IBM Cloud Docs
Managing file shares and mount targets

Managing file shares and mount targets

Manage the file shares that you created. You can rename a file share. You can increase its capacity and modify its IOPS. You can add mount targets to a file share, and use the mount path to mount a file share from virtual server instances. You can rename or delete a mount target. Or you can delete a file share if you no longer need it.

File Storage for VPC service requires IAM permissions for role-based access control. For example, to create a file share, you need to have at least editor permissions. For more information, see the required permissions for file shares.

File share lifecycle states and replication status

During its lifecycle and normal operations, a file share can be in various states. These states can be observed in the UI, from the CLI, or with the API.

Lifecycle state:

Table 1. File Storage lifecycle states
State Explanation
stable The file share or mount target is stable and available for use.
pending The file share or mount target is being created.
failed The file share or mount target failed to be created. You can delete the failed share and try creating another one.
deleting The file share or mount target is being deleted.
suspended The file share violates IBM Cloud®’s Acceptable Use Policy. A suspended file share cannot be updated or deleted.
updating The file share capacity or IOPS is being updated.

Replication status:

Table 2. File Storage replication status
Status Explanation
active This share is actively participating in replication, and the replica's data is up to date with the replication schedule.
failover_pending This share is performing a replication failover. Or the service is waiting for another operation to complete, such as file share expansion, before the failover can commence.
initializing This share is initializing replication.
none This share is not participating in replication.
split_pending This share is performing a replication split.

Managing file shares and mount targets in the UI

In the console, you can:

Renaming a file share in the UI

  1. On the file shares details page, click the Edit icon Edit icon next to the file share name.

  2. Provide a new name for the file share.

Valid file share names can include a combination of lowercase alpha-numeric characters (a-z, 0-9) and the hyphen (-), up to 63 characters. File share names must begin with a lowercase letter.

Renaming a mount target of a file share in the UI

  1. Go to the file shares details page.

  2. Click the Actions icon Actions icon.

  3. Select Rename.

  4. Enter a new name and click Rename.

Valid mount target names can include a combination of lowercase alpha-numeric characters (a-z, 0-9) and the hyphen (-), up to 63 characters. Mount target names must begin with a lowercase letter.

Updating a file share profile in the UI

These instructions are for the previous generation of file share profiles (general purpose, 5-iops, 10-iops, or custom). To access the latest features, you must change the IOPS profile of your share to dp2. The profiles of file shares that were created with the dp2 profile cannot be changed.

You can change the profile for a file share from the current profile to another IOPS tier profile, to a custom profile, or to a high-performance dp2 profile. Your billing adjusts based on the type of profile that you choose.

  1. Go to the file shares details page.

  2. Click the Edit icon Edit icon next to the current profile or use the Actions menu Actions icon and select Edit IOPS profile. A side panel shows the current profile, file share size, and maximum IOPS.

  3. For a New profile, click the down arrow. You can select a new IOPS tier, a custom profile, or dp2. For Custom IOPS or dp2, specify a new max IOPS based on the file share size. The file share price is automatically calculated based on your selection.

  4. Click Save and continue.

Deleting file shares and mount targets in the UI

Before you delete a file share, make sure that it is unmounted from all virtual server instances and that all mount targets that belong to the file share are deleted. Also, if the file share has a replica file share, you must remove the replication relationship. For more information, see Remove the replication relationship in the UI.

Deleting mount target of a file share in the UI

  1. Select a file share from the list of file shares.

  2. On the File share details page, select a mount target that you want to delete.

  3. Click the Actions icon Actions icon and select Delete.

Deleting a file share in the UI

The file share must be in a stable state or failed state.

  1. Select a file share from the list of file shares.

  2. click the Actions icon Actions icon at the end of the row and select Delete.

Managing file shares and mount targets from the CLI

By using the CLI, you can:

Renaming a file share from the CLI

  1. Locate the file share that you want to rename by listing the file shares in the region with the ibmcloud is shares command. Take a note of the file shares name and ID.

