate to the API, pass an access token or platform API key token in an Authorization header. See the IBM Software Hub Platform API Authentication section for more information.

Curl command with API key to retrieve token

curl -k -X POST https://{cluster_host}/icp4d-api/v1/authorize     -H 'cache-control: no-cache'     -H 'content-type: application/json'     -d '{"username":"admin","password":"password"}'


  "_messageCode_": "200",
  "message": "Success",
  "token": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9...."

Error handling

This API uses standard HTTP response codes to indicate whether a method completed successfully. A 200 response indicates success. Responses with 400-series or 500-series status codes are returned when a request cannot be completed. The body of these responses follows the error model, which contains a code field to identify the problem and a message field to explain how to solve the problem. Each individual endpoint has specific error messages. All responses with 500 or 503 status codes are logged and treated as a critical failure requiring an emergency fix.


List defined connections

Lists defined connections.

Connections created with shared credentials will return secrets such as database passwords and API keys in clear text. Such secrets are stored encrypted but will be decrypted by the API when retrieved by the caller in order to access the data source defined by the connection. Clear text credentials are allowed because it is understood that the caller has already been explicitly added as a collabaorator in the project or catalog in which the connection is stored and is thus implicitly permitted access to the credentials required to connect to a data source.

Connections created with personal credentials will only display clear text credentials to the same user who provided them.

Use the following parameters to sort the results:

  • - ?
  • metadata.create_time - ?_sort=-metadata.create_time

Use the following parameters to filter the results:

  • - ?
  • entity.datasource_type - ?entity.datasource_type=<asset_id>
  • entity.context - ?entity.context=source
  • - ?{"name":"value"}
  • entity.flags - ?entity.flags=+personal_credentials
  • metadata.creator_id - ?metadata.creator_id=userid

Filtering is done by specifying the fields to filter on.

To filter on the properties of a connection, the exact values to compare must be provided in the field and all values supplied must exactly match a property of a connection.

The entity.flags field specifies the flags a connection can have to be included in the list results. By default, all connections with no flags are returned.

Adding the name of a flag to entity.flags will add the connections with that flag to the list results. The name can be optionally prefixed with a plus sign (+) to indicate that it is being added.

Adding the name of a flag to entity.flags with a minus sign (-) prefix will remove those connections with that flag from the list results. All additions are done before the subtractions.

GET /v2/connections


Custom Headers

  • Boolean indicator if cluster username and access token should be injected into connection properties. It has to be ensured that access token is not revealed unintentionally together with connection properties.

    Default: false

Query Parameters

  • The ID of the catalog to use. catalog_id, project_id, or space_id is required.

  • The ID of the project to use. catalog_id, project_id, or space_id is required.

  • The ID of the space to use. catalog_id, project_id, or space_id is required.

  • true for a project needs assets managed by the /userfs API, i.e. if it has git integration

    Default: false

  • The field to sort the results on, including whether to sort ascending (+) or descending (-), for example, sort=-metadata.create_time

  • The page token indicating where to start paging from.

  • The limit of the number of items to return, for example limit=50. If not specified a default of 100 will be used.

    Possible values: value ≥ 1

    Default: 100

  • The creator of the connection.

  • The name of the connection.

  • The data source type of the connection. To specify multiple data source types, use a comma-separated string, such as entity.datasource_type=<asset_id>,<asset_id>.

  • The context of the connection. Can be one of "source", "target", or "source,target".

  • The properties of the connection that must match for the connection to be included in the list.

  • A comma separated list of flags that must be present for the connection to be included in the list. If not provided, only connections with no flags will be returned.

  • Whether to return information about source and target interaction properties.

  • Whether to return decrypted secrets for unrestricted connections.

    Default: true

  • Whether to return information about connection and interaction properties.

    Default: true


A page from a collection of connections.

Status Code

  • Connections with metadata.

  • You are not authorized to list the defined connections.

  • You are not permitted to perform this action.

  • The service is currently receiving more requests than it can process in a timely fashion. Please retry submitting your request later.

  • An error occurred. The defined connections cannot be listed.

  • A timeout occurred when processing your request. Please retry later.

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Define connection

Defines a connection.

By default, a connection is created with shared credentials. Though credentials' secrets are stored encrypted, all credentials including secrets will be visible in clear text to API users who retrieve the connection and who are collaborators of the project or catalog in which a connection with shared credentials has been created.

Alternatively, a connection can be created with personal credentials by using the personal_credentials flag. The credentials' secrets will be visible only to the user who created the connection.

POST /v2/connections


Custom Headers

  • The indicator whether shared credentials disablement and vault credentials enforcement guards should be disabled for creation and updates

    Default: false

Query Parameters

  • The ID of the catalog to use. catalog_id, project_id, or space_id is required.

  • The ID of the project to use. catalog_id, project_id, or space_id is required.

  • The ID of the space to use. catalog_id, project_id, or space_id is required.

  • true for a project needs assets managed by the /userfs API, i.e. if it has git integration

    Default: false

  • Whether to test the connection before saving it. By default an attempt to establish a connection will be made, and the connection will not be saved if the connection cannot be established.

    Default: true

  • Whether to persist assets or changes on assets. If set to false, it makes the service to perform all the actions on the way, execute testing, inject properties (like satellite properties or vault properties), if applicable, and then return the object as it would look like if persisted + with all the usual additioanl elements of response properties returned via Java API (like interaction_properties), but metadata record itself that gets filled with properties from the response from CAMS service is not filled, so it only contains those properties that are set directly from the entity taken from payload.

    Default: true

The definition of the connection.


A connection.

Status Code

  • The connection was created.

  • The connection test failed. See the error message for details.

  • You are not authorized to define a connection.

  • You are not permitted to perform this action.

  • The service is currently receiving more requests than it can process in a timely fashion. Please retry submitting your request later.

  • An error occurred. A connection was not created.

  • A timeout occurred when processing your request. Please retry later.

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Get connection

Gets details of a specific connection definition.

Connections created with shared credentials will return secrets such as database passwords and API keys in clear text. Such secrets are stored encrypted but will be decrypted by the API when retrieved by the caller in order to access the data source defined by the connection. Clear text credentials are allowed because it is understood that the caller has already been explicitly added as a collabaorator in the project or catalog in which the connection is stored and is thus implicitly permitted access to the credentials required to connect to a data source.

Connections created with personal credentials will only display clear text credentials to the same user who provided them.

GET /v2/connections/{connection_id}


Custom Headers

  • Boolean indicator if cluster username and access token should be injected into connection properties. It has to be ensured that access token is not revealed unintentionally together with connection properties.

    Default: false

Path Parameters

  • The ID of the connection.

Query Parameters

  • The ID of the catalog to use. catalog_id, project_id, or space_id is required.

  • The ID of the project to use. catalog_id, project_id, or space_id is required.

  • The ID of the space to use. catalog_id, project_id, or space_id is required.

  • true for a project needs assets managed by the /userfs API, i.e. if it has git integration

    Default: false

  • Specify the product the data source type must support to be returned. The available products are 'catalog', 'cpd', 'datastage', 'dv', 'igc', 'mdi', 'ml' and 'studio'. If no entity.product is specified, no filtering is applied. To specify multiple products, use a comma-separated string, such as entity.product=catalog,studio.

  • Whether to return information about source and target interaction properties.

  • Whether to return decrypted secrets for unrestricted connections.

    Default: true

  • The ID of the function which if specified, then the credentials for function are returned/stored rather than personal or shared credentials.


A connection.

Status Code

  • The connection object.

  • You are not authorized to get details about the connection.

  • You are not permitted to perform this action.

  • The connection cannot be found.

  • The service is currently receiving more requests than it can process in a timely fashion. Please retry submitting your request later.

  • An error occurred. The connection definition details cannot be retrieved.

  • A timeout occurred when processing your request. Please retry later.

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Delete connection

Deletes a connection definition. This call does not check whether the connection is used by activities, data sets or other assets. The caller must check this before deleting a connection.

DELETE /v2/connections/{connection_id}


Path Parameters

  • The ID of the connection.

Query Parameters

  • The ID of the catalog to use. catalog_id, project_id, or space_id is required.

  • The ID of the project to use. catalog_id, project_id, or space_id is required.

  • The ID of the space to use. catalog_id, project_id, or space_id is required.

  • true for a project needs assets managed by the /userfs API, i.e. if it has git integration

    Default: false


Status Code

  • The connection was deleted.

  • You are not authorized to delete a connection.

  • You are not permitted to perform this action.

  • The connection cannot be found.

  • The service is currently receiving more requests than it can process in a timely fashion. Please retry submitting your request later.

  • An error occurred. The connection was not deleted.

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Update connection

Updates the definition of a connection.

PATCH /v2/connections/{connection_id}


Custom Headers

  • The indicator whether shared credentials disablement and vault credentials enforcement guards should be disabled for creation and updates

    Default: false

Path Parameters

  • The ID of the connection.

Query Parameters

  • The ID of the catalog to use. catalog_id, project_id, or space_id is required.

  • The ID of the project to use. catalog_id, project_id, or space_id is required.

  • The ID of the space to use. catalog_id, project_id, or space_id is required.

  • true for a project needs assets managed by the /userfs API, i.e. if it has git integration

    Default: false

  • Whether to test the connection before saving it. By default an attempt to establish a connection will be made, and the connection will not be saved if the connection cannot be established.

    Default: true

  • Whether to persist assets or changes on assets. If set to false, it makes the service to perform all the actions on the way, execute testing, inject properties (like satellite properties or vault properties), if applicable, and then return the object as it would look like if persisted + with all the usual additioanl elements of response properties returned via Java API (like interaction_properties), but metadata record itself that gets filled with properties from the response from CAMS service is not filled, so it only contains those properties that are set directly from the entity taken from payload.

    Default: true

  • The ID of the function which if specified, then the credentials for function are returned/stored rather than personal or shared credentials.

Fields to update within the connection.


The connection definition.

Status Code

  • The updated connection definition object.

  • The connection test failed. See the error message for details.

  • You are not authorized to update the connection definition.

  • You are not permitted to perform this action.

  • The connection cannot be found.

  • The service is currently receiving more requests than it can process in a timely fashion. Please retry submitting your request later.

  • An error occurred. The connection definition was not updated.

  • A timeout occurred when processing your request. Please retry later.

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Discover assets

Discovers assets from the data source accessed via a connection description.

POST /v2/connections/assets


Custom Headers

  • Specify whether to return the asset's data in parsed form (application/json) or as raw bytes. This only applies to sources that produce data as a file, document or stream of bytes. To return bytes specify application/octet-stream.

Query Parameters

  • Path of the asset.

  • The limit of the number of items to return, for example limit=50. If not specified a default of 100 will be used.

    Possible values: value ≥ 1

    Default: 100

  • The 0-based index of the first result to return, for example, offset=200. If not specified, the default offset of 0 is used.

    Possible values: value ≥ 0

    Default: 0

  • Specify whether to return the asset's metadata, the asset's data, interaction properties, connection properties, or data source type. If not specified, metadata is used by default. This parameter only applies when requesting details about a data set. To specify multiple fetch values, use a comma-separated string, such as fetch=data,metadata,interaction,connection,datasource_type.

  • Specify whether to return additional asset-specific details. If not specified, these details are not returned.

  • Specify whether assets are discovered for the purpose of reading (source) or writing (target). If not specified, source is used by default.

    Allowable values: [source,target]

  • A JSON object containing a set of properties to configure aspects of the asset browsing.

  • A JSON object containing a set of properties to define filtering of the assets to be returned.

The connection definition.


A page from a collection of discovered assets.

Status Code

  • The discovered assets.

  • You are not authorized to discover assets.

  • You are not permitted to perform this action.

  • The service is currently receiving more requests than it can process in a timely fashion. Please retry submitting your request later.

  • An error occurred. No assets were found.

  • A timeout occurred when processing your request. Please retry later.

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Discover assets

Discovers assets from the data source accessed via the connection.

GET /v2/connections/{connection_id}/assets


Custom Headers

  • Specify whether to return the asset's data in parsed form (application/json) or as raw bytes. This only applies to sources that produce data as a file, document or stream of bytes. To return bytes specify application/octet-stream.

Path Parameters

  • The ID of the connection.

Query Parameters

  • Path of the asset.

  • The ID of the catalog to use. catalog_id, project_id, or space_id is required.

  • The ID of the project to use. catalog_id, project_id, or space_id is required.

  • The ID of the space to use. catalog_id, project_id, or space_id is required.

  • true for a project needs assets managed by the /userfs API, i.e. if it has git integration

    Default: false

  • The ID of the data asset.

  • The ID of the catalog that contains the data asset.

  • The ID of the project that contains the data asset.

  • The ID of the space that contains the data asset.

  • The limit of the number of items to return, for example limit=50. If not specified a default of 100 will be used.

    Possible values: value ≥ 1

    Default: 100

  • The 0-based index of the first result to return, for example, offset=200. If not specified, the default offset of 0 is used.

    Possible values: value ≥ 0

    Default: 0

  • Specify whether to return the asset's metadata, the asset's data, interaction properties, connection properties, or data source type. If not specified, metadata is used by default. This parameter only applies when requesting details about a data set. To specify multiple fetch values, use a comma-separated string, such as fetch=data,metadata,interaction,connection,datasource_type.

  • Specify whether to return additional asset-specific details. If not specified, these details are not returned.

  • Specify whether assets are discovered for the purpose of reading (source) or writing (target). If not specified, source is used by default.

    Allowable values: [source,target]

  • A JSON object containing a set of properties to configure aspects of the asset browsing.

  • A JSON object containing a set of properties to define filtering of the assets to be returned.


A page from a collection of discovered assets.

Status Code

  • The discovered assets.

  • You are not authorized to discover assets in the data source accessed through the connection.

  • You are not permitted to perform this action.

  • The connection cannot be found.

  • The service is currently receiving more requests than it can process in a timely fashion. Please retry submitting your request later.

  • An error occurred. No assets were discovered in the data source.

  • A timeout occurred when processing your request. Please retry later.

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Discover data asset

Discover a data asset.

GET /v2/connections/assets/{data_asset_id}


Custom Headers

  • Specify whether to return the asset's data in parsed form (application/json) or as raw bytes. This only applies to sources that produce data as a file, document or stream of bytes. To return bytes specify application/octet-stream.

Path Parameters

  • The ID of the data asset.

Query Parameters

  • The ID of the catalog to use. catalog_id, project_id, or space_id is required.

  • The ID of the project to use. catalog_id, project_id, or space_id is required.

  • The ID of the space to use. catalog_id, project_id, or space_id is required.

  • true for a project needs assets managed by the /userfs API, i.e. if it has git integration

    Default: false

  • The limit of the number of items to return, for example limit=50. If not specified a default of 100 will be used.

    Possible values: value ≥ 1

    Default: 100

  • The 0-based index of the first result to return, for example, offset=200. If not specified, the default offset of 0 is used.

    Possible values: value ≥ 0

    Default: 0

  • Specify whether to return the asset's metadata, the asset's data, interaction properties, connection properties, or data source type. If not specified, metadata is used by default. This parameter only applies when requesting details about a data set. To specify multiple fetch values, use a comma-separated string, such as fetch=data,metadata,interaction,connection,datasource_type.

  • Specify whether to return additional asset-specific details. If not specified, these details are not returned.

  • Specify whether assets are discovered for the purpose of reading (source) or writing (target). If not specified, source is used by default.

    Allowable values: [source,target]

  • A JSON object containing a set of properties to configure aspects of the asset browsing.

  • A JSON object containing a set of properties to define filtering of the assets to be returned.

  • Path of the asset.


A page from a collection of discovered assets.

Status Code

  • The discovered asset.

  • You are not authorized to discover the asset.

  • You are not permitted to perform this action.

  • The asset cannot be found.

  • The service is currently receiving more requests than it can process in a timely fashion. Please retry submitting your request later.

  • An error occurred. No assets were discovered in the data source.

  • A timeout occurred when processing your request. Please retry later.

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

List actions

Lists all supported actions for the connection.

GET /v2/connections/{connection_id}/actions


Custom Headers

  • The user's preferred locale identifier.

    Default: en-US

Path Parameters

  • The ID of the connection.

Query Parameters

  • The ID of the catalog to use. catalog_id, project_id, or space_id is required.

  • The ID of the project to use. catalog_id, project_id, or space_id is required.

  • The ID of the space to use. catalog_id, project_id, or space_id is required.

  • true for a project needs assets managed by the /userfs API, i.e. if it has git integration

    Default: false


Connection actions.

Status Code

  • The actions supported for the connection.

  • You are not authorized to list the actions for the connection.

  • You are not permitted to perform this action.

  • The connection cannot be found.

  • The service is currently receiving more requests than it can process in a timely fashion. Please retry submitting your request later.

  • An error occurred. The actions for the connection cannot be listed.

  • A timeout occurred when processing your request. Please retry later.

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Perform action

Performs an action on the data source accessed using the connection.

PUT /v2/connections/{connection_id}/actions/{action_name}


Path Parameters

  • The ID of the connection.

  • The name of the action to be performed. This list is expanded over time. The current actions are:

    • get_dsd_details - to obtain Data Source Definition Asset details from a connector.
    • get_oauth2_tokens - to get refresh and authorization tokens for sources that support OAuth2.
    • get_record_count - to get the number of records available for the specified asset.
    • get_signed_url - to get a signed URL for accessing a datasource.
    • test - to check if a connection can be established to the datasource.
    • validate - to validate the connection properties without establishing a connection.

    Allowable values: [get_dsd_details,get_oauth2_tokens,get_record_count,get_signed_url,test,validate]

Query Parameters

  • The ID of the catalog to use. catalog_id, project_id, or space_id is required.

  • The ID of the project to use. catalog_id, project_id, or space_id is required.

  • The ID of the space to use. catalog_id, project_id, or space_id is required.

  • true for a project needs assets managed by the /userfs API, i.e. if it has git integration

    Default: false

The perform action request configuration.


Results of a connection perform action request.

Status Code

  • Any output produced by the action.

  • The perform action request is invalid.

  • You are not authorized to perform an action on a data source accessed through the connection.

  • You are not permitted to perform this action.

  • The connection cannot be found.

  • The service is currently receiving more requests than it can process in a timely fashion. Please retry submitting your request later.

  • An error occurred. No action was performed on the data source.

  • A timeout occurred when processing your request. Please retry later.

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Download a file

Download a file

GET /v2/connections/files/{file_name}


Path Parameters

  • The name of file to download

Query Parameters

  • The hash of file to download


Status Code

  • The file object.

  • You are not authorized to get content of the file.

  • You are not permitted to perform this action.

  • The file cannot be found.

  • The service is currently receiving more requests than it can process in a timely fashion. Please retry submitting your request later.

  • An error occurred. The driver jar cannot be retrieved.

  • A timeout occurred when processing your request. Please retry later.

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Upload a file

Upload a file and get back a signed handle in 'Location' header with a hash

POST /v2/connections/files/{file_name}


Path Parameters

  • The name of file to upload


Status Code

  • The file object.

  • You are not authorized to get content of the file.

  • You are not permitted to perform this action.

  • The file cannot be found.

  • The service is currently receiving more requests than it can process in a timely fashion. Please retry submitting your request later.

  • An error occurred. The driver jar cannot be retrieved.

  • A timeout occurred when processing your request. Please retry later.

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Delete a file

Delete a file

DELETE /v2/connections/files/{file_name}


Path Parameters

  • The name of file to delete

Query Parameters

  • The hash of file to delete


Status Code

  • The file was deleted.

  • You are not authorized to get content of the file.

  • You are not permitted to perform this action.

  • The file cannot be found.

  • The service is currently receiving more requests than it can process in a timely fashion. Please retry submitting your request later.

  • An error occurred. The driver jar cannot be retrieved.

  • A timeout occurred when processing your request. Please retry later.

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

List files

List files available in mounted directory

GET /v2/connections/files


Query Parameters

  • The limit of the number of items to return, for example limit=50. If not specified a default of 100 will be used.

    Possible values: value ≥ 1

    Default: 100

  • The 0-based index of the first result to return, for example, offset=200. If not specified, the default offset of 0 is used.

    Possible values: value ≥ 0

    Default: 0


A page from a collection of uploaded files.

Status Code

  • List of available files

  • You are not authorized to get the list of files.

  • You are not permitted to perform this action.

  • The file cannot be found.

  • The service is currently receiving more requests than it can process in a timely fashion. Please retry submitting your request later.

  • An error occurred. The driver jar cannot be retrieved.

  • A timeout occurred when processing your request. Please retry later.

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Migrate files

Migrates files from old locations to new one

PUT /v2/connections/files


Query Parameters

  • Indicator, if only list files to be migrated.

  • Indicator, if migrate connections from catalogs.

  • Indicator, if migrate connections from projects.

  • Indicator, if migrate connections from spaces.


A page from a collection of migrated connections.

Status Code

  • List of newly uploaded files

  • You are not authorized to migrate files.

  • You are not permitted to perform this action.

  • The service is currently receiving more requests than it can process in a timely fashion. Please retry submitting your request later.

  • An error occurred. The driver jar cannot be retrieved.

  • A timeout occurred when processing your request. Please retry later.

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

List defined types of data sources

Gets all defined types of data sources.

The following fields are available for use with the sort parameter:

  • entity.label - The name of the data source type in a readable form.
  • entity.type - The major type of the data source type.
GET /v2/datasource_types


Custom Headers

  • The user's preferred locale identifier.

    Default: en-US

Query Parameters

  • The field to sort the results on, including whether to sort ascending (+) or descending (-), for example, sort=-metadata.create_time

  • The 0-based index of the first result to return, for example, offset=200. If not specified, the default offset of 0 is used.

    Possible values: value ≥ 0

    Default: 0

  • The limit of the number of items to return, for example limit=50. If not specified a default of 100 will be used.

    Possible values: value ≥ 1

    Default: 100

  • Whether to return information about connection properties.

  • Whether to return information about source and target interaction properties.

  • Whether to return information about discovery capabilities.

  • Whether to return information about supported actions.

  • Specify the environment the data source types must support to be included in the returned list. The available environments are 'cloud', 'streams' and 'local'. If no entity.environment is specified, the default for service's deploy environment is used. To specify multiple environments, use a comma-separated string, such as entity.environment=cloud,streams.

  • Specify the product the data source type must support to be returned. The available products are 'catalog', 'cpd', 'datastage', 'dv', 'igc', 'mdi', 'ml' and 'studio'. If no entity.product is specified, no filtering is applied. To specify multiple products, use a comma-separated string, such as entity.product=catalog,studio.

  • Scope of ui-only product selector property. Applies to output under common_properties key. Genreated ui contains additional checkbox to switch between first of the requested products and the rest. If only a single one is given it switches between that product and remaining products supported by the data source.

    Allowable values: [global,context]

  • Whether to generate extra conditions in common properties format that will make them behave in a transitive manner under default configuration options of Elyra i.e. when a condition is part of a chain it will enable/disable everything down the chain rather than just hiding the control. Support for this option has been removed. Option itself was not removed to preserve binary compatibility but it no longer has any effect.

    Default: false

  • Whether to filter the list of available datasource types and return only those that have their dataSourceDefinitionId parameter set and its value is the same as the value of the datasource type id. That means that returned are only datasource types which should have proper deep enforcement in Data Privacy Service supported and are the canonical types (not the connectors that use the same engine, but have a different flavor).

    Default: false

  • Whether to show data source definition asset feature metadata properties or not.

    Default: true


A page from a collection of data source types.

Status Code

  • Collection of data source types.

  • You are not authorized to list the defined types of data sources.

  • You are not permitted to perform this action.

  • The service is currently receiving more requests than it can process in a timely fashion. Please retry submitting your request later.

  • An error occurred. No data source types were retrieved.

  • A timeout occurred when processing your request. Please retry later.

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Define data source type

Defines a data source type.

POST /v2/datasource_types


The definition of the data source type.


A collection of custom data source types.

Status Code

  • The data source type was created.

  • The data source type definition is not valid. See the error message for details.

  • You are not authorized to define a data source type.

  • You are not permitted to perform this action.

  • The service is currently receiving more requests than it can process in a timely fashion. Please retry submitting your request later.

  • An error occurred. A data source type was not created.

  • A timeout occurred when processing your request. Please retry later.

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Get details for type of data source

Get details for type of data source.

GET /v2/datasource_types/{datasource_type}


Custom Headers

  • The user's preferred locale identifier.

    Default: en-US

Path Parameters

  • The data source type.

Query Parameters

  • Whether to return information about connection properties.

  • Whether to return information about source and target interaction properties.

  • Whether to return information about discovery capabilities.

  • Whether to return information about supported actions.

  • Specify the environment the data source types must support to be included in the returned list. The available environments are 'cloud', 'streams' and 'local'. If no entity.environment is specified, the default for service's deploy environment is used. To specify multiple environments, use a comma-separated string, such as entity.environment=cloud,streams.

  • Specify the product the data source type must support to be returned. The available products are 'catalog', 'cpd', 'datastage', 'dv', 'igc', 'mdi', 'ml' and 'studio'. If no entity.product is specified, no filtering is applied. To specify multiple products, use a comma-separated string, such as entity.product=catalog,studio.

  • Scope of ui-only product selector property. Applies to output under common_properties key. Genreated ui contains additional checkbox to switch between first of the requested products and the rest. If only a single one is given it switches between that product and remaining products supported by the data source.

    Allowable values: [global,context]

  • Whether to generate extra conditions in common properties format that will make them behave in a transitive manner under default configuration options of Elyra i.e. when a condition is part of a chain it will enable/disable everything down the chain rather than just hiding the control. Support for this option has been removed. Option itself was not removed to preserve binary compatibility but it no longer has any effect.

    Default: false

  • Whether to show data source definition asset feature metadata properties or not.

    Default: true


The definition of a data source type.

Status Code

  • A data source type definition.

  • You are not authorized to retrieve the type details of the data source.

  • You are not permitted to perform this action.

  • The data source type details cannot be found.

  • The service is currently receiving more requests than it can process in a timely fashion. Please retry submitting your request later.

  • An error occurred. No data source type details were retrieved.

  • A timeout occurred when processing your request. Please retry later.

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Delete data source type

Deletes a data source type definition. This call does not check whether the data source type is used by connections or other assets. The caller must check this before deleting a data source type.

DELETE /v2/datasource_types/{datasource_type}


Path Parameters

  • The data source type.


Status Code

  • The data source type was deleted.

  • You are not authorized to delete a data source type.

  • You are not permitted to perform this action.

  • The data source type cannot be found.

  • The service is currently receiving more requests than it can process in a timely fashion. Please retry submitting your request later.

  • An error occurred. The connection was not deleted.

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Update datasource type

Updates the definition of a datasource type.

PATCH /v2/datasource_types/{datasource_type}


Path Parameters

  • The data source type.

Fields to update within the data source type.


The definition of a custom data source type.

Status Code

  • The updated data source type definition object.

  • The data source type patch request is not valid. See the error message for details.

  • You are not authorized to update the data source type definition.

  • You are not permitted to perform this action.

  • The data source type cannot be found.

  • The service is currently receiving more requests than it can process in a timely fashion. Please retry submitting your request later.

  • An error occurred. The data source type definition was not updated.

  • A timeout occurred when processing your request. Please retry later.

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

List projects

Returns a list of projects filtered by the specified query parameters. By default, only projects that the authenticated user is a member of are returned. In IBM Cloud Pak for Data (CPD), all projects in the cluster are returned (regardless of project membership) if the authenticated user is assigned either the "Manage projects" or "Monitor project workloads" CPD permission. In IBM Cloud Pak for Data (CPDaaS), all projects associated with an IBM Cloud Account are returned (regardless of project membership) if the authenticated user is added to the IBM Cloud Account and assigned the IAM "Manager" role.

GET /v2/projects


Custom Headers

  • A CPDaaS specific flag indicating whether to fetch IAM permissions for the authenticated user as part of the request. Used to determine superuser access via the "manage_project" permission.

    Default: false

Query Parameters

  • The BSS Account ID.

    Possible values: Value must match regular expression ^[0-9a-f]{32}$

    Example: 0821fa9f9ebcc7b7c9a0d6e9bfa72aa4

  • The project type.

    Allowable values: [cpd,wx,wca,dpx,wxbi]

  • A project member to use to filter the query results.

    Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 100


  • A list of comma-separated project roles to use to filter the query results. Must be used in conjunction with the "member" query parameter.

    Allowable values: [admin,editor,viewer]

    Default: []

  • A list of comma-separated tags to use to filter the query results. If multiple tags are specified, the query results will be filtered to show projects matching any of the tags. (e.g. tag1 OR tag2 OR... tagN).

    Example: development,test,production

  • A full or partial project name to use to filter the query results. This query parameter must be used in conjunction with the 'bss_account_id' query parameter. Use the 'match' query parameter to control they type of text matching performed. Project names are not unique and should not be used in place of project IDs.

    Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 100

    Example: Sentiment Analysis

  • The type of text matching to perform. This query parameter must be used in conjunction with the 'name' query parameter. The 'exact' value will match projects if the specified text matches the exact project name. The 'keyword' value will match projects if the specified text matches any keyword parsed from the project name.

    Allowable values: [exact,keyword]

    Default: exact

  • A list of comma-separated project IDs to use to filter the query results. This query parameter only works in conjunction with the 'member' query parameter.

    Example: d122ffba-de9e-4c67-89c4-0091f1610076,deb5b1d8-5fd4-486c-92ef-12e90959dbf1

  • A list of comma-separated project metadata sections to include in the query results.

    Allowable values: [name,fields,members,tags,settings,everything,nothing]

    Default: ["fields"]

  • The limit used to specify the maximum number of projects returned in the query results. Used for pagination in conjunction with the "bookmark" query parameter.

    Possible values: 0 ≤ value ≤ 100

    Default: 10

  • The bookmark is an opaque key returned in the query results set that serves as a reference to the next page of query results. Specify the bookmark on subsquent query requests to retrieve the next page of query results. Used for pagination in conjunction with the "limit" query parameter.

    Possible values: Value must match regular expression ^[0-9A-Za-z_-]{1,1000}$

    Example: g1AAAAE6eJzLYWBgYMlgTmHQTElKzi9KdUhJMtdLytVNTtYtLdYtzi8tydA1MNVLzskvTUnMK9HLSy3JAWphSnIAkkn-____z8pgcrP_afo-ASiQyIhqlAlRRoF0JuXDjPrBf0cBZBQzGa7KYwGSDAeAFNC082DjvnclHgAZx4RqnAXxxl2AGHcfxaNMWQBvIGVg

  • Deprecated. Use of this query parameter exhibits poor performance characteristics. Use the more efficient "bookmark" query parameter instead. The offset to use to define the starting index of projects to return in the query results. Used for pagination in conjunction with the "limit" query parameter.

    Possible values: value ≥ 0

    Default: 0


A list of projects.

Status Code

  • OK

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Too Many Requests

Example responses
  • {
      "code": "401",
      "error": "Unauthorized",
      "reason": "Unable to verify token via IAM Auth server.",
      "message": "Authentication failed."
  • {
      "code": "403",
      "error": "Forbidden",
      "reason": "Permission Denied: Authenticated user is not a member of the project:",
      "message": "The target operation is strictly forbidden due to schema constraints."
  • {
      "code": "429",
      "error": "Too Many Requests",
      "reason": "The number of requests has exceeded the rate limit. Requests: 61. Limit: 60. Category: query. Subject: (IBMid-55000353XF).",
      "message": "The client has sent too many requests in a given amount of time."

Get project total

Returns the total number of projects associated with the authenticated user in a BSS account. In IBM Cloud Pak for Data (CPDaaS), specifying the BSS account ID is required. In IBM Cloud Pak for Data (CPD), specifying the BSS account ID is optional. Default is "999". The maximum total number of projects returned will be capped at 2,000 projects (for database performance reasons).

GET /v2/projects/total


Custom Headers

  • A CPDaaS specific flag indicating whether to fetch IAM permissions for the authenticated user as part of the request. Used to determine superuser access via the "manage_project" permission.

    Default: false

Query Parameters

  • The BSS Account ID.

    Possible values: Value must match regular expression ^[0-9a-f]{32}$

    Example: 0821fa9f9ebcc7b7c9a0d6e9bfa72aa4

  • The project type.

    Allowable values: [cpd,wx,wca,dpx,wxbi]

  • A project member to use to filter the query results.

    Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 100


  • A list of comma-separated tags to use to filter the query results. If multiple tags are specified, the query results will be filtered to show projects matching any of the tags. (e.g. tag1 OR tag2 OR... tagN).

    Example: development,test,production


The project total.

Status Code

  • OK

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Too Many Requests

Example responses
  • {
      "code": "400",
      "error": "Bad Request",
      "reason": "Entity contains invalid characters.",
      "message": "The server cannot or will not process the request due to an apparent client error."
  • {
      "code": "401",
      "error": "Unauthorized",
      "reason": "Unable to verify token via IAM Auth server.",
      "message": "Authentication failed."
  • {
      "code": "403",
      "error": "Forbidden",
      "reason": "Permission Denied: Authenticated user is not a member of the project:",
      "message": "The target operation is strictly forbidden due to schema constraints."
  • {
      "code": "429",
      "error": "Too Many Requests",
      "reason": "The number of requests has exceeded the rate limit. Requests: 601. Limit: 600. Category: read. Subject: (IBMid-55000353XF).",
      "message": "The client has sent too many requests in a given amount of time."

Get project

Returns the metadata for a target project specified by ID.

GET /v2/projects/{project_id}


Path Parameters

  • The project ID.

    Possible values: Value must match regular expression ^[0-9a-f]{8}(?:-[0-9a-f]{4}){3}-[0-9a-f]{12}$

    Example: 46a19524-bfbf-4810-a1f0-b131f12bc773

Query Parameters

  • A list of comma-separated project metadata sections to include in the query results.

    Allowable values: [name,fields,members,tags,settings,integrations,storage,credentials,everything,nothing]

    Default: ["fields"]


A project object.

Status Code

  • OK

  • No Content

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Not Found

  • Too Many Requests

Example responses
  • {
      "code": "400",
      "error": "Bad Request",
      "reason": "Entity contains invalid characters.",
      "message": "The server cannot or will not process the request due to an apparent client error."
  • {
      "code": "401",
      "error": "Unauthorized",
      "reason": "Unable to verify token via IAM Auth server.",
      "message": "Authentication failed."
  • {
      "code": "403",
      "error": "Forbidden",
      "reason": "Permission Denied: Authenticated user is not a member of the project:",
      "message": "The target operation is strictly forbidden due to schema constraints."
  • {
      "code": "404",
      "error": "Not Found",
      "reason": "Failed to retrieve project: 47f11f98-1fc2-4478-ba38-d037094e761f.",
      "message": "The requested resource could not be found."
  • {
      "code": "429",
      "error": "Too Many Requests",
      "reason": "The number of requests has exceeded the rate limit. Requests: 601. Limit: 600. Category: read. Subject: (IBMid-55000353XF).",
      "message": "The client has sent too many requests in a given amount of time."

Update project

Partially updates the project with only a subset of properties.

PATCH /v2/projects/{project_id}


Path Parameters

  • The project ID.

    Possible values: Value must match regular expression ^[0-9a-f]{8}(?:-[0-9a-f]{4}){3}-[0-9a-f]{12}$

    Example: 46a19524-bfbf-4810-a1f0-b131f12bc773

The request body for updating an existing project.


A project object.

Status Code

  • OK

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Not Found

  • Too Many Requests

Example responses
  • {
      "code": "400",
      "error": "Bad Request",
      "reason": "Entity contains invalid characters.",
      "message": "The server cannot or will not process the request due to an apparent client error."
  • {
      "code": "401",
      "error": "Unauthorized",
      "reason": "Unable to verify token via IAM Auth server.",
      "message": "Authentication failed."
  • {
      "code": "403",
      "error": "Forbidden",
      "reason": "Permission Denied: Authenticated user is not a member of the project:",
      "message": "The target operation is strictly forbidden due to schema constraints."
  • {
      "code": "404",
      "error": "Not Found",
      "reason": "Failed to retrieve project: 47f11f98-1fc2-4478-ba38-d037094e761f.",
      "message": "The requested resource could not be found."
  • {
      "code": "429",
      "error": "Too Many Requests",
      "reason": "The number of requests has exceeded the rate limit. Requests: 451. Limit: 450. Category: write. Subject: (IBMid-55000353XF).",
      "message": "The client has sent too many requests in a given amount of time."

List members

Returns the list of project members.

GET /v2/projects/{project_id}/members


Path Parameters

  • The project ID.

    Possible values: Value must match regular expression ^[0-9a-f]{8}(?:-[0-9a-f]{4}){3}-[0-9a-f]{12}$

    Example: 46a19524-bfbf-4810-a1f0-b131f12bc773

Query Parameters

  • A list of comma-separated project roles to use to filter the query results.

    Allowable values: [admin,editor,viewer]

    Default: []

  • A list of comma-separated usernames corresponding to project members that are used to filter the query results.

    Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 100


A list of project members.

Status Code

  • OK

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Not Found

  • Too Many Requests

Example responses
  • {
      "code": "400",
      "error": "Bad Request",
      "reason": "Entity contains invalid characters.",
      "message": "The server cannot or will not process the request due to an apparent client error."
  • {
      "code": "401",
      "error": "Unauthorized",
      "reason": "Unable to verify token via IAM Auth server.",
      "message": "Authentication failed."
  • {
      "code": "403",
      "error": "Forbidden",
      "reason": "Permission Denied: Authenticated user is not a member of the project:",
      "message": "The target operation is strictly forbidden due to schema constraints."
  • {
      "code": "404",
      "error": "Not Found",
      "reason": "Failed to retrieve project: 47f11f98-1fc2-4478-ba38-d037094e761f.",
      "message": "The requested resource could not be found."
  • {
      "code": "429",
      "error": "Too Many Requests",
      "reason": "The number of requests has exceeded the rate limit. Requests: 601. Limit: 600. Category: read. Subject: (IBMid-55000353XF).",
      "message": "The client has sent too many requests in a given amount of time."

Create members

Adds new project members with the provided roles. A project must always have at least one admin.

POST /v2/projects/{project_id}/members


Custom Headers

  • A CPDaaS specific flag indicating whether to fetch IAM permissions for the authenticated user as part of the request. Used to determine superuser access via the "manage_project" permission.

    Default: false

Path Parameters

  • The project ID.

    Possible values: Value must match regular expression ^[0-9a-f]{8}(?:-[0-9a-f]{4}){3}-[0-9a-f]{12}$

    Example: 46a19524-bfbf-4810-a1f0-b131f12bc773

A list of project members.


A list of project members.

Status Code

  • OK

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Not Found

  • Too Many Requests

Example responses
  • {
      "code": "400",
      "error": "Bad Request",
      "reason": "Entity contains invalid characters.",
      "message": "The server cannot or will not process the request due to an apparent client error."
  • {
      "code": "401",
      "error": "Unauthorized",
      "reason": "Unable to verify token via IAM Auth server.",
      "message": "Authentication failed."
  • {
      "code": "403",
      "error": "Forbidden",
      "reason": "Permission Denied: Authenticated user is not a member of the project:",
      "message": "The target operation is strictly forbidden due to schema constraints."
  • {
      "code": "404",
      "error": "Not Found",
      "reason": "Failed to retrieve project: 47f11f98-1fc2-4478-ba38-d037094e761f.",
      "message": "The requested resource could not be found."
  • {
      "code": "429",
      "error": "Too Many Requests",
      "reason": "The number of requests has exceeded the rate limit. Requests: 451. Limit: 450. Category: write. Subject: (IBMid-55000353XF).",
      "message": "The client has sent too many requests in a given amount of time."

Delete members

Deletes members from the project that match the provided usernames.

DELETE /v2/projects/{project_id}/members


Path Parameters

  • The project ID.

    Possible values: Value must match regular expression ^[0-9a-f]{8}(?:-[0-9a-f]{4}){3}-[0-9a-f]{12}$

    Example: 46a19524-bfbf-4810-a1f0-b131f12bc773

Query Parameters

  • A list of comma-separated usernames corresponding to project members to remove from the project.

    Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 100


Status Code

  • No Content

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Not Found

  • Too Many Requests

Example responses
  • {
      "code": "400",
      "error": "Bad Request",
      "reason": "Entity contains invalid characters.",
      "message": "The server cannot or will not process the request due to an apparent client error."
  • {
      "code": "401",
      "error": "Unauthorized",
      "reason": "Unable to verify token via IAM Auth server.",
      "message": "Authentication failed."
  • {
      "code": "403",
      "error": "Forbidden",
      "reason": "Permission Denied: Authenticated user is not a member of the project:",
      "message": "The target operation is strictly forbidden due to schema constraints."
  • {
      "code": "404",
      "error": "Not Found",
      "reason": "Failed to retrieve project: 47f11f98-1fc2-4478-ba38-d037094e761f.",
      "message": "The requested resource could not be found."
  • {
      "code": "429",
      "error": "Too Many Requests",
      "reason": "The number of requests has exceeded the rate limit. Requests: 451. Limit: 450. Category: write. Subject: (IBMid-55000353XF).",
      "message": "The client has sent too many requests in a given amount of time."

Update members

Change project member roles in a batch.

PATCH /v2/projects/{project_id}/members


Custom Headers

  • A CPDaaS specific flag indicating whether to fetch IAM permissions for the authenticated user as part of the request. Used to determine superuser access via the "manage_project" permission.

    Default: false

Path Parameters

  • The project ID.

    Possible values: Value must match regular expression ^[0-9a-f]{8}(?:-[0-9a-f]{4}){3}-[0-9a-f]{12}$

    Example: 46a19524-bfbf-4810-a1f0-b131f12bc773

The request body for updating project members.


