IBM Cloud Docs
Creating File Storage for VPC snapshots

Creating File Storage for VPC snapshots

You can create a snapshot of a File Storage for VPC share in the console, from the CLI, with the API, or Terraform. Snapshots capture the data on the share at a specific data and time. Snapshots can be used later to retrieve old versions of files or to create new shares with the data of the snapshot.

Although you can't create a snapshot on a replica share, the snapshots of the origin share are copied from the source to the replica at the next scheduled sync. These replica snapshots are created by the file service. They do not inherit the tags or the name from the original snapshots. However, they have the same fingerprint value as the source snapshot. They can't be manually deleted from the replica share, but are removed from the replica share at the next replication sync if the source snapshot is deleted on the source share.

The creation of a snapshot is quick. You can expect to have the snapshot stable and available within seconds. However, you can take only 1 snapshot in a minute. If you take too many snapshots too quickly, you can encounter errors.

Creating a snapshot in the console

In the console, you can create a snapshot of a File Storage for VPC share.

  1. You can access the File Storage snapshot for VPC provisioning panel in the IBM Cloud® console in multiple ways.

    • From the File storage share for VPC list:

      1. Click the Navigation menu icon menu icon > Infrastructure VPC icon > Storage > File storage shares.
      2. From the list of shares, locate the share that you want to snapshot.
      3. Click the Actions menu (Actions menu) and select Create snapshot.
    • From the File storage share details screen:

      1. Click the Navigation menu icon menu icon > Infrastructure VPC icon > Storage > File storage shares. From the list of File storage shares, select the share that you want to make a snapshot of.
      2. On the share details page, select Create snapshot from the Actions menu.
  2. Enter a unique name for the snapshot, and any user tags that you want to use to identify this resource. For suggestions about how to name your snapshots, see Naming snapshots. Consider keyvalue pairs for your tags (for example, dev:test or costctr:124) and do not include sensitive information because tags are visible account-wide.

  3. Click Create. You're returned to the screen that you started from. Messages are displayed while the snapshot is being created and when it's ready, the snapshot is displayed in the list of snapshots on the file share details page. For more information, see View snapshot details in the UI.

Creating a snapshot from the CLI

Before you begin

Before you can use the CLI, you must install the IBM Cloud CLI and the VPC CLI plug-in. For more information, see the CLI prerequisites.

Log in to IBM Cloud®.

ibmcloud login --sso -a

This command returns a URL and prompts for a passcode. Go to that URL in your browser and log in. If successful, you get a one-time passcode. Copy this passcode and paste it as a response on the prompt. After successful authentication, you are prompted to choose your account. If you have access to multiple accounts, select the account that you want to log in as. Respond to any remaining prompts to finish logging in.

Before you start, gather the following information:

  • A unique name for the snapshot. Share snapshot name must be unique at the share level. For suggestions about how to name your snapshots, see Naming snapshots.
  • The name or ID of the source share.
  • Any tags that you want to attach to the snapshot.

Use the following CLI commands to collect the information that you need.

  • ibmcloud is shares - This command lists all available shares in the region that you selected. Locate the share in the list, verify the status (available).
  • ibmcloud is share SHARE_ID - Use this command with the share ID from the output of the previous command to review the details of the share. If the output shows that the share is available, attached to an instance and not busy, you can create a snapshot.

Creating a snapshot from the CLI

To create a snapshot, run the ibmcloud is share-snapshot-create command.

ibmcloud is share-snapshot-create SHARE [--name NAME] [--user-tags USER_TAGS] [--output JSON] [-q, --quiet]

The following example creates a snapshot with the name my-first-share-snapshot of the share my-file-share. The snapshot is tagged with env:test.

ibmcloud is share-snapshot-create my-file-share --name my-first-share-snapshot --user-tags env:test
Creating snapshot my-first-share-snapshot under account Test Account as user

