IBM Cloud Docs
Ports used by VMware components

Ports used by VMware components

The following table shows the ports that are used by VMware® by Broadcom components. For more information about the ports that are used for VMware Solutions deployment and Day 2 operations, see Ports that are used for deployment and Day 2 operations.

Ports used by VMware
Source Subnet Target Subnet Port Protocol
VMware ESXi™ host Private primary subnet VMware vCenter Server® Infrastructure VMs 902 TCP and UDP
ESXi host Private primary subnet vCenter Server Infrastructure VMs 443 TCP
ESXi host Private primary subnet NSX™ Manager Infrastructure VMs 5671 TCP
ESXi host Private primary subnet NSX Manager Infrastructure VMs 1234 and 1235 TCP and UDP
ESXi host Private primary subnet NSX controllers Infrastructure VMs 1234 and 1235 TCP
ESXi host Private primary subnet Windows® Active Directory™ Private primary subnet
Infrastructure VMs
88 TCP and UDP
ESXi host Private primary subnet Windows Active Directory Private primary subnet
Infrastructure VMs
445 TCP
vCenter Server Infrastructure VMs ESXi host Private primary subnet 902 TCP and UDP
vCenter Server Infrastructure VMs ESXi host Private primary subnet 443 TCP
vCenter Server Infrastructure VMs ESXi host Private primary subnet 9080 TCP
vCenter Server Infrastructure VMs Windows Active Directory Private primary subnet
Infrastructure VMs
53 UDP
vCenter Server Infrastructure VMs Windows Active Directory Private primary subnet
Infrastructure VMs
389 TCP and UDP
vCenter Server Infrastructure VMs Windows Active Directory Private primary subnet
Infrastructure VMs
445 TCP
vCenter Server Infrastructure VMs Windows Active Directory Private primary subnet
Infrastructure VMs
88 TCP and UDP
NSX Manager Infrastructure VMs ESXi host Private primary subnet 443 TCP
NSX Manager Infrastructure VMs Windows Active Directory Private primary subnet
Infrastructure VMs
53 UDP

For more information, see TCP and UDP ports required to access VMware components.