Custom image for VPC


Select the location where you want to create your custom image.



Use lowercase alphanumeric characters and hyphens only (without spaces).
Resource group
Tags (optional)

If your user tags are billing related, consider writing tags as key:value pairs, such ascostctr:124

User tags are visible account-wide. Avoid including sensitive data in the tag name.Learn more

If your user tags are billing related, consider writing tags as key:value pairs, such as costctr:124
Image source
Click to sort rows by Name header in ascending order
Click to sort rows by Status header in ascending order
Click to sort rows by Virtual private cloud header in ascending order
Click to sort rows by Profile header in ascending order
Click to sort rows by Operating system header in ascending order
Select the encryption level for this volume.

Advanced options

Resilience & business continuity

  • You can manage the lifecycle of an available image by setting the status to "deprecated" or "obsolete". You can also automate the lifecycle by scheduling either a single status change or the compelte lifecycle of the image. See Image lifecycle to learn more.
    Image status


    • 1Image
      • Hourly storage cost per 1 GB of data used by the boot volume. Total Image size is not known until after creation.