IBM Cloud Docs
Birdwatcher debugging tool

Birdwatcher debugging tool

Birdwatcher is a command-line debugging tool for Milvus. Using Birdwatcher, you can connect to etcd or Milvus or both and check the state of the Milvus system.

etcd is a metadata engine that manages the storage and access of metadata. This topic explains how to connect and execute Birdwatcher with etcd.


Birdwatcher is available inside the management container in etcd pod. Complete the following steps to log into etcd management container and execute Birdwatcher.

  1. Run the following command to Get the etcd pod details based on the formation-id.

    i f <formation_id>


    i f f70eac82-0577-4887-a091-52aa2bc08463
  2. Log in to the management sidecar of one of the etcd pods from the list.

    kubectl exec –it <etcd-pod> –c mgmt – bash


    kubectl exec –it c-f70eac82-0577-4887-a091-52aa2bc08463-etcd-m-0 –c mgmt – bash
  3. Run the following command to change the path.

    cd /temp
  4. Run the following command to execute Birdwatcher CLI.

  5. Run the following command to connect to etcd.

    connect --etcd <pod-dns-name>:2379 --enableTLS true --etcdCert /root/cert/tls.crt --etcdKey /root/cert/tls.key --rootCAPem /root/cert/ca.crt


    connect --etcd c-f70eac82-0577-4887-a091-52aa2bc08463-etcd-m.f70eac209152aabc0863eac2a0f8.svc.cluster.local:2379 --enableTLS true --etcdCert /root/cert/tls.crt --etcdKey /root/cert/tls.key --rootCAPem /root/cert/ca.crt