Flow log collector for VPC


Choosing the right location is important because not all IBM Cloud services are accessible in every location. To minimize application latency, make sure to deploy resources in a region that is closest to deployment. For more information, see Service and infrastructure availability by location.

Select the location where you want to create your flow log collector.



Use lowercase alphanumeric characters and hyphens only (without spaces).
Resource group
Tags (optional)

If your user tags are billing related, consider writing tags as key:value pairs, such ascostctr:124

User tags are visible account-wide. Avoid including sensitive data in the tag name.Learn more

If your user tags are billing related, consider writing tags as key:value pairs, such as costctr:124
Collector details
Select a VPC service to assign as the flow log collector target. Learn more
Virtual private cloud
Flow logs will be collected on all interfaces on all instances in all subnets in this VPC.
Flow log storage
Cloud Object Storage service isn't configured.
Cloud Object Storage isn't configured to work with flow log collectors.

To use Cloud Object Storage with flow log collectors, you must:

  1. Create a Cloud Object Storage instance with a bucket.
  2. Authorize resources of type flow log collector in VPC Infrastructure to use the wanted Cloud Object Storage instance.


    • 1Flow log collectorprovided
      • Resource type: VPC
      • Flow log data