IBM Cloud Docs
VPC virtual server instances metrics definitions

VPC virtual server instances metrics definitions

The following tables define basic VPC virtual server instance metrics.

CPU monitoring metrics

Average CPU usage percentage

The average percentage of time that elapsed running instructions across all CPUs.

Average CPU usage percentage metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric name ibm_is_instance_average_cpu_usage_percentage
Metric type gauge
Value type percent
Segment by IBM IS Generation 2, resource name

CPU usage

The cumulative total of elapsed time that a CPU is running instructions since virtual server instance start.

Cumulative CPU usage metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric name ibm_is_instance_cpu_usage_nanoseconds
Metric type gauge
Value type second
Segment by IBM IS Generation 2, resource name, Virtual CPU index

CPU usage percentage

The average percentage of time that a CPU is running instructions.

Average CPU usage metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric name ibm_is_instance_cpu_usage_percentage
Metric type gauge
Value type percent
Segment by IBM IS Generation 2, resource name, Virtual CPU index

Total CPU usage

The cumulative time that is elapsed running instructions across all CPUs since virtual server instance start.

Total CPU usage metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric name ibm_is_instance_total_cpu_usage_nanoseconds
Metric type gauge
Value type second
Segment by IBM IS Generation 2, resource name

Total number of CPUs

The total number of CPUs.

Total number of CPUs metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric name ibm_is_instance_cpus
Metric type gauge
Value type none
Segment by IBM IS Generation 2, resource name

Network monitoring metrics

Bytes received for a network interface

The cumulative number of bytes received for a network interface since virtual server instance start.

Average CPU usage percentage metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric name ibm_is_instance_network_in_bytes
Metric type gauge
Value type byte
Segment by IBM IS Generation 2, resource name, MAC address of the network interface

Bytes sent for a network interface

The cumulative number of bytes sent for a network interface since virtual server instance start.

Bytes sent for a network interface metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric name ibm_is_instance_network_out_bytes
Metric type gauge
Value type byte
Segment by IBM IS Generation 2, resource name, MAC address of the network interface

Number of packets received for a network interface

The cumulative number of packets that were received for a network interface since virtual server instance start.

Number of packets received for a network interface metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric name ibm_is_instance_network_in_packets
Metric type gauge
Value type none
Segment by IBM IS Generation 2, resource name, MAC address of the network interface

Number of packets sent for a network interface

The cumulative number of packets that are sent for a network interface since virtual server instance start.

Number of packets sent for a network interface metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric name ibm_is_instance_network_out_packets
Metric type gauge
Value type none
Segment by IBM IS Generation 2, resource name, MAC address of the network interface

Number of receiving errors for a network interface

The cumulative number of receiving errors for a network interface since virtual server instance start.

Number of receiving errors for a network interface metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric name ibm_is_instance_network_in_errors
Metric type gauge
Value type none
Segment by IBM IS Generation 2, resource name, MAC address of the network interface

Number of sending errors for a network interface

The cumulative number of sending errors for a network interface since virtual server instance start.

Number of sending errors for a network interface metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric name ibm_is_instance_network_out_errors
Metric type gauge
Value type none
Segment by IBM IS Generation 2, resource name, MAC address of the network interface

Number of dropped incoming packets for a network interface

The cumulative number of dropped incoming packets for a network interface since virtual server instance start.

Number of dropped incoming packets for a network interface metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric name ibm_is_instance_network_in_dropped_packets
Metric type gauge
Value type none
Segment by IBM IS Generation 2, resource name, MAC address of the network interface

Number of dropped outgoing packets for a network interface

The cumulative number of dropped outgoing packets for a network interface since virtual server instance start.

Number of dropped outgoing packets for a network interface metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric name ibm_is_instance_network_out_dropped_packets
Metric type gauge
Value type none
Segment by IBM IS Generation 2, resource name, MAC address of the network interface

Memory monitoring metrics

For IBM Cloud Hyper Protect Virtual Servers for IBM Cloud® Virtual Private Cloud instances, the memory metrics can't be collected because Hyper Protect Virtual Servers for VPC instances are created by using Secure Execution images and the memory of a secure execution instance isn't accessible.

