IBM Cloud Docs
Using the rule-based model

Using the rule-based model

Leverage a rule-based model that you created with Knowledge Studio for IBM Cloud Pak for Data by making it available to other Watson applications.

You can deploy a rule-based model to make it available for use in these services as an experimental feature.

You can also pre-annotate new documents with the rule-based model. For more information, see Pre-annotating documents with the rule-based model.

Deploying a rule-based model to IBM Watson Discovery

Deploy the model to enable an application that uses the Discovery service to use the rule-based model to find and extract entities during document enrichment.

This is currently an experimental feature of the service.

Before you begin

You must have administrative access to a Watson Discovery for IBM Cloud Pak for Data deployment.


To deploy a rule-based model to Watson Discovery for IBM Cloud Pak for Data, complete the following steps:

  1. Log in as a Knowledge Studio administrator or project manager, and select your workspace.

  2. Select the Rule-based Model > Versions > Rule-based Model tab.

  3. Choose the version of the model that you want to deploy, or click Export current model.

    If there is only one working version of the model, save the current model for deployment by clicking Save for Deployment. This versions the model, which enables you to deploy one version, while you continue to improve the current version. Saving the version might take a few minutes. The option to deploy does not appear until after the version is created.

  4. Click Export, and click Export again to confirm.

    The model is saved as a PEAR file, and you are prompted to download the file. A PEAR (Processing Engine ARchive) file is the UIMA standard packaging format for UIMA components. The model is saved in PEAR format so it can be distributed and reused within UIMA applications.

What to do next

To use the deployed model, you must provide the model ID when it is requested during the Discovery service enrichment configuration process. For more details, see the Discovery service documentation.

Leveraging a rule-based model in IBM Watson Explorer

Export the PEAR file that is produced when the rule-based model is created so it can be used in IBM Watson Explorer.


To leverage a rule-based model in IBM Watson Explorer, complete the following steps.

  1. Log in as a Knowledge Studio administrator or project manager, and select your workspace.

  2. Select the Rule-based Model > Versions > Rule-based Model tab.

  3. Click Export current model.

    The model is saved as a PEAR file, and you are prompted to download the file. A PEAR (Processing Engine ARchive) file is the UIMA standard packaging format for UIMA components. The model is saved in PEAR format so it can be distributed and reused within UIMA applications.

  4. Download the file to your local system.

  5. From the IBM Watson Explorer application, import the PEAR file.