IBM Cloud Docs
Creating an instance template

Creating an instance template

You can create an instance template to define instance details for provisioning one or more virtual servers. When your instance template is created, you can use it to provision single virtual server instances, or you can provision multiple instances at the same time as part of an instance group.

Creating an instance template with the UI

The instance template defines the details of the virtual server instances that are created from the template. For example, specify the profile (vCPU and memory), image, attached volumes, and network interfaces for the image template.

To create an instance template, complete the following steps.

  1. In the IBM Cloud console, click Navigation Menu iconmenu icon > VPC Infrastructure VPC icon > Compute > Instance templates.
  2. Click New instance template and enter the information that is in Table 1.
  3. Click Create instance template when the information is complete.

When you create an instance template, validation steps are performed to make sure that you can use your template to provision a virtual server instance.

Table 1. Instance template selections
Field Value
Location Locations are composed of regions (specific geographic areas) and zones (fault tolerant data centers within a region). Select the geography, region, and zone where you want your virtual server instance to be created.
Name A name is required for your virtual server instance.
Resource group Select a resource group for the instance.

Click Change image to select an image. On the Select an image page, you can select a stock image, custom image, catalog image, snapshot, or an existing volume. If the geographic location where you are provisioning an instance supports it, you can select x86 or s390x architecture. After you select your image, click Save.

  • Stock images: You can select from available stock images. For more information, see x86 virtual server images and s390x virtual server images.
  • Custom images: A custom image can be an image that you customize and upload to IBM Cloud Object Storage, which you can then import into IBM Cloud VPC. You can also use a custom image that was created from a boot volume. For more information about custom images, see Getting started with custom images.
  • Catalog images: A catalog image is a custom image that is imported into a private catalog. For more information about catalog images, see VPC considerations when you use custom images in a private catalog.
  • Snapshot: You can select from available snapshots. For more information, see About Block Storage Snapshots for VPC.
  • Existing volume: You can select from existing volumes. The specified volume must be unattached, and must have an operating system with the same architecture as the instance profile.
Profile Click Change profile to select from all available vCPU and RAM combinations. The profile families are Balanced, Compute, Memory, and GPU. For more information, see Profiles.
SSH Key You must select an existing public SSH key or click Create an SSH key to create a new one. You can create only RSA SSH keys. For Ed25519 SSH keys, you must upload the key information. For more information about creating an SSH key, see Creating your SSH key by using the UI. SSH keys are used to securely connect to the instance after it's running.

Note: Alpha-numeric combinations are limited to 100 characters. SSH keys can be either RSA or Ed25519. Ed25519 can be used only if the operating system supports this key type. Ed25519 can't be used with Windows or VMware images.

For more information, see Getting started with SSH keys.

Boot volume The default boot volume size for all profiles is 100 GB. You can specify a larger boot volume capacity, up to 250 GB, depending on what the image allows. You can also specify user tags.
Data volumes You can add one or more secondary data volumes to be included when you provision the instance. To add volumes, click Create. You can specify customer-managed encryption and user tags for the volume.
Virtual private cloud Specify the IBM Cloud VPC where you want to create your instance. You can use an existing VPC or you can create a new VPC. To create a new VPC, click New VPC.
Network interfaces Defines the networking connection into the IBM Cloud VPC. By default, the new option Network attachment with a virtual network interface is selected for your instance template. Alternatively, you can select the legacy option Instance network interface. Whichever type of network interface option that you select when you provision the virtual server persists through the lifecycle of the virtual server. When you have selected your network interface type, you can click the pencil icon to edit the details of the network interface, for example, the subnet or security group that's associated with the interface.
User data You can add user data that automatically performs common configuration tasks or runs scripts. For more information, see User data.
Metadata Disabled by default, lets instances that are created from this template gather metadata about itself. Click the toggle to turn on the metadata service. For more information, see About Instance Metadata for VPC.
Add to dedicated host You can add the virtual server instance to a dedicated host, creating the instance in a single-tenant space. To provision a dedicated instance, you must have a dedicated host available or create one.
Add to placement group You can select a placement group for the instance. To enable placement groups, click the toggle. Then, select or create a placement group for the instance. If you add a placement group, the instance is placed according to the placement group strategy. For more information, see About placement groups.
Host failure auto restart This setting is enabled by default. To disable host failure auto restart, click the toggle. For more information, see Host failure recovery policies.