A list of project members.

Status Code

  • OK

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Not Found

  • Too Many Requests

Example responses
  • {
      "code": "400",
      "error": "Bad Request",
      "reason": "Entity contains invalid characters.",
      "message": "The server cannot or will not process the request due to an apparent client error."
  • {
      "code": "401",
      "error": "Unauthorized",
      "reason": "Unable to verify token via IAM Auth server.",
      "message": "Authentication failed."
  • {
      "code": "403",
      "error": "Forbidden",
      "reason": "Permission Denied: Authenticated user is not a member of the project:",
      "message": "The target operation is strictly forbidden due to schema constraints."
  • {
      "code": "404",
      "error": "Not Found",
      "reason": "Failed to retrieve project: 47f11f98-1fc2-4478-ba38-d037094e761f.",
      "message": "The requested resource could not be found."
  • {
      "code": "429",
      "error": "Too Many Requests",
      "reason": "The number of requests has exceeded the rate limit. Requests: 451. Limit: 450. Category: write. Subject: (IBMid-55000353XF).",
      "message": "The client has sent too many requests in a given amount of time."

Get member

Returns the project member with the specified 'user_name' if any.

GET /v2/projects/{project_id}/members/{user_name}


Path Parameters

  • The project ID.

    Possible values: Value must match regular expression ^[0-9a-f]{8}(?:-[0-9a-f]{4}){3}-[0-9a-f]{12}$

    Example: 46a19524-bfbf-4810-a1f0-b131f12bc773

  • The username of the project member.

    Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 100


Query Parameters

  • A flag indicating whether to return a derived project member based on resolving user groups.

    Default: true


A project member.

Status Code

  • OK

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Not Found

  • Too Many Requests

Example responses
  • {
      "code": "400",
      "error": "Bad Request",
      "reason": "Entity contains invalid characters.",
      "message": "The server cannot or will not process the request due to an apparent client error."
  • {
      "code": "401",
      "error": "Unauthorized",
      "reason": "Unable to verify token via IAM Auth server.",
      "message": "Authentication failed."
  • {
      "code": "403",
      "error": "Forbidden",
      "reason": "Permission Denied: Authenticated user is not a member of the project:",
      "message": "The target operation is strictly forbidden due to schema constraints."
  • {
      "code": "404",
      "error": "Not Found",
      "reason": "Failed to retrieve project: 47f11f98-1fc2-4478-ba38-d037094e761f.",
      "message": "The requested resource could not be found."
  • {
      "code": "429",
      "error": "Too Many Requests",
      "reason": "The number of requests has exceeded the rate limit. Requests: 601. Limit: 600. Category: read. Subject: (IBMid-55000353XF).",
      "message": "The client has sent too many requests in a given amount of time."

Delete member

Deletes a member with a given user name from a project with the given username.

DELETE /v2/projects/{project_id}/members/{user_name}


Path Parameters

  • The project ID.

    Possible values: Value must match regular expression ^[0-9a-f]{8}(?:-[0-9a-f]{4}){3}-[0-9a-f]{12}$

    Example: 46a19524-bfbf-4810-a1f0-b131f12bc773

  • The username of the project member.

    Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 100



Status Code

  • No Content

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Not Found

  • Too Many Requests

Example responses
  • {
      "code": "400",
      "error": "Bad Request",
      "reason": "Entity contains invalid characters.",
      "message": "The server cannot or will not process the request due to an apparent client error."
  • {
      "code": "401",
      "error": "Unauthorized",
      "reason": "Unable to verify token via IAM Auth server.",
      "message": "Authentication failed."
  • {
      "code": "403",
      "error": "Forbidden",
      "reason": "Permission Denied: Authenticated user is not a member of the project:",
      "message": "The target operation is strictly forbidden due to schema constraints."
  • {
      "code": "404",
      "error": "Not Found",
      "reason": "Failed to retrieve project: 47f11f98-1fc2-4478-ba38-d037094e761f.",
      "message": "The requested resource could not be found."
  • {
      "code": "429",
      "error": "Too Many Requests",
      "reason": "The number of requests has exceeded the rate limit. Requests: 451. Limit: 450. Category: write. Subject: (IBMid-55000353XF).",
      "message": "The client has sent too many requests in a given amount of time."

List tags

Returns the list of project tags.

GET /v2/projects/{project_id}/tags


Path Parameters

  • The project ID.

    Possible values: Value must match regular expression ^[0-9a-f]{8}(?:-[0-9a-f]{4}){3}-[0-9a-f]{12}$

    Example: 46a19524-bfbf-4810-a1f0-b131f12bc773


A list of tags associated with the project.

Status Code

  • OK

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Not Found

  • Too Many Requests

Example responses
  • {
      "code": "400",
      "error": "Bad Request",
      "reason": "Entity contains invalid characters.",
      "message": "The server cannot or will not process the request due to an apparent client error."
  • {
      "code": "401",
      "error": "Unauthorized",
      "reason": "Unable to verify token via IAM Auth server.",
      "message": "Authentication failed."
  • {
      "code": "403",
      "error": "Forbidden",
      "reason": "Permission Denied: Authenticated user is not a member of the project:",
      "message": "The target operation is strictly forbidden due to schema constraints."
  • {
      "code": "404",
      "error": "Not Found",
      "reason": "Failed to retrieve project: 47f11f98-1fc2-4478-ba38-d037094e761f.",
      "message": "The requested resource could not be found."
  • {
      "code": "429",
      "error": "Too Many Requests",
      "reason": "The number of requests has exceeded the rate limit. Requests: 601. Limit: 600. Category: read. Subject: (IBMid-55000353XF).",
      "message": "The client has sent too many requests in a given amount of time."

Create tags

Adds new tags to a project.

POST /v2/projects/{project_id}/tags


Path Parameters

  • The project ID.

    Possible values: Value must match regular expression ^[0-9a-f]{8}(?:-[0-9a-f]{4}){3}-[0-9a-f]{12}$

    Example: 46a19524-bfbf-4810-a1f0-b131f12bc773

A tag associated with the project. The tag cannot contain a comma (,). The tag cannot contain any of the following characters unless escaped by character entities - left angle bracket (<)(<), right angle bracket (>)(>), single-quote (')('), double quote (")("), ampersand (&)(&).


A list of tags associated with the project.

Status Code

  • Created

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Not Found

  • Unprocessable Entity

  • Too Many Requests

Example responses
  • {
      "code": "400",
      "error": "Bad Request",
      "reason": "Entity contains invalid characters.",
      "message": "The server cannot or will not process the request due to an apparent client error."
  • {
      "code": "401",
      "error": "Unauthorized",
      "reason": "Unable to verify token via IAM Auth server.",
      "message": "Authentication failed."
  • {
      "code": "403",
      "error": "Forbidden",
      "reason": "Permission Denied: Authenticated user is not a member of the project:",
      "message": "The target operation is strictly forbidden due to schema constraints."
  • {
      "code": "404",
      "error": "Not Found",
      "reason": "Failed to retrieve project: 47f11f98-1fc2-4478-ba38-d037094e761f.",
      "message": "The requested resource could not be found."
  • {
      "code": "422",
      "error": "Unprocessable Entity",
      "reason": "The number of projects created by the authenticated user exceeds the designated limit. Projects created by user (101) > Projects per user limit (100).",
      "message": "The request was well-formed but was unable to be followed due to semantic errors.",
      "id": "WSCPA0001E"
  • {
      "code": "429",
      "error": "Too Many Requests",
      "reason": "The number of requests has exceeded the rate limit. Requests: 451. Limit: 450. Category: write. Subject: (IBMid-55000353XF).",
      "message": "The client has sent too many requests in a given amount of time."

Delete tags

Delete existing tags in a project. If no 'tag_names' are specified, then delete all existing tags in a project.

DELETE /v2/projects/{project_id}/tags


Path Parameters

  • The project ID.

    Possible values: Value must match regular expression ^[0-9a-f]{8}(?:-[0-9a-f]{4}){3}-[0-9a-f]{12}$

    Example: 46a19524-bfbf-4810-a1f0-b131f12bc773

Query Parameters

  • A list of comma-separated tags to use to filter the query results. If multiple tags are specified, the query results will be filtered to show projects matching any of the tags. (e.g. tag1 OR tag2 OR... tagN).

    Example: development,test,production


Status Code

  • No Content

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Not Found

  • Too Many Requests

Example responses
  • {
      "code": "400",
      "error": "Bad Request",
      "reason": "Entity contains invalid characters.",
      "message": "The server cannot or will not process the request due to an apparent client error."
  • {
      "code": "401",
      "error": "Unauthorized",
      "reason": "Unable to verify token via IAM Auth server.",
      "message": "Authentication failed."
  • {
      "code": "403",
      "error": "Forbidden",
      "reason": "Permission Denied: Authenticated user is not a member of the project:",
      "message": "The target operation is strictly forbidden due to schema constraints."
  • {
      "code": "404",
      "error": "Not Found",
      "reason": "Failed to retrieve project: 47f11f98-1fc2-4478-ba38-d037094e761f.",
      "message": "The requested resource could not be found."
  • {
      "code": "429",
      "error": "Too Many Requests",
      "reason": "The number of requests has exceeded the rate limit. Requests: 451. Limit: 450. Category: write. Subject: (IBMid-55000353XF).",
      "message": "The client has sent too many requests in a given amount of time."

Update tags

Adds new tags and removes existing tags from a project via a single bulk update operation.

PATCH /v2/projects/{project_id}/tags


Path Parameters

  • The project ID.

    Possible values: Value must match regular expression ^[0-9a-f]{8}(?:-[0-9a-f]{4}){3}-[0-9a-f]{12}$

    Example: 46a19524-bfbf-4810-a1f0-b131f12bc773

An operation to add or remove project tags.

    "op": "add",
    "tags": [
    "op": "remove",
    "tags": [


A list of tags associated with the project.

Status Code

  • OK

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Not Found

  • Unprocessable Entity

  • Too Many Requests

Example responses
  • {
      "code": "400",
      "error": "Bad Request",
      "reason": "Entity contains invalid characters.",
      "message": "The server cannot or will not process the request due to an apparent client error."
  • {
      "code": "401",
      "error": "Unauthorized",
      "reason": "Unable to verify token via IAM Auth server.",
      "message": "Authentication failed."
  • {
      "code": "403",
      "error": "Forbidden",
      "reason": "Permission Denied: Authenticated user is not a member of the project:",
      "message": "The target operation is strictly forbidden due to schema constraints."
  • {
      "code": "404",
      "error": "Not Found",
      "reason": "Failed to retrieve project: 47f11f98-1fc2-4478-ba38-d037094e761f.",
      "message": "The requested resource could not be found."
  • {
      "code": "422",
      "error": "Unprocessable Entity",
      "reason": "The number of projects created by the authenticated user exceeds the designated limit. Projects created by user (101) > Projects per user limit (100).",
      "message": "The request was well-formed but was unable to be followed due to semantic errors.",
      "id": "WSCPA0001E"
  • {
      "code": "429",
      "error": "Too Many Requests",
      "reason": "The number of requests has exceeded the rate limit. Requests: 451. Limit: 450. Category: write. Subject: (IBMid-55000353XF).",
      "message": "The client has sent too many requests in a given amount of time."

Create tag

Add a new tag to a project.

POST /v2/projects/{project_id}/tags/{tag_name}


Path Parameters

  • The project ID.

    Possible values: Value must match regular expression ^[0-9a-f]{8}(?:-[0-9a-f]{4}){3}-[0-9a-f]{12}$

    Example: 46a19524-bfbf-4810-a1f0-b131f12bc773

  • The tag name.

    Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 30, Value must match regular expression ^[^,]+$

    Example: development


A list of tags associated with the project.

Status Code

  • Created

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Not Found

  • Unprocessable Entity

  • Too Many Requests

Example responses
  • {
      "code": "400",
      "error": "Bad Request",
      "reason": "Entity contains invalid characters.",
      "message": "The server cannot or will not process the request due to an apparent client error."
  • {
      "code": "401",
      "error": "Unauthorized",
      "reason": "Unable to verify token via IAM Auth server.",
      "message": "Authentication failed."
  • {
      "code": "403",
      "error": "Forbidden",
      "reason": "Permission Denied: Authenticated user is not a member of the project:",
      "message": "The target operation is strictly forbidden due to schema constraints."
  • {
      "code": "404",
      "error": "Not Found",
      "reason": "Failed to retrieve project: 47f11f98-1fc2-4478-ba38-d037094e761f.",
      "message": "The requested resource could not be found."
  • {
      "code": "422",
      "error": "Unprocessable Entity",
      "reason": "The number of projects created by the authenticated user exceeds the designated limit. Projects created by user (101) > Projects per user limit (100).",
      "message": "The request was well-formed but was unable to be followed due to semantic errors.",
      "id": "WSCPA0001E"
  • {
      "code": "429",
      "error": "Too Many Requests",
      "reason": "The number of requests has exceeded the rate limit. Requests: 451. Limit: 450. Category: write. Subject: (IBMid-55000353XF).",
      "message": "The client has sent too many requests in a given amount of time."

Delete tag

Delete an existing tag in a project.

DELETE /v2/projects/{project_id}/tags/{tag_name}


Path Parameters

  • The project ID.

    Possible values: Value must match regular expression ^[0-9a-f]{8}(?:-[0-9a-f]{4}){3}-[0-9a-f]{12}$

    Example: 46a19524-bfbf-4810-a1f0-b131f12bc773

  • The tag name.

    Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 30, Value must match regular expression ^[^,]+$

    Example: development


Status Code

  • No Content

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Not Found

  • Too Many Requests

Example responses
  • {
      "code": "400",
      "error": "Bad Request",
      "reason": "Entity contains invalid characters.",
      "message": "The server cannot or will not process the request due to an apparent client error."
  • {
      "code": "401",
      "error": "Unauthorized",
      "reason": "Unable to verify token via IAM Auth server.",
      "message": "Authentication failed."
  • {
      "code": "403",
      "error": "Forbidden",
      "reason": "Permission Denied: Authenticated user is not a member of the project:",
      "message": "The target operation is strictly forbidden due to schema constraints."
  • {
      "code": "404",
      "error": "Not Found",
      "reason": "Failed to retrieve project: 47f11f98-1fc2-4478-ba38-d037094e761f.",
      "message": "The requested resource could not be found."
  • {
      "code": "429",
      "error": "Too Many Requests",
      "reason": "The number of requests has exceeded the rate limit. Requests: 451. Limit: 450. Category: write. Subject: (IBMid-55000353XF).",
      "message": "The client has sent too many requests in a given amount of time."

Get folders settings

Get folders settings.

GET /v2/projects/{project_id}/settings/folders


Path Parameters

  • The project ID.

    Possible values: Value must match regular expression ^[0-9a-f]{8}(?:-[0-9a-f]{4}){3}-[0-9a-f]{12}$

    Example: 46a19524-bfbf-4810-a1f0-b131f12bc773


The folders settings group.

Status Code

  • OK

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Not Found

  • Too Many Requests

Example responses
  • {
      "code": "400",
      "error": "Bad Request",
      "reason": "Entity contains invalid characters.",
      "message": "The server cannot or will not process the request due to an apparent client error."
  • {
      "code": "401",
      "error": "Unauthorized",
      "reason": "Unable to verify token via IAM Auth server.",
      "message": "Authentication failed."
  • {
      "code": "403",
      "error": "Forbidden",
      "reason": "Permission Denied: Authenticated user is not a member of the project:",
      "message": "The target operation is strictly forbidden due to schema constraints."
  • {
      "code": "404",
      "error": "Not Found",
      "reason": "Failed to retrieve project: 47f11f98-1fc2-4478-ba38-d037094e761f.",
      "message": "The requested resource could not be found."
  • {
      "code": "429",
      "error": "Too Many Requests",
      "reason": "The number of requests has exceeded the rate limit. Requests: 601. Limit: 600. Category: read. Subject: (IBMid-55000353XF).",
      "message": "The client has sent too many requests in a given amount of time."

Update folders settings

Update folders settings.

PUT /v2/projects/{project_id}/settings/folders


Path Parameters

  • The project ID.

    Possible values: Value must match regular expression ^[0-9a-f]{8}(?:-[0-9a-f]{4}){3}-[0-9a-f]{12}$

    Example: 46a19524-bfbf-4810-a1f0-b131f12bc773

The folders settings group.


The folders settings group.

Status Code

  • OK

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Not Found

  • Too Many Requests

Example responses
  • {
      "code": "400",
      "error": "Bad Request",
      "reason": "Entity contains invalid characters.",
      "message": "The server cannot or will not process the request due to an apparent client error."
  • {
      "code": "401",
      "error": "Unauthorized",
      "reason": "Unable to verify token via IAM Auth server.",
      "message": "Authentication failed."
  • {
      "code": "403",
      "error": "Forbidden",
      "reason": "Permission Denied: Authenticated user is not a member of the project:",
      "message": "The target operation is strictly forbidden due to schema constraints."
  • {
      "code": "404",
      "error": "Not Found",
      "reason": "Failed to retrieve project: 47f11f98-1fc2-4478-ba38-d037094e761f.",
      "message": "The requested resource could not be found."
  • {
      "code": "429",
      "error": "Too Many Requests",
      "reason": "The number of requests has exceeded the rate limit. Requests: 451. Limit: 450. Category: write. Subject: (IBMid-55000353XF).",
      "message": "The client has sent too many requests in a given amount of time."

Create project as a transaction

Creates a new project with the provided parameters, including all the storage and credentials in a single transaction. This endpoint will create a new COS bucket using generated unique name, all credentials, asset container and call all the required atomic APIs to fully configure a new project. Attempts to use the duplicate project names will result in an error. NOTE: when creating projects programmatically, always use this endpoint, not /v2/projects.

This endpoint can also be used to create a project from an exported Studio .zip file. In this case, a new transaction is initiated to create assets under the project. A Transaction ID along with a URL is returned as a response of this API. As this transaction can take time, you can view the current status of the transaction using the returned URL.
NOTE: This feature is only available in the private cloud.

POST /transactional/v2/projects


Custom Headers

  • Allowable values: [application/json,multipart/form-data]

Query Parameters

  • If enabled, the transaction fails if the project name is not unique.

    Default: true

Project metadata required to create a project.


Description of create transactional project API response body.

Status Code

  • Created

  • Accepted

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Not Found

  • Internal Server Error

Example responses
  • {
      "location": "/v2/projects/b2549f22-7565-4193-9434-9b77e15757cc"
  • {
      "location": "/v2/projects/b2549f22-7565-4193-9434-9b77e15757cc",
      "transaction_detail": {
        "id": "dcff12a9-3f9e-4d10-b4c4-f121f681d81b",
        "links": {
          "self": "/transactional/v2/projects/b2549f22-7565-4193-9434-9b77e15757cc/transactions/dcff12a9-3f9e-4d10-b4c4-f121f681d81b"
  • {
      "code": "400",
      "error": "Bad Request",
      "reason": "Error fetching projects. Status code: 400",
      "message": "The server cannot or will not process the request due to an apparent client error (e.g. malformed request syntax).",
      "description": "[400] Bad Request: Error fetching projects. Status code: 400. The server cannot or will not process the request due to an apparent client error (e.g. malformed request syntax)."
  • {
      "code": "401",
      "error": "Unauthorized",
      "reason": "Unable to verify token via IAM Auth server.",
      "message": "Authentication failed.",
      "description": "[401] Unauthorized: Authentication failed."
  • {
      "code": "403",
      "error": "Forbidden",
      "reason": "Invalid bearer token: Access token is invalid.",
      "message": "The target operation is strictly forbidden due to schema constraints.",
      "description": "[403] Forbidden: Invalid bearer token: Access token is invalid. The target operation is strictly forbidden due to schema constraints."
  • {
      "code": "404",
      "error": "Not Found",
      "reason": "Transaction 09f5e19b-5a30-428d-95f4-ff93590f3c071 is not associated with project 522d3ffe-0787-4bee-a616-dc12a19c9a76",
      "message": "Resource requested by the client was not found.",
      "description": "[404] Not Found: Transaction 09f5e19b-5a30-428d-95f4-ff93590f3c071 is not associated with project 522d3ffe-0787-4bee-a616-dc12a19c9a76. Resource requested by the client was not found."
  • {
      "code": "500",
      "error": "Internal Server Error",
      "reason": "Error creating project: 522d3ffe-0787-4bee-a616-dc12a19c9a76",
      "message": "The API encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request.",
      "description": "[500] Internal Server Error: Error creating project: 522d3ffe-0787-4bee-a616-dc12a19c9a76."

Delete project as a transaction

Deletes a project with a given ID, deletes COS bucket and all the files in it, all credentials and asset container in the order reverse from the project creation transaction. When deleting projects programmatically, always use this endpoint, not /v2/projects/{project_id}.

DELETE /transactional/v2/projects/{project_id}


Path Parameters

  • The ID of the project to be deleted.

    Example: 6ee2c24f-d0a9-4e30-b0fc-5ae36a66c1a8


Status Code

  • No Content

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Not Found

  • Internal Server Error

Example responses
  • {
      "code": "400",
      "error": "Bad Request",
      "reason": "Error fetching projects. Status code: 400",
      "message": "The server cannot or will not process the request due to an apparent client error (e.g. malformed request syntax).",
      "description": "[400] Bad Request: Error fetching projects. Status code: 400. The server cannot or will not process the request due to an apparent client error (e.g. malformed request syntax)."
  • {
      "code": "401",
      "error": "Unauthorized",
      "reason": "Unable to verify token via IAM Auth server.",
      "message": "Authentication failed.",
      "description": "[401] Unauthorized: Authentication failed."
  • {
      "code": "403",
      "error": "Forbidden",
      "reason": "Invalid bearer token: Access token is invalid.",
      "message": "The target operation is strictly forbidden due to schema constraints.",
      "description": "[403] Forbidden: Invalid bearer token: Access token is invalid. The target operation is strictly forbidden due to schema constraints."
  • {
      "code": "404",
      "error": "Not Found",
      "reason": "Transaction 09f5e19b-5a30-428d-95f4-ff93590f3c071 is not associated with project 522d3ffe-0787-4bee-a616-dc12a19c9a76",
      "message": "Resource requested by the client was not found.",
      "description": "[404] Not Found: Transaction 09f5e19b-5a30-428d-95f4-ff93590f3c071 is not associated with project 522d3ffe-0787-4bee-a616-dc12a19c9a76. Resource requested by the client was not found."
  • {
      "code": "500",
      "error": "Internal Server Error",
      "reason": "Error creating project: 522d3ffe-0787-4bee-a616-dc12a19c9a76",
      "message": "The API encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request.",
      "description": "[500] Internal Server Error: Error creating project: 522d3ffe-0787-4bee-a616-dc12a19c9a76."

Get status of import transaction

Status of import transaction created using create project as a transaction API

GET /transactional/v2/projects/{project_id}/transactions/{transaction_id}


Path Parameters

  • The ID of the project on which transaction was created.

    Example: 6ee2c24f-d0a9-4e30-b0fc-5ae36a66c1a8

  • The transaction ID provided by create project as a transaction endpoint.

    Example: dcff12a9-3f9e-4d10-b4c4-f121f681d81b


Description of import transactional status API response.

Status Code

  • OK

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Not Found

  • Internal Server Error

Example responses
  • {
      "code": "400",
      "error": "Bad Request",
      "reason": "Error fetching projects. Status code: 400",
      "message": "The server cannot or will not process the request due to an apparent client error (e.g. malformed request syntax).",
      "description": "[400] Bad Request: Error fetching projects. Status code: 400. The server cannot or will not process the request due to an apparent client error (e.g. malformed request syntax)."
  • {
      "code": "401",
      "error": "Unauthorized",
      "reason": "Unable to verify token via IAM Auth server.",
      "message": "Authentication failed.",
      "description": "[401] Unauthorized: Authentication failed."
  • {
      "code": "403",
      "error": "Forbidden",
      "reason": "Invalid bearer token: Access token is invalid.",
      "message": "The target operation is strictly forbidden due to schema constraints.",
      "description": "[403] Forbidden: Invalid bearer token: Access token is invalid. The target operation is strictly forbidden due to schema constraints."
  • {
      "code": "404",
      "error": "Not Found",
      "reason": "Transaction 09f5e19b-5a30-428d-95f4-ff93590f3c071 is not associated with project 522d3ffe-0787-4bee-a616-dc12a19c9a76",
      "message": "Resource requested by the client was not found.",
      "description": "[404] Not Found: Transaction 09f5e19b-5a30-428d-95f4-ff93590f3c071 is not associated with project 522d3ffe-0787-4bee-a616-dc12a19c9a76. Resource requested by the client was not found."
  • {
      "code": "500",
      "error": "Internal Server Error",
      "reason": "Error creating project: 522d3ffe-0787-4bee-a616-dc12a19c9a76",
      "message": "The API encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request.",
      "description": "[500] Internal Server Error: Error creating project: 522d3ffe-0787-4bee-a616-dc12a19c9a76."

Get list of jobs under a project or a space.

Lists the jobs in the specified project or space (either project_id or space_id must be set).

GET /v2/jobs


Query Parameters

  • Set to true for calls in git-based projects.

    Default: false

  • The ID of the project to use. project_id or space_id is required.

  • The ID of the space to use. project_id or space_id is required.

  • Optionally get all jobs associated with a particular asset.

  • Optionally get all jobs associated with the particular asset ref type.

  • The ID of the job run. Can be used to search parent job of a job run

  • The limit of the number of items to return, for example limit=50. If not specified a default of 100 will be used.

    Default: 100

  • The optional 'next' field from the response in string format, can be used to get the next batch. The response can contain up to 200 results in a batch, if there are more results, a 'next' field is returned in the response which can be used to get the next batch.


Status Code

  • Success.

  • Bad request. See the error message for details.

  • You are not authorized to access the service. See response for more information.

  • You are not permitted to perform this action. See response for more information.

  • The resources you specified cannot be found.

  • An error occurred. See response for more information.

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Create a new job.

Creates a new job in the specified project or space (either project_id or space_id must be set).

POST /v2/jobs


Query Parameters

  • Set to true for calls in git-based projects.

    Default: false

  • The ID of the project to use. project_id or space_id is required.

  • The ID of the space to use. project_id or space_id is required.

The job to be created. Note: either asset_ref or asset_ref_type must be provided, not both.


Status Code

  • Created.

  • Bad request. See the error message for details.

  • You are not authorized to access the service. See response for more information.

  • You are not permitted to perform this action. See response for more information.

  • An error occurred. See response for more information.

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Get the information of job identified by the ID.

Gets the info for a single job associated from the specified project or space (either project_id or space_id must be set).

GET /v2/jobs/{job_id}


Path Parameters

  • The ID of the job to use. Each job has a unique ID. Alternatively, the serving_name value can be used.

Query Parameters

  • Set to true for calls in git-based projects.

    Default: false

  • The ID of the project to use. project_id or space_id is required.

  • The ID of the space to use. project_id or space_id is required.


Status Code

  • Success.

  • Bad request. See the error message for details.

  • You are not authorized to access the service. See response for more information.

  • You are not permitted to perform this action. See response for more information.

  • The resources you specified cannot be found.

  • An error occurred. See response for more information.

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Delete a specific job.

Deletes a specific job in a project or space (either project_id or space_id must be set). If the deletion of the job and its runs will take some time to finish, then a 202 response will be returned and the deletion will continue asynchronously. All the jobs runs associated with the job will also be deleted. If the job is still running, it will not be deleted.

DELETE /v2/jobs/{job_id}


Path Parameters

  • The ID of the job to use. Each job has a unique ID. Alternatively, the serving_name value can be used.

Query Parameters

  • Set to true for calls in git-based projects.

    Default: false

  • The ID of the project to use. project_id or space_id is required.

  • The ID of the space to use. project_id or space_id is required.


Status Code

  • The requested operation completed successfully.

  • Bad request. See the error message for details.

  • You are not authorized to access the service. See response for more information.

  • You are not permitted to perform this action. See response for more information.

  • The resources you specified cannot be found.

  • An error occurred. See response for more information.

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Update information of a job.

Updates specific attributes of a job in the specified project or space (either project_id or space_id must be set). You must specify the updates by using the JSON patch format, described in RFC 6902.

PATCH /v2/jobs/{job_id}


Path Parameters

  • The ID of the job to use. Each job has a unique ID. Alternatively, the serving_name value can be used.

Query Parameters

  • Set to true for calls in git-based projects.

    Default: false

  • The ID of the project to use. project_id or space_id is required.

  • The ID of the space to use. project_id or space_id is required.

Updates to make to the job run.


Status Code

  • Success.

  • You are not authorized to access the service. See response for more information.

  • You are not permitted to perform this action. See response for more information.

  • The resources you specified cannot be found.

  • An error occurred. See response for more information.

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Get the availability of a given serving_name

Gets the availability of a given serving_name, as serving_name must be globally unique. serving_name must be a combination of alphanumeric and underscore characters, and must be between 1 and 36 characters.

GET /v2/jobs/serving_name/{serving_name}


Path Parameters

  • The serving_name value of the job to be used in place of the job ID.

Query Parameters

  • Set to true for calls in git-based projects.

    Default: false


Status Code

  • Success.

  • Bad request. See the error message for details.

  • You are not authorized to access the service. See response for more information.

  • An error occurred. See response for more information.

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Get list of runs of a job.

Lists the job runs for a specific job in the specified project or space (either project_id or space_id must be set). Only the metadata and certain elements of the entity component of each run are returned.

GET /v2/jobs/{job_id}/runs


Path Parameters

  • The ID of the job to use. Each job has a unique ID. Alternatively, the serving_name value can be used.

Query Parameters

  • Set to true for calls in git-based projects.

    Default: false

  • The ID of the project to use. project_id or space_id is required.

  • The ID of the space to use. project_id or space_id is required.

  • The optional 'next' field from the response in string format, can be used to get the next batch. The response can contain up to 200 results in a batch, if there are more results, a 'next' field is returned in the response which can be used to get the next batch.

  • The limit of the number of items to return, for example limit=50. If not specified a default of 100 will be used.

    Default: 100

  • A list of comma-separated job run states. Availble values: Completed, Failed, Canceled, Starting, Running, Queued, Canceling, Paused, Resuming, CompletedWithWarnings, CompletedWithErrors

    Allowable values: [Queued,Starting,Running,Paused,Resuming,Canceling,Canceled,Failed,Completed,CompletedWithErrors,CompletedWithWarnings]


Status Code

  • Success.

  • You are not authorized to access the service. See response for more information.

  • You are not permitted to perform this action. See response for more information.

  • An error occurred. See response for more information.

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Start a run for a job.

Starts the specified job contained in a project or space (either project_id or space_id must be set).

POST /v2/jobs/{job_id}/runs


Path Parameters

  • The ID of the job to use. Each job has a unique ID. Alternatively, the serving_name value can be used.

Query Parameters

  • Set to true for calls in git-based projects.

    Default: false

  • The ID of the project to use. project_id or space_id is required.

  • The ID of the space to use. project_id or space_id is required.

The configuration of the job run to use. If not provided, use the configuration of the associated job.


Status Code

  • The requested operation completed successfully.

  • You are not authorized to access the service. See response for more information.

  • You are not permitted to perform this action. See response for more information.

  • An error occurred. See response for more information.

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Get a specific run of a job.

Gets the info for a single job run from the specified project or space (either project_id or space_id must be set).

GET /v2/jobs/{job_id}/runs/{run_id}


Path Parameters

  • The ID of the job to use. Each job has a unique ID. Alternatively, the serving_name value can be used.

  • The ID of the job run.

Query Parameters

  • Set to true for calls in git-based projects.

    Default: false

  • The ID of the project to use. project_id or space_id is required.

  • The ID of the space to use. project_id or space_id is required.


Status Code

  • Success.

  • You are not authorized to access the service. See response for more information.

  • You are not permitted to perform this action. See response for more information.

  • An error occurred. See response for more information.

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Delete a run.

Delete the specified job run in a project or space (either project_id or space_id must be set).

DELETE /v2/jobs/{job_id}/runs/{run_id}


Path Parameters

  • The ID of the job to use. Each job has a unique ID. Alternatively, the serving_name value can be used.

  • The ID of the job run.

Query Parameters

  • Set to true for calls in git-based projects.

    Default: false

  • The ID of the project to use. project_id or space_id is required.

  • The ID of the space to use. project_id or space_id is required.


Status Code

  • The requested operation is in progress.

  • The requested operation completed successfully.

  • You are not authorized to access the service. See response for more information.

  • You are not permitted to perform this action. See response for more information.

  • The resources you specified cannot be found.

  • An error occurred. See response for more information.

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Retrieve runtime log of a run.

Gets the logs for a job run in the specified project or space (either project_id or space_id must be set)

GET /v2/jobs/{job_id}/runs/{run_id}/logs


Path Parameters

  • The ID of the job to use. Each job has a unique ID. Alternatively, the serving_name value can be used.

  • The ID of the job run.

Query Parameters

  • Set to true for calls in git-based projects.

    Default: false

  • The ID of the project to use. project_id or space_id is required.

  • The ID of the space to use. project_id or space_id is required.

  • The limit of the number of lines to return, for example limit=50. If not specified, all log will be returned.


Response of get job run log

Status Code

  • Success.

  • You are not authorized to access the service. See response for more information.

  • You are not permitted to perform this action. See response for more information.

  • An error occurred. See response for more information.

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Cancel a run.

Cancels a job run that is in the running state.

POST /v2/jobs/{job_id}/runs/{run_id}/cancel


Path Parameters

  • The ID of the job to use. Each job has a unique ID. Alternatively, the serving_name value can be used.

  • The ID of the job run.

Query Parameters

  • Set to true for calls in git-based projects.

    Default: false

  • The ID of the project to use. project_id or space_id is required.

  • The ID of the space to use. project_id or space_id is required.

An empty body.

Example: {}


Status Code

  • The requested operation completed successfully.

  • You are not authorized to access the service. See response for more information.

  • You are not permitted to perform this action. See response for more information.

  • An error occurred. See response for more information.

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Pause a run.

Pauses a job run that is in the running state.

POST /v2/jobs/{job_id}/runs/{run_id}/pause


Path Parameters

  • The ID of the job to use. Each job has a unique ID. Alternatively, the serving_name value can be used.

  • The ID of the job run.

Query Parameters

  • Set to true for calls in git-based projects.

    Default: false

  • The ID of the project to use. project_id or space_id is required.

  • The ID of the space to use. project_id or space_id is required.

An empty body.

Example: {}


Status Code

  • The requested operation completed successfully.

  • You are not authorized to access the service. See response for more information.

  • You are not permitted to perform this action. See response for more information.

  • An error occurred. See response for more information.

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Resume a run.

Resumes a job run that is in the paused state.

POST /v2/jobs/{job_id}/runs/{run_id}/resume


Path Parameters

  • The ID of the job to use. Each job has a unique ID. Alternatively, the serving_name value can be used.

  • The ID of the job run.

Query Parameters

  • Set to true for calls in git-based projects.

    Default: false

  • The ID of the project to use. project_id or space_id is required.

  • The ID of the space to use. project_id or space_id is required.

An empty body.

Example: {}


Status Code

  • The requested operation completed successfully.

  • You are not authorized to access the service. See response for more information.

  • You are not permitted to perform this action. See response for more information.

  • An error occurred. See response for more information.

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

List environments.

Returns a list of environments filtered by type, language or spark version in a project or space.

If no filter is provided, it returns all environments in the project or space, which includes all default environments that are available in every project or space and custom environments created by users.

You need to specify either project_id or space_id.

GET /v2/environments


Query Parameters

  • The guid of the project.

    Example: 92ae0e27-9b11-4de9-a646-d46ca3c183d4

  • The guid of the space.

    Example: 82ae0e27-9b11-4de9-a646-d46ca3c183d4

  • Comma-separated list of environment types. Defaults to list of all types.

    Example: notebook,wml_flow

  • Comma-separated list of environment types. Takes precedence over types. Defaults to empty list.

    Example: notebook,wml_flow

  • Comma-separated list of kernel languages. Defaults to empty list.

    Example: python2,python3

  • Comma-separated list of Spark versions. If provided, Spark environments will be filtered by these versions. Defaults to list of all default environments with supported Spark versions and all custom environments.

    Example: 2.3,2.4


A list of environments.

Status Code

  • Success. Returned a list of environments. Format follows v2/assets.

  • Bad request. One of the fields has invalid format/content.

  • Unauthorized. No/Malformed authentication provided.

  • Forbidden. User is not allowed to perform the target operation.

Example responses
  • {
      "total_results": 1,
      "resources": [
          "metadata": {
            "name": "my notebook environment",
            "description": "this is my notebook environment",
            "asset_type": "environment",
            "asset_id": "656ca7c3-d971-42c3-918b-a15023cd6b8e",
            "project_id": "b275be5f-10ff-47ee-bfc9-63f1ce5addbf",
            "space_id": "1fd6d4b5-d592-4de2-a3e6-ae53a42d75d0",
            "owner_id": "IBMid-310000SG2Y",
            "created_at": "2021-10-12T09:18:34Z",
            "href": "/v2/environments/656ca7c3-d971-42c3-918b-a15023cd6b8e"
          "entity": {
            "environment": {
              "sub_type": "notebook",
              "display_name": "My Notebook Environment",
              "hardware_specification": {
                "metadata": {
                  "name": "my hardware specification",
                  "description": "this is my hardware specification",
                  "asset_type": "hardware_specification",
                  "asset_id": "2d5191ba-ff9b-4b48-a852-948d49dd9210",
                  "project_id": "b275be5f-10ff-47ee-bfc9-63f1ce5addbf",
                  "space_id": "1fd6d4b5-d592-4de2-a3e6-ae53a42d75d0",
                  "owner_id": "IBMid-310000SG2Y",
                  "created_at": "2021-08-02T12:00:24.269Z",
                  "updated_at": "2021-08-02T12:00:24.269Z",
                  "href": "/v2/hardware_specifications/2d5191ba-ff9b-4b48-a852-948d49dd9210"
                "entity": {
                  "hardware_specification": {
                    "nodes": {
                      "cpu": {
                        "units": "100m",
                        "model": "string"
                      "mem": {
                        "size": "8Gi"
                      "gpu": {
                        "num_gpu": 2,
                        "name": "v100",
                        "gpu_profile": "generic",
                        "mig_profile": "N/A"
                      "node_selector": [
                          "label_name": "custom_lable_name",
                          "label_value": "custom_lable_value"
                      "num_nodes": 1,
                      "num_drivers": 1,
                      "drivers": {
                        "cpu": {
                          "units": "100m",
                          "model": "string"
                        "mem": {
                          "size": "8Gi"
                      "worker_pool": {
                        "id": 12345678990,
                        "provider": "ibm"
              "software_specification": {
                "metadata": {
                  "name": "my software specification",
                  "description": "this is my software specification",
                  "asset_type": "software_specification",
                  "asset_id": "555bd074-cc5b-4396-a7f8-5f03d336a8e5",
                  "project_id": "b275be5f-10ff-47ee-bfc9-63f1ce5addbf",
                  "space_id": "1fd6d4b5-d592-4de2-a3e6-ae53a42d75d0",
                  "owner_id": "IBMid-310000SG2Y",
                  "created_at": "2021-08-02T12:00:24.269Z",
                  "updated_at": "2021-08-02T12:00:24.269Z",
                  "href": "/v2/software_specifications/555bd074-cc5b-4396-a7f8-5f03d336a8e5"
                "entity": {
                  "software_specification": {
                    "type": "derived",
                    "display_name": "My Software Specification",
                    "base_software_specification": {
                      "guid": "ab9e1b80-f2ce-592c-a7d2-4f2344f77194"
                    "package_extensions": [
                        "metadata": {
                          "name": "my package extension",
                          "description": "this is my package extension",
                          "asset_type": "package_extension",
                          "asset_id": "461db2c9-effb-4bfb-8319-f4acf8ba06a3",
                          "project_id": "b275be5f-10ff-47ee-bfc9-63f1ce5addbf",
                          "space_id": "1fd6d4b5-d592-4de2-a3e6-ae53a42d75d0",
                          "owner_id": "IBMid-310000SG2Y",
                          "created_at": "2021-08-02T12:00:24.269Z",
                          "updated_at": "2021-08-02T12:00:24.269Z"
                        "entity": {
                          "package_extension": {
                            "type": "conda_yml",
                            "interpreter": "mamba",
                            "object_key": "package_extension/Package_Extension_9GShiX8H0.yml"
                    "software_configuration": {
                      "included_packages": [
                          "name": "ipython",
                          "version": "7.22.0"
                      "platform": {
                        "name": "spark",
                        "version": 3.2
                      "language": {
                        "name": "python",
                        "version": 3.9
              "tools_specification": {
                "supported_kernels": [
                    "name": "python3",
                    "language": "python",
                    "version": 3.9,
                    "display_name": "Python 3.9"
              "spec_type": "referenced"
  • {
      "trace": "b12692e1-8582-4628-88ca-7a13fefb73e2",
      "errors": [
          "code": "invalid_type",
          "message": "The `project_id` field needs to be a uuid v4, but is 12345.",
          "target": {
            "type": "field",
            "name": "project_id"
  • {
      "trace": "b12692e1-8582-4628-88ca-7a13fefb73e2",
      "errors": [
          "code": "invalid_auth_token",
          "message": "The IAM bearer token is not valid.",
          "target": {
            "type": "header",
            "name": "Authentication"
  • {
      "trace": "b12692e1-8582-4628-88ca-7a13fefb73e2",
      "errors": [
          "code": "endpoint_access_forbidden",
          "message": " is neither editor/admin of project b275be5f-10ff-47ee-bfc9-63f1ce5addbf nor allowlisted Service ID."

