IBM Cloud Docs
Cross-account encryption for file storage resources

Cross-account encryption for file storage resources

File Storage for VPC supports cross-account customer-managed encryption. IBM Cloud® Virtual Private Cloud customers can authorize access to a customer root key (CRK) for users of another account. Then, those users can use the CRK to encrypt a new file share in their own account.

About cross-account key access and use

Customer root keys in one account can be made available to users of another account to use when they create an encrypted file share. For more information, see Encryption key management.

A privileged user from the account that owns the root key must invite the user of the second account, and set the IAM delegated policy to the root key. For more information, see Granting access to keys with Key Protect and Granting access to keys with Hyper Protect Crypto Services.

If the invited user is already a member of IBM Cloud, they receive an invitation link in their notifications and by email. The user in the account that's creating the file share can be the same user as the owner of the root key in the other account.

When the invited user decides to create the encrypted file share in their own account, they can specify the CRN of the root key of the first account in the encryption_key property.


You must use the API to see the encryption keys that are used between accounts, and to create the IAM policy. You can use the UI to access your accounts and see the IAM authorization. However, the UI does not show the encryption keys that belong to another account even if they are used across accounts. Users of the account that owns the root keys can use the UI to verify the resources that are associated with their encryption keys.

The cross-account authorization is one-way and specific to key and service. When Account A authorizes their key to be used by Account B's file service, Account B can use Account A's CRK to encrypt Account B's shares. However, Account A cannot use Account B's root keys to encrypt Account A's shares.

For Account A to use Account B's CRK to encrypt shares, Account B must invite Account A's user. Then, Account B must create an IAM policy that allows Account A's specific service to use Account B's CRK.

Create an IAM policy to establish authorization between accounts with the API

Before file share can be created and encrypted with a root key from another account, the key-owner account must create an IAM policy to authorize the second account to use the CRK.

To create the IAM policy, Account A must make a POST /policies call to the IAM API. In the following example,

  • Account A, which owns the CRK, grants AuthorizationDelegator and Reader roles to Account B's file service that is to create the encrypted file share.
  • The resources section specifies information about Account A that owns the root key and the target key management service (KMS). The kms property indicates a Key Protect instance. If you use a Hyper Protect Crypto Services instance, specify hs-crypto.
  • The subjects section specifies Account B and the file share service that is to access Account A's Key Protect instance and use the CRK.
curl -X "POST" "" \
     -H "Authorization: <Auth Token>" \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     -d '{
        "roles": [{"role_id": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:iam::::role:AuthorizationDelegator"},{"role_id": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:iam::::serviceRole:Reader"}],
        "resources": [{"attributes":[{"name":"Account-A","operator":"stringEquals","value":"<CRK-Account-A-ID>"},{"name":"Key-Protect","operator":"stringEquals","value":"kms"}]}],
        "type": "authorization",
        "description": "Reader and Delegator role for KeyProtect Service instance",
        "subjects": [{"attributes": [{"name": "serviceName","value": "is"},{"name": "resourceType","value": "share"},{"name": "Account-B","value": "<Account-B-ID>"}]}]

For more information, see Using authorizations to grant access between services.

Create an IAM policy to establish authorization between accounts with Terraform

  1. Terraform supports configuring two different accounts for IBM provider. The provider without an alias is considered the default provider. See the following example, where two IBM accounts are specified, and the second is given the alias team_account. That configuration must be referred to as ibm.team_account later.

    terraform {
      required_providers {
        ibm = {
          source = "IBM-Cloud/ibm"
          version = ">= 1.12.0"
    provider "ibm" {
      ibmcloud_api_key = var.ibmcloud_api_key
      region           = var.region
      ibmcloud_timeout = var.ibmcloud_timeout
    provider "ibm" {
      alias = "team_account"
      ibmcloud_api_key = var.ibmcloud_api_key_second_account
      region           = var.region
      ibmcloud_timeout = var.ibmcloud_timeout

    For more information about the arguments and attributes, see IBM Cloud provider.

