IBM Cloud API Docs


The carbon calculator provides a wide range of features to track carbon emissions for an account, which enables you to track and reduce your carbon footprint over time. You can view total emissions by service, resource group, location, and resource group.

The code examples on this tab use the client library that is provided for Java.





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Endpoint URLs

The carbon calculator API uses the following global endpoint URL. When you call the API, add the path for each method to form the complete API endpoint for your requests.


Example API request

curl -X {request_method} "{method_endpoint}"

Replace {request_method} and {method_endpoint} in this example with the values for your particular API call.


Authentication to the carbon calculator REST API is enforced by using an IAM access token. The token is used to determine the identity and access roles for management services. You need the IAM token that has account information. If you generate an IAM token through an API, don't forget to add the account information. For information about how to obtain an IAM token for an authenticated user or service ID, see the IAM Identity Service API documentation.

Use of the IAM Policy Management REST API is done by adding a valid IAM Token to the HTTP Authorization request header. Example: -H 'Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN'

Obtaining an IAM token for an authenticated user or service ID is described in the IAM Identity Services API documentation.

To use the API, add a valid IAM token to the HTTP Authorization request header, for example, -H 'Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>'.

To retrieve your access token:

curl -X POST   ""   --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded'   --header 'Accept: application/json'   --data-urlencode 'grant_type=$grantType'   --data-urlencode 'apikey=$apiKey'

Replace <API_KEY> with your IAM API key.


List of Activity Tracker Events:

Action Description
carbon-calculator.carbon-emissions.list Request to get the carbon emissions for a given account. Request a list of services where carbon emissions can be returned.
carbon-calculator.locations.list Request a list of services where carbon emissions can be returned.

Error handling

This API uses standard HTTP response codes to indicate whether a method completed successfully. A 200 response indicates success. A 400 type response indicates a failure, and a 500 type response indicates an internal system error.

Table 1. HTTP Status Codes
HTTP Error Code Description Recovery
200 Success The request was successful.
400 Bad Request The input parameters in the request body are either incomplete or in the wrong format. Be sure to include all required parameters in your request.
401 Unauthorized You are not authorized to make this request. Log in to IBM Cloud and try again. If this error persists, contact the account owner to check your permissions.
403 Forbidden The supplied authentication is not authorized to access.
404 Not Found The requested resource could not be found.
500 Internal Server Error Carbon calculator is currently unavailable. Your request could not be processed. Wait a few minutes and try again.
Table 2. Request Headers
Header Description
Authorization JWT bearer token generated using IAM PEP endpoint.
Accept application/json


List services

Get a list of services that offer data for the carbon calculator.

GET /v1/services


To call this method, you must be assigned one or more IAM access roles that include the following actions, depending on any listed conditions. You can check your access by going to Users > User > Access.


    Required when trying to fetch locations for standard cloud account.

  • enterprise.enterprise.retrieve

    Required when trying to fetch locations for enterprise cloud account.


Calling this method generates the following auditing event.



Query Parameters

  • Page limit to be set when fetching list of services.

    Possible values: 1 ≤ value ≤ 100

    Default: 10

    Example: 10

  • Page offset to be set when fetching list of services.

    Possible values: 0 ≤ value ≤ 2147483647

    Default: 0

    Example: 10

  • curl --location ''
    --header 'Accept: application/json'


Collection of Services returned in the List Services Endpoint.

Status Code

  • OK

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

Example responses
  • healthy response

      "services": [
          "id": "x2x261x8x5x84xxxx49x4891xx077xx9",
          "name": "Bare Metal Server for VPC"
          "id": "x2x261x8x5x84xxxx49x4891xx077xx9",
          "name": "Bare Metal Server for Classic"
      "offset": 10,
      "limit": 10,
      "total_count": 104,
      "first": {
        "href": ""
      "last": {
        "href": ""
      "previous": {
        "href": ""
      "next": {
        "href": ""
  • unauthenticated request

      "timestamp": "2023-04-26T11:50:03.700Z",
      "status": "401",
      "error": "Unauthorized",
      "message": "Token not specified.",
      "path": "/v1/services",
      "trace": ""
  • unauthorized request

      "timestamp": "2023-04-26T11:50:03.700Z",
      "status": "401",
      "error": "Unauthorized",
      "message": "Token not specified.",
      "path": "/v1/services",
      "trace": ""

List locations

Get list of locations that offer data for the carbon calculator.

