

  • Service
  • Zerto


Zerto provides on-premise and IBM Cloud customers with a secure, flexible and scalable Disaster Recovery solution. It is a single tenant solution, ordered and provisioned from the IBM Cloud for VMware Solutions console, with the option of Cloud Foundation or VMware Cloud Foundation for Classic - Automated as a target environment. These environments are deployed on IBM Cloud according to standardized pre-defined compute and network configurations.
By using standardized IBM Cloud compute, network, and storage infrastructure dedicated to your deployment, the provisioning process is fully automated, and the environment is rapidly deployed to the IBM Cloud and made available to you. You can access and manage the IBM-hosted environment via the native Zerto and VMware tools, Command Line Interface (CLI), or other familiar vSphere API-compatible tools.
Zerto is a Pay-As-You-Go flexible solution that allows you to scale compute capacity horizontally.