IBM Cloud Docs
Submitting Spark application by using native Spark engine

Submitting Spark application by using native Spark engine

This topic provides the procedure to submit a Spark application by using native Spark engine in on IBM Cloud.


  • Create an object storage : To store the Spark application and related output, create a storage bucket. To create Cloud Object Storage and a bucket, see Creating a storage bucket. Maintain separate storage for application and data. Register only data buckets with

  • Register the Cloud Object Storage : Register Cloud Object Storage bucket in To register Cloud Object Storage bucket, see Adding bucket catalog pair.

    You can create different Cloud Object Storage buckets to store application code and the output. Register the data bucket, which stores the input data, and tables. You need not register the storage bucket, which maintains the application code with

Storages supported

  • Azure Data Lake Storage (ADLS)
  • Amazon S3
  • Google Cloud Storage (GCS)

Submitting a Spark application without accessing the catalog

You can submit a Spark application by running a CURL command. Complete the following steps to submit a Python application.

Run the following curl command to submit the word count application.

    curl --request POST --url
    pplications --header 'Authorization: Bearer <token>' --header 'Content-Type: application/json'
    --header 'AuthInstanceID: <crn_instance>' --data '{
    "application_details": {
    "application": "/opt/ibm/spark/examples/src/main/python/",
    "arguments": [


  • <crn_instance> : The CRN of the instance.
  • <region>: The region where the Spark instance is provisioned.
  • <spark_engine_id> : The engine ID of the Spark engine.
  • <token> : The bearer token. For more information about generating the token, see Generating a bearer token.

Submitting a Spark application by accessing the catalog

To access data from a catalog that is associated with the Spark engine and perform some basic operations on that catalog, do the following:

Run the following curl command:

    curl --request POST --url
    applications --header 'Authorization: Bearer <token>' --header 'Content-Type: application/json'
    --header 'AuthInstanceID: <crn_instance>' --data '{
    "application_details": {
    "conf": {
    "spark.hadoop.wxd.apiKey":"Basic <encoded-api-key>"
    "application": "<storage>://<application-bucket-name>/"

Parameter values:

  • <encoded-api-key> : The value must be in the format echo -n"ibmlhapikey_<user_id>:<user’s api key>" | base64. Here, <user_id> is the IBM Cloud ID of the user whose api key is used to access the data bucket. The <IAM_APIKEY> here is the API key of the user accessing the Object store bucket. To generate an API key, login into the console and navigate to Profile > Profile and Settings > API Keys and generate a new API key.
  • <storage> : The value depends on the storage type you choose. It must be s3a for Amazon S3, abfss for ADLS, and gs for GCS storage.
  • <application_bucket_name> : The name of the object storage containing your application code. You must pass the credentials of this storage if it is not registered with

Sample Python application for Iceberg catalog Operations

The following is the sample Python application to perform basic operations on data stored in an Iceberg catalog:

    from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
    import os
    from datetime import datetime
    def init_spark():
    spark = SparkSession.builder.appName("lh-hms-cloud").enableHiveSupport().getOrCreate()
    return spark
    def create_database(spark,bucket_name,catalog):
    spark.sql(f"create database if not exists {catalog}.<db_name> LOCATION 's3a://{bucket_name}/'")
    def list_databases(spark,catalog):
    spark.sql(f"show databases from {catalog}").show()
    def basic_iceberg_table_operations(spark,catalog):
    spark.sql(f"create table if not exists {catalog}.<db_name>.<table_name>(id INTEGER, name
    VARCHAR(10), age INTEGER, salary DECIMAL(10, 2)) using iceberg").show()
    spark.sql(f"insert into {catalog}.<db_name>.<table_name>
    spark.sql(f"select * from {catalog}.<db_name>.<table_name>").show()
    def clean_database(spark,catalog):
    spark.sql(f'drop table if exists {catalog}.<db_name>.<table_name> purge')
    spark.sql(f'drop database if exists {catalog}.<db_name> cascade')
    def main():
    spark = init_spark()
    if __name__ == '__main__':