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Select the location where you want to create your virtual private cloud.
If your user tags are billing related, consider writing tags as key:value pairs, such ascostctr:124
User tags are visible account-wide. Avoid including sensitive data in the tag name.Learn more
Using 0 of 9 available subnets.
Name | Zone | Resource group | Address prefix | # of addresses | IP range | Public gateway |
Optional features
Create a fully customizable, software-defined virtual network with superior isolation. IBM Cloud Virtual Private Cloud provides custom network topologies, flexible subnet sizes, and enhanced security.
Control the size of your virtual network and deploy cloud resources whenever your business needs them. You can scale these resources dynamically and in real-time.
Redundant resources and highly fault-tolerant availability zone architectures mean your applications and workloads are highly available.
Because the VPC is a logically isolated network, your data and applications won’t share space or mix with those of the cloud provider’s other customers. You have full control over how resources and workloads are accessed, and by whom.
VPC customers can take advantage of the public cloud’s cost-effectiveness, such as saving on hardware costs, labor times, and other resources.
Manage your infrastructure in multiple ways, with the user interface, API, or CLI.
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