IBM Cloud Docs
Configuration properties for Presto (C++) - worker nodes

Configuration properties for Presto (C++) - worker nodes

You can customize the worker configuration properties through an API for Presto (C++).

Table 1. Configuration properties for Presto (C++) - worker nodes
Property name Type Validation added
task.max-drivers-per-task Integer Limit {1, 100}
system-memory-gb Integer Limit {1, 1000}
query-memory-gb Integer Limit {1, 10000}
query.max-memory-per-node Integer Limit {1, 1000}
async-data-cache-enabled Boolean True or False
query-reserved-memory-gb Integer Limit {1, 1000}
system-mem-limit-gb Integer Limit {1, 1e13}
system-mem-shrink-gb Integer Limit {1, 1e13}
system-mem-pushback-enabled Boolean True or False

Properties to be customized under support guidance

Though most of the properties can be customized by the administrators, the following properties must be customized under the guidance of the support team.

Table 2. Properties to be customized under support guidance
Property name Type Validation added
runtime-metrics-collection-enabled Boolean True or False
system-mem-pushback-enabled Boolean True or False
system-mem-limit-gb Integer Limit{1, 100000}
system-mem-shrink-gb Integer Limit{1, 100000}