Create a new environment.

Returns a new environment with the provided parameters.

You need to specify either project_id or space_id.

Required body parameters vary dependent on environment types:

  • notebook: type, name, display_name, hardware_specification, software_specification, tools_specification
  • datastage: type, name, display_name, hardware_specification
  • other types: type, name, display_name, hardware_specification, software_specification
POST /v2/environments


Query Parameters

  • The guid of the project.

    Example: 92ae0e27-9b11-4de9-a646-d46ca3c183d4

  • The guid of the space.

    Example: 82ae0e27-9b11-4de9-a646-d46ca3c183d4

Specification of the environment to be created.


Create an environment

  "type": "notebook",
  "name": "my notebook environment",
  "description": "this is my notebook environment",
  "display_name": "My Notebook Environment",
  "hardware_specification": {
    "guid": "2d5191ba-ff9b-4b48-a852-948d49dd9210"
  "software_specification": {
    "guid": "555bd074-cc5b-4396-a7f8-5f03d336a8e5"
  "tools_specification": {
    "supported_kernels": [
        "name": "python3",
        "language": "python",
        "version": 3.9,
        "display_name": "Python 3.9"


Environment with references to external hardware and software specifications.

Status Code

  • Success. Created and returned a new environment asset. Format follows v2/assets.

  • Bad request. One of the fields has invalid format/content.

  • Unauthorized. No/Malformed authentication provided.

  • Forbidden. User is not allowed to perform the target operation.

  • The number of requests has exceeded the rate limit.

Example responses
  • {
      "metadata": {
        "name": "my notebook environment",
        "description": "this is my notebook environment",
        "asset_type": "environment",
        "asset_id": "656ca7c3-d971-42c3-918b-a15023cd6b8e",
        "project_id": "b275be5f-10ff-47ee-bfc9-63f1ce5addbf",
        "space_id": "1fd6d4b5-d592-4de2-a3e6-ae53a42d75d0",
        "owner_id": "IBMid-310000SG2Y",
        "created_at": "2021-10-12T09:18:34Z",
        "href": "/v2/environments/656ca7c3-d971-42c3-918b-a15023cd6b8e"
      "entity": {
        "environment": {
          "sub_type": "notebook",
          "display_name": "My Notebook Environment",
          "hardware_specification": {
            "metadata": {
              "name": "my hardware specification",
              "description": "this is my hardware specification",
              "asset_type": "hardware_specification",
              "asset_id": "2d5191ba-ff9b-4b48-a852-948d49dd9210",
              "project_id": "b275be5f-10ff-47ee-bfc9-63f1ce5addbf",
              "space_id": "1fd6d4b5-d592-4de2-a3e6-ae53a42d75d0",
              "owner_id": "IBMid-310000SG2Y",
              "created_at": "2021-08-02T12:00:24.269Z",
              "updated_at": "2021-08-02T12:00:24.269Z",
              "href": "/v2/hardware_specifications/2d5191ba-ff9b-4b48-a852-948d49dd9210"
            "entity": {
              "hardware_specification": {
                "nodes": {
                  "cpu": {
                    "units": "100m",
                    "model": "string"
                  "mem": {
                    "size": "8Gi"
                  "gpu": {
                    "num_gpu": 2,
                    "name": "v100",
                    "gpu_profile": "generic",
                    "mig_profile": "N/A"
                  "node_selector": [
                      "label_name": "custom_lable_name",
                      "label_value": "custom_lable_value"
                  "num_nodes": 1,
                  "num_drivers": 1,
                  "drivers": {
                    "cpu": {
                      "units": "100m",
                      "model": "string"
                    "mem": {
                      "size": "8Gi"
                  "worker_pool": {
                    "id": 12345678990,
                    "provider": "ibm"
          "software_specification": {
            "metadata": {
              "name": "my software specification",
              "description": "this is my software specification",
              "asset_type": "software_specification",
              "asset_id": "555bd074-cc5b-4396-a7f8-5f03d336a8e5",
              "project_id": "b275be5f-10ff-47ee-bfc9-63f1ce5addbf",
              "space_id": "1fd6d4b5-d592-4de2-a3e6-ae53a42d75d0",
              "owner_id": "IBMid-310000SG2Y",
              "created_at": "2021-08-02T12:00:24.269Z",
              "updated_at": "2021-08-02T12:00:24.269Z",
              "href": "/v2/software_specifications/555bd074-cc5b-4396-a7f8-5f03d336a8e5"
            "entity": {
              "software_specification": {
                "type": "derived",
                "display_name": "My Software Specification",
                "base_software_specification": {
                  "guid": "ab9e1b80-f2ce-592c-a7d2-4f2344f77194"
                "package_extensions": [
                    "metadata": {
                      "name": "my package extension",
                      "description": "this is my package extension",
                      "asset_type": "package_extension",
                      "asset_id": "461db2c9-effb-4bfb-8319-f4acf8ba06a3",
                      "project_id": "b275be5f-10ff-47ee-bfc9-63f1ce5addbf",
                      "space_id": "1fd6d4b5-d592-4de2-a3e6-ae53a42d75d0",
                      "owner_id": "IBMid-310000SG2Y",
                      "created_at": "2021-08-02T12:00:24.269Z",
                      "updated_at": "2021-08-02T12:00:24.269Z"
                    "entity": {
                      "package_extension": {
                        "type": "conda_yml",
                        "interpreter": "mamba",
                        "object_key": "package_extension/Package_Extension_9GShiX8H0.yml"
                "software_configuration": {
                  "included_packages": [
                      "name": "ipython",
                      "version": "7.22.0"
                  "platform": {
                    "name": "spark",
                    "version": 3.2
                  "language": {
                    "name": "python",
                    "version": 3.9
          "tools_specification": {
            "supported_kernels": [
                "name": "python3",
                "language": "python",
                "version": 3.9,
                "display_name": "Python 3.9"
          "spec_type": "referenced"
  • {
      "trace": "b12692e1-8582-4628-88ca-7a13fefb73e2",
      "errors": [
          "code": "invalid_type",
          "message": "The `project_id` field needs to be a uuid v4, but is 12345.",
          "target": {
            "type": "field",
            "name": "project_id"
  • {
      "trace": "b12692e1-8582-4628-88ca-7a13fefb73e2",
      "errors": [
          "code": "invalid_auth_token",
          "message": "The IAM bearer token is not valid.",
          "target": {
            "type": "header",
            "name": "Authentication"
  • {
      "trace": "b12692e1-8582-4628-88ca-7a13fefb73e2",
      "errors": [
          "code": "endpoint_access_forbidden",
          "message": " is neither editor/admin of project b275be5f-10ff-47ee-bfc9-63f1ce5addbf nor allowlisted Service ID."
  • {
      "trace": "b12692e1-8582-4628-88ca-7a13fefb73e2",
      "errors": [
          "code": "rate_limit",
          "message": "The requests from IBMid-310000A00A exceeds rate limit. Please try again later."

Retrieve an environment.

Returns an environment of a given ID. You need to specify either project_id or space_id.

GET /v2/environments/{environment_guid}


Path Parameters

  • The guid of the environment.

    Example: a1da1d73-5eb5-4dfb-808e-174eb153c20e

Query Parameters

  • The guid of the project.

    Example: 92ae0e27-9b11-4de9-a646-d46ca3c183d4

  • The guid of the space.

    Example: 82ae0e27-9b11-4de9-a646-d46ca3c183d4

  • Format the response. Defaults to none.

    Example: default_spark

  • Whether to include conda_yml file content of custom package extensions in the response. Defaults to false.


Environment with references to external hardware and software specifications.

Status Code

  • Success. Returned the environment. Format follows v2/assets.

  • Bad request. One of the fields has invalid format/content.

  • Unauthorized. No/Malformed authentication provided.

  • Forbidden. User is not allowed to perform the target operation.

Example responses
  • {
      "metadata": {
        "name": "my notebook environment",
        "description": "this is my notebook environment",
        "asset_type": "environment",
        "asset_id": "656ca7c3-d971-42c3-918b-a15023cd6b8e",
        "project_id": "b275be5f-10ff-47ee-bfc9-63f1ce5addbf",
        "space_id": "1fd6d4b5-d592-4de2-a3e6-ae53a42d75d0",
        "owner_id": "IBMid-310000SG2Y",
        "created_at": "2021-10-12T09:18:34Z",
        "href": "/v2/environments/656ca7c3-d971-42c3-918b-a15023cd6b8e"
      "entity": {
        "environment": {
          "sub_type": "notebook",
          "display_name": "My Notebook Environment",
          "hardware_specification": {
            "metadata": {
              "name": "my hardware specification",
              "description": "this is my hardware specification",
              "asset_type": "hardware_specification",
              "asset_id": "2d5191ba-ff9b-4b48-a852-948d49dd9210",
              "project_id": "b275be5f-10ff-47ee-bfc9-63f1ce5addbf",
              "space_id": "1fd6d4b5-d592-4de2-a3e6-ae53a42d75d0",
              "owner_id": "IBMid-310000SG2Y",
              "created_at": "2021-08-02T12:00:24.269Z",
              "updated_at": "2021-08-02T12:00:24.269Z",
              "href": "/v2/hardware_specifications/2d5191ba-ff9b-4b48-a852-948d49dd9210"
            "entity": {
              "hardware_specification": {
                "nodes": {
                  "cpu": {
                    "units": "100m",
                    "model": "string"
                  "mem": {
                    "size": "8Gi"
                  "gpu": {
                    "num_gpu": 2,
                    "name": "v100",
                    "gpu_profile": "generic",
                    "mig_profile": "N/A"
                  "node_selector": [
                      "label_name": "custom_lable_name",
                      "label_value": "custom_lable_value"
                  "num_nodes": 1,
                  "num_drivers": 1,
                  "drivers": {
                    "cpu": {
                      "units": "100m",
                      "model": "string"
                    "mem": {
                      "size": "8Gi"
                  "worker_pool": {
                    "id": 12345678990,
                    "provider": "ibm"
          "software_specification": {
            "metadata": {
              "name": "my software specification",
              "description": "this is my software specification",
              "asset_type": "software_specification",
              "asset_id": "555bd074-cc5b-4396-a7f8-5f03d336a8e5",
              "project_id": "b275be5f-10ff-47ee-bfc9-63f1ce5addbf",
              "space_id": "1fd6d4b5-d592-4de2-a3e6-ae53a42d75d0",
              "owner_id": "IBMid-310000SG2Y",
              "created_at": "2021-08-02T12:00:24.269Z",
              "updated_at": "2021-08-02T12:00:24.269Z",
              "href": "/v2/software_specifications/555bd074-cc5b-4396-a7f8-5f03d336a8e5"
            "entity": {
              "software_specification": {
                "type": "derived",
                "display_name": "My Software Specification",
                "base_software_specification": {
                  "guid": "ab9e1b80-f2ce-592c-a7d2-4f2344f77194"
                "package_extensions": [
                    "metadata": {
                      "name": "my package extension",
                      "description": "this is my package extension",
                      "asset_type": "package_extension",
                      "asset_id": "461db2c9-effb-4bfb-8319-f4acf8ba06a3",
                      "project_id": "b275be5f-10ff-47ee-bfc9-63f1ce5addbf",
                      "space_id": "1fd6d4b5-d592-4de2-a3e6-ae53a42d75d0",
                      "owner_id": "IBMid-310000SG2Y",
                      "created_at": "2021-08-02T12:00:24.269Z",
                      "updated_at": "2021-08-02T12:00:24.269Z"
                    "entity": {
                      "package_extension": {
                        "type": "conda_yml",
                        "interpreter": "mamba",
                        "object_key": "package_extension/Package_Extension_9GShiX8H0.yml"
                "software_configuration": {
                  "included_packages": [
                      "name": "ipython",
                      "version": "7.22.0"
                  "platform": {
                    "name": "spark",
                    "version": 3.2
                  "language": {
                    "name": "python",
                    "version": 3.9
          "tools_specification": {
            "supported_kernels": [
                "name": "python3",
                "language": "python",
                "version": 3.9,
                "display_name": "Python 3.9"
          "spec_type": "referenced"
  • {
      "trace": "b12692e1-8582-4628-88ca-7a13fefb73e2",
      "errors": [
          "code": "invalid_type",
          "message": "The `project_id` field needs to be a uuid v4, but is 12345.",
          "target": {
            "type": "field",
            "name": "project_id"
  • {
      "trace": "b12692e1-8582-4628-88ca-7a13fefb73e2",
      "errors": [
          "code": "invalid_auth_token",
          "message": "The IAM bearer token is not valid.",
          "target": {
            "type": "header",
            "name": "Authentication"
  • {
      "trace": "b12692e1-8582-4628-88ca-7a13fefb73e2",
      "errors": [
          "code": "endpoint_access_forbidden",
          "message": " is neither editor/admin of project b275be5f-10ff-47ee-bfc9-63f1ce5addbf nor allowlisted Service ID."

Delete an environment.

Deletes an environment of a given ID. You need to specify either project_id or space_id.

DELETE /v2/environments/{environment_guid}


Path Parameters

  • The guid of the environment.

    Example: a1da1d73-5eb5-4dfb-808e-174eb153c20e

Query Parameters

  • The guid of the project.

    Example: 92ae0e27-9b11-4de9-a646-d46ca3c183d4

  • The guid of the space.

    Example: 82ae0e27-9b11-4de9-a646-d46ca3c183d4


Status Code

  • Success. The environment is deleted.

  • Bad request. One of the fields has invalid format/content.

  • Unauthorized. No/Malformed authentication provided.

  • Forbidden. User is not allowed to perform the target operation.

Example responses
  • {
      "trace": "b12692e1-8582-4628-88ca-7a13fefb73e2",
      "errors": [
          "code": "invalid_type",
          "message": "The `project_id` field needs to be a uuid v4, but is 12345.",
          "target": {
            "type": "field",
            "name": "project_id"
  • {
      "trace": "b12692e1-8582-4628-88ca-7a13fefb73e2",
      "errors": [
          "code": "invalid_auth_token",
          "message": "The IAM bearer token is not valid.",
          "target": {
            "type": "header",
            "name": "Authentication"
  • {
      "trace": "b12692e1-8582-4628-88ca-7a13fefb73e2",
      "errors": [
          "code": "endpoint_access_forbidden",
          "message": " is neither editor/admin of project b275be5f-10ff-47ee-bfc9-63f1ce5addbf nor allowlisted Service ID."

Update an environment.

Updates an environment of a given ID with the provided parameters. Returns the environment with updated properties. Only custom environments can be updated.

PATCH /v2/environments/{environment_guid}


Path Parameters

  • The guid of the environment.

    Example: a1da1d73-5eb5-4dfb-808e-174eb153c20e

Query Parameters

  • The guid of the project.

    Example: 92ae0e27-9b11-4de9-a646-d46ca3c183d4

Specification of changes.


Update an environment

  "/metadata/name": "my updated notebook environment",
  "/metadata/description": "this is my updated notebook environment",
  "/entity/environment/display_name": "My Updated Notebook Environment",
  "/entity/environment/hardware_specification": {
    "guid": "2d5191ba-ff9b-4b48-a852-948d49dd9210"
  "/entity/environment/software_specification": {
    "guid": "555bd074-cc5b-4396-a7f8-5f03d336a8e5"
  "/entity/environment/environment_variables": {
    "key1": "value1",
    "key2": "value2"
  "/entity/environment/config_variables": {
    "key3": "value3",
    "key4": "value4"
  "/entity/environment/tools_specification": {
    "supported_kernels": [
        "name": "python3",
        "language": "python",
        "version": 3.9,
        "display_name": "Python 3.9"


Status Code

  • Success. Updated the environment.

  • Bad request. One of the fields has invalid format/content.

  • Unauthorized. No/Malformed authentication provided.

  • Forbidden. User is not allowed to perform the target operation.

Example responses
  • {
      "trace": "b12692e1-8582-4628-88ca-7a13fefb73e2",
      "errors": [
          "code": "invalid_type",
          "message": "The `project_id` field needs to be a uuid v4, but is 12345.",
          "target": {
            "type": "field",
            "name": "project_id"
  • {
      "trace": "b12692e1-8582-4628-88ca-7a13fefb73e2",
      "errors": [
          "code": "invalid_auth_token",
          "message": "The IAM bearer token is not valid.",
          "target": {
            "type": "header",
            "name": "Authentication"
  • {
      "trace": "b12692e1-8582-4628-88ca-7a13fefb73e2",
      "errors": [
          "code": "endpoint_access_forbidden",
          "message": " is neither editor/admin of project b275be5f-10ff-47ee-bfc9-63f1ce5addbf nor allowlisted Service ID."

List hardware specifications.

Returns a list of hardware specifications.

  1. If neither project_id nor space_id is given, it returns all global hardware specifications.
  2. If project_id or space_id is given, it returns all global and scoped hardware specifications. In this case, you need to specify either project_id or space_id.
GET /v2/hardware_specifications


Query Parameters

  • The guid of the project.

    Example: 92ae0e27-9b11-4de9-a646-d46ca3c183d4

  • The guid of the space.

    Example: 82ae0e27-9b11-4de9-a646-d46ca3c183d4

  • The name of the hardware specification. If specified, each of the hardware specification in the returned list will have the specified name.


A list of hardware specifications.

Status Code

  • Success. Returned a list of hardware specifications. Format follows v2/assets.

  • Bad request. One of the fields has invalid format/content.

  • Unauthorized. No/Malformed authentication provided.

  • Forbidden. User is not allowed to perform the target operation.

Example responses
  • {
      "total_results": 1,
      "resources": [
          "metadata": {
            "name": "my hardware specification",
            "description": "this is my hardware specification",
            "asset_type": "hardware_specification",
            "asset_id": "2d5191ba-ff9b-4b48-a852-948d49dd9210",
            "project_id": "b275be5f-10ff-47ee-bfc9-63f1ce5addbf",
            "space_id": "1fd6d4b5-d592-4de2-a3e6-ae53a42d75d0",
            "owner_id": "IBMid-310000SG2Y",
            "created_at": "2021-08-02T12:00:24.269Z",
            "updated_at": "2021-08-02T12:00:24.269Z",
            "href": "/v2/hardware_specifications/2d5191ba-ff9b-4b48-a852-948d49dd9210"
          "entity": {
            "hardware_specification": {
              "nodes": {
                "cpu": {
                  "units": "100m",
                  "model": "string"
                "mem": {
                  "size": "8Gi"
                "gpu": {
                  "num_gpu": 2,
                  "name": "v100",
                  "gpu_profile": "generic",
                  "mig_profile": "N/A"
                "node_selector": [
                    "label_name": "custom_lable_name",
                    "label_value": "custom_lable_value"
                "num_nodes": 1,
                "num_drivers": 1,
                "drivers": {
                  "cpu": {
                    "units": "100m",
                    "model": "string"
                  "mem": {
                    "size": "8Gi"
                "worker_pool": {
                  "id": 12345678990,
                  "provider": "ibm"
  • {
      "trace": "b12692e1-8582-4628-88ca-7a13fefb73e2",
      "errors": [
          "code": "invalid_type",
          "message": "The `project_id` field needs to be a uuid v4, but is 12345.",
          "target": {
            "type": "field",
            "name": "project_id"
  • {
      "trace": "b12692e1-8582-4628-88ca-7a13fefb73e2",
      "errors": [
          "code": "invalid_auth_token",
          "message": "The IAM bearer token is not valid.",
          "target": {
            "type": "header",
            "name": "Authentication"
  • {
      "trace": "b12692e1-8582-4628-88ca-7a13fefb73e2",
      "errors": [
          "code": "endpoint_access_forbidden",
          "message": " is neither editor/admin of project b275be5f-10ff-47ee-bfc9-63f1ce5addbf nor allowlisted Service ID."

Create a new hardware specification.

Returns a hardware specification created with provided parameters.

You need to specify either project_id or space_id.

You can only provide exactly one of nodes, spark or datastage in the request body.

POST /v2/hardware_specifications


Query Parameters

  • The guid of the project.

    Example: 92ae0e27-9b11-4de9-a646-d46ca3c183d4

  • The guid of the space.

    Example: 82ae0e27-9b11-4de9-a646-d46ca3c183d4

Specification of the hardware specification to be created.


Create a hardware specification for nodes

  "name": "my hardware specification",
  "description": "this is my hardware specification",
  "nodes": {
    "cpu": {
      "units": "100m",
      "model": "string"
    "mem": {
      "size": "8Gi"
    "gpu": {
      "num_gpu": 2,
      "name": "v100",
      "gpu_profile": "generic",
      "mig_profile": "N/A"
    "node_selector": [
        "label_name": "custom_lable_name",
        "label_value": "custom_lable_value"
    "num_nodes": 1,
    "num_drivers": 1,
    "drivers": {
      "cpu": {
        "units": "100m",
        "model": "string"
      "mem": {
        "size": "8Gi"
    "worker_pool": {
      "id": 12345678990,
      "provider": "ibm"

Create a hardware specification for Spark

  "name": "my hardware specification",
  "description": "this is my hardware specification",
  "spark": {
    "num_drivers": 1,
    "num_executors": 2,
    "driver": {
      "cpu": {
        "units": "100m",
        "model": "string"
      "mem": {
        "size": "8Gi"
    "executor": {
      "cpu": {
        "units": "100m",
        "model": "string"
      "mem": {
        "size": "8Gi"

Create a hardware specification for DataStage

  "name": "my hardware specification",
  "description": "this is my hardware specification",
  "datastage": {
    "num_conductors": 1,
    "num_computes": 2,
    "conductor": {
      "cpu": {
        "units": "100m",
        "model": "string"
      "mem": {
        "size": "8Gi"
    "compute": {
      "cpu": {
        "units": "100m",
        "model": "string"
      "mem": {
        "size": "8Gi"
    "instance": "instance-1"


A hardware specification.

Status Code

  • Success. Created and returned a new hardware specification asset. Format follows v2/assets.

  • Bad request. One of the fields has invalid format/content.

  • Unauthorized. No/Malformed authentication provided.

  • Forbidden. User is not allowed to perform the target operation.

  • Conflict. Specification already exists with given name. Restriction applicable only for global specifications.

Example responses
  • {
      "metadata": {
        "name": "my hardware specification",
        "description": "this is my hardware specification",
        "asset_type": "hardware_specification",
        "asset_id": "2d5191ba-ff9b-4b48-a852-948d49dd9210",
        "project_id": "b275be5f-10ff-47ee-bfc9-63f1ce5addbf",
        "space_id": "1fd6d4b5-d592-4de2-a3e6-ae53a42d75d0",
        "owner_id": "IBMid-310000SG2Y",
        "created_at": "2021-08-02T12:00:24.269Z",
        "updated_at": "2021-08-02T12:00:24.269Z",
        "href": "/v2/hardware_specifications/2d5191ba-ff9b-4b48-a852-948d49dd9210"
      "entity": {
        "hardware_specification": {
          "nodes": {
            "cpu": {
              "units": "100m",
              "model": "string"
            "mem": {
              "size": "8Gi"
            "gpu": {
              "num_gpu": 2,
              "name": "v100",
              "gpu_profile": "generic",
              "mig_profile": "N/A"
            "node_selector": [
                "label_name": "custom_lable_name",
                "label_value": "custom_lable_value"
            "num_nodes": 1,
            "num_drivers": 1,
            "drivers": {
              "cpu": {
                "units": "100m",
                "model": "string"
              "mem": {
                "size": "8Gi"
            "worker_pool": {
              "id": 12345678990,
              "provider": "ibm"
  • {
      "trace": "b12692e1-8582-4628-88ca-7a13fefb73e2",
      "errors": [
          "code": "invalid_type",
          "message": "The `project_id` field needs to be a uuid v4, but is 12345.",
          "target": {
            "type": "field",
            "name": "project_id"
  • {
      "trace": "b12692e1-8582-4628-88ca-7a13fefb73e2",
      "errors": [
          "code": "invalid_auth_token",
          "message": "The IAM bearer token is not valid.",
          "target": {
            "type": "header",
            "name": "Authentication"
  • {
      "trace": "b12692e1-8582-4628-88ca-7a13fefb73e2",
      "errors": [
          "code": "endpoint_access_forbidden",
          "message": " is neither editor/admin of project b275be5f-10ff-47ee-bfc9-63f1ce5addbf nor allowlisted Service ID."
  • {
      "trace": "b12692e1-8582-4628-88ca-7a13fefb73e2",
      "errors": [
          "code": "conflict",
          "message": "Document already exists."

Retrieve a hardware specification.

Returns a hardware specification of a given ID.

  1. To retrieve a global hardware specification, project_id or space_id is not required.
  2. To retrieve a scoped hardware specification that is scoped to a project or a space, you need to specify either project_id or space_id.
GET /v2/hardware_specifications/{hardware_specification_guid}


Path Parameters

  • The guid of the hardware specification.

    Example: a1da1d73-5eb5-4dfb-808e-174eb153c20e

Query Parameters

  • The guid of the project.

    Example: 92ae0e27-9b11-4de9-a646-d46ca3c183d4

  • The guid of the space.

    Example: 82ae0e27-9b11-4de9-a646-d46ca3c183d4


A hardware specification.

Status Code

  • Success. Returned the hardware specification. Format follows v2/assets.

  • Bad request. One of the fields has invalid format/content.

  • Unauthorized. No/Malformed authentication provided.

  • Forbidden. User is not allowed to perform the target operation.

Example responses
  • {
      "metadata": {
        "name": "my hardware specification",
        "description": "this is my hardware specification",
        "asset_type": "hardware_specification",
        "asset_id": "2d5191ba-ff9b-4b48-a852-948d49dd9210",
        "project_id": "b275be5f-10ff-47ee-bfc9-63f1ce5addbf",
        "space_id": "1fd6d4b5-d592-4de2-a3e6-ae53a42d75d0",
        "owner_id": "IBMid-310000SG2Y",
        "created_at": "2021-08-02T12:00:24.269Z",
        "updated_at": "2021-08-02T12:00:24.269Z",
        "href": "/v2/hardware_specifications/2d5191ba-ff9b-4b48-a852-948d49dd9210"
      "entity": {
        "hardware_specification": {
          "nodes": {
            "cpu": {
              "units": "100m",
              "model": "string"
            "mem": {
              "size": "8Gi"
            "gpu": {
              "num_gpu": 2,
              "name": "v100",
              "gpu_profile": "generic",
              "mig_profile": "N/A"
            "node_selector": [
                "label_name": "custom_lable_name",
                "label_value": "custom_lable_value"
            "num_nodes": 1,
            "num_drivers": 1,
            "drivers": {
              "cpu": {
                "units": "100m",
                "model": "string"
              "mem": {
                "size": "8Gi"
            "worker_pool": {
              "id": 12345678990,
              "provider": "ibm"
  • {
      "trace": "b12692e1-8582-4628-88ca-7a13fefb73e2",
      "errors": [
          "code": "invalid_type",
          "message": "The `project_id` field needs to be a uuid v4, but is 12345.",
          "target": {
            "type": "field",
            "name": "project_id"
  • {
      "trace": "b12692e1-8582-4628-88ca-7a13fefb73e2",
      "errors": [
          "code": "invalid_auth_token",
          "message": "The IAM bearer token is not valid.",
          "target": {
            "type": "header",
            "name": "Authentication"
  • {
      "trace": "b12692e1-8582-4628-88ca-7a13fefb73e2",
      "errors": [
          "code": "endpoint_access_forbidden",
          "message": " is neither editor/admin of project b275be5f-10ff-47ee-bfc9-63f1ce5addbf nor allowlisted Service ID."

Delete a hardware specification.

Deletes a hardware specification of a given ID.

Only scoped hardware specifications can be deleted through the API.

You need to specify either project_id or space_id.

DELETE /v2/hardware_specifications/{hardware_specification_guid}


Path Parameters

  • The guid of the hardware specification.

    Example: a1da1d73-5eb5-4dfb-808e-174eb153c20e

Query Parameters

  • The guid of the project.

    Example: 92ae0e27-9b11-4de9-a646-d46ca3c183d4

  • The guid of the space.

    Example: 82ae0e27-9b11-4de9-a646-d46ca3c183d4


Status Code

  • Success. The hardware specification is deleted.

  • Bad request. One of the fields has invalid format/content.

  • Unauthorized. No/Malformed authentication provided.

  • Forbidden. User is not allowed to perform the target operation.

Example responses
  • {
      "trace": "b12692e1-8582-4628-88ca-7a13fefb73e2",
      "errors": [
          "code": "invalid_type",
          "message": "The `project_id` field needs to be a uuid v4, but is 12345.",
          "target": {
            "type": "field",
            "name": "project_id"
  • {
      "trace": "b12692e1-8582-4628-88ca-7a13fefb73e2",
      "errors": [
          "code": "invalid_auth_token",
          "message": "The IAM bearer token is not valid.",
          "target": {
            "type": "header",
            "name": "Authentication"
  • {
      "trace": "b12692e1-8582-4628-88ca-7a13fefb73e2",
      "errors": [
          "code": "endpoint_access_forbidden",
          "message": " is neither editor/admin of project b275be5f-10ff-47ee-bfc9-63f1ce5addbf nor allowlisted Service ID."

Update a hardware specification.

Updates a hardware specification of a given ID with the provided parameters.

Only scoped hardware specifications can be updated through the API.

PATCH /v2/hardware_specifications/{hardware_specification_guid}


Path Parameters

  • The guid of the hardware specification.

    Example: a1da1d73-5eb5-4dfb-808e-174eb153c20e

Query Parameters

  • The guid of the project.

    Example: 92ae0e27-9b11-4de9-a646-d46ca3c183d4

Specification of changes.


Update a hardware specification for nodes

  "/metadata/name": "my hardware specification",
  "/metadata/description": "this is my hardware specification",
  "/entity/hardware_specification/nodes/cpu/units": "100m",
  "/entity/hardware_specification/nodes/cpu/model": "string",
  "/entity/hardware_specification/nodes/mem/size": "8Gi",
  "/entity/hardware_specification/nodes/gpu/num_gpu": 2,
  "/entity/hardware_specification/nodes/gpu/name": "v100",
  "/entity/hardware_specification/nodes/num_nodes": 1,
  "/entity/hardware_specification/nodes/worker_pool/id": 12345678990,
  "/entity/hardware_specification/nodes/worker_pool/provider": "ibm"

Update a hardware specification for Spark

  "/metadata/name": "my hardware specification",
  "/metadata/description": "this is my hardware specification",
  "/entity/hardware_specification/spark/num_drivers": 1,
  "/entity/hardware_specification/spark/num_executors": 2,
  "/entity/hardware_specification/spark/driver/cpu/units": "100m",
  "/entity/hardware_specification/spark/driver/cpu/model": "string",
  "/entity/hardware_specification/spark/driver/mem/size": "8Gi",
  "/entity/hardware_specification/spark/executor/cpu/units": "100m",
  "/entity/hardware_specification/spark/executor/cpu/model": "string",
  "/entity/hardware_specification/spark/executor/mem/size": "8Gi"

Update a hardware specification for DataStage

  "/metadata/name": "my hardware specification",
  "/metadata/description": "this is my hardware specification",
  "/entity/hardware_specification/datastage/num_conductors": 1,
  "/entity/hardware_specification/datastage/num_computes": 2,
  "/entity/hardware_specification/datastage/conductor/cpu/units": "100m",
  "/entity/hardware_specification/datastage/conductor/cpu/model": "string",
  "/entity/hardware_specification/datastage/conductor/mem/size": "8Gi",
  "/entity/hardware_specification/datastage/compute/cpu/units": "100m",
  "/entity/hardware_specification/datastage/compute/cpu/model": "string",
  "/entity/hardware_specification/datastage/compute/mem/size": "8Gi",
  "/entity/hardware_specification/datastage/instance": "instance-1"


A hardware specification.

Status Code

  • Success. Updated the hardware specification.

  • Bad request. One of the fields has invalid format/content.

  • Unauthorized. No/Malformed authentication provided.

  • Forbidden. User is not allowed to perform the target operation.

Example responses
  • {
      "metadata": {
        "name": "my hardware specification",
        "description": "this is my hardware specification",
        "asset_type": "hardware_specification",
        "asset_id": "2d5191ba-ff9b-4b48-a852-948d49dd9210",
        "project_id": "b275be5f-10ff-47ee-bfc9-63f1ce5addbf",
        "space_id": "1fd6d4b5-d592-4de2-a3e6-ae53a42d75d0",
        "owner_id": "IBMid-310000SG2Y",
        "created_at": "2021-08-02T12:00:24.269Z",
        "updated_at": "2021-08-02T12:00:24.269Z",
        "href": "/v2/hardware_specifications/2d5191ba-ff9b-4b48-a852-948d49dd9210"
      "entity": {
        "hardware_specification": {
          "nodes": {
            "cpu": {
              "units": "100m",
              "model": "string"
            "mem": {
              "size": "8Gi"
            "gpu": {
              "num_gpu": 2,
              "name": "v100",
              "gpu_profile": "generic",
              "mig_profile": "N/A"
            "node_selector": [
                "label_name": "custom_lable_name",
                "label_value": "custom_lable_value"
            "num_nodes": 1,
            "num_drivers": 1,
            "drivers": {
              "cpu": {
                "units": "100m",
                "model": "string"
              "mem": {
                "size": "8Gi"
            "worker_pool": {
              "id": 12345678990,
              "provider": "ibm"
  • {
      "trace": "b12692e1-8582-4628-88ca-7a13fefb73e2",
      "errors": [
          "code": "invalid_type",
          "message": "The `project_id` field needs to be a uuid v4, but is 12345.",
          "target": {
            "type": "field",
            "name": "project_id"
  • {
      "trace": "b12692e1-8582-4628-88ca-7a13fefb73e2",
      "errors": [
          "code": "invalid_auth_token",
          "message": "The IAM bearer token is not valid.",
          "target": {
            "type": "header",
            "name": "Authentication"
  • {
      "trace": "b12692e1-8582-4628-88ca-7a13fefb73e2",
      "errors": [
          "code": "endpoint_access_forbidden",
          "message": " is neither editor/admin of project b275be5f-10ff-47ee-bfc9-63f1ce5addbf nor allowlisted Service ID."

List software specifications.

Returns a list of software specifications.

  1. If neither project_id nor space_id is given, it returns all base software specifications.
  2. If project_id or space_id is given, it returns all base and derived software specifications. In this case, you need to specify either project_id or space_id.
GET /v2/software_specifications


Query Parameters

  • The guid of the space.

    Example: 82ae0e27-9b11-4de9-a646-d46ca3c183d4

  • The guid of the project.

    Example: 103d3fc4-2e46-4581-a23a-b4484e13519e

  • String of comma-separated package names that refers to the packages that a software specification should contain. If specified, each of the software specification in the returned list will contain all of the packages specified in the query.

    Example: pytorch,scikit-learn

  • The name of the software specification. If specified, each of the software specification in the returned list will have the specified name.


A list of software specifications.

Status Code

  • Success. Returned a list of software specifications.

  • Bad request. One of the fields has invalid format/content.

  • Unauthorized. No/Malformed authentication provided.

  • Forbidden. User is not allowed to perform the target operation.

Example responses
  • {
      "total_results": 1,
      "resources": [
          "metadata": {
            "name": "my software specification",
            "description": "this is my software specification",
            "asset_type": "software_specification",
            "asset_id": "555bd074-cc5b-4396-a7f8-5f03d336a8e5",
            "project_id": "b275be5f-10ff-47ee-bfc9-63f1ce5addbf",
            "space_id": "1fd6d4b5-d592-4de2-a3e6-ae53a42d75d0",
            "owner_id": "IBMid-310000SG2Y",
            "created_at": "2021-08-02T12:00:24.269Z",
            "updated_at": "2021-08-02T12:00:24.269Z",
            "href": "/v2/software_specifications/555bd074-cc5b-4396-a7f8-5f03d336a8e5"
          "entity": {
            "software_specification": {
              "type": "derived",
              "display_name": "My Software Specification",
              "base_software_specification": {
                "guid": "ab9e1b80-f2ce-592c-a7d2-4f2344f77194"
              "package_extensions": [
                  "metadata": {
                    "name": "my package extension",
                    "description": "this is my package extension",
                    "asset_type": "package_extension",
                    "asset_id": "461db2c9-effb-4bfb-8319-f4acf8ba06a3",
                    "project_id": "b275be5f-10ff-47ee-bfc9-63f1ce5addbf",
                    "space_id": "1fd6d4b5-d592-4de2-a3e6-ae53a42d75d0",
                    "owner_id": "IBMid-310000SG2Y",
                    "created_at": "2021-08-02T12:00:24.269Z",
                    "updated_at": "2021-08-02T12:00:24.269Z"
                  "entity": {
                    "package_extension": {
                      "type": "conda_yml",
                      "interpreter": "mamba",
                      "object_key": "package_extension/Package_Extension_9GShiX8H0.yml"
              "software_configuration": {
                "included_packages": [
                    "name": "ipython",
                    "version": "7.22.0"
                "platform": {
                  "name": "spark",
                  "version": 3.2
                "language": {
                  "name": "python",
                  "version": 3.9
  • {
      "trace": "b12692e1-8582-4628-88ca-7a13fefb73e2",
      "errors": [
          "code": "invalid_type",
          "message": "The `project_id` field needs to be a uuid v4, but is 12345.",
          "target": {
            "type": "field",
            "name": "project_id"
  • {
      "trace": "b12692e1-8582-4628-88ca-7a13fefb73e2",
      "errors": [
          "code": "invalid_auth_token",
          "message": "The IAM bearer token is not valid.",
          "target": {
            "type": "header",
            "name": "Authentication"
  • {
      "trace": "b12692e1-8582-4628-88ca-7a13fefb73e2",
      "errors": [
          "code": "endpoint_access_forbidden",
          "message": " is neither editor/admin of project b275be5f-10ff-47ee-bfc9-63f1ce5addbf nor allowlisted Service ID."

Create a new software specification.

Returns a software specification created with provided parameters.

You need to specify either project_id or space_id.

The parameters name and base_software_specification are required in the request body.

You can customize the software specification by adding any number of package extensions.

POST /v2/software_specifications


Query Parameters

  • The guid of the space.

    Example: 82ae0e27-9b11-4de9-a646-d46ca3c183d4

  • The guid of the project in which to create the software specification.

    Example: 103d3fc4-2e46-4581-a23a-b4484e13519e

Specification of the software specification to be created.


Create a derived software specification

  "name": "my software specification",
  "description": "this is my software specification",
  "package_extensions": [
      "guid": "b82b95df-fc3e-4273-98f7-473d62a03c2b"
  "base_software_specification": {
    "guid": "ab9e1b80-f2ce-592c-a7d2-4f2344f77194"


A software specification.

Status Code

  • Success. Created and returned a new software specification.

  • Bad request. One of the fields has invalid format/content.

  • Unauthorized. No/Malformed authentication provided.

  • Forbidden. User is not allowed to perform the target operation.

  • Conflict. Specification already exists with given name. Restriction applicable only for global specifications.

Example responses
  • {
      "metadata": {
        "name": "my software specification",
        "description": "this is my software specification",
        "asset_type": "software_specification",
        "asset_id": "555bd074-cc5b-4396-a7f8-5f03d336a8e5",
        "project_id": "b275be5f-10ff-47ee-bfc9-63f1ce5addbf",
        "space_id": "1fd6d4b5-d592-4de2-a3e6-ae53a42d75d0",
        "owner_id": "IBMid-310000SG2Y",
        "created_at": "2021-08-02T12:00:24.269Z",
        "updated_at": "2021-08-02T12:00:24.269Z",
        "href": "/v2/software_specifications/555bd074-cc5b-4396-a7f8-5f03d336a8e5"
      "entity": {
        "software_specification": {
          "type": "derived",
          "display_name": "My Software Specification",
          "base_software_specification": {
            "guid": "ab9e1b80-f2ce-592c-a7d2-4f2344f77194"
          "package_extensions": [
              "metadata": {
                "name": "my package extension",
                "description": "this is my package extension",
                "asset_type": "package_extension",
                "asset_id": "461db2c9-effb-4bfb-8319-f4acf8ba06a3",
                "project_id": "b275be5f-10ff-47ee-bfc9-63f1ce5addbf",
                "space_id": "1fd6d4b5-d592-4de2-a3e6-ae53a42d75d0",
                "owner_id": "IBMid-310000SG2Y",
                "created_at": "2021-08-02T12:00:24.269Z",
                "updated_at": "2021-08-02T12:00:24.269Z"
              "entity": {
                "package_extension": {
                  "type": "conda_yml",
                  "interpreter": "mamba",
                  "object_key": "package_extension/Package_Extension_9GShiX8H0.yml"
          "software_configuration": {
            "included_packages": [
                "name": "ipython",
                "version": "7.22.0"
            "platform": {
              "name": "spark",
              "version": 3.2
            "language": {
              "name": "python",
              "version": 3.9
  • {
      "trace": "b12692e1-8582-4628-88ca-7a13fefb73e2",
      "errors": [
          "code": "invalid_type",
          "message": "The `project_id` field needs to be a uuid v4, but is 12345.",
          "target": {
            "type": "field",
            "name": "project_id"
  • {
      "trace": "b12692e1-8582-4628-88ca-7a13fefb73e2",
      "errors": [
          "code": "invalid_auth_token",
          "message": "The IAM bearer token is not valid.",
          "target": {
            "type": "header",
            "name": "Authentication"
  • {
      "trace": "b12692e1-8582-4628-88ca-7a13fefb73e2",
      "errors": [
          "code": "endpoint_access_forbidden",
          "message": " is neither editor/admin of project b275be5f-10ff-47ee-bfc9-63f1ce5addbf nor allowlisted Service ID."
  • {
      "trace": "b12692e1-8582-4628-88ca-7a13fefb73e2",
      "errors": [
          "code": "conflict",
          "message": "Document already exists."

