IBM Cloud Docs


The @sys-date system entity recognizes dates that fall on national holidays in different geographic regions.

The following sections list the holidays that @sys-date recognizes for different locales.

Holidays (en-us)

US English holidays
Holiday name String to use to check for a festival match
New Year's Day newyear
Inauguration Day inauguration
Martin Luther King, Jr Day luther
Groundhog Day groundhog
Washington's Birthday washington
President's Day president
Valentine's Day valentine
International Women's Day women
St Patrick's Day patrick
April Fool's Day fool
Good Friday goodfriday
Easter Sunday easter
Easter Monday eastermonday
Earth Day earth
Memorial Day memorial
Mother's Day mother
Father's Day father
Independence Day independence
Labor Day labor
Columbus Day columbus
Veteran's Day veterans
Thanksgiving thanksgiving
Halloween halloween
Christmas Eve christmaseve
Christmas christmas
Boxing Day boxing
New Year's Eve newyearseve

Holidays (en-ca)

Canadian holidays
Holiday name String to use to check for a festival match
New Year's Day newyear
Epiphany epiphany
Groundhog Day groundhog
Valentines Day valentine
International Women's Day women
Commonwealth Day commonwealth
St Patrick's Day patrick
April Fool's Day fool
Good Friday goodfriday
Easter Sunday easter
Easter Monday eastermonday
National Tartan Day tartan
Vimy Ridge Day vimyridge
Earth Day earth
Mother's Day mother
Victoria Day victoria
Father's Day father
National Indigenous Day indigenous
Canada Day canada
Labor Day labor
Thanksgiving thanksgiving
Remembrance Day remembrance
Halloween halloween
Anniversary of the Statue of Westminster westminster
Christmas Eve christmaseve
Christmas Day christmas
Boxing Day boxing
New Year's Eve newyearseve

Holidays (pt-br)

Brazilian holidays
Holiday name String to use to check for a festival match
New Year's Day newyearsday
Carnival Friday carnivalday
Carnival Friday carnivalfriday
Carnival Saturday carnivalsaturday
Carnival Sunday carnivalsunday
Carnival Monday carnivalmonday
Carnival Tuesday carnivaltuesday
Carnival End (Until 2pm) carnivalend
Good Friday goodfriday
Tiradentes Day tiradentesday
Easter Sunday eastersunday
Labor Day / May Day laborday
Mother's Day mothersday
Brazilian Valentine's Day valentinesday
Corpus Christi corpuschristi
Father's Day fatherday
Independence Day independenceday
Our Lady of Aparecida / Children's Day ourladyofaparecida
Teacher's Day teachersday
Public Service Holiday publicserviceholiday
All Souls' Day allsoulsday
Republic Proclamation Day republicproclamationday
Black Consciousness Day blackconsciousnessday
Christmas Eve (from 2pm) christmaseve
Christmas Day christmasday
New Year's Eve (from 2pm) newyearseve

Holidays (en-gb)

British English holidays
Holiday name String to use to check for a festival match
New Year's Day newyearsday
2nd January (Scotland) 2ndjanuary
St. David's Day (Wales) st.davidsday
Valentines Day valentine
St Patrick's Day (Northern Ireland) stpatricksday
St Patrick's Day Off (Northern Ireland) stpatricksdayoff
Good Friday goodfriday
Easter Sunday easter
Easter Monday (England, Wales, Northern Ireland, Scotland) eastermonday
St. George's Day st.georgesday
Early May Bank Holiday earlymaybankholiday
Spring Bank Holiday springbankholiday
Queen's Birthday queensbirthday
Battle of the Boyne (Northern Ireland) battleoftheboyne
Summer Bank Holiday (Scotland) summerbankholiday
Summer Bank Holiday (England, Wales, Northern Ireland, Scotland) summerbankholiday
Halloween halloween
Guy Fawkes Day guyfawkesday
Rememberance Sunday rememberancesunday
St Andrew's Day (Scotland) standrewsday
St Andrew's Day Observed (Scotland) standrewsdayobserved
Christmas Day christmas
Boxing Day boxingday
Battle of the Boyne Observed (Northern Ireland) battleoftheboyneobserved
Bank Holiday (Day 1) bankholidayfirst
Bank Holiday (Day 2) bankholidaysecond
2nd January (substitute day) (Scotland) 2ndjanuary
New Year's Eve newyearseve
'New Year's Day' Observed newyearsdayobserved

Holidays (cs-cz)