Free memory

The free memory of the virtual server instance in kibibytes (1024 bytes).

Free memory metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric name ibm_is_instance_memory_free_kib
Metric type gauge
Value type byte
Segment by IBM IS Generation 2, resource name

Memory usage percentage

The percent of used memory of the virtual server instance.

Memory usage percentage metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric name ibm_is_instance_memory_usage_percentage
Metric type gauge
Value type percent
Segment by IBM IS Generation 2, resource name

Volume monitoring metrics

Number of bytes read for a volume

The cumulative number of bytes read for a volume since virtual server instance start.

Number of bytes read for a volume metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric name ibm_is_instance_volume_read_bytes
Metric type gauge
Value type byte
Segment by IBM IS Generation 2, resource name, disk name of the volume, ID of the volume

Number of bytes written for a volume

The cumulative number of bytes written for a volume since virtual server instance start.

Number of bytes written for a volume metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric name ibm_is_instance_volume_write_bytes
Metric type gauge
Value type byte
Segment by IBM IS Generation 2, resource name, disk name of the volume, ID of the volume

Number of read requests for a volume

The cumulative number of read requests for a volume since virtual server instance start.

Number of read requests for a volume metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric name ibm_is_instance_volume_read_requests
Metric type gauge
Value type none
Segment by IBM IS Generation 2, resource name, disk name of the volume, ID of the volume

Number of write requests for a volume

The cumulative number of write requests for a volume since virtual server instance start.

Number of write requests for a volume metric metadata
Metadata Description
Metric name ibm_is_instance_volume_write_requests
Metric type gauge
Value type none
Segment by IBM IS Generation 2, resource name, disk name of the volume, ID of the volume

Virtual server instance monitoring metrics

Virtual server instance state

The state of the virtual server instance. A value of 1 indicates that the virtual server instance is running. A value of -1 indicates that the virtual server instance is stopped. 0 indicates an unknown value.

The state of the virtual server
Metadata Description
Metric name ibm_is_instance_running_state
Metric type gauge
Value type none
Segment by IBM IS Generation 2, resource name

Attributes for segmentation

Global attributes

These attributes are available for segmenting all of the previously listed metrics.

Available attributes for segmenting
Attribute Attribute Name Attribute Description
Cloud type ibm_ctype Coud type is a value of public, dedicated, or local
Location ibm_location Location of the monitored resource - this can be a region, data center, or global
Resource ibm_resource Resource being measured by the service - typically an identifying name or GUID
Resource type ibm_resource_type Type of resource measured by the service
Scope ibm_scope Scope of the account, organization, or space GUID that is associated with this metric
Service name ibm_service_name Name of the service generating this metric

Additional attributes

These attributes are available to segment one or more attributes as described in the preceding table. See the individual metrics for segmentation options.

Available attributes for segmenting one or more attributes
Attribute Attribute name Attribute description
Disk name of the volume ibm_is_disk_name Disk name of the volume that is attached to the virtual server instance, corresponds to output of 'ls -l /dev/disk/by-id'
IBM IS Generation, 1 or 2 ibm_is_generation IBM IS Generation (1 for Gen. 1 (Classic) or 2 for Gen. 2 (VPC) )
MAC address of the network interface ibm_is_mac_address MAC address of the corresponding network interface that is attached to the virtual server instance
Network interface index ibm_is_nic_index Index of the network interface that is attached to the virtual server, starting from 0
Resource name ibm_is_resource_name Resource name - for example, the virtual server instance name
ID of the volume ibm_is_volume_id UUID of storage volume that is attached to the virtual server instance
Virtual CPU index ibm_is_vcpu_index Index of the virtual CPU within the virtual server instance, starting from 0