Update a software specification.

Updates a software specification of a given ID with the provided parameters.

Only derived software specifications can be updated through the API.

Updatable fields are name, description, display_name and package_extensions.

You need to specify either project_id or space_id.

PATCH /v2/software_specifications/{software_specification_guid}


Path Parameters

  • A UUID v4 identifying the software specification.

    Example: c82b95df-fc3e-4273-98f7-473d62a03c2b

Query Parameters

  • The guid of the space.

    Example: 82ae0e27-9b11-4de9-a646-d46ca3c183d4

  • The guid of the project.

    Example: 103d3fc4-2e46-4581-a23a-b4484e13519e

Specification of the updates for a software specification.


Update a software specification

  "/metadata/name": "my updated software specification",
  "/metadata/description": "this is my updated software specification.",
  "/entity/software_specification/display_name": "My Updated Software Specification.",
  "/entity/software_specification/package_extensions": [
      "guid": "b82b95df-fc3e-4273-98f7-473d62a03c2b"


Status Code

  • Success. Updated the software specification.

  • Bad request. One of the fields has invalid format/content.

  • Unauthorized. No/Malformed authentication provided.

  • Forbidden. User is not allowed to perform the target operation.

Example responses
  • {
      "trace": "b12692e1-8582-4628-88ca-7a13fefb73e2",
      "errors": [
          "code": "invalid_type",
          "message": "The `project_id` field needs to be a uuid v4, but is 12345.",
          "target": {
            "type": "field",
            "name": "project_id"
  • {
      "trace": "b12692e1-8582-4628-88ca-7a13fefb73e2",
      "errors": [
          "code": "invalid_auth_token",
          "message": "The IAM bearer token is not valid.",
          "target": {
            "type": "header",
            "name": "Authentication"
  • {
      "trace": "b12692e1-8582-4628-88ca-7a13fefb73e2",
      "errors": [
          "code": "endpoint_access_forbidden",
          "message": " is neither editor/admin of project b275be5f-10ff-47ee-bfc9-63f1ce5addbf nor allowlisted Service ID."

Retrieve a software specification.

Returns a software specification of a given ID.

  1. To retrieve a base software specification, project_id or space_id is not required.
  2. To retrieve a derived software specification that is scoped to a project or a space, you need to specify either project_id or space_id. When a derived software specification is retrieved, the return value shows the software configuration inherited from the base software specification instead of the ID of the base software specification.
GET /v2/software_specifications/{software_specification_guid}


Path Parameters

  • A UUID v4 identifying the software specification.

    Example: c82b95df-fc3e-4273-98f7-473d62a03c2b

Query Parameters

  • The guid of the space.

    Example: 82ae0e27-9b11-4de9-a646-d46ca3c183d4

  • The guid of the project.

    Example: 103d3fc4-2e46-4581-a23a-b4484e13519e


A software specification.

Status Code

  • Success. Returned the given software specification.

  • Bad request. One of the fields has invalid format/content.

  • Unauthorized. No/Malformed authentication provided.

  • Forbidden. User is not allowed to perform the target operation.

Example responses
  • {
      "metadata": {
        "name": "my software specification",
        "description": "this is my software specification",
        "asset_type": "software_specification",
        "asset_id": "555bd074-cc5b-4396-a7f8-5f03d336a8e5",
        "project_id": "b275be5f-10ff-47ee-bfc9-63f1ce5addbf",
        "space_id": "1fd6d4b5-d592-4de2-a3e6-ae53a42d75d0",
        "owner_id": "IBMid-310000SG2Y",
        "created_at": "2021-08-02T12:00:24.269Z",
        "updated_at": "2021-08-02T12:00:24.269Z",
        "href": "/v2/software_specifications/555bd074-cc5b-4396-a7f8-5f03d336a8e5"
      "entity": {
        "software_specification": {
          "type": "derived",
          "display_name": "My Software Specification",
          "base_software_specification": {
            "guid": "ab9e1b80-f2ce-592c-a7d2-4f2344f77194"
          "package_extensions": [
              "metadata": {
                "name": "my package extension",
                "description": "this is my package extension",
                "asset_type": "package_extension",
                "asset_id": "461db2c9-effb-4bfb-8319-f4acf8ba06a3",
                "project_id": "b275be5f-10ff-47ee-bfc9-63f1ce5addbf",
                "space_id": "1fd6d4b5-d592-4de2-a3e6-ae53a42d75d0",
                "owner_id": "IBMid-310000SG2Y",
                "created_at": "2021-08-02T12:00:24.269Z",
                "updated_at": "2021-08-02T12:00:24.269Z"
              "entity": {
                "package_extension": {
                  "type": "conda_yml",
                  "interpreter": "mamba",
                  "object_key": "package_extension/Package_Extension_9GShiX8H0.yml"
          "software_configuration": {
            "included_packages": [
                "name": "ipython",
                "version": "7.22.0"
            "platform": {
              "name": "spark",
              "version": 3.2
            "language": {
              "name": "python",
              "version": 3.9
  • {
      "trace": "b12692e1-8582-4628-88ca-7a13fefb73e2",
      "errors": [
          "code": "invalid_type",
          "message": "The `project_id` field needs to be a uuid v4, but is 12345.",
          "target": {
            "type": "field",
            "name": "project_id"
  • {
      "trace": "b12692e1-8582-4628-88ca-7a13fefb73e2",
      "errors": [
          "code": "invalid_auth_token",
          "message": "The IAM bearer token is not valid.",
          "target": {
            "type": "header",
            "name": "Authentication"
  • {
      "trace": "b12692e1-8582-4628-88ca-7a13fefb73e2",
      "errors": [
          "code": "endpoint_access_forbidden",
          "message": " is neither editor/admin of project b275be5f-10ff-47ee-bfc9-63f1ce5addbf nor allowlisted Service ID."

Delete a software specification.

Deletes a software specification of a given ID.

Only derived software specifications can be deleted through the API.

You need to specify either project_id or space_id.

DELETE /v2/software_specifications/{software_specification_guid}


Path Parameters

  • A UUID v4 identifying the software specification.

    Example: c82b95df-fc3e-4273-98f7-473d62a03c2b

Query Parameters

  • The guid of the space.

    Example: 82ae0e27-9b11-4de9-a646-d46ca3c183d4

  • The guid of the project. The deleted software specification must be scoped to the specified project.

    Example: 103d3fc4-2e46-4581-a23a-b4484e13519e


Status Code

  • Success. Deleted the software specification.

  • Bad request. One of the fields has invalid format/content.

  • Unauthorized. No/Malformed authentication provided.

  • Forbidden. User is not allowed to perform the target operation.

Example responses
  • {
      "trace": "b12692e1-8582-4628-88ca-7a13fefb73e2",
      "errors": [
          "code": "invalid_type",
          "message": "The `project_id` field needs to be a uuid v4, but is 12345.",
          "target": {
            "type": "field",
            "name": "project_id"
  • {
      "trace": "b12692e1-8582-4628-88ca-7a13fefb73e2",
      "errors": [
          "code": "invalid_auth_token",
          "message": "The IAM bearer token is not valid.",
          "target": {
            "type": "header",
            "name": "Authentication"
  • {
      "trace": "b12692e1-8582-4628-88ca-7a13fefb73e2",
      "errors": [
          "code": "endpoint_access_forbidden",
          "message": " is neither editor/admin of project b275be5f-10ff-47ee-bfc9-63f1ce5addbf nor allowlisted Service ID."

Add a package extension to a software specification.

When successful, the specified package extension is appended to the array entity.software_specification.package_extensions. It is then the last package extension in that array.

You need to specify either project_id or space_id.

The request is valid if and only if:

  1. The software specification identified by software_specification_guid and the package extension identified by package_extension_guid exist in the same scope (either project or space).
  2. A successful POST /v2/package_extensions/{package_extension_guid}/upload_complete has been called before this request is initiated. I.e., the upload of the referenced pip_zip or conda_yml file has been indicated to have been successful.
  3. The user is authorized to update the software specification asset.
PUT /v2/software_specifications/{software_specification_guid}/package_extensions/{package_extension_guid}


Path Parameters

  • A UUID v4 identifying the software specification.

    Example: c82b95df-fc3e-4273-98f7-473d62a03c2b

  • A UUID v4 identifying the package extension.

    Example: b82b95df-fc3e-4273-98f7-473d62a03c2b

Query Parameters

  • The guid of the space.

    Example: 82ae0e27-9b11-4de9-a646-d46ca3c183d4

  • The guid of the project.

    Example: 103d3fc4-2e46-4581-a23a-b4484e13519e


Status Code

  • Success. Added the package extension to the software specification.

  • Bad request. One of the fields has invalid format/content.

  • Unauthorized. No/Malformed authentication provided.

  • Forbidden. User is not allowed to perform the target operation.

  • Conflict. The software specification already references this package extension.

Example responses
  • {
      "trace": "b12692e1-8582-4628-88ca-7a13fefb73e2",
      "errors": [
          "code": "invalid_type",
          "message": "The `project_id` field needs to be a uuid v4, but is 12345.",
          "target": {
            "type": "field",
            "name": "project_id"
  • {
      "trace": "b12692e1-8582-4628-88ca-7a13fefb73e2",
      "errors": [
          "code": "invalid_auth_token",
          "message": "The IAM bearer token is not valid.",
          "target": {
            "type": "header",
            "name": "Authentication"
  • {
      "trace": "b12692e1-8582-4628-88ca-7a13fefb73e2",
      "errors": [
          "code": "endpoint_access_forbidden",
          "message": " is neither editor/admin of project b275be5f-10ff-47ee-bfc9-63f1ce5addbf nor allowlisted Service ID."

Remove a package extension from a software specification.

When successful, the specified package extension is removed from the array entity.software_specification.package_extensions.

You need to specify either project_id or space_id.

DELETE /v2/software_specifications/{software_specification_guid}/package_extensions/{package_extension_guid}


Path Parameters

  • A UUID v4 identifying the software specification.

    Example: c82b95df-fc3e-4273-98f7-473d62a03c2b

  • A UUID v4 identifying the package extension.

    Example: b82b95df-fc3e-4273-98f7-473d62a03c2b

Query Parameters

  • The guid of the space.

    Example: 82ae0e27-9b11-4de9-a646-d46ca3c183d4

  • The guid of the project.

    Example: 103d3fc4-2e46-4581-a23a-b4484e13519e


Status Code

  • Success. Removed the package extension from the software specification.

  • Bad request. One of the fields has invalid format/content.

  • Unauthorized. No/Malformed authentication provided.

  • Forbidden. User is not allowed to perform the target operation.

Example responses
  • {
      "trace": "b12692e1-8582-4628-88ca-7a13fefb73e2",
      "errors": [
          "code": "invalid_type",
          "message": "The `project_id` field needs to be a uuid v4, but is 12345.",
          "target": {
            "type": "field",
            "name": "project_id"
  • {
      "trace": "b12692e1-8582-4628-88ca-7a13fefb73e2",
      "errors": [
          "code": "invalid_auth_token",
          "message": "The IAM bearer token is not valid.",
          "target": {
            "type": "header",
            "name": "Authentication"
  • {
      "trace": "b12692e1-8582-4628-88ca-7a13fefb73e2",
      "errors": [
          "code": "endpoint_access_forbidden",
          "message": " is neither editor/admin of project b275be5f-10ff-47ee-bfc9-63f1ce5addbf nor allowlisted Service ID."

List package extensions.

Returns all package extensions within the given project or space. You need to specify either project_id or space_id.

GET /v2/package_extensions


Query Parameters

  • The guid of the space.

    Example: 82ae0e27-9b11-4de9-a646-d46ca3c183d4

  • The guid of the project.

    Example: 103d3fc4-2e46-4581-a23a-b4484e13519e

  • Returning only those package extensions that have a particular name.

    Example: my Package Extension

  • Returning only those package extensions that have a particular type.

    Allowable values: [conda_yml,pip_zip]

    Example: conda_yml or pip_zip


A list of package extensions.

Status Code

  • Success. Returned a list of Package Extensions.

  • Bad request. One of the fields has invalid format/content.

  • Unauthorized. No/Malformed authentication provided.

  • Forbidden. User is not allowed to perform the target operation.

Example responses
  • {
      "total_results": 1,
      "resources": [
          "metadata": {
            "name": "my package extension",
            "description": "this is my package extension",
            "asset_type": "package_extension",
            "asset_id": "461db2c9-effb-4bfb-8319-f4acf8ba06a3",
            "project_id": "b275be5f-10ff-47ee-bfc9-63f1ce5addbf",
            "space_id": "1fd6d4b5-d592-4de2-a3e6-ae53a42d75d0",
            "owner_id": "IBMid-310000SG2Y",
            "created_at": "2021-08-02T12:00:24.269Z",
            "updated_at": "2021-08-02T12:00:24.269Z"
          "entity": {
            "package_extension": {
              "type": "conda_yml",
              "interpreter": "mamba",
              "object_key": "package_extension/Package_Extension_9GShiX8H0.yml"
  • {
      "trace": "b12692e1-8582-4628-88ca-7a13fefb73e2",
      "errors": [
          "code": "invalid_type",
          "message": "The `project_id` field needs to be a uuid v4, but is 12345.",
          "target": {
            "type": "field",
            "name": "project_id"
  • {
      "trace": "b12692e1-8582-4628-88ca-7a13fefb73e2",
      "errors": [
          "code": "invalid_auth_token",
          "message": "The IAM bearer token is not valid.",
          "target": {
            "type": "header",
            "name": "Authentication"
  • {
      "trace": "b12692e1-8582-4628-88ca-7a13fefb73e2",
      "errors": [
          "code": "endpoint_access_forbidden",
          "message": " is neither editor/admin of project b275be5f-10ff-47ee-bfc9-63f1ce5addbf nor allowlisted Service ID."

Create a new package extension.

Returns the new package extension created in the given project or space. You need to specify either project_id or space_id.

For uploading the pip_zip or conda_yml, once you have created a package extension, the response also contains a pre-signed URL which allows you to upload its contents. When the upload is complete, you must call POST /v2/package_extensions/{package_extension_guid}/upload_complete to indicate to the API that the package extension is usable. If the /upload_complete returns successfully, the package extension is usable, i.e., can be assigned to a software specification.

POST /v2/package_extensions


Query Parameters

  • The guid of the space.

    Example: 82ae0e27-9b11-4de9-a646-d46ca3c183d4

  • The guid of the project in which to create the package extension.

    Example: 103d3fc4-2e46-4581-a23a-b4484e13519e

Specification of the package extension to be created.


Create a package extension

  "name": "my package extension",
  "description": "this is my package extension",
  "type": "conda_yml",
  "interpreter": "mamba"


A package extension with signed URL.

Status Code

  • Success. Created and returned a new package extension.

  • Bad request. One of the fields has invalid format/content.

  • Unauthorized. No/Malformed authentication provided.

  • Forbidden. User is not allowed to perform the target operation.

Example responses
  • {
      "metadata": {
        "name": "my package extension",
        "description": "this is my package extension",
        "asset_type": "package_extension",
        "asset_id": "461db2c9-effb-4bfb-8319-f4acf8ba06a3",
        "project_id": "b275be5f-10ff-47ee-bfc9-63f1ce5addbf",
        "space_id": "1fd6d4b5-d592-4de2-a3e6-ae53a42d75d0",
        "owner_id": "IBMid-310000SG2Y",
        "created_at": "2021-08-02T12:00:24.269Z",
        "updated_at": "2021-08-02T12:00:24.269Z"
      "entity": {
        "package_extension": {
          "type": "conda_yml",
          "interpreter": "mamba",
          "href": "/package_extension/Package_Extension_9GShiX8H0.yml"
  • {
      "trace": "b12692e1-8582-4628-88ca-7a13fefb73e2",
      "errors": [
          "code": "invalid_type",
          "message": "The `project_id` field needs to be a uuid v4, but is 12345.",
          "target": {
            "type": "field",
            "name": "project_id"
  • {
      "trace": "b12692e1-8582-4628-88ca-7a13fefb73e2",
      "errors": [
          "code": "invalid_auth_token",
          "message": "The IAM bearer token is not valid.",
          "target": {
            "type": "header",
            "name": "Authentication"
  • {
      "trace": "b12692e1-8582-4628-88ca-7a13fefb73e2",
      "errors": [
          "code": "endpoint_access_forbidden",
          "message": " is neither editor/admin of project b275be5f-10ff-47ee-bfc9-63f1ce5addbf nor allowlisted Service ID."

Mark file upload complete.

Indicates that the upload of the library file attached to the package extension is complete and this package extension is usable. You need to specify either project_id or space_id.

POST /v2/package_extensions/{package_extension_guid}/upload_complete


Path Parameters

  • A UUID v4 identifying the package extension.

    Example: b82b95df-fc3e-4273-98f7-473d62a03c2b

Query Parameters

  • The guid of the space.

    Example: 82ae0e27-9b11-4de9-a646-d46ca3c183d4

  • The guid of the project.

    Example: 103d3fc4-2e46-4581-a23a-b4484e13519e


Status Code

  • Success. Marked the upload complete, the package extension is now usable.

  • Bad request. One of the fields has invalid format/content.

  • Unauthorized. No/Malformed authentication provided.

  • Forbidden. User is not allowed to perform the target operation.

Example responses
  • {
      "trace": "b12692e1-8582-4628-88ca-7a13fefb73e2",
      "errors": [
          "code": "invalid_type",
          "message": "The `project_id` field needs to be a uuid v4, but is 12345.",
          "target": {
            "type": "field",
            "name": "project_id"
  • {
      "trace": "b12692e1-8582-4628-88ca-7a13fefb73e2",
      "errors": [
          "code": "invalid_auth_token",
          "message": "The IAM bearer token is not valid.",
          "target": {
            "type": "header",
            "name": "Authentication"
  • {
      "trace": "b12692e1-8582-4628-88ca-7a13fefb73e2",
      "errors": [
          "code": "endpoint_access_forbidden",
          "message": " is neither editor/admin of project b275be5f-10ff-47ee-bfc9-63f1ce5addbf nor allowlisted Service ID."

Update a package extension.

Updates a package extension of a given ID with the provided parameters.

PATCH /v2/package_extensions/{package_extension_guid}


Path Parameters

  • A UUID v4 identifying the package extension.

    Example: b82b95df-fc3e-4273-98f7-473d62a03c2b

Query Parameters

  • The guid of the project.

    Example: 103d3fc4-2e46-4581-a23a-b4484e13519e

Specification of the updates for a package extension.


Update a package extension

  "/metadata/name": "my updated package extension",
  "/metadata/description": "this is my updated package extension",
  "/entity/package_extension/type": "pip_zip"


Status Code

  • Success. Updated the pacakge extension.

  • Bad request. One of the fields has invalid format/content.

  • Unauthorized. No/Malformed authentication provided.

  • Forbidden. User is not allowed to perform the target operation.

Example responses
  • {
      "trace": "b12692e1-8582-4628-88ca-7a13fefb73e2",
      "errors": [
          "code": "invalid_type",
          "message": "The `project_id` field needs to be a uuid v4, but is 12345.",
          "target": {
            "type": "field",
            "name": "project_id"
  • {
      "trace": "b12692e1-8582-4628-88ca-7a13fefb73e2",
      "errors": [
          "code": "invalid_auth_token",
          "message": "The IAM bearer token is not valid.",
          "target": {
            "type": "header",
            "name": "Authentication"
  • {
      "trace": "b12692e1-8582-4628-88ca-7a13fefb73e2",
      "errors": [
          "code": "endpoint_access_forbidden",
          "message": " is neither editor/admin of project b275be5f-10ff-47ee-bfc9-63f1ce5addbf nor allowlisted Service ID."

Retrieve a package extension.

Retrieves a package extension of a given ID. You need to specify either project_id or space_id.

GET /v2/package_extensions/{package_extension_guid}


Path Parameters

  • A UUID v4 identifying the package extension.

    Example: b82b95df-fc3e-4273-98f7-473d62a03c2b

Query Parameters

  • The guid of the space.

    Example: 82ae0e27-9b11-4de9-a646-d46ca3c183d4

  • The guid of the project.

    Example: 103d3fc4-2e46-4581-a23a-b4484e13519e


A package extension with object key and signed URL.

Status Code

  • Success. Returned the given package extension.

  • Bad request. One of the fields has invalid format/content.

  • Unauthorized. No/Malformed authentication provided.

  • Forbidden. User is not allowed to perform the target operation.

Example responses
  • {
      "metadata": {
        "name": "my package extension",
        "description": "this is my package extension",
        "asset_type": "package_extension",
        "asset_id": "461db2c9-effb-4bfb-8319-f4acf8ba06a3",
        "project_id": "b275be5f-10ff-47ee-bfc9-63f1ce5addbf",
        "space_id": "1fd6d4b5-d592-4de2-a3e6-ae53a42d75d0",
        "owner_id": "IBMid-310000SG2Y",
        "created_at": "2021-08-02T12:00:24.269Z",
        "updated_at": "2021-08-02T12:00:24.269Z"
      "entity": {
        "package_extension": {
          "type": "conda_yml",
          "interpreter": "mamba",
          "object_key": "package_extension/Package_Extension_9GShiX8H0.yml",
          "href": "/package_extension/Package_Extension_9GShiX8H0.yml"
  • {
      "trace": "b12692e1-8582-4628-88ca-7a13fefb73e2",
      "errors": [
          "code": "invalid_type",
          "message": "The `project_id` field needs to be a uuid v4, but is 12345.",
          "target": {
            "type": "field",
            "name": "project_id"
  • {
      "trace": "b12692e1-8582-4628-88ca-7a13fefb73e2",
      "errors": [
          "code": "invalid_auth_token",
          "message": "The IAM bearer token is not valid.",
          "target": {
            "type": "header",
            "name": "Authentication"
  • {
      "trace": "b12692e1-8582-4628-88ca-7a13fefb73e2",
      "errors": [
          "code": "endpoint_access_forbidden",
          "message": " is neither editor/admin of project b275be5f-10ff-47ee-bfc9-63f1ce5addbf nor allowlisted Service ID."

Delete a package extension.

Deletes a package extension of a given ID. You need to specify either project_id or space_id.

DELETE /v2/package_extensions/{package_extension_guid}


Path Parameters

  • A UUID v4 identifying the package extension.

    Example: b82b95df-fc3e-4273-98f7-473d62a03c2b

Query Parameters

  • The guid of the space.

    Example: 82ae0e27-9b11-4de9-a646-d46ca3c183d4

  • The guid of the project.

    Example: 103d3fc4-2e46-4581-a23a-b4484e13519e


Status Code

  • Success. Deleted the package extension.

  • Bad request. One of the fields has invalid format/content.

  • Unauthorized. No/Malformed authentication provided.

  • Forbidden. User is not allowed to perform the target operation.

Example responses
  • {
      "trace": "b12692e1-8582-4628-88ca-7a13fefb73e2",
      "errors": [
          "code": "invalid_type",
          "message": "The `project_id` field needs to be a uuid v4, but is 12345.",
          "target": {
            "type": "field",
            "name": "project_id"
  • {
      "trace": "b12692e1-8582-4628-88ca-7a13fefb73e2",
      "errors": [
          "code": "invalid_auth_token",
          "message": "The IAM bearer token is not valid.",
          "target": {
            "type": "header",
            "name": "Authentication"
  • {
      "trace": "b12692e1-8582-4628-88ca-7a13fefb73e2",
      "errors": [
          "code": "endpoint_access_forbidden",
          "message": " is neither editor/admin of project b275be5f-10ff-47ee-bfc9-63f1ce5addbf nor allowlisted Service ID."

Archive the asset container

Archive the assets database of the asset container.

Archiving the assets database of not used asset containers helps saving storage and computing resources of the database, therefore reduce the footprint of CAMS.The information stored in the archived asset containers will not be accessible until the asset containers are restored.

POST /v2/asset_containers/archive


Query Parameters

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

Archive request


Status Code

  • Accepted

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Internal Server Error

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Get archive information of the asset container

Get archive information of the asset container.

GET /v2/asset_containers/archive_info


Query Parameters

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one


Status Code

  • OK

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Internal Server Error

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Get configurations

Get the configurations of a catalog/project/space.

GET /v2/asset_containers/configurations


Query Parameters

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one


Status Code

  • OK

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Not Found

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Replace or create configurations

Replace the configurations of a catalog/project/space or create the configurations if they do not exist.

PUT /v2/asset_containers/configurations


Query Parameters

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one



Status Code

  • OK

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Internal Server Error

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Restore the asset container

Restore the assets database of the archived asset container. Only successfully archived asset container can be restored.

POST /v2/asset_containers/restore


Query Parameters

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one


Status Code

  • OK

  • Accepted

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Internal Server Error

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

List all asset lists defined for an account

Retrieve a paginated list of asset lists defined for an account.

GET /v2/asset_lists


Query Parameters

  • Query to retrieve a paginated list of asset list metadatas for which the request user has permission to view.

    Search query in Common Expression Language, with special characters encoded. For example, & is %26.

    Examples of query parameters:
    * id
    * type
    * state
    * access_control.owner
    * created_at
    * last_updated_at

    Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 1024, Value must match regular expression ^[\w\.,:$%&=|\(\)\s\-\_\^"]+$

    Example: type==order%26%26created_at%3E=2023-08-23T21:10:40Z

  • Start token for pagination

    Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 512, Value must match regular expression ^[\w\.,:$&\(\)\s\-\_\^"]+$

  • Search result limit

    Possible values: 1 ≤ value ≤ 200

    Default: 200

    Example: 10

  • This parameter can be repeated to add additional sort fields.

    Default: null

    Examples of sort fields (these are case insensitive):

    • created_at
    • -created_at
    • last_updated_at
    • -last_updated_at

    Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 1024, Value must match regular expression ^[\w\.,:$&\(\)\s\-\_\^"]+$

  • curl --request GET --url '{url}/v2/asset_lists' --header 'authorization: Bearer {access_token}' --header 'accept: application/json'


The Asset list collection response API model.

Status Code

  • OK

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Internal Server Error

Example responses
  • {
      "limit": 200,
      "total_count": 1,
      "first": {
        "href": ""
      "next": {
        "href": "",
        "start": "start_token"
      "asset_lists": [
          "name": "my_order",
          "description": "Order of multiple items",
          "type": "order",
          "state": "default_state",
          "id": "3204c622-dcb8-4728-869f-484b6ac73dff",
          "asset": {
            "id": "701f4af4-679c-42d1-80b5-0de5796a7514",
            "type": "ibm_data_product_version",
            "container": {
              "id": "71993ab5-3374-4355-8a38-fc4c32debc00",
              "type": "catalog"
          "access_control": {
            "owner": "userId",
            "bss_account_id": "bss_account_id"
          "created_at": "2023-09-17T23:19:08Z",
          "last_updated_at": "2023-09-17T23:19:08Z",
          "last_updated_by": "userId"

Create a new asset list

Use this API to creates a new asset list.

If the state is not specified, the asset list will be created in DEFAULT state.
The list may be created with items, or without items.
The list will be owned by the request user.

POST /v2/asset_lists


The asset list for creation.


Example REST body for asset list creation of type ORDER.

  "name": "my_order",
  "description": "Order of multiple items",
  "type": "order",
  "items": [
      "asset": {
        "id": "8509d09e-b3d0-4e8b-9682-726a7b95f69a",
        "type": "data_asset",
        "container": {
          "id": "71993ab5-3374-4355-8a38-fc4c32debc00",
          "type": "catalog"
      "properties": {
        "my_property_1": "Value 1",
        "my_property_2": "Value 2"
      "asset": {
        "id": "8509d09e-b3d0-4e8b-9682-726a7b95f69b",
        "type": "data_asset",
        "container": {
          "id": "71993ab5-3374-4355-8a38-fc4c32debc00",
          "type": "catalog"
      "properties": {
        "my_property_1": "Value 1",
        "my_property_map": {
          "my_property_map_key": "Value 2"
  • curl --request POST --url '{url}/v2/asset_lists' --header 'accept: application/json' --header 'authorization: Bearer {access_token}' --header 'content-type: application/json' --data '{"name": "my_order","description": "Order of multiple items","items": [{"asset": {"metadata": {"id": "8509d09e-b3d0-4e8b-9682-726a7b95f69a","type": "data_asset","container": {"id": "71993ab5-3374-4355-8a38-fc4c32debc00","type": "catalog"}}},"properties": {"my_property_1": "Value 1","my_property_2": "Value 2"}},{"asset": {"metadata": {"id": "8509d09e-b3d0-4e8b-9682-726a7b95f69b","type": "data_asset","container": {"id": "71993ab5-3374-4355-8a38-fc4c32debc00","type": "catalog"}}},"properties": {"my_property_1": "Value 1","my_property_map": {"my_property_map_key": "Value 2"}}}],"type": "order"}'


The Asset list summary API model for retrieval.

Status Code

  • Created

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Conflict

  • Too Many Requests

  • Internal Server Error

Example responses
  • {
      "name": "my_order",
      "description": "Order of multiple items",
      "type": "order",
      "state": "default_state",
      "id": "3204c622-dcb8-4728-869f-484b6ac73dff",
      "asset": {
        "id": "701f4af4-679c-42d1-80b5-0de5796a7514",
        "type": "ibm_data_product_version",
        "container": {
          "id": "71993ab5-3374-4355-8a38-fc4c32debc00",
          "type": "catalog"
      "access_control": {
        "owner": "userId",
        "bss_account_id": "bss_account_id"
      "created_at": "2023-09-17T23:19:08Z",
      "last_updated_at": "2023-09-17T23:19:08Z",
      "last_updated_by": "userId"

Delete asset lists

Deletes asset lists based on a query in Common Expression Language format.

DELETE /v2/asset_lists


Query Parameters

  • Query to delete asset lists for which the request user has permission.

    Search query in Common Expression Language, with special characters encoded. For example, & is %26.

    Examples of query parameters:
    * id
    * type
    * state
    * access_control.owner
    * created_at
    * last_updated_at

    Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 1024, Value must match regular expression ^[\w\.,:$%&=|\(\)\s\-\_\^"]+$

    Example: type==order%26%26created_at%3E=2023-08-23T21:10:40Z

  • curl --request DELETE --url '{url}/v2/asset_lists?query=created_at%3E%3D2023-08-23T21%3A10%3A40Z' --header 'accept: application/json' --header 'authorization: Bearer {access_token}'


Status Code

  • No Content

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Not Found

  • Too Many Requests

  • Internal Server Error

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Retrieve an asset list identified by ID

Retrieves the metadata of an asset list of a given identified by ID.

GET /v2/asset_lists/{asset_list_id}


Path Parameters

  • Asset list id (GUID, or [type]_[userId])

    Possible values: length = 36, Value must match regular expression ^[\w\.,:$&\(\)\s\-\_\^"]+$

    Example: aaff9159-8ba4-4ae5-a9d7-3e59d5903d72

  • curl --request GET --url '{url}/v2/asset_lists/{asset_list_id}' --header 'authorization: Bearer {access_token}' --header 'accept: application/json'


The Asset list summary API model for retrieval.

Status Code

  • OK

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Not Found

  • Internal Server Error

Example responses
  • {
      "name": "my_order",
      "description": "Order of multiple items",
      "type": "order",
      "state": "default_state",
      "id": "3204c622-dcb8-4728-869f-484b6ac73dff",
      "asset": {
        "id": "701f4af4-679c-42d1-80b5-0de5796a7514",
        "type": "ibm_data_product_version",
        "container": {
          "id": "71993ab5-3374-4355-8a38-fc4c32debc00",
          "type": "catalog"
      "access_control": {
        "owner": "userId",
        "bss_account_id": "bss_account_id"
      "created_at": "2023-09-17T23:19:08Z",
      "last_updated_at": "2023-09-17T23:19:08Z",
      "last_updated_by": "userId"

Delete an asset list identified by ID

Deletes an asset list identified by ID. The user must have permission to perform this action.

DELETE /v2/asset_lists/{asset_list_id}


Path Parameters

  • Asset list id (GUID, or [type]_[userId])

    Possible values: length = 36, Value must match regular expression ^[\w\.,:$&\(\)\s\-\_\^"]+$

    Example: aaff9159-8ba4-4ae5-a9d7-3e59d5903d72

  • curl --request DELETE --url '{url}/v2/asset_lists/{asset_list_id}' --header 'accept: application/json' --header 'authorization: Bearer {access_token}'


Status Code

  • No Content

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Not Found

  • Conflict

  • Too Many Requests

  • Internal Server Error

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Update the metadata of an asset list

Use this API to update the asset list metadata. Specify patch operations using syntax.

Fields that can be patched:

  • /name
  • /description
  • /type
  • /state (Approvers and Functional users only)
  • /message (Approvers and Functional users only)
  • /properties (Functional users)
  • /archived (Functional users and Asset Owner only)

Note: The ownership cannot be modified after creation.

PATCH /v2/asset_lists/{asset_list_id}


Path Parameters

  • Asset list id (GUID, or [type]_[userId])

    Possible values: length = 36, Value must match regular expression ^[\w\.,:$&\(\)\s\-\_\^"]+$

    Example: aaff9159-8ba4-4ae5-a9d7-3e59d5903d72

JSON array of patch operations as defined in RFC 6902. See for more info.


Example REST body for asset list update of the state parameter.

    "op": "replace",
    "path": "/state",
    "value": "confirmed"
  • curl --request PATCH --url '{url}/v2/asset_lists/{asset_list_id}' --header 'accept: application/json' --header 'authorization: Bearer {access_token}' --header 'content-type: application/json' --data '[{"op": "replace","path": "/state","value": "confirmed"}]'


The Asset list summary API model for retrieval.

Status Code

  • OK

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Conflict

  • Unsupported Media Type

  • Internal Server Error

Example responses
  • {
      "name": "my_order",
      "description": "Order of multiple items",
      "type": "order",
      "state": "default_state",
      "id": "3204c622-dcb8-4728-869f-484b6ac73dff",
      "asset": {
        "id": "701f4af4-679c-42d1-80b5-0de5796a7514",
        "type": "ibm_data_product_version",
        "container": {
          "id": "71993ab5-3374-4355-8a38-fc4c32debc00",
          "type": "catalog"
      "access_control": {
        "owner": "userId",
        "bss_account_id": "bss_account_id"
      "created_at": "2023-09-17T23:19:08Z",
      "last_updated_at": "2023-09-17T23:19:08Z",
      "last_updated_by": "userId"

List the items of an asset list identified by ID

Retrieves the list items of an asset list identified by ID.

GET /v2/asset_lists/{asset_list_id}/items


Path Parameters

  • Asset list id (GUID, or [type]_[userId])

    Possible values: length = 36, Value must match regular expression ^[\w\.,:$&\(\)\s\-\_\^"]+$

    Example: aaff9159-8ba4-4ae5-a9d7-3e59d5903d72

Query Parameters

  • Query to retrieve a paginated list of asset list items for which the request user has permission to view.

    Search query in Common Expression Language, with special characters encoded. For example, & is %26.

    Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 1024, Value must match regular expression ^[\w\.,:$%&=|\(\)\s\-\_\^"]+$

    Example: properties.data_product_id==aaff9159-8ba4-4ae5-a9d7-3e59d5903d72%26%26created_at%3E=2023-08-23T21:10:40Z

  • Start token for pagination

    Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 512, Value must match regular expression ^[\w\.,:$&\(\)\s\-\_\^"]+$

  • Search result limit

    Possible values: 1 ≤ value ≤ 200

    Default: 200

    Example: 10

  • This parameter can be repeated to add additional sort fields.

    Default: null

    Examples of sort fields (these are case insensitive):

    • created_at
    • -created_at
    • last_update_time
    • -last_update_time

    Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 1024, Value must match regular expression ^[\w\.,:$&\(\)\s\-\_\^"]+$

  • curl --request GET --url '{url}/v2/asset_lists/{asset_list_id}/items' --header 'accept: application/json' --header 'authorization: Bearer {access_token}'


The Asset list item collection response API model.

Status Code

  • OK

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Not Found

  • Internal Server Error

Example responses
  • {
      "limit": 200,
      "total_count": 2,
      "first": {
        "href": ""
      "next": {
        "href": "",
        "start": "start_token"
      "items": [
          "asset": {
            "id": "8509d09e-b3d0-4e8b-9682-726a7b95f69a",
            "type": "data_asset",
            "container": {
              "id": "71993ab5-3374-4355-8a38-fc4c32debc00",
              "type": "catalog"
          "properties": {
            "my_property_1": "Value 1",
            "my_property_2": "Value 2"
          "id": "6357fce0-41ef-433b-95ee-03ade01bd02d",
          "access_control": {
            "owner": "userId",
            "bss_account_id": "bss_account_id"
          "created_at": "2023-09-17T23:19:08Z",
          "last_updated_at": "2023-09-17T23:19:08Z",
          "last_updated_by": "userId",
          "asset_list": {
            "id": "3204c622-dcb8-4728-869f-484b6ac73dff"
          "asset": {
            "id": "8509d09e-b3d0-4e8b-9682-726a7b95f69b",
            "type": "data_asset",
            "container": {
              "id": "71993ab5-3374-4355-8a38-fc4c32debc00",
              "type": "catalog"
          "properties": {
            "my_property_1": "Value 1",
            "my_property_map": {
              "my_property_map_key": "Value 2"
          "id": "cdaf6713-ede0-4a61-9fa4-d65467c59e9c",
          "access_control": {
            "owner": "userId",
            "bss_account_id": "bss_account_id"
          "created_at": "2023-09-17T23:19:08Z",
          "last_updated_at": "2023-09-17T23:19:08Z",
          "last_updated_by": "userId",
          "asset_list": {
            "id": "3204c622-dcb8-4728-869f-484b6ac73dff"

Retrieve an item in an asset list

Retrieves an item identified by ID of an asset list identified by ID.

GET /v2/asset_lists/{asset_list_id}/items/{asset_list_item_id}


Path Parameters

  • Asset list id (GUID, or [type]_[userId])

    Possible values: length = 36, Value must match regular expression ^[\w\.,:$&\(\)\s\-\_\^"]+$

    Example: aaff9159-8ba4-4ae5-a9d7-3e59d5903d72

  • Asset list item id (GUID)

    Possible values: length = 36, Value must match regular expression ^[\w\.,:$&\(\)\s\-\_\^"]+$

    Example: aaff9159-8ba4-4ae5-a9d7-3e59d5903d73

  • curl --request GET --url '{url}/v2/asset_lists/{asset_list_id}/items/{asset_list_item_id}' --header 'accept: application/json' --header 'authorization: Bearer {access_token}'


The Asset list item canonical API model.

Status Code

  • OK

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Not Found

  • Internal Server Error

Example responses
  • {
      "asset": {
        "id": "8509d09e-b3d0-4e8b-9682-726a7b95f69a",
        "type": "data_asset",
        "container": {
          "id": "71993ab5-3374-4355-8a38-fc4c32debc00",
          "type": "catalog"
      "properties": {
        "my_property_1": "Value 1",
        "my_property_2": "Value 2"
      "id": "6357fce0-41ef-433b-95ee-03ade01bd02d",
      "access_control": {
        "owner": "userId",
        "bss_account_id": "bss_account_id"
      "created_at": "2023-09-17T23:19:08Z",
      "last_updated_at": "2023-09-17T23:19:08Z",
      "last_updated_by": "userId",
      "asset_list": {
        "id": "3204c622-dcb8-4728-869f-484b6ac73dff"

Update an asset list item

Use this API to update an asset list item. Specify patch operations using syntax.

Fields that can be patched:

  • /properties
PATCH /v2/asset_lists/{asset_list_id}/items/{asset_list_item_id}


Path Parameters

  • Asset list id (GUID, or [type]_[userId])

    Possible values: length = 36, Value must match regular expression ^[\w\.,:$&\(\)\s\-\_\^"]+$

    Example: aaff9159-8ba4-4ae5-a9d7-3e59d5903d72

  • Asset list item id (GUID)

    Possible values: length = 36, Value must match regular expression ^[\w\.,:$&\(\)\s\-\_\^"]+$

    Example: aaff9159-8ba4-4ae5-a9d7-3e59d5903d73

JSON array of patch operations as defined in RFC 6902. See for more info.


Example REST body for asset list item update of the properties map.

    "op": "add",
    "path": "/properties/my_prop",
    "value": {
      "key": "Val 1"
    "op": "replace",
    "path": "/properties/my_prop2",
    "value": {
      "key": "Val 2"
  • curl --request PATCH --url '{url}/v2/asset_lists/{asset_list_id}/items/{asset_list_item_id}' --header 'accept: application/json' --header 'authorization: Bearer {access_token}' --header 'content-type: application/json' --data '[{"op": "add","path": "/properties/my_prop","value": {"key": "Val 1"}},{"op": "replace","path": "/properties/my_prop2/key","value": "Val 2"}]'


The Asset list item canonical API model.

