IBM Cloud Docs
Response types reference

Response types reference

You can use the JSON editor to specify responses of many different types. You can use JSON editor to specify the responses to the customer query. By adding the JSON scripts in the JSON editor, your assistant uses the response format mentioned in the JSON script.

For more information, see Defining responses with the JSON editor.

When the variables in the action and message API differ at run time, the format of response types in the action and message API also differs. The following examples show the differences in response type format when you use message API and the JSON editor.

If the text response from the message API has the following format:

{ "response_type": "text", "text": "Hello world" }

Then, the assistant displays the actual text message, Hello world, in a single step.

If the text response from the JSON action editor has the following format:

  "generic": [
      "response_type": "text",
      "values": [
          "text_expression": {
            "concat": [
                "scalar": "Hi, "
                "variable": "step_472"
                "scalar": ". How can I help you?"
      "selection_policy": "sequential"

Then, the assistant combines actual value of variable with other items in the values array and displays the response. For example, if step_472 takes the value "Bob", then the assistant displays Hi, Bob. How can I help you?.

Viewing the response type at the runtime

You can refer to the API documentation for watsonx Assistant to view the details of response types and the APIs.

For example, to view the runtime response type, do the following:

  1. In the Response section, click MessageOutput in output to see the generic section.
  2. In the generic section, click RuntimeResponseGeneric[].
  3. Select an option in the One of dropdown.

To view more details about the selected option, click One of.

Response type reference

The following response types are supported in the JSON editor.


Plays an audio clip that is specified by a URL.

Integration channel support

Web chat Phone SMS Slack Facebook WhatsApp
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
  • Some channel integrations do not display audio titles or descriptions.


Name Type Description Required?
response_type string audio Y
source string The https: URL of the audio clip. The URL can specify either an audio file or an audio clip on a supported hosting service. Y
title string The title to show before the audio player. N
description string The text of the description that accompanies the audio player. N
alt_text string Descriptive text that can be used for screen readers or other situations where the audio player cannot be seen. N
channel_options.voice_telephony.loop string Whether the audio clip repeats indefinitely (phone integration only). N

The URL specified by the source property can be one of the following types:

  • The URL of an audio file in any standard format such as MP3 or WAV. In the web chat, the linked audio clip renders as an embedded audio player.

  • The URL of an audio clip on a supported streaming service. In the web chat, the linked audio clip renders by using the embeddable player for the hosting service.

    Specify the URL that you use to access the audio file in your browser (for example, The web chat automatically converts the URL to an embeddable form.

    You can embed audio hosted on a supported service:

For the phone integration, the URL must specify an audio file that is single-channel (mono) and PCM-encoded, and is sampled at 8,000 Hz with 16 bits per sample.


This example plays an audio clip with a title and descriptive text.

      "response_type": "audio",
      "source": "",
      "title": "Example audio file",
      "description": "An example audio clip returned as part of a multimedia response."


Show interactive buttons that help the users to complete their tasks.

Integration channel support



Name Type Description Required?
response_type string button Y
label string The button label Y
button_type string The type of button. For example, post_back, custom_event, show_panel, and url. Y
kind string The kind of button. For example, primary, secondary, tertiary, danger, and link.

The default value is primary.

image_url string The url of an image to render as a button. N
alt_text string The alternate text to label the image for the accessibility purposes. N

post_back button type

The post_back button sends a response to the assistant when the user clicks the button. You can use both the value and label properties to set up the response to send.


Name Type Description Required?
value object Defines the response that WebChat sends to the watsonx Assistant service when the user selects an option.

Note: If you do not define value.input.text, then the WebChat sends the value of label to the assistant.



The following example shows the JSON configuration for a button to send an authored text input to the assistant when the user clicks the button.

  "response_type": "button",
  "button_type": "post_back",
  "label": "Send message",
  "value": {
    "input": {
      "text": "[Message to send]"

custom_event button type

When the user clicks the custom_event button, a custom event, which you configured along with the user-defined data, is triggered. You must create the event to achieve the desired behavior by using custom codes. In web chat, you can use the messageItemCustom event to apply the desired behavior when the user clicks the button.


Name Type Description Required?
custom_event_name string The name of the custom event that is triggered when the user clicks the button.

