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Container Registry
Manage Docker container images in a fully managed private registry. Push private images into this registry to run them in IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service and other runtime environments. Images are checked for security issues, so that you can make informed decisions about your deployments.
Highly available and scalable private registry
Set up your own image namespace in a multi-tenant, highly available, scalable private registry that is hosted and managed by IBM. Securely store your private Docker images and share them with users in your IBM Cloud account.
Image security compliance with Vulnerability Advisor
Benefit from the automatic scanning of images in your namespaces. Review suggestions, which are specific to your operating system, to fix potential vulnerabilities and protect your containers from being compromised.
Quota limits for storage and pull traffic
Benefit from free storage and pull traffic to your private images until you reach the limit for your free quota. Set custom quota limits for the amount of storage and pull traffic per month so that you avoid exceeding your preferred payment level.