Status Code

  • OK

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Unsupported Media Type

  • Internal Server Error

Example responses
  • {
      "asset": {
        "id": "8509d09e-b3d0-4e8b-9682-726a7b95f69a",
        "type": "data_asset",
        "container": {
          "id": "71993ab5-3374-4355-8a38-fc4c32debc00",
          "type": "catalog"
      "properties": {
        "my_property_1": "Value 1",
        "my_property_2": "Value 2"
      "id": "6357fce0-41ef-433b-95ee-03ade01bd02d",
      "access_control": {
        "owner": "userId",
        "bss_account_id": "bss_account_id"
      "created_at": "2023-09-17T23:19:08Z",
      "last_updated_at": "2023-09-17T23:19:08Z",
      "last_updated_by": "userId",
      "asset_list": {
        "id": "3204c622-dcb8-4728-869f-484b6ac73dff"

Searches for relationship types

Searches for relationship types using various criteria. The query parameters here provide filters for the relationship types that are returned in the result. If no query parameters are provided, the result will include all relationship types that are visible to your bss account. If an asset container is specified, the results are limited to relationship types where at least one end can be used with the specified asset container. This is the case if the relationship end either has no declared asset container (for example because the end references a global asset type or is untyped) or if the end has an asset container that is the same as the asset container specified. If a relname filter is specified, the results are limited to relationship types where at least one end has a relationship name in the list. In order to see relationship types where at least one end is in the container asset type(s), you must either belong to the container's BSS account or have at least editor permission on the container. All users have permission to see global relationship types.

Limit the relationship types based on the item types:

  • If the asset_type is specified, the results are limited to relationship types where at least one end is either untyped or is in the specified asset type list.
  • If both asset_type and related_asset_type are specified, the results are limited to relationship types where both ends are untyped, or where one end is in the specified asset type list and the other end has the specified asset type list.
  • If the artifact_type is specified, the results are limited to relationship types where at least one end is either untyped or is in the specified artifact type list.
  • If both artifact_type and related_asset_type are specified, the results are limited to relationship types where both ends are untyped, or where one end is in the specified artifact type list and the other end has the specified asset type list.
  • If the asset_type or related_asset_type is set to *#_column, the results are limited to relationship types where one end can be used with any supported column type (currently limited to data_asset columns)
  • If the item type is set to *, the results are limited to relationship types where one end can be used with any asset type or any artifact type.

Note: In CP4D environments there is just one global bss account, so all relationship types are always visible to all users.

GET /v2/asset_relationship_types


Query Parameters

  • Required when container_id is specified and the container is not a catalog. Specifies the type of the container (CATALOG/PROJECT/SPACE). Defaults to CATALOG.

    Default: CATALOG

  • Container ID. This limits results to relationship types that have an endpoint with the specified ID of a catalog, project, or space. If the container is a project or space, the container_type parameter must be also specified, otherwise container_id is treated as a catalog ID. This parameter is required when querying for relationship types associated with a catalog, project, or space. If this parameter is omitted, relationships types are not filtered by their container. Note that any type with an endpoint that has no container ID will also be included the result.

  • The parameter type_name is deprecated, please use asset_type instead

  • Asset Type Name(s). This limits the results to only relationship types that have an endpoint in the specified asset type list, or have an endpoint that is untyped.

  • Artifact Type Name(s). This limits the results to only relationship types that have an endpoint in the specified artifact type list, or have an endpoint that is untyped.

  • Related Asset Type Name(s). This parameter can only be set when either asset_type or artifact_type is also set.

    When asset_type is set, this limits the results to only relationship types that have an endpoint with the specified asset type and the other endpoint with this specified asset type.

    When artifact_type is set, this limits the results to only relationship types that have an endpoint with the specified artifact type and the other endpoint with this specified asset type.

  • limit to use when finding relationship types

    Default: 25

  • Optional bookmark to use when finding relationship types.

  • Relationship name(s). This limits the results to relationship types that have an endpoint with the specified name. The parameter should be repeated for each allowed relationship name.

  • Default display name(s). This limits the results to relationship types that have an endpoint with the specified name. The parameter should be repeated for each allowed relationship name.

  • Specifies the scope of the relationship types which can be (GLOBAL/BSS_ACCOUNT). If GLOBAL - it returns all types scoped to Global.If BSS_ACCOUNT - it returns all types scoped to BSS_ACCOUNT.If query parameter is omitted, it returns all.

  • If specified, the results are limited to relationship types that can be accessed by the specified BSS account. If container_id is also specified, the catalog's BSS account must be the same as the BSS account specified here.

    If bss_account_id is not specified and the API is called with an accredited service ID access token, then there is no filtering of the results based on BSS account.

    If bss_account_id is not specified, and the API is called with a regular user (i.e. non-service ID) access token, then the result depends on whether container_id is specified. If container_id is specified, then the result includes global relationship types and account-scoped relationship types for the container's BSS account. If container_id is not specified, then the result includes global relationship types, and account-scoped relationship types for all of the user's BSS accounts.


Status Code

  • Success

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Conflict

  • Too Many Requests

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Creates an asset relationship type

Use this API to create an asset relationship type. The type definition consists of two endpoints which specify the two ends of a bidirectional relationship. The endpoints define the name of the relationship at each end, and the qualified asset type or the qualified artifact type that contains the relationship endpoint. The names of the relationships that can be used with any given asset type or artifact type are required to be unique. If the qualified asset type and the qualified artifact type are omitted, that end can be used with any asset type and any artifact type in any container.

Specifying the Type

The combination of container_type, container_id, and containing_asset_type(s) control what asset types can be used at each end of the relationship. The asset type can be a global asset type, an account-level asset type, a container-scoped asset type, or any asset type.

Global Asset Type

To define a relationship end for a global asset type, the containing_asset_type(s) field must be set to the name of the asset type and the container_id must be omitted. In this case, the relationship end can only be used with the specified global asset type. If the container_type field is set when using a global asset type, it is ignored.

Account Level Asset Type

To define a relationship end for an account-level asset type, the containing_asset_type(s) field must be set to the name of the asset type and the container_id must be omitted. In addition, the bss_account_id query parameter must be set to the bss account that owns the account-level asset type. In this case, the relationship end can only be used with the specified account-level asset type. If the container_type field is set when using an account-level asset type, it is ignored.

Container-Scoped Asset Type

The relationship mechanism allows relationship ends to be restricted to an asset type defined in a specific catalog, project, or space. To do this, the containing_asset_type(s), container_type, and container_id fields must all be set.

Artifact Type

To define a relationship end for an governance artifact type, the containing_artifact_type(s) field must be set to the name of the artifact type and the container_id must be omitted. The on_delete field can only set to IGNORE on both ends

Column Type

To define a relationship end for a column type, the containing_asset_type(s) field must be set in the format of <asset_type>#_column. When *#_column is specified, the relationship end can be used with any supported column type. Currently, only data_asset columns are supported. The on_delete field can only set to IGNORE on both ends

Any Type

To allow a relationship end to be used with any asset type, the containing_artifact_type(s), containing_asset_type(s) and container_id fields for the relationship end must be omitted. In this case, the relationship end can be used with any asset type, any artifact type, and any supported column type in any container. If the container_type field is set, it will be ignored.

Note: Cannot have containing_artifact_type(s) specified in both ends

Specifying the Relationship Type Scope

A relationship type can either be global or be scoped to a BSS account.

A relationship type can be explicitly scoped to a specific bss account using the bss_account_id query parameter. When a relationship type is scoped to a bss account, all specified asset containers and account-level asset types must belong to that bss account. If either endpoint for the relationship type has a specific asset container, the relationship type is automatically scoped to the bss account for the asset container. Account scoped relationship types can only be created if the user either belongs to the same bss account or is an administrator of all asset containers in the relationship type definition.

By default, if neither end of the relationship type specifies an asset container, the relationship type is created in the global scope and is accessible to all users. Only service ids with permission to create global asset types are allowed to create globally scoped relationship types. It is possible to scope a relationship type where neither end has an asset container to a specific BSS account. To do this, you must set the bss_account_id query parameter when creating the relationship type. The bss account must be set to a bss account that you have access to. In that case, the relationship type will be created, but its use will be restricted to asset containers associated with that bss account.

By default, on_delete is set to IGNORE if it is not specified

Note that in CP4D environments, there is only one bss account (999). As a result, in that context relationship types scoped to a specific BSS account are effectively global.

Cascading clone/publish/promote to Referenced Assets

The following flags control how related assets are processed when an asset is copied using the deepcopy endpoint

|Option |Allowed Value |Default |Description | |-----------|----------------|----------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |on_clone |CASCADE/IGNORE |IGNORE |If CASCADE, deepcopy from a catalog to a project causes the referenced assets to be copied as well | |on_publish |CASCADE/IGNORE |IGNORE |If CASCADE, deepcopy from project to a catalog causes the referenced assets to be copied as well | |on_promote |CASCADE/IGNORE |IGNORE |If CASCADE, deepcopy from a project to a space causes the referenced assets to be coped as well |

POST /v2/asset_relationship_types


Query Parameters

  • This parameter forces the relationship type to be scoped to the specified bss account. It allows the creation of an account-scoped relationship type where both ends are either untyped, or are global asset types. It is required if the relationship type entity references any account-level asset types. An account-scoped relationship type is only visible to users in the BSS account for the relationship type. If the query parameter is unset, such relationships will be global in scope and can only be created if the user has permission to create a global asset type. Note: the BSS account can also be set via an impersonation header. If it is set in both places, the bss_account_id query parameter has precedence. This parameter is not required if either end of the relationship type has a catalog asset type. If it is set for a relationship type that has a catalog asset type, it must be the same as the BSS account for the catalog.

Relationship Type request body


Status Code

  • Created

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Conflict

  • Too Many Request

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Searches for relationship type ends

Find relationship type ends that can be used with an asset type or artifact type. This API supports finding relationship type ends that use global or catalog asset types.

For an asset type:

  • set asset_type. This parameter should be repeated for each allowed asset type
  • All asset types in the list must either be global/account level asset types or be scoped to the asset container specified by the catalog_id, project_id, or space_id.

For a column type:

  • set asset_type as <asset_type>#_column
  • if asset_type is specific to a container (catalog, space, or project), then set a container ID parameter as appropriate (catalog_id, space_id, project_id).

For a governance artifact type:

  • set artifact_type. This parameter should be repeated for each allowed artifact type
POST /v2/asset_relationship_types/search_ends


Query Parameters

  • catalog_id. If no container parameters are set, any asset container the user has access to are allowed.

  • project_id. If no container parameters are set, any asset containers the user has access to are allowed.

  • space_id. If no container parameters are set, any asset containers the user has access to are allowed.

  • asset_type(s). This specifies the asset type(s) whose relationship type ends should be found. This parameter should be repeated for each allowed asset type.

  • artifact_type(s). This specifies the artifact type(s) whose relationship type ends should be found. This parameter should be repeated for each allowed artifact type.

  • end_types. This filters the result to only include relationship type ends of the specified type(s) - valid filter values are {ASSET, ARTIFACT, COLUMN}. If this parameter is not specified, all relationship ends that match other criteria will be returned.

  • Optional limit to use when finding relationship type ends

    Default: 25

  • Optional bookmark to use when finding relationship type ends.

  • orderby. This parameter can be repeated to add additional sort fields.

    Default: relationship_display_name_asc

    Supported sort fields (these are case insensitive):

    • relationship_name_asc
    • relationship_name_desc
    • relationship_display_name_asc
    • relationship_display_name_desc
    • create_time_asc
    • create_time_desc

    Default: relationship_display_name_asc

  • Limits results to only include the specified relationships. By default, all relationship type ends which match the other search criteria are included. Repeat the query parameter to specify multiple relationship names.


Status Code

  • Success

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Conflict

  • Too Many Requests

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Finds relationship types that are used by an asset, column or governance artifact

Finds relationship types that are used by an asset, column or a governance artifact. This API only returns the first page of results. It does not accept a bookmark. Any additional pages of results must be fetched using the next page url included in the response.

You can refer to the options in the response to get the full list of relationship names.

POST /v2/asset_relationship_types/search_used_ends


Query Parameters

  • Catalog ID

  • Project ID

  • Space ID

  • Asset ID

  • Artifact ID

  • Artifact Type

  • Optional limit to use when finding relationship types

    Default: 25

  • Includes a list of the related asset types and artifact types in the result. This option adds overhead, so enable it only if the related type information is needed.

    Default: false

  • orderby. This parameter can be repeated to add additional sort fields.

    Default: relationship_display_name_asc

    Supported sort fields (these are case insensitive):

    • relationship_name_asc
    • relationship_name_desc
    • relationship_display_name_asc
    • relationship_display_name_desc
    • create_time_asc
    • create_time_desc

    Default: relationship_display_name_asc


Status Code

  • Success

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Conflict

  • Too Many Requests

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.


Deletes a relationship type.

DELETE /v2/asset_relationship_types/{relationship_type_id}


Path Parameters


Status Code

  • No Content

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Conflict

  • Too Many Request

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Patches a relationship type

Updates an existing relationship type. The patch body must be an array of json patch operations as defined in RFC 6902.

The following fields can be patched in each relationship type endpoint:

  • default_display_name (value can be changed but not removed)
  • localized_display_name (values can be added, changed, and removed)
  • on_delete (value can be added, removed, or deleted)

Relationship types where at least one endpoint is a catalog asset type can be patched either by an admin member of the catalog, or by a user in the catalog's BSS account. Global relationship types can only be patched by a user with permission to create global asset types.

It is important to note that the patch specifies updates to apply the current json representation of the relationship types. When specifying an add/replace/remove patch operation, all of parent elements in the path must already exist. In particular, if the relationship type endpoint was originally created without a localized_display_name element, that element needs to be created by the patch operations.

Here are some examples of patches that can be applied:

Add a display name to an endpoint without an existing localized_display_name element:

    "op": "add",
    "path": "/end2/localized_display_name",
    "value": {"
      "en-us": "English Display Name"

Add a display name to an endpoint with an existing localized_display_name element:

    "op": "add",
    "path": "/end2/localized_display_name/en-gb",
    "value": "British Display Name",

Change localized display name for en-gb in end2:"

    "op": "replace",
    "path": "/end2/localized_display_name/en-gb",
    "value": "New British Display Name"

Remove localized display name for en-gb rom end1:

    "op": "remove",
    "path": "/end1/localized_display_name/en-gb"

Add a relationship option override, replace an existing relationship option override, delete an existing relationship option override:

      "op": "add",
      "path": "/end1/option_overrides/-",
      "value": {
          "this_asset_type": "ibm_bi_report",
          "other_asset_type": "ibm_bi_report_query",
          "on_delete": "CASCADE",
          "on_publish": "IGNORE",
          "on_promote": "CASCADE",
          "on_clone": "IGNORE"
      "op": "replace",
      "path": "/end1/option_overrides/1/on_delete",
      "value": "CASCADE"
      "op": "add",
      "path": "/end1/option_overrides/1/on_promote",
      "value": "IGNORE"
      "op": "remove",
      "path": "/end1/option_overrides/1/on_promote"
PATCH /v2/asset_relationship_types/{relationship_type_id}


Path Parameters

  • relationship_type_id

 JSON array of patch operations as defined in RFC 6902.
 Note: Any ‘~’ characters need to be escaped as ~0 in the path field.
 Any ‘/’ characters need to be escaped as ~1 in the path field.
 For example, in `{"foo/" : {"~bar" : "value"}}`, the path for `"~bar"` is `"/foo~1/~0bar"`.
        "op": "replace",
        "path": "/end2/default_display_name",
        "value": "new end2 display name"
        "op": "replace",
        "path": "/end1/default_display_name",
        "value": "new end1 display name"
        "op": "add",
        "path": "/flags/use_for_lineage_traversal",
        "value": "true or false"


Status Code

  • Relationship type was successfully patched

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Conflict

  • Too Many Requests

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

List all asset types defined for an account, catalog, project or space.

Get all asset types in an account, catalog, project or space. Custom properties added/updated at the account level asset types can only be fetched if bss_account_id parameter is passed

GET /v2/asset_types


Query Parameters

  • This parameter allows retrieving catalog-scoped asset types. You must provide either a catalog_id, a project_id, a space_id, OR a bss_account_id but not more than one.

  • This parameter allows retrieving project-scoped asset types. You must provide either a catalog_id, a project_id, a space_id, OR a bss_account_id but not more than one.

  • This parameter allows retrieving space-scoped asset types. You must provide either a catalog_id, a project_id, a space_id, OR a bss_account_id but not more than one.

  • This parameter allows retrieving account-scoped asset types. May be different than account of user specified in Bearer token. You must provide either a catalog_id, a project_id, a space_id, OR a bss_account_id but not more than one.

  • This parameter allows to retrieve asset types which can be decorated. You can provide either a true or a false.

    Default: FALSE

  • This parameter allows to retrieve asset types which can be used only as attributes and are user defined. You can provide either a true or a false. At a time, either permits_decorators or custom_attributes can be true.

    Default: FALSE

  • Language code, such as default, en, etc.


Status Code

  • OK

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Internal Server Error

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Creates an asset type in an account, catalog, project or space.

Creates an asset type in account, catalog, project or space.

POST /v2/asset_types


Query Parameters

  • This parameter allows the creation of a catalog-scoped asset type. You must provide either a catalog_id, a project_id, a space_id, OR a bss_account_id but not more than one.

  • This parameter allows the creation of a project-scoped asset type. You must provide either a catalog_id, a project_id, a space_id, OR a bss_account_id but not more than one.

  • This parameter allows the creation of a space-scoped asset type. You must provide either a catalog_id, a project_id, a space_id, OR a bss_account_id but not more than one.

  • This parameter allows the creation of an account-scoped asset type. May be different than account of user specified in Bearer token. You must provide either a catalog_id, a project_id, a space_id, OR a bss_account_id but not more than one.

Asset Type request body


Status Code

  • Created

  • Accepted - indicates the asset type creation is being completed in the background

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Conflict

  • Too Many Request

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Retrieves an asset type of a given name.

Retrieves an asset type of a given name. Custom properties added/updated at the account level asset types can only be fetched if bss_account_id parameter is passed

GET /v2/asset_types/{type_name}


Path Parameters

  • Asset Type name (eg: data_asset)

Query Parameters

  • This parameter allows retrieving a catalog-scoped asset type. You must provide either a catalog_id, a project_id, a space_id, OR a bss_account_id but not more than one.

  • This parameter allows retrieving a project-scoped asset type. You must provide either a catalog_id, a project_id, a space_id, OR a bss_account_id but not more than one.

  • This parameter allows retrieving a space-scoped asset type. You must provide either a catalog_id, a project_id, a space_id, OR a bss_account_id but not more than one.

  • This parameter allows retrieving an account-scoped asset type. May be different than account of user specified in Bearer token. You must provide either a catalog_id, a project_id, a space_id, OR a bss_account_id but not more than one.

  • Language code, such as default, en, etc.

  • This parameter can have one or more values as below:

    • GLOBAL - return asset type in global scope
    • BSS_ACCOUNT - return asset type in account scope
    • CONTAINER - return asset type in catalog/ project/ space scope

    If no value is provided, the default value is taken as null, and the asset type with the highest search scope is returned. A combination of more than one search scope is also valid. In this case, an asset type with the highest search scope from the given scopes will be returned.


Status Code

  • OK

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Not Found

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Replace an asset type

Replace asset attributes for the given asset type or create a new asset type if the given asset type does not exist.

PUT /v2/asset_types/{type_name}


Path Parameters

  • Asset Type name (eg: data_asset)

Query Parameters

  • This parameter allows creating or updating a catalog-scoped asset type. You must provide either a catalog_id, a project_id, a space_id, OR a bss_account_id but not more than one.

  • This parameter allows creating or updating a project-scoped asset type. You must provide either a catalog_id, a project_id, a space_id, OR a bss_account_id but not more than one.

  • This parameter allows creating or updating a space-scoped asset type. You must provide either a catalog_id, a project_id, a space_id, OR a bss_account_id but not more than one.

  • This parameter allows creating or updating an account-scoped asset type. May be different than account of user specified in Bearer token. You must provide either a catalog_id, a project_id, a space_id, OR a bss_account_id but not more than one.

Asset Type request body


Status Code

  • OK

  • Accepted

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Not Found

  • Conflict

  • Too Many Request

  • Internal Server Error

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Deletes an asset type

Deletes an asset type in given account or container. Note that, deletion of an account scope asset type or a container scope asset type triggers background clean up of assets:

  • Assets of this type are deleted.
  • And in case of other assets, attributes of this type are removed.

DELETE /v2/asset_types/{type_name}


Path Parameters

  • Asset Type name (eg: data_asset)

Query Parameters

  • This parameter allows creating or updating a catalog-scoped asset type. You must provide either a catalog_id, a project_id, a space_id, OR a bss_account_id but not more than one.

  • This parameter allows creating or updating a project-scoped asset type. You must provide either a catalog_id, a project_id, a space_id, OR a bss_account_id but not more than one.

  • This parameter allows creating or updating a space-scoped asset type. You must provide either a catalog_id, a project_id, a space_id, OR a bss_account_id but not more than one.

  • This parameter allows creating or updating an account-scoped asset type. May be different than account of user specified in Bearer token. You must provide either a catalog_id, a project_id, a space_id, OR a bss_account_id but not more than one.


Status Code

  • OK

  • Accepted

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Not Found

  • Conflict

  • Too Many Request

  • Internal Server Error

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Finds relationship types for an asset type

Finds relationship types that originate from a given asset type. This API supports limiting the results to a specific set of relationship types as well as providing pagination and sorting options. It also supports finding relationship types that use both global and catalog asset types.
This API is deprecated - use POST /v2/asset_relationship_types/search_ends instead

GET /v2/asset_types/{type_name}/relationships


Path Parameters

  • type_name. This specifies the asset type whose relationships should be found.

Query Parameters

  • catalog_id. If set, this restricts catalog asset types in the result to the given catalog. If no container parameters are set, any asset container the user has access to are allowed.

  • catalog_id. If set, this restricts catalog asset types in the result to the given project. If no container parameters are set, any asset containers the user has access to are allowed.

  • catalog_id. If set, this restricts catalog asset types in the result to the given space. If no container parameters are set, any asset containers the user has access to are allowed.

  • Optional limit to use when finding relationship types

    Default: 25

  • Optional bookmark to use when finding relationship types.

  • orderby. This parameter can be repeated to add additional sort fields.

    Default: relationship_display_name_asc

    Supported sort fields (these are case insensitive):

    • relationship_name_asc
    • relationship_name_desc
    • relationship_display_name_asc
    • relationship_display_name_desc
    • create_time_asc
    • create_time_desc

    Default: relationship_display_name_asc

  • Limits results to only include the specified relationships. By default, all relationship types for the asset type are included. Repeat the query parameter to specify multiple relationship names.


Status Code

  • Success

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Conflict

  • Too Many Requests

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Search for asset metadata within assets of the specified type

Use this API to search for assets of the generic asset type (asset) or any specific asset type in a Catalog, Space, or Project.

The request body must contain a query field, which specifies a Lucene query to search for assets on indexed fields.
See Searchable Asset and Attachment Fields below for the list of fields that can be searched in the query.

If query contains no selection criteria ("*:*"), then the result includes all assets that are instances of the type specified in the type_name path parameter, including assets whose primary asset type (i.e. its metadata.asset_type value) is that type, and assets that have an attribute of that type.
To filter out assets whose primary type does not match the type_name parameter, the query must include an asset.asset_type:{type_name} predicate.

The query results can be sorted by specifying a sort field in the request with format field<sort_type>. The sort_type can be either number or string (e.g. "sort" : "<string>").

Search With Pagination

The limit request body field can be specified to limit the number of assets in the search results.
The default limit is 200. The maximum limit value is 200, and any greater value is ignored.

Sample Request Body:

    "query" : "*",
    "limit" : 2,
    "sort" : "<string>"


    "next": {
        "bookmark": "g1AAAXXXXXXXX",
        "query" : "*",
        "limit" : 2,
        "sort" : "<string>"
    "results": [
            ..asset 1...
            ..asset 2...
    "total_rows": 3

When more search results are available, then the response will contain a next JSON object - next contains bookmark along with original query which needs to be returned to retrieve the next page of results. To paginate through the entire result set, the request should be re-executed with the bookmark from the next.bookmark value of the previous response until there is no next object in the response (note that this response may contain an empty results array).

Sample request body to get the next page of results:

    "bookmark": "g1AAAXXXXXXXX",
    "query" : "*",
    "limit" : 2,
    "sort" : "<string>"

Searchable Asset and Attachment Fields

The following asset and attachment fields can be searched in the query - note that type <string> or <number> only needs to be added for use in the sort request field:

POST /v2/asset_types/{type_name}/search


Path Parameters

  • Asset Type name (eg: data_asset)

Query Parameters

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • Defaults to false. If true, deprecated fields are not included in the response. This parameter is provided as a way to check compatibility with future releases and remove duplicated information from responses. It has not been implemented for all deprecated fields. The primary fields that are omitted are collaborator_ids in the asset metadata rov and the owner_id field in the asset metadata.

    Default: false

  • Exclude columns from the asset result. Available value: columns. Default value is empty, which will return the complete asset, including the columns.

Search Criteria. The "include" field in the request body is a list of asset sections to include in the search results, values are comma-separated and the supported values are "entity" or "entity,attachments".


Status Code

  • OK

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Get the status of an account scope or global scope asset type.

Retrieves an account scope or global scope status, If bss_account_id is not provided, api will try to retreive status of an asset type at global level if present.

GET /v2/asset_types/{type_name}/status


Path Parameters

  • Asset Type name (eg: account_type)

Query Parameters

  • This parameter allows retrieving status of an account-scoped asset type. May be different than account of user specified in Bearer token.


Asset Type StatusResponse Model

Status Code

  • OK

  • See Other

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Not Found

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Create an asset

Use this API to create an asset in catalog or project. Assets contain information about the contents of your data and how to access the data. You store asset metadata in a catalog and add collaborators from your organization to analyze data. Your data can reside in a variety of sources. For example, you can keep your data in your existing on-premises data sources, cloud data services, or streaming data feeds. By adding connection information to these remote sources in the catalog, you can allow other catalog users to access the data with the stored credentials. Alternatively, you can copy a snapshot of the remote data into the catalog's encrypted cloud storage.
All asset types have a common set of properties. Some asset types have additional properties.
When you add an asset to a catalog, you specify these common properties:

  • The asset name and an optional description. The name can only contain letters, numbers, underscore, dash, space, and period. The name can't be only blank spaces.
  • Privacy. You can choose to restrict access to the asset with the privacy level and asset membership.
    • Public = Default. No restrictions on finding or using the asset.
    • Private = Only asset members can find or use the asset.
  • Members. The catalog collaborators can be added as members of the asset. Members are important if you restrict access to the asset. When you create an asset, you are the owner (and implicitly a member) of it. Members can be set in metadata/rov/collaborator_ids or metadata/rov/member_roles, but not both. Members set in metadata/rov/member_roles are given an explicit set of roles. Members can have up to two roles: OWNER and either EDITOR or VIEWER. Only service ids can assign the OWNER role. The request to add the OWNER role is ignored for other callers. Asset members with the EDITOR or VIEWER role must also be members of the catalog. Members set in metadata/rov/collaborator_ids are automatically assigned a role based on their role in the catalog.
  • Tags. Metadata that makes searching for the asset easier. Tags can contain only letters, numbers, underscores, dashes, and the symbols # and @.
POST /v2/assets


Query Parameters

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • Action to take if the call would result in a duplicate asset. IGNORE means the call will ignore the duplicate and create a new asset. REJECT means the call will fail and no asset will be created. UPDATE means the best matched duplicate will be updated with the incoming changes according to the predefined rules. REPLACE means the best matched duplicate will be overwritten with the input values according to the predefined rules. No value means the duplicate_action specified in catalogs/projects/spaces will be used.

    Allowable values: [IGNORE,REJECT,UPDATE,REPLACE]

  • Defaults to false. If true, deprecated fields are not included in the response. This parameter is provided as a way to check compatibility with future releases and remove duplicated information from responses. It has not been implemented for all deprecated fields. The primary fields that are omitted are collaborator_ids in the asset metadata rov and the owner_id field in the asset metadata.

    Default: false

Asset metadata


Status Code

  • Created

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Internal Server Error

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Get one or more assets.

Use this API to retrieve one or more assets located in catalog or project or space. Access to an asset is controlled by a combination of the privacy level and the members of the asset. For a governed catalog, data assets are protected from unauthorized access by the governance policies that are defined in Data Governance. Data assets in ungoverned catalogs are not subject to governance policies.

Response includes, for each asset, asset ID, status, HTTP status and, if no errors, asset details & relationship count or list of errors. For example:

GET /v2/assets/bulk


Query Parameters

  • Comma separated list of asset IDs; maximum of 20. For assets with revisions, an optional revision number can be specified using colon character in the form of '<asset id>:<revision>,<asset id>,...'. Revision numbers are non-zero positive numbers likes 1, 2, 3 etc.

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • Whether to allow access to metadata when the evaluation outcome of data protection rules is Deny.

  • Exclude columns from the asset result. Available value: columns. Default value is empty, which will return the complete asset, including the columns.

  • Defaults to false. If true, deprecated fields are not included in the response. This parameter is provided as a way to check compatibility with future releases and remove duplicated information from responses. It has not been implemented for all deprecated fields. The primary fields that are omitted are collaborator_ids in the asset metadata rov and the owner_id field in the asset metadata.

    Default: false

  • Whether to include per-asset relationship count. Note: The default will be changed to 'false' in a later release.

    Default: true

  • Whether to include relationships where source end is a column of the source asset in the asset's relationship counter.

    Default: false


Status Code

  • OK

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Internal Server Error

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Marks existing assets for delete

Use this API to delete assets. You can delete an asset if you are the owner of the asset or a member of the asset with Admin or Editor permissions on the catalog or project or space.

Purge Options to Delete Assets

purge_on_delete = true and purge_after_days is not specified: the asset is purged immediately. purge_on_delete = true and purge_after_days = n: the asset is moved to trash and purged after n days. purge_on_delete = false and purge_after_days is not specified: the asset is moved to trash and never purged. purge_on_delete is not specified and purge_after_days is not specified: the asset will be deleted/purged based on the catalog setting. purge_on_delete = false or is not specified and purge_after_days = n: invalid combination - the call will fail with a 400 Bad Request error.

DELETE /v2/assets/bulk


Query Parameters

  • Comma separated list of asset IDs; maximum of 20.

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • If true, asset is also deleted from the trash.

    Default: false

  • Number of days after which asset will be purged. Purge On Delete should be true for this to be valid


Status Code

  • Check response body for status of each asset being deleted

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Internal Server Error

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Copies one or more assets and, if deep copy option is on, their related assets from a source container to a target container.

Use this API to publish one or more assets from a project to a catalog or promote from a project to a space. This API can also be used to clone one or more assets from a catalog to a project. The default maximum number of assets in a request is 50.

Copy sends the same Rabbit MQ messages as publish, promote or clone. Messages are sent for all assets that are copied.

This API supports using a refresh token in place of an access token. This can be helpful if the copy is expected to be a long running operation. The copy operation uses the access token to authenticate with other services, so it is important that it not expire while the operation is in progress. When a refresh token is specified, it is used to generate an initial access token as well as additional access tokens if the initial access token expires

POST /v2/assets/bulk_copy


Query Parameters

  • Source catalog ID. Only one of either catalog ID or project ID must be provided.

  • Source project ID. Only one of either catalog ID or project ID must be provided.

  • Determines if the copy operation should be cascaded to referenced assets. Referenced assets are determined using bidirectional external relationships and as well as in-line relationships. In-line relationship types are defined as part of asset type definitions. Cascading happens only if CASCADE is set for the following relationship type property:

    • on_clone, in case of copying from catalog to project,
    • on_publish, in case of copying from project to catalog and
    • on_promote, in case of copying from project to space.

    Default: false

  • Whether to automatically copy connections in remote attachments

    Default: true

  • Action to take if the call would result in a duplicate asset. IGNORE means the call will ignore the duplicate and create a new asset. REJECT means the call will fail and no asset will be created. UPDATE means the best matched duplicate will be updated with the incoming changes according to the predefined rules. REPLACE means the best matched duplicate will be overwritten with the input values according to the predefined rules. No value means the duplicate_action specified in catalogs/projects/spaces will be used.

    Allowable values: [IGNORE,REJECT,UPDATE,REPLACE]

  • Defaults to false. If true, deprecated fields are not included in the response. This parameter is provided as a way to check compatibility with future releases and remove duplicated information from responses. It has not been implemented for all deprecated fields. The primary fields that are omitted are collaborator_ids in the asset metadata rov and the owner_id field in the asset metadata.

    Default: false

Request body should include target container ID and list of assets with metadata overrides, and may include asset permissions override. Target container ID should be either that of a catalog (publish) or of a space (promote) if source conatiner is a project, or that of a project (clone) if source is a catalog. Example:

  "catalog_id": "string",
  "rov_mode": "integer",
  "member_roles": {
    "Member's IAM ID": {
       "user_iam_id": "Member's IAM ID",
       "roles": ["EDITOR"]
    "Access Group ID": {
       "access_group_id": "Access Group ID",
       "roles": ["VIEWER"]
    "Another IAM ID": {
      "asset_id": "string",
      "revision_id": "string",
      "metadata_overrides": {
        "name":"string", "description":"string", "tags":["string","string"]

Fields 'rov_mode' and 'member_roles' are optional.

  • If specified, they apply to all newly copied (target) assets.
  • If not supplied, newly copied asset gets mode and 'member_roles' from its corresponding source asset.
  • Valid values for 'rov_mode' are 0 (public), 8 (private) and 16 (hidden).
  • If caller doesn't have permissions to set any of the roles then 'member_roles' is completely ignored.
  • If supplied, 'member_roles' should include at least one OWNER role.

The 'metadata_overrides' field is optional and may contain attributes to overwrite the values in original asset. Currently only name, description and tags can be overriden. If specified 'metadata_overrides' cannot be empty and only applies to respective root asset.

Any cross-referenced asset is copied only once.


Status Code

  • OK - indicates the copy operation has completed - assets and its related assets (if applicable) have been fully copied to the target catalog.

  • Accepted - indicates that the copy request is being completed in the background.

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Internal Server Error

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Create one or more assets.

Use this API to create one or more assets in a catalog or a project or a space. The default maximum number of assets in a request is 20. Example of request (POST) data:

      "name":"<Name of the first asset>",
      "description":"<Description of the first asset>",
      "tags":["<Tag 1>", "<Tag 2>", ...],
      "asset_type":"<Asset type such as "connection", "data_asset", etc.>",
      "name":"<Name of the second asset>",

Response includes, for each asset in the request and in the same order, details of newly created asset or details of updated asset if a duplicate/match is found or errors if any:

  "trace":"<Trace ID, if failed to create or update one or more assets>", 
POST /v2/assets/bulk_create


Query Parameters

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • Action to take if the call would result in a duplicate asset. IGNORE means the call will ignore the duplicate and create a new asset. REJECT means the call will fail and no asset will be created. UPDATE means the best matched duplicate will be updated with the incoming changes according to the predefined rules. REPLACE means the best matched duplicate will be overwritten with the input values according to the predefined rules. No value means the duplicate_action specified in catalogs/projects/spaces will be used.

    Allowable values: [IGNORE,REJECT,UPDATE,REPLACE]

  • Defaults to false. If true, deprecated fields are not included in the response. This parameter is provided as a way to check compatibility with future releases and remove duplicated information from responses. It has not been implemented for all deprecated fields. The primary fields that are omitted are collaborator_ids in the asset metadata rov and the owner_id field in the asset metadata.

    Default: false

JSON containing list of assets to be created.


Status Code

  • OK

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Not Found

  • Internal Server Error

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Patch one or more assets.

Use this API to patch one or more assets in catalog or project or space. The default maximum number of assets in a request is 20.

The API supports the following operations:

  • Patching of allowed metadata properties. See PATCH /v2/assets/{asset_id} API for list of allowed metadata properties that can be patched."
  • Add, update and delete of attributes such as asset_terms, data_profile, etc."
  • Create, update and delete of attachments:
    • The (asset) attachments field is an array and the index of the first attachment is 0, the index of the second one is 1 and so on. Adding or deleting an attachment shifts indexes of any attachments that follow it.
    • A newly created attachment is added at the specified location. If the path is /attachments/- then it will be added at the end.
    • Newly added attachment cannot be updated or deleted (in the same API call). And, newly updated attachment cannot be deleted.
    • Some of the new attachment fields like attachment_id, url1, url2, etc. are only included in the response the first time when the attachments are created.
    • Only the following attachment fields can be updated: name, description, mime, size, partitions and transfer_complete.
    • Maximum number of attachments allowed in an asset is 100.
  • The API does not support patching of whole metadata, entity and attachments i.e. the path cannot be any of the following values: /metadata, /entity or /attachments.

Access to an asset is controlled by a combination of the privacy level and the members of the asset. For a governed catalog, data assets are protected from unauthorized access by the governance policies that are defined in Data Governance. Data assets in ungoverned catalogs are not subject to governance policies.

Note: Patch 'operations' should conform to RFC 6902 specification.

Example of request (POST) data:

    "resources": [
            "asset_id": "cf38d92c-eb55-462e-89bf-cdb9fe67f0b7",
            "operations": [
                    "op": "add",
                    "path": "/metadata/description",
                    "value": "Four score and seven years ago..."
                    "op": "add",
                    "path": "/entity/data_asset/mime_type",
                    "value": "text/csv"
                    "op": "replace",
                    "path": "/attachments/1/name",
                    "value": "New name for the 2nd attachment."
                    "op": "remove",
                    "path": "/attachments/0"
                    "value":"New name for the 2nd attachment."
            "operations": [

Response includes, for each asset, asset ID, status and updated version or errors, if any:

    "resources": [
            "asset_id": "cf38d92c-eb55-462e-89bf-cdb9fe67f0b7",
            "status": 200,
            "http_status": 200,
            "asset": {
            "asset_id": "c6650020-3176-4d67-8fbe-5a19ba1c2c7e",
            "status": 404,
            "http_status": 404,
            "errors": [

Currently the API allows to patch up to twenty (20) assets. There is no limit on number of patch instructions. Any number of (allowed) metadata properties and/or attributes can be:

  • modified,
  • new ones added,
  • existing ones be replaced or
  • deleted

JSON array of patch operations as defined in RFC 6902. See for more info.

Note: Any ~ characters need to be escaped as ~0 in the path field

Any / characters need to be escaped as ~1 in the path field

For example, in {"foo/: {"~bar: "value"}}, the path for ~bar is /foo~1/~0bar

POST /v2/assets/bulk_patch


Query Parameters

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • Action to take if the changes to an asset would make it a duplicate to other assets. IGNORE means the call will continue and update the asset anyway; as a result, the asset will become a duplicate to other assets. REJECT means the call will fail and the asset will not be changed. No value means the duplicate_action specified in catalogs/projects/spaces will be used.

    Allowable values: [IGNORE,REJECT]

  • Exclude columns from the asset result. Available value: columns. Default value is empty, which will return the complete asset, including the columns.

  • Defaults to false. If true, deprecated fields are not included in the response. This parameter is provided as a way to check compatibility with future releases and remove duplicated information from responses. It has not been implemented for all deprecated fields. The primary fields that are omitted are collaborator_ids in the asset metadata rov and the owner_id field in the asset metadata.

    Default: false

JSON containing per-asset updates/patches.


Status Code

  • OK - indicates successful completion of overall request. The 'http_status' of sub-response provides status of corresponding sub-request i.e. asset.

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Not Found

  • Internal Server Error

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Gets the status of asset copy operation

For large deep copies, portions of the copy operation are performed in the background. This API provides a way to get the status of the background processing. It also provides additional details about deep copy operations that have already been completed.

Similar to /v2/assets/deepcopy/{deep_copy_task_id} API but response can support completion details of multiple source assets.

Note: The status of completed copy operations is only available for 24 hours.

GET /v2/assets/copy_status/{copy_task_id}


Path Parameters


Status Code

  • OK

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Not Found

  • Internal Server Error

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Create a PUT signed url for an object or a file

Use this API to create a PUT signed url to an object or a file in the catalog/project/space bucket/storage.
You must specify both name and asset_type (to create a new object or a file) OR the asset_id (to overwrite an existing object or a file) in the request.
You must specify one of these -- catalog_id, project_id or the space_id as a query parameter.

  • No new meta-data (asset_id) is created or updated for this request.
  • Only the PUT signed url is returned for the object or the file.
  • If the asset_id is given in the request, a PUT signed url is returned for that asset's attachment's object/file, if the object/file is stored in the catalog/project/space bucket/storage. If the asset_type is given, the object/file from the first attachment with that asset_type is the one for which the PUT signed url will be returned. If the asset_type is not given, then, the asset's asset_type, then the "data_asset", will be used to find the attachment with the object/file.
  • If the asset_id is not given in the request, and asset_type and name are specified, a PUT signed url is returned for an object_key where the object_key value is created using the combination of asset_type, sanitized name, and a random string.
  • The name in the request can only contain letters, numbers, underscore, dash, space, and period -- same requirements as the attachment name.
  • The value of expires_in is in seconds. The default value of expires_in is 604800 (7 days). Given a value of 0, the default value will be applied. The max value is the same as the default value; if a value larger than the max value is input, the max value will be used.
POST /v2/assets/create_object_url


Query Parameters

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

object_url request


Status Code

  • Created

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Internal Server Error

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Gets the status of a deep copy operation

For large deep copies, portions of the copy operation are performed in the background. This API provides a way to get the status of the background processing. It also provides additional details about deep copy operations that have already been completed.

Note: The status of completed deep copy operations is only available for 24 hours.

GET /v2/assets/deepcopy/{deep_copy_task_id}


Path Parameters


Status Code

  • OK

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Not Found

  • Internal Server Error

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Bulk search duplicate assets

Use this API to search for duplicate assets of an array of assets in the target catalog, project, or space. The maximum number of assets in a request is 20.