In web chat, the messageItemCustom event is triggered when the user clicks the custom_event button.

user_defined object The user-defined data attached to the custom event. N


In the following example, you use the JSON script to trigger an alert when the button is clicked.

  "response_type": "button",
  "button_type": "custom_event",
  "label": "Alert",
  "kind": "danger",
  "custom_event_name": "trigger_alert",
  "user_defined": {
    "message": "[Alert message]"

show_panel button type

When a user clicks the show_panel button, the assistant opens a panel that the users can use to get additional information or complete a task.


Name Type Description Required?
panel string An object that defines the content of the panel. Y
panel.title string The title of the panel. N
panel.show_animations boolean The object to enable or disable the animations in the panel when the user opens or closes it. The default value is true Y
panel.body[] list A list of response types to create rich visual content. Maximum 10 response types are allowed in the list.

Supported response types: text, image, video, audio, iframe, grid, card and user_defined.

Note: A card response type in a panel does not support buttons.

panel.footer[] list A list of button response types. Maximum 5 buttons are allowed in the list.

Note: The button type show_panel is not supported in this list.



In the following example, you use JSON script to create a button that opens a panel for product details:

  "response_type": "button",
  "button_type": "show_panel",
  "label": "See details",
  "kind": "secondary",
  "panel": {
    "title": "[Product name]",
    "show_animations": true,
    "body": [
        "response_type": "image",
        "source": ""
        "response_type": "text",
        "text": "[Product details]"

url button type

When a user clicks the url button, the user goes to the url field to add the destination url.


Name Type Description Required?
url string The destination url of the button. Y
target string The location to open the url in the browser. For example, _blank or _self. _blank opens the url in a new tab. _self opens the url in the same tab.

The default value is _blank.



The example presents a button that takes the user to when the button is clicked.

  "response_type": "button",
  "button_type": "url",
  "label": "Visit",
  "url": ""


Visual content to improve the information experience of users by using card.

Integration channel support



Name Type Description Required?
response_type string card Y
body[] list A list of response types to create rich content. A maximum of 10 response types are allowed in the list.

Supported response types: text, image, video, audio, iframe, grid, and user_defined.

footer[] list A list of only button response types. A maximum of 5 buttons are allowed in the list. N

A card can be rendered in a panel, but it is not allowed to have buttons.


The following example shows the basic structure for building a card response type:

  "response_type": "card",
  "body": [
      "response_type": "text",
      "text": "# Heading"
      "response_type": "text",
      "text": "body"


Transfers the conversation to a different channel integration. Currently, the web chat integration is the only supported target of a channel transfer.

Integration channel support

Phone SMS Slack Facebook WhatsApp
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
  • The indicated channel integrations support initiating a channel transfer (currently, the web chat integration is the only supported transfer target).
  • Initiating a channel transfer from the phone integration requires that the SMS integration is also configured.


Name Type Description Required?
response_type string channel_transfer Y
message_to_user string A message to display to the user before the link for initiating the transfer. Y
transfer_info object Information used by an integration to transfer the conversation to a different channel. Y string URL for the website that hosts the web chat to which the conversation is transferred. Y


This example requests a transfer from WhatsApp to the web chat. In addition to the channel_transfer response, the output also includes a text response to be displayed by the web chat integration after the transfer. The use of the channels array ensures that the channel_transfer response is handled only by the WhatsApp integration (before the transfer), and the connect_to_agent response only by the web chat integration (after the transfer).

  "generic": [
      "response_type": "channel_transfer",
      "channels": [
          "channel": "whatsapp"
      "message_to_user": "Click the link to connect with an agent using our website.",
      "transfer_info": {
        "target": {
          "chat": {
            "url": ""
      "response_type": "connect_to_agent",
      "channels": [
          "channel": "chat"
      "message_to_human_agent": "User asked to speak to an agent.",
      "agent_available": {
        "message": "Please wait while I connect you to an agent."
      "agent_unavailable": {
        "message": "I'm sorry, but no agents are online at the moment. Please try again later."
      "transfer_info": {
        "target": {
          "zendesk": {
            "department": "Payments department"


Transfers the conversation to a live agent for help. Service desk support must be configured for the channel integration.

