Viewing backup policies
You can list and view all backup policies that you created for your storage resources in the console, from the CLI, with the API, or Terraform. You can review the details of individual policies, and view the number of resources that have tags that match a backup policy.
For the backup operation to be successful, the tagged volumes must be attached to running virtual server instances. Unattached volumes are not backed up even if they have the right tags.
Viewing backup policies in the console
You can list all backup policies and view details of a specific policy by using the UI.
Listing all backup policies in the console
List all backup policies that you created for volumes in your account for the selected region by using the UI.
In the IBM Cloud console, click the Navigation menu icon > Infrastructure
> Backup policies.
Table 1 describes the information on the Backup policy list page. The default region for the account is selected. You can select a different region from the menu. Policies are listed on the page from newest to oldest.
Field | Value |
Name | Click the name of a policy to see its details. |
Status | The status of the policy, such as Stable. For more information about policy statuses, see Backup policy statuses. |
Applied resources | Number of resources (Block Storage for VPC volumes, File Storage for VPC shares, or virtual server instances) that are tagged to be backed up by the policy [1]. The number is a link that takes you to a list of resources that apply for the policy. |
Tags for target resources | Tags for target volumes or shares that you are backing up. |
Last run time (local) | The most recent time a job ran for the backup policy. If the field is blank, the volumes don't have matching tags for a job to run. |
Created date (local) | Date and time of when the backup was created. |
By clicking the Actions icon , you can display a menu of context-specific actions.
- Restore
- Delete
Viewing details of a backup policy in the console
You can view details of a backup policy by using the UI.
In the IBM Cloud console, click the Navigation menu icon
> Infrastructure
> Backup policies.
Click a policy name. Tables 2 and 3 describe the information about the selected backup policy and its associated plans. You can add activity tracking, event notifications or delete the policy from the Actions menu
Backup policy details Field Value Name Name of the backup policy. Click the Edit icon to edit.
Policy ID Backup policy ID. Resource group Resource group for the Block Storage for VPC volume. Location Policies for the selected region. Created date The date the policy was created. CRN Cloud resource name of the policy. Applied resources The number of volumes that are covered by the policy. This list includes volumes and shares that were created by users for the account. If the policy is an enterprise-wide policy, the list shows volumes of the enterprise account, and not the volumes of its child accounts. Tags for target resources This field shows the user tags that can trigger the creation of a backup when they are applied to a resource.
- You can click the Edit icon
to add more tags. For more information, see Edit tags for target resources.
- See also Applying backup policies to resources by using tags.
Target resource type The backup policy can apply to individual block volumes or a consistency group of block volumes of instances. Last backup job It shows the date and time when the last backup job ran. Backup jobs create or delete backup snapshots based on the plan frequency and retention settings. To see which type of job ran last, click view. Enterprise account CRN This value is only shown when the backup policy is an enterprise-wide policy. It is the Cloud Resource Name of the Enterprise that created the policy. Health The current health state of the policy. For more information, see the FAQs. The Plans card shows the plan name, retention policy, and plan status. Optionally, you can click Create to add more plans for an existing policy.
Backup policy details Field Value Plan name Unique name for the plan. Expand to see plan details, such as frequency, tags that are associated with this plan, and whether fast restore and remote copies are enabled. Retention Period that you set for the plan to be in effect, for example, 30 days. Status Plan status. Shows enabled
for an active plan.By clicking the Actions icon
, you can display a menu of context-specific actions. You can change the name and other plan details such as retention, tags, fast restore, and remote copies. For more information, see Edit or delete a backup plan in the console.
- You can click the Edit icon
Viewing the list of resources that are associated to a backup policy
View the list of resources that are backed up by the policy. For a resource to be backed up by a policy, the resource must be tagged with at least one of the policy’s tags for the target resources.
You can use this list of Block Storage for VPC volumes, File Storage for VPC shares, or virtual server instances to verify that the backup policies are correctly applied.
In the IBM Cloud console, click the Navigation menu icon
> Infrastructure
> Backup policies.
