Using DNS Services with VPC
IBM Cloud® DNS Services provide private DNS to Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) users. Private DNS zones are resolvable only on IBM Cloud, and only from explicitly permitted networks in an account. To get started, create a DNS Services instance in the IBM Cloud console.
DNS Services overview
By using DNS Services, you can complete the following tasks:
- Create private DNS zones that are collections for holding domain names.
- Create DNS resource records under these DNS zones.
- Specify access controls used for the DNS resolution of resource records on a zone-wide level.
DNS Services also maintains its own worldwide set of DNS resolvers. Instances that are provisioned under IBM Cloud on an IBM Cloud network can use resource records that are configured through IBM Cloud DNS Services by querying DNS Services resolvers.
Resource records and zones that are configured through DNS Services are:
- Separated from the wider, public DNS, and their publicly accessible records.
- Hidden from machines outside of and not part of the IBM Cloud Private network.
- Accessible only from machines that you authorize on the IBM Cloud Private network.
- Resolvable only through the resolvers provided by the service.
Before you begin
To use DNS Services, you must have at least one virtual server instance in a VPC in the IBM Cloud. If you do not have one, learn how to get started with Virtual Private Cloud.
While the private DNS resolvers are required to resolve private DNS names, they also resolve public DNS names if the request is for a name that is not defined to be in a private DNS zone.
For more information, see Getting started with DNS Services.