Czech holidays
Holiday name String to use to check for a festival match
New Year's Day newyearsday
Restoration of the Czech Independence Day restorationofczechindependenceday
St. Valentine's Day valentinesday
International Women's Day internationalwomensday
Good Friday goodfriday
Easter Monday eastermonday
April Fools Day aprilfools
Labor Day / May Day laborday
Victory in Europe Day victoryineuropeday
Mother's Day mothersday
Children's Day childrensday
Father's Day fathersday
Saints Cyril and Methodius saintcyrilandmethodius
Jan Hus Day janhusday
St. Wenceslas Day wenceslasday
Independent Czechoslovak State Day independentczechoslovakstateday
Struggle for Freedom and Democracy Day struggleforfreedomanddemocracyday
Christmas Eve christmaseve
Christmas Day christmasday
St. Stephen's Day st.stephensday
New Year's Eve newyearseve

Holidays (nl-nl)

Dutch holidays
Holiday name String to use to check for a festival match
New Year's Day newyearsday
Valentine's Day Valentinesday
Good Friday goodfriday
Easter Sunday eastersunday
Easter Monday eastermonday
King's Birthday kingsbirthday
Liberation Day liberationday
Ascension Day ascensionday
Whit Sunday whitsunday
Whit Monday whitmonday
St Nicholas' Eve/Sinterklaas stnicholaseve
Christmas Eve christmaseve
Christmas Day christmasday
Second Day of Christmas seconddayofchristmas
New Year's Eve newyearseve

Holidays (fr-fr)

French holidays
Holiday name String to use to check for a festival match
New Year's Day newyearsday
Valentine's Day valentinesday
Easter Sunday eastersunday
Easter Monday eastermonday
Labor Day / May Day laborday
WWII Victory Day wwiivictoryday
Mother's Day mothersday
Ascension Day ascensionday
Whit Sunday whitsunday
Whit Monday whitmonday
Father's Day fathersday
Bastille Day bastilleday
Assumption of Mary assumptionofmary
All Saints' Day allsaintsday
Armistice Day armisticeday
Christmas Eve christmaseve
Christmas Day christmasday
New Year's Eve newyearseve

Holidays (de-de)

German holidays
Holiday name String to use to check for a festival match
New Year's Day newyearsday
Epiphany (BW, BY, ST) epiphany
Valentine's Day valentinesday
Shrove Monday shrovemonday
Carnival / Shrove Tuesday carnival
Carnival / Ash Wednesday carnival
International Women's Day (Most regions) internationalwomensday
April Fool's Day aprilfools
Palm Sunday palmsunday
Maundy Thursday maundythursday
Good Friday goodfriday
Easter Sunday (Most regions) eastersunday
Easter Monday eastermonday
May Day mayday
Mother's Day mothersday
Father's Day fathersday
Ascension Day ascensionday
Whit Sunday (Most regions) whitsunday
Whit Sunday (Brandenburg) whitsunday
Whit Monday whitmonday
Corpus Christi (Many regions) corpuschristi
Assumption of Mary (Bavaria, Saarland) assumptioofmary
Day of German Unity dayofgermanunity
Reformation Day (Most regions) reformationday
Halloween halloween
All Saints' Day (Many regions) allsaintsday
St Martin's Day st.martinsday
National Day of Mourning nationaldayofmourning
Repentance Day (Saxony) repentanceday
Sunday of the Dead sundayofthedead
First Advent Sunday firstadventsunday
Saint Nicholas Day saintnicholasday
Second Advent Sunday secondadventsunday
Third Advent Sunday thirdadventsunday
Fourth Advent Sunday fourthadventsunday
Christmas Day christmasday
Boxing Day boxingday
Whit Sunday (Most regions) whitsunday
New Year's Eve newyearseve

Holidays (it-it)

Italian holidays
Holiday name String to use to check for a festival match
New Year's Day newyearsday
Valentine's Day valentineday
Epiphany epiphany
Good Friday goodfriday
Easter Sunday eastersunday
Easter Monday eastermonday
Liberation Day liberationday
Labor Day / May Day laborday
Republic Day republicday
Assumption of Mary / Ferragosto assumptionofmary
All Saints' Day allsaintsday
Feast of the Immaculate Conception feastoftheimmaculateconception
Christmas Day christmasday
St Stephen's Day st.stephensday
Labor Day / May Day laborday
New Year's Eve newyearseve

Holidays (pt-pt)

Portuguese holidays
Holiday name String to use to check for a festival match
New Year's Day newyearsday
Valentine's Day valentinesday
Carnival / Shrove Tuesday carnivalday
Good Friday goodfriday
Easter Sunday eastersunday
Liberty Day libertyday
Labor Day / May Day laborday
Mother's Day mothersday
Father's Day fathersday
Portugal Day portugalday
Corpus Christi corpuschristi
Assumption of Mary assumptionofmary
Republic Implantation republicimplantation
All Saints' Day allsaintsday
Restoration of Independence restorationofindependence
Feast of the Immaculate Conception immaculateconception
Christmas Eve christmaseve
Christmas Day christmasday
New Year's Eve newyearseve