Click a policy name.
Click the Applied resources tab.
If the policy is for individual Block Storage for VPC volumes, a list of the volumes that are backed up by this policy is shown. Information about the volumes includes the volume name, status, volume size, and encryption type.
List of Block Storage for VPC volumes for the backup policy Field Description Name Name of the volume. Click the Edit icon to edit.
Status Status of the volume. Size Size of the volume in GBs. Encryption IBM-managed encryption or customer-managed encryption. You can add other volumes to this policy by clicking Add volumes. The informational side panel provides a list of tags for target resources that you can apply to the volume, and a link to the list of Block Storage for VPC volumes. You must apply at least one of the policy's tags for target resources to the volume. |
If the policy is for multi-volume backups of a consistency group of Block Storage for VPC volumes, a list of virtual server instances is shown. The list contains the virtual server instances whose Block Storage volumes are backed up this policy. Information about the virtual server instances includes the name, status, VPC, and profile.
List of virtual server instances. Field Description Name Name of the volume. Click the Edit icon to edit.
Status Status of the volume. Virtual private cloud The name of the VPC that the virtual server instance is in. Click it to go to the details page of the VPC. Profile The Compute profile of the virtual server instance. Click Add virtual server instance to add the attached volumes of a virtual server instance to this policy. The informational side panel provides a list of tags for target resources that you can apply to the virtual server instance. It also contains a link to the list of virtual server instances of your account. You must apply at least one of the policy's tags for target resources to the volume.
If the policy is for file shares, a list of the shares that are backed up by this policy is shown. Information about the shares includes their names, status, volume sizes, and encryption types.
List of File Storage for VPC shares for the backup policy Field Description Name Name of the share. Click the Edit icon to edit.
Status Status of the share. Size Size of the share in GBs. Encryption IBM-managed encryption or customer-managed encryption.
Viewing backup policies from the CLI
You can view backup policies by using the CLI.
Before you begin
Before you can use the CLI, you must install the IBM Cloud CLI and the VPC CLI plug-in. For more information, see the CLI prerequisites.
Log in to IBM Cloud®.
ibmcloud login --sso -a
This command returns a URL and prompts for a passcode. Go to that URL in your browser and log in. If successful, you get a one-time passcode. Copy this passcode and paste it as a response on the prompt. After successful authentication, you are prompted to choose your account. If you have access to multiple accounts, select the account that you want to log in as. Respond to any remaining prompts to finish logging in.
Listing all backup policies from the CLI
Run the backup-policies
command to list all backup policies that you created in your account and region.
ibmcloud is backup-policies [--tag TAG_NAME] [--resource-group-id RESOURCE_GROUP_ID | --resource-group-name RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME | --all-resource-groups] [--output JSON] [-q, --quiet]
The following example shows the output that you can expect.
cloudshell:~$ ibmcloud is backup-policies
Listing backup policies in all resource groups and region eu-de under account Test Account as user
ID Name Status Resource group
r138-0521986d-963c-4c18-992d-d6a7a99d115f backup-policy-v1 stable defaults
r138-a84c2063-e95f-46dc-98a8-9799b0e2fd2f demo2 stable defaults
r138-8c494618-9e4f-4b67-9a08-ee3491404f3b my-backup-policy-v1 stable defaults
r138-5c719085-cf26-456e-9216-984866659e29 my-backup-policy-v2 stable defaults
For more information about available command options, see ibmcloud is backup-policies
. For more information about the values in the Status
see Backup policy statuses
Viewing backup policy details from the CLI
Run the backup-policy
command and specify either the backup policy ID or the policy name.
ibmcloud is backup-policy POLICY [--output JSON] [-q, --quiet]
The following example lists the properties of a backup policy with the plan that it contains.
