IBM Cloud Docs
Why does an associated reserved IP address show

Why does an associated reserved IP address show

Reserved IP addresses belong to a subnet. You can create these IP addresses explicitly by using subnet APIs (POST /subnets/{subnet_id}/reserved_ips), or implicitly as part of an endpoint gateway call by specifying the subnet.

Reserved IP address shows an address.

The allocation of the reserved IP address is completed in the background after the call is made. The value of the IP address shows until the allocation of the IP address is complete, which can take up to 30 seconds.

If the IP address is not allocated within this timeframe, try the following steps:

  1. Detach the reserved IP address from the endpoint gateway and retry the process.
  2. If reattaching does not work, try to create a reserved IP address on its own as a subnet operation. If the reserved IP address is created, you can attempt to create the endpoint gateway by using the explicitly created reserved IP address.