IBM Cloud Docs
Updating a routing table

Updating a routing table

You can update a routing table using the UI, CLI, API, or Terraform.

Updating a routing table in the UI

To update a routing table in the UI, follow these steps:

  1. Make sure to review Limitations and guidelines.

  2. From the IBM Cloud console, Select the Menu icon Navigation Menu, then click VPC Infrastructure > Routing tables in the Network section. The Routing tables for VPC page appears.

  3. Locate the routing table in the table. You can:

    • Use the Actions menu Actions menu to rename or delete the routing table.
    • Click the routing table's name to view its details page. From here, you can click the Edit icon Edit icon to rename the routing table, click the Actions menu to delete the routing table, or click the Edit icon Edit icon in the Traffic section to edit the traffic configuration and manage routes.

Updating a routing table from the CLI

Before you begin, set up your CLI environment.

To update a routing table from the CLI, run the following command:

ibmcloud is vpc-routing-table-update VPC ROUTING_TABLE [--name NEW_NAME] [--direct-link-ingress false | true] [--internet-ingress, --internet false | true] [--transit-gateway-ingress false | true] [--vpc-zone-ingress false | true] [--accept-routes-from-resource-type-filters, --ar-rtf vpn_server | vpn_gateway | --clean-all-accept-routes-from-filters, --cl-arf] [--advertise_routes_to TARGETS] [--output JSON] [-q, --quiet]


Is the ID or name of the VPC.
Is the ID or name of the VPC routing table.
Is the new name of the routing table.
--direct-link-ingress, ``direct-link
Optional. If set to true, the routing table is used to route traffic that originates from IBM Cloud Direct Link to this VPC. For the routing to succeed, the VPC must not already have a routing table with this property set to true. One of: false, true.
--internet-ingress, --internet
Indicates whether this routing table is used to route traffic that originates from the internet. Updating to true selects this routing table, provided no other routing table in the VPC already has this property set to true. Updating to false deselects this routing table. One of: false, true.
--transit-gateway-ingress, --transit-gateway
If set to true, this routing table is used to route traffic that originates from Transit Gateway to this VPC. For the routing to succeed, the VPC must not already have a routing table with this property set to true. One of: false, true.
--vpc-zone-ingress, --vpc-zone
If set to true, this routing table is used to route traffic that originates from subnets in other zones in this VPC. For the routing to succeed, the VPC must not already have a routing table with this property set to true. One of: false, true.
--accept-routes-from-resource-type-filters, --ar-rtf
The comma-separated resource type filters that can create routes in this routing table. All learned routes from resources that match a resource filter are removed when an existing resource filter is removed. One of: vpn_server, vpn_gateway.
--clean-all-accept-routes-from-filters, --cl-arf
Remove all accept routes from filters and delete all learned routes from the routing table.
--advertise_routes_to TARGETS
Is a comma-separated list of advertisement targets for routes in this routing table. Currently, direct_link and transit_gateway are the allowed values. direct_link requires direct-link-ingress to be set to true. transit_gateway requires transit—gateway-ingress to be set to true. All routes in the routing table with the advertise option set to true are advertised to the ingress sources specified by 'advertise_routes_to'.
Is the output format. One of: JSON.
-q, --quiet
Suppresses verbose output.

Routes with an action of deliver are treated as drop unless the next-hop is an IP address that is bound to a network interface on a subnet in the route’s zone. Hence, if an incoming packet matches a route with a next-hop of an internet-bound IP address or a VPN gateway connection, the packet is dropped.

You can set an ingress option to true on only one routing table per VPC, and then only if that routing table is not attached to any subnets.

CLI examples

ibmcloud is vpc-routing-table-update 72b27b5c-f4b0-48bb-b954-5becc7c1dcb3 72b27b5c-f4b0-48bb-b954-5becc7c1d456 --name my-renamed-vpc-routing-table --output JSON

ibmcloud is vpc-routing-table-update my-vpc my-vpc-routing-table --name my-renamed-vpc-routing-table --output JSON

ibmcloud is vpc-routing-table-update vpc-doloremque-6364-us-east test-vpc-cli-routing-tb2 --direct-link-ingress true --internet-ingress false --transit-gateway-ingress true --vpc-zone-ingress false

ibmcloud is vpc-routing-table-update 979b4bc6-f018-40a2-92f5-0b1cf777b55d 27415d55-9d3b-4adb-a993-236ef59a45ec --direct-link-ingress false --internet-ingress false --transit-gateway-ingress false --vpc-zone-ingress false

Updating a routing table with the API

To create a routing table with the API, follow these steps:

  1. Set up your API environment.

  2. Store the VpcId and RoutingTableId values in a variable to be used in the API command:

    export VpcId=<your_vpc_id>
    export RoutingTableId=<your_routing_table_id>
  3. Update the name of a routing table:

    curl -X PATCH \
    "$vpc_api_endpoint/v1/vpcs/$VpcId/routing_tables/$RoutingTableId?version=$api_version&generation=2" \
    -H "Authorization: ${iam_token}" \
    -d '{
          "name": "test-routing-table-updated"

    Update a routing table to be used for routing traffic from the internet:

    curl -X PATCH \
    "$vpc_api_endpoint/v1/vpcs/$VpcId/routing_tables/$RoutingTableId?version=$api_version&generation=2" \
    -H "Authorization: ${iam_token}" \
    -d '{
          "route_internet_ingress": true

Updating a routing table with Terraform

To update a routing table with Terraform, follow these steps:

  1. Set up your Terraform environment.

  2. Use one of the following examples:

    • To update a routing table:

      resource "ibm_is_vpc_routing_table" "example" {
        vpc                           =
        name                          = "example-vpc-routing-table"
    • To update an existing routing table with the route-internet-ingress attribute:

      resource "ibm_is_vpc_routing_table" "example" {
        vpc                              =
        name                             = "example-vpc-routing-table"
        route_internet_ingress           = true

      If route_internet_ingress is set to true, this routing table is used to route traffic that originates from the internet. For this to succeed, the VPC must not already have a routing table with this property set to true.

For documentation about the ibm_is_vpc_routing_table resource, see the Terraform Registry.