IBM Cloud Docs
Understanding readiness errors and warnings

Understanding readiness errors and warnings

Readiness check warnings and errors can occur for any of the three readiness checks: OS reload, license upgrade, or version upgrade. The following list provides information on these error and warning codes.

Error 1000

An OS reload is already running on a different node in the HA cluster. The other node's OS reload must be completed before running a second OS reload.

Error 1002

An error occurred in the connectivity check. Contact IBM Support.

Error 1003

The root user for the host is not found.

Error 1004

The root user credentials for the host are not found.

Error 1005

The host SSH console connection was not created. Refer to Correcting connectivity errors for information on how to resolve SSH connectivity check errors.

Error 1007

The host SSH console connection was not created. Refer to Correcting connectivity errors for information on how to resolve SSH connectivity check errors.

Error 1008

The host SSH console cannot process the command. Refer to Correcting connectivity errors for information on how to resolve SSH connectivity check errors.

Error 1009

The host has an invalid IP address, or is blocked by a firewall. SSH failed. Refer to Correcting connectivity errors for information on how to resolve SSH connectivity check errors.

Error 1011

The root user's credentials for the gateway were not found.

Error 1012

The gateway SSH console connection failed. Refer to Correcting connectivity errors for information on how to resolve SSH connectivity check errors.

Error 1013

The root user for the gateway was not found.

Error 1014

The gateway readiness check timed out.

Error 1017

The gateway SSH console connection was noth created. Refer to Correcting connectivity errors for information on how to resolve SSH connectivity check errors.

Error 1018

The gateway SSH console could not process the command. Refer to Correcting connectivity errors for information on how to resolve SSH connectivity check errors.

Error 1019

The gateway has an invalid IP address, or is blocked by a firewall. SSH failed. Refer to Correcting connectivity errors for information on how to resolve SSH connectivity check errors.

Error 1021

An error occurred in the connectivity check. Contact IBM Support.

Error 1022

The gateway readiness precheck failed with an unexpected exception. Try again or contact IBM Support.

Error 1023

The gateway readiness precheck failed the DNS accessibility check on the Ubuntu host. Confirm that there is network access to the private subnet from the host.

Error 1024

The gateway readiness precheck failed with an unexpected exception. Try again or contact IBM Support.

Error 1025

The IPMI interface is disabled for the Gateway host. Check IPMI status and enable the interface if it is disabled. Try again or contact IBM Support.

Error 1026

The Ubuntu host is unable to write to the attached storage as it is read only. Reboot the host and try again or contact IBM Support.

Error 1101

An error occurred during the readiness check. Try again or contact IBM Support.

Error 1102

The host experienced a precheck setup failure. Try again or contact IBM Support.

Error 1103

The host experienced a precheck setup failure. Try again or contact IBM Support.

Error 1104

The host experienced a precheck setup failure. Try again or contact IBM Support.

Error 1105

The host experienced a precheck setup failure and cannot SSH to the gateway. Refer to Correcting connectivity errors for information on how to resolve SSH connectivity check errors.

Error 1106

The host experienced a precheck setup failure and cannot SSH to the private IP for the other node's host. Refer to Correcting connectivity errors for information on how to resolve SSH connectivity check errors.

Error 1107

The host experienced a precheck setup failure due to an invalid password. Correct the password and try again. Refer to Correcting connectivity errors for information on how to resolve SSH connectivity check errors.

Error 1108

The gateway experienced a precheck setup failure due to an invalid password. Correct the password and try again. Refer to Correcting connectivity errors for information on how to resolve SSH connectivity check errors.

Error 1109

The gateway experienced a precheck setup failure, and is unable to check the vSRX disk capacity. Remove any unnecessary files from /var and try again.

Error 1110

The gateway experienced a precheck setup failure because the vSRX file-system-reached capacity. Remove any unnecessary files from /var and try again.

Error 1111

The gateway experienced a precheck setup failure due to a general failure in the JunOS RPC call. Try again or contact IBM Support.

Error 1112

The gateway experienced a precheck setup failure due to a cluster error. Ensure redundancy group 0 is online and has no monitor-failures.

Error 1113

The host experienced a precheck setup failure and is unable to determine the status of the host VM by using virsh. Try again or contact IBM Support.

Error 1114

The host has a precheck setup failure because insufficient memory is installed on the bare-metal server. A minimum of 32 GB is required. Contact IBM Support to install the required amount of memory.

Error 1115

The gateway has a precheck setup failure due to an incompatible SSH connection limit in the vSRX configuration. Remove the SSH connection limit from the vSRX configuration and retry.

Error 1116

The host has a precheck setup failure. Ubuntu is missing the telnet software package. Install telnet and retry.

Error 1117

The host's Ubuntu mirror server is not accessible. Retry the operation once the mirror is accessible.

Error 1118

The vSRX node is not started. Start the vSRX VM and retry the operation.

Error 1119

The vSRX node's VM is running but the node is not accessible via telnet. Exit from all console (telnet) sessions and retry the operation. Alternatively, refer to Correcting error 1119 for more information.

Error 1120

The vSRX node does not have a valid license. Remove any evaluation licenses and apply a valid license. Then retry the operation. Refer to Known limitations for IBM Cloud Juniper vSRX for more information on identifying and removing the evaluation license.

Error 1121

License operations against vSRX v15.1 are not supported. Upgrade to a newer version of the vSRX.

Error 1122

An error occurred in the readiness check, try again or contact support.

Error 1123

The vSRX console has an active session in edit mode. Exit the console session and retry.

