IBM Cloud Docs
Summary of data returned by the instance metadata service

Summary of data returned by the instance metadata service

Use the instance metadata service to access information about the instance, SSH keys, and placement groups. This topic provides a summary of this data by URI path and metadata key, and describes the metadata.

The API response for each metadata type is presented in JSON format that contains metadata key:value pairs.

Summary of metadata for instances

Use the information in the Table 1 to understand the type of metadata returned for an instance. To access all metadata, see Use the instance metadata service.

Table 1. Metadata for an instance
Instance URI path Metadata key Description of the metadata
/instance availability_policy The availability policy for this virtual server instance.
/instance bandwidth The total bandwidth in megabits per second that are shared across the virtual server instance's network interfaces and Block Storage volumes.
/instance boot_volume_attachment Boot volume attachment, with volume name, CRN, and ID.
/instance catalog_offering This is displayed if the virtual server instance was provisioned with a custom image in a private catalog.
/instance created_at The date and time that the virtual server instance was created.
/instance crn The Cloud Resource Name for this virtual server instance.
/instance dedicated_host Collection of the dedicated host references, which includes the CRN, deleted hosts, ID, name, and resource_type.
/instance disks A list of the instance's disks.
/instance gpu The virtual server instance GPU configuration
/instance id The unique identifier for this virtual server instance.
/instance image The image from which the virtual server instance was provisioned. For example, a Debian Linux stock image.
/instance lifecycle_reasons The reasons for the current lifecycle_state.
/instance lifecycle_state The lifecycle state of the virtual server instance.
/instance memory The amount of memory; truncated to whole gigabytes.
/instance metadata_service Indicates whether the metadata service endpoint is available to the virtual server instance. (Enabled status is true or false.)
/instance name The user-defined name for this virtual server instance (and default system hostname).
/instance network_interfaces A list of the virtual server instance's network interfaces, including the primary network interface.
/instance placement_target The placement restrictions for the virtual server instance.
/instance primary_network_interface The instance's primary network interface.
/instance profile The globally unique name for this virtual server instance profile. For example, a bx2-2x8, balanced profile.
/instance startable Indicates whether the state of the virtual server instance permits a start request.
/instance status The status of the instance: deleting, failed, paused, pausing, pending, restarting, resuming, running, starting, stopped, or stopping.
/instance status_reasons The reasons for the current status.
/instance total_network_bandwidth The amount of bandwidth in megabits per second that is allocated exclusively to instance network interfaces.
/instance total_volume_bandwidth The amount of bandwidth in megabits per second allocated exclusively to the instance's Block Storage volumes. Increasing this value results in a corresponding decrease to total_network_bandwidth.
/instance vcpu The number of VCPUs assigned by way of a structure that includes count and architecture properties.
/instance volume_attachments A list of the virtual server instance's volume attachments.
/instance boot_volume_attachment Instance's boot volume attachment.
/instance vpc The VPC in which the virtual server instance resides.
/instance zone The globally unique name for the zone.
/instance_initialization default_trusted_profile The default trusted profile configuration that was specified at virtual server instance creation.
/instance_initialization keys A list of references to public SSH keys that were used at instance initialization.
/instance_initialization password The administrator password at initialization, encrypted using encryption_key, and returned base64-encoded.
/instance_initialization user_data User data that is made available when you set up a new virtual server instance.
/instance/network_interfaces network_interfaces A list of network interfaces. See /instance/network_interfaces/{id} for details.
/instance/network_interfaces/{id} allow_ip_spoofing Indicates whether source IP spoofing is allowed on this interface. If false, source IP spoofing is prevented on this interface. If true, source IP spoofing is allowed on this interface.
/instance/network_interfaces/{id} created_at The date and time that the network interface was created.
/instance/network_interfaces/{id} floating_ips Array of references to floating IP addresses associated with the network interface.
/instance/network_interfaces/{id} id The unique identifier for the network interface.
/instance/network_interfaces/{id} name The user-defined name for the network interface.
/instance/network_interfaces/{id} port_speed The network interface port speed in Mbps.
/instance/network_interfaces/{id} primary_ipv4_address The primary IPv4 address.
/instance/network_interfaces/{id} resource_type The resource type.
/instance/network_interfaces/{id} security_groups A list of security groups.
/instance/network_interfaces/{id} status The status of the network interface.
/instance/network_interfaces/{id} subnet The subnet associated with the instance.
/instance/network_interfaces/{id} type The type of this network interface as it relates to an instance.
/instance/volume_attachments/{id} bandwidth The maximum bandwidth in megabits per second for the volume when attached to this instance. This might be lower than the volume bandwidth depending on the configuration of the instance.
/instance/volume_attachments/{id} created_at The date and time that the volume was attached.
/instance/volume_attachments/{id} delete_volume_on_instance_delete If set to true, then when you delete the instance, the volume is also deleted.
/instance/volume_attachments/{id} device Information about how the volume is exposed to the instance operating system.
/instance/volume_attachments/{id} id The unique identifier for the volume attachment.
/instance/volume_attachments/{id} name The user-defined name for the volume attachment.
/instance/volume_attachments/{id} status The status of the volume attachment: attached, attaching, deleting, or detaching.
/instance/volume_attachments/{id} type The type of volume attachment, boot or data.
/instance/volume_attachments/{id} volume The attached volume, which contains the CRN, ID, name, and deleted value, when the volume is deleted.

Summary of metadata for SSH keys

Use the information in the Table 2 to understand the type of metadata returned for SSH keys.

Table 2. Metadata for SSH keys
SSH Key URI path Metadata key Description of the metadata
/keys keys A collection of keys. See keys/{id} for details.
/keys/{id} created_at The date and time that the key was created.
/keys/{id} crn The Cloud Resource Name for the key.
/keys/{id} fingerprint The fingerprint for the key. The value is returned base64-encoded and prefixed with the hash algorithm (always SHA256).
/keys/{id} id The unique identifier for the key.
/keys/{id} length The length of the key, in bits.
/keys/{id} name The unique user-defined name for the key. If unspecified, the name is a hyphenated list of randomly selected words (for example, elderly-mountain-troop-opponent.)
/keys/{id} public_key The public SSH key.
/keys/{id} type The cryptosystem used by the key.

Summary of metadata for placement groups

Use the information in the Table 3 to understand the type of metadata returned for placement groups.

Table 3. Metadata for placement groups
Placement group URI path Metadata key Description of the metadata
/placement_groups placement_groups A collection of placement groups. See placement_groups/{id} for details.
/placement_groups/{id} created_at The date and time that the placement group was created.
/placement_groups/{id} crn The Cloud Resource Name for the placement group.
/placement_groups/{id} id The unique identifier for the placement group.
/placement_groups/{id} lifecycle_state The lifecycle state of the placement group.
/placement_groups/{id} name The user-defined name for the placement group.
/placement_groups/{id} resource_type The resource type.
/placement_groups/{id} strategy The strategy for the placement group.

Next steps

Retrieve data by using the metadata service.