$ ibmcloud is backup-policy my-backup-policy-v2
Getting backup policy my-backup-policy-v2 under account Test Account as user
ID r006-0723c648-9a47-4d51-b1ba-349e21e715b6
Name my-backup-policy-v2
CRN crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:us-south:a/a1234567::backup-policy:r006-0723c648-9a47-4d51-b1ba-349e21e715b6
Status stable
Last job completed at 2023-09-26T10:13:18.000Z
Plans ID Name Resource type
r006-e888bb31-7bf2-4885-a9f3-d448c1c37326 my-plan-b backup_policy_plan
Backup tags dev:test
Match resource type volume
Resource group ID Name
6edefe513d934fdd872e78ee6a8e73ef defaults
Created at 2023-09-05T16:30:09+00:00
The following example uses the policy ID and the option to receive the response in JSON format. This policy creates consistency group backups in the child accounts of an Enterprise.
$ ibmcloud is backup-policy r006-0723c648-9a47-4d51-b1ba-349e21e715b6 --output JSON
"created_at": "2023-09-05T16:30:09.000Z",
"crn": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:us-south:a/a1234567::backup-policy:r006-0723c648-9a47-4d51-b1ba-349e21e715b6",
"href": "",
"id": "r006-0723c648-9a47-4d51-b1ba-349e21e715b6",
"lifecycle_state": "stable",
"match_resource_type": "instance",
"included_content": "data_volumes",
"match_user_tags": "dev:test",
"name": "my-backup-policy-v2",
"plans": [
"href": "",
"id": "r006-e888bb31-7bf2-4885-a9f3-d448c1c37326",
"name": "my-plan-b",
"resource_type": "backup_policy_plan"
"resource_group": {
"href": "",
"id": "6edefe513d934fdd872e78ee6a8e73ef",
"name": "defaults"
"resource_type": "backup_policy",
"scope": {
"id": "7e44cb4667ba4b88b1b1f8dcc15e33b3",
"crn": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:enterprise::a/a1234567::enterprise:7e44cb4667ba4b88b1b1f8dcc15e33b3",
"resource_type": ""
The following example uses the policy name and no other options. The policy applies to individual Block Storage volumes.
cloudshell:~$ ibmcloud is backup-policy my-backup-policy-v1
Getting backup policy my-backup-policy-v1 under account Test Account as user
ID r138-8c494618-9e4f-4b67-9a08-ee3491404f3b
Name my-backup-policy-v1
CRN crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:eu-de:a/a1234567::backup-policy:r138-8c494618-9e4f-4b67-9a08-ee3491404f3b
Status stable
Last job completed at 2023-02-22T20:12:44.000Z
Plans ID Name Resource type
r138-4d77d84c-929c-49e9-9f05-952be9486406 not-just-another-plan backup_policy_plan
r138-7734be40-e2a5-4ee6-b4bd-75763639092b my-policy-plan backup_policy_plan
Backup tags dev:test
Match resource type volume
Resource group defaults
Created at 2023-02-21T18:37:17+00:00
The following example lists the properties of an Enterprise backup policy. The scope shows the enterprise account's CRN.
$ ibmcloud is backup-policy r006-0bc533ed-4796-407a-982e-693b418f3de3
Getting backup policy r006-0bc533ed-4796-407a-982e-693b418f3de3 under account Enterprise Test as user
ID r006-0bc533ed-4796-407a-982e-693b418f3de3
Name backup-scope-2
CRN crn:bluemix:public:is:us-south:a/a1234567::backup-policy:r006-0bc533ed-4796-407a-982e-693b418f3de3
Status stable
Plans ID Name Resource type
r006-0741b600-e8d5-41b4-88a7-c19b6fbf89ca scope-plan-2 backup_policy_plan
Backup tags dev:test
included-content data_volumes
Match resource type volume
Resource group ID Name
e579217258f74f42974e6ec4da287fc5 Default
Scope ID CRN Resource type
7e44cb4667ba4b88b1b1f8dcc15e33b3 crn:v1:bluemix:public:enterprise::a/a1234567::enterprise:7e44cb4667ba4b88b1b1f8dcc15e33b3 -
Health State ok
Created at 2023-08-30T13:39:10+05:30
For more information about available command options, see ibmcloud is backup-policy
Listing all plans for a backup policy from the CLI
Run the ibmcloud is backup-policy-plans
and specify either the policy ID or the policy name to see all plans created for this policy.