Creating an instance template with the CLI

The instance template defines the details of the virtual server instances that are created from the template. For example, specify the profile (vCPU and memory), image, attached volumes, and network interfaces for the instance template. You can create one or more instance templates in your IBM Cloud VPC by using the command-line interface (CLI).

For more information about creating a virtual server instance with a custom image shared from a private catalog, see Provision from a private catalog image.

Before you begin

Make sure that you set up your IBM Cloud® CLI environment and your IBM Cloud VPC.

Gathering information to create an instance template

Ready to create an instance template? Before you can run the ibmcloud is instance-template-create command, you need to know the details that you want to include for your instance template and command options. Such as what profile and image that you want to use. Follow these steps to prepare for running the command.

Gather the following required instance template details.

Table 1. Required instance template details
Instance template details Listing command VPC CLI reference documentation
VPC ibmcloud is vpcs List all VPCs
Zone ibmcloud is zones List all zones in the region
Profile ibmcloud is instances List all virtual server instances
Subnet ibmcloud is subnets List all subnets
Image ibmcloud is image List all images
Keys ibmcloud is keys List all keys
Placement groups ibmcloud is placement-groups List all placement groups

Use the following commands to determine the required information for creating a new instance template.

  1. List the regions that are associated with your account.

    ibmcloud is regions

    See the following example.

    $ ibmcloud is regions
    Listing regions under account Test Account as user
    Name       Endpoint                              Status
    au-syd     available
    br-sao     available
    ca-tor     available
    eu-de      available
    eu-es      available
    eu-gb      available
    jp-osa     available
    jp-tok     available
    us-east    available
    us-south   available
  2. Switch to your target region.

    ibmcloud target -r <region-name>
  3. List the zones that are associated with the target region.

    ibmcloud is zones

    In the following example, the command is run in the us-south region and the output shows the available zones that are in the region.

    $ ibmcloud is zones
    Listing zones in target region us-south under account Test Account as user
    Name         Region     Status
    us-south-1   us-south   available
    us-south-2   us-south   available
    us-south-3   us-south   available
  4. List the IBM Cloud VPCs that are associated with your account.

    ibmcloud is vpcs

    For this example, you see a response similar to the following output.

    ID                                          Name                         Status      Classic access   Default network ACL                   Default security group                 Resource group
    r006-0d37163a-701d-4ad6-9ece-a3e34cf28935   cdl                          available   false            acl-test-1                            pedicure-budding-providing-excluded    Default
    r006-212def4b-93f0-4b9a-a331-94178b99d474   cli-test-1                   available   false            surprise-pacifier-cubicle-demystify   foyer-alongside-rug-zen                Default

    If you don't have one available, you can create an IBM Cloud VPC by using the ibmcloud is vpc-create command. For more information about creating an IBM Cloud VPC, see IBM Cloud VPC CLI reference.

  5. List the available profiles for creating your instance template.

    ibmcloud is instance-profiles

    For this example, you see a response similar to the following output.

    Name               vCPU Manufacturer   Architecture   Family              vCPUs   Memory(GiB)   Bandwidth(Mbps)   Volume bandwidth(Mbps)   GPUs   Storage(GB)
    bx2-2x8            intel               amd64          balanced            2       8             4000              1000                     -      -
    bx2d-2x8           intel               amd64          balanced            2       8             4000              1000                     -      1x75
    bx2-4x16           intel               amd64          balanced            4       16            8000              2000                     -      -
    bx2d-4x16          intel               amd64          balanced            4       16            8000              2000                     -     1x150
    bx2-8x32           intel               amd64          balanced            8       32            16000             4000                     -      -
    bx2d-8x32          intel               amd64          balanced            8       32            16000             4000                     -     1x300
    bx2-16x64          intel               amd64          balanced            16      64            32000             8000                     -      -
    bx2d-16x64         intel               amd64          balanced            16      64            32000             8000                     -      1x600
  6. List the subnets that are associated with the IBM Cloud VPC.

    ibmcloud is subnets

    For this example, you see a response similar to the following output.