    $ ibmcloud is shares
    Listing shares in all resource groups and region us-south under account Test Account as user
    ID                                          Name                                 Lifecycle state   Zone         Profile       Size(GB)   Resource group   Replication role   
    r006-600f9bff-3c2e-4542-9fc3-ef3be15da04a   my-file-share-2                      stable            us-south-2   dp2           100        defaults         replica
    r006-52c68ba5-2754-4c9d-8345-1fe6aa930073   disposal-snare-revivable-chitchat    stable            us-south-3   dp2           10         defaults         replica   
    r006-46541dc4-9e73-453a-9075-90ced0d612c3   trapdoor-urgency-attitude-imposing   stable            us-south-1   dp2           10         defaults         source   
    r006-72604692-0dc5-49fb-8eca-08b16a6a4854   fiction-create-platter-decidable     stable            us-south-3   dp2           10         defaults         replica   
    r006-c23ce229-fee9-4d40-a509-44886b21bb69   prismoid-evergreen-chains-granola    stable            us-south-1   dp2           10         defaults         source   
    r006-89b34134-2be6-4281-ae8e-b1c625d533ae   my-test-share                        stable            us-south-1   dp2           10         defaults         none   
    r006-cc7ab6a0-bb71-4e03-8ef7-dcffca43717f   my-old-file-share                    stable            us-south-1   tier-3iops    40         defaults         none   
  2. Run the ibmcloud is share-update command and specify a new file share name with the --name options.

    ibmcloud is share-update r006-600f9bff-3c2e-4542-9fc3-ef3be15da04a --name my-renamed-share
    Updating file share r006-600f9bff-3c2e-4542-9fc3-ef3be15da04a under account Test Account as user
    ID                           r006-600f9bff-3c2e-4542-9fc3-ef3be15da04a   
    Name                         my-renamed-share   
    CRN                          crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:us-south-2:a/a1234567::share:r006-600f9bff-3c2e-4542-9fc3-ef3be15da04a   
    Lifecycle state              stable   
    Access control mode          vpc   
    Zone                         us-south-2   
    Profile                      dp2   
    Size(GB)                     100   
    IOPS                         100   
    Encryption                   user_managed   
    Mount Targets                ID                          Name      
                                 No mounted targets found.      
    Resource group               ID                                 Name      
                                 6edefe513d934fdd872e78ee6a8e73ef   defaults      
    Created                      2023-08-01T17:02:01+00:00   
    Encryption key               crn:v1:bluemix:public:kms:eu-de:a/a1234567:key:f602ae93-b915-49bc-a0e1-af29c73e7788   
    Latest job                   Job status   Job status reasons      
                                 -            -      
    Replication cron spec        00 11 * * 0   
    Replication role             replica   
    Replication status           none   
    Replication status reasons   Status code   Status message      
                                 -             -      
    Source share                 ID                                          Name   Resource type      
                                 r006-9272410d-38b2-447e-b98f-abc944ea02cc   dal1   share  

Valid file share names can include a combination of lowercase alpha-numeric characters (a-z, 0-9) and the hyphen (-), up to 63 characters. File share names must begin with a lowercase letter.

For more information about the command options, see ibmcloud is share-update.

Renaming a mount target of a file share from the CLI

  1. List the file shares in the region with the ibmcloud is shares command. Take a note of the file share's name and ID that has the mount target that you want to rename.

  2. Use the share's name or ID to find its mount targets with the ibmcloud is share-mount-targets command.

    $ ibmcloud is share-mount-targets r006-e4acfa9b-88b0-4f90-9320-537e6fa3482a 
    Listing share mount target of r006-e4acfa9b-88b0-4f90-9320-537e6fa3482a in all resource groups and region us-south under account Test Account as user
    ID                                          Name                     VPC      Lifecycle state   Transit Encryption   
    r006-fdbffc45-618c-49f1-bb08-ec530d7be378   my-source-mount-target   my-vpc   stable            none   
  3. To rename the mount target, run the share-mount-target-update command with the file share name or ID, and the mount target name. Specify a new mount target name with the --name option.

    ibmcloud is share-mount-target-update r006-e4acfa9b-88b0-4f90-9320-537e6fa3482a r006-fdbffc45-618c-49f1-bb08-ec530d7be378 --name my-renamed-mount-target

Valid mount target names can include a combination of lowercase alpha-numeric characters (a-z, 0-9) and the hyphen (-), up to 63 characters. Mount target names must begin with a lowercase letter.

For more information about the command options, see ibmcloud is share-mount-target-update.

Updating a file share profile in the CLI

These instructions are for the previous generation of file share profiles (general purpose, 5-iops, 10-iops, or custom). To access the latest features, you must change the IOPS profile of your share to dp2. The profiles of file shares that were created with the dp2 profile cannot be changed.

  1. Locate the file share that you want to update by listing the file shares in the region with the ibmcloud is shares command.

