IBM Cloud Docs
Understanding connectivity options for the VPC environment

Understanding connectivity options for the VPC environment

The following table provides information on VPC network flows and connections for various scenarios that you might encounter.

Details about VPC network flows and connections
Use Case From To Connection through Connection method
Local networks Virtual Server (VPC)

Location: VPC 1, Zone 1, Subnet 1

Virtual Server (VPC)

Location: VPC 1, Zone 1, Subnet 1

Private backbone Automatic, through VPC routing table
Local networks Virtual Server (VPC)

Location: VPC 1, Zone 1, Subnet 1

Virtual Server (VPC)

Location: VPC 1, Zone 2, Subnet 2

Public internet VPN gateway with VPN Connection
Multi-region networks Virtual Server (VPC)

Location:** Region A, VPC 1, Zone 1, Subnet 1

Virtual Server (VPC)

Locations: Region B, VPC 2, Zone 3, Subnet 1

Region C, VPC 3, Zone 1, Subnet 1

Private backbone Transit gateway
Local networks Virtual Server (VPC)

Location: VPC 1, Zone 1, Subnet 1

Bare Metal

Location: Classic Infrastructure data center 1

Public internet IPSec VPN
Local networks Virtual Server (VPC)

Location: VPC 1, Zone 1, Subnet 1

Bare Metal

Location: Classic Infrastructure data center 1

Private backbone VRF-enabled account
Multi-region networks Virtual Server (VPC)

Location: Region A, VPC 1, Zone 1, Subnet 1

Bare Metal

Locations: Region B, Classic Infrastructure data center 1

Region C, Classic Infrastructure data center 1

Private backbone Transit gateway
Cloud-to-intranet (Dev/Test) Virtual Server (VPC)

Location: VPC 1, Zone 1, Subnet 1

On-Premise network Public internet VPN gateway with VPN Connection
Cloud-to-intranet (Production) Virtual Server (VPC)

Location: VPC 1, Zone 1, Subnet 1

On-Premise network Private backbone Direct Link