IBM Cloud Docs
Attaching cluster network interfaces to an instance

Attaching cluster network interfaces to an instance

Cluster Networks for VPC is available for select customers only. Contact IBM Support if you are interested in using this functionality.

After you create an instance, you can attach it to a cluster network instance subnet. Alternatively, you can plan out your network by creating your interfaces up front before attaching your instances.

Before you begin

Review Planning considerations and Known issues and limitations.

You can attach cluster network interfaces to an instance with the CLI, API, or Terraform.

Attaching cluster network interfaces to an instance in the CLI

To attach interfaces to an instance in the CLI, follow these steps:

  1. Set up your CLI environment.

  2. Enable the following feature flag:

  3. Log in to your account with the CLI. After you enter the password, the system prompts for the account and region that you want to use:

    ibmcloud login --sso
  4. To attach an interface to an instance, enter the following command:

    ibmcloud is instance-cluster-network-attachments INSTANCE --cnac CLUSTER_NETWORK_ATTACHMENT


    ID or name of the instance.
    Specify output format, only JSON is supported. One of: JSON.
    -q, quiet
    Suppress verbose output.

Command examples

To create instance my-ins-1 with cluster network atttachments:

ibmcloud is instance-create my-ins-1 cli-vpc us-south-2 fx3d-160c1792x9h100 cli-subnet --image ibm-ubuntu-20-04-6-minimal-amd64-5 --cluster-network-attachments '[{"name":"instance-cnac-1","cluster_network_interface":{"id":"7208-18204195-be40-4f12-aaaa-2649e19acb91"}},{"name":"instance-cnac-2","cluster_network_interface":{"id":"7208-cf6023a3-86c7-459f-84b8-536b4f812541"}},{"name":"instance-cnac-3","cluster_network_interface":{"id":"7208-2d55d27c-835c-4566-acbc-da36bcf49da7"}},{"name":"instance-cnac-4","cluster_network_interface":{"id":"7208-161e2919-c505-4e6d-bd49-88e7e0c0f1f3"}},{"name":"instance-cnac-5","cluster_network_interface":{"id":"7208-d700a40e-af61-45ee-b71a-a09203db76bd"}},{"name":"instance-cnac-6","cluster_network_interface":{"id":"7208-c7dbc8b9-6b47-4b83-8649-512e4e8f0a81"}},{"name":"instance-cnac-7","cluster_network_interface":{"id":"7208-f4773e40-49b5-4d44-8c68-7a75513bbf16"}},{"name":"instance-cnac-8","cluster_network_interface":{"id":"7208-46e097b5-c1ea-4669-aafd-7a4cc82d0e02"}}]'

To create instance my-ins-2 with a cluster network attachments JSON file:

ibmcloud is instance-create my-ins-2 deceiving-strode-dimly-undesirable us-south-2 hx3d-160x1002x8h100 test-subnet --image ibm-ubuntu-20-04-6-minimal-amd64-5 --cluster-network-attachments @~/cnac.json

Attaching cluster network interfaces to an instance with the API

To attach cluster network interfaces to an instance with the API, follow these steps:

  1. Set up your API environment with the right variables.

  2. Store any additional variables to be used in the API commands; for example:

    version (string): The API version, in format YYYY-MM-DD.

  3. When all variables are initiated, enter the following command to attach the cluster network interface to the instance:

    curl -X POST "$vpc_api_endpoint/v1/instances/$instance_id/cluster_network_attachments?version=$today&generation=2" -H "Authorization: Bearer $iam_token" -d '{
      "name": "my-cluster-network-attachment",
      "cluster_network_interface": {
        "id": "$cluster_network_interface_id"

To view the complete set of cluster network APIs, see the VPC API reference.