    $ ibmcloud is shares
    Listing shares in all resource groups and region us-south under account Test Account as user
    ID                                          Name                                 Lifecycle state   Zone         Profile       Size(GB)   Resource group   Replication role   
    r006-52c68ba5-2754-4c9d-8345-1fe6aa930073   disposal-snare-revivable-chitchat    stable            us-south-3   dp2           10         defaults         replica   
    r006-46541dc4-9e73-453a-9075-90ced0d612c3   trapdoor-urgency-attitude-imposing   stable            us-south-1   dp2           10         defaults         source   
    r006-72604692-0dc5-49fb-8eca-08b16a6a4854   fiction-create-platter-decidable     stable            us-south-3   dp2           10         defaults         replica   
    r006-c23ce229-fee9-4d40-a509-44886b21bb69   prismoid-evergreen-chains-granola    stable            us-south-1   dp2           10         defaults         source   
    r006-89b34134-2be6-4281-ae8e-b1c625d533ae   test-share                           stable            us-south-1   dp2           10         defaults         none   
    r006-cc7ab6a0-bb71-4e03-8ef7-dcffca43717f   my-old-file-share                    stable            us-south-1   tier-3iops    40         defaults         none   
  2. Use the share-update command with the --profile parameter to indicate the new file share profile by name.

    $ ibmcloud is share-update my-old-file-share --profile dp2 --size 1000 --iops 3000
    Updating file share my-file-share-8 under account Test Account as user
    ID                           r006-cc7ab6a0-bb71-4e03-8ef7-dcffca43717f   
    Name                         my-old-file-share   
    CRN                          crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:us-south-1:a/a1234567::share:r006-cc7ab6a0-bb71-4e03-8ef7-dcffca43717f   
    Lifecycle state              updating     
    Access control mode          vpc   
    Zone                         us-south-1   
    Profile                      dp2   
    Size(GB)                     1000   
    IOPS                         3000   
    User Tags                    env:dev,env:prod   
    Encryption                   provider_managed   
    Mount Targets                ID                                          Name      
                                 r006-c9d82a15-7ead-4388-abc8-88e81c12ed28   my-target121      
    Resource group               ID                                 Name      
                                 6edefe513d934fdd872e78ee6a8e73ef   defaults      
    Created                      2023-03-27T20:43:36+00:00   
    Replication role             none   
    Replication status           none   
    Replication status reasons   Status code   Status message      
                                 -             - 

For more information about the command options, see ibmcloud is share-update.

Deleting file shares and mount targets from the CLI

Before you delete a file share, make sure that it is unmounted from all virtual server instances and that all mount targets that belong to the file share are deleted. Also, if the file share has a replica file share, you must remove the replication relationship. For more information, see Remove the replication relationship from the CLI.

  1. Locate the file share that you want to delete by listing all the file shares with the ibmcloud is shares command.

    ibmcloud is sharesListing shares in all resource groups and region us-south under account Test Account as user
    ID                                          Name                    Lifecycle state   Zone         Profile   Size(GB)   Resource group   Replication role   
    r006-dc6a644d-c7da-4c91-acf0-d66b47fc8516   my-replica-file-share   stable            us-south-1   dp2       1500       Default          replica   
    r006-e4acfa9b-88b0-4f90-9320-537e6fa3482a   my-source-file-share    stable            us-south-2   dp2       1500       Default          source   
    r006-6d1719da-f790-45cc-9f68-896fd5673a1a   my-replica-share        stable            us-south-3   dp2       1000       Default          replica   
    r006-925214bc-ded5-4626-9d8e-bc4e2e579232   my-new-file-share       stable            us-south-2   dp2       500        Default          none   
    r006-97733317-35c3-4726-9c28-1159de30012e   my-file-share-8         stable            us-south-1   dp2       40         Default          none   
    r006-b1707390-3825-41eb-a5bb-1161f77f8a58   my-vpc-file-share       stable            us-south-2   dp2       1000       Default          none   
    r006-b696742a-92ee-4f6a-bfd7-921d6ddf8fa6   my-file-share           stable            us-south-2   dp2       1000       Default          source  
  2. Retrieve the file share details to see the attached mount target and replication information with the ibmcloud is share command.