ibmcloud is backup-policy-plans POLICY [--output JSON] [-q, --quiet]
The following example specifies the policy name. The output provides basic information of the backup plans, such as ID, name, status, and the CRON expressions that define the schedules for the backups.
cloudshell:~$ ibmcloud is backup-policy-plans backup-policy-v1
Listing plans of backup policy backup-policy-v1 under account Test Account as user
ID Name Active Lifecycle state Cron specification
r138-2129a79a-5629-4069-bf79-7bb0af3b0bd3 my-policy-plan-a true stable 05 15 * * *
r138-6f4f08ba-e0bb-470f-bbfb-f3a22aebbfa9 my-policy-plan-c true stable 10 20 * * *
The following example specifies the policy ID of the policy from the previous example. The output provides more detailed information about the plans (my-policy-plan-a
and my-policy-plan-c
) that includes information
about fast restore clones and the retention policy as well.
$ ibmcloud is backup-policy-plans r138-0521986d-963c-4c18-992d-d6a7a99d115f --output JSON
"active": true,
"attach_user_tags": [
"clone_policy": {
"max_snapshots": 4,
"zones": [
"href": "",
"name": "eu-de-1"
"href": "",
"name": "eu-de-2"
"copy_user_tags": true,
"created_at": "2023-02-21T22:42:31.000Z",
"cron_spec": "05 15 * * *",
"deletion_trigger": {
"delete_after": 20,
"delete_over_count": 20
"href": "",
"id": "r138-2129a79a-5629-4069-bf79-7bb0af3b0bd3",
"lifecycle_state": "stable",
"name": "my-policy-plan-a",
"resource_type": "backup_policy_plan"
"active": true,
"attach_user_tags": [
"clone_policy": {
"max_snapshots": 3,
"zones": [
"href": "",
"name": "eu-de-1"
"href": "",
"name": "eu-de-2"
"copy_user_tags": true,
"created_at": "2023-02-21T22:42:32.000Z",
"cron_spec": "10 20 * * *",
"deletion_trigger": {
"delete_after": 20,
"delete_over_count": 20
"href": "",
"id": "r138-6f4f08ba-e0bb-470f-bbfb-f3a22aebbfa9",
"lifecycle_state": "stable",
"name": "my-policy-plan-c",
"resource_type": "backup_policy_plan"
For more information about available command options, see ibmcloud is backup-policy-plans
Viewing backup plan details from the CLI
Run the ibmcloud is backup-policy-plan
command and specify the policy ID or policy name, and plan ID or plan name.
ibmcloud is backup-policy-plan POLICY PLAN [--output JSON] [-q, --quiet]
The following example specifies the policy and the plan name.
cloudshell:~$ ibmcloud is backup-policy-plan backup-policy-v1 my-policy-plan-a
Getting plan my-policy-plan-a under account Test Account as user
ID r138-2129a79a-5629-4069-bf79-7bb0af3b0bd3
Name my-policy-plan-a
Active true
Lifecycle state stable
Clone policy Max snapshots Zones
4 eu-de-1,eu-de-2
Deletion trigger Delete after Delete over count
20 20
Remote Region Policies Region Encryption Key Delete over count
us-east - 99
Attached tags daily-backup-plan
Copy tags true
Cron specification 05 15 * * *
Created at 2023-02-21T22:42:31+00:00
Resource type backup_policy_plan
For more information about available command options, see ibmcloud is backup-policy-plan
Viewing backup policies and plans with the API
You can view backup policies and plans by using the API.
Showing details of a backup policy with the API
You can programmatically retrieve the details of a backup policy by calling the /backup_policies/{backup_policy_id}
method in the VPC API as
shown in the following sample request.
curl -X GET\
-H "Authorization: $iam_token"
A successful response looks like the following example.