GET /v1/locations


To call this method, you must be assigned one or more IAM access roles that include the following actions, depending on any listed conditions. You can check your access by going to Users > User > Access.


    Required when trying to fetch locations for standard cloud account.

  • enterprise.enterprise.retrieve

    Required when trying to fetch locations for enterprise cloud account.


Calling this method generates the following auditing event.

  • carbon-calculator.locations.list


Query Parameters

  • Page limit to be set when fetching list of locations.

    Possible values: 1 ≤ value ≤ 100

    Default: 10

    Example: 10

  • Page offset to be set when fetching list of locations.

    Possible values: 0 ≤ value ≤ 2147483647

    Default: 0

  • curl --location ''
    --header 'Accept: application/json'


Location list result container

Status Code

  • OK

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

Example responses
  • healthy response

      "locations": [
          "name": "Amsterdam"
          "name": "Dallas"
      "offset": 10,
      "limit": 10,
      "total_count": 104,
      "first": {
        "href": ""
      "last": {
        "href": ""
      "previous": {
        "href": ""
      "next": {
        "href": ""
  • unauthenticated request

      "timestamp": "2023-04-26T11:50:03.700Z",
      "status": "401",
      "error": "Unauthorized",
      "message": "Token not specified.",
      "path": "/v1/locations",
      "trace": ""
  • unauthorized request

      "timestamp": "2023-04-26T11:50:03.700Z",
      "status": "401",
      "error": "Unauthorized",
      "message": "Token not specified.",
      "path": "/v1/locations",
      "trace": ""

List carbon emissions for a given account

Lists aggregated carbon emissions.

  • For a standard account, it is the aggregated carbon emissions associated with the account.

  • For an enterprise account, it is the aggregated carbon emissions associated with the enterprise, an account group within the enterprise or one of the accounts associated with the enterprise.

  • Each row represents a unique combination of account/service/resource group/location/month.

GET /v1/carbon_emissions


To call this method, you must be assigned one or more IAM access roles that include the following actions, depending on any listed conditions. You can check your access by going to Users > User > Access.


    Required when trying to fetch emissions for standard cloud account.

  • enterprise.enterprise.retrieve-usage-report

    Required when trying to fetch emissions for an enterprise.

  • enterprise.account-group.retrieve-usage-report

    Required when trying to fetch emissions for enterprise account group.

  • enterprise.account.retrieve-usage-report

    Required when trying to fetch emissions for an enterprise account.


Calling this method generates the following auditing event.

  • carbon-calculator.carbon-emissions.list


Custom Headers

  • Allowable values: [application/json,text/csv]

Query Parameters

  • Filters the collection to carbon emissions with month property matching provided conditions. This field supports following conditional operations.

    • Greater than or equal, by prefixing a value with gte:. Default value would be first month of current year.
    • Less than or equal, by prefixing a value with lte:. Default value would be previous month of current year. When Accept=text/csv, request will fail if the month range provided is more than one month.

    Possible values: 0 ≤ number of items ≤ 2, length = 11, Value must match regular expression (gte|lte):(19|20[0-9]{2})-(0[123456789]|1[012])







  • Filters the collection to carbon emissions with location matching one of the locations.

    Possible values: 0 ≤ number of items ≤ 100, 3 ≤ length ≤ 255, Value must match regular expression [A-Za-z ]+




    locations=Dallas,Frankfurt,Washington DC or locations=Dallas&locations=Frankfurt&locations=Washington DC

      "Washington DC"
  • Filters the collection to carbon emissions with service matching one of the services

    Possible values: 0 ≤ number of items ≤ 100, 3 ≤ length ≤ 255, Value must match regular expression [A-Za-z ]+


    services=Cloud Object Storage

      "Cloud Object Storage"

    services=Cloud Object Storage,Kubernetes Service,Virtual Server for VPC or services=Cloud Object Storage&services=Kubernetes Service&services=Virtual Server for VPC

      "Cloud Object Storage",
      "Kubernetes Service",
      "Virtual Server for VPC"
  • Groups the carbon emission collection with the specified column/field while performing the sum aggregation operation.

