IBM Cloud Docs
Updating to the 2023-12-05 version (backup policies)

Updating to the 2023-12-05 version (backup policies)

As described in the VPC API reference versioning policy, most changes to the VPC APIs are fully backward compatible and are made available to all clients, regardless of the API version the client requests. However, the 2023-12-05 release of the VPC API necessitated incompatible changes in support of backup policy methods.

Before you adopt the release version 2023-12-05 or later, be aware of the following changes that might require you to update your client:

  • Backup policy methods supports only one type of resource for a backup policy. In version 2023-12-05, the property match_resource_types changed to match_resource_type. This change applies when creating, updating, listing, retrieving, and deleting a backup policy.
  • When initiating a request to create a backup policy, you must provide a value for the match_resource_type property, either volume or instance. When volume is selected the backup policy is applied to individual Block Storage for VPC volumes separately. When instance is specified, the Block Storage for VPC volumes that are attached to the same instances are treated as a consistency group and the backup snapshots of the volumes are created together in a loose-knit group.

Action needed

Before specifying version query parameter of 2023-12-05 or later, follow these actions to avoid regressions in client functionality.

If your clients continue to specify version 2023-12-04 or earlier, no changes are required.

Client migration

Before you migrate a client to API version 2023-12-05 or later, review your code for use of the POST /backup_policies, PATCH /backup_policies and GET /backup_policies methods. Verify that your code includes the match_resource_type and included_content properties for backup policies in the manner that is appropriate for your programming language. For more information, see the API change log.


These examples compare differences between before and after the 2023-12-05 versioned change.

Creating a backup policy

The following example uses API version 2023-12-04 or earlier to create a backup policy for individual volumes. The data object specifies match_resource_types as array. It's not possible to create an instance type backup policy with an API version 2023-12-04 or earlier.

curl -X POST "$vpc_api_endpoint/v1/backup_policies?version=2023-12-04&generation=2"    
-H "Authorization: $iam_token"   
 -d '{
   "match_resource_types": "array",
   "match_user_tags": ["my-daily-backup-policy"],
   "name": "my-backup-policy",
   "plans": [
        "attach_user_tags": ["my-daily-backup-plan"],
         "copy_user_tags": true,
         "cron_spec": "*/5 1,2,3 * * *",
         "deletion_trigger": {"delete_after": 20},
         "name": "my-backup-plan"
     "resource_group": {}

The following example uses API version 2023-12-05 or later to create a backup policy for individual volumes. The data object specifies match_resource_type as volume.

curl -X POST "$vpc_api_endpoint/v1/backup_policies?version=2023-12-05&generation=2"\
   -H "Authorization: $iam_token"\
   -d '{
     "match_resource_type": "volume",
     "match_user_tags": ["my-daily-backup-policy"],
     "name": "my-backup-policy",
     "plans": [
        "attach_user_tags": ["my-daily-backup-plan"],
         "copy_user_tags": true,
         "cron_spec": "*/5 1,2,3 * * *",
         "deletion_trigger": {"delete_after": 20},
         "name": "my-backup-plan"
     "resource_group": {}

The following example uses the API version 2023-12-05 or later to create a backup policy for a consistency group of Block Storage for VPC volumes that are attached to the same virtual server instance. The data object specifies match_resource_type as instance and the included_content as data_volumes.

curl -X POST "$vpc_api_endpoint/v1/backup_policies?version=2023-12-05&generation=2"\
   -H "Authorization: $iam_token"\
   -d '{
      "match_resource_type": "instance",
      "included_content": "data_volumes"
      "match_user_tags": ["my-daily-backup-policy"],
      "name": "my-backup-policy",
      "plans": [
         "attach_user_tags": ["my-daily-backup-plan"],
         "copy_user_tags": true,
         "cron_spec": "*/5 1,2,3 * * *",
         "deletion_trigger": {"delete_after": 20},
         "name": "my-backup-plan"
     "resource_group": {}