  2. To create the IAM authorization between the key management service from one account to the file share service in a different account, use the resource ibm_iam_authorization_policy. The following example creates an authorization between Key Protect service and the file service of two accounts. To create authorization to access Hyper Protect Crypto Services, specify hs-crypto as the value for target_service_name.

    resource "ibm_iam_authorization_policy" "policy" {
        source_service_name = "is"
        source_resource_type = "share"
        source_service_account = "<fileshare-account-id>"
        target_service_name = "kms"   
        target_resource_instance_id = ibm_kms_key.key.instance_id
        roles               = ["Reader"]
        description         = "Authorization Policy" 

    This terraform resource must also include the provider alias (in our example, ibm.team_account) with the account ibmcloud_api_key where the encryption key belongs.

    For more information about the arguments and attributes, see ibm_iam_authorization_policy.

Create a cross-account encrypted file share with the API

Before you can create an encrypted file share, you must authorize the file service to access the key management service. From Cloud Identity and Access Management (IAM), authorize access between Cloud File Storage (source service) and Key Protect or Hyper Protect Crypto Services (target service). Specify reader access for the role. For more information, see Prerequisites for setting up customer-managed encryption.

After the IAM authorizations are set, use the VPC API to create a file share with the root key that is owned by the other account. The API calls are the same as when you create an encrypted file share with a root key from your own KMS instance. When you make the POST /shares call, specify the CRN of the root key from the other account in the encryption_key property.

See the following example.

  curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: $iam_token"\
  -d '{
      "encryption_key": {"crn":"crn:bluemix:public:kms:us-south:a/a1234567:key:0cb88b98-9261-4d07-8329-8f594b6641b5"},
       "iops": 1000,
       "name": "my-encrypted-share",
       "profile": {"name": "dp2"},
       "resource_group": {"id": "678523bcbe2b4eada913d32640909956"},
       "size": 500,
       "zone": {"name": "us-south-2"}

In the response, the CRN of the encryption key is from Account A that owns the key, while the file share is created in Account B.

  "created_at": "2023-12-12T23:28:45Z",
  "crn": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:us-south-1:a/a7654321::share:r006-fe7219eb-c9a9-4aab-8636-9a57141f0cee",
  "encryption": "user_managed",
  "encryption_key": {"crn": "crn:bluemix:public:kms:us-south:a/a1234567:key:0cb88b98-9261-4d07-8329-8f594b6641b5"},
  "href": "",
  "id": "r006-fe7219eb-c9a9-4aab-8636-9a57141f0cee",
  "initial_owner": {"gid": 0,"uid": 0},
  "iops": 1000,
  "lifecycle_state": "stable",
  "name": "my-test-us-south-1-er5s",
  "profile": {
    "href": "",
    "name": "dp2",
    "resource_type": "share_profile"
  "replication_role": "none",
  "replication_status": "none",
  "replication_status_reasons": [],
  "resource_group": {
    "crn": "crn:bluemix:public:resource-controller::a/a7654321::resource-group:5400b7d6ac9f0a183f70abbe8b8d54c6",
    "href": "",
    "id": "5400b7d6ac9f0a183f70abbe8b8d54c6",
    "name": "Default"
  "resource_type": "share",
  "size": 500,
  "mount_targets": [],
  "user_tags": [
    "tag3:value with spaces"
  "zone": {
    "href": "",
    "name": "us-south-1"

Create a cross-account encrypted file share with Terraform

After the authorization is created, you can create the share in the default account and use the CRN of the encryption key from the account with the alias. To create a file share, use the ibm_is_share resource.

To create a file share, use the ibm_is_share resource. The following example creates a share with 800 GiB capacity and the dp2 performance profile. The file share is encrypted by using a key that is identified by its CRN. The example also specifies a new mount target with a virtual network interface.

resource "ibm_is_share" "share4" {
   zone           = "us-south-2"
   size           = "800"
   name           = "my-share4"
   profile        = "dp2"
   encryption_key = "crn:bluemix:public:kms:us-south:a/a1234567:key:0cb88b98-9261-4d07-8329-8f594b6641b5"
   access_control_mode = "security_group"
   mount_target {
       name = "target"
       virtual_network_interface {
       primary_ip {
               address =
               auto_delete = true
               name = "<reserved_ip_name>
      resource_group = <resource_group_id>
      security_groups = [<security_group_ids>]

For more information about the arguments and attributes, see ibm_is_share.

Next steps

Learn more about data encryption for VPC resources.