    ID                                          Name                       Status      Subnet CIDR       Addresses   ACL                                   Public Gateway   VPC                     Zone         Resource group
    0717-cd4f74f1-bfae-423a-886b-9163256ec4a9   subnet-south-1             available     124/256     acl-test-1                            -                cdl                     us-south-1   Default
    0727-9447a2c3-efb8-44d2-a180-115531e0b0d3   cdl                        available    238/256     acl-test-1                            -                cdl                     us-south-2   Default

    For the best performance of an instance group, make sure that you use a subnet size of 32 or greater.

    If you don't have a subnet available, you can create one by using the ibmcloud is subnet-create command. For more information about creating a subnet, see IBM Cloud VPC CLI reference.

  7. List the available images for creating your instance template.

    ibmcloud is images

    For this example, you see a response similar to the following output.

    ID                                          Name                                                Status       Arch    OS name                              OS version                                               File size(GB)   Visibility   Owner type   Encryption   Resource group
    r006-3fa3bea4-7f9c-4eeb-8248-ab1f6e03185b   ibm-centos-7-9-minimal-amd64-9                      available    amd64   centos-7-amd64                       7.x - Minimal Install                                    1               public       provider     none         Default
    r006-c55167af-ea8c-4c27-871f-ccc9c868753e   ibm-centos-stream-8-amd64-1                         available    amd64   centos-stream-8-amd64                8                                                        2               public       provider     none         Default
  8. List the available SSH keys that you can associate with your instance.

    ibmcloud is keys

    For this example, you see a response that is similar to the following output.

    ID                                          Name     Type   Length   FingerPrint          Resource group
    r006-89ec781c-9630-4f76-b9c4-a7d204828d61   my-key   rsa    4096     gtnf+pdX2PYI9Ofq..   Default

    If you do not have an SSH key available, you can create an SSH key by using the ibmcloud is key-create command.

    RSA and Ed25519 are the two types of SSH keys that you can use. However, you can't use the Ed25519 SSH key type with Windows or VMware images. You can use only RSA SSH keys for these images. For more information, see Getting started with SSH keys.

  9. List all the available placement groups that you can associate with your instance.

    ibmcloud is placement-groups

    For this example, you see a response similar to the following output.

    Listing placement groups for generation 2 compute in all resource groups and region us-east under account vpcdemo as user
    ID                                            Name                             State    Strategy       Resource Group
    c5f1f366-b92a-4080-991a-aa5c2e33d96b          placement-group-region-us-east   stable   power_spread       5018a8564e8120570150b0764d39ebcc
    placement-group-cccc-cccc-cccc-cccccccccccc   vsi-placementGroup1              stable   host_spread    5018a8564e8120570150b0764d39ebcc
    placement-group-bbbb-bbbb-bbbb-bbbbbbbbbbbb   vsi-placementGroup2              stable   power_spread     5018a8564e8120570150b0764d39ebcc
    placement-group-aaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaa   vsi-placementGroup3              stable   power_spread   1d18e482b282409e80eff354c919c6a2

Example of creating an instance template with the CLI

After you know these values, use them to run the instance-template-create command. In addition to the information that you gathered, you must specify a name for the instance.

ibmcloud is instance-template-create INSTANCE_TEMPLATE_NAME VPC ZONE_NAME PROFILE_NAME SUBNET --image IMAGE

For example, if you create an instance template that is named my-instance-template in us-south-3 and use the bx2-2x8 profile, your instance-template-create command would look similar to the following sample.

ibmcloud is instance-template-create my-instance-template 0738-xxx1xx23-4xx5-6789-12x3-456xx7xx123x us-south-3 bx2-2x8 0076-2249dabc-8c71-4a54-bxy7-953701ca3999 --image r008-54e9238a-feaa-4f90-9742-7424cb2b9ff1 --placement-group r006-953db18c-068c-4a11-9b07-645684b444b2


  • INSTANCE_TEMPLATE_NAME is my-instance-template
  • VPC is 0738-xxx1xx23-4xx5-6789-12x3-456xx7xx123x
  • ZONE_NAME is us-south-3
  • PROFILE_NAME is bx2-2x8
  • SUBNET_ID is 0076-2249dabc-8c71-4a54-bxy7-953701ca3999
  • IMAGE is r008-54e9238a-feaa-4f90-9742-7424cb2b9ff1
  • PLACEMENT_GROUP_ID is _r134-953db18c-068c-4a11-9b07-645684b444b2

For this example, you see a response similar to the following output.