    • month : Request carbon emission resource grouped by the emission month

    • service : Request carbon emission resource grouped by service.

    • location : Request carbon emission resource grouped by service.

    • resource_group : Request carbon emission resource grouped by resource_group_id.This works only with standard account. Throws error when used with enterprise_id or enterprise_group_id filters

    • enterprise_group : Request carbon emission resource grouped by enterprise_group_id.This works only with enteprise account. Throws error when used for standard account filters.

    • enterprise_account : Request carbon emission resource grouped by enterprise_account_id.This works only with enteprise account.Throws error when used for standard account filters.

    • none : No grouping of carbon emission collection.

    Allowable values: [month,resource_group,service,location,enterprise_group,enterprise_account,none]

    Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 128, Value must match regular expression [a-z_]+

    Default: month















  • Restricts carbon emissions to the specified enterprise account

    Possible values: length = 32, Value must match regular expression [a-z0-9]+

    Example: x2x261x8x5x84xxxx49x4891xx077xx9

  • Restricts carbon emissions to the specified enterprise group.

    Possible values: length = 32, Value must match regular expression [a-z0-9]+

    Example: x2x261x8x5x84xxxx49x4891xx077xx9

  • Restricts carbon emissions to the specified enterprise.

    Possible values: length = 32, Value must match regular expression [a-z0-9]+

    Example: x2x261x8x5x84xxxx49x4891xx077xx9

  • Page limit to be set when fetching list of carbon emissions. When header Accept=text/csv is set, this has no impact on the response.

    Possible values: 1 ≤ value ≤ 100

    Default: 100

    Example: 10

  • Page offset to be set when fetching list of carbon emissions. When header Accept=text/csv is set, this has no impact on the response.

    Possible values: 0 ≤ value ≤ 2147483647

    Default: 0

    Example: 10

  • curl --location '' --header 'Accept: application/json' --header 'Authorization: Bearer {{bearerToken}}'curl --location '' --header 'Accept: text/csv' --header 'Authorization: Bearer {{bearerToken}}'


Carbon emission collection provides a list of carbon emission records and overall total carbon emission aggregation data for each list carbon emissions request.

Status Code

  • The carbon calculatons were retrieved successfully.

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthenticated request - an invalid access token was provided.

  • An authenticated access token without proper access to carbon calculator was provided.

Example responses
  • Carbon emission aggregated and grouped by month.

      "carbon_emissions": [
          "account_id": "x2x261x8x5x84xxxx49x4891xx077xx9",
          "carbon_emission": 2000,
          "energy_consumption": 5000,
          "month": {
            "value": "2023-01",
            "min": "2023-01",
            "max": "2023-02"
          "group_by": {
            "type": "month",
            "value": "2023-01"
          "account_id": "x2x261x8x5x84xxxx49x4891xx077xx9",
          "carbon_emission": 680,
          "energy_consumption": 5000,
          "month": {
            "value": "2023-02",
            "min": "2023-01",
            "max": "2023-02"
          "group_by": {
            "type": "month",
            "value": "2023-02"
      "total_emission": 2680,
      "offset": 10,
      "limit": 10,
      "total_count": 104,
      "first": {
        "href": ",lte:2023-03&group_by=month&offset=0&limit=10"
      "last": {
        "href": ",lte:2023-03&group_by=month&offset=100&limit=10"
      "previous": {
        "href": ",lte:2023-03&group_by=month&offset=0&limit=10"
      "next": {
        "href": ",lte:2023-03&group_by=month&offset=20&limit=10"
  • Carbon emission aggregated and grouped by service.