    $ ibmcloud is share my-file-share-8
    Getting file share my-file-share-8 under account Test Account as user
    ID                           r006-97733317-35c3-4726-9c28-1159de30012e   
    Name                         my-file-share-8   
    CRN                          crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:us-south-1:a/a1234567::share:r006-97733317-35c3-4726-9c28-1159de30012e   
    Lifecycle state              stable   
    Access control mode          vpc    
    Zone                         us-south-1   
    Profile                      dp2   
    Size(GB)                     40   
    IOPS                         2000   
    User Tags                    env:dev,env:prod   
    Encryption                   provider_managed   
    Mount Targets                ID                                          Name      
                                 r006-36d67ada-ca83-44be-adad-dc58e7c38dc5   my-new-mount-target      
    Resource group               ID                                 Name      
                                 db8e8d865a83e0aae03f25a492c5b39e   Default      
    Created                      2023-10-18T23:52:45+00:00   
    Replication role             none   
    Replication status           none   
    Replication status reasons   Status code   Status message      
                                 -             -

Deleting a mount target of a file share from the CLI

Run the share-mount-target-delete command and specify the file share and mount target by either their names or IDs. Type y when you're prompted. If more than one mount targets are attached to the file share, repeat this step until all mount targets are deleted.

$ ibmcloud is share-mount-target-delete my-file-share-8 my-new-mount-target
This will delete mounted target my-new-mount-target for share ID my-file-share-8 and cannot be undone. Continue [y/N] ?> y
Deleting mounted target my-new-mount-target for share ID my-file-share-8 under account Test Account as user
Share mount target my-new-mount-target is deleted.

For more information about the command options, see ibmcloud is share-mount-target-delete.

Deleting a file share from the CLI

The file share must be in a stable or failed state. To delete the file share, run the share_delete command and specify the file share by its name or ID.

$ ibmcloud is share-delete my-file-share-8
This will delete file share my-file-share-8 and cannot be undone. Continue [y/N] ?> y
Deleting file share my-file-share-8 under account Test Account as user
File share my-file-share-8 is deleted.

For more information about the command options, see ibmcloud is share-delete.

Managing file shares and mount targets with the API

By using the API, you can:

To see information about the File Storage for VPC API methods, see the following section in the API reference.

Renaming a file share with the API

Make a PATCH /shares/$share_id call to rename a specific file share. See the following example.

curl -X PATCH \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer ${API_TOKEN}"\
  -d '{"name": "share-renamed1"}'

A successful response looks like the following example.

  "access_control_mode": "vpc",
  "created_at": "2023-07-17T23:31:59Z",
  "crn": "crn:[...]",
  "encryption": "provider_managed",
  "href": "$vpc_api_endpoint/v1/shares/0995b8c6-c323-4e59-9ea9-fa14dd66bba8",
  "id": "0995b8c6-c323-4e59-9ea9-fa14dd66bba8",
  "iops": 3000,
  "lifecycle_state": "stable",
  "name": "share-renamed1",
  "profile": {
    "href": "$vpc_api_endpoint/v1/share/profiles/tier-10iops",
    "name": "tier-10iops",
    "resource_type": "share_profile"
  "resource_group": {
    "crn": "crn:[...]",
    "href": "",
    "id": "bfb4a7c7-00d8-400b-98ba-5a67e5851970",
    "name": "Default"
  "resource_type": "share",
  "size": 100,
  "mount_targets": [],
  "zone": {
    "href": "$vpc_api_endpoint/v1/regions/us-south/zones/us-south-1",
    "name": "us-south-1"

Valid file share names can include a combination of lowercase alpha-numeric characters (a-z, 0-9) and the hyphen (-), up to 63 characters. File share names must begin with a lowercase letter.

Renaming a mount target of a file share with the API

Make a PATCH /shares/$share_id/mount_targets/$target_id call to rename a mount target of a file share. See the following example.

curl -X PATCH \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer ${API_TOKEN}" \
  -d '{"name": "target-renamed1"}

A successful response looks like the following example.

  "access_control_mode": "vpc",
  "created_at": "2023-07-18T23:31:59Z",
  "href": "$vpc_api_endpoint/v1/shares/0995b8c6-c323-4e59-9ea9-fa14dd66bba8/mount_targets/9fdf4438-f5b4-4b6f-8bca-602494fd6c31",
  "id": "9fdf4438-f5b4-4b6f-8bca-602494fd6c31",
  "lifecycle_state": "stable",
  "mount_path": "",
  "name": "target-renamed1",
  "resource_type": "share_target",
  "transit_encryption": "none",
  "vpc": {
    "crn": "crn:[...]",
    "href": "$vpc_api_endpoint/v1/vpcs8c95b3c1-fe3c-45c-97a6-e43d14088287",
    "id": "82a7b841-9586-43b4-85dc-c0ab5e8b1c7a",
    "name": "vpc-name1",
    "resource_type": "vpc"

Valid mount target names can include a combination of lowercase alpha-numeric characters (a-z, 0-9) and the hyphen (-), up to 63 characters. Mount target names must begin with a lowercase letter.