Each asset in the request can either be an existing asset, or an asset object that is the same as the user would provide for creating a new asset. E.g.,

      "asset": {
        "metadata": {},
        "entity": {}
      "project_id": "6f79ff7d-9227-4cba-81e7-726db8984d16",
      "asset_id": "faad7530-4a30-41da-ac27-d3a0f07b2070"
      "asset": {
        "metadata": {},
        "entity": {}

The response contains an array of duplicate search results. The index of the results in the array is the same as the index of the corresponding asset in the request array. Each result can be a success or failure depending on the corresponding request asset. E.g.,

      "http_status": 200,
      "total_count": 1,
      "best_updatable_duplicate_asset_id": "b81c84f5-a551-43bb-9a6e-c8e7820995f9",
      "results": [
          "asset_id": "b81c84f5-a551-43bb-9a6e-c8e7820995f9",
          "highest_match_score": {},
          "asset": {
            "metadata": {},
            "entity": {}
      "http_status": 404,
      "errors": [
          "code": "does_not_exist",
          "message": "ATTSV3024E: There is no asset with an ID of 'faad7530-4a30-41da-ac27-d3a0f07b2070' in a project with an ID of '6f79ff7d-9227-4cba-81e7-726db8984d16' ."
      "http_status": 200,
      "total_count": 0,
      "results": [

The response of each requested item contains a http_status field that can be used to determine if the specific request was successful or not. If a request failed, the corresponding response will contain a field errors indicating the cause of the failure. For detail explaination of other fields in the request and response of each item, please refer to the POST /v2/assets/duplicates/search endpoint.

POST /v2/assets/duplicates/bulk_search


Query Parameters

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • Whether to allow access to metadata when the evaluation outcome of data protection rules is Deny.

  • Exclude columns from the asset result. Available value: columns. Default value is empty, which will return the complete asset, including the columns.

  • The maximum number of items to return for each requested asset

    Default: 100

The assets to search for duplicate assets.


Status Code

  • OK

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Not Found

  • Internal Server Error

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Search duplicate assets

Use this API to search for duplicate assets of an asset in the target catalog, project, or space.

Users can provide an existing asset like below to search for duplicate assets of the given asset in the target asset container. The authenticated user needs to have the read access to the specified asset.

  "project_id": "6f79ff7d-9227-4cba-81e7-726db8984d16",
  "asset_id": "faad7530-4a30-41da-ac27-d3a0f07b2070"

Or provide an asset object to search for duplicate assets of the given asset payload in the target asset container. The asset payload is the same as the user would provide for creating a new asset.

  "asset": {
    "metadata": {},
    "entity": {}

The query parameter limit can be used to limit the number of duplicates in the response. If not supplied, the maximum allowed value 100 is used. Note that the API does not support paignation as users usually only care about top x number of duplicates instead of all duplicates. If they do, they can always use a large limit to retrieve all duplicates. There number of the duplicates of any given asset should be far less than the maximum allowed value of the parameter limit. The system would become unusable long before the number of duplicates reaches that value.

The duplicate assets in the response are ordered by the matching score from high to low. The higher the matching score, the more certain that the asset is a duplicate of the incoming asset.

The total_count indicates the total number of duplicates of the given asset. This is useful in case the total number of duplicates is greater than the specified limit.

The best_updatable_duplicate_asset_id indicates the highest ranking duplicate asset that can be updated by the authenticated user. This duplicate asset would be updated/replaced if the incoming asset were to be added in the target asset container and the effective duplicate_action were UPDATE/REPLACE. If duplicates are found but this field doesn't have a value, it indicates that the authenticated user doesn't have permission to update any of the duplicates. In such a case, if the incoming asset were to be added in the target asset container and the effective duplicate_action were UPDATE/REPLACE, the transaction would fail.

POST /v2/assets/duplicates/search


Query Parameters

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • Whether to allow access to metadata when the evaluation outcome of data protection rules is Deny.

  • Exclude columns from the asset result. Available value: columns. Default value is empty, which will return the complete asset, including the columns.

  • The maximum number of items to return

    Default: 100

  • Defaults to false. If true, deprecated fields are not included in the response. This parameter is provided as a way to check compatibility with future releases and remove duplicated information from responses. It has not been implemented for all deprecated fields. The primary fields that are omitted are collaborator_ids in the asset metadata rov and the owner_id field in the asset metadata.

    Default: false

Supply either an existing asset or an asset payload to search for duplicate assets.


Status Code

  • OK

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Not Found

  • Internal Server Error

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Get an ibm_data_source asset

Use this API to get an ibm_data_source asset with provided endpoint or physical_collection. There is only one ibm_data_source asset that meets the specified parameters. Currently we only support the following three query methods:

  1. host + port, the host is either ipV4 or ipV6 or a DNS name
  2. host + port + physical_collection
  3. physical_collection
GET /v2/assets/ibm_data_source


Query Parameters

  • Catalog GUID or UID

  • the bss_account_id

  • It can be database, project_id or bucket

  • Defaults to false. If true, deprecated fields are not included in the response. This parameter is provided as a way to check compatibility with future releases and remove duplicated information from responses. It has not been implemented for all deprecated fields. The primary fields that are omitted are collaborator_ids in the asset metadata rov and the owner_id field in the asset metadata.

    Default: false


Status Code

  • OK

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Not Found

  • Internal Server Error

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Publish an asset from a project which is only referenced in that project

Use this API to publish an asset whose only metadata are only in project as reference to a target catalog. Assets contain information about the contents of your data and how to access the data. You store asset metadata in a catalog and add collaborators from your organization to analyze data. Your data can reside in a variety of sources. For example, you can keep your data in your existing on-premises data sources, cloud data services, or streaming data feeds. By adding connection information to these remote sources in the catalog, you can allow other catalog users to access the data with the stored credentials. Alternatively, you can copy a snapshot of the remote data into the catalog's encrypted cloud storage.
All asset types have a common set of properties. Some asset types have additional properties.
When you add an asset to a catalog, you specify these common properties:

  • The asset name and an optional description. The name can only contain letters, numbers, underscore, dash, space, and period. The name can't be only blank spaces.
  • Privacy. You can choose to restrict access to the asset with the privacy level and asset membership.
    • Public = Default. No restrictions on finding or using the asset.
    • Private = Only asset members can find or use the asset.
  • Members. The catalog collaborators can be added as members of the asset. Members are important if you restrict access to the asset. When you create an asset, you are the owner (and a member) of it.
  • Tags. Metadata that makes searching for the asset easier. Tags can contain only letters, numbers, underscores, dashes, and the symbols # and @.
POST /v2/assets/publish


Query Parameters

  • Defaults to false. If true, deprecated fields are not included in the response. This parameter is provided as a way to check compatibility with future releases and remove duplicated information from responses. It has not been implemented for all deprecated fields. The primary fields that are omitted are collaborator_ids in the asset metadata rov and the owner_id field in the asset metadata.

    Default: false

Asset metadata


Status Code

  • Created

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Internal Server Error

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Get an asset

Use this API to retrieve an asset located in catalog or project. Access to an asset is controlled by a combination of the privacy level and the members of the asset. For a governed catalog, data assets are protected from unauthorized access by the governance policies that are defined in Data Catalog. Data assets in ungoverned catalogs are not subject to governance policies.

GET /v2/assets/{asset_id}


Path Parameters

  • asset_id

Query Parameters

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • Revision id (1, 2, 3, ...), or leave empty for the current asset version. Use 'latest' for the most recent revision.

  • Whether to allow access to metadata when the evaluation outcome of data protection rules is Deny.

  • Exclude columns from the asset result. Available value: columns. Default value is empty, which will return the complete asset, including the columns.

  • Defaults to false. If true, deprecated fields are not included in the response. This parameter is provided as a way to check compatibility with future releases and remove duplicated information from responses. It has not been implemented for all deprecated fields. The primary fields that are omitted are collaborator_ids in the asset metadata rov and the owner_id field in the asset metadata.

    Default: false


Status Code

  • OK

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Not Found

  • Internal Server Error

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Marks an existing asset for delete

Use this API to delete an existing asset.

Permissions Required to Delete an Asset

To delete an asset in a project or space, all of the following must hold:

  • Caller must have the EDITOR or ADMIN role in the project/space

To delete a public asset in a catalog, any of the following must hold:

  • Caller must have the ADMIN role in the catalog
  • Caller must have the EDITOR role in the catalog and caller must have either the OWNER or EDITOR role on the asset

To delete a private asset in a catalog, all of the following must hold:

  • Caller must have either the ADMIN or EDITOR role in the CATALOG
  • Caller must have either the OWNER, EDITOR, or VIEWER role in the asset

Purge Options to Delete an Asset

purge_on_delete = true and purge_after_days is not specified: the asset is purged immediately. purge_on_delete = true and purge_after_days = n: the asset is moved to trash and purged after n days. purge_on_delete = false and purge_after_days is not specified: the asset is moved to trash and never purged. purge_on_delete is not specified and purge_after_days is not specified: the asset will be deleted/purged based on the catalog setting. purge_on_delete = false or is not specified and purge_after_days = n: invalid combination - the call will fail with a 400 Bad Request error.

DELETE /v2/assets/{asset_id}


Path Parameters

  • asset_id

Query Parameters

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • If true, asset is also deleted from the trash.

    Default: false

  • Number of days after which asset will be purged. Purge On Delete should be true for this to be valid


Status Code

  • No Content

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Internal Server Error

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Update an asset


Use this API to update certain metadata fields in assets.

Fields that can be patched:

  • /metadata/name
  • /metadata/description
  • /metadata/tags
  • /metadata/origin_country
  • /metadata/resource_key
  • /metadata/source_system/last_modification_timestamp, Expected Format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssX
  • /metadata/child_source_systems/{idx}/last_modification_timestamp, Expected Format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssX
  • /metadata/source_system_history - array, use add operation with path /metadata/source_system_history/- to append a new element
  • /metadata/rov/mode - allowed values are 0 (public), 8 (private) or 16 (hidden)
  • /metadata/rov/collaborator_ids
  • /metadata/rov/member_roles
  • /metadata/rov/member_roles/{iam id}/roles - array, allowed values are OWNER/EDITOR/VIEWER, see below for details

Updating Asset Collaborators and Owners

Either the metadata/rov/collaborator_ids field or the metadata/rov/member_roles field can be updated, but not both.

The collaborator_ids field shown in the asset is derived from the information in member_roles, so updating one of these fields will automatically update the other. The collaborator_ids field shows the members in the member_roles field that have either the asset editor role or the asset viewer role. This field is present for backward compatibility with earlier versions of the catalog service.

Collaborators added to the metadata/rov/collaborator_ids field will be assigned a default asset role based on their role in the catalog. Catalog editors will be assigned the asset editor role, and Catalog viewers will be assigned the asset viewer role.

Users added to the metadata/rov/member_roles present must have either the OWNER role, the OWNER role and EDITOR role, or the OWNER role and VIEWER role. Other combinations of roles are not allowed. Asset users with the VIEWER or EDITOR role must be members of the catalog. In addition, asset users with the OWNER role must also be members if the catalog with either the EDITOR or ADMIN role unless certain service ids are used. For projects and spaces, new owners must have a role in the project/space.

Permissions Required to Modify Asset

To update non-governed fields an asset in a project or space, all of the following must hold:

  • Caller must have the EDITOR or ADMIN role in the project/space

To update non-governed fields in a private asset in a catalog, all of the following must hold:

  • Caller must have either the ADMIN or EDITOR role in the CATALOG
  • Caller must have either the OWNER, EDITOR, or VIEWER role in the asset

To update non-governed fields in a public asset in a catalog, any of the following must hold:

  • Caller must have the ADMIN role in the CATALOG
  • Caller must have the EDITOR role in the CATALOG and caller must have either the OWNER or EDITOR role in the asset

Permissions required to modify governed metadata fields

The "tags" field is the only governed field. For governed catalogs a policy check is made to determine whether updates to it are allowed and if an asset transformation is needed. The outcome of the policy check can either be "ALLOW", "DENY", or "TRANSFORM"

  • If the outcome is "ALLOW", the operation is allowed if the caller has either the "ADMIN" or "EDITOR" catalog role
  • If the outcome is "TRANSFORM", the permission checks described above for non-governed fields are applied
  • If the outcome is "DENY", the permission checks described above for non-governed fields are applied

Allowed Operations

The combination of asset roles and catalog roles determines what asset operations are allowed by users.

These abilities apply to public assets:

  • All members of the catalog can find the asset and see its properties.
  • All members of the catalog who have the Editor, Auditor, or Admin roles can use the asset.

These abilities apply to private assets:

  • All asset collaborators can find the asset and see its properties. Asset collaborators with the Editor, Auditor, or Admin role can use the asset.
PATCH /v2/assets/{asset_id}


Custom Headers

  • Allowable values: [application/json,application/json-patch+json]

Path Parameters

  • asset_id

Query Parameters

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • Action to take if the changes to an asset would make it a duplicate to other assets. IGNORE means the call will continue and update the asset anyway; as a result, the asset will become a duplicate to other assets. REJECT means the call will fail and the asset will not be changed. No value means the duplicate_action specified in catalogs/projects/spaces will be used.

    Allowable values: [IGNORE,REJECT]

  • Defaults to false. If true, deprecated fields are not included in the response. This parameter is provided as a way to check compatibility with future releases and remove duplicated information from responses. It has not been implemented for all deprecated fields. The primary fields that are omitted are collaborator_ids in the asset metadata rov and the owner_id field in the asset metadata.

    Default: false

  • Exclude columns from the asset result. Available value: columns. Default value is empty, which will return the complete asset, including the columns.

JSON array of patch operations as defined in RFC 6902. See for more info.
Any ‘~’ characters need to be escaped as ~0 in the path field.
Any ‘/’ characters need to be escaped as ~1 in the path field.
For example, in {"foo/" : {"~bar" : "value"}}, the path for "~bar" is "/foo~1/~0bar".


Status Code

  • OK

  • No Content

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Internal Server Error

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Clone an asset

Use this API to clone catalog asset to project. This will create new copy of asset metadata, including asset attachments.

POST /v2/assets/{asset_id}/clone


Path Parameters

  • asset_id

Query Parameters

  • catalog_id must be provided

  • Action to take if the call would result in a duplicate asset. IGNORE means the call will ignore the duplicate and create a new asset. REJECT means the call will fail and no asset will be created. UPDATE means the best matched duplicate will be updated with the incoming changes according to the predefined rules. REPLACE means the best matched duplicate will be overwritten with the input values according to the predefined rules. No value means the duplicate_action specified in catalogs/projects/spaces will be used.

    Allowable values: [IGNORE,REJECT,UPDATE,REPLACE]

  • Defaults to false. If true, deprecated fields are not included in the response. This parameter is provided as a way to check compatibility with future releases and remove duplicated information from responses. It has not been implemented for all deprecated fields. The primary fields that are omitted are collaborator_ids in the asset metadata rov and the owner_id field in the asset metadata.

    Default: false

Request body should include project ID, and may include asset permissions override.

  "project_id": "string",
  "member_roles": {
    "Member's IAM ID": {
       "user_iam_id": "Member's IAM ID",
       "roles": ["EDITOR"]
    "Access Group ID": {
       "access_group_id": "Access Group ID",
       "roles": ["VIEWER"]
    "Another IAM ID": {

Field 'member_roles' is optional.

  • If specified, 'member_roles' apply to newly cloned asset.
  • If not supplied, newly cloned asset gets 'member_roles' from its source asset.
  • If caller doesn't have permissions to set any of the roles then 'member_roles' is completely ignored.
  • If supplied, 'member_roles' should include at least one OWNER role.
  • If caller has only EDITOR role on the source asset and if 'member_roles' does not include all the owners of the source asset then it will be ignored.

'project_id' is the target project id.


Status Code

  • Created

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Internal Server Error

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Add/Update asset collaborators


This API adds and removes users as collaborators and owners on an asset. A collaborator or owner is identified by user ID. Note that access groups are not supported as asset collaborators or owners. Access groups can be configured as catalog members.

Either the metadata/rov/collaborator_ids field or the metadata/rov/member_roles field can be updated, but not both. The collaborator_ids field shown in the asset is derived from the information in member_roles, so updating one of these fields will automatically update the other. The collaborator_ids field shows the members in the member_roles field that have either the asset editor role or the asset viewer role. This field is present for backward compatibility with earlier versions of the catalog service.

Collaborators added to the metadata/rov/collaborator_ids field will be assigned a default asset role based on their role in the catalog. Catalog editors will be assigned the asset editor role, and Catalog viewers will be assigned the asset viewer role.

Users added to the metadata/rov/member_roles present must have either the OWNER role, the OWNER role and EDITOR role, or the OWNER role and VIEWER role. Other combinations of roles are not allowed. Asset users with the VIEWER or EDITOR role must be members of the catalog. In addition, asset users with the OWNER role must also be members of the catalog with either the EDITOR or ADMIN role unless certain service ids are used. For projects and spaces, new owners must have a role in the project/space.

Permissions Required to Modify Asset Members

To add or remove asset owners for a private asset in a catalog, any of the following must hold:

  • Caller must have OWNER role on the asset
  • Caller must have the ADMIN role on catalog and caller must have either the OWNER, EDITOR, or VIEWER role in the asset

To add or remove asset owners for a public asset in a catalog, any of the following must hold:

  • Caller must have OWNER role on the asset
  • Caller must have the ADMIN role in the catalog

To add or remove asset collaborators, other than asset owner, for a private asset in a catalog, any of the following must hold:

  • Caller must have OWNER role on the asset
  • Caller must have EDITOR role on the asset
  • Caller must have the ADMIN role on catalog and caller must have either the OWNER, EDITOR, or VIEWER role in the asset

To add or remove asset collaborators, other than asset owner, for a public asset in a catalog, any of the following must hold:

  • Caller must have OWNER role on the asset
  • Caller must have EDITOR role on the asset
  • Caller must have the ADMIN role on catalog

Allowed Operations

The combination of asset roles and catalog roles determines what asset operations are allowed by users.

These abilities apply to public assets:

  • All members of the catalog can find the asset and see its properties.
  • All members of the catalog who have the Editor, Auditor, or Admin catalog roles can use the asset.

These abilities apply to private assets:

  • All asset collaborators can find the asset and see its properties. Asset collaborators with the Editor, Auditor, or Admin catalog role can use the asset.
PATCH /v2/assets/{asset_id}/collaborators


Custom Headers

  • Allowable values: [application/json,application/json-patch+json,application/merge-patch+json]

Path Parameters

  • Asset GUID

Query Parameters

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • Defaults to false. If true, deprecated fields are not included in the response. This parameter is provided as a way to check compatibility with future releases and remove duplicated information from responses. It has not been implemented for all deprecated fields. The primary fields that are omitted are collaborator_ids in the asset metadata rov and the owner_id field in the asset metadata.

    Default: false

  • Exclude columns from the asset result. Available value: columns. Default value is empty, which will return the complete asset, including the columns.

JSON array of patch operations as defined in RFC 6902. See for more info.

    "op": "add",
    "path": "/metadata/rov/collaborator_ids/test-iam-id",
    "value": {
        "user_id": "",
        "user_iam_id": "test-iam-id"
    "op": "add",
    "path": "/metadata/rov/collaborator_ids/AccessGroupId-13c4fdda-5b67-45be-b831-c40babb73ca1",
    "value": {
        "access_group_id": "AccessGroupId-13c4fdda-5b67-45be-b831-c40babb73ca1"
    "op": "replace",
    "path": "/metadata/rov/collaborator_ids/test-iam-id",
    "value": {
        "user_id": "test2-iam-id",
        "user_iam_id": "test-iam-id"
    "op": "replace",
    "path": "/metadata/rov/collaborator_ids/AccessGroupId-13c4fdda-5b67-45be-b831-c40babb73ca2",
    "value": {
        "access_group_id": "AccessGroupId-13c4fdda-5b67-45be-b831-c40babb73ca2"
    "op": "remove",
    "path": "/metadata/rov/collaborator_ids/test2-iam-id"

Note: Any ‘~’ characters need to be escaped as ~0 in the path field. Any ‘/’ characters need to be escaped as ~1 in the path field. For example, in {"foo/" : {"~bar" : "value"}}, the path for "~bar" is /foo~1/~0bar.


Status Code

  • OK

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Not Found

  • Conflict

  • Unprocessable Entity

  • Internal Server Error

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Deep copies an asset and its related assets to a catalog, project, or space

Use this API to deep copy an asset to a project, catalog, or space. Unlike clone, publish, and promote, this API enables cascading the copy operation to referenced assets.

When copying from a project to a space, the on_promote relationship option is used to determine whether the related assets for a given relationship type should be copied. In addition, you must have Admin or Editor permissions on both the project and the space.

Deep copy sends the same Rabbit MQ messages as clone, publish, and promote. Messages are sent for all assets that are copied.

This API supports copying from a project to a catalog (publish), from a project to a space (promote), and from a catalog to a project (clone).

This API supports using a refresh token in place of an access token. This can be helpful if the deep copy is expected to be a long running operation. The deep copy uses the access token to authenticate with other services, so it is important that it not expire while the operation is in progress.When a refresh token is specified, it is used to generate an initial access token as well as additional access tokens if the initial access token expires

POST /v2/assets/{asset_id}/deepcopy


Path Parameters

  • asset_id

Query Parameters

  • project_id

  • catalog_id

  • Revision id (1, 2, 3, ...), or leave empty for the current asset version. Use 'latest' for the most recent revision.

  • Action to take if the call would result in a duplicate asset. IGNORE means the call will ignore the duplicate and create a new asset. REJECT means the call will fail and no asset will be created. UPDATE means the best matched duplicate will be updated with the incoming changes according to the predefined rules. REPLACE means the best matched duplicate will be overwritten with the input values according to the predefined rules. No value means the duplicate_action specified in catalogs/projects/spaces will be used.

    Allowable values: [IGNORE,REJECT,UPDATE,REPLACE]

Request body should include target (container) ID, and may include asset permissions and metadata overrides. Fields 'mode' and 'member_roles' are optional.

  • If specified, they apply to newly copied (target) assets.
  • If not supplied, newly copied asset gets mode and 'member_roles' from its corresponding source asset.
  • Valid values for 'mode' are 0 (public), 8 (private) and 16 (hidden).
  • If caller doesn't have permissions to set any of the roles then 'member_roles' is completely ignored.
  • If supplied, 'member_roles' should include at least one OWNER role.

'space_id' is the target space ID i.e. target container ID.

'metadata' is optional and may contain attributes to overwrite the values in original asset;currently only name, description and tags may be overwritten.


requestBody in json

  "space_id": "string",
  "mode": 0,
  "member_roles": {
    "Member's IAM ID": {
      "user_iam_id": "Member's IAM ID",
      "roles": [
    "Access Group ID": {
      "access_group_id": "Access Group ID",
      "roles": [
    "Another IAM ID": {
      "iam_id": "Another IAM ID",
      "roles": [
  "metadata": {
    "name": "string",
    "description": "string",
    "tags": [


Status Code

  • OK - indicates the deep copy operation has completed - the asset and its related assets (if applicable) have been fully copied to the target container

  • Accepted - indicates that the copy request is being completed in the background.

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Internal Server Error

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Update the owner of an asset

Use this API to assign new owner of an asset. You must be the current owner of the asset or a collaborator of the asset with Admin permissions to change the owner. If the asset has multiple owners and the specified user is not currently an owner, the last owner in the owner list (which is the one shown in the owner_id field) is replaced with the specified owner. If the specified user is already an owner of the asset, the user is moved to the end of the owner list so that it is reported in the owner_id field.

This API is deprecated, since this is an older API and supports only single asset owner, not assets with multiple owners. Moving forward owners should be created or updated using below APIs




PUT /v2/assets/{asset_id}/owner


Path Parameters

  • asset_id

Query Parameters

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • Defaults to false. If true, deprecated fields are not included in the response. This parameter is provided as a way to check compatibility with future releases and remove duplicated information from responses. It has not been implemented for all deprecated fields. The primary fields that are omitted are collaborator_ids in the asset metadata rov and the owner_id field in the asset metadata.

    Default: false

  • Exclude columns from the asset result. Available value: columns. Default value is empty, which will return the complete asset, including the columns.

Asset Owner


Status Code

  • OK

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Not Found

  • Internal Server Error

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Update privacy settings of an asset

Use this API to change privacy settings on an asset.

  • The owner of the asset or asset collaborators with the Admin role can change the owner of the asset or delete the asset.
  • Asset collaborators with the Editor, Auditor, or Admin role can change the asset members or the privacy setting.
PUT /v2/assets/{asset_id}/perms


Path Parameters

  • asset_id

Query Parameters

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • Defaults to false. If true, deprecated fields are not included in the response. This parameter is provided as a way to check compatibility with future releases and remove duplicated information from responses. It has not been implemented for all deprecated fields. The primary fields that are omitted are collaborator_ids in the asset metadata rov and the owner_id field in the asset metadata.

    Default: false

  • Exclude columns from the asset result. Available value: columns. Default value is empty, which will return the complete asset, including the columns.

Asset ROV


Status Code

  • OK

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Not Found

  • Internal Server Error

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Promote an asset

Use this API to promote project assets to space. You must have Admin or Editor permissions on both the project and the space.

POST /v2/assets/{asset_id}/promote


Path Parameters

  • asset_id

Query Parameters

  • project_id must be provided

  • Revision id (1, 2, 3, ...), or leave empty for the current asset version. Use 'latest' for the most recent revision.

  • Action to take if the call would result in a duplicate asset. IGNORE means the call will ignore the duplicate and create a new asset. REJECT means the call will fail and no asset will be created. UPDATE means the best matched duplicate will be updated with the incoming changes according to the predefined rules. REPLACE means the best matched duplicate will be overwritten with the input values according to the predefined rules. No value means the duplicate_action specified in catalogs/projects/spaces will be used.

    Allowable values: [IGNORE,REJECT,UPDATE,REPLACE]

  • Defaults to false. If true, deprecated fields are not included in the response. This parameter is provided as a way to check compatibility with future releases and remove duplicated information from responses. It has not been implemented for all deprecated fields. The primary fields that are omitted are collaborator_ids in the asset metadata rov and the owner_id field in the asset metadata.

    Default: false

Request body should include space ID, and may include asset permissions and metadata overrides. Fields 'mode' and 'member_roles' are optional.

  • If specified, they apply to newly promoted asset.
  • If not supplied, newly promoted asset gets mode and 'member_roles' from source asset.
  • Valid values for 'mode' are 0 (public), 8 (private) and 16 (hidden).
  • If caller doesn't have permissions to set any of the roles then 'member_roles' is completely ignored.
  • If supplied, 'member_roles' should include at least one OWNER role.
  • If caller has only EDITOR role on the source asset and if 'member_roles' does not include all the owners of the source asset then it will be ignored.

'space_id' is the target space id.'

metadata' is optional and may contain attributes to overwrite the values in original asset; currently only name, description and tags may be overwritten.


requestBody in json

  "space_id": "string",
  "mode": 0,
  "member_roles": {
    "Member's IAM ID": {
      "user_iam_id": "Member's IAM ID",
      "roles": [
    "Access Group ID": {
      "access_group_id": "Access Group ID",
      "roles": [
    "Another IAM ID": {
      "iam_id": "Another IAM ID",
      "roles": [
  "metadata": {
    "name": "string",
    "description": "string",
    "tags": [


Status Code

  • OK

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Internal Server Error

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Publish an asset

Use this API to publish project assets to catalog. You can publish data assets from a project into a catalog. You must have Admin or Editor permissions on both the project and the catalog.

POST /v2/assets/{asset_id}/publish


Path Parameters

  • asset_id

Query Parameters

  • project_id must be provided

  • Revision id (1, 2, 3, ...), or leave empty for the current asset version. Use 'latest' for the most recent revision.

  • Action to take if the call would result in a duplicate asset. IGNORE means the call will ignore the duplicate and create a new asset. REJECT means the call will fail and no asset will be created. UPDATE means the best matched duplicate will be updated with the incoming changes according to the predefined rules. REPLACE means the best matched duplicate will be overwritten with the input values according to the predefined rules. No value means the duplicate_action specified in catalogs/projects/spaces will be used.

    Allowable values: [IGNORE,REJECT,UPDATE,REPLACE]

  • Defaults to false. If true, deprecated fields are not included in the response. This parameter is provided as a way to check compatibility with future releases and remove duplicated information from responses. It has not been implemented for all deprecated fields. The primary fields that are omitted are collaborator_ids in the asset metadata rov and the owner_id field in the asset metadata.

    Default: false

Request body should include catalog ID, and may include asset permissions and metadata overrides. Fields 'mode' and 'member_roles' are optional.

  • If specified, they apply to newly published asset.
  • If not supplied, newly published asset gets mode and 'member_roles' from source asset.
  • Valid values for 'mode' are 0 (public), 8 (private) and 16 (hidden).
  • If caller doesn't have permissions to set any of the roles then 'member_roles' is completely ignored.
  • If supplied, 'member_roles' should include at least one OWNER role.
  • If caller has only EDITOR role on the source asset and if 'member_roles' does not include all the owners of the source asset then it will be ignored.

'catalog_id' is the target catalog id. To support backwards compatibility when it is not supplied, the asset is published to the catalog associated with the project.

'metadata' is optional and may contain attributes to overwrite the values in original asset; currently only name, description and tags may be overwritten.


requestBody in json

  "catalog_id": "string",
  "mode": 0,
  "member_roles": {
    "Member's IAM ID": {
      "user_iam_id": "Member's IAM ID",
      "roles": [
    "Access Group ID": {
      "access_group_id": "Access Group ID",
      "roles": [
    "Another IAM ID": {
      "iam_id": "Another IAM ID",
      "roles": [
  "metadata": {
    "name": "string",
    "description": "string",
    "tags": [


Status Code

  • OK

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Internal Server Error

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Finds related assets

Finds assets related to a given asset or a given governance artifact. This API supports limiting the results to a specific set of relationships as well as providing pagination and sorting options.

Finds assets and artifacts related to an asset:

  • One of the {catalog_id, project_id, space_id} must be specified.
  • asset_id must be specified.
  • artifact_id and artifact_type cannot be specified.

Finds assets related to an artifact:

  • artifact_id and artifact_type must be specified.
  • asset_id and container id cannot be specified.

Finds assets and artifacts related to a column:

  • One of the {catalog_id, project_id, space_id} must be specified.
  • asset_id must be specified. asset_id should be in the format of <asset_id>#COLUMN#<column_identifier>
  • artifact_id and artifact_type cannot be specified.

Note:When self references are present (i.e. when the source and target asset in the relationship are the same), more rows than specified by the limit may be returned. When this happens, the total rows reported is accurate and the bookmark points to next page of results.

POST /v2/assets/get_relationships


Query Parameters

  • Catalog ID

  • Project ID

  • Space ID

  • Asset ID

  • Artifact ID

  • Artifact Type

  • Related Asset Types

  • Related Artifact Types

  • bookmark

  • limit. Defaults to 25

    Default: 25

  • orderby. This parameter can be repeated to add additional sort fields.

    Default: update_time_asc

    Supported sort fields (these are case insensitive):

    • create_time_asc
    • create_time_desc
    • update_time_asc
    • update_time_desc
    • creator_id_asc
    • creator_id_desc
    • updater_id_asc
    • updater_id_desc

    Default: update_time_asc

  • Limits results to only include the specified relationships. By default, all relationships are included. Repeat the query parameter to specify multiple relationship names.

  • Whether to lookup the asset names. This adds overhead, so only set this to true if the asset names are required. Defaults to false.

    Default: false

  • Whether to lookup the artifact names. This adds overhead, so only set this to true if the artifact names are required. Defaults to false.

    Default: false

  • Whether to lookup the container names. This adds overhead, so only set this to true if the asset names are required. Defaults to false.

    Default: false

  • (DEPRECATED) Whether to return relationships where target end is a column for the given source asset, artifact, or column. This parameter is deprecated. Use 'include_target_columns' instead.

    Default: false

  • Whether to return relationships where target end is a column for the given source asset, artifact, or column.

    Default: false

  • Whether to return relationships where source end is either the given asset or a column of the given asset. When this parameter set to 'true', 'include_target_columns' must also be set to 'true'. By this, all relationships of asset-asset, asset-column, asset-artifact, column-asset, column-column, column-artifact will be returned.Use this parameter when 'asset_id' refers to an asset which has columns.

    Default: false


Status Code

  • Success

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Not Found

  • Internal Server Error

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Searches for relationships

Finds relationships that match the specified criteria. There are two general kinds of criteria that can be used: criteria that at least one relationship end must match and criteria that the overall relationship must match.

Specifying conditions that at least one end of the relationship must match

There are three different conditions of this type that can be specified:

  • relationship name - limits results to relationships with the specified name(s)

  • Required object criteria:

    • required artifact — must specify artifact_type and artifact_id
    • required asset - must specify asset_id and one of: catalog_id, project_id, space_id
    • required asset container - must specify one of: catalog_id, project_id, space_id
    • Only one type of required object criteria can be used
  • Opposite end criteria:

    • related_asset_types - specifies that opposite end must have one of the specified asset types
    • related_artifact_types - specifies that opposite end must have one of the specified artifact types
    • related_asset_types and related_artifact_types can be used together to specify that the opposite end must have either the specified asset or artifact types

Specifying global conditions that the overall relationship much match:

There are 2 global conditions that can be specified:

  • modified_after - Restricts results to relationships created/updated after a specific date and time
  • modified_before - Restricts results to relationships created/updated before a specific date and time
  • modified_after and modified_before can be used together to filter for relationships created/updated within a specific time window.
POST /v2/assets/search_relationships


Query Parameters

  • Catalog ID. Specifies that a specific catalog_id must be in the returned relationships. If filtering by asset container, either catalog_id, project_id, or space_id must be specified.

  • Project ID. Specifies that a specific project_id must be in the returned relationships. If filtering by asset container, either catalog_id, project_id, or space_id must be specified.

  • Space ID. Specifies that a specific space_id must be in the returned relationships. If filtering by asset container, either catalog_id, project_id, or space_id must be specified.

  • Asset ID. Specifies that a specific asset must be in the returned relationships If specified, either catalog_id, project_id, or space_id must also be specified.

  • Artifact ID. Specifies that a specific artifact must be in the returned relationships. If specified, artifact_type must also be specified

  • Artifact Type. Required if artifact_id is specified

  • Related Asset Types. Filters the result to include relationships based on their target asset type. The parameter can be repeated to specify multiple asset types. If both related_artifact_types and related_asset types are omitted, all target types are included in the result.

  • Related Artifact Types. Filters the result to include relationships based on their target artifact type. The parameter can be repeated to specify multiple artifact types. If both related_artifact_types and related_asset types are omitted, all target types are included in the result.

  • bookmark

  • limit. Defaults to 25

    Default: 25

  • orderby. This parameter can be repeated to add additional sort fields.

    Default: update_time_asc

    Supported sort fields (these are case insensitive):

    • create_time_asc
    • create_time_desc
    • update_time_asc
    • update_time_desc
    • creator_id_asc
    • creator_id_desc
    • updater_id_asc
    • updater_id_desc

    Default: update_time_asc

  • Limits results to only include the specified relationships. By default, all relationships are included. Repeat the query parameter to specify multiple relationship names.

  • Whether to lookup the asset names. This adds overhead, so only set this to true if the asset names are required. Defaults to false.

    Default: false

  • Whether to lookup the artifact names. This adds overhead, so only set this to true if the artifact names are required. Defaults to false.

    Default: false

  • Whether to lookup the container names. This adds overhead, so only set this to true if the asset names are required. Defaults to false.

    Default: false

  • Includes relationships modified after this date/time - specified in ISO-8601 format (examples: 2022-09-01T14:32:17Z, 2022-09-01T14:32:17.802Z). This can be used in conjunction with modified_before to specify a required modification time window.

  • Includes relationships modified before this date/time - specified in ISO-8601 format (examples: 2022-09-01T14:32:17Z, 2022-09-01T14:32:17.802Z). This can be used in conjunction with modified_after to specify a required modification time window.

  • (DEPRECATED) Whether to return relationships where target end is a column for the given source asset, artifact, or column. This parameter is deprecated. Use 'include_target_columns' instead.

    Default: false

  • Whether to return relationships where target end is a column for the given source asset, artifact, or column.

    Default: false

  • Whether to return relationships where source end is either the given asset or a column of the given asset. When this parameter set to 'true', 'include_target_columns' must also be set to 'true'. By this, all relationships of asset-asset, asset-column, asset-artifact, column-asset, column-column, column-artifact will be returned.Use this parameter when 'asset_id' refers to an asset which has columns.

    Default: false


Status Code

  • Success

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Not Found

  • Internal Server Error

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Create asset relationships

Use this API to create up to 20 asset relationships.

  • The relationship name must correspond to a relationship type defined on the source type.
  • The source must be an asset, column or governance artifact of the type specified in the relationship type definition.
    Relationships created with a governance artifact as the source cannot be retrieved, modified, or deleted in the IKC UI.
    These relationships can only be accessed through API calls such as POST /v2/assets/search_relationships, POST /v2/assets/get_relationships, and POST /v2/assets/unset_relationships.
  • The target must be an asset, column or governance artifact of the type specified in the relationship type definition.
  • If the specified relationship does not exist between a source and target, a new relationship is created.
  • If either end of the relationship is defined as multiplicity-one, any existing value of a multiplicity-one end is replaced.

For Asset

  • The asset_id and one of the {catalog_id, project_id, space_id} must be set

For Column

  • The asset_id and one of the {catalog_id, project_id, space_id} must be set
  • The asset_id of a column must be in the format of <asset_id>#COLUMN#<column_identifier>

For Artifact

  • The artifact_id and artifact_type must be set. Use the global id of the artifact for artifact_id
POST /v2/assets/set_relationships




Status Code

  • Check response body for results of processing each target artifact

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Not Found

  • Internal Server Error

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Deletes asset relationships

Use this API to delete up to 20 asset relationships.

  • The relationship name must correspond to a relationship type defined on the source type.
  • The source must be an asset or governance artifact of the type specified in the relationship type definition.
  • The target must be an asset or governance artifact of the type specified in the relationship type definition.
  • If the specified relationship does not exist between the source and the target, it will be ignored.

For Asset

  • The asset_id and one of the {catalog_id, project_id, space_id} must be set

For Column

  • The asset_id and one of the {catalog_id, project_id, space_id} must be set
  • The asset_id of a column must be in the format of <asset_id>#COLUMN#<column_identifier>

For Artifact

  • The artifact_id and artifact_type must be set
POST /v2/assets/unset_relationships




Status Code

  • Check response body for status of each asset relationships being deleted.

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Not Found

  • Internal Server Error

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Finds relationship types used by an asset

Finds relationship types that are used by a given asset. This API only returns the first page of results. It does not accept a bookmark. Any additional pages of results must be be fetched using the next page url included in the response.

You can refer to the options in the response to get the full list of relationship names.

This API is deprecated - use POST /v2/assets/search_relationships instead.

GET /v2/assets/{asset_id}/relationship_types


Path Parameters

  • Asset ID

Query Parameters

  • Catalog ID

  • Project ID

  • Space ID

  • Optional limit to use when finding relationship types

    Default: 25

  • orderby. This parameter can be repeated to add additional sort fields.

    Default: relationship_display_name_asc

    Supported sort fields (these are case insensitive):

    • relationship_name_asc
    • relationship_name_desc
    • relationship_display_name_asc
    • relationship_display_name_desc
    • create_time_asc
    • create_time_desc

    Default: relationship_display_name_asc


Status Code

  • Success

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Conflict

  • Too Many Requests

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Finds related assets

Finds assets related to a given asset. This API supports limiting the results to a specific set of relationships as well as providing pagination and sorting options.

Note:When self references are present (i.e. when the source and target asset in the relationship are the same), more rows than specified by the limit may be returned. When this happens, the total rows reported is accurate and the bookmark points to next page of results.

This API is deprecated - use POST /v2/assets/get_relationships instead.

GET /v2/assets/{asset_id}/relationships


Path Parameters

  • Asset ID

Query Parameters

  • Catalog ID

  • Project ID

  • Space ID

  • bookmark

  • limit. Defaults to 25

    Default: 25

  • orderby. This parameter can be repeated to add additional sort fields.

    Default: update_time_asc

    Supported sort fields (these are case insensitive):

    • create_time_asc
    • create_time_desc
    • update_time_asc
    • update_time_desc
    • creator_id_asc
    • creator_id_desc
    • updater_id_asc
    • updater_id_desc

    Default: update_time_asc

  • Limits results to only include the specified relationships. By default, all relationships are included. Repeat the query parameter to specify multiple relationship names.

  • Whether to lookup the asset names. This adds overhead, so only set this to true if the asset names are required. Defaults to false.

    Default: false

  • Whether to lookup the container names. This adds overhead, so only set this to true if the asset names are required. Defaults to false.

    Default: false


Status Code

  • Success

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Not Found

  • Internal Server Error

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Create asset relationships

Use this API to create relationships between a source asset and up to 20 target artifacts.

  • The relationship name must correspond to a relationship type defined on the source asset's type.
  • The target artifacts must be assets of the type specified in the relationship type definition.
  • If the specified relationship does not exist between a source and target asset, a new relationship is created.
  • If either end of the relationship is defined as multiplicity-one, any existing value of a multiplicity-one end is replaced.

This API is deprecated - use POST /v2/assets/set_relationships instead.

PUT /v2/assets/{asset_id}/relationships/{relationship_name}


Path Parameters

  • Asset ID

  • Name of relationship defined on the source asset type

Query Parameters

  • Catalog ID

  • Project ID

  • Space ID

Target artifacts


Status Code

  • Check response body for results of processing each target artifact

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Not Found

  • Internal Server Error

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Deletes asset relationships

Use this API to remove a relationship between an asset and one or more target artifacts. The relationship name must correspond to a relationship type defined on the source asset's type. If the specified relationship does not exist between the source and one or more target assets, it will be ignored. For this api, all of the relationship targets need to be in the same catalog, project, or space. If the target space/catalog/project is omitted, it is assumed to be the same as the source.