      "carbon_emissions": [
          "account_id": "x2x261x8x5x84xxxx49x4891xx077xx9",
          "carbon_emission": 2000,
          "energy_consumption": 5000,
          "service": "Cloud Object Storage",
          "group_by": {
            "type": "service",
            "value": "Cloud Object Storage"
          "month": {
            "min": "2023-01",
            "max": "2023-02"
          "account_id": "x2x261x8x5x84xxxx49x4891xx077xx9",
          "carbon_emission": 680,
          "energy_consumption": 5000,
          "group_by": {
            "type": "service",
            "value": "Kubernetes service"
          "month": {
            "min": "2023-01",
            "max": "2023-02"
      "total_emission": 2680,
      "offset": 10,
      "limit": 10,
      "total_count": 104,
      "first": {
        "href": ",lte:2023-03&group_by=service&offset=0&limit=10"
      "last": {
        "href": ",lte:2023-03&group_by=service&offset=100&limit=10"
      "previous": {
        "href": ",lte:2023-03&group_by=service&offset=0&limit=10"
      "next": {
        "href": ",month=lte:2023-03&group_by=service&offset=20&limit=10"
  • Carbon emission aggregated and grouped by resourcegroup.

      "carbon_emissions": [
          "account_id": "x2x261x8x5x84xxxx49x4891xx077xx9",
          "carbon_emission": 2000,
          "energy_consumption": 5000,
          "resource_group_id": "x2x261x8x5x84xxxx49x4891xx077xx9",
          "group_by": {
            "type": "resource_group",
            "value": "x2x261x8x5x84xxxx49x4891xx077xx9"
          "month": {
            "min": "2023-01",
            "max": "2023-02"
          "account_id": "x2x261x8x5x84xxxx49x4891xx077xx9",
          "carbon_emission": 680,
          "energy_consumption": 5000,
          "group_by": {
            "type": "resource_group",
            "value": "x2x261x8x5x84xxxx49x4891xx077xx9"
          "month": {
            "min": "2023-01",
            "max": "2023-02"
      "total_emission": 2680,
      "offset": 10,
      "limit": 10,
      "total_count": 104,
      "first": {
        "href": ",lte:2023-03&group_by=resource_group&offset=0&limit=10"
      "last": {
        "href": ",lte:2023-03&group_by=resource_group&offset=100&limit=10"
      "previous": {
        "href": ",lte:2023-03&group_by=resource_group&offset=0&limit=10"
      "next": {
        "href": ",month=lte:2023-03&group_by=resource_group&offset=20&limit=10"
  • Carbon emission is aggregated and grouped by location.

      "carbon_emissions": [
          "account_id": "x2x261x8x5x84xxxx49x4891xx077xx9",
          "carbon_emission": 2000,
          "energy_consumption": 5000,
          "location": "Washington DC",
          "power_utilization_efficiency": 0.55143,
          "carbon_emission_factor": 1.55143,
          "month": {
            "value": "2023-01",
            "min": "2023-01",
            "max": "2023-02"
          "group_by": {
            "type": "location",
            "value": "Washington DC"
          "account_id": "x2x261x8x5x84xxxx49x4891xx077xx9",
          "carbon_emission": 2000,
          "energy_consumption": 5000,
          "location": "Dallas",
          "power_utilization_efficiency": 1.2,
          "carbon_emission_factor": 0.55143,
          "month": {
            "value": "2023-01",
            "min": "2023-01",
            "max": "2023-02"
          "group_by": {
            "type": "location",
            "value": "Dallas"
      "total_emission": 2680,
      "offset": 10,
      "limit": 10,
      "total_count": 104,
      "first": {
        "href": ",lte:2023-03&group_by=month&offset=0&limit=10"
      "last": {
        "href": ",lte:2023-03&group_by=month&offset=100&limit=10"
      "previous": {
        "href": ",lte:2023-03&group_by=month&offset=0&limit=10"
      "next": {
        "href": ",month=lte:2023-03&group_by=month&offset=20&limit=10"
  • Carbon emission filtered by enterprise account, aggregated by month.