Updating a file share profile with the API

These instructions are for the previous generation of file share profiles (general purpose, 5-iops, 10-iops, or custom). To access the latest features, you must change the IOPS profile of your share to dp2. The profiles of file shares that were created with the dp2 profile cannot be changed.

Make a PATCH /shares/{share_ID} call and specify the profile name in the profile property. The following example changes the profile to a dp2 profile.

curl -X PATCH "$rias_endpoint/v1/shares/432f1a4d-4aac-4ba1-922c-76fdbcbeb1e3?version=2023-08-08&generation=2"\
-H "Authorization: $iam_token"\
-d '{"profile": {"name": "dp2"}}'

Deleting file shares and mount targets with the API

Before you delete a file share, make sure that it is unmounted from all virtual server instances and that all mount targets that belong to the file share are deleted. Also, if the file share has a replica file share, you must remove the replication relationship. For more information, see Remove the replication relationship with the API.

Deleting mount target of a file share with the API

Make a DELETE /shares/{share_ID}/mount_targets/{target_id} call to delete a mount target of a file share. The file share must be in a stable state. A file share cannot be deleted, if an existing mount target is associated with that file share or if replica operations are in progress.

See the following example.

curl -X DELETE \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer ${API_TOKEN}"

A successful response has a confirmation of acceptance for deletion and a response that contains the target information. Status of mount target shows deleting while the deletion is underway.

The following example is the response to a delete request of a mount target where access_control_mode is security_group. The response shows the security group and subnet. You can also see the specifics of the reserved IP address that was used for the virtual network interface of the mount target in the primary_ip section. By default the virtual network interface is deleted along with the mount target when the mount target is deleted.

  "access_control_mode": "security_group",
  "created_at": "2022-08-08T01:59:46.000Z",
  "href": "$vpc_api_endpoint/v1/shares/0995b8c6-c323-4e59-9ea9-fa14dd66bba8/mount_targets/9fdf4438-f5b4-4b6f-8bca-602494fd6c31",
  "id": "9fdf4438-f5b4-4b6f-8bca-602494fd6c31",
  "lifecycle_reasons": [],
  "lifecycle_state": "deleting",
  "mount_path": "",
  "name": "target-name1",
  "primary_ip": {
    "address": "",
    "href": "$vpc_api_endpoint/v1/subnets/2302-ea5fe79f-52c3-4f05-86ae-9540a10489f5/reserved_ips/0716-6fd4925d-7774-4e87-829e-7e5765d454ad",
    "id": "0716-6fd4925d-7774-4e87-829e-7e5765d454ad",
    "name": "my-reserved-ip",
    "resource_type": "subnet_reserved_ip"
  "resource_type": "share_mount_target",
  "security_groups": [
      "crn": "crn:[...]",
      "href": "",
      "id": "r006-1dfeccef-3ad6-4760-8653-a202bc795db4",
      "name": "my-security-group",
      "resource_type": "security_group"
  "subnet": {
    "crn": "crn:[...]",
    "href": "",
    "id": "2302-ea5fe79f-52c3-4f05-86ae-9540a10489f5",
    "name": "my-subnet",
    "resource_type": "subnet"
  "transit_encryption": "none",
  "virtual_network_interface": {
    "crn": "crn:[...]",
    "href": "",
    "id": "4727d842-f94f-4a2d-824a-9bc9b02c523b",
    "name": "my-virtual-network-interface",
    "resource_type": "virtual_network_interface"
  "vpc": {
  "crn": "crn:[...]",
  "href": "$vpc_api_endpoint/v1/vpcs/8c95b3c1-fe3c-45c-97a6-e43d14088287",
  "id": "82a7b841-9586-43b4-85dc-c0ab5e8b1c7a",
  "name": "vpc-name1",
  "resource_type": "vpc"

The mount target is deleted in the background. Confirm the deletion by trying to view the mount target information. If you get an 404 Not Found error, the mount target is successfully deleted.

Deleting a file share in the API

The file share must be in a stable or failed state.

Make a DELETE /shares/$share_id call to delete a file share. The file share must be in a stable state or failed state (that is, when provisioning fails). A file share cannot be deleted, if an existing mount target is associated with that file share or if replica operations are in progress.

See the following example.

curl -X DELETE \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer ${API_TOKEN}"

A successful response confirms acceptance for deletion and shows file share information. The status of file share is updated to pending_deletion.