The following response varies depending on what values that you use.

ID                          0727-0fdac0fb-ad59-4d7b-9f03-604ddc1db002
Name                        my-instance-template
CRN                         crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:us-south-2:a/7f75c7b025e54bc5635f754b2f888665::instance-template:0727-0fdac0fb-ad59-4d7b-9f03-604ddc1db002
Resource group              Default
Image                       r006-3fa3bea4-7f9c-4eeb-8248-ab1f6e03185b
VPC                         r006-212def4b-93f0-4b9a-a331-94178b99d474
Zone                        us-south-2
Profile                     bx2-2x8
Boot volume                 Name   Capacity   Profile           IOPS   Attachment name                      Auto delete   Tags
                            -      100        general-purpose   0      illude-education-spotted-reanalyze   true          -

Primary Network Interface   Name      Subnet ID                                   Security Groups                             Allow source IP spoofing   Reserved IP Address   Reserved IP ID   Reserved IP Name   Reserved IP Auto Delete
                            primary   0727-944126da-e46d-4104-8ba4-ab5a5832864b   r006-2295f00e-8af0-4736-be11-94677955b6b2   false                      -                     -                -                  -

Placement                   ID

Created                     2023-03-29T22:02:59+05:30

For more examples of the ibmcloud is instance-template-create command, see the VPC CLI reference.

When you create an instance template, validation steps are performed to make sure that you can use your template to provision a virtual server instance. Need more help? You can always run ibmcloud is help instance-template-create to display help for creating an instance template.

Creating an instance template with the API

The instance template defines the details of the virtual server instances that are created from the template. For example, specify the profile (vCPU and memory), image, attached volumes, and network interfaces for the instance template. You can create one or more instance templates in your IBM Cloud VPC by using the command-line interface (API).

For more information about creating a virtual server instance with a custom image shared from a private catalog, see Provision from a private catalog image.

Before you begin

Define variables for the IAM token, API endpoint, and API version. For instructions, see Setting up your API and CLI environment.

Make sure that you have the required access. To call these methods, you must be assigned one or more IAM access roles that include the following actions, depending on any listed conditions. You can check your access by going to the Users page of Cloud Identity and Access Management dashboard.

A good way to learn more about the API is to click Get sample API call on the provisioning pages in IBM Cloud console. You can view the correct sequence of API requests and better understand actions and their dependencies.

Gathering information to create an instance template

Ready to create an instance template? Before you can run the POST /instance/templates command, you need to know the details that you want to include for your instance template and command options. Such as what profile and image that you want to use. Follow these steps to prepare for running the command.

Gather the following required instance template details by making the following API calls:

Table 2. Required API instance template detals
Instance details Listing options API spec documentation
VPC GET /vpcs List all VPCs
Zone GET /regions/<region>/zones List all zones in a region
Profile GET /instance/profiles List all instance profiles
Subnet GET /subnets List all subnets
Image GET /images List all images
Key GET /keys List all keys
Placement groups GET /placement_groups List all placement groups

Use the following commands to determine the required information for creating a new instance template.

  1. List the IBM Cloud VPCs that are associated with your account.

    curl -X GET "$vpc_api_endpoint/v1/vpcs?version=2023-07-13&generation=2" -H "Authorization: Bearer $iam_token"

    If you don't have one available, you can create a IBM Cloud VPC by using the POST /vpcs method. For more information about creating a IBM Cloud VPC, see IBM Cloud API Docs - Create a VPC.

  2. List the regions associated with your account.

    curl -X GET "$vpc_api_endpoint/v1/regions?version=2023-07-13&generation=2" -H "Authorization: Bearer $iam_token"
  3. List the zones that are associated with the region.

    curl -X GET "$vpc_api_endpoint/v1/regions/$region_name/zones?version=2023-07-13&generation=2" -H "Authorization: Bearer $iam_token"
  4. List the available profiles for creating your instance template.

    curl -X GET "$vpc_api_endpoint/v1/instance/profiles?version=2023-07-13&generation=2" -H "Authorization: Bearer $iam_token"
  5. List the subnets that are associated with the IBM Cloud VPC.

    curl -X GET "$vpc_api_endpoint/v1/subnets?version=2023-07-13&generation=2" -H "Authorization: Bearer $iam_token"

    For the best performance of an instance group, make sure that you use a subnet size of 32 or greater.

    If you don't have a subnet available, you can create one by using the POST /subnets method. For more information about creating an IBM Cloud VPC, see IBM Cloud API Docs - Create a subnet.

  6. List the available images for creating your instance template.

    curl -X GET "$vpc_api_endpoint/v1/images?version=2023-07-13&generation=2" -H "Authorization: Bearer $iam_token"
  7. List the available SSH keys that you can associate with your instance.

    curl -X GET "$vpc_api_endpoint/v1/keys?version=2023-07-13&generation=2" -H "Authorization: Bearer $iam_token"

    If you do not have an SSH key available, you can create an SSH key by using the ibmcloud is key-create command.

    If you don't have an SSH key available, you can create one by using the POST /keys method. For more information about creating an IBM Cloud VPC, see IBM Cloud API Docs - Create a key.

    RSA and Ed25519 are the two types of SSH keys that you can use. However, you can't use the Ed25519 SSH key type with Windows or VMware images. You can use only RSA SSH keys for these images. For more information, see Getting started with SSH keys.

  8. List all the available placement groups that you can associate with your instance.

    curl -X GET "$vpc_api_endpoint/v1/placement_groups?version=2023-07-13&generation=2" -H "Authorization: Bearer $iam_token"

Creating the instance template with the API

After you know these values, use them to run the POST /instance/templates method. In addition to the information that you gathered, you must specify a name for the instance.

For example, if you create an instance template that is named my-instance-template in us-south-1 and use the bx2-2x8 profile, your POST /instance/templates command would look similar to the following sample.

curl -X POST "$vpc_api_endpoint/v1/instance/templates?version=2023-07-13&generation=2" -H "Authorization: Bearer $iam_token" -d '{
      "primary_network_interface": {
        "subnet": {
          "id": "0d933c75-492a-4756-9832-1200585dfa79"
      "name": "my-instance-template",
      "zone": {
        "name": "us-south-1"
      "vpc": {
        "id": "dc201ab2-8536-4904-86a8-084d84582133"
      "profile": {
        "name": "bx2-2x8"
      "image": {
        "id": "3f9a2d96-830e-4100-9b4c-663225a3f872"
      "placement_group": {
          "id": "363f6d70-0000-0001-0000-00000013b96c"
      "keys": [
          "id": "363f6d70-0000-0001-0000-00000013b96c"


  • instance_template_name is my-instance-template
  • vpc is dc201ab2-8536-4904-86a8-084d84582133
  • zone_name is us-south-1
  • profile_name is bx2-2x8
  • subnet_id is 0d933c75-492a-4756-9832-1200585dfa79
  • image is 3f9a2d96-830e-4100-9b4c-663225a3f872
  • keys is 363f6d70-0000-0001-0000-00000013b96c
  • placement_group is 363f6d70-0000-0001-0000-00000013b96c

For more examples of the /instance/templates method, see the Create an instance template API documentation.

Creating an instance template with Terraform

You can create one or more instance templates in your IBM Cloud VPC by using Terraform.

For more information about creating a virtual server instance with a custom image shared from a private catalog, see Creating an instance by using Terraform.

Before you begin

Make sure that you set up Terraform for VPC.

Gathering information to create an instance template

Ready to create an instance template? Before you can run the ibm_is_instance_template block, you need to know the details that you want to include for your instance template and block options. Such as what profile and image that you want to use. Follow these steps to prepare for running the block.

Gather the following required Terraform instance template details.

Table 1. Required Terraform instance template details
Instance template details Listing block VPC Terraform Data Source reference documentation
Instance profile ibm_is_instance_profiles ibm_is_instance_profiles
Image ibm_is_images ibm_is_images
VPC ibm_is_vpc ibm_is_vpc
Subnet ibm_is_subnets ibm_is_subnets
Zone ibm_is_zone ibm_is_zone
Keys ibm_is_ssh_keys ibm_is_ssh_keys
Placement groups ibm_is_placement_groups ibm_is_placement_groups

Use the following guide to determine the required information for creating a new instance template.

