IBM Cloud Docs
Activity Tracker events

Activity Tracker events

Use the IBM Cloud® Activity Tracker service to track how users and applications interact with Knowledge Studio in IBM Cloud®.

The IBM Cloud Activity Tracker service records user-initiated activities that change the state of a service in IBM Cloud. For more information, see the IBM Cloud Activity Tracker getting started tutorial Activity Tracker.

List of events

Table 1. Actions that generate events
Action Description
knowledge-studio.user.create Add or activate a user from the Service Details page
knowledge-studio.user.update Edit a user and click Apply from the Service Details page (This includes both changing role and description)
knowledge-studio.user.delete Deactivate a user from the Service Details page
knowledge-studio.document-set.create Import documents from the Documents page
knowledge-studio.document.delete Delete a single document from the Documents page
knowledge-studio.document-set.delete Delete documents by document set from the Documents page
knowledge-studio.rule-document.create Create a rule document (Mutliple IDs are created if a .csv file is imported)
knowledge-studio.rule-document.update Update a rule document
knowledge-studio.rule-document.delete Delete a rule document
knowledge-studio.annotation.update Save annotation in the ground truth editor
knowledge-studio.preannotation.start Save annotation using pre-annotator Start training a machine learning model
knowledge-studio.dictionary.create Create a dictionary or import dictionaries (.zip)
knowledge-studio.preview-only-dictionary.create Import a preview only dictionary (.csv)
knowledge-studio.dictionary.update Edit a dictionary (Create, edit, delete the dictionary entries and import .csv file into the dictionary)
knowledge-studio.dictionary.delete Delete a dictionary
knowledge-studio.workspace.delete Delete a workspace

Where to view the events

Activity Tracker events are available in the Activity Tracker account domain that is available in the IBM Cloud region where the events are generated.