  "access_control_mode": "vpc",
  "created_at": "2022-08-08T23:31:59Z",
  "crn": "crn:[...]",
  "encryption": "provider_managed",
  "href": "$vpc_api_endpoint/v1/shares/0995b8c6-c323-4e59-9ea9-fa14dd66bba8",
  "id": "0995b8c6-c323-4e59-9ea9-fa14dd66bba8",
  "iops": 3000,
  "lifecycle_state": "pending_deletion",
  "name": "share-name1",
  "profile": {
    "href": "$vpc_api_endpoint/v1/share/profiles/tier-10iops",
    "name": "tier-10iops",
    "resource_type": "share_profile"
  "resource_group": {
    "crn": "crn:[...]",
    "href": "",
    "id": "bfb4a7c7-00d8-400b-98ba-5a67e5851970",
    "name": "Default"
  "resource_type": "share",
  "size": 100,
  "mount_targets": [],
  "zone": {
    "href": "$vpc_api_endpoint/v1/regions/us-south/zones/us-south-1",
    "name": "us-south-1"

The file share is deleted in the background. Confirm the deletion by trying to view the mount target information. If you get a 404 Not Found error, the mount target is successfully deleted.

A DELETE /shares/$share_id call can optionally include an If-Match header that specifies an ETag hash string. Make a GET /shares/{share_id} call and copy the ETag hash string from the response header. For more information, see User tags for file shares.

Managing file shares and mount targets with Terraform

With Terraform, you can:

Updating attributes of a file share with Terraform

Update the ibm_is_share resource to change any attributes of the file share such as name, size, profile, tags. When applied, the following example updates the share's name to new_name.

resource "ibm_is_share" "example" {
  name    = "new_name"
  size    = 300
  iops    = 5000
  profile = "dp2"
  zone    = "us-south-2"

Valid file share and mount target names can include a combination of lowercase alpha-numeric characters (a-z, 0-9) and the hyphen (-), up to 63 characters. File share names must begin with a lowercase letter.

For more information about the arguments and attributes, see ibm_is_share.

Updating attributes of a mount target with Terraform

Update the is_share_target resource to change the name of the mount target. When applied, the following resource changes the name of the mount target to my-new-share-target.

resource "is_share_target" "is_share_target" {
  share =
  subnet =
  name = "my-new-share-target"

For more information about the arguments and attributes, see ibm_is_share_target.

Deleting a file share or a mount target with Terraform

Before you delete a file share, make sure that it is unmounted from all virtual server instances and that all mount targets that belong to the file share are deleted. Also, if the file share has a replica file share, you must remove the replication relationship. For more information, see Remove the replication relationship with Terraform.

Use the terraform destroy command to conveniently destroy a remote object such as a file share. The following example shows the syntax for deleting a share. Substitute the actual ID of the share in for To delete a mount target, use the ID of the mount target.

terraform destroy --target

For more information, see terraform destroy.

Adding user tags to a file share

You can add user tags to new or existing file shares, modify, and delete tags for a file share with the UI, CLI, API, and Terraform. You can view tags throughout your account by filtering by tags from your resource list. You can also add user tags to replica file shares.

Up to 100 tags can be attached or detached in the same operation. When you edit your tags, the new tags overwrite the existing tags. To keep tags manageable, create only as many user tags as you require to effectively handle the resource.

You can manage your tags in the IBM Cloud with the Global Tagging API. With this API, you can create, delete, search, attach, or detach tags. For more information about managing tags for your account, see Working with tags.

Adding user tags to file share in the UI

You can add user tags to a file share in the UI.

  1. Go to the list of file shares. In the IBM Cloud console, click the Navigation Menu icon menu icon > VPC Infrastructure VPC icon > Storage > File Shares.

  2. Select a file share to view its details.

  3. On the file share details page, user tags appear next to the file share name. Click the Edit icon Edit icon to edit tags.

  4. In the Edit tags window, type a tag in the User tags text box.

  5. Click Save.

Adding or modify file share user tags from the CLI

Before you can use the CLI, you must install the IBM Cloud CLI and the VPC CLI plug-in. For more information, see the CLI prerequisites.

You can add tags when you provision a file share with the ibmcloud is share-create command. The --user-tags option specifies tags for the file share. For more information, see Creating a file share with a mount target from the CLI.

You can add and remove tags when you update a file share with the ibmcloud is share-update command.