Holidays (sk-sk)

Slovak holidays
Holiday name String to use to check for a festival match
Republic Day republicday
Epiphany epiphany
Good Friday goodfriday
Easter Sunday eastersunday
Easter Monday eastermonday
Labor Day laborday
End of World War II endofworldwarii
St. Cyril & St. Methodius Day st.cyril&st.methodiusday
National Uprising Day nationaluprisingday
Constitution Day constitutionday
Day of Our Lady of Sorrows dayofourladyofsorrows
All Saints' Day allsaintsday
Fight for Freedom and Democracy Day fightforfreedomanddemocracyday
Christmas Eve christmaseve
Christmas Day christmasday
St. Stephen's Day st.stephensday
St. Cyril & St. Methodius Day cyrilmethodiusday
New Year's Eve newyearseve

Holidays (es-es)

Spanish holidays
Holiday name String to use to check for a festival match
New Year's Day newyearsday
Epiphany epiphany
Epiphany observed (Many regions) epiphanyobserved
Valentine's Day valentinesday
Andalusia Day andalusiaday
Baleares Day balearesday
Ash Wednesday ashwednesday
San Jose (Many regions) sanjose
Palm Sunday palmsunday
Maundy Thursday (Many regions) maundythursday
Good Friday goodfriday
Easter Sunday eastersunday
Easter Monday (Many regions) eastermonday
Aragon Day aragonday
Saint George Day stgeorgeday
Labor Day / May Day laborday
Community Day communityday
San Isidro saintisidro
Mothers' Day mothersday
Whit Sunday/Pentecost whitsunday
Feast of Saint James the Apostle (GA, PV, S) feastofsaintjamestheapostle
Assumption of Mary assumptionofmary
Hispanic Day hispanicday
All Saints' Day (All) allsaintsday
Constitution Day constitutionday
Immaculate Conception immaculateconception
Immaculate Conception observed (Many regions) immaculateconceptionobserved
Christmas Eve christmaseve
Christmas Day christmasday
Feast of the Holy Family feastoftheholyfamily
Corpus Christi corpuschristi
All Saints' Day' observed (Most regions) allsaintsdayobserved
Assumption observed assumptionobserved
Cantabria Day cantabriaday
Christmas Day observed (Balearic Islands) christmasdayobserved
Labor Day observed (Many regions) labordayobserved
Christmas Day observed (Many regions) christmasdayobserved
Immaculate Conception observed immaculateconceptionobserved
Hispanic Day observed (Many regions) hispanicdayobserved
Almuneda Day almunedaday
New Year's Eve newyearseve

Holidays (ar-ar)

Arabic holidays
Holiday name String to use to check for a festival match
New Year newyear
Valentine valentine
Easter Sunday easter
Christmas Eve christmaseve
Christmas christmas
Eid al-Fitr eidalfitr
Eid al-Adha eidaladha
Ramadan ramadan
Islamic New Year islamicnewyear
Ashura ashura
Mawlid an-Nabi mawlidannabi
Day of Arafat dayofarafat
Laylat al-Miraj laylatalmiraj

Holidays (iw-il)

Hebrew holidays
Holiday name String to use to check for a festival match
Erev Purim erevpurim
Yom HaAliyah yomhaaliyah
Erev Pesach erevpesach
Pesach I (First day of Passover) pesachi
Pesach II (Passover) pesachii
Pesach III (Passover) pesachiii
Pesach IV (Passover) pesachiv
Pesach V (Passover) pesachv
Pesach VI (Passover) pesachvi
Pesach VII (Last day of Passover) pesachvii
Yom HaShoah/Holocaust Memorial Day yomhashoah
Yom HaZikaron (Memorial Day) yomhazikaron
Yom HaAtzmaut (Independence Day) yomhaatzmaut
Yom Yerushalayim (Jerusalem Day) yomyerushalayim
Erev Shavuot erevshavuot
Shavuot (Pentecost) shavuot
Erev Tisha B'Av erevtishabav
Tisha B'Av tishabav
Erev Rosh Hashana erevroshhashana
Rosh Hashana (New Year) roshhashana
Rosh Hashana II (New Year day 2) roshhashanaii
Erev Yom Kippur erevyomkippur
Yom Kippur yomkippur
Erev Sukkot erevsukkot
Sukkot I sukkoti
Sukkot II sukkotii
Sukkot III sukkotiii
Sukkot IV sukkotiv
Sukkot V sukkotv
Sukkot VI sukkotvi
Sukkot VII/Hoshanah Rabah sukkotvii
Shmini Atzeret/Simchat Torah shminiatzeret
Yom HaAliyah School Observance yomhaaliyahschoolobservance
Hanukkah I (Holiday of lights) hanukkahi
Hanukkah II hanukkahii
Hanukkah III hanukkahiii
Hanukkah IV hanukkahiv
Hanukkah V hanukkahv
Hanukkah VI/Rosh Chodesh Tevet hanukkahvi
Hanukkah VII hanukkahvii
Hanukkah VIII hanukkahviii