      "carbon_emissions": [
          "carbon_emission": 2000,
          "energy_consumption": 5000,
          "entity_type": "account",
          "entity_id": "x2x261x8x5x84xxxx49x4891xx077xx9",
          "entity_name": "Sales-Dallas",
          "parent_entity_id": "x2x261x8x5x84xxxx49x4891xx077xx9",
          "parent_entity_name": "Sales-US",
          "month": {
            "value": "2023-01",
            "min": "2023-01",
            "max": "2023-02"
          "group_by": {
            "type": "month",
            "value": "2023-01"
          "carbon_emission": 2000,
          "energy_consumption": 5000,
          "entity_type": "account",
          "entity_id": "x2x261x8x5x84xxxx49x4891xx077xx9",
          "entity_name": "Sales-Dallas",
          "parent_entity_id": "x2x261x8x5x84xxxx49x4891xx077xx9",
          "parent_entity_name": "Sales-US",
          "month": {
            "value": "2023-02",
            "min": "2023-01",
            "max": "2023-02"
          "group_by": {
            "type": "month",
            "value": "2023-02"
      "total_emission": 2680,
      "offset": 10,
      "limit": 10,
      "total_count": 104,
      "first": {
        "href": ",lte:2023-03&group_by=month&offset=0&limit=10"
      "last": {
        "href": ",lte:2023-03&group_by=month&offset=100&limit=10"
      "previous": {
        "href": ",lte:2023-03&group_by=month&offset=0&limit=10"
      "next": {
        "href": ",month=lte:2023-03&group_by=month&offset=20&limit=10"
  • Carbon emission filtered by enterprise group, aggregated by month

      "carbon_emissions": [
          "account_id": "x2x261x8x5x84xxxx49x4891xx077xx9",
          "carbon_emission": 2000,
          "energy_consumption": 5000,
          "entity_type": "account_group",
          "entity_id": "x2x261x8x5x84xxxx49x4891xx077xx9",
          "entity_name": "Sales-US",
          "parent_entity_id": "x2x261x8x5x84xxxx49x4891xx077xx9",
          "parent_entity_name": "Sales",
          "month": {
            "value": "2023-01",
            "min": "2023-01",
            "max": "2023-02"
          "group_by": {
            "type": "month",
            "value": "2023-01"
          "account_id": "x2x261x8x5x84xxxx49x4891xx077xx9",
          "carbon_emission": 2000,
          "energy_consumption": 5000,
          "entity_type": "account_group",
          "entity_id": "x2x261x8x5x84xxxx49x4891xx077xx9",
          "entity_name": "Sales-US",
          "parent_entity_id": "x2x261x8x5x84xxxx49x4891xx077xx9",
          "parent_entity_name": "Sales",
          "month": {
            "value": "2023-02",
            "min": "2023-01",
            "max": "2023-02"
          "group_by": {
            "type": "month",
            "value": "2023-02"
      "total_emission": 2680,
      "offset": 10,
      "limit": 10,
      "total_count": 104,
      "first": {
        "href": ",lte:2023-03&group_by=month&offset=0&limit=10"
      "last": {
        "href": ",lte:2023-03&group_by=month&offset=100&limit=10"
      "previous": {
        "href": ",lte:2023-03&group_by=month&offset=0&limit=10"
      "next": {
        "href": ",month=lte:2023-03&group_by=month&offset=20&limit=10"
  • Carbon emission filtered by enterprise, aggregated by month

      "carbon_emissions": [
          "account_id": "x2x261x8x5x84xxxx49x4891xx077xx9",
          "carbon_emission": 2000,
          "energy_consumption": 5000,
          "entity_type": "enterprise",
          "entity_id": "x2x261x8x5x84xxxx49x4891xx077xx9",
          "entity_name": "Sales",
          "month": {
            "value": "2023-01",
            "min": "2023-01",
            "max": "2023-02"
          "group_by": {
            "type": "month",
            "value": "2023-01"
          "account_id": "x2x261x8x5x84xxxx49x4891xx077xx9",
          "carbon_emission": 2000,
          "energy_consumption": 5000,
          "entity_type": "enterprise",
          "entity_id": "x2x261x8x5x84xxxx49x4891xx077xx9",
          "entity_name": "Sales",
          "month": {
            "value": "2023-02",
            "min": "2023-01",
            "max": "2023-02"
          "group_by": {
            "type": "month",
            "value": "2023-02"
      "total_emission": 2680,
      "offset": 10,
      "limit": 10,
      "total_count": 104,
      "first": {
        "href": ",lte:2023-03&group_by=month&offset=0&limit=10"
      "last": {
        "href": ",lte:2023-03&group_by=month&offset=100&limit=10"
      "previous": {
        "href": ",lte:2023-03&group_by=month&offset=0&limit=10"
      "next": {
        "href": ",month=lte:2023-03&group_by=month&offset=20&limit=10"
  • Carbon emission filtered by enterprise, aggregated by enterprise account group