  1. Locate your share from the CLI by listing your file shares in the region with the ibmcloud is shares command.

    $ ibmcloud is shares
    Listing shares in all resource groups and region us-south under account Test Account as user
    ID                                          Name                    Lifecycle state   Zone         Profile   Size(GB)   Resource group   Replication role   
    r006-dc6a644d-c7da-4c91-acf0-d66b47fc8516   my-replica-file-share   stable            us-south-1   dp2       1500       Default          replica   
    r006-e4acfa9b-88b0-4f90-9320-537e6fa3482a   my-source-file-share    stable            us-south-2   dp2       1500       Default          source   
    r006-6d1719da-f790-45cc-9f68-896fd5673a1a   my-replica-share        stable            us-south-3   dp2       1500       Default          replica   
    r006-925214bc-ded5-4626-9d8e-bc4e2e579232   my-new-file-share       stable            us-south-2   dp2       500        Default          none   
    r006-b1707390-3825-41eb-a5bb-1161f77f8a58   my-vpc-file-share       stable            us-south-2   dp2       1000       Default          none   
    r006-b696742a-92ee-4f6a-bfd7-921d6ddf8fa6   my-file-share           stable            us-south-2   dp2       1500       Default          source 
  2. Retrieve the details of the file share with the ibmcloud is share command.

    $ ibmcloud is share my-file-share
    Getting file share my-file-share under account Test Account as user
    ID                           r006-b696742a-92ee-4f6a-bfd7-921d6ddf8fa6   
    Name                         my-file-share   
    CRN                          crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:us-south-2:a/a1234567::share:r006-b696742a-92ee-4f6a-bfd7-921d6ddf8fa6   
    Lifecycle state              stable   
    Access control mode          security_group   
    Zone                         us-south-2   
    Profile                      dp2   
    Size(GB)                     1000   
    IOPS                         1000   
    Encryption                   provider_managed   
    Mount Targets                ID                                          Name      
                                 r006-dd497561-c7c9-4dfb-af0a-c84eeee78b61   my-cli-share-mount-target-1      
    Resource group               ID                                 Name      
                                 db8e8d865a83e0aae03f25a492c5b39e   Default      
    Created                      2023-10-18T22:15:15+00:00   
    Replication role             none   
    Replication status           none   
    Replication status reasons   Status code   Status message      
                                 -             -      
  3. Use the ibmcloud is share-update command with the --user-tags option to add a tag to the file share. If the file share had tags previously, they are overwritten by the tags that are specified in the command.

    ibmcloud is share-update my-file-share --user-tags env:dev
    Updating file share my-file-share under account Test Account as user
    ID                           r006-b696742a-92ee-4f6a-bfd7-921d6ddf8fa6   
    Name                         my-file-share   
    CRN                          crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:us-south-2:a/a1234567::share:r006-b696742a-92ee-4f6a-bfd7-921d6ddf8fa6   
    Lifecycle state              stable   
    Access control mode          security_group   
    Zone                         us-south-2   
    Profile                      dp2   
    Size(GB)                     1500   
    IOPS                         2000   
    User Tags                    env:dev   
    Encryption                   provider_managed   
    Mount Targets                ID                                          Name      
                                 r006-dd497561-c7c9-4dfb-af0a-c84eeee78b61   my-cli-share-mount-target-1      
    Resource group               ID                                 Name      
                                 db8e8d865a83e0aae03f25a492c5b39e   Default      
    Created                      2023-10-18T22:15:15+00:00   
    Replication role             none   
    Replication status           none   
    Replication status reasons   Status code   Status message      
                                 -             - 

Adding or modify file share user tags with the API

When you're working with the API, you must provide the generation parameter and specify generation=2. For more information, see Generation in the Virtual Private Cloud API reference.

Adding a user tag when a file share is created

Make a POST /shares request and specify the user_tags property. This example creates a share with three user tags, env:test1, env:test2, and env:prod.

curl -X POST \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer $iam_token"\
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json'\
    -d '{
        "name": "share-name1",
        "size": 2300,
        "iops": 6000,
        "profile": {"name": "dp2"},
        "user_tags": [
        "zone": {"name": "us-south-1"}

Modifying user tags for an existing file share

Add new user tags to an existing file share by making a PATCH /shares request and specify the user tags in the user_tags property. If the file share did not have any tags, the new tags in the request are added. If the file share had tags previously, the new tags overwrite the previous tags.

