IBM Cloud Docs
VPC resource quota overview metrics definitions for quota dashboard

VPC resource quota overview metrics definitions for quota dashboard

Some VPC resources have quotas. The following metrics definitions explain the consumption numbers that are related to the quotas with the associated limit that you see when you use the quota dashboard.

Quota metrics available by resource type

Resources that offer quota metrics, detailed in Table 1.

Services offering quota metrics
Resource type Resource quota name Location Secondary resource ID
share share {region} {account ID}
volume volume {region} {account ID}
load-balancer load-balancer {region} {account ID}
instance instance-vcpu {region} {account ID}
instance instance-memory {region} {account ID}
dedicated host instance-vcpu {region} {account ID}
vpc vpc {region} {account ID}
security-group security-group {region} {VPC ID}
security-group security-group-rule {region} {security group ID}
subnet subnet {region} {VPC ID}
floating-ip floating-ip {region} {account ID}
reserved-ip reserved-ip {region} {account ID}
network-acl network-acl {region} {VPC ID}
network-acl network-acl-rule {region} {network ACL ID}
Select availability cluster-network cluster_networks {region} {account ID}
Select availability cluster-network cluster_network_subnets {region} {Cluster Network ID}
Select availability cluster-network cluster_network_subnet_reserved_ips {region} {account ID}

Resource quota consumption

The amount of a resource that is consumed for a specific resource type, detailed in Table 2.

Resource quota consumption metric metadata
Description Metadata
Metric Name ibm_is_resource_quota_consumption
Metric Type gauge
Value Type none
Segment By IBM IS Generation, Name of resource type for quota, Associated Resource

Resource quota limit

The resource quota limit for a specific resource type, detailed in Table 3.

Resource quota limit metric metadata
Description Metadata
Metric Name ibm_is_resource_quota_limit
Metric Type gauge
Value Type none
Segment By IBM IS Generation, Name of resource type for quota, Associated Resource

Attributes for segmentation

Global attributes

The following attributes are available for segmenting all VPC metrics.

Global attributes
Attribute name Attribute Attribute description
Cloud Type ibm_ctype The cloud type is a value of public, dedicated, or local
Location ibm_location The location of the monitored resource - it can be a region, data center or global
Resource ibm_resource The resource that is measured by the service - typically an identifying name or GUID
Resource Type ibm_resource_type The type of the resource that is measured by the service
Resource group ibm_resource_group_name The resource group where the service instance was created
Scope ibm_scope The scope is the account, organization, or space GUID associated with this metric
Service name ibm_service_name Name of the service that is generating this metric

Other attributes

The following attributes are available for segmenting one or more attributes as described in the Global attributes reference. See the individual metrics for segmentation options.

Additional attributes
Attribute name Attribute Attribute description
Associated Resource ibm_is_secondary_resource_id The ID of a linked or associated resource
IBM IS Generation ibm_is_generation IBM IS Generation
Name of resource type for quota ibm_is_resource_quota_name The name of the resource type that is monitored for quota usage/limit

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