      "carbon_emissions": [
          "carbon_emission": 2000,
          "energy_consumption": 5000,
          "entity_type": "enterprise",
          "entity_id": "x2x261x8x5x84xxxx49x4891xx077xx9",
          "entity_name": "Sales",
          "month": {
            "value": "2023-01",
            "min": "2023-01",
            "max": "2023-02"
          "group_by": {
            "type": "enterprise_group",
            "value": "x2x261x8x5x84xxxx49x4891xx077xx9"
          "carbon_emission": 2000,
          "energy_consumption": 5000,
          "entity_type": "enterprise",
          "entity_id": "x2x261x8x5x84xxxx49x4891xx077xx9",
          "entity_name": "Sales",
          "month": {
            "value": "2023-02",
            "min": "2023-01",
            "max": "2023-02"
          "group_by": {
            "type": "enterprise_group",
            "value": "x2x261x8x5x84xxxx49x4891xx077xx9"
      "total_emission": 2680,
      "offset": 10,
      "limit": 10,
      "total_count": 104,
      "first": {
        "href": ",lte:2023-03&group_by=enterprise_group&offset=0&limit=10"
      "last": {
        "href": ",lte:2023-03&group_by=enterprise_group&offset=100&limit=10"
      "previous": {
        "href": ",lte:2023-03&group_by=enterprise_group&offset=0&limit=10"
      "next": {
        "href": ",month=lte:2023-03&group_by=enterprise_group&offset=20&limit=10"
  • Carbon emission filtered by enterprise, aggregated by enterprise account

      "carbon_emissions": [
          "carbon_emission": 2000,
          "energy_consumption": 5000,
          "entity_type": "enterprise",
          "entity_id": "x2x261x8x5x84xxxx49x4891xx077xx9",
          "entity_name": "Sales",
          "month": {
            "value": "2023-01",
            "min": "2023-01",
            "max": "2023-02"
          "group_by": {
            "type": "enterprise_account",
            "value": "x2x261x8x5x84xxxx49x4891xx077xx9"
          "carbon_emission": 2000,
          "energy_consumption": 5000,
          "entity_type": "enterprise",
          "entity_id": "x2x261x8x5x84xxxx49x4891xx077xx9",
          "entity_name": "Sales",
          "month": {
            "value": "2023-02",
            "min": "2023-01",
            "max": "2023-02"
          "group_by": {
            "type": "enterprise_account",
            "value": "x2x261x8x5x84xxxx49x4891xx077xx9"
      "total_emission": 2680,
      "offset": 10,
      "limit": 10,
      "total_count": 104,
      "first": {
        "href": ",lte:2023-03&group_by=enterprise_account&offset=0&limit=10"
      "last": {
        "href": ",lte:2023-03&group_by=enterprise_account&offset=100&limit=10"
      "previous": {
        "href": ",lte:2023-03&group_by=enterprise_account&offset=0&limit=10"
      "next": {
        "href": ",month=lte:2023-03&group_by=enterprise_account&offset=20&limit=10"
  • Unauthenticated request - an invalid access token was provided.

      "timestamp": "2023-04-26T11:50:03.700Z",
      "status": "401",
      "error": "Unauthorized",
      "message": "Token not specified.",
      "path": "/v1/carbon_emissions",
      "trace": ""
  • An authenticated access token without proper access to carbon calculator was provided.

      "timestamp": "2023-04-26T11:50:03.700Z",
      "status": "403",
      "error": "Forbidden",
      "message": "An authenticated access token without proper access to carbon calculator was provided.",
      "path": "/v1/carbon_emissions",
      "trace": ""