The following example modifies a file share that is identified by ID by renaming the share and adding user tags.

curl -X PATCH\
-H "Authorization: $iam_token" \
-d '{
    "name": "myshare-patch-1",
    "user_tags": [


    "access_control_mode": "vpc",
    "created_at": "2023-01-28T22:31:50Z",
    "crn": "crn": "crn:[...]",
    "encryption": "provider_managed",
    "href": "",
    "id": "432f1a4d-4aac-4ba1-922c-76fdbcbeb1e3",
    "initial_owner": {
      "gid": 0,
      "uid": 0
    "iops": 3000,
    "lifecycle_state": "stable",
    "name": "myshare-patch-1",
    "profile": {
      "href": "",
      "name": "tier-3iops",
      "resource_type": "share_profile"
    "replication_role": "none",
    "replication_status": "none",
    "replication_status_reasons": [],
    "resource_group": {
      "crn": "crn": "crn:[...]",
      "href": "",
      "id": "86ccf0a1315646d4bc719fe34ff4d1e3",
      "name": "Default"
    "resource_type": "share",
    "size": 100,
    "mount_targets": [],
    "user_tags": [
    "zone": {
      "href": "",
      "name": "us-south-1"

Modifying file share user tags with ETag verification

To ensure that updates to a file share are valid, you can obtain an ETag hash string value and specify it in the If-Match header in the PATCH /shares/{share_id} call. That confirms that no change happened to the share object between the last observed state and the state at the time of the PATCH call.

To modify existing user tags that are added to a file share, you first make a GET /shares/{share_id} call and copy the hash value from ETag property in the response header. Then, you send the ETag value by using the If-Match header in a PATCH /shares/{share_id} request. Specifying an Etag value ensures any updates to or deletions of a file share fail if the If-Match value does not match the file share's current Etag. Follow these steps:

  1. Make a GET /shares/{share_id} call and copy the hash string from ETag property in the response header. Use need the hash string value for when you specify If-Match in the PATCH /shares/{share_id} request to modify user tags for the share in step 2.

    curl -sSL -D GET\ "{share_id}?version=2023-08-08&generation=2"\
    -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" -o /dev/null

    The response header looks similar to the following example:

    HTTP/2 200
    date: Mon, 09 January 2023 17:48:03 GMT
    content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
    content-length: 1049
    cf-ray: 69903d250c4966ef-DFW
    cache-control: max-age=0, no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate
    expires: -1
    strict-transport-security: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
    cf-cache-status: DYNAMIC
    expect-ct: max-age=604800, report-uri="[uri...]"
    pragma: no-cache
    x-content-type-options: nosniff
    x-request-id: 1fbe2384-6828-4503-ae7d-050426d1b11b
    x-xss-protection: 1; mode=block
    server: cloudflare
    etag: W/xxxyyyzzz123
  2. Make a PATCH /shares/{share_id} request. Specify the ETag hash string for the If-Match property in the header. Specify the user tag in the user_tags property.

    This example updates the file share user tags to env:test and env:prod. The hash string value that you obtained from the ETag property (W/xxxyyyzzz123) is specified in the If-Match header in the call.

    curl -X PATCH\
       -H "Authorization: Bearer"\
       -H "If-Match: W/xxxyyyzzz123"\
       -d `{
          "user_tags": [

Adding access management tags to a file share

Access management tags are metadata that you can add to your file shares to help organize access control resource relationships. You first create the tag and then add it to an existing file share or when you create a file share. You can apply the same access management tag to multiple file shares. You can assign access to the tag in Cloud Identity and Access Management (IAM). Optionally, you can create an IAM access group and manage users.

Step 1 - Creating an access management tag in IAM

In the console:

  1. Go to Manage > Account, and then select Tags.
  2. Click the Access management tags tab. Add a tag name in the field. Access management tags require a key:value format.
  3. Click Create Tags.

From the Global Search and Tagging API:

Make a POST/ tags call to create an access management tag and specify the tag in the tag_names property. For an example, see Creating access management tags with the API.

Step 2 - Adding an access management tag to a file share

Add an access management tag to an existing file share or when you create a file share. For an existing file share:

  1. In the IBM Cloud console, Go to the Resource list, and select a file share under Storage resources.
  2. In the Access management tags field, type the name of an access management tag that you previously created. The tag appears as you type.
  3. Save your changes.

Step 3 - Creating an access group and assign access to users

After you create an access management tag and apply it to a file share, complete the following steps to assign access and add users:

  1. Create an access group. Access groups are assigned to policies that grant roles and permissions to the members of that group. You assign access to the specific access management tags for the file service. For more information about access groups, see Setting up access groups.

  2. Assign an access policy to a group.

  3. Add users to the access group.

When you look at the specific resources for the VPC infrastructure and specify File Storage for VPC as the resource type, you can see the access management tags for the file service.

Mounting and unmounting file shares on a virtual server instance

Mounting is a process by which a server's operating system makes files and directories on the storage device available for users to access through the server's file system. To mount a file share to a virtual server instance, locate the mount path information. The mount path is created when you create a mount target for the file share. See the following information for mounting on a few Linux operating systems. Other Linux distributions follow similar procedures.