Integration channel support

Web chat Phone WhatsApp
Yes Yes Yes


Name Type Description Required?
response_type string connect_to_agent Y
message_to_human_agent string A message to display to the live agent to whom the conversation is being transferred. Y
agent_available string A message to display to the user when agents are available. Y
agent_unavailable string A message to display to the user when no agents are available. Y
transfer_info object Information that is used by the web chat service desk integrations for routing the transfer. N string A valid department from your Zendesk account. N string A valid button ID from your Salesforce deployment. N


This example requests a transfer to a live agent and specifies messages to be displayed both to the user and to the agent at the time of transfer.

  "generic": [
      "response_type": "connect_to_agent",
      "message_to_human_agent": "User asked to speak to an agent.",
      "agent_available": {
        "message": "Please wait while I connect you to an agent."
      "agent_unavailable": {
        "message": "I'm sorry, but no agents are online at the moment. Please try again later."


Use an interactive date picker that a customer can use to specify a date value.

Integration channel support

Web chat
  • In the web chat, the customer can specify a date value either by clicking the interactive date picker or typing a date value in the input field.


Name Type Description Required?
response_type string date Y


This example sends a text response that asks the user to specify a date, and then shows an interactive date picker.

  "generic": [
      "response_type": "text",
      "text": "What day will you be checking in?"
      "response_type": "date"


Sends commands to the phone integration to control input or output with dual-tone multi-frequency (DTMF) signals. (DTMF is a protocol that transmits tones, which are generated when a user presses keys on a push-button phone.)

Integration channel support



Name Type Description Required?
response_type string dtmf Y
command_info object Information specifying the DTMF command to send to the phone integration. Y
command_info.type string The DTMF command to send (collect, disable_barge_in, enable_barge_in, or send). Y
command_info.parameters object See Handling phone interactions. N

The command_info.type field can specify any of the following supported commands:

  • collect: Collects DTMF keypad input.
  • disable_barge_in: Disables DTMF barge-in so that playback from the phone integration is not interrupted when the customer presses a key.
  • enable_barge_in: Enables DTMF barge-in so that the customer can interrupt playback from the phone integration by pressing a key.
  • send: Sends DTMF signals.

For detailed information about how to use each of these commands, see Handling phone interactions.


This example shows the dtmf response type with the collect command, used to collect DTMF input. For more information, see Handling phone interactions.

  "generic": [
      "response_type": "dtmf",
      "command_info": {
        "type": "collect",
        "parameters": {
          "termination_key": "#",
          "count": 16,
          "ignore_speech": true
      "channels": [
          "channel": "voice_telephony"


Sends a command to the channel that ends the session. This response type instructs the phone integration to hang up the call.

Integration channel support

Phone SMS
  • The SMS integration supports ending a session by using the terminateSession action command.


Name Type Description Required?
response_type string end_session Y

For the phone integration, you can use the channel_options object to include custom headers with the SIP BYE request that is generated. For more information, see End the call.


This example uses the end_session response type to end a conversation.

  "generic": [
      "response_type": "end_session"


Gives you the flexibility to create the layout you need to present content that conveys the type of information you want users to consume.

Integration channel support



Name Type Description Required?
response_type string grid Y
horizontal_alignment string The horizontal alignment for all items in the grid (left, center, or right).

The default value is left.

vertical_alignment string The vertical alignment for all items in the grid (top, center, or bottom).

The default values is top.

columns[] list The list of columns. A maximum of 5 columns are allowed in the list. Each column is separated by 8px of space. N
columns[].width string The width of the column. You can set the value of width by using number (for example, 1) or pixel (for example, 48 px).

The number value of a column width is calculated based on the total width of the row and the width of other columns in the row. For example, if the width of the first column is 1 and the width of the second column is 2, then the first column and the second column takes one-third and two-thirds of the total width of the row respectively.

By default, the number value of width is 1.

rows[] list The list of rows. Maximum 5 rows are allowed in the list. Each row is separated by 8px of space. Y
rows[].cells[] list The list of cells in a row. Each cell is a column in a row (for example, cell 1 is column 1 in a row). The width of the cell is equal to width of the column. Y
rows[].cells[].items[] list A list of response-type items. Each item is separated by 8px of space. Maximum 5 response-type items are allowed in the list.

Supported response-type items are text, image, vdeo, audio, iframe, grid, and user_defined.