ID                     r138-4463eb2c-4913-43b1-b9bf-62a94f74c146
Name                   my-first-share-snapshot
Fingerprint            7abc3aef-c2bc-4f65-a296-2928e534d498
Backup Policy Plan     -
Lifecycle state        pending
LifeCycle Reasons      Code   Message   More Info      
                       -      -         
Status                 pending
Created at             2024-12-18T20:15:43+00:00
Captured at            -
CRN                    crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:us-south:a/a1234567::share-snapshot:r006-0fe9e5d8-0a4d-4818-96ec-e99708644a58/r006-e13ee54f-baa4-40d3-b35c-b9ec163972b4
Minimum Size           40
User Tags              env:test
Zone                   ID  Name
Resource group         ID                                 Name
                       6edefe513d934fdd872e78ee6a8e73ef   defaults

Status reasons         Status code   Status message
                       -             -

Resource type          share_snapshot

The status shows pending while the snapshot is created. If you want to, you can issue a second ibmcloud is share-snapshot command with the snapshot ID to see the new snapshot in stable status.

For more information about available command options, see ibmcloud is share-snapshot-create.

Creating a snapshot with the API

You can create a snapshot by using the API.

Prerequisites for creating a snapshot with the API

You can create a snapshot by calling the VPC API. Before you start, gather the following information:

  • A unique name for the snapshot. Share snapshot name must be unique at the share level. For suggestions about how to name your snapshots, see Naming snapshots.
  • The ID of the source share.
  • Any tags that you want to attach to the snapshot.

Creating a snapshot with the API

You can programmatically create a snapshot of a file share by calling the shares/{share-id}/snapshots API method. The following example creates a snapshot of a share by using the share ID, and specifies user tags that can be associated with a backup policy.

curl -X POST \
"$vpc_api_endpoint/v1/shares/{share-id}/snapshots?version=2024-12-10&generation=2" \
-H "Authorization: $iam_token"
-d '{
  "name": "my-first-share-snapshot",
  "user_tags": [

A successful response looks like the following example. The snapshot lifecycle state is pending while the snapshot is created. When it is successfully created, the status changes to stable.

  "captured_at": "2024-12-10T01:21:12.000Z",
  "created_at": "2024-12-10T01:59:46.000Z",
  "crn": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:us-south:a/a1234567::share-snapshot:r006-0fe9e5d8-0a4d-4818-96ec-e99708644a58/r006-e13ee54f-baa4-40d3-b35c-b9ec163972b4",
  "fingerprint": "7abc3aef-c2bc-4f65-a296-2928e534d498",
  "href": "",
  "id": "r006-e13ee54f-baa4-40d3-b35c-b9ec163972b4",
  "lifecycle_state": "pending",
  "minimum_size": 10,
  "name": "my-first-share-snapshot",
  "resource_group": {
    "href": "",
    "id": "fee82deba12e4c0fb69c3b09d1f12345",
    "name": "Default"
  "resource_type": "share_snapshot",
  "status": "available",
  "status_reasons": [],
  "user_tags": [],
  "zone": {
    "href": "",
    "name": "us-south-1"

Creating a snapshot with Terraform

You can create a snapshot by using Terraform.

Before you start, gather the following information:

  • A unique name for the snapshot.
  • The ID of the source share.
  • Any tags that you want to attach to the snapshot.

To use Terraform, download the Terraform CLI and configure the IBM Cloud® Provider plug-in. For more information, see Getting started with Terraform.

VPC infrastructure services use a specific regional endpoint, which targets to us-south by default. If your VPC is created in another region, make sure to target the appropriate region in the provider block in the file.

See the following example of targeting a region other than the default us-south.

provider "ibm" {
   region = "eu-de"

To create a snapshot, use the ibm_is_TBD resource. The following example creates a snapshot of the share with the ID r010-df8ffd90-f2e5-470b-83d7-76e64995a1aa. The snapshot is named my-first-share-snapshot.

resource "ibm_is_TBD" "example" {
   name          = "my-first-share-snapshot"
   source_share = "r010-df8ffd90-f2e5-470b-83d7-76e64995a1aa"

For more information about the arguments and attributes, see ibm_is_snapshot.

Next steps

After you create a snapshot, you can view more details about it or restore a share from the snapshot.

  • View all the snapshots that you created, or details about a single snapshot.
  • Restore a share from a snapshot.