Error 1124

The gateway experienced a precheck setup failure due to a Juniper incompatibility change in version 18.4. Specify a vlan-id for each interface configured with vlan-tagging. Refer to Correcting error 1124 for more information.

Error 1125

The gateway experienced a precheck setup failure due to a Juniper incompatibility change in the version 18.4 syslog settings. Refer to Correcting error 1125 for more information.

Error 1126

The gateway control link is down. Ensure vnet0 and vnet1 are configured on the Ubuntu host and retry.

Error 1127

The Ubuntu host is missing an Ethernet interface in bond0. Ensure bond0 includes the 2 private Ethernet interfaces.

Error 1128

The Ubuntu host is missing an Ethernet interface in bond1. Ensure bond1 includes the 2 public Ethernet interfaces.

Error 1129

The Ubuntu host has an extra Ethernet interface in bond0. Ensure bond0 includes only the 2 private Ethernet interfaces.

Error 1130

The Ubuntu host has an extra Ethernet interface in bond1. Ensure bond1 only includes the 2 public Ethernet interfaces.

Error 1131

The vSRX configuration is using a hidden cli command not compatible with the automation. Remove and replace the address-range command syntax and retry.

Error 1132

The Ubuntu host has a kvm xml configuration that is missing the default telnet configuration used for console access. Add this configuration back and retry.

Error 1133

The vSRX console connection using telnet timed out running commands. Rerun or contact IBM Support.

Error 1134

The node being OS reloaded cannot access the other node in the cluster. Ensure that the other node is active and retry. If both nodes are unrecoverable contact support to run Rebuild Cluster.

Error 1135

The vSRX license file cannot be found. Rerun or contact IBM Support.

Error 1136

The vSRX license file is found, but the contents are empty. Please rerun or contact support.

Error 1137

The vSRX license file cannot be read. Please rerun or contact support.

Error 1138

The vSRX license install has failed during the vSRX license configuration. Please rerun or contact support.

Error 1139

The vSRX configuration includes a tcp-mss setting on an interface. Remove the invalid configuration and rerun.

Error 1140

The vSRX configuration includes an unsupported configuration setting. Correct and/or remove the unsupported configuration setting and rerun. Refer to Correcting Unsupported vSRX Configuration Commands for more information.

Error 1141

The vSRX was accessible but we were unable to determine which node is the primary.

Error 1142

The vSRX includes duplicate IPs in the interface section of the vSRX config. Remove the duplicate IPs from the config and rerun.

Error 1143

The gateway upgrade process failed with an unexpected exception. Contact IBM Support.

Error 1144

The vSRX add on license files are not equal to the expected license count. Contact IBM Support.

Error 1145

The vSRX license does not support IDP, but IDP policies and configurations were detected on the running vSRX. Remove the policies and configurations or install a vSRX license with IDP support such as the Content Security Bundle (CSB) and retry the operation. For details on configuration removal refer to Correcting error 1145 for more information.

Error 1146

The Ubuntu server's network switch does not support multicast, which is required by the gateway configuration. Contact IBM Support.

Error 1147

The vSRX configuration includes a url-pattern with invalid characters. Remove the invalid characters and retry. Refer to Correcting error 1147 for more information.

Error 1154

Both vSRX cluster nodes are down. Start the vSRX nodes and retry.

Error 1155

The vSRX configuration cannot specify both a service and an any-service within the same security-zone interface stanza. Correct this configuration and retry.

Error 1157

vSRX SSL certificates included in stanzas, such as set services ssl initiation, set services ssl termination, and set services ssl proxy cannot be migrated to the newly upgraded vSRX node. Remove these certificates from the vSRX configuration, retry, and re-import the certs after upgrade.

Error 1158

The vSRX security nat configuration includes an invalid network address range. Specify a valid network IP range by using CIDR notation and retry.

Error 1159

The vSRX configuration includes a reference to an SSL certificate in the system services rest https config. Certs cannot be migrated during an upgrade. Deactivate the reference using deactivate system services rest https, retry, and reactivate and re-import the certificate after the upgrade completes.

Error 1160

The vSRX configuration includes a security idp sensor-configuration packet-log total-memory reference. This causes issues during an upgrade. Remove the reference and retry.

Error 1165

The vSRX configuration contains a Juniper security policy with keywords dynamic-application any and junos-defaults. Remove the policy or replace junos-defaults with any.

Warning 1176

The gateway experienced a precheck setup warning. A VPN establishment configuration with non-immediate was detected, which could increase the time that it takes for VPN establishment after the vSRX starts. Refer to Correcting warning 1176 for more information.

Warning 1177

The gateway experienced a precheck setup warning. A security policy using dynamic-application any was detected, which can result in packet loss. This can also cause VPN tunnel communication to fail. Refer to Correcting warning 1177 for more information.

Warning 1178

The license was updated. However, validation of the new license failed. It is recommended you manually check that the vSRX license is applied to each vSRX node.

Warning 1179

The vSRX version found to be running on the Gateway is unsupported. Operations such as OS Reload and Rebuild Cluster will overwrite the current unsupported vSRX version with the version that is currently listed on the Gateway Details page. Refer to Correcting warning 1179 for more information.

Warning 1180

The vSRX license that is found on the Gateway is unsupported. Correcting warning 1180 for more information.

Warning 1181

The vSRX license and version on the Gateway are both found to be unsupported. Correcting warning 1181 for more information.

Warning 1182

The vSRX add on license files are not found. Contact IBM Support.

Warning 1183

The vSRX add-on license count is not found in the import settings. Contact IBM Support.

Warning 1184

A connection timeout error occurred when checking the installed licenses. Contact IBM Support.