Holidays (zh-cn)

Simplified Chinese holidays
Holiday name String to use to check for a festival match
New Year's Day newyearsday
New Year's Weekend newyearsweekend
Double Seventh Festival doubleseventhfestival
Double Ninth Festival doubleninthfestival
Laba Festival labafestival
Ching Ming Festival chingmingfestival
Longtaitou Festival longtaitoufestival
Spring Festival Eve springfestivaleve
Chinese New Year Eve chinesenewyeareve
Chinese New Year chinesenewyear
Lantern Festival lanternfestival
Zhonghe Festival zhonghefestival
Christmas christmas
Labor Day laborday
Valentine valentine
Easter Sunday easter
Dragon Boat Festival dragonboatfestival
Mid-Autumn Festival midautumnfestival
National Day nationalday

Holidays (zh-tw)

Traditional Chinese holidays
Holiday name String to use to check for a festival match
New Year's Day newyearsday
New Year's weekend newyearsweekend
Double Seventh Festival doubleseventhfestival
Double Ninth Festival doubleninthfestival
Laba Festival labafestival
Ching Ming Festival chingmingfestival
Longtaitou Festival longtaitoufestival
Spring Festival Eve springfestivaleve
Chinese New Year Eve chinesenewyeareve
Chinese New Year chinesenewyear
Lantern Festival lanternfestival
Zhonghe Festival zhonghefestival
Christmas christmas
Labor Day laborday
Valentine valentine
easter sunday easter
Dragon Boat Festival dragonboatfestival
Mid-Autumn Festival midautumnfestival
National Day nationalday

Holidays (ja-jp)

Japanese holidays
Holiday name String to use to check for a festival match
New Year's Day newyearsday
January 2 Bank Holiday january2bankholiday
January 3 Bank Holiday january3bankholiday
Coming of Age Day comingofageday
National Foundation Day nationalfoundationday
Easter Sunday easter
Saint Valentines Day valentinesday
Dolls' Festival/Girls' Festival dollsfestival
Spring Equinox springequinox
Shōwa Day showaday
Coronation Day holiday coronationdayholiday
Coronation Day coronationday
Constitution Memorial Day constitutionmemorialday
Greenery Day greeneryday
Children's Day childrensday
'Children's Day' observed childrensdayobserved
Star Festival starfestival
Sea Day seaday
Mountain Day mountainday
'Mountain Day' observed mountaindayobserved
Respect for the Aged Day respectfortheagedday
Autumn Equinox autumnequinox
Health and Sports Day healthandsportsday
Enthronement Ceremony Day enthronementceremonyday
Culture Day cultureday
'Culture Day' Observed culturedayobserved
7-5-3 Day 753day
Labor Thanksgiving Day laborthanksgivingday
Christmas christmas
December 31 Bank Holiday december31bankholiday
Emperor's Birthday emperorsbirthday
'Emperor's Birthday' observed emperorsbirthdayobserved
'Constitution Memorial Day' observed constitutionmemorialdayobserved
Sports Day sportsday
'New Year's Day' observed newyearsdayobserved
'National Foundation Day' observed nationalfoundationdayobserved
'Autumn Equinox' observed autumnequinoxobserved
'Greenery Day' observed greenerydayobserved
'Labor Thanksgiving Day' observed laborthanksgivingdayobserved
Bridge Public holiday bridgepublicholiday
'Spring Equinox' observed springequinoxobserved
December 31 Bank Holiday december31bankholiday

Holidays (ko-kr)

Korean holidays
Holiday name String to use to check for a festival match
New Year's Day newyearsday
Independence Movement Day independencemovementday
Labor Day laborday
Children's Day childrensday
Parents' Day parentsday
Teacher's Day teachersday
Buddha's Birthday buddhasbirthday
Memorial Day memorialday
Constitution Day constitutionmemorialday
Liberation Day liberationday
Chuseok chuseok
Armed Forces Day armedforcesday
National Foundation Day nationalfoundationday
Hangeul Proclamation Day hangeulproclamationday
Christmas Eve christmaseve
Christmas Day christmas
New Year's Eve newyearseve
National Assembly Election Day nationalassemblyelectionday