This API is deprecated - use POST /v2/assets/unset_relationships instead.

DELETE /v2/assets/{asset_id}/relationships/{relationship_name}


Path Parameters

  • Source Asset Id

  • Name of relationship defined on the source asset type

Query Parameters

  • target asset id. To delete multiple relationships, this parameter can be repeated.

  • Source Asset Catalog

  • Source Asset Project

  • Source Asset Space

  • Target Asset Catalog

  • Target Asset Project

  • Target Asset Space


Status Code

  • OK. Check response body for results of processing each target artifact

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Not Found

  • Internal Server Error

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Determine if a relationship exists between an asset and a target artifact

Use this API to determine if a relationship exists between an asset and a target artifact. The relationship name must correspond to a relationship type defined on the source asset's type. The target artifact must be an asset of the type specified in the relationship type definition. The source and target assets must reside in the same catalog.

HEAD /v2/assets/{asset_id}/relationships/{relationship_name}


Path Parameters

  • Asset ID

  • Name of relationship defined on the source asset type

Query Parameters

  • Catalog ID

  • Project ID

  • Space ID

Target artifact


Status Code

  • The relationship exists

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Not Found

  • Gone - If either asset in the relationship is in the deleted state

  • Internal Server Error

Create an attachment

Creates an attachment.

POST /v2/assets/{asset_id}/attachments


Path Parameters

  • Asset GUID

Query Parameters

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • Action to take if the changes to an asset would make it a duplicate to other assets. IGNORE means the call will continue and update the asset anyway; as a result, the asset will become a duplicate to other assets. REJECT means the call will fail and the asset will not be changed. No value means the duplicate_action specified in catalogs/projects/spaces will be used.

    Allowable values: [IGNORE,REJECT]

Attachment meta-data.
The "asset_type" is required.
The "mime" is a reliable way to indicate the nature and format of the attachment. It should be used instead of other implementation-specific means, e.g., file extension.
If not supplied, or if the value given is less than 1, data_partitions defaults to 1 (for non-remote and non-referenced attachments).
For remote attachments, both connection_id and connection_path are required.
For referenced attachments, both object_key and object_key_is_read_only are required. Maximum attachments allowed under an asset is 100 .


Status Code

  • Created

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Not Found

  • Internal Server Error

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Get an attachment

Retrieve an attachment.

GET /v2/assets/{asset_id}/attachments/{attachment_id}


Path Parameters

  • Asset GUID

  • Attachment GUID

Query Parameters

  • Revision id (1, 2, 3, ...), or leave empty for the current asset version. Use 'latest' for the most recent revision.

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • private_url

    Default: false

  • response-content-disposition

  • response-content-type

  • Whether to allow access to metadata when the evaluation outcome of data protection rules is Deny.


Status Code

  • OK

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Not Found

  • Internal Server Error

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Delete an attachment

Delete an attachment.

DELETE /v2/assets/{asset_id}/attachments/{attachment_id}


Path Parameters

  • Asset GUID

  • Attachment GUID

Query Parameters

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • Action to take if the changes to an asset would make it a duplicate to other assets. IGNORE means the call will continue and update the asset anyway; as a result, the asset will become a duplicate to other assets. REJECT means the call will fail and the asset will not be changed. No value means the duplicate_action specified in catalogs/projects/spaces will be used.

    Allowable values: [IGNORE,REJECT]


Status Code

  • No Content

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Not Found

  • Internal Server Error

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Update attachment metadata

Update attachment metadata. Only the following fields are allowed to update:

  • name
  • description
  • mime
  • size
  • partitions
  • transfer_complete
PATCH /v2/assets/{asset_id}/attachments/{attachment_id}


Custom Headers

  • Allowable values: [application/json,application/json-patch+json,application/merge-patch+json]

Path Parameters

  • Asset GUID

  • Attachment GUID

Query Parameters

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

JSON array of patch operations as defined in RFC 6902. See for more info.
[ { "op": "add", "path": "/name", "value": "my_attachment"},
{ "op": "replace", "path": "/mime", "value": "text/csv" },
{ "op": "remove", "path":"/description"} ]

  1. Any ‘~’ characters need to be escaped as ~0 in the path field.
    Any ‘/’ characters need to be escaped as ~1 in the path field.
    For example, in {"foo/" : {"~bar" : "value"}}, the path for "~bar" is "/foo~1/~0bar".
  2. The transfer_complete field can only be set to true if its current value is false and the type of attachment is managed.


Status Code

  • OK

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Not Found

  • Conflict

  • Unprocessable Entity

  • Internal Server Error

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Mark an attachment as transfer complete

Marks an attachment as transfer complete.

POST /v2/assets/{asset_id}/attachments/{attachment_id}/complete


Path Parameters

  • Asset GUID

  • Attachment GUID

Query Parameters

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one


Status Code

  • OK

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Not Found

  • Internal Server Error

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Auto update attachment's datasource_type from connection asset

Auto update attachment's datasource_type from connection asset

PATCH /v2/assets/{asset_id}/attachments/{attachment_id}/datasource_type


Path Parameters

  • Asset GUID

  • Attachment GUID

Query Parameters

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one


Status Code

  • OK

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Not Found

  • Conflict

  • Unprocessable Entity

  • Internal Server Error

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Get resources info for an attachment

Get resources info for an attachment.

GET /v2/assets/{asset_id}/attachments/{attachment_id}/resources


Path Parameters

  • Asset GUID

  • Attachment GUID

Query Parameters

  • Revision id (1, 2, 3, ...), or leave empty for the current asset version. Use 'latest' for the most recent revision.

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • Whether to allow access to metadata when the evaluation outcome of data protection rules is Deny.


Status Code

  • OK

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Not Found

  • Internal Server Error

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Increase resources for an attachment

Increase resources for an attachment.

PUT /v2/assets/{asset_id}/attachments/{attachment_id}/resources


Path Parameters

  • Asset GUID

  • Attachment GUID

Query Parameters

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

attachment resource to increase, e.g. {"data_partitions":5, "private_url":false}


Status Code

  • OK

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Not Found

  • Internal Server Error

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

List all attributes

Use this API to retrieve all attributes of an asset.

GET /v2/assets/{asset_id}/attributes


Path Parameters

  • asset_id

Query Parameters

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • Revision id (1, 2, 3, ...), or leave empty for the current asset version. Use 'latest' for the most recent revision.

  • Whether to allow access to metadata when the evaluation outcome of data protection rules is Deny.

  • The parameter include is deprecated, please use exclude instead

  • Exclude columns from the asset result. Available value: columns. Default value is empty, which will return the complete asset, including the columns.


Status Code

  • OK

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Not Found

  • Internal Server Error

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Create an attribute

Use this API to create an asset attribute. An attribute is identically named with, and has fields that are partially defined by, an asset type. The name specified in the request payload must match an existing built-in or user-defined asset type.

column_info attribute

The built-in column_info type defines metadata (e.g. description, tags) for columns contained in a data asset which represents a relational database table or columnar data file (e.g. csv file).

Create a column_info asset attribute to add column descriptions and/or tags if that attribute does not already exist on the asset.
Once the column_info attribute has been created, entries can be added, updated, or removed using the PATCH /v2/assets/{asset_id}/attributes/column_info endpoint.

The column_info attribute is a map structure where the key is a column name corresponding to an existing entry in the asset's entity.data_asset.columns array.
For example, here is the request payload to create a column_info attribute that assigns a description and tags to ACCOUNT_HOLDER_ID and NAME columns:

  "name": "column_info",
  "entity": {
          "column_description": "Globally unique identifier of the account holder.",
          "column_tags": [
      "NAME": {
          "column_description": "Full legal name of the account holder.",
          "column_tags": [
POST /v2/assets/{asset_id}/attributes


Path Parameters

  • asset_id

Query Parameters

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • Action to take if the changes to an asset would make it a duplicate to other assets. IGNORE means the call will continue and update the asset anyway; as a result, the asset will become a duplicate to other assets. REJECT means the call will fail and the asset will not be changed. No value means the duplicate_action specified in catalogs/projects/spaces will be used.

    Allowable values: [IGNORE,REJECT]

Attribute metadata. The "entity" is required.


Status Code

  • Created

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Not Found

  • Internal Server Error

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Get an attribute

Use this API to retrieve an attribute of an asset.

GET /v2/assets/{asset_id}/attributes/{attribute_key}


Path Parameters

  • asset_id

  • attribute_key

Query Parameters

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • Revision id (1, 2, 3, ...), or leave empty for the current asset version. Use 'latest' for the most recent revision.

  • Whether to allow access to metadata when the evaluation outcome of data protection rules is Deny.

  • The parameter include is deprecated, please use exclude instead

  • Exclude columns from the asset result. Available value: columns. Default value is empty, which will return the complete asset, including the columns.


Status Code

  • OK

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Not Found

  • Internal Server Error

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Delete an attribute

Use this API to delete an attribute of an asset.

DELETE /v2/assets/{asset_id}/attributes/{attribute_key}


Path Parameters

  • asset_id

  • attribute_key

Query Parameters

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • Action to take if the changes to an asset would make it a duplicate to other assets. IGNORE means the call will continue and update the asset anyway; as a result, the asset will become a duplicate to other assets. REJECT means the call will fail and the asset will not be changed. No value means the duplicate_action specified in catalogs/projects/spaces will be used.

    Allowable values: [IGNORE,REJECT]


Status Code

  • No Content

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Not Found

  • Internal Server Error

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Update attributes

Use this API to update/modify an asset attribute.

Updating the column_info attribute

Use this API for updating an existing column_info attribute to set or replace the column_description or column_tags for any column.

Note: Use POST /v2/assets/{asset_id}/attributes to create the column_info attribute if it does not exist on the asset. Use GET /v2/assets/{asset_id}/attributes/column_info to check the existence of the attribute.

Payload Examples

To add a column_info entry that specifies a description and tags for the INVOICE_ID column: [{"op":"add","path":"/INVOICE_ID","value":{"column_description":"Unique identifier of the invoice", "column_tags":["tag1", "tag2"]}}]

To add or update a description on the existing column_info entry for the ADDRESS column: [{"op":"add","path":"/ADDRESS/column_description","value":"customer street address"}] To unset/remove the ADDRESS column's description: [{"op": "remove", "path":"/ADDRESS/column_description"}] To remove the entire column_info entry for the ADDRESS column: [{"op": "remove", "path":"/ADDRESS"}]

To update value of properties of data_asset:

  "entity": {
    "data_asset": {
      "mime_type": "text/csv",
      "dataset": true,
      "properties": [
          "name": "schema_name",
          "value": "GOSALES1021"
          "name": "table_name",
          "value": "COUNTRY"

Request body:

  { "op": "replace", "path": "/properties/1/value", "value": "COUNTRY2" }

To update value of data_source_deployment:

  "entity": {
    "ibm_data_source": {
      "data_source_type_id": "8c1a4480-1c29-4b33-9086-9cb799d7b157",
      "data_source_deployment": "on_cloud",
      "data_source_flags": [],
      "data_source_state": "ACTIVE",
      "data_source_encoding": "UTF-8",
      "data_source_protection_method": "guardium"

Request body:

  { "op": "replace", "path": "/data_source_deployment", "value": "cpd" }

JSON array of patch operations as defined in RFC 6902. See for more info.

Note: Any ‘~’ characters need to be escaped as ~0 in the path field. Any ‘/’ characters need to be escaped as ~1 in the path field. For example, in {"foo/" : {"~bar" : "value"}}, the path for "~bar" is "/foo~1/~0bar".

PATCH /v2/assets/{asset_id}/attributes/{attribute_key}


Custom Headers

  • Allowable values: [application/json,application/json-patch+json]

Path Parameters

  • asset_id

  • attribute_key

Query Parameters

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • Exclude columns from the asset result. Available value: columns. Default value is empty, which will return the complete asset, including the columns.

  • Action to take if the changes to an asset would make it a duplicate to other assets. IGNORE means the call will continue and update the asset anyway; as a result, the asset will become a duplicate to other assets. REJECT means the call will fail and the asset will not be changed. No value means the duplicate_action specified in catalogs/projects/spaces will be used.

    Allowable values: [IGNORE,REJECT]

JSON array of patch operations as defined in RFC 6902.


Status Code

  • Created

  • No Content

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Internal Server Error

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Get asset document conflicts

Use this API to retrieve asset document conflicts in database.

GET /v2/assets/{asset_id}/conflicts


Path Parameters

  • asset_id

Query Parameters

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • The number of items to skip before starting to collect the result set

  • The maximum number of items to return

    Default: 10

  • Whether to retrieve conflict revision document content


Status Code

  • OK

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Not Found

  • Internal Server Error

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Delete asset document conflicts

Use this API to delete asset document conflicts in database.

DELETE /v2/assets/{asset_id}/conflicts


Path Parameters

  • asset_id

Query Parameters

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

Document conflicts to delete


Status Code

  • No Content

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Not Found

  • Internal Server Error

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Get the image of asset

Get the image of asset.

GET /v2/assets/{asset_id}/images


Path Parameters

  • Asset GUID

Query Parameters

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one


Asset Image Model

Status Code

  • OK

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Not Found

  • Internal Server Error

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Upload an image for asset

Upload an image for asset. Use this api, you must put the image's binary data to the HTTP body.
For example:
    curl -X "PUT" "api_url" -H "Authorization: $access token" --data-binary "@/image_dir_path/abc.png"

PUT /v2/assets/{asset_id}/images


Path Parameters

  • Asset GUID

Query Parameters

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one


Asset Image Model

Status Code

  • Uploaded

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Not Found

  • Internal Server Error

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Delete the image of asset

Delete the image of asset.

DELETE /v2/assets/{asset_id}/images/{image_id}


Path Parameters

  • Asset GUID

  • Image id

Query Parameters

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one


Status Code

  • No Content

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Not Found

  • Internal Server Error

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Get asset or column notes

Use this API to retrieve a paginated list of notes from an asset or a column within an asset. Any user who has viewer permission on an asset can retrieve its notes.

GET /v2/assets/{asset_id}/notes


Path Parameters

  • Asset ID

Query Parameters

  • The maximum number of asset/column notes to return.
    The default value is 25. The limit cannot exceed 200.
    Use the next URL from the response to retrieve the next page of notes.

    Default: 25

  • Sorting order.

    The following fields can be used for sorting. Use hyphen prefix (-) for descending order:

    Default: -updated_at

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • Filters the result to include notes on the specified column(s). The parameter should be repeated for each column name.

  • Revision id (1, 2, 3, ...), or leave empty for the current asset version. Use 'latest' for the most recent revision.

  • Type of notes to include in the search result:

    Note TypeDescription
    ALLInclude all asset and column notes
    ASSETInclude asset notes only - cannot be used with the column_names parameter
    COLUMNInclude column notes only

    Allowable values: [ALL,ASSET,COLUMN]

    Default: ALL


Status Code

  • OK

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Internal Server Error

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Create notes on an asset

Use this API to create notes for an asset and for columns within an asset. Accredited Service Editors and Viewers, and any user who has edit permission on an asset can create a note.

POST /v2/assets/{asset_id}/notes


Path Parameters

  • Asset ID

Query Parameters

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • Revision id (1, 2, 3, ...), or leave empty for the current asset version. Use 'latest' for the most recent revision.

Asset notes to be created - limited to 20 notes per request


Status Code

  • Check response body for results of processing each requested note

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Internal Server Error

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Get an asset or column note

Use this API to retrieve a note from an asset or a column within an asset. Any user who has viewer permission on an asset can retrieve a note.

GET /v2/assets/{asset_id}/notes/{note_id}


Path Parameters

  • Asset ID

  • Note ID

Query Parameters

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • Revision id (1, 2, 3, ...), or leave empty for the current asset version. Use 'latest' for the most recent revision.


Status Code

  • OK

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Internal Server Error

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Delete an asset or a column note

Use this API to delete an asset or a column note. Accredited Service Editors and Viewers, and any user who has edit permission on an asset can delete a note.

DELETE /v2/assets/{asset_id}/notes/{note_id}


Path Parameters

  • Asset ID

  • Asset or column note ID

Query Parameters

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • Revision id (1, 2, 3, ...), or leave empty for the current asset version. Use 'latest' for the most recent revision.


Status Code

  • No Content

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Internal Server Error

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Update an asset or column note

Use this API to update a note on an asset or a column within an asset. Accredited Service Editors and Viewers, and any user who has edit permission on an asset can update a note.

PATCH /v2/assets/{asset_id}/notes/{note_id}


Path Parameters

  • Asset ID

  • Note ID

Query Parameters

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • Revision id (1, 2, 3, ...), or leave empty for the current asset version. Use 'latest' for the most recent revision.

JSON array of patch operations as defined in RFC 6902. See for more info.
Example :
[ {"op": "replace", "path": "/note", "value": "Description of a Note" } ]
Only supported operation is replace.
Any ‘~’ characters need to be escaped as ~0 in the path field.
Any ‘/’ characters need to be escaped as ~1 in the path field.
For example, in {"foo/" : {"~bar" : "value"}}, the path for ~bar is /foo~1/~0bar.


Status Code

  • OK

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Internal Server Error

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Get ratings of an asset

Get ratings for the specified asset.

GET /v2/assets/{asset_id}/ratings


Path Parameters

  • asset_id

Query Parameters

  • The maximum number of asset ratings to return.
    The default value is 25.

    Default: 25

  • Bookmark that gives the start of the page.

  • Sorting order.
    Valid values: updated_at, rating
    Use hyphen prefix (-) for descending order

    Default: -updated_at

  • Filter results by user.
    Valid values: all, user, other
    The default value is all

    Allowable values: [all,user,other]

    Default: all

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • Revision id (1, 2, 3, ...), or leave empty for the current asset version. Use 'latest' for the most recent revision.


Status Code

  • OK

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Internal Server Error

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Rate an asset

Use this API to rate an asset.

POST /v2/assets/{asset_id}/ratings


Path Parameters

  • asset_id

Query Parameters

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • Revision id (1, 2, 3, ...), or leave empty for the current asset version. Use 'latest' for the most recent revision.

Asset rating to be created


Status Code

  • Created

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Internal Server Error

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Get the count of each rating value for the specified asset

Get the counts of each rating value for the specified asset.

GET /v2/assets/{asset_id}/ratings/stats


Path Parameters

  • asset_id

Query Parameters

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • Revision id (1, 2, 3, ...), or leave empty for the current asset version. Use 'latest' for the most recent revision.


Status Code

  • OK

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Internal Server Error

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Delete an asset rating

Use this API to delete an asset rating.

DELETE /v2/assets/{asset_id}/ratings/{asset_rating_id}


Path Parameters

  • asset_id

  • asset_rating_id

Query Parameters

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • Revision id (1, 2, 3, ...), or leave empty for the current asset version. Use 'latest' for the most recent revision.


Status Code

  • No Content

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Internal Server Error

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Use this API to update an asset rating.

Update an asset rating

PATCH /v2/assets/{asset_id}/ratings/{asset_rating_id}


Path Parameters

  • asset_id

  • asset_rating_id

Query Parameters

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • Revision id (1, 2, 3, ...), or leave empty for the current asset version. Use 'latest' for the most recent revision.

Asset rating to be updated


Status Code

  • OK

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Internal Server Error

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Get a list of revisions for an asset

Use this API to retrieve an ordered list of revisions for an asset, most to least recent.

GET /v2/assets/{asset_id}/revisions


Path Parameters

  • asset_id

Query Parameters

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • The parameter include is deprecated.

  • The maximum number of revisions to return. The default is 25. Maximum is 200

    Default: 25

  • The revision number to start from, or 'latest'. Latest revision is the default.

  • Defaults to false. If true, deprecated fields are not included in the response. This parameter is provided as a way to check compatibility with future releases and remove duplicated information from responses. It has not been implemented for all deprecated fields. The primary fields that are omitted are collaborator_ids in the asset metadata rov and the owner_id field in the asset metadata.

    Default: false


Status Code

  • OK

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Not Found

  • Internal Server Error

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Commit a revision of an asset

Use this API to commit a revision of an asset.

POST /v2/assets/{asset_id}/revisions


Path Parameters

  • asset_id

Query Parameters

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • Defaults to false. If true, deprecated fields are not included in the response. This parameter is provided as a way to check compatibility with future releases and remove duplicated information from responses. It has not been implemented for all deprecated fields. The primary fields that are omitted are collaborator_ids in the asset metadata rov and the owner_id field in the asset metadata.

    Default: false

Commit options


Status Code

  • Created

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Conflict

  • Internal Server Error

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Delete a revision

Use this API to delete a revision of an asset.

DELETE /v2/assets/{asset_id}/revisions


Path Parameters

  • asset_id

Query Parameters

  • You must provide a revision id (1, 2, 3, ...)

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one


Status Code

  • No Content

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Not Found

  • Internal Server Error

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

List all catalogs for a specific account

Use this API to get a list of catalogs or projects or spaces, or to get the total number of public catalogs, for a given account. You can use 'roles' parameter to filter results by roles for standard callers.

  • Standard Callers: to list all catalogs where caller is collaborator, omit "bss_account_id" field and "include" field.
  • Accredited Services: to list all catalogs or projects or spaces for a specific account, enter bss account value in "bss_account_id" field and one of 'catalogs', 'projects', or 'spaces' in "include" field.
  • Accredited Services: to get the number of public catalogs for a specific account, enter bss account value in "bss_account_id" field and 'total_count' in "include" field.
GET /v2/catalogs


Query Parameters

  • limit

    Default: 25

  • bookmark

  • skip

    Default: 0

  • Limited to use by accredited services (which must also supply 'bss_account_id'). Currently, the only supported values are 'catalogs', 'projects', 'spaces' or 'total_count'. Not supplying any of these values results in public 'catalogs', 'projects', AND 'spaces' being returned for a specific account.

    • Use 'catalogs' for including all public catalogs for a specific bss_account_id.
    • Use 'projects' for including all projects for a specific bss_account_id.
    • Use 'spaces' for including all spaces for a specific bss_account_id.
    • Use 'total_count' for including total number of public catalogs for a specific account.
  • "Used for listing catalogs, projects, or spaces for the account, or for retrieving the number of public catalogs for the account. Must be supplied when caller is an accredited service."

    • "If caller is a non-service id user, then the catalogs from that user's bss account are included in the list.
  • Filter results by user roles. Use comma separated list for multiple roles. Valid role value: admin, editor, viewer. This param is not allowed if caller is from accredited service or ICIP mode is enabled.

  • orderby. This parameter can be repeated to add additional sort fields.

    Default: null

    Supported sort fields (these are case insensitive):

    • catalog_name_asc
    • catalog_name_desc
    • create_time_asc
    • create_time_desc
    • update_time_asc
    • update_time_desc
  • (DEPRECATED) Indicates whether results should include catalogs with a subtype. If not specified, catalogs with a subtype are excluded.This parameter is deprecated. Use 'subtype' instead.

  • Filter results by catalogs with the specified subtypes.

    If nothing is specified, by default catalogs with subtype are not returned.

    • If set to 'NO_SUBTYPES', catalogs with subtype are not returned
    • If set to 'ALL_SUBTYPES', only catalogs with a subtype are returned
    • If set to 'ALL_SUBYTPES, NO_SUBTYPES', both catalogs which have subtypes and not are returned
    • If set to 'subtypeA, subtypeB' , only catalogs with those subtypes are returned.
  • Filter results by catalogs with a case insensitive name. This matches substrings.

  • Filter results by catalogs with the specified governance type. Allowed values: governed, ungoverned, all. Default: all


Status Code

  • OK

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Create a catalog

Use this API to create a catalog to organize your assets and collaborators. You can use a catalog to easily find and share data for your organization, regardless of the location or format of the data.

On IBM Cloud, to create a catalog you must have the Manager role in your organization's IBM Knowledge Catalog account.
In CPD, to create a catalog you must have the Administrator role.

The catalog name can be 1 to 256 printable Unicode characters - ISO control characters and Unicode Special characters are not permitted.

On IBM Cloud, IBM Cloud Object Storage (S3 API) credentials are required in the request body's bucket structure. This provides encrypted storage for file assets that are copied to the catalog.

In CPD, file asset storage for a catalog is provisioned after catalog creation, via a separate call to the Asset Files API. Creating a catalog does not automatically provision this storage.
When creating a catalog in CPD, set the check_bucket_existence query parameter to false, and the request body's bucket structure should just have bucket_type set to assetfiles.
After the catalog is created, call the PUT /v2/asset_files API to create a bucket for this catalog.

Sample request body for creating a catalog in CPD:

    "name": "catalog1",
    "description": "A catalog in CPD",
    "generator": "",
    "bucket": {
        "bucket_type": "assetfiles"
POST /v2/catalogs


Query Parameters

  • Whether an existence check should be performed on the catalog bucket

    Default: true

  • Whether to check if catalogs with the same name already exist

    Default: false

Note: name, generator, and the bucket structure are required fields in the request body.


Status Code

  • Created

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Too Many Request

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Retrieve the default catalog

Use this API to retrieve the default catalog.

GET /v2/catalogs/default


No Request Parameters

This method does not accept any request parameters.


Status Code

  • OK

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Not Found

  • Internal Server Error

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Create the default catalog

Use this API to create the default catalog.

POST /v2/catalogs/default


Query Parameters

  • Whether an existence check should be performed on the catalog bucket

    Default: true

  • Whether to check if catalogs with the same name already exist

    Default: false


    "catalog": {
        "name": "The Default Catalog",
        "generator": "API",
        "description": "The default catalog",
        "bss_account_id": "999",
        "is_governed": true,
        "bucket": {
            "bucket_type": "assetfiles"


Response from creating the default catalog

Status Code

  • Created

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Conflict

  • Internal Server Error

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Rehome one or more synced assets.

Use this API for rehoming assets in a catalog that had been synced from an external OMRS repository to be native IKC assets. The API supports rehoming a single asset, or a bulk rehome of all synced data assets of specific external repository.

If the request is accepted, the response header contains the rehome request ID x-future-id which can then be used to monitor the request status via /v2/catalogs/default/rehome/status?request_id=<x-future-id>.

Service ID is required to call this API.

POST /v2/catalogs/default/rehome


Query Parameters

  • Set to true to bulk re-home all synced data assets in a catalog

  • Synced asset to be rehomed - if omitted, all synced assets of source_metadata_collection_id repository will be rehomed

  • Source metadata collection id required if all assets of single external repository need to be rehomed

  • Catalog containing the synced assets to be re-homed. If not specified, synced assets in the default catalog are re-homed.


Status Code

  • Accepted - indicates request has been accepted

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Not Found

  • Internal Server Error

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Monitor status of rehome task

Use this API to check the status of a rehome asset(s) request, using the x-future-id response header value returned by a previous /v2/catalogs/default/rehome request.

GET /v2/catalogs/default/rehome/status


Query Parameters

  • x-future-id response header value returned by a previous rehome request


Status Code

  • OK - indicates successful completion of the rehome request

  • Accepted - indicates the rehome request corresponding to the specified request_id is still processing

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Not Found

  • Internal Server Error

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Get a catalog by catalog ID

Members of the catalog can use this API to retrieve information about a catalog.

GET /v2/catalogs/{catalog_id}


Path Parameters

  • Catalog GUID or UID

Query Parameters

  • You must provide bss_account_id when querying for uid


Status Code

  • OK

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Delete a catalog by catalog ID

Use this API to delete a catalog if you have the Admin role.Deleting a catalog removes all items that are associated with the catalog, such as metadata for all assets in the catalog.

DELETE /v2/catalogs/{catalog_id}


Path Parameters

  • Catalog GUID

Query Parameters

  • delete_bucket

    Default: false


Status Code

  • No Content

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Update catalog

Use this API to update the name or description of the catalog.

PATCH /v2/catalogs/{catalog_id}


Custom Headers

  • Allowable values: [application/json,application/json-patch+json]

Path Parameters

  • catalog GUID

Query Parameters

  • Whether to check if catalogs with the same name already exist. Only applicable if the name is to be updated.

    Default: false

JSON array of patch operations as defined in RFC 6902.
[ { "op": "replace", "path": "/entity/name", "value": "new-name" },
{ "op": "replace", "path": "/entity/description", "value": "new-description" } ]
Any ‘~’ characters need to be escaped as ~0 in the path field.
Any ‘/’ characters need to be escaped as ~1 in the path field.
For example, in {"foo/" : {"~bar" : "value"}}, the path for "~bar" is "/foo~1/~0bar".


Status Code

  • OK

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Conflict

  • Internal Server Error

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

List all properties of a catalog

Use this API to get all properties of catalog.

GET /v2/catalogs/{catalog_id}/properties


Path Parameters

  • catalog GUID


Status Code

  • OK

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Internal Server Error

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Update catalog properties

Use this API to patch catalog properties.

PATCH /v2/catalogs/{catalog_id}/properties


Custom Headers

  • Allowable values: [application/json,application/json-patch+json]

Path Parameters

  • catalog GUID

JSON array of patch operations as defined in RFC 6902.
[ { "op": "add", "path": "/properties/new-property", "value": "new-value" } ]
Any ‘~’ characters need to be escaped as ~0 in the path field.
Any ‘/’ characters need to be escaped as ~1 in the path field.
For example, in {"foo/" : {"~bar" : "value"}}, the path for "~bar" is "/foo~1/~0bar".


Status Code

  • OK

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Conflict

  • Internal Server Error

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Get a single property in a catalog

Use this API to get the property of catalog by given property key.

GET /v2/catalogs/{catalog_id}/properties/{property_key}


Path Parameters

  • catalog GUID

  • catalog property key


Status Code

  • OK

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Internal Server Error

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Update catalog connections

Use this API to patch catalog properties.

PATCH /v2/catalogs/{catalog_id}/reconfigure


Path Parameters

  • catalog GUID


Status Code

  • OK

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Conflict

  • Internal Server Error

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Get the catalog state

GET /v2/catalogs/{catalog_id}/state


Path Parameters

  • Catalog GUID


Status Code

  • OK

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Export as a zip file containing appropriate csv files for the selected assets

This API is responsible for preparing a zip file containing csv files related to the selected assets for export.

POST /v2/catalogs/export_assets


Query Parameters

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • The id of the ibm_export_asset type asset

  • The list of export types the operation is expected to handle. Export Type includes metadata, relationship, lineage. But, for now, we are supporting only metadata, relationship.

A json object containing a list of asset IDs; maximum of 100.


Status Code

  • Accepted

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Not Found

  • Internal Server Error

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Process an import asset

This API begins processing of import assets. This function is used to import lineage mappings from EMD CSV documents.

POST /v2/catalogs/import_assets


Query Parameters

  • The id of the import_asset

  • The action to perform on this import_asset. "process" (default): Validate and run an import job, "validate": Validate an import only without starting an import job.

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • When performing a processing request, proceed with the import even if validation fails. This option is only used when 'action' = 'process' (which is the default case)

  • Action to take if the call would result in a duplicate asset. IGNORE means the call will ignore the duplicate and create a new asset. REJECT means the call will fail and no asset will be created. UPDATE means the best matched duplicate will be updated with the incoming changes according to the predefined rules. REPLACE means the best matched duplicate will be overwritten with the input values according to the predefined rules. No value means the duplicate_action specified in catalogs/projects/spaces will be used.

    Allowable values: [IGNORE,REJECT,UPDATE,REPLACE]


Status Code

  • Accepted

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Not Found

  • Internal Server Error

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Request temporary security credentials

Request temporary security credentails that can be used for storing asset attachment files.

The endpoint is currently only applicable for AWS deployments.

If role_arn and external_id are supplied, the caller must be a sevice id in the allow-list 'aws_s3_administrator'. The requested credentials will have permission for accessing the resources in the bucket of the catalog or the bucket itself depending on the supplied information. The allowed combinations of the fields are:

  • role_arn, external_id: list and create buckets in the account that the role is defined in
  • role_arn, external_id, bucket_name, shared (optional, default to false), catalog_id (must be supplied if shared is true): put/get/list/delete objects in the bucket, and list multipart uploads and delete the bucket if the bucket is not shared.

If catalog_id is supplied, the caller must be a member of the catalog, or a service id that is in the allow-list 'aws_s3_administrator', 'accredited_service_editors', 'accredited_service_viewers', or 'accredited_service_exporters'. The requested credentials will have permission for accessing the resources in the bucket of the catalog or the bucket itself based on the membership.

  • admin or service id in allow-list 'aws_s3_administrator': put/get/list/delete objects in the bucket, and list multipart uploads and delete the bucket if the bucket is not shared.
  • editor or service id in allow-list 'accredited_service_editors': put/get/delete objects in the bucket
  • viewer or service id in allow-list 'accredited_service_viewers' or 'accredited_service_exporters': get objects in the bucket

If none of above is supplied, the caller must have permission to create catalogs in the account that the access token is scoped for. The requested credentials will have permission to list and create buckets in the account.

If min_duration_seconds is supplied, the requested temporary credentials must be valid for at least the specified duration. If it is not supplied or if the cached temporary credentials of the same requirement is valid for at least specified duration, the cached credentials will be returned.

Note: when a bucket is shared, the objects in the shared bucket must have the prefix of '{catalog_id}/', e.g. '553fa5a8-bea5-43fa-9f04-b2f5ed39e6d3/myreport.csv'. All the permissions in shared buckets are granted to only allow accesing resources with the prefix of a specific catalog id.

POST /v2/catalogs/temporary_credentials


Request body


Status Code

  • OK

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Internal Server Error

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

List all members of the catalog

Get members for the catalog.

GET /v2/catalogs/{catalog_id}/members


Path Parameters

  • catalog GUID

Query Parameters

  • limit

    Default: 25

  • bookmark

  • member_type

    Allowable values: [user,group,profile,all]

    Default: user


Status Code

  • OK

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Not Found

  • Internal Server Error

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Add members to a catalog

Adds members to a catalog. A catalog member can be a user (specified as a user name or user ID), a service ID, or an access group.

POST /v2/catalogs/{catalog_id}/members


Path Parameters

  • catalog GUID

Members with roles


MemberSet with partial success result

Status Code

  • OK

  • Created

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Internal Server Error

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Delete members from a catalog

Delete members from a catalog.You can delete a member or more if you are the owner of the catalog or a member of the catalog with Admin or Editor permissions on the catalog.

DELETE /v2/catalogs/{catalog_id}/members/bulk


Path Parameters

  • catalog GUID

Query Parameters

  • Comma-separated list of Member GUIDs, with a maximum of 20.

  • Type of the members specified in the member_ids parameter. Specify user or group or 'profile' if all members are user or access group IDs. If member_ids contains a mixture of user or group IDs, then specify all for member_type or alternatively do not specify any value. If member_type is all or not specified, use member_types to indicate the type of each member in member_ids

    Allowable values: [user,group,profile,all]

  • Comma-separated list of types for each member specified in member_ids. The supported types are user and group and 'profile'. If both member_types and member_type parameters are specified, member_types takes precedence over member_type. If member_types is not specified, and member_type is not specified or is all, the API will attempt to determine the member type based on the member ID. In a CPD environment, user and access group IDs are numeric and have no prefix indicating whether the ID represents a user or group ID, so member_types should be specified if member_ids contains a mixture of user and access group IDs


Status Code

  • Check response body for status of each member being deleted

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Not Found

  • Internal Server Error

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Create a data asset

You can use this API to add data assets to a catalog. Data assets could be data from a connection to a data source (ex. tables) or files from your local system uploaded into cloud object storage associated with Projects or Catalog.All asset types have a common set of properties, such as name, description, asset type, visibility, tags, classifications. Data Asset have additional attributes such as mime type, columns with types, and properties. Use v2/attachments API to indicate location of data (ex. table path) from a connection to a data source.

POST /v2/data_assets


Query Parameters

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • Action to take if the call would result in a duplicate asset. IGNORE means the call will ignore the duplicate and create a new asset. REJECT means the call will fail and no asset will be created. UPDATE means the best matched duplicate will be updated with the incoming changes according to the predefined rules. REPLACE means the best matched duplicate will be overwritten with the input values according to the predefined rules. No value means the duplicate_action specified in catalogs/projects/spaces will be used.

    Allowable values: [IGNORE,REJECT,UPDATE,REPLACE]

  • Defaults to false. If true, deprecated fields are not included in the response. This parameter is provided as a way to check compatibility with future releases and remove duplicated information from responses. It has not been implemented for all deprecated fields. The primary fields that are omitted are collaborator_ids in the asset metadata rov and the owner_id field in the asset metadata.

    Default: false

Data Asset Metadata


Status Code

  • Created

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Internal Server Error

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Get a data asset

Use this API to retrieve metadata about a data asset. The response document will contain three top-level fields:

  • 'metadata': contains metadata common to all types of assets
  • 'entity': contains metadata specific to the asset_type - in this case 'data_asset'
  • 'attachments': an array containing one item of metadata per attached resource

    The data described by the above metadata is stored in attached resources. Examples of attached resources are database tables, csv files, word documents, extended metadata documents, etc. Because an item in the 'attachments' array only contains metadata about an attached resource, accessing the actual attached resource requires additional server calls. Exactly which additional server calls are needed depends on the kind of attached resource. Follow the steps below to access an attached resource.

    Step 1: find the index i of the item in the above 'attachments' array whose 'asset_type' value matches the type of the attached resource you want to access. For a 'data_asset' attached resource look for the item i where 'attachments[i].asset_type' is 'data_asset'.

    There are two important pairs of fields (among many others) which may appear in 'attachments[i]'. Only one of those pairs will actually appear. Which pair appears influences which steps to perform next.
  • Pair 1: 'connection_id' and 'connection_path':
    • The above two fields will appear in 'attachments[i]' if the value of 'attachments[i].is_remote' is true.
    • 'attachments[i].is_remote' WILL be true if the attached resource is a database table. In this case, 'attachments[i].connection_path' will contain a schema name and table name.
    • 'attachments[i].is_remote' MAY be true if the attached resource is, for example, a csv file. In this case, 'attachments[i].connection_path' will contain a folder path and file name.

      If the above pair of fields are present in 'attachments[i]' then:
      Step 2: use the value of the 'attachments[i].connection_id' field to make a call to the GET /v2/connections/{connection_id} API. You'll need appropriate credentials.
      Step 3: use the values in the '' field of the result from Step 2 to either create a connection to the database containing the table or to retrieve the file.

      Note: even if 'attachments[i].is_remote' is true and the above pair of fields are present in 'attachments[i]', if the attached resource is located in the catalog/project bucket then you may optionally perform the two steps discussed for Pair 2 ('object_key' and 'handle') below.
  • Pair 2: 'object_key' and 'handle':
    • The above two fields will appear in 'attachments[i]' if the value of 'attachments[i].is_remote' is false. In this case, 'attachments[i].handle' will contain information about the attached resource.
      Step 2: use the value of the 'attachments[i].id' field as the value for 'attachment_id' in a call to the GET /v2/assets/{asset_id}/attachments/{attachment_id} API. The value to use for 'asset_id' in the call to the attachments API is the same as the value that was used for 'data_asset_id' in the original call to the GET /v2/data_assets/{data_asset_id} API.
      Step 3: use the value in the 'url' field of the result from Step 2 to download (for example, with a browser) a copy of the file.
GET /v2/data_assets/{data_asset_id}


Path Parameters

  • data_asset_id

Query Parameters

  • catalog_id

  • project_id (only catalog_id is supported at this time)

  • space_id (only catalog_id is supported at this time)

  • Revision id (1, 2, 3, ...), or leave empty for the current asset version. Use 'latest' for the most recent revision.

  • Whether to allow access to metadata when the evaluation outcome of data protection rules is Deny.

  • Exclude columns from the asset result. Available value: columns. Default value is empty, which will return the complete asset, including the columns.

  • Defaults to false. If true, deprecated fields are not included in the response. This parameter is provided as a way to check compatibility with future releases and remove duplicated information from responses. It has not been implemented for all deprecated fields. The primary fields that are omitted are collaborator_ids in the asset metadata rov and the owner_id field in the asset metadata.

    Default: false


Status Code

  • OK

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Internal Server Error

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Get columns of a data asset

Use this API to retrieve columns of a data asset located in catalog or project. Access to an asset is controlled by a combination of the privacy level and the members of the asset. For a governed catalog, data assets are protected from unauthorized access by the governance policies that are defined in Data Catalog. Data assets in ungoverned catalogs are not subject to governance policies.

GET /v2/data_assets/{data_asset_id}/columns


Path Parameters

  • data_asset_id

Query Parameters

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • Revision id (1, 2, 3, ...), or leave empty for the current asset version. Use 'latest' for the most recent revision.

  • Whether to allow access to metadata when the evaluation outcome of data protection rules is Deny.

  • The maximum number of items to return

    Default: 100

  • The bookmark for the next page of results, received from a previous call.

  • Sorting the columns, e.g., 'data_asset.columns', '-column_info.column_info_quality_score', 'data_asset.columns,column_info.column_info_quality_score

  • Filter columns by name, e.g., 'A*'


Status Code

  • OK

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Not Found

  • Internal Server Error

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Create a folder asset

You can use this API to add folder assets to a catalog. Folder assets are similar to folders or directories in a file system. In the same way that a directory in a file system can contain many files, a folder asset can represent groups of files or objects all sharing a common path. An example of a path may be '/sales_data/by_month/february'. There may be many different files with that common path, but we only need to register just the common path when we create a folder asset.