You can set up a grid only within a grid and below the first level.
A grid in a cell cannot contain a grid response type.
rows[].cells[].horizontal_alignment string The horizontal alignment for items in the cell (left, center, or right).

The default value is left.

rows[].cells[].vertical_alignment string The vertical alignment for items in the cell (top, center, or bottom).

The default values is top.



The following example shows the basic structure for building a grid response type:

  "response_type": "grid",
  "columns": [
      "width": "1"
      "width": "1"
  "rows": [
      "cells": [
          "items": [
              "response_type": "text",
              "text": "row 1 cell 1"
          "items": [
              "response_type": "text",
              "text": "row 1 cell 2"
      "cells": [
          "items": [
              "response_type": "text",
              "text": "row 2 cell 1"
          "items": [
              "response_type": "text",
              "text": "row 2 cell 2"


Embeds content from an external website as an HTML iframe element.

Integration channel support

Web chat Facebook
Yes Yes
  • Currently, the web chat integration ignores the description and image_url properties. Instead, the description and preview image are dynamically retrieved from the source at run time.


Name Type Description Required?
response_type string iframe Y
source string The URL of the external content. The URL must specify content that is embeddable in an HTML iframe element. Y
title string The title to show before the embedded content. N
description string The text of the description that accompanies the embedded content. N
image_url string The URL of an image that shows a preview of the embedded content. N string The way web chat renders the response type (inline or panel). The default value is panel for this response type. N number The base height (in pixels) to use to scale the content to a specific display size. This property works only when display is set to inline. N

Different sites have varying restrictions for embedding content, and different processes for generating embeddable URLs. An embeddable URL is one that can be specified as the value of the src attribute of the iframe element.

For example, to embed an interactive map with Google Maps, you can use the Google Maps Embed API. (For more information, see The Maps Embed API overview.) Other sites have different processes for creating embeddable content.

For technical details about using Content-Security-Policy: frame-src to allow embedding of your website content, see CSP: frame-src.


The following example embeds an iframe with a title and description.

      "response_type": "iframe",
      "source": "",
      "title": "Example iframe",
      "description": "An example of embeddable content returned as an iframe response.",
      "channel_options": {
        "chat": {
          "display": "inline",
          "base_height": 180


Displays an image that is specified by a URL.

Integration channel support

Web chat SMS Slack Facebook WhatsApp MS Teams
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
  • Some channel integrations do not display image titles or descriptions.


Name Type Description Required?
response_type string image Y
source string The https: URL of the image. The specified image must be in .jpg, .gif, or .png format. Y
title string The title to show before the image. N
description string The text of the description that accompanies the image. N
alt_text string Descriptive text that can be used for screen readers or other situations where the image cannot be seen. N


This example displays an image with a title and descriptive text.

      "response_type": "image",
      "source": "",
      "title": "Example image",
      "description": "An example image returned as part of a multimedia response."


Use to show a set of options (such as buttons or a drop-down list) that users can choose from. The selected value is then sent to the assistant as user input. An options response is automatically defined when you choose the Options customer response type for a step. For more information, see Collecting information from your customers.

Integration channel support

Web chat Phone SMS Slack Facebook WhatsApp MS Teams
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
  • How options are presented varies by channel integration. The preference field is supported when possible, but not all channels support drop-down lists or buttons.


Name Type Description Required?
response_type string option Y
title string The title to show before the options. Y
description string The text of the description that accompanies the options. N
preference string The preferred type of control to display, if supported by the channel (dropdown or button). N
options list A list of key-value pairs that specify options from which a user can choose. Y
options[].label string The user-facing label for the option. Y
options[].value object An object that defines the response that is sent to the watsonx Assistant service if the user selects the option. Y
options[].value.input object An object that includes the message input corresponding to the option, including input text and any other field that is a valid part of a watsonx Assistant message. For more information, see the API Reference. N


This example presents two options (Buy something and Exit).

      "response_type": "option",
      "title": "Choose from the following options:",
      "preference": "button",
      "options": [
          "label": "Buy something",
          "value": {
            "input": {
              "text": "Place order"
          "label": "Exit",
          "value": {
            "input": {
              "text": "Exit"


Pauses before the next message to the channel, and optionally sends a "user is typing" event (for channels that support it).

Integration channel support

Web chat Facebook WhatsApp
Yes Yes Yes
  • With the phone integration, you can add a pause by including the SSML break element in the assistant output. For more information, see the Text to Speech documentation.


