IBM Cloud Docs
Working with different table formats

Working with different table formats

The topic describes the procedure to run a Spark application that ingests data into different table formats like Apache Hudi, Apache Iceberg or Delta Lake catalog.

  1. Create a storage with the required catalog (catalog can be Apache Hudi, Apache Iceberg or Delta Lake) to store data used in the Spark application. To create storage, see Adding a storage-catalog pair.

  2. Associate the storage with the Native Spark engine. For more information, see Associating a catalog with an engine.

  3. Create Cloud Object Storage (COS) to store the Spark application. To create Cloud Object Storage and a bucket, see Creating a storage bucket.

  4. Register the Cloud Object Storage in For more information, see Adding a storage-catalog pair.

  5. Based on the catalog you select, save the following Spark application (Python file) to your local machine. Here,,, or and upload the Spark application to the COS, see Uploading data.

  6. To submit the Spark application with data residing in Cloud Object Storage, specify the parameter values and run the curl command from the following table.

    • Apache Iceberg

    The sample file demonstrates the following functionalities:

    • Accessing tables from

    • Ingesting data to

    • Modifying schema in

    Performing table maintenance activities in

    You must insert the data into the COS bucket. For more information, see Inserting sample data into the COS bucket.

    Python application : Iceberg Python file

    Curl command to submit Python application :

    curl --request POST     --url https://<wxd_host_name>/lakehouse/api/v2/spark_engines/<spark_engine_id>/applications
         --header 'Authorization: Bearer <token>'
             --header 'Content-Type: application/json'
                 --header 'LhInstanceId: <instance_id>'
                     --data '{  "application_details": {
                         "conf": {
                                                 "spark.hadoop.wxd.apiKey":"Basic <user-authentication-string>"    },
                                                     "application": "s3a://shivangi-cas-iceberg-test/"  }}

    Parameter values :

    • <wxd_host_name>: The hostname of your Cloud instance.

    • <instance_id>: The instance ID from the instance URL. For example, 1609968977179454.

    • <spark_engine_id>: The Engine ID of the native Spark engine.

    • <token>: The bearer token. For more information about generating the token, see IAM token.

    • <user-authentication-string>: The value must be base 64 encoded string of user ID and API key . For more information about the format, see the note.

    • Apache Hudi

    The Python Spark application demonstrates the following functionality:

    • It creates a database inside the Apache Hudi catalog (that you created to store data). Here, hudi_db.

    • It creates a table inside the hudi_db database, namely hudi_table.

    • It inserts data into the hudi_table and does SELECT query operation.

    • It drops the table and schema after use.

    Python application :

    from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
            def init_spark():            spark = SparkSession.builder
            return spark
            def main():
            spark = init_spark()
            spark.sql("show databases").show()
            spark.sql("create database if not exists spark_catalog.hudi_db LOCATION 's3a://hudi-connector-test/'").show()
            spark.sql("create table if not exists spark_catalog.hudi_db.hudi_table (id bigint, name string, location string) USING HUDI OPTIONS ('primaryKey' 'id', hoodie.write.markers.type= 'direct', hoodie.embed.timeline.server= 'false')").show()
            spark.sql("insert into hudi_db.hudi_table VALUES (1, 'Sam','Kochi'), (2, 'Tom','Bangalore'), (3, 'Bob','Chennai'), (4, 'Alex','Bangalore')").show()
            spark.sql("select * from spark_catalog.hudi_db.hudi_table").show()
            spark.sql("drop table spark_catalog.hudi_db.hudi_table").show()
            spark.sql("drop schema spark_catalog.hudi_db CASCADE").show()
            if __name__ == '__main__':

    Curl command to submit Python application

    curl --request POST
        --url https://<wxd_host_name>/lakehouse/api/v2/spark_engines/<spark_engine_id>/applications
        --header 'Authorization: Bearer <token>'
        --header 'Content-Type: application/json'
        --header 'LhInstanceId: <instance_id>'
        --data '{ \n \n    "application_details": {
                "conf": {
                        "spark.sql.catalog.spark_catalog.type": "hive",
                        "spark.sql.catalog.spark_catalog": "org.apache.spark.sql.hudi.catalog.HoodieCatalog",
                        "spark.hadoop.wxd.apiKey":"Basic <user-authentication-string>"        },
                        "application": "s3a://hudi-connector-test/"    }}

    Parameter values:

    • <wxd_host_name>: The hostname of your Cloud instance.

    • <instance_id>: The instance ID from the instance URL. For example, 1609968977179454.

    • <spark_engine_id>: The Engine ID of the native Spark engine.

    • <token>: The bearer token. For more information about generating the token, see IAM token.

    • <user-authentication-string>: The value must be base 64 encoded string of user ID and API key . For more information about the format, see the note.

    • Delta Lake

    The Python Spark application demonstrates the following functionality:

    • It creates a database inside the Delta Lake catalog (that you created to store data). Here, iae.

    • It creates a table inside the iae database, namely employee.

    • It inserts data into the employee and does SELECT query operation.

    • It drops the table and schema after use.

    Python application :

    from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
    import os
        def init_spark():
             spark = SparkSession.builder.appName("lh-hms-cloud")
             return spark
             def main():
                 spark = init_spark()
                 spark.sql("show databases").show()
                         spark.sql("create database if not exists spark_catalog.iae LOCATION 's3a://delta-connector-test/'").show()
                         spark.sql("create table if not exists spark_catalog.iae.employee (id bigint, name string, location string) USING DELTA").show()
                         spark.sql("insert into spark_catalog.iae.employee VALUES (1, 'Sam','Kochi'), (2, 'Tom','Bangalore'), (3, 'Bob','Chennai'), (4, 'Alex','Bangalore')").show()
                         spark.sql("select * from spark_catalog.iae.employee").show()
                         spark.sql("drop table spark_catalog.iae.employee").show()
                         spark.sql("drop schema spark_catalog.iae CASCADE").show()
                         if __name__ == '__main__':

    Curl command to submit Python application

    curl --request POST
    --url https://<wxd_host_name>/lakehouse/api/v2/spark_engines/<spark_engine_id>/applications
    --header 'Authorization: Bearer <token>'
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json'
    --header 'LhInstanceId: <instance_id>'
    --data '{        "application_details": {
           "conf": {
           "spark.sql.catalog.spark_catalog" : "",
           "spark.sql.catalog.spark_catalog.type" : "hive",
           "spark.hadoop.wxd.apiKey":"<user-authentication-string>"        },
           "application": "s3a://delta-connector-test/"        }    }

    Parameter values

    • <wxd_host_name>: The hostname of your Cloud instance.
    • <instance_id> : The instance ID from the cluster instance URL. For example, 1609968977179454.
    • <spark_engine_id> : The Engine ID of the native Spark engine.
    • <token> : The bearer token. For more information about generating the token, see IAM token.
    • <user-authentication-string>: The value must be base 64 encoded string of user ID and API key . For more information about the format, see the following note.

    The value of <user-authentication-string> must be in the format echo -n 'ibmlhapikey_<username>:<user_apikey>' | base64. Here, <user_id> is the IBM Cloud ID of the user whose apikey is used to access the data bucket. The <IAM_APIKEY> here is the API key of the user accessing the Object store bucket. To generate API key, log in into the console and navigate to Profile > Profile and Settings > API Keys and generate a new API key. If you generate a new API key, your old API key becomes invalid.

  7. After you submit the Spark application, you receive a confirmation message with the application ID and Spark version. Save it for reference.

  8. Log in to the cluster, access the Engine details page. In the Applications tab, use application ID to list the application and track the stages. For more information, see View and manage applications.