IBM Cloud Docs
Provisioning an instance

Provisioning an instance

You can provision an instance of the IBM Cloud Security and Compliance Center Workload Protection service in IBM Cloud to add capability in your account to detect and investigate threats, prioritize risks, and help identify compliance anomalies and ongoing threats to your environments.

Provisioning an instance from the catalog

To provision an instance from the IBM Cloud catalog, complete the following steps:

  1. Log in to the IBM Cloud console.

  2. Click Catalog. The list of the services that are available on IBM Cloud opens.

  3. To filter the list of services that is displayed, select the Security category.

  4. Click the IBM Cloud Security and Compliance Center Workload Protection tile.

  5. Select Create.

  6. Select the location.

  7. Select a service plan.

    For more information about the service plans, see Service plans.

  8. Enter a service name.

  9. Select a resource group. By default, the Default resource group is set.

  10. Optionally, you can add tags and access management tags.

  11. Click Create.

Provisioning an instance through the CLI

To provision an instance through the command line, complete the following steps:

  1. [Pre-requisite] Installion of the IBM Cloud CLI. If the CLI is installed, continue with the next step.

  2. Log in to the region in the IBM Cloud where you want to provision the instance. Run the following command: ibmcloud login

  3. Set the resource group where you want to provision the instance. Run the following command: ibmcloud target

    By default, the default resource group is set.

  4. Create the instance. Run the ibmcloud resource service-instance-create command:

    ibmcloud resource service-instance-create NAME sysdig-secure SERVICE_PLAN_NAME LOCATION


    NAME is the name of the instance.

    service-name is the name of the IBM Cloud Security and Compliance Center Workload Protection service name in the IBM Cloud.

    SERVICE_PLAN_NAME is the type of plan. See Service plans to get the plan name.

    LOCATION is the region where the instance is created.

  5. Create the service key that connects to the instance ibmcloud resource service-key-create

    ibmcloud resource service-key-create NAME ROLE_NAME --instance-name SERVICE_INSTANCE_NAME


    NAME is the name of your new service key

    ROLE_NAME is either Administrator, Manager, Writer, or Reader

    SERVICE_INSTANCE_NAME is the name of the instance you created

    This will gain you access to the instance's access key.