Name Type Description Required?
response_type string pause Y
time int How long to pause, in milliseconds. Y
typing Boolean Whether to send the "user is typing" event during the pause. Ignored if the channel does not support this event. N


This example sends the "user is typing" event and pauses for 5 seconds.

        "response_type": "pause",
        "time": 5000,
        "typing": true


Sends a command to the Speech to Text service instance used by the phone integration. These commands can dynamically change the configuration or behavior of the service during a conversation.

Integration channel support



Name Type Description Required?
response_type string speech_to_text Y
command_info object Information specifying the command to send to the Speech to Text. Y
command_info.type string The command to send (currently only the configure command is supported). Y
command_info.parameters object See Applying advanced settings to the Speech to Text service N

The command_info.type field can specify any of the following supported commands:

  • configure: Dynamically updates the Speech to Text configuration. Configuration changes can be applied only to the next conversation turn, or for the rest of the session.

For information about how to use this command, see Applying advanced settings to the Speech to Text service.


This example uses the speech_to_text response type with the configure command to change the language model from the Speech to Text service to Spanish, and to enable smart formatting.

  "generic": [
      "response_type": "speech_to_text",
      "command_info": {
        "type": "configure",
        "parameters": {
          "narrowband_recognize": {
            "model": "es-ES_NarrowbandModel",
            "smart_formatting": true
          "channel": "voice_telephony"


Sends a command to a channel integration to start one or more activities that are specific to that channel. You can use this response type to restart any activity you previously stopped with the stop_activities response type.

Integration channel support



Name Type Description Required?
response_type string start_activities Y
activities list A list of objects that identify the activities to start. Y
activities[].type string The name of the activity to start. Y

Currently, the following activities for the phone integration can be started:

  • speech_to_text_recognition: Recognizes speech. Streaming audio to the Speech to Text service is resumed.
  • dtmf_collection: Processes inbound DTMF signals.


This example uses the start_activities response type to restart recognizing speech. Because this command is specific to the phone integration, the channels property specifies voice_telephony only.

  "generic": [
      "response_type": "start_activities",
      "activities": [
          "type": "speech_to_text_recognition"
          "channel": "voice_telephony"


Sends a command to a channel integration to stop one or more activities that are specific to that channel. The activities remain stopped until they are restarted with the start_activities response type.

Integration channel support



Name Type Description Required?
response_type string stop_activities Y
activities list A list of objects that identify the activities to stop. Y
activities[].type string The name of the activity to stop. Y

Currently, the following activities for the phone integration can be stopped:

  • speech_to_text_recognition: Stops recognizing speech. All streaming audio to the Speech to Text service is stopped.
  • dtmf_collection: Stops processing of inbound DTMF signals.


This example uses the stop_activities response type to stop recognizing speech. Because this command is specific to the phone integration, the channels property specifies voice_telephony only.

  "generic": [
      "response_type": "stop_activities",
      "activities": [
          "type": "speech_to_text_recognition"



The web chat support for new table response type represents the structured data in rows and columns, headers, and cells.

Integration channel support

Web chat

Properties and Definitions

Property Description Type Required
title The title of the table. String No
description A brief description of the table. String No
headers Array of column headers. Array<String, Number> Yes
rows Array of rows, each containing an array of cells. Array<Object> Yes
rows[].cells Data for each cell in the row. Array<String, Number> Yes

Each row must have the same number of cells as the headers. A mismatch between cells and headers will cause the web chat to throw an error when it attempts to render the table.


This example displays structured data in a table.

    "generic": [
        "response_type": "table",
        "title": "Data Table",
        "description": "A table with data",
        "headers": ["Column 1", "Column 2"],
        "rows": [
            "cells": ["Row 1, Column 1", "Row 1, Column 2"]
            "cells": ["Row 2, Column 1", "22"]


Displays text (or reads it aloud, for the phone integration). To add variety, you can specify multiple alternative text responses. If you specify multiple responses, you can choose to rotate sequentially through the list, choose a response randomly, or output all specified responses.

