IBM Cloud Docs
Known issues

Known issues

Known issues might change over time, so check back occasionally.

Network load balancer known issues

Issue: When you create a listener for a network load balancer, you can specify a protocol of tcp or udp. However, each listener in the network load balancer must have a unique port. For network load balancer limitations, see IBM Cloud Network Load Balancer for VPC limitations.

resource_type known issues

Issue: Currently, not all operations that return responses with embedded VPCReference and SubnetReference schemas include the documented resource_type sub-property.

Workaround: Before developing a client that makes use of the resource_type property of the VPCReference or SubnetReference schemas, check that the property is included in the responses returned for the operations used by your client.

Reserved IP known issues

The following issues apply to reserved IPs. These issues will be resolved in a future release.

Issue: Reserved IP addresses that are bound to VPN gateways, IKS worker nodes, or DNS service instances will appear as having no target (the target property is not included when retrieving the reserved IP resource).

As a result, such reserved IP addresses may appear to be unbound. Despite appearing to be unbound, these reserved IP addresses cannot be deleted until their target resource is deleted.

In the console, reserved IP addresses that are labeled "unbound" might be bound to a resource that can't be displayed.

Issue: The instance metadata API does not currently support reserved IPs.

Workaround: Continue to use the primary_ipv4_address property to retrieve the IP address for each network interface on an instance. See the VPC Metadata API.

Issue: When you use the VPC API to list floating IP addresses on a bare metal server network interface, you might get an incomplete list of the floating IP addresses associated with the bare metal server network interface.

The floating IP associated with a bare metal network interface is not available before the network interface status is available.


  • Wait for the bare metal server network interfaces to be available before listing the floating IP addresses on the interfaces.
  • List all floating IPs to view those associated with bare metal server interfaces that are not yet available.

Network load balancers fail if port settings fall outside the supported range

Issue: Cannot create network load balancers with specific port ranges

Currently, the port_min and port_max properties are supported only when routing mode is enabled, and only when the entire port range is specified (port_min of 1 and port_max of 65535). Support for allowing an arbitrary port range to be specified is planned for a future release.

Image known issues

Generic OS limitation for Block Storage Snapshots and boot volume


Generic operating system custom image is a beta feature that is available to select customers for evaluation and testing purposes. To request to be included in the evaluation of this beta feature, contact IBM Support.

Issue: Currently, for the beta release, the metadata for Block Storage Snapshots and boot volumes do not include the new operating_system.user_data_format or operating_system.allow_user_image_creation API properties.

Checksum not available for some public images

Issue: When you use the API or CLI to list images, some public stock images might not include a checksum. The checksum is for informational purposes only for stock images. No fix is available.

Boot volume has larger minimum provisioned size when you create a custom image by using IFV

Issue: If your custom image is not encrypted and the image is under 100 GB virtual disk size, deploying that image to an instance and creating a custom image from that instance's boot volume (Image from a volume feature) results in a minimum_provisioned_size of 100 GB. No fix is available.

Custom images in a private catalog known issue

Issue: If you have imported one or more images into a virtual server image for VPC catalog product offering version and you edit that version, an additional version ending in "draft" is created. You can't provision an instance from this draft version. Draft versions might appear on the Virtual server instance creation page in the UI or in the output of the CLI command ibmcloud is catalog-image-offering.

Bare metal servers limitations

Issue: Flow log collectors are not integrated with bare metal servers. As a result, if you create a flow log collector for a VPC, traffic that flows to and from bare metal servers in that VPC aren't logged.

Issue: Network load balancers are not integrated with bare metal servers. As a result, if you create a network load balancer, you can't target a bare metal server as a load balancer pool member target.

Issue: You can't delete a subnet when you delete a bare metal server. Wait ~2 minutes after bare metal deletion before you delete the subnet.

Because all bare metal profiles are VMware® certified, the supported_image_flags image property and required_image_flags profile property that expressed this ability during the beta period are discontinued. These properties might still be visible to API and CLI consumers, but they aren't supported and must not be used. These properties will be removed entirely in a future release.

VSI monitoring known issues

Issue: Volumes that are created from snapshots and volumes that are resized do not display metrics on the VSI monitoring console page or in the IBM Cloud Monitoring dashboard for "VPC VSI Gen 2 Overview". No known workaround.

Virtual server instance Activity Tracker events known issues

Issue: AT event log entries are missing target.resourceGroupId for some actions related to virtual server instances, such as updating or creating a virtual server instance. Instead, the resource group ID might appear in either the requestData or responseData sections of the event.

Additional authorizations beyond those defined in the API specification

Issue: Some API implementations have required authorizations that are different from the authorizations requirements that are defined in the API specification. The following table lists such APIs and the extra permissions that are required in addition to what is already defined in the specification. This table will be continually updated as these issues are resolved.

Table 1. API additional authorization requirements
API Additional access requirements Action name
PATCH /instances/{instance-id} Dedicated Host Operator, Dedicated Host Group Operator is.dedicated-host.dedicated-host-group.operate (conditional)
is.dedicated-host.dedicated-host.operate (conditional)
POST /instances Subnet Editor is.subnet.subnet.update (conditional)
POST /instances/{instance-id}/actions Instance Editor is.instance.instance.update
POST /instances/{instance-id}/volume_attachments Instance Editor is.instance.instance.update
DELETE /instances/{instance-id}/volume_attachments/{vol-attach-id} Instance Editor is.instance.instance.update
GET /network_acls/{nacl-id} VPC Viewer
POST /network_acls/{nacl-id}/rules VPC Viewer
GET /subnets/{subnet-id}/network_acl VPC Viewer
PUT /subnets/{subnet-id}/network_acl VPC Viewer
PATCH /floating_ips/{fip-id} Subnet Operator is.subnet.subnet.operate

Storage known issues

Cross-regional copy array issue

Issue: When you create a snapshot or list details of a snapshot with the API, the copies array in the API response lists only the direct copies of the snapshot that you specified. If you create a copy of a copy, the second copy is not returned when you query the original snapshot.

Fast restore snapshots with customer-managed encryption issue

Issue: When you restore a volume from a snapshot by using the fast restore feature and the encryption key of the snapshot and volume are different, and then you delete the snapshot encryption key from the key management service, the volume might become inaccessible when it's attached or reattached to the virtual server instance.

Workaround: To recover the snapshot encryption key, use the key recovery procedure. When the key is recovered, the volume becomes accessible.