Along with other types of assets, such as data assets, folder assets share a common set of properties such as name, description, asset type, visibility, tags, classifications, etc. In addition to other types of assets, folder assets are denoted by a folder_asset json object within the common entity object. The folder_asset json object contains a connection_id, and a connection_path. E.g.,


A folder asset can be mediated by a connection. In other words, you can access the contents of the folder asset only through a connection in the connection service. The connection can be to any external data store such as DashDB,,IBM's Cloud Object Storage, etc. You must specify the connection_id and the connection_path within the folder_asset json object.

Folder assets can also be local to the catalog or project, similar to local or referenced data attachments. For such a folder asset you don't need the connection_id in the folder_asset json. You only need to provide the connection_path. The API can use it's internal connection to asset storage associated with the catalog/project/space (Cloud Object Storage in IBM Cloud, or Asset Files storage in CPD) for accessing that folder.

A connection path is like the path of a folder or a directory in a file system. Using IBM Cloud Object Storage as an example, a connection_path for a folder object might be /Bucket1/monthly_data_collection/March. Any objects falling under that path are part of the folder asset. This API cannot show you those files directly. Instead, you can use your IBM Cloud Object Storage connection to traverse to that folder location and retrieve the files.

POST /v2/folder_assets


Query Parameters

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • Defaults to false. If true, deprecated fields are not included in the response. This parameter is provided as a way to check compatibility with future releases and remove duplicated information from responses. It has not been implemented for all deprecated fields. The primary fields that are omitted are collaborator_ids in the asset metadata rov and the owner_id field in the asset metadata.

    Default: false

Folder Asset Metadata


Status Code

  • Created

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Internal Server Error

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Get a folder asset

Use this API to retrieve metadata about a folder asset.

GET /v2/folder_assets/{asset_id}


Path Parameters

  • Enter the id of the folder asset whose metadata you want to retrieve.

Query Parameters

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • Whether to allow access to metadata when the evaluation outcome of data protection rules is Deny.

  • The parameter include is deprecated.

  • Defaults to false. If true, deprecated fields are not included in the response. This parameter is provided as a way to check compatibility with future releases and remove duplicated information from responses. It has not been implemented for all deprecated fields. The primary fields that are omitted are collaborator_ids in the asset metadata rov and the owner_id field in the asset metadata.

    Default: false


Status Code

  • OK

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Internal Server Error

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Get a signed URL of an item to be downloaded

If you have created folder assets for things that you store in IBM Cloud Object Storage, you can download individual contents of that folder. Every item within a folder has a path within that folder. For example there may be a folder asset in IBM Cloud Object Storage whose path is /bucket1/retail_sales/cosmetics. Within that folder, there may be several individual files. You can download these files with this API. When you call the API, you will receive a URL that, when you invoke it with a GET HTTP command, you can download a file that is within that folder.

GET /v2/folder_assets/{asset_id}/contents


Path Parameters

  • Enter the id of the folder asset whose content you want to download.

Query Parameters

  • The path to the object from where the folder leaves off. For example if your folder path is /Bucket1/homedecore and your object path is /bathrooms/sinkaccessories/soapdish1000.jpg then the API will return a signed URL that includes the full object key /Bucket1/homedecore/bathrooms/sinkaccessories/soapdish1000.jpg.

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • The type of content you will download. Default is application/octet-stream

    Default: application/octet-stream

  • content_disposition specifies how you want the content downloaded. The default is as an attachment (i.e. a separate file).

    Default: attachment


Status Code

  • OK

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Internal Server Error

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

List all assets in the trash (Marked for delete)

Retrieve all assets in the trash (Marked for delete.

GET /v2/trashed_assets


Query Parameters

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • older than the given timestamp. Format: "yyyy-MM-dd'T'hh:mm:ss[.sss]X" Example '2017-11-23T00:00:00-12', '2017-11-23T23:59:59.999Z', etc.

  • newer than the given timestamp. Format: "yyyy-MM-dd'T'hh:mm:ss[.sss]X" Example '2017-11-23T00:00:00-12', '2017-11-23T23:59:59.999Z', etc.

  • Whether to allow access to metadata when the evaluation outcome of data protection rules is Deny.

  • Defaults to false. If true, deprecated fields are not included in the response. This parameter is provided as a way to check compatibility with future releases and remove duplicated information from responses. It has not been implemented for all deprecated fields. The primary fields that are omitted are collaborator_ids in the asset metadata rov and the owner_id field in the asset metadata.

    Default: false

  • limit

    Default: 25

  • bookmark


Status Code

  • Created

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Internal Server Error

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Get count of all assets in the trash (Marked for delete)

Get count of all assets in the trash (Marked for delete.

GET /v2/trashed_assets/count


Query Parameters

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one


Trashed Assets Count Response Model

Status Code

  • OK

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Internal Server Error

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Delete all assets from trash

Delete all assets from trash.

If number of assets in trash is less than or equal to 20 , the assets will be deleted synchrnonously and response will be 204 - No Content.

If number of assets in trash is more than 20, the assets will be deleted asynchrnonously, response will be 202 - Accepted and the status can be tracked using /v2/trashed_assets/count.

DELETE /v2/trashed_assets/purge_all


Query Parameters

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one


Status Code

  • Accepted

  • No Content

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Internal Server Error

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Get a soft-deleted object from trash

Get a soft-deleted object from trash.

GET /v2/trashed_assets/{asset_id}


Path Parameters

  • asset_id

Query Parameters

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • Whether to allow access to metadata when the evaluation outcome of data protection rules is Deny.

  • Exclude columns from the asset result. Available value: columns. Default value is empty, which will return the complete asset, including the columns.

  • Defaults to false. If true, deprecated fields are not included in the response. This parameter is provided as a way to check compatibility with future releases and remove duplicated information from responses. It has not been implemented for all deprecated fields. The primary fields that are omitted are collaborator_ids in the asset metadata rov and the owner_id field in the asset metadata.

    Default: false


Status Code

  • OK

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Internal Server Error

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Delete an asset from the trash

Purge an asset from the trash.

DELETE /v2/trashed_assets/{asset_id}


Path Parameters

  • asset_id

Query Parameters

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one


Status Code

  • No Content

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Internal Server Error

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Restore an asset from the trash

Restore an asset from the trash.

POST /v2/trashed_assets/{asset_id}/restore


Path Parameters

  • asset_id

Query Parameters

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • You must provide either a catalog id, a project id, or a space id, but not more than one

  • Exclude columns from the asset result. Available value: columns. Default value is empty, which will return the complete asset, including the columns.

  • Defaults to false. If true, deprecated fields are not included in the response. This parameter is provided as a way to check compatibility with future releases and remove duplicated information from responses. It has not been implemented for all deprecated fields. The primary fields that are omitted are collaborator_ids in the asset metadata rov and the owner_id field in the asset metadata.

    Default: false

  • Action to take if the changes to an asset would make it a duplicate to other assets. IGNORE means the call will continue and update the asset anyway; as a result, the asset will become a duplicate to other assets. REJECT means the call will fail and the asset will not be changed. No value means the duplicate_action specified in catalogs/projects/spaces will be used.

    Allowable values: [IGNORE,REJECT]


Status Code

  • OK

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Internal Server Error

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Get a list of file paths.

Returns a list of file paths (similar to S3 listObjects) for the provided project, catalog, space or account. Requires viewer or higher permission. Assets for a catalog are not retrievable by external users.

GET /v2/asset_files


Query Parameters

  • Make request relative to the specified project.

    Example: 7cda791d-fcbc-405a-93f4-4be95d09e4ff

  • Make request relative to the specified catalog.

    Example: 3edb984f-df1e-4017-ae30-c1ca42fac19c

  • Make request relative to the specified account.

    Example: 999

  • Make request relative to the specified space.

    Example: 00ad857d-44e5-4224-b02f-d6d67bbb97c0

  • The flag for git-based projects.

  • (Internal use only) Make request relative to the specific iam id. Respected only when 'userfs' is also supplied.

    Example: 0000000000

  • If true folder structures are recursively flattened and the response is a list of files of all files in parent and child directories. The 'path' will show the resource full path from starting directory.

  • Whether or not to return hidden files. If false, hidden files will be left out of the response object. Only works when the path being retrieved is a directory. Default is true.

  • Whether or not to return hidden directories. If false, hidden directories will be left out of the response object. Only works when the path being retrieved is a directory. Default is true.

  • If true, the response will contain less info. (ex// no etag) Only works with flat param set to true.

  • (Internal use only) If '&root=true' is supplied in request URL the api will return relative to target container's root directory instead of standard assets directory. Note, there is one exception. If '&root=true' is supplied along with 'userfs' param targetting a project where the user has correct permissions standard auth will work.'

  • The content will be streamed out instead of being fully contructed and sent out all at once. Used mainly when there are a large number of files are expected.

  • The response will be truncated at the specified limit if the total number of entries is larger. Can be used for requests where the expected number of files is especially large.


Status Code

  • OK

  • Bad Request. Returned if missing / invalid params are supplied.

  • Unauthorized. Returned when a user makes a request without proper Authorization header.

  • Forbidden. Returned when a user makes a request to something they do not have access to.

  • Not Found. Specified catalog, project, space or account does not exist.

  • Internal server error.

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Create project, catalog, space or account root folder.

Before files can be uploaded, project/catalog/account/space root folder needs to be created. If the folder already exists the call will fail. Project folder can be created with additional content required for internal Git. Requires Bearer auth with admin permission for project or space. Creating folder for a catalog is not available to external users.

PUT /v2/asset_files


Query Parameters

  • Make request relative to the specified project.

    Example: 7cda791d-fcbc-405a-93f4-4be95d09e4ff

  • Make request relative to the specified catalog.

    Example: 3edb984f-df1e-4017-ae30-c1ca42fac19c

  • Make request relative to the specified account.

    Example: 999

  • Make request relative to the specified space.

    Example: 00ad857d-44e5-4224-b02f-d6d67bbb97c0

  • The flag for git-based projects.

  • (Internal use only) Make request relative to the specific iam id. Respected only when 'userfs' is also supplied.

    Example: 0000000000

  • Optional param for project containers.


Status Code

  • The folder was created.

  • Bad Request. Returned if missing / invalid params are supplied.

  • Unauthorized. Returned when a user makes a request without proper Authorization header.

  • Forbidden. Returned when a user makes a request to something they do not have access to.

  • Not Found. Specified catalog, project, space or account does not exist.

  • Conflict. The directory already exists.

  • Internal server error.

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Batch delete or delete project/catalog/account/space folder.

Delete either files in batch or a project/catalog/account/space folder. If request body is present it should be a list of filenames/filepaths to be deleted in the provided project, catalog, space or account. Files are deleted asyncronously so some files may be deleted and others skipped. If there is no request body the project/catalog/account/space folder will be deleted but will fail if the project/catalog/account/space folder is not empty. For projects and spaces a batch delete requires editor permission. For accounts, batch delete requires the user to be the account admin. Deletion of the project/catalog/account/space folder requires admin permission. Catalog assets are cannot be deleted by external users (internal only). Please note the 'assets' dir and its subdir 'data_asset' cannot be deleted.

DELETE /v2/asset_files


Query Parameters

  • Make request relative to the specified project.

    Example: 7cda791d-fcbc-405a-93f4-4be95d09e4ff

  • Make request relative to the specified catalog.

    Example: 3edb984f-df1e-4017-ae30-c1ca42fac19c

  • Make request relative to the specified account.

    Example: 999

  • Make request relative to the specified space.

    Example: 00ad857d-44e5-4224-b02f-d6d67bbb97c0

  • The flag for git-based projects.

  • (Internal use only) Make request relative to the specific iam id. Respected only when 'userfs' is also supplied.

    Example: 0000000000

  • (Internal use only) If '&root=true' is supplied in request URL the api will return relative to target container's root directory instead of standard assets directory. Note, there is one exception. If '&root=true' is supplied along with 'userfs' param targetting a project where the user has correct permissions standard auth will work.'

  • If '&force_delete=true' all safeguards regarding non-empty directory will be bypassed. Only works for projects, catalogs and spaces.

Asset files to delete


Status Code

  • The delete partially successful. Response body will be a list of files.

  • The delete operation was completely successful.

  • Bad Request. Returned if missing / invalid params are supplied.

  • Unauthorized. Returned when a user makes a request without proper Authorization header.

  • Forbidden. Returned when a user makes a request to something they do not have access to.

  • Not Found. Specified catalog, project, space or account does not exist.

  • Internal server error.

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Get Asset File

Streams the content of the specified file, with the appropriate HTTP headers for etag, file size, mime type etc. If the asset file is a directory, response will be JSON listing the content of the directory. If the asset is a file, response will be contents of the file. Requires viewer permission or higher. Assets for a catalog are not available to external users. This endpoint supports authentication via signature paramater. See 'Get auth signature' call for more info.

GET /v2/asset_files/{path}


Custom Headers

  • Similar to byte_range query param. Currently only supports bytes. See for more info. Can be used to limit the bytes of a file being returned. Ranges are inclusive. If set will take precedence over anything in byte_limit or byte_range.

    Default: Range 0-100

Path Parameters

  • Asset file path

Query Parameters

  • Make request relative to the specified project.

    Example: 7cda791d-fcbc-405a-93f4-4be95d09e4ff

  • Make request relative to the specified catalog.

    Example: 3edb984f-df1e-4017-ae30-c1ca42fac19c

  • Make request relative to the specified account.

    Example: 999

  • Make request relative to the specified space.

    Example: 00ad857d-44e5-4224-b02f-d6d67bbb97c0

  • The flag for git-based projects.

  • (Internal use only) Make request relative to the specific iam id. Respected only when 'userfs' is also supplied.

    Example: 0000000000

  • If passed, indicates how many bytes of data is to be returned.

  • If passed, indicates the bytes that should be returned. Must be in format ('x-y': bytes x to y inclusive, '-y': the last y bytes, 'x-': everything from and including the xth byte). Does not support mulitiple ranges.

  • Returns 400 bad request if asset is larger than the value provided here. In MB.

  • Additional auth method. Signed string obtained by making presigned API request.

  • If true, folder structures are recursively flattened and the response is a list of files of all files in parent and child directories. The 'path' will show the resource full path from starting directory. Only works for directories.

  • Whether or not to return hidden files. If false, hidden files will be left out of the response object. Only works when the path being retrieved is a directory. Default is true.

  • Whether or not to return hidden directories. If false, hidden directories will be left out of the response object. Only works when the path being retrieved is a directory. Default is true.

  • (Internal use only) If '&root=true' is supplied in request URL the api will return relative to target container's root directory instead of standard assets directory. Note, there is one exception. If '&root=true' is supplied along with 'userfs' param targetting a project where the user has correct permissions standard auth will work.'

  • If '&inflate=true' ALL other query params except the target are ignored. The file being retrieved must be an archive. If all checks pass the archive will be expanded to a temp location and the results will be returned as if flat=true was supplied. If the target archive has perviously be inflated any existing inflate preview will be overwritten if the zip is newer. Otherwise the previous preview will be returned.

  • Only used when &inflate=true. Tells asset files to skip validation on whether the target is a zip. Inflate will be run regardless.

  • Only works for directories. The content will be streamed out instead of being fully contructed and sent out all at once. Used mainly for when there are a large number of files are expected.

  • Allow retries to account for disk syncronization across replicas.

    Default: true


Status Code

  • If the requested asset is a file, the file is returned. If it is a directory, a JSON object will be returned. The JSON format for a folder will match that of GET /v2/asset_files/path

  • Bad Request. Returned if missing / invalid params are supplied.

  • Unauthorized. Returned when a user makes a request without proper Authorization header.

  • Forbidden. Returned when a user makes a request to something they do not have access to.

  • Not Found. Specified catalog, project, space, account or asset does not exist.

  • Internal server error.

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Get Asset File Headers

Returns ONLY the HTTP headers for etag, file size, mime type etc. without streaming the file content. Requires viewer permission. Assets for a catalog are not available to external users. This endpoint supports authentication via signature paramater. See 'Get auth signature' call for more info.

HEAD /v2/asset_files/{path}


Path Parameters

  • Asset file path

Query Parameters

  • Make request relative to the specified project.

    Example: 7cda791d-fcbc-405a-93f4-4be95d09e4ff

  • Make request relative to the specified catalog.

    Example: 3edb984f-df1e-4017-ae30-c1ca42fac19c

  • Make request relative to the specified account.

    Example: 999

  • Make request relative to the specified space.

    Example: 00ad857d-44e5-4224-b02f-d6d67bbb97c0

  • The flag for git-based projects.

  • (Internal use only) Make request relative to the specific iam id. Respected only when 'userfs' is also supplied.

    Example: 0000000000

  • Allow retries to account for disk syncronization across replicas.

    Default: true

  • Additional auth method. Signed URL obtained by making presigned API request.


Status Code

  • Headers for the requested file are returned in response.

  • Bad Request. Returned if missing / invalid params are supplied.

  • Unauthorized. Returned when a user makes a request without proper Authorization header.

  • Forbidden. Returned when a user makes a request to something they do not have access to.

  • Not Found. Specified catalog, project, space, account or asset does not exist.

  • Internal server error.

Put New Asset File

Uploads the bytes into the file with the provided file name using HTTP multi-part format, creating a new file if missing, overriding if existing (unless override=false). Assets cannot be uploaded to a catalog by external users. Adding project or space assets accepts all formats that grant editor access or higher. Adding to accounts requires a user with account admin access. This endpoint supports authentication via signature paramater. See 'Get auth signature' call for more info on signed urls.

PUT /v2/asset_files/{path}


Path Parameters

  • Asset file path

Query Parameters

  • Make request relative to the specified project.

    Example: 7cda791d-fcbc-405a-93f4-4be95d09e4ff

  • Make request relative to the specified catalog.

    Example: 3edb984f-df1e-4017-ae30-c1ca42fac19c

  • Make request relative to the specified account.

    Example: 999

  • Make request relative to the specified space.

    Example: 00ad857d-44e5-4224-b02f-d6d67bbb97c0

  • The flag for git-based projects.

  • (Internal use only) Make request relative to the specific iam id. Respected only when 'userfs' is also supplied.

    Example: 0000000000

  • Default true. If set to false will not overwrite file.

  • Additional auth method. Signed string obtained by making API request to signing endpoint.

  • Root dir must be created. Will take supplied file and decompress into target directory tree. Inflate is only acceptable for project, space and catalog targets. If inflate is selected it will take precedence over any and all other params.

  • Type of inflate to perform:

    • default - Default mode, the target extract location must be empty. Same as if no inflate_mode were provided.
    • inline - Extract into non-empty location. Files will be added inline. If a file in the archive already exists at the extract location the zip will stop being extracted and an error retruned.
    • overwrite - Extract into non-empty location. Similar to inline but if a file exists it will be deleted and the archived version will replace it. For a FULL overwrite delete the extract location manually.
    • skip - Extract into non-empty location. Similar to inline but if a file exists it will be skipped and left unextracted.
    • rename - Extract into non-empty location. Similar to inline but if a file exists the conflicting file will still be extracted but under a different name.

    Allowable values: [default,inline,overwrite,skip,rename]

  • Override functionality. If true will ensure the directory specified by 'path' exists (instead of uploading any file provided). 201 will be returned ig created, 200 if already exists and 409 if it is present and not a directory. Will take precedence over other query params except 'inflate'

  • Ensures that the file was uploaded successfully by validating that the size on disk matches the size expected in the request. Default is false.

  • (Internal use only) If '&root=true' is supplied in request URL the api will return relative to target container's root directory instead of standard assets directory. Note, there is one exception. If '&root=true' is supplied along with 'userfs' param targetting a project where the user has correct permissions standard auth will work.'

Form Parameters


Status Code

  • Asset file/folder created. The asset was successfully uploaded.

  • Bad Request. Returned if missing / invalid params are supplied.

  • Unauthorized. Returned when a user makes a request without proper Authorization header.

  • Forbidden. Returned when a user makes a request to something they do not have access to.

  • Not Found. Specified catalog, project, space or account does not exist.

  • Internal server error.

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Delete Single Asset File/Folder

Deletes a file in a project, space or a catalog. Requires minimum editor permission for projects and spaces. Assets in a catalog cannot be deleted by external users. Account requires users to have account admin privelege or internal auth. Please note the 'assets' dir and its subdir 'data_asset' cannot be deleted.

DELETE /v2/asset_files/{path}


Path Parameters

  • Asset file path

Query Parameters

  • Make request relative to the specified project.

    Example: 7cda791d-fcbc-405a-93f4-4be95d09e4ff

  • Make request relative to the specified catalog.

    Example: 3edb984f-df1e-4017-ae30-c1ca42fac19c

  • Make request relative to the specified account.

    Example: 999

  • Make request relative to the specified space.

    Example: 00ad857d-44e5-4224-b02f-d6d67bbb97c0

  • The flag for git-based projects.

  • (Internal use only) Make request relative to the specific iam id. Respected only when 'userfs' is also supplied.

    Example: 0000000000

  • (Internal use only) If '&root=true' is supplied in request URL the api will return relative to target container's root directory instead of standard assets directory. Note, there is one exception. If '&root=true' is supplied along with 'userfs' param targetting a project where the user has correct permissions standard auth will work.'

  • If '&force_delete=true' is supplied, non-empty directories will be deleted.


Status Code

  • Asset file/folder was deleted.

  • Bad Request. Returned if missing / invalid params are supplied.

  • Unauthorized. Returned when a user makes a request without proper Authorization header.

  • Forbidden. Returned when a user makes a request to something they do not have access to.

  • Not Found. Specified catalog, project, space or account does not exist.

  • Internal server error.

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Get auth signature

(Internal use only) Generate a signed URL that can be used to access specific API calls. A signed URL will be returned in the response body as plain text. A fully encoded version of the same url will be sent in the 'Location' header.

POST /v2/asset_files/{path}/signed


Path Parameters

  • The path to asset you wish to make signed url for. Must be encoded

Query Parameters

  • TTL in seconds.

  • Make request relative to the specified project.

    Example: 7cda791d-fcbc-405a-93f4-4be95d09e4ff

  • Make request relative to the specified catalog.

    Example: 3edb984f-df1e-4017-ae30-c1ca42fac19c

  • Make request relative to the specified account.

    Example: 999

  • Make request relative to the specified space.

    Example: 00ad857d-44e5-4224-b02f-d6d67bbb97c0

  • The flag for git-based projects.

  • (Internal use only) Make request relative to the specific iam id. Respected only when 'userfs' is also supplied.

    Example: 0000000000

  • Optional content type (to override the defaults of asset being requested)

  • Optional (to override the defaults) - must be URIEncoded as it can contain spaces if filename is used.

  • Whether to access the path from root.

  • Only useful for put. Will allow signed url to act as inflat request.

  • Accepts 'get' or 'put'. (Defaults to 'get' if not supplied)

  • If true, ensures the file exists before generating signed URL.


Status Code

  • A signed URL that can be used to access other endpoints. The same value will be returned in 'Location' header. The value return in the body can be used as is. The value returned in the location header is url encoded and should be decoded before use.

  • Bad Request. Returned if missing / invalid params are supplied.

  • Unauthorized. Returned when a user makes a request without proper Authorization header.

  • Forbidden. Returned when a user makes a request to something they do not have access to.

  • Not Found. Specified catalog, project, space or asset does not exist.

  • Internal server error.

Example responses
  • /v2/asset_files/data_asset%2Fmyfile.csv?project_id=f0bf39f4-8eb9-4a64-9408-4132f850eeac&signature=2YQspmvQndoU%2FvjbzLACUA%3D%3D%3Al%2Bxzj4Z0zeI%2FdjjuxU16IBR03EvA%2FIhAqfKGCMJkcl1fPxMt22GObAW6X%2F8FcbL7s3KxoiI%2BCNICH%2B67m6xGaOUQnI0ZRuJ8NiH8c%2BbUiHTO9Fo6lA59O3XsL7pUNah5HM6ByYXUA6OzCud6hgCVGqFZBfqnpZeU%2BDR3gun2DnZFzWWOnYBHb58ahTyPNn%2BmI%2F2yNZ1Wekhbqae%2BRhWYZ0P%2FQBVxGddejXML5nWtxADoo3mQO9avGQg%3D

Create archive for target

(Internal use only) Generate an archive and saves it to the path provided.

POST /v2/asset_files/{path}/deflate


Path Parameters

  • The filename where the project archive will be saved.

Query Parameters

  • Make request relative to the specified project.

    Example: 7cda791d-fcbc-405a-93f4-4be95d09e4ff

  • Make request relative to the specified space.

    Example: 00ad857d-44e5-4224-b02f-d6d67bbb97c0

  • The flag for git-based projects.

  • (Internal use only) Make request relative to the specific iam id. Respected only when 'userfs' is also supplied.

    Example: 0000000000

  • If true only one element can be supplied in body and it must be directory. The entire directory content will be zipped into the archive. Default is false.

  • On completion of the archinving a rabbit MQ task will be sent out. Default is true.

  • The event type to specify in the rabbitMQ message once archiving completes. Default is "export_deflate".

  • If true, the deflate log will be a hidden file. Default is false.


Status Code

  • Returned if the deflate operation was started successfully.

  • Bad Request. Returned if missing / invalid params are supplied.

  • Unauthorized. Returned when a user makes a request without proper Authorization header.

  • Forbidden. Returned when a user makes a request to something they do not have access to.

  • Not Found. Specified target does not exist.

  • Internal server error.

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Inflate the source archive to the target location

(Internal use only) Inflate the source archive to the specified target location. Unless using non-default inflate mode the target location should not exist.

POST /v2/asset_files/inflate


Query Parameters

  • Make request relative to the specified project.

    Example: 7cda791d-fcbc-405a-93f4-4be95d09e4ff

  • Make request relative to the specified space.

    Example: 00ad857d-44e5-4224-b02f-d6d67bbb97c0

  • Type of inflate to perform:

    • default - Default mode, the target extract location must be empty. Same as if no inflate_mode were provided.
    • inline - Extract into non-empty location. Files will be added inline. If a file in the archive already exists at the extract location the zip will stop being extracted and an error retruned.
    • overwrite - Extract into non-empty location. Similar to inline but if a file exists it will be deleted and the archived version will replace it. For a FULL overwrite delete the extract location manually.
    • skip - Extract into non-empty location. Similar to inline but if a file exists it will be skipped and left unextracted.
    • rename - Extract into non-empty location. Similar to inline but if a file exists the conflicting file will still be extracted but under a different name.

    Allowable values: [default,inline,overwrite,skip,rename]

  • If unset or set to 'true' the specified archive file will be deleted following succesful inflation. If 'false' the zip file will be persisted.

    Default: true


Status Code

  • Returned if the inflate operation was completed successfully.

  • Bad Request. Returned if missing / invalid params are supplied.

  • Unauthorized. Returned when a user makes a request without proper Authorization header.

  • Forbidden. Returned when a user makes a request to something they do not have access to.

  • Not Found. Specified target does not exist.

  • Internal server error.

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Copy Asset File

Copies a file between source and target provided in the POST body. Any combination of spaces, projects and catalogs are allowed. Viewer permission is required for the source and editor permission is required for the target. Assets for a catalog are not available to external users. For larger files async_copy is recomended.

POST /v2/asset_files/copy


Query Parameters

  • Whether a file at the target location should be overwritten. Default is true.

  • (Internal use only) Required if using service authentication and referencing a git based project. This does not support copying between different users' clones.

    Example: 0000000000


Status Code

  • Will be returned when the asset is copied successfully.

  • Bad Request. Returned if missing / invalid params are supplied.

  • Unauthorized. Returned when a user makes a request without proper Authorization header.

  • Forbidden. Returned when a user makes a request to something they do not have access to.

  • Not Found. Specified catalog, project, space, account or asset does not exist.

  • Internal server error.

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Move Asset File

Moves a file from source to target provided in the POST body. Any combination of spaces, projects and catalogs are allowed. Viewer permission is required for the source and editor permission is required for the target. Assets for a catalog are not available to external users.

POST /v2/asset_files/move


Query Parameters

  • Whether a file at the target location should be overwritten. Default is false.

  • (Internal use only) Required if using service authentication and referencing a git based project. This does not support moving between different users' clones.

    Example: 0000000000


Status Code

  • Will be returned when the asset is moved successfully.

  • Bad Request. Returned if missing / invalid params are supplied.

  • Unauthorized. Returned when a user makes a request without proper Authorization header.

  • Forbidden. Returned when a user makes a request to something they do not have access to.

  • Not Found. Specified catalog, project, space, account or asset does not exist.

  • Internal server error.

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Copy Asset File (async)

Similar to copy asset however, the response will be returned upon the copy starting instead of on completion.

POST /v2/asset_files/async_copy



Status Code

  • Will be returned after initial validation is complete and the copy operation started.

  • Bad Request. Returned if missing / invalid params are supplied.

  • Unauthorized. Returned when a user makes a request without proper Authorization header.

  • Forbidden. Returned when a user makes a request to something they do not have access to.

  • Not Found. Specified catalog, project, space, account or asset does not exist.

  • Internal server error.

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Create batch delete job (async).

Delete files in batch. Request body should be a list of filenames/filepaths to be deleted in the provided project, catalog, space or account. Files are deleted asyncronously so some files may be deleted and others skipped. For projects and spaces a batch delete requires editor permission. For accounts, batch delete requires the user to be the account admin. Catalog assets are cannot be deleted by external users (internal only). Please note the 'assets' dir and its subdir 'data_asset' cannot be deleted.

POST /v2/asset_files/async_delete


Query Parameters

  • Make request relative to the specified project.

    Example: 7cda791d-fcbc-405a-93f4-4be95d09e4ff

  • Make request relative to the specified catalog.

    Example: 3edb984f-df1e-4017-ae30-c1ca42fac19c

  • Make request relative to the specified account.

    Example: 999

  • Make request relative to the specified space.

    Example: 00ad857d-44e5-4224-b02f-d6d67bbb97c0

  • The flag for git-based projects.

  • (Internal use only) Make request relative to the specific iam id. Respected only when 'userfs' is also supplied.

    Example: 0000000000

  • (Internal use only) If '&root=true' is supplied in request URL the api will return relative to target container's root directory instead of standard assets directory. Note, there is one exception. If '&root=true' is supplied along with 'userfs' param targetting a project where the user has correct permissions standard auth will work.'

  • If '&force_delete=true' all safeguards regarding non-empty directory will be bypassed. Only works for projects, catalogs and spaces.

  • If '&delete_empty=true' if the last file in a directory is deleted the directory is also deleted. Default true.

The path of a file to delete. If path points to a folder it must be empty or else delete will fail.


Status Code

  • Will be returned after initial validation is complete and the delete operation started.

  • Bad Request. Returned if missing / invalid params are supplied.

  • Unauthorized. Returned when a user makes a request without proper Authorization header.

  • Forbidden. Returned when a user makes a request to something they do not have access to.

  • Not Found. Specified catalog, project, space or account does not exist.

  • Internal server error.

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Inflate the source archive to the target location (async)

(Internal use only) Similar to inflate but response will be returned when inflate operation starts.

POST /v2/asset_files/async_inflate


Query Parameters

  • Make request relative to the specified project.

    Example: 7cda791d-fcbc-405a-93f4-4be95d09e4ff

  • Make request relative to the specified space.

    Example: 00ad857d-44e5-4224-b02f-d6d67bbb97c0

  • Type of inflate to perform:

    • default - Default mode, the target extract location must be empty. Same as if no inflate_mode were provided.
    • inline - Extract into non-empty location. Files will be added inline. If a file in the archive already exists at the extract location the zip will stop being extracted and an error retruned.
    • overwrite - Extract into non-empty location. Similar to inline but if a file exists it will be deleted and the archived version will replace it. For a FULL overwrite delete the extract location manually.
    • skip - Extract into non-empty location. Similar to inline but if a file exists it will be skipped and left unextracted.
    • rename - Extract into non-empty location. Similar to inline but if a file exists the conflicting file will still be extracted but under a different name.

    Allowable values: [default,inline,overwrite,skip,rename]

  • If unset or set to 'true' the specified archive file will be deleted following succesful inflation. If 'false' the zip file will be persisted.

    Default: true


Status Code

  • Will be returned after initial validation is complete and the inflate operation started.

  • Bad Request. Returned if missing / invalid params are supplied.

  • Unauthorized. Returned when a user makes a request without proper Authorization header.

  • Forbidden. Returned when a user makes a request to something they do not have access to.

  • Not Found. Specified target does not exist.

  • Internal server error.

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Git Export

Performs git add on the assets provided in the body, then commit and push to the remote

POST /v2/asset_files/git_transactions/export


Query Parameters

  • Make request relative to the specified project.

    Example: 7cda791d-fcbc-405a-93f4-4be95d09e4ff

  • Optional paramater, the supplied id will be used in resulting RabbitMQ event.

    Example: f9d362ef-9912-4e5b-8178-5d4d172cbf89


Status Code

  • Export transaction accepted

  • Unauthorized. Returned when a user makes a request without proper Authorization header.

  • Forbidden. Returned when a user makes a request to something they do not have access to.

  • Not Found. Specified project or asset does not exist.

  • Internal server error.

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Git Import

Performs a git clone on the remote repo

POST /v2/asset_files/git_transactions/import


Query Parameters

  • Make request relative to the specified project.

    Example: 7cda791d-fcbc-405a-93f4-4be95d09e4ff

  • Optional paramater, the supplied id will be used in resulting RabbitMQ event.

    Example: f9d362ef-9912-4e5b-8178-5d4d172cbf89


Status Code

  • Import transaction accepted

  • Unauthorized. Returned when a user makes a request without proper Authorization header.

  • Forbidden. Returned when a user makes a request to something they do not have access to.

  • Not Found. Specified project or asset does not exist.

  • Internal server error.

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Git Add Remote

Performs a git remote add on the given project

POST /v2/asset_files/git_transactions/remote


Query Parameters

  • Make request relative to the specified project.

    Example: 7cda791d-fcbc-405a-93f4-4be95d09e4ff


Status Code

  • Successfully added remote

  • Unauthorized. Returned when a user makes a request without proper Authorization header.

  • Forbidden. Returned when a user makes a request to something they do not have access to.

  • Not Found. Specified project or asset does not exist.

  • Internal server error.

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Git Remove Remote

Performs a git remote remove on the given project

POST /v2/asset_files/git_transactions/delete_remote


Query Parameters

  • Make request relative to the specified project.

    Example: 7cda791d-fcbc-405a-93f4-4be95d09e4ff


Status Code

  • Successfully removed remote

  • Unauthorized. Returned when a user makes a request without proper Authorization header.

  • Forbidden. Returned when a user makes a request to something they do not have access to.

  • Not Found. Specified project or asset does not exist.

  • Internal server error.

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Git Fetch

Performs a git fetch operation

POST /v2/asset_files/git_transactions/fetch


Query Parameters

  • Make request relative to the specified project.

    Example: 7cda791d-fcbc-405a-93f4-4be95d09e4ff


Status Code

  • Ok

  • Unauthorized. Returned when a user makes a request without proper Authorization header.

  • Forbidden. Returned when a user makes a request to something they do not have access to.

  • Not Found. Specified project or asset does not exist.

  • Internal server error.

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Git status

Performs a git status operation

POST /v2/asset_files/git_transactions/status


Query Parameters

  • Make request relative to the specified project.

    Example: 7cda791d-fcbc-405a-93f4-4be95d09e4ff


Status Code

  • Ok

  • Unauthorized. Returned when a user makes a request without proper Authorization header.

  • Forbidden. Returned when a user makes a request to something they do not have access to.

  • Not Found. Specified project or asset does not exist.

  • Internal server error.

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Git Pull

Performs a git pull operation

POST /v2/asset_files/git_transactions/pull


Query Parameters

  • Make request relative to the specified project.

    Example: 7cda791d-fcbc-405a-93f4-4be95d09e4ff

  • Optional paramater, the supplied id will be used in resulting RabbitMQ event.

    Example: f9d362ef-9912-4e5b-8178-5d4d172cbf89


Status Code

  • Pull transaction accepted

  • Unauthorized. Returned when a user makes a request without proper Authorization header.

  • Forbidden. Returned when a user makes a request to something they do not have access to.

  • Not Found. Specified project or asset does not exist.

  • Internal server error.

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Change Git Settings

Modifies an existing git repo's config

PUT /v2/asset_files/git_transactions/settings


Query Parameters

  • Make request relative to the specified project.

    Example: 7cda791d-fcbc-405a-93f4-4be95d09e4ff


Status Code

  • Change complete

  • Unauthorized. Returned when a user makes a request without proper Authorization header.

  • Forbidden. Returned when a user makes a request to something they do not have access to.

  • Not Found. Specified project or asset does not exist.

  • Internal server error.

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Get Git Settings

Retrieves an existing git repo's config

GET /v2/asset_files/git_transactions/settings


Query Parameters

  • Make request relative to the specified project.

    Example: 7cda791d-fcbc-405a-93f4-4be95d09e4ff


Status Code

  • Current settings

  • Unauthorized. Returned when a user makes a request without proper Authorization header.

  • Forbidden. Returned when a user makes a request to something they do not have access to.

  • Not Found. Specified project or asset does not exist.

  • Internal server error.

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

A update operation allowing you to update artifacts based on a simple query.

Execute an operation to update artifacts using a simple query for one or more specified microservices (provider_ids).

POST /v3/search/update_by_query


Custom Headers

  • The Tenant id (which is the BSS Account ID) within which this query is being run. Note you can also use the header name account_id for this purpose.


Status Code

  • OK

  • Accepted

  • No Content

  • Partial Content

  • Bad request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Internal error. Try again later.

  • Service Unavailable

  • Success response content

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Execute a query based on the Lucene Syntax

Execute a query and pass in a selection of words to search for or pass in a Lucene query. Your Lucene query can be as simple or as sophisticated as you like. Beware, however. If you plan on passing in a query directly from user input, make sure to set the 'isSimple' parameter to 'true' (the default is 'false'). Otherwise, Global Search will use the underlying query_string function that enforces a strict Lucene query syntax, and your query may return an exception if the user input includes reserved Lucene tokens or symbols that are used incorrectly. When the 'isSimple' parameter is set to true, Global Search will the ElasticSearch simple_query_string function that uses a modified Lucene syntax as follows:

 + = AND operation
 | = OR operation
 - = NOT
 " wraps a phrase
 * is a wildcard (you can't use it at the beginning of a word but you can use it alone to signify match all)
 ( and ) evaluates tokens inside brackets with higher precedence

To use one of these characters literally, escape it with a preceding backslash.

Global Search allows users to search for assets and artifacts on the platform. The number of documents for all search results is limited to 10000.

Please notice that the response shows all possible fields, which are not applicable for all types. For example "custom_attributes" are only applicable to assets currently, and even then only to certain custom attributes depending how they have been defined. Likewise, "categories" are only applicable to artifacts, etc.

GET /v3/search


Custom Headers

  • The Tenant id (which is the BSS Account ID) within which this query is being run. Note: you can also use the header name "account_id" for this purpose.

    Default: 999

Query Parameters

  • The Search Query. Add a list of words being sought or use a Lucene query. Your Lucene query can be as simple or as sophisticated as you like.

  • The maximum number of items to return

    Example: 100

  • Use simple query string syntax

    Default: false

  • For governance artifacts limited by zone, limit with this role access.

    Allowable values: [viewer,editor]

    Default: viewer

  • Use cached authorization info for building ACL filters.

    Default: false

  • The ACL filters applied to the query.

    Allowable values: [all,catalog,project,space,category,ibm_watsonx_governance_catalog,ibm_data_product_catalog]

    Default: all


Status Code

  • OK

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Internal error. Try again later.

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

Execute a query and pass in a structured query conforming to the Elasticsearch Domain Specific Language.

Execute a query and pass in a structured query based on the Elasticsearch Domain Specific Language
For example:
    "query": {
        "match_all": {}

You can also use this API to execute the Global Search user search function as follows:
    "query": {
        "gs_user_query": {
            "search_string": "the quick red fox jumped over the lazy brown dog",
            "search_fields": ["", "metadata.description"],
            "nlq_analyzer_enabled": true,
            "nested": false

Global Search allows users to search for assets and artifacts on the platform. The number of documents for all search results is limited to 10000.

When search fields are specified, the search will be restricted to the specified fields. If no search fields are specified, the search will run across all fields in the configuration.
When the natural language analyzer is enabled, words which are not relevant to the search will be ignored, and common phrases will be prioritized.

When semantic search is enabled, search strings containing a business term name or abbreviation will also include results for synonym, child and related business terms. ,Knowledge graph installation is required for semantic search.

Please notice that the response shows all possible fields, which are not applicable for all types. For example "custom_attributes" are only applicable to assets currently, and even then only to certain custom attributes depending how they have been defined. Likewise, "categories" are only applicable to artifacts, etc.

For more information regarding how to use this function, consult the Getting Started section of this guide.

POST /v3/search


Custom Headers

  • The Tenant id (which is the BSS Account ID) within which this query is being run.

    Default: 999

Query Parameters

  • For governance artifacts limited by zone, limit with this role access.

    Allowable values: [viewer,editor]

    Default: viewer

  • Use cached authorization info for building ACL filters.

    Default: false

  • The ACL filters applied to the query.

    Allowable values: [all,catalog,project,space,category,ibm_watsonx_governance_catalog,ibm_data_product_catalog]

    Default: all

A string representing a query. The query must conform to Elasticsearch Domain Specific Language. For more details, read the Search section in the getting started guide.


Status Code

  • OK

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Internal error. Try again later.

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.

This API will return all available pre search filters

This API will return all available pre search filters

GET /v3/search/search_facet


Custom Headers

  • The Tenant id (which is the BSS Account ID) within which this query is being run.

    Default: 999


Status Code

  • OK

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Internal error. Try again later.

No Sample Response

This method does not specify any sample responses.
