IBM Cloud Docs


MySQL is an open source relational database management system.

Configure the following details for MySQL data source:

Register data source
Field Description
Display name Enter the data source name to be displayed on the screen.
Database name Enter the name of your database.
Hostname Enter the hostname.
Port Enter the port number.
Username Enter the username.
Password Enter the password.
Port is SSL enabled Use the toggle switch to enable or disable SSL connection. If enabled,
i. The Upload SSL certificate (.pem, .crt, .cert or .cer) link is enabled.
ii. Click the Upload SSL certificate (.pem, .crt, .cert or .cer) link.
iii. Browse the SSL certificate and upload.
Validate certificate Use the toggle switch to validate whether the SSL certificate that is returned by the host is trusted or not.
Catalog name Enter the name of the catalog.
Create Click Create to create the data source.

Bring Your Own JAR (BYOJ) Process

The following is the procedure to add your own JAR to the MySQL data source:

  1. Log in to the IBM® instance.
  2. From the navigation menu, go to the Configurations page and click the Driver manager tile.
  3. Click Add driver.
  4. Upload the MySQL JAR and specify the driver version. Currently, only one JAR(mysql-connector-j-8.2.0.jar) is supported for MySQL dadata source.
  5. Click Add. Once the driver is successfully added, it undergoes a series of validation. If the validation is successful, it is set to 'inactive' status otherwise it is set to 'failed' status.
  6. Click the vertical ellipsis icon to assign or delete the driver.
  7. To assign the driver to an engine:
    • Click Assign.
    • Select one or more engines to assign the driver. Once assigned, the driver is set to 'active' status.
  8. To unassign a driver from an engine, users must first introduce another driver.
  9. Click Save and restart engine.
  10. In the Infrastructure manager, hover over the MySQL data source and click the Manage associations icon.
  11. Select the engine to modify the catalog's association with it. All in-flight queries on the modified engines are stopped.
  12. Click Save and restart engine.

You can link the MySQL data source to the engine only when a driver is associated to that engine. Only one MySQL driver can be associated to an engine at a time.

Vulnerabilities in JAR

As part of the BYOJ process, users can upload the required JAR files. If a vulnerability is identified in a JAR, a grace period is set for the removal and cleanup activities based on the severity of the security vulnerability as shown in the following table:

Vulnerability and grace period
Severity of vulnerability Grace period (in days)
Critical 30
High 60
Medium 120
Low 180

The grace period is calculated from the date the vulnerability is reported, plus the specified grace period. Multiple warnings are displayed to the users about the grace period in the Driver manager page (for the admin) as well as in other places like in the ‘Catalogs’ section in the ‘Infrastructure manager’ page and in the ‘Catalogs associated’ section in the ‘Data manager page’. For example, if a customer uses the mysql-connector-j-8.2.0.jar and a critical vulnerability is identified on October 1st, a cleanup process begins immediately after October 31st. This process deletes the driver from the bucket and Presto pods, disassociates the catalog from the engine, disassociates the driver in the Driver Manager page, and deletes the entry.

Upgrade impact on MySQL catalogs (version 2.1.0)

What to expect after the upgrade to version 2.1.0:

When you upgrade to version 2.1.0, existing MySQL catalogs are disassociated with the engine. This means, you must reassociate the MySQL catalog with the engine.

Steps to reassociate MySQL catalog:

To reassociate the MySQL catalog with the engine, upload the mysql-connector-j:8.2.0 JAR file to the driver manager by following the BYOJ process.

Limitations for SQL statements

  • Only CREATE TABLE AS is supported for CREATE TABLE statement.
  • DROP TABLE statement is supported only when enabled in the catalog.
  • For data source-based catalogs the CREATE SCHEMA, CREATE TABLE, DROP SCHEMA, DROP TABLE, DELETE, DROP VIEW, ALTER TABLE, and ALTER SCHEMA statements are not available in the Data Manager UI.

Limitations for data types

  • BLOB and CLOB data types support SELECT statement but do not support operations such as equal, like, and in.
  • BINARY data type supports only SELECT statement.
  • The data that is shown from the UI for BLOB data type is in Base64 format, while the result from presto-cli is in hexadecimal format.
  • The data that is shown from the UI for BINARY data type is in Base64 format, while the result from presto-cli is in hexadecimal format.
  • You can use CLOB data type as an equivalent alternative to LONGTEXT.
  • When the fields of data type REAL have 6 digits or more in the decimal part with the digits being predominately zero, the values when queried are rounded off. It is observed that the rounding off occurs differently based on the precision of the values. For example, a decimal number 1.654 when rounded to 3-digits after the decimal point are the same. Another example is 10.890009 and 10.89000. It is noticed that 10.89000 is rounded to 10.89, whereas 10.89009 is not rounded off. This is an inherent issue because of the representational limitations of binary floating point formats. This might have a significant impact when querying involves sorting.