
Cloud Monitoring

Offers visibility into the performance and health of your infrastructure and apps, with in-depth troubleshooting and alerting.

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    Select a plan

    Displayed prices do not include tax. Monthly prices shown are for country or location: United States

    Up to 1K time-series (includes Prometheus, JMX, appchecks, StatsD), 50 containers and 1M API calls
    Free for 30 days
    Select a plan
    Graduated Tier
    Base price per host per month: $37 USD for up to 1K time-series (includes Prometheus, JMX, appchecks, StatsD), 50 containers and 1M API calls. For non-orchestrated hosts, base price per host per month: $10.07 USD
    Additional time-series tiered usage pricing (across all hosts beyond the base 1K per host):
    Tier 1: $0.09 USD up to 100K time-series month
    Tier 2: $0.05 USD for 100K - 1M time-series per month
    Tier 3: $0.03 USD for 1M - 10M time-series per month
    Tier 4: $0.02 USD for more than 10M time-series per month
    Additional containers: $5.38 USD per 10 containers
    Additional API calls: $0.01 USD per 1000 API calls across all hosts
    See docs for pricing examples
    The pricing guidance above illustrates the actual hourly and unit pricing below. Service consumption is measured hourly with the exception of the API calls.
    $0.05166 USD / Node hour
    $0.01399 USD / Lite node hour
    $0.0007475 USD / Container hour
    $0.00001076 USD / API Call
    Time series hour
    Tier 1: $0.0001196 USD
    Tier 2: $0.00007475 USD
    Tier 3: $0.00004485 USD
    Tier 4: $0.0000299 USD
    Select a plan


      Cloud Monitoring

      • Location: Dallas (us-south)
      • Plan: Graduated Tier