IBM Cloud Docs
Resource details

Resource details

Enter the instance name or accept the default value and specify the resource group for the Regulated Workloads instance.

Instance name

The instance name is set to vrw-xx by default, where xx represents two randomly generated alphabetic characters.

You can also specify an instance name that meets the following requirements:

  • Only lowercase alphabetic, numeric, and hyphen (-) characters are allowed.
  • No consecutive hyphens are allowed.
  • The instance name must start with a lowercase alphabetic character.
  • The instance name must end with a lowercase alphabetic or numeric character.
  • The maximum length of the instance name is 10 characters.
  • The instance name must be unique within your account.

Resource group

Use resource groups to organize the resources in your account for access control and billing purposes. The default resource group in your account is selected. You can also select another resource group according to your needs. The resource group that you select cannot be changed after the instance is created.

If No resource group available is displayed in this field, you currently do not have permissions to any resource group in this account. Contact the account owner to be assigned an Editor or Administrator role on a resource group in the account. For more information, see IBM Cloud IAM roles.