"created_at": "2023-09-26T15:06:03.000Z",
"crn": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:us-south:a/123456::backup-policy:r006-076191ba-49c2-4763-94fd-c70de73ee2e6",
"included_content": [
"health_reasons": [],
"health_state": "ok",
"href": "",
"id": "r006-076191ba-49c2-4763-94fd-c70de73ee2e6",
"lifecycle_state": "stable",
"match_resource_type": "volume",
"match_user_tags": [
"name": "my-backup-policy",
"plans": [
"href": "",
"id": "r006-4d6074c4-3811-4bb3-af4a-1fd6cb38d6fe",
"name": "my-backup-plan-1",
"resource_type": "backup_policy_plan"
"resource_group": {
"crn": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:resource-controller::a/123456::resource-group:678523bcbe2b4eada913d32640909956",
"href": "",
"id": "678523bcbe2b4eada913d32640909956",
"name": "Default"
"resource_type": "backup_policy",
"scope": {
"crn": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:enterprise::a/e92d45e305dc4ee0b13e29be392f1c0c::enterprise:ebc2b430240943458b9e91e1432cfcce",
"id": "fee82deba12e4c0fb69c3b09d1f12345",
"resource_type": "account"
The following example shows the details of a backup policy that creates backups of a multi-volume consistency group.
curl -X GET\
-H "Authorization: $iam_token"
"created_at": "2023-11-14T19:36:29Z",
"crn": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:us-south:a/a1234567::backup-policy:r006-5f45c186-d710-41ed-a4bc-e924a79e47bb",
"health_reasons": [],
"health_state": "ok",
"href": "",
"id": "r006-5f45c186-d710-41ed-a4bc-e924a79e47bb",
"included_content": [
"lifecycle_state": "stable",
"match_resource_type": "instance",
"match_user_tags": [
"name": "policy-1699990587",
"plans": [
"href": "",
"id": "r006-01fb4c96-57db-4fac-98f0-2158dbfd551f",
"name": "plan-1699990587",
"resource_type": "backup_policy_plan"
"resource_group": {
"href": "",
"id": "f20bdbd6554d48739ad38717e0511fdd",
"name": "Default"
"resource_type": "backup_policy",
"scope": {
"id": "53945f147c1441b0940bc00927863af6",
"resource_type": "account"
For more information about the values of the health_state
and lifecycle_state
fields, see Monitoring backup policy health states, lifecycle status, and events.
Listing all plans for a backup policy with the API
You can programmatically list the plans of a backup policy by calling the /backup_policies/{backup_policy_id}/plans
method in the VPC API as
shown in the following sample request.
curl -X GET\
-H "Authorization: $iam_token"
A successful response looks like the following example.
"plans": [
"active": true,
"attach_user_tags": [
"copy_user_tags": true,
"created_at": "2022-12-16T00:45:28.421Z",
"cron_spec": "*/5 1,2,3 * * *",
"deletion_trigger": {
"delete_after": 20
"href": "",
"id": "4cf9171a-0043-4434-8727-15b53dbc374c",
"lifecycle_state": "stable",
"name": "my-policy-plan",
"resource_type": "backup_policy_plan"
To retrieve information about a single plan, specify the plan ID in the request:
curl -X GET "$vpc_api_endpoint/v1/backup_policies/{backup_policy_id}/plans/{plan_id}?version=2022-12-16&generation=2"
Retrieving a backup plan with the fast restore option
You can see information about the zone in which fast restore backup snapshots are being created and the number of snapshots in each zone.
Make a GET /backup_policy/{backup_policy_id}/plans/{plan_id}
call. In the response, the clone_policy
property shows the zone in which the snapshot clone for fast restore is created and the maximum number of recent snapshots
per volume that keeps clones.
You can also retrieve all plans for a backup policy and view plans you set up for backup snapshot clones. For more information, see List all plans for a backup policy in the API reference.
See the following example.
curl -X GET\
-H "Authorization: $iam_token"
The response shows the clone policy information. In this example, clones are created for snapshots in us-south-2 with a maximum of two clones per snapshot to be kept.