Integration channel support

Web chat Phone SMS Slack Facebook WhatsApp
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes


Name Type Description Required?
response_type string text Y
values list A list of one or more objects that define a text response. Y
values.[n].text_expression object An object that describes the text of the response. N
values.[n].text_expression.concat list A list of objects that form components of the text response. These objects can include scalar text strings and references to variables. N
selection_policy string How a response is selected from the list, if more than one response is specified. The possible values are sequential, random, and multiline. N
delimiter string The delimiter to output as a separator between responses. Used only when selection_policy=multiline. The default delimiter is newline ( ). N


This example displays a greeting message to the user.

  "generic": [
      "response_type": "text",
      "values": [
          "text_expression": {
            "concat": [
                "scalar": "Hi, "
                "variable": "step_472"
                "scalar": ". How can I help you?"
      "selection_policy": "sequential"


Sends a command to the Text to Speech service instance used by the phone integration. These commands can dynamically change the configuration or behavior of the service during a conversation.

Integration channel support



Name Type Description Required?
response_type string text_to_speech Y
command_info object Information specifying the command to send to the Text to Speech. Y
command_info.type string The command to send (configure, disable_barge_in, or enable_barge_in). Y
command_info.parameters object See Applying advanced settings to the Text to Speech service N

The command_info.type field can specify any of the following supported commands:

  • configure: Dynamically updates the Text to Speech configuration. Configuration changes can be applied only to the next conversation turn, or for the rest of the session.
  • disable_barge_in: Disables speech barge-in so that playback from the phone integration is not interrupted when the customer speaks.
  • enable_barge_in: Enables speech barge-in so that the customer can interrupt playback from the phone integration by speaking.

For detailed information about how to use each of these commands, see Applying advanced settings to the Text to Speech service.


This example uses the text_to_speech response type with the configure command to change the voice used by the Text to Speech service.

  "generic": [
      "response_type": "text_to_speech",
      "command_info": {
        "type": "configure",
        "parameters" : {
          "synthesize": {
            "voice": "en-US_LisaVoice"
          "channel": "voice_telephony"


A custom response type with any JSON data that the client or integration knows how to handle. For example, you might customize the web chat to display a special card, or build a custom application to format responses with a table or chart.

The user-defined response type is not displayed unless the channel has code to handle it. For more information, see Customizing and developing.

Integration channel support

Web chat Phone SMS Slack Facebook WhatsApp
Yes Yes* Yes* Yes Yes Yes
  • With the phone integration, the user_defined response type is used to send legacy commands (for example, vgwActForceNoInputTurn or vgwActSendSMS). For more information, see Handling phone interactions.
  • With the SMS integration, the user_defined response type is used to send action commands (for example, terminateSession or smsActSendMedia).


Name Type Description Required?
response_type string user_defined Y
user_defined object An object that contains any data the client or integration knows how to handle. This object can contain any valid JSON data, but it cannot exceed a total size of 5000 bytes. Y


This example shows a generic example of a user-defined response. The user_defined object can contain any valid JSON data.

      "response_type": "user_defined",
      "user_defined": {
        "field_1": "String value",
        "array_1": [
        "object_1": {
          "property_1": "Another string value"


Displays a video that is specified by a URL.

Integration channel support

Web chat SMS Slack Facebook WhatsApp
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
  • Some channel integrations do not display video titles or descriptions.


Name Type Description Required?
response_type string video Y
source string The https: URL of the video. The URL can specify a video file or a streaming video on a supported hosting service. Y
title string The title to show before the video. N
description string The text of the description that accompanies the video. N
alt_text string Descriptive text that can be used for screen readers or other situations where the video cannot be seen. N number The base height (in pixels) to use to scale the video to a specific display size. N

The URL specified with the source property can be one of the following types:

  • The URL of a video file in a standard format such as MPEG or AVI. In the web chat, the linked video renders as an embedded video player.

    HLS (.m3u8) and DASH (MPD) streaming videos are not supported.

  • The URL of a video from a supported service. In the web chat, the linked video renders with the embeddable player for the hosting service.

    Specify the URL of the video that you want to view in your browser (for example, The web chat automatically converts the URL to an embeddable form.

    You can embed videos that are hosted on the following services: - YouTube - Facebook - Vimeo - Twitch - Streamable - Wistia - Vidyard


This example displays a video with a title and descriptive text.

      "response_type": "video",
      "source": "",
      "title": "Example video",
      "description": "An example video returned as part of a multimedia response."