IBM Cloud Docs
Bandwidth allocation for Block Storage volumes

Bandwidth allocation for Block Storage volumes

You can allocate bandwidth for volumes that are attached to a virtual server instance out of total instance bandwidth.

Bandwidth allocation for volumes that are attached to an instance

When you provision an instance, bandwidth is allocated between Block Storage volumes (boot volume and attached Block Storage volumes) and networking. The maximum bandwidth capacity is determined by the instance profile that you select during instance provisioning. For example, a bx2-2x8 balanced server profile allows a total instance bandwidth of 4,000 MBps (4 GBps). The initial storage and network bandwidth allocation depends on what you set by using the API or by the instance profile you selected.

The maximum bandwidth of a volume is the highest potential bandwidth that can be allocated to the volume when it is attached to an instance. In cases where the total maximum bandwidth of attached volumes exceeds the amount that is available on the instance, the bandwidth for each volume attachment is set proportionally. The bandwidth is allocated based on the corresponding volume's maximum bandwidth.

For example, for the bx2-2x8 profile you might have the following allocations.

  • Volumes: 1,000 MBps.
  • Network: 3,000 MBps.

To ensure reasonable boot times, a minimum of 393 MBps is allocated to the primary boot volume. In the example, the instance's total volume bandwidth is 1,000 MBps. The remaining 607 MBps is allocated to the secondary volumes that you attach, up to the maximum bandwidth of the volume. For example, if you have only one data volume with 500 MBps, you can expect to get that level of performance.

Each volume has an IOPS and bandwidth limit set. The IOPS limit is always set to the maximum IOPS of the volume. The bandwidth for each attached volume is set proportionally based on the volume size and profile.

For optimal bandwidth to be realized, detach and reattach the volume after volume bandwidth allocation.

Adjusting volume bandwidth

You can change the storage-networking bandwidth ratio to meet your needs, but both volume and network bandwidth must be at least 500 MBps each. For example, to allow more bandwidth for volumes, you can apportion the previous example in equal allocations:

  • Storage volumes: 2,000 MBps.
  • Network: 2,000 MBps.

However, before you change the storage-networking bandwidth ratio, be sure to evaluate your instance's network bandwidth requirements. Make sure that the new bandwidth allocation does not have negative effects on your instance’s network performance.

Extending the example for multiple volumes, the bandwidth allocations look like the following example.

  • The total allocation for volumes is 2,000 MBps.
  • Minus the boot volume minimum allocation, 393 MBps.
  • The remaining bandwidth for data volumes is 1,607 MBps.

The volume bandwidth that is available to the instance is apportioned on a per volume basis. The bandwidth is assigned per volume, not shared between volumes. For example, if you have an instance with four identical attached volumes but you are using only one volume, then that volume can get only the bandwidth that is assigned to it. The volume in use can't access the extra bandwidth that is assigned to the unused volumes.

Unattached volume bandwidth versus attached volume bandwidth

When you create a stand-alone (unattached) Block Storage data volume, the volume bandwidth is assigned based on volume capacity, IOPS, and volume profile.

  • In the UI, the volume bandwidth can be seen as Throughput on the overview tab of the Block Storage volume details page.

  • In the CLI, you can see the bandwidth in the output of the ibmcloud is volume command.

    ibmcloud is volume my-test-volume 
    Getting volume my-test-volume under account Test Account as user
    ID                                     r006-3869cd62-7676-43e3-8196-dad27b0c0f27
    Name                                   my-test-volume
    CRN                                    crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:us-south-3:a/a1234567::volume:r006-3869cd62-7676-43e3-8196-dad27b0c0f27
    Status                                 available
    Attachment state                       unattached   
    Capacity                               30
    IOPS                                   3000
    Bandwidth(Mbps)                        393
    Profile                                general-purpose
    Encryption key                         -
    Encryption                             provider_managed
    Resource group                         defaults
    Created                                2021-12-09T15:42:11+00:00
    Zone                                   us-south-3
    Health State                           ok
    Volume Attachment Instance Reference   -
    Active                                 false
    Adjustable IOPS                        false
    Busy                                   false
    Tags                                   -
  • The API response for a GET /volume/{id} call shows the bandwidth for an unattached volume like the following example.

      "active": true,
      "bandwidth": 640,
      "busy": false,
      "capacity": 500,
      "created_at": "2021-08-08T06:26:17Z",
      "crn": "crn:[...]",
      "encryption": "provider_managed",
      "href": "",
      "id": "ccbe6fe1-5680-4865-94d3-687076a38293",
      "iops": 5000,
      "name": "my-volume-1",
      "profile": {
        "href": "",
        "name": "custom"
      "volume_attachments": []

When you attach a secondary volume to a virtual server instance, the primary boot volume gets priority IOPS, and bandwidth allocation to ensure reasonable boot times. Boot volume IOPS and bandwidth are never reduced to be less than 3000 IOPS or 393 MBps.

All volumes are assigned instance bandwidth proportional to their maximum bandwidth, where the sum of all volume bandwidth equals the overall "volumes" bandwidth.

In our example, the remaining bandwidth that is allocated on the instance for data volumes is 1,607 MBps (2000 MBps minus 393 MBps for the boot volume). After the data volume is attached to the instance, the volume optimally requires 640 MBps. If this volume is the only attached volume, it gets the full bandwidth allocation. If you add two more volumes of greater capacity, the bandwidth allocation is less.

Unattached volume bandwidth might not be the same as the actual bandwidth that you see after the volume is attached to an instance. The difference is due to the amount of bandwidth that is dedicated to the boot volume and all other attached data volumes.

Estimating volume bandwidth

Think about the type of data volume that your workloads require and select the appropriate volume profile. Data intensive workloads might require the higher bandwidth performance of a 10 IOPS/GB profile. For more information, see How virtual server profiles relate to storage profiles.

Next steps

You can allocate total volume bandwidth in the UI, from the CLI or with the API. For more information, see Adjusting bandwidth allocation in the UI Adjusting bandwidth allocation from the CLIAdjusting total volume bandwidth with the API.

You can also view volume bandwidth for an unattached volume.