"active": true,
"attach_user_tags": ["my-plan-2"],
"clone_policy": {
"max_snapshots": 2,
"zones": [
{"name": "us-south-2"},
{"href": ""}]},
"copy_user_tags": true,
"created_at": "2022-12-16T15:16:37Z",
"cron_spec": "45 * * * *",
"deletion_trigger": {"delete_after": 5},
"href": "",
"id": "r006-6da51cfe-6f7b-4638-a6ba-00e9c327b178",
"lifecycle_state": "stable",
"name": "my-backup-plan-2",
"resource_type": "backup_policy_plan"
Retrieving a backup plan with the cross-regional copy option
Make a GET /backup_policy/{backup_policy_id}/plans/{plan_id}
request. In the response, the remote_region_policies
property shows the remote region where a copy of the backup is created.
See the following example.
curl -X GET\
-H "Authorization: $iam_token"
The response shows the remote region policy information. In this example, the output shows that when the backup job creates a backup snapshot in the us-south
region, a copy of the backup is created in the us-east
"active": true,
"attach_user_tags": ["hourly-backups"],
"copy_user_tags": false,
"created_at": "2023-05-09T15:16:37Z",
"cron_spec": "0 */2 * * *",
"deletion_trigger": {"delete_after": 5},
"href": "",
"id": "6e251cfe-6f7b-4638-a6ba-00e9c327b178",
"lifecycle_state": "stable",
"name": "my-hourly-plan-2",
"remote_region_policies": {
"delete_over_count": 5,
"encryption_key": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:kms:us-south:a/dffc98a0f1f0f95f6613b3b752286b87:e4a29d1a-2ef0-42a6-8fd2-350deb1c647e:key:5437653b-c4b1-447f-9646-b2a2a4cd617" ,
"region": [
{"name": "us-east"},
{"href": ""}
"resource_type": "backup_policy_plan"
Viewing backup policies and plans with Terraform
You can use Terraform to view backup policies and plans.
To use Terraform, download the Terraform CLI and configure the IBM Cloud Provider plug-in. For more information, see Getting started with Terraform.
VPC infrastructure services use a specific regional endpoint, which targets to us-south
by default. If your VPC is created in another region, make sure to target the appropriate region in the provider block in the
See the following example of targeting a region other than the default us-south
provider "ibm" {
region = "eu-de"
Listing all backup policies with Terraform
Import the details of a collection of backup policies as a read-only data source. You can filter the collection by specifying the name, resource group, or associated tags.
data "ibm_is_backup_policies" "example" {
For more information about the arguments and attributes, see ibm_is_backup_policies.
Viewing backup policy details with Terraform
Import the details of a backup policy as a read-only data source. You can specify either the policy ID or the policy name.
data "ibm_is_backup_policy" "example" {
identifier =
data "ibm_is_backup_policy" "example" {
name =
For more information about the arguments and attributes, see ibm_is_backup_policy.
Listing all plans for a backup policy with Terraform
Import the list of the backup plans that are part of a backup policy as a read-only data source. Optionally, you can specify the name of the plan that you want to see.
data "ibm_is_backup_policy_plans" "example" {
backup_policy_id =
data "ibm_is_backup_policy_plans" "example" {
backup_policy_id =
name = "my-policy-plan"
For more information about the arguments and attributes, see ibm_is_backup_policy_plans.
Viewing backup plan details with Terraform
Import the details of a backup plan as a read-only data source. You can specify either the plan ID or the plan name as you can see in the following examples.
data "ibm_is_backup_policy_plan" "example" {
backup_policy_id =
identifier =
data "ibm_is_backup_policy_plan" "example" {
backup_policy_id =
name =
For more information about the arguments and attributes, see ibm_is_backup_policy_plan.
Next steps
You can do the following actions.
- Apply tags to your resources for backups.
- Manage your backup policies and plans.
- Restore a volume from a backup snapshot.
- Enabling event notifications for Backup for VPC.
For the backup operation to be successful, the tagged volumes must be attached to running virtual server instances. Unattached volumes are not backed up even if they have the right tags. ↩︎