Gather the following information by using DataSource block.

  1. Gather instance profile details. Run the following block for the profile that you select. See x86 instance profiles for a list of available profiles. For more information, see the Terraform documentation on ibm_is_instance_profiles. Use an instance profile by referring to the instance profile data source. For more information, see the Terraform documentation on ibm_is_instance_profile.

    data "ibm_is_instance_profile" "example_profile" {
       name = "bx2-2x8"
  2. List the available images for creating your instance. The ibm_is_instance_template depends on what image that you want to use. You can use a stock image, a custom image from your account, or an image that was shared with your account from a private catalog. For more information, see the Terraform documentation on ibm_is_image. If you plan to use an image that was shared from a private catalog, see the Terraform documentation on ibm_cm_version or ibm_cm_offering_instance.

    • Select a stock image or custom image from your account for your instance.
    data "ibm_is_image" "example_image" {
       name = "ibm-centos-7-6-minimal-amd64-2"
    • Select an image that is shared from a private catalog for the instance. For more information, see the Terraform documentation on ibm_is_images. You can select an image from the list to create the instance as shown in the section Go to Creating an instance by using Terraform section](/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-creating-virtual-servers&interface=terraform#create-instance-terraform).

    If you select a catalog image that belongs to a different account, you have more considerations and limitations to review. See Using cross-account image references in a private catalog in Terraform.

    • To list all available private catalog image offerings, run the following command.

      data "ibm_is_images" "example_images" {
         catalog_managed = true
  3. Create a VPC resource or use an existing VPC by referring to the VPC data source. For more information, see the Terraform documentation on data source ibm_is_vpc or resource ibm_is_vpc.

    resource "ibm_is_vpc" "example_vpc" {
       name = "example-vpc"
  4. Create a subnet resource or use an existing subnet by referring to the subnet data source. For more information, see the Terraform documentation on data source ibm_is_subnet or resource ibm_is_subnet.

    resource "ibm_is_subnet" "example_subnet" {
       name            = "example-subnet"
       vpc             =
       zone            = "us-south-1"
       ipv4_cidr_block = ""
  5. Create a ssh-key resource or use an existing ssh-key by referring to the ssh-key data source ibm_is_ssh_key. If you don't have any available SSH keys, use the resource ibm_is_ssh_key to create one.

    RSA and Ed25519 are the two types of SSH keys that you can use. However, you can't use the Ed25519 SSH key type with Windows or VMware images. You can use only RSA SSH keys for these images. For more information, see Getting started with SSH keys.

    resource "ibm_is_ssh_key" "example_sshkey" {
       name       = "example-sshkey"
       public_key = "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCKVmnMOlHKcZK8tpt3MP1lqOLAcqcJzhsvJcjscgVERRN7/9484SOBJ3HSKxxNG5JN8owAjy5f9yYwcUg+JaUVuytn5Pv3aeYROHGGg+5G346xaq3DAwX6Y5ykr2fvjObgncQBnuU5KHWCECO/4h8uWuwh/kfniXPVjFToc+gnkqA+3RKpAecZhFXwfalQ9mMuYGFxn+fwn8cYEApsJbsEmb0iJwPiZ5hjFC8wREuiTlhPHDgkBLOiycd20op2nXzDbHfCHInquEe/gYxEitALONxm0swBOwJZwlTDOB7C6y2dzlrtxr1L59m7pCkWI4EtTRLvleehBoj3u7jB4usR"

Example of creating an instance template by using Terraform

After you know these values, use them to write the ibm_is_instance_template block. In addition to the information that you gathered, you must specify a name for the instance.

resource "ibm_is_instance_template" "my-template" {
  name    = "my-template"
  image   =
  profile = "bx2-8x32"

  primary_network_interface {
    subnet            =

  vpc                  =
  zone                 = "us-south-2"
  keys                 = []


For more examples of the ibm_is_instance_template, see the ibm_is_instance_template Terraform reference.

Next steps

After you create an instance template, you can provision a single virtual server instance, or you can provision multiple instances at the same time as part of an instance group. Optionally, you can set auto scaling policies for your instance group to dynamically add or remove